#don't know if anyone will like it but I do so I'm happy ๐Ÿ˜
itsatechreel ยท 1 year
Corrupt Clues (A Sanders Sides x Blueโ€™s Clues AU)
Last night I, inspired by a friend, decided to do something random I never have before and invent an AU (alternate universe) mixing two of my favorite series, Sanders Sides & Blueโ€™s Clues ๐Ÿพ
Brief Summary: With stress reaching an all time high, Thomas gets Romanโ€™s help in order to transform his daily life and the Sides themselves to fit the format of a comfort show from his childhood: Blueโ€™s Clues. Is this a good idea? Is every side on board and comfortable with these changes? Will Thomas ever allow this to stop?
Itโ€™s a silly AU, but Iโ€™m weirdly very happy with it, and if nothing else it was a very fun writing excercise ๐Ÿ˜… And if you read through it and decide you want to make something based on it, then go for it! Whether itโ€™s fanart or a short story/full fanfic or any other piece of media based on this AU, Iโ€™d love to see it! All I ask is to be credited and also tagged so I could see any creations ๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿ‘‡ Click through to read more specific details about this AU ๐Ÿ‘‡
Lately, the stress has been hitting Thomas more so than ever. Days are long, motivation is low, anxiety is high, etc. One day Thomas decided heโ€™s had enough and something needs to change. He goes to Roman, begging him to provide some fun and fantastical change to his routine, something that can distract him from the darkness of the world. Roman thinks about this and devises a plan, and the next day Thomasโ€™ life is transformed to fit that of a show he once found great comfort in: Blueโ€™s Clues. All the sides awake that morning to find that their forms (with one exception) have been changed to fit this new vision.
๐ŸŒˆ Thomas takes on the role of Steve/Joe/Josh. He can now spend his days doing little else but singing and dancing, drawing, playing games, eating snacks, and helping his friends with very simple tasks. And of course now he can enjoy the stress-free activity of playing Blueโ€™s Clues with his own version of Blue. Heโ€™s absolutely ecstatic about the changes that Roman brought on, ready to fully indulge in a seemingly ideal yet childish life of acting out his days as extended episodes of the show.
๐Ÿ’™ Patton finds himself as Blue, and is very happy about it. Heโ€™s still able to talk as normal despite the new puppy form, but Thomas tends to prefer he barks like Blue to keep up the illusion (which Patton often forgets and is corrected on regularly). Games of Blueโ€™s Clues are started up a few times a day, at least one time each day dedicated to wanting some form of cookie. Thereโ€™s never a doubt in his mind that this is the best thing for Thomas, although that could just be because heโ€™s having too good a time to see any potential issues.
๐Ÿ‘“ Logan is forced into the role of the child audience of the show, mainly due to Roman expecting that he wouldnโ€™t participate at all if he was made to look silly. He decides to participate as, even though he knows Thomas hiding from his issues may prove to be worse for his mental health, he figures he wonโ€™t be listened to if he protests. Hoping in time that Thomas will realize the errors of this decision, he reluctantly follows Thomas in his adventures. He consistently questions the illogical nature of Thomas asking such simple questions he would normally know the answers to, or where clues are that he should plainly see, and even the notion that Patton leaves clues at all when he could simply tell Thomas what he wants. Itโ€™s all very confusing and very patronizing to Logan, but he does his best to indulge Thomas, for now.
๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Roman decides to make himself the fabulous Rainbow Puppy, as he feels itโ€™s the only character that could truly embody all that he is. A character that constantly sings and performs is a perfect fit for him and he fully plays the part (which truly isnโ€™t much different from how he existed before this change). He occasionally finds himself jealous and wishing to switch roles with Patton, as Blue is a more important character to this new daily narrative by far, but he does his best to let Patton keep his well-fitting role. He, like both Thomas and Patton, see absolutely no issue with this new way of existing. Roman is plenty content to keep it going as long as Thomas desires.
๐ŸŒฉ๏ธ Virgil has been cast as Tickety, given that Roman felt that someone who experiences a great deal of alarm should be the alarm clock. Heโ€™s definitely one of the least interested in this new way of life, less regarding how it avoids the real issues and more because he doesnโ€™t fit the kids show vibe. He hates being a small silly clock, the constant sound of ticking coming from his own face, and the fact that he canโ€™t get too anxious without setting off his loud bells that manage to scare himself every time. On the other hand though, he recognizes that life was very stressful and while being a clock is obnoxious it is a bit easier. There's a lot of bouncing back and forth between whether this is worth it to avoid the stresses of reality, or if Thomas and the others are slowly losing their sanity as they continue to pretend like this life can be the new normal. Virgilโ€™s anxiety is everywhere as he reluctantly plays along, which is rough for him but definitely provides Thomasโ€™ morning alarm bells quite well.
๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ When it came to the Dark Sides, Roman decided they needed to be as harmless and out of the way as possible, starting with Remus being nothing more than a snail (the classic pink snail seen 3 times in every episode). But to Romanโ€™s dismay, Remus doesnโ€™t mind this one bit, heโ€™d much rather be a slimy slithery creature than any cute animal or appliance. True Remus canโ€™t be as effective as normal, but once in a while heโ€™ll cross paths with Thomas and others as they engage in their various activities, always ready to mess with them quickly before they go about their business.
๐Ÿ Last, but certainly not least, Janus was sentenced to the Felt Frame as a Felt Friend. Though he may be stuck in there for the time being, he manages to make images to fill out the frame in order to grab Thomasโ€™ attention and remind him of what heโ€™s avoiding. Janus knows that Thomas is lying to himself, pretending that he can live forever in this childish charade, like the world around him doesnโ€™t matter and his problems will just disappear. Heโ€™s limited in what he can do, but he does his best to try to get through to Thomas.
And this is how life is for Thomas now. Days fueled by Romanโ€™s powers of creativity, the Dark Sides shoved out of view as much as possible, Virgil constantly between wanting it to continue and wanting it to end, songs and games of Blueโ€™s Clues with Patton as Blue, and Logan being treated as a captive audience who grows ever closer to joining forces with Janus to get through to Thomas. This canโ€™t go on forever, but will Thomas allow it to stop? Can anyone get through to him? ๐Ÿ‘€
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zorosleftmantit101 ยท 7 months
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NSFW 18+ "Nudes? ๐Ÿคฒ"
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How straw hats would react to you asking for nudes and what type of photo they send?
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NOTICE: I do not condone sending nudes nor do I encourage it! Especially if it is to somebody you don't know or if you are not of age. Remember your voice matters and if anyone reading this ever experiences something like this don't be afraid to speak up and speak out. Whether it's a stranger a friend or a relationship you should never be made to feel like you must show your body if it makes you uncomfortable.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook
A/N: willy wanka
C/W: NSFW - 18 plus, Minors do what you want idgafโ€ผ๏ธ, im not accountable for your mentality and im not yo mum. Swearing, Nudes, brook gets his on warning cause his puns sky rocket death rates.
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"What is that?, you want photos of my skin or some shit cause if you do I have a pretty gnarly staph infection on my elbow"
- Makes Law explain it to him
Relieases what you're talking about now,
Knows what a nude is he just didn't know they were called "nudes"
"Ohhhh you wanna see my cock"
The way he says it so nonchalantly always sends blood rushing to your cheeks
Luffy sends the most fucking android quality photos of his dick from above that you wouldn't be surprised if he had taken the photo with his fucking microwave.
- sends a silly selfie going like this
(โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜)straight after cause, he's a fuck ass
"Cause ๐Ÿ’”"
"Fair point"
Zoro doesn't in any way dislike nudes, especially when they're from you all dolled up in the lingerie he bought you making him have to excuse himself to go sort out his fat fucking boner.
The only reason he is reluctant is because he's fucking lazy as all shit, he wants to get a good pic for you, one that he knows you'll touch yourself to until he gets home, but it's just such a long process. He'll never deny your request of course but only 3/10 of the time do they have effort. Lazy ones often include top-angle photos of him holding his erection in his veiny arms, but the ones with effort... he's got his sweat pants pulled down just enough that he can fist his cock while holding his t-shirt up between his teeth.
Cums in his pants as soon as you askโ€ผ๏ธ
No matter where he is or what he is doing he'll excuse himself to take the perfect photos and sends you a wide range of photos from every possible fucking angle. Has so many photos in his camera roll that photos make one of those little memory slide shows with the fucking stock happy music in the background.
"Babe it's ok you don't have to I can wait till you get home ๐Ÿ˜Š"
he's nervous alright he wants to take the best picture for you but he also doesn't know what you want you to see,
Sends a picture from the side his erection standing tall with his slender fingers rubbing at the tip.
"Oh shit babe thats hot"
*Usopp has invited you to play beer pong!*
"Oh hell yeah you wanna see my nuts and bolts"
-you blocked Franky ๐Ÿ’•
"My love as much as I would love to I'm better off sending you an x-ray. I guess you could say it's a little bare-boned down their YOHOHOHOH"
-Brook also gets blocked ๐Ÿ’•
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This just progressively turned into a shit post.
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spiderfunkz ยท 8 months
okokokok, what about the reader completely friend-zoning peter.
like peter is completely infatuated with nad tells her that he really likes her, but the reader's like "aww i like you a lot too! your like a brother to me"
basically the reader is oblivious to the fact that peter parker has a massive crush on them. :)
no pressure obviously but i just think that would be rly cute,
luv ya!
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โ€” summary : peter was confessing his love to you, though you didn't quite get the message.
โ€” word count : 0,6k
โ€” warnings : all fluff, oblivious!reader, teasing, friends to lovers, cheesy confessions, a kiss, happy ending because i'm soooooooo nice๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›
a/n : i did gn!reader btw i hope thats ok!!!! some of the confession stuff are inspired by beabadoobee lyrics.
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"what about.. number 13?" you ask.
you and peter have just finished a long week of tests. which means you now have to bombard peter with thousands of questions about his answers.
"uh, i answered b. i think." he replies, unpacking the books from his bag.
you blink, you were pretty sure you answered d. and knowing peter answered b, you were pretty sure you got that one wrong.
"do you think mr. anderson will still give me a point? because a 'd' is basically a 'b' but backwards." you explain.
"maybe, mr. anderson will probably give you a pity point." he replies, still unpacking the books from his bag. you were sitting on the edge of his bed, "i don't think mr. anderson is capable of feeling pity for anyone."
"don't think about it too much. i think you did good on your tests. i mean, you did have the best tutor." he smiles โ€” "oh yeah! how could i forget, jimmy neutron is my tutor."
"okay. rude." he puts his hand on his chest, letting out a dramatic gasp. "what? you have brown hair, you make weird gadgets, and you're abnormally smart." you shrug.
"that's bullying."
"is calling people smart bullying now?"
"when you say it, yes. you're lucky i love you." he sits next to you.
you smile at the L word. though you were 100% sure he meant it platonically. that's what friends do, right?
"you're not gonna say it back?" he pouts.
you laugh, jokingly. but peter didn't.
"oh don't take it to heart, pete."
"can i tell you something?" his heart was racing, "yeah, of course. are you okay?" he seemed tense all of the sudden.
"there's no other way of saying this really. but i like you. a lot." he pauses, "i have never known someone quite like you. you're so pretty it actually hurts." he stutters. a lot.
"i'm having trouble finding the words for this, yet the words to describe you aren't so hard to find. you're like a fresh breath of air. like a shot of espresso. like a cold wind on a hot summer day. you're like a ribbon, laced around a braid." he rambles, "and i really, really like you."
you can't even process whatever he just said. you're not sure how to respond to any of that.
but for whatever reason, your brain can only come up with one response.
"aw, peter. i like you a lot too!
you're like a brother to me."
and with that peter's face looked like a ghost. he just poured his entire heart only for you to completely friend-zone him.
"is something wrong?" you ask.
"you did not just pull that card on me."
"what card?"
peter sighs, covering his face with his hand in utter embarrassment.
"oh." you realize. "let's just forget everything i just said. anyways, what did you get for number 16?" peter changes the topic.
"or maybe number 15? i heard gwen say that was the hardest question."
"or number 3? have you asked me about number 3 yet? i can explain number 3 to you."
he won't listen, so you shut him up,
by kissing him.
now, you aren't doing this because you feel bad. but you truly do have feelings for peter. you don't know why it took peter to finally confess to you for you to realize. but you do. you really do.
"now can you please just listen."
peter's cheeks were bright red, he nodded.
"i really like you too peter and gosh, i wish i realized sooner." you were struggling to find the right words to continue, just like peter did a few minutes ago.
"i like you. i like your messy brown hair, i like your weird gadgets and when you ramble about them, i like how caring you are and how patient you are all the time with me."
"and i love you too."
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unabashednightmarepizza ยท 9 months
๐‘†โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘œ๐‘ค ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐ต๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘’ ๐ถโ„Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘–๐‘๐‘™๐‘’๐‘ , ๐‘ƒ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก 8
Tagging: @augustwithquills, @idohknow @bloody-mf-bsc
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Liked by freddycarter1, benbarnes, jessie_mei_li and 998,052,762 others
shadowandbone: A big thank you for our lovely Y/N Y/L/N- Barnes and her success! We are proud to have you and witness your art and talent from up close!
And a big thank you to the fans, who helped and supported us in this journey of winning not one but 4 awards in one night! We couldn't have done it without any of you!
And no, this definetly not her proud husband writing this.
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Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I will never get used to being called that name ๐Ÿซ 
jessie_mei_li: you both are such simps I'm gonna puke๐Ÿคข๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜
kittheyounger: ฤฑ'm gonna have cavities because of their sweetness... Who knew she loved being called "Barnes"?
freddycarter1: probably her husband?? And no, benbarnes, we don't wanna know the details... the last time terrorized me ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ณ
User5: First Y/N and now Ben... I knew they had the password!
User4: so proud to watch you all!
amita_suman: Don't let the picture decieve you, the bouquet is way bigger ๐Ÿ˜
freddycarter1: I guess Ben's simping's proof is very obvious ๐Ÿ˜Ž
User11: our girl deserved every single one of them, alongside other ones she got! Must be hard to try to find a place to put them in their house where her babies can't reach lol
User2: Mother is mothering again. Slayed with that dress as usual.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿซฆ
User9: fr, I bet my ass everyone was jealous of her because she is pretty, succesfull, happy, has a gorgeous husband and even more gorgeous and cute children... The list could go on.
User6: Ben must be damn proud of his wife. I think I saw him shed a tear while he clapped loudly for her ๐Ÿฅน
User13: the fact that Ben forgets his own password but uses this account freely baffles me... Girl, is he using your phone again?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: No, surprisingly enough he isn't.
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Liked by benbarnes, pascalispunk, jennaortega and 5,908,632 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Only one minute... One minute I left him with our baby girl and he did this. I mean... She looks hilarious and Ben is very proud of his work but did you have to make her like that? She will look at these pictures one day!
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User3: Ben's cheeky grin, knowing that he wouldn't take sofa punishment is more hilarious djdjddj But babygirl Barnes looks so happy ๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ
User6: His shirt was a paid actor lol
User18: That's why babies shouldn't be left with fathers, without guidance... It's never guaranteed if the baby would be glued to the ceiling or lost in the blankets lol
User3: Why does she look like she could take part as the baby in Adams Family? That joyous, blonde baby in fhe movies I mean??
User8: LoL I can see the resemblance now djsjdj she is cute tho I just want to squish her cheeks!
User3: so true! I don't like babies, but babygirl Barnes is an exception.
User6: she is the only baby, including their son, that I would gladly commit homicide for
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: As much as I am glad I have an army of protective SIBLINGS for my children, let's not do that ๐Ÿ˜…
User16: Is that a little bit of belly I see?? Dadbod!Ben??? Anyone?
User6: Okay but... Is it just me or did Ben become more happy and attractive ever since having a family?
user17: Only the best wishes to your family!
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Liked by Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes, freddycarter1, pascalispunk and 6,784,231 others
benbarnes: The other half of my soul, my beutiful wife, the mother of our children and the joy of our chaotic yet happy family... There are many titles you have but the best one for me is Mrs.Barnes, happy anniversaries, darling. All the memories we made together (including yes, the mess in the kitchen many times we cooked together) is nothing but perfection to me. My only wish for the future is to be able to make more with our children.
I love you so much โค๏ธ
Comments are restricted
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I'm the happiest I ever was, my love. Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for being my husband and the father of our children. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’“
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stroebe2 ยท 7 days
thank you for tagging me @djshahhreloaded !!! 15 questions to get to know me i guess!
1. Are you named after anyone?
a doll my mom had when she was young
2. When was the last time you cried?
probably a few weeks ago? not that long. i was probably in my bed
3. Do you have kids?
no... i'm 26 i should be at the club
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
football. took swimming lessons but i'm incredibly bad. some basketball but nothing serious
5. Do you use sarcasm?
duh ๐Ÿ˜
6. Whatโ€™s the first thing you notice about someone?
good question. usually just the way they act like their demeanour, non verbal communication, their eyes etc
7. Eye colour?
green eyes!
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies ๐Ÿ‘ป i don't mind happy endings i like very heartfelt stuff but horror movies rock
9. Any talents?
drinking beer (not really i don't think so... gave up on everything)
10. Where were you born?
belgium ^_^
11. Hobbies?
listening to music, reading books and articles, writing and doing amateur research, collecting magazines/books/vinyls/cds/junk, going for walk, observing the flora and fauna, having fun with my friends, playing ps5, scrolling tumblr
12. Any pets?
yes! not mine specifically but my parents + sister. 3 cats (kitty, poppy, chico), one dog (oreo). i used to have many more as a kid. we even had a grey parrot that could talk (coco, he was my grandma's)
13. Height
173cm or 5"8
14. Favorite school subject
history all the fucking way
15. Dream job
when i was a kid i wanted to be an archeologist, then a music writer, now i'll do anything decent that pays well and doesn't bore me to dead. last internship i did i was working with kids and they were so cool so idk maybe that
i tag @bloggedgirl @peachiyyy @owlservice @tourdion if you feel like doing it if you hate me and don't wanna its ok
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jugheadthelesbian ยท 6 days
Good evening, my most favorite ever, I am here to make a request ๐Ÿ˜
This is 1 out of 2 requests (possibly even 3 just to keep you on your toes) that I will be making for your writing services.
For this I would like to ask for some relationship headcannons for Fred Weasley and my hogwarts dr self (you know, Alice)!! I can give you any pre-existing details for the relationship between them that you would require (bc I love talking abt them) but for the most brief and broad description they follow the best friends to lovers, twin flames, and young love tropes and they make me want to rip out all of my hair and scream until I can't anymore, along with giggling and kicking my feet at the same time.
Anywho, this is really lengthy. I hope you don't mind, I'm in my writing too many sentences era. Hope this can help with your writing slump, and if you want to throw some scenarios in to fit hcs, I wouldn't be opposed!! Just give me all of your little thoughts! Love you, Alice <3
OMGGG MY POOKIES!! these can be read as x reader but theyโ€™re definitely specific to fred and alice! also im using second person for YOU specifically
๐Ÿฉท okay so first off fred is like insufferable when he has a crush and like it is 100% a miracle that you doesnโ€™t find out about him liking you by him being so blatantly obvious about it
๐Ÿฉท once yall do get together tho(finally), he is such a silly boyfriend. like he will leave you notes everywhere, on literally anything he can get his hands on. like you have a note on your hairbrush from him that says โ€œyou look so pretty when you are getting readyโ€
๐Ÿฉท also he takes your things all the time without saying anything. like he takes rings off your finger and keeps them or keeps hair ties that you discarded on his wrist
๐Ÿฉท you take lots of pictures of him with an instant camera that are enchanted but theyโ€™re badddd pictures, like terrible angles of him with bed head and a crumpled sleep shirt
๐Ÿฉท he plays pranks on you but never mean ones because he doesnโ€™t want to make you anxious, just silly things like charming all your mirrors to make it look like you have a mustache or making your quills write vulgar stuff instead of what youโ€™re trying to write
๐Ÿฉท before he decides to leave to start his joke shop, you try your absolute hardest to help him pass his classes and spend hours together working hard on his schoolwork
๐Ÿฉท when the two of you fight, he is really good about apologizing for what he does wrong even if itโ€™s little things and he never gets frustrated with you for being upset(he will get frustrated if youโ€™re being silly though, trust)
๐Ÿฉท he will randomly come up behind you for a hug and just bury his face in your neck, while youโ€™re trying to work or do something important and he always whispers something like โ€œcmon baby letโ€™s take a breakโ€ even if youโ€™ve only been working for a little bit
๐Ÿฉท he finds it INCREDIBLY attractive when the two of you go up against each other in quidditch and youโ€™re super passionate about beating him
๐Ÿฉท you spend summer with the weasleys and the two of you get in A LOT of trouble because youโ€™re talking and laughing so loud at night when everyone else is sleeping but you donโ€™t care because yall are so happy together
thank u for the request lovely!! if anyone reading this would like to make a request, please check out my pinned post because i had SO MUCH fun making this hehe โ˜บ๏ธโœจ
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schumi-nadal ยท 3 months
15 questions
Thank you @absolutebloodychaos for tagging me (again I'm so sorry to answer 5452332 days later) ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’œ
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Nope. But I almost was named Mรฉlissa after one of my mom's cousins btw.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: like two days ago? my poor goddaughter was coughing so hard and it was so heartbreaking to hear her crying that I ended up crying as well ๐Ÿ˜ช
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope, maybe someday ๐Ÿ‘€
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I used to play football (I refuse to say soccer, guys) for 10 years, I stopped when I was in HS because of an injury. ๐Ÿค•
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Every. Single. Second. Of. My. Life. ๐Ÿ˜
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: I don't really know... Their clothes, I guess? ๐Ÿ˜‚
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: If you'd asked me some years ago I would have said scary movies, but I'm becoming an old lady and I prefer happy endings and no jump scares ๐Ÿ˜…
ANY TALENTS?: My best talent is being talentless I guess, i'm just an average French woman doing average things ๐Ÿ˜‚
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: In one of the most important cities of ย the Gallo-Roman era, good luck finding which one. ๐Ÿ˜
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Watching my favorite sports (Tennis, MotoGP and Formula 1 in that order , please), reading, writing (especially when it stays WIP ๐Ÿ’€), daydreaming, i'm still back at playing video games too btw ๐Ÿ˜Š
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Yep, a dog, nine cats and two budgerigar ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฆœ
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: I'm a hobbit, I'm 1,60m. ๐Ÿ˜
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I used to love English, Spanish and Portuguese but also History and Geography.
DREAM JOB?: Now that I have a degree in Art History and Archaeology, I would love to be a tourist guide (I'm about to pass a tourism degree next year).
Tagging @rafasbiscuits @bluespring864 @acrazybayernfan @yoellglia @artemisalilianvesta @luzmyway (feel free to do it or not ๐Ÿ’—)
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figkeele ยท 2 months
โ€” 15 Questions for 15 or maybe 5 or 6 Friends โ€”
I've been tagged by @eternalergo, and since I have to work on my line edits, I'M DOING THIS INSTEAD odihfsdoifh
Are you named after anyone? My mom's best friend.
When was the last time you cried? Shit, I think I cry every day now. But the last one was a few days ago, still moping about a fandom friend ghosting me. Look, I'm a perfectly functioning adult. ๐Ÿ˜ Most of the time anyway.
Do you have kids? Nope, and I won't have any.
What sports do you play/have you played? None. I was always the physically weakest of the bunch, lol.
Do you use sarcasm? Do I? ๐Ÿ˜ I couldn't survive one day at work without it.
Whatโ€™s the first thing you notice about people? I don't know... their attitude? humor? I honestly don't remember anyone's face, so I certainly don't notice anything like that. (except if someone is VERY HOT)
Whatโ€™s your eye color? green
Scary movies or happy endings? oh man, I don't really like horror movies but I don't need happy endings, but let's choose the happy ones. (funnily enough, I like horror books and games. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ)
Any talents? creative writing (well, I know I'm not native English or I'm not published yet, but fuck it, I'm proud of where I'm at), also being a huge bitch ๐Ÿ’–
Where were you born? Not gonna really out myself if I say Budapest.
What are your hobbies? writing, gaming, reading (comics and books), cardistry
Do you have any pets? MY BABY BOY LUCIFER (not gonna not include a pic of this beautiful doggo)
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How tall are you? 155 cm lol tall is not a word I'd use
Favorite subject in school? IT class, coding was my jam, should get back into it
Dream job? โœจโœจGAME DEVโœจโœจ - but we see how shitty the industry is, so I'll never have a chance but I'm not giving up my dream to publish at least something indie
tagging (no pressure if you don't wanna do it): @hithelleth, @iwritesometimes @deviant-chant @phvnthom @jimikii
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babycatlix ยท 5 months
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RULES: give your 2023 music review by showing your fave boy group, fave girl group, fave soloists, fave debut, and most played song of the year, then tag some friends to do theirs!
i was tagged by @changbeens, @agibbangs, and @jinniebit ๐Ÿฉต thank you lovelies! i'm just now getting to tags, i was sick starting late december to today... but ANYWAY!
i'm one of those ppl that sticks to what i like and i don't really stray from that. which is kind of evident with my girl group and solos. antifragile is from 2022 and so is smiley... but i heard i could do whatever i wanted so ๐Ÿ˜ as for my most played song... i can't remember... but i know that's what spotify said was my most played song... i promise it was a normal amount... ๐Ÿ‘€
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: โ€“ Cover Me โ€“ Stray Kids โ€“ Super โ€“ย Seventeen โ€“ QUEENCARD โ€“ G(I)-DLE โ€“ LOVE DIVE โ€“ IVE โ€“ CAKE โ€“ ITZY
i won't be tagging anyone since it's been a while, BUT if you wanted to do it and say i tagged you, go for it! happy new year! ๐Ÿฉต
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kpopcookie0813 ยท 9 months
Warning: Kind of smutty!!!!
Also, I tried my best so if there is something better you would like to see please let me know in the comments. ENJOYYY!!!!!!
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I hope he recovers soon and isn't going through too much pain.๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
He probably wouldn't do anything. Taeil would just let you enjoy your TikTok. He might be the one filming it for you. T: What you doing? Y/n: Making a TikTok. T: Okay carry on Y/n: Wait Tae can you record this for me for a better effect. T: Yea sure *takes phone and starts recording* Y/n: *starts dancing* T: Here you go *smiles and gives you your phone* Y/n: Thank you *kisses his cheek* T: Your welcome baby
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He won't even let u make the video. And don't ask why cause he will give you that stern look to make you shut up. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ. Y/n: Hey babe if you need me, I'm making a tiktok video. J: What kind? Y/n: The WAP dan- J: Nope do something else. Y/n: B-but Johnny I- J: I said no. Y/n: But I just..... J: *glares at you* Y/n: Fine
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Tae would be the one making you do it with him. To be honest you wouldn't be surprised that he wanted to do it (boy is weird but a good weird?!?).
T: Babe come do this TikTok with me Y/n: Which one? T: The WAP Challenge Y/n: Yeah sure T: * starts twerking* Y/n: Damn you can twerk better than I can.
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IM SORRYY BUT THISSS ISS MY MANNNN ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜(1/9)!!! CAN I JUST, SAY HE LOOK SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!๐Ÿ˜‹ *Clears throat* Anyways back to the reaction. :)))
I feel like he would be one of those boyfriends who tackled you to the ground because he doesn't want anyone else to see what's his.
Y/n: *dancing the first part minding your own business* Y: Not today *tackles you to the ground* Y/n: Ow nigga what you do that for. *You whine* Y: Cause all that ass is for me to see not nobody else. *He said smacking your butt* Y/n: Bitch *under your breath* Y: What was that? Y/n: Nothing
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My pookie bear(2/9)โ˜บ๏ธ
Kun would act like the mom that he is nag at you for doing the dance. He might even hit you with a belt.
Y/n: *shaking ass for TikTok* K: *walks in and hits you with a belt* Y/n: WTF why K: WATCH YOUR MOUTH AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN HERE BEING DIRTY Y/n: .........
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He would just look at you with disgust. And I mean pure and utter disgust.๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Y/n: *You doing the dance* Y/n: *Finished and posted the video and looks at Doyoung* D: *Looks at you with disgust and judging you at the same time* Y/n: Boy what is you lookin at me like that for. D: *shakes his head gets up and walks away*
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Just like Tae he would be the one to ask you to come and do the video with him. Ten would be so happy to do it with you.๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Y/n: Hey babe what you doing? T: Making a TikTok can you come and do it with me Y/n: Yeah! Y/n: What song is it? T: That song by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Y/n: Ok sure!
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Kind of like Johnny but since he knows you so well he already knows what kind of dances you like.๐Ÿซข๐Ÿซข
J: Hey baby what are you doing? Y/n: Nothing just doing a TikTok. J: *Walks in the room you are in* if it's that WAP challenge then no Y/n: But it's just a dance. J: No means no Y/n Y/n: But Jae- J: *Pins you against the wall and looks down at you with a glare* I said no Y/n: ........
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THIS MY STINK!!!!(3/9)๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ
I don't really know anymore about how he would feel about you doing the challenge. I feel like he would be shy but low key turned on.
Y/n: Y'all know I'm freak *You sang while dancing* W: *Walks in* Y/n-shi what are you doing Y/n: This challenge on TikTok called the WAP wanna see the video of me doing the challenge. W: Yeah Y/n: *Shows him the video* W: ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ Y/n: Are you blushing? W: No *Lowkey turned on*
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I don't think Jungwoo would be shy cause of how his personality. He is my bias so that's probably why I think that. But I feel like he would just sit and stare at you feeling horny but not wanting you to know.
Y/n: *Dancing* J: *Watching you closely* Y/n: *Saw him watching so you start doing with a little more booty and finishes video* J: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿคค Y/n: Did you like it? J: Y-yes *Horny now*
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I know he isn't in the group anymore but, idgaf.(5/9)๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
I think while you are doing the video this man would pick you up and take you to the bedroom. Then fuck the shit out of you.
Y/n: *Dancing and is on the humping part* L: *Bits lip cause he finds it sexy* Y/n: *Gets about to do the rest* L: *Picks you up throwing you over his back and takes you to the bedroom* Y/n: Lucas what are you doing. L: You will find out. ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
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I don't know if he is a part of the hyung line or not. I don't really know how he would feel. Maybe shy and awkward but wants to see you do it again.๐Ÿ‘€
Y/n: *Doing the dance* M: Hey babe what y- Y/n: *You do the split twerking part* M: Damn baby can you do that again๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿฅบ Y/n: hahahahaha๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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binary-not-found ยท 2 years
Episode 3 season 2 ๐Ÿ’“
First of all an apology for the delay in posting this analysis, I had it ready since yesterday but I wasn't happy with how it turned out, so I decided to let my head cool down and rewrite it today
Second of all, this episode had a lot of content from both Kate and Lucy, so this is what I'm going to do, today I'm going to post the scenes where they are together and tomorrow - I don't know at what time - I'll post the rest of the scenes of Kate and Lucy worried about her and the team supporting them both, just bear with me and I hope you enjoy this analysis ๐Ÿ’–
Let's get this started
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I have to say that the fact that the show is consistent with things that happened in previous episodes is one of my favorite things, the fact that we saw Kate get really hurt the last time she confronted someone and now we see her training with Lucy is something that I personally thought was going to remain a headcanon, but it's kind of obvious, Lucy would never let anyone else touch or hurt her girl during training ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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Katherine Marie Whistler, listen to me you are amazing ๐Ÿฅบ
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Lucy really said "I know you're gay but try to focus" ๐Ÿ˜‚
Kate losing concentration on what they were doing and switching into girlfriend mode has to be my favorite part of this scene, we always see Kate act professional when it comes to work, but it seems like when it's just her and Lucy all Kate can do is be gay ๐Ÿ˜…
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I don't think there's too much I can say about this scene, later on we see Lucy say that she thinks she has nothing more to teach Kate, and this scene is proof that Lucy cared enough about Kate to want to teach her how to defend herself and not only that, this is another way Lucy takes care of Kate, she knows Kate is going to have to fight in the future, and she knows she's not always going to have someone to give her a hand, so it's imperative that she knows how to take care of herself. In the first episode Lucy mentions things that Kate has done for her and in the second episode we saw Kate worried about Lucy not to get hurt by some possible bad reaction from her boss, we have been seeing them in different scenarios that show us that no matter what, they are there for each other, and that besides being cute scenes that feed our gay souls, let us see and know them a little more ๐Ÿฅฐ
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the girls didn't have time to make an appointment at the salon ๐Ÿ˜ and the height difference!!! let's always talk about the height difference!!!!
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Don't underestimate yourself
I love the way that from the training scene Lucy keeps repeating to Kate all the things she is wonderful at and all the things she knows she can do ๐Ÿฅบ
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I've seen you come up against a lot of obstacles and every time you've overcome them
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Just - ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅฐ
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Nothing to say, I just couldn't leave that moment out, because I know Kate knew exactly what she was doing ๐Ÿ˜‚
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The way Lucy looks at her! She's so in love!
This scene wasn't necessary to the plot of the episode, but they showed it to us because it's necessary to their story, to let us see that they spend time together (all the time apparently) and that they talk about what's bothering them and that they help each other overcome these obstacles when the other one maybe gets stuck on something Lucy telling Kate that she knows she's going to get through this and that she has nothing to worry about because she's been in other situations and always comes out on top is the support we always knew they could give each other but it's only now that we get to see it, and I'm thrilled to see it after everything that happened in the first season
1/3 episode 3 ๐Ÿšข
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saltymongoose ยท 2 years
ive been kind of sick lately, so iw sorry for nkt talkkng here much :( i make sure to read stuff wverysay though
i wanna know how the boys would reacy to a very weak player, physically weak, and make them crusty too
crusty musty weak scoliosis acne filled coralines dad neck bad eyesight undiagnored neurodivergent sweaty tired player who doesnt bother even getting out of bed, 0h phone 24/7, falling asleep from 3 PM to 8 PM and bad schedule, anxiety, hurting legs, sore, try to pop their fingers and its like those boys just popped right out kf rheir habd, drools in their sleep, stuffy nose, somehow dkesnt manage to speak loud, bad attentjion spam, laughs at your mom jokes, doesnt turn the lights of their room on EVER, BAD BAD POSTURE, somehow is still good at the game and with the strings, fast walker, most pale mf you've ever seen, darkest bags under their eyes, somehow complains about their ankle hurting, artist, and cant sleep still
would the boys still love them๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐโคโคโคโคโค๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– btw ily
-chatty anon
Hey Chatty, I hope you're recovering well. <3 Don't worry about not sending stuff in all the time, you aren't obligated to by any means, I'm just happy to hear from you whenever you feel like sending stuff in. :)
As for how the boys would react to a "crusty, weak Player" that you described so eloquently: yes, the boys would still love them. Honestly, someone like you wouldn't usually survive in Nevada for very long, so I think they're more endeared to your "weakness" than they realize. They'd also be concerned too, of course, and probably try to help you better your health and habits as much as possible, but it's from a place of care.
This means trying to fix your sleep schedule by having you actually go to bed at an appropriate time (maybe bribing you with cuddles, cause they think that might work) and distracting you from your phone. I can also see Doc looking into medication to help your anxiety (but that might take a while since he's hesitant to try any grunt-centered treatment options on a human), and he probably lectures you on your posture cause that's simply not good for your spine. Deimos would probably exploit your sense of humor by telling more bad "your mom" jokes around you just to hear you laugh, and I can definitely see Sanford coming up with some sort of meal plan to help you out on the nutrition side of things. (And maybe massages to help with your soreness? I feel as though he'd be able to do that).
Hank really doesn't know what to do here (a side effect of not caring about anyone else ever), so he'll settle on trying to mimic whatever the others do to the best capacity. He can't tell good jokes or cook, but he's very good at making sure you follow whatever the others are nudging you towards. (i.e. Pulling your shoulder back to make you sit up more, pulling your phone out of your hand and replacing it with his own, or just yanking you into his lap when he thinks you should get some sleep without any distraction.)
Overall, they try to be helpful if you allow them (provided you're fine with them being mother hens), but in any case, you being "crusty" and objectively weak wouldn't stop them from liking you. They're your vessels and you're their Player, their most favored and adored. Their love for you is unconditional, so you shouldn't have any doubts.
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mimisempai ยท 2 years
You deserve it
Gavin still finds it hard to believe that he has the right to know sweetness, but Nines is there to prove him wrong.
I just needed some Reed900 fluff ๐Ÿฅฐ
On AO3
Rating G - 437 word
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Gavin, resting against Nines' chest, leaned into his hands that were sliding his messy curls between his fingers.
"You know Gavin, what first caught my eye about you, was your hair."
Gavin chuckled, "Why, because it was the complete opposite of yours which was perfectly styled?"
Nines tugged gently on one of the strands in punishment before answering, "No, just because I thought that clump of hair was adorable, an adorable mess like the head it was growing on."
"Nines...how do you manage to compliment and mock me in the same sentence every time?" complained Gavin.
Nines kissed his temple and whispered in his ear, "But I love the mess in that head."
He wrapped a curl of hair around his finger then unwrapped it. Gavin sighed in contentment and said softly, "I don't understand how you can always be so sweet to me."
Nines tightened his arms around Gavin and stated, "Because when I am sweet to you, you are not afraid to show me your own sweetness."
Gavin felt like protesting, that no, he was anything but sweet.
Sweetness was not for people like him.
But that would be a lie.
Because that was before Nines.
Nines turned him in his arms and kissed his forehead before pressing him against his chest.
His chin on Gavin's hair, as if following his train of thought, Nines whispered softly, "I know you don't think you deserve this, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that one day you accept that you deserve all the tenderness and sweetness in the world. It doesn't matter what anyone made you believe before."
Still holding Gavin in his arms, he continued to murmur sweet praises interspersed with soft kisses on his hair.
Gavin squirmed slightly at first, a little embarrassed, but as soon as Nines felt it, he soothed him with a gentle touch on his back, until he felt him relax against him.
"Gavin, love, let yourself go. You have the right to enjoy me telling you that you are beautiful, good, sweet, smart. It will be our secret. Indulge yourself for me."
Gavin nodded and after a few moments stopped struggling, simply accepting Nines' praises and attention.ย 
He allowed his eyes to close and it wasn't long before Gavin fell asleep in his lover's arms.ย 
Nines kissed his forehead one last time before laying him down against him, pulling the covers over them.
Looking at the face of his sleeping lover, he decided that he was ready to repeat these words again and again to see this soft and happy expression.
Gavin deserved it.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this storyย  ๐Ÿฅฐ
Still thanking you for bearing with me ๐Ÿ˜
Reed900 masterlist here
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tragicclownwrites ยท 1 year
A tragic clown's SBSP ship opinions
So I came across @shiba-deer's ship ranking post and I thought "fuck it. i'm gonna do one, too!" ๐Ÿ˜ I tend to agree with most of their points with just a few differences including the addition of shitty Canva edits by me.
Disclaimer: As the title suggests, these are just my opinions. I know some folks may disagree and that's okay! I'm not trying to flame anyone or start any drama, so please keep it chill. We're all just clowns here. ๐Ÿคก
Here's the scale I'm working with:
god tier - OMFG I LOVE them ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐ
top tier - I really like this ship ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘
mid tier - I'm neutral about this ship ๐Ÿ˜
bottom tier - I really don't like this ship ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜“
hell no tier - Get this shit off my dash immediately ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿšซ
?? tier - I don't know enough about them to form an opinion ๐Ÿคท
Anyways, here we go~
SQUIDBOB - god tier
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Ah yes, SquidBob. The only "god tier" ranked ship on this list. Are we surprised? There are just so many great moments between these two and so much that could be said. Alas, I'll spare the long monologue and just say that their dynamic is absolute perfection. It's literally the basis of a great, slow-burn romance - you can't make this shit up. I love "opposites attract" for the exact reasons that I disliked some of the other pairings on this list. It's notable that while Spongebob is mostly cheerful and exuberant and Squidward is mostly grumpy and reserved, that isn't all they are; Squidward very much has a fun side just as Spongebob has a serious one. They keep things interesting and bring out the best in each other (whether Squiddy wants to admit that or not), in spite of their differences. And per this post, they actually do have a lot in common as well! I could wax poetic about why a fucking sponge and octopus are literal soulmates, but idk. I just think they're neat. ๐Ÿ’–
PLABS - top tier
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Now this was not a ship that was initially on my radar when I first joined the fandom. But I am happy to say that has definitely changed and it is now a favorite of mine! I love a good friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers ship, and Plabs is one of the best. I feel like they have such a "will they, won't they" thing going on that leaves me on the edge of my seat. I definitely want to look into them more. And who knows? Maybe I'll get around to writing a fic? ๐Ÿ˜‰ As for canon, I could list various examples but there is just so much compelling evidence in favor of this for me not to ship.
KARENDY - top tier
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This is a ship that I have grown to really enjoy. While I would like to see more of them together in the show, the few interactions we have gotten are great fodder for a budding romance. I like how they have so much in common (ex. intelligence, interest in inventing), but not to the point where they clash (which I likely will talk about later in the list) and it actually benefits them and adds to their connection. They just have so much potential! They inspire my creativity the more I look into them. I mean, c'mon. Sandy literally said Karen was "beautiful" and Karen's wiki says her relationship with Sandy is "a purely positive one."
SQUIDLIAM - top tier (as exes)
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This list simply wouldn't be complete without this pairing. If you've read SquidBob fanfiction, Squilliam is the perfect villainous ex-boyfriend. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ It could be that I'm a sucker for villain redemptions (spoiler: i am) or perhaps @misslattesart has made me consider alternative possibilities for this character (probably both tbh), but I find myself increasingly intrigued by this dynamic - particularly Squilliam's motivation for constantly trying to outdo Squidward when he appears to have it all. While I'm part of the majority of fandom that headcanons them as exes, it's evident that they were definitely romantically involved at some point. But I do agree that they would inevitably find themselves in conflict eventually. After all, they broke up for a reason.
PLANKBOB - mid tier
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Fun fact about this ship: PlankBob actually got me into the fandom (more on that here), so there's a level of fondness for me there. However, it is purely on a crack-ship basis and I've more or less stopped shipping it since joining in favor of other ships on this list. But idk man, it's just a funny dynamic.
PATWARD - mid tier
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This is such a hilarious and chaotic match that literally no one would see coming. I think everyone probably knows about that one moment in Kamp Koral. I can't find the clip right now but, I mean, what the hell even was that?? Still, I'm only giving it a "mid tier" rank as, like PlankBob, it's more of a pairing that I'd ship ironically.
SQUIDVIA - mid tier
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I mean, Squidward went on a practice date with Spongebob, who was significantly more interested in him than Squilvia was. She didn't get all that much screentime, despite her being the girl Squidward was presumably trying to impress. I'd argue that Squiddy wasn't all that into her either, but rather the idea of her because they are so similar and he thinks that's the kind of person he should be with. I don't really feel any sort of way about this ship, but their relationship probably wouldn't last. SquidBob FTW.
PUFFKRABS - bottom tier but would be mid tier if not for their bullshit (very confusing, I know)
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Surprisingly, I do feel like this pairing has potential... if it weren't for a major Plankton-shaped obstacle holding them back. I've touched on this a bit in my fic, but apparently Mrs. Puff and Mr. Krabs have been/were secretly dating for 16 years. Now, 16 years is not a number to scoff at. However, the "secretly" part is giving me pause and sending up all the red flags. ๐Ÿšฉ๐ŸšฉBoth of them are single/divorced/widowed/etc. They are not having an affair. So... why keep it a secret? As far as I'm aware, neither of them have any reason not to be open about it (assuming that I'm not off base about this whole secrecy aspect). Sure, not everyone needs to be in their business. But then it's implied that even Pearl doesn't know. I have no idea who made the call but if I was Mrs. Puff and everyone, including my boyfriend's daughter, was in the dark about our relationship and he made no moves to give me any sort of real commitment after over a decade... I'd start to wonder what the fuck was up.
PATBOB - bottom tier (sorry ๐Ÿ˜”)
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I was really conflicted on this ranking because PatBob has all the makings of a great ship - they're best friends, they look cute together, and they have a lot in common. However, the reason I ranked this so low is mostly because their friendship is so much stronger than any sort of romantic connection. I feel like whenever these two are put into a remotely romantic scenario (ex. when Spongebob they raised a baby scallop), that's when the cracks start to show. As friends, they have a great dynamic and are so funny together, even when they get into arguments/spats. However, as romantic partners, it feels unnatural. As shown in the episode I mentioned as an example, Patrick gets to be his silly, lazy self whereas Spongebob has to take the more serious, rational role - which is not his natural inclination, even if he has that side. I just can't help but feel like this would become a pattern if they were actually in a relationship. I live for best friends-to-lovers... but this ship is not the one.
PLANKAREN - bottom tier
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I was originally going to rank this "hell no tier" but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen - mostly just a prime example of compulsory heterosexuality (this was a great response on the topic). I still dislike the pairing quite a bit though. Like, are they even married? The two of them are so off-and-on, hot-and-cold together and there's just something so... forced about it. I just think they both would be so much happier if they weren't together, you know? I don't doubt that they support - and maybe even love - each other a bit, but to quote my own fic (not to plug lol): "you can love and care about someone without being in love with them."
SPANDY - hell no tier
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I've never liked this ship, even prior to joining the fandom. Hell, even when I was a kid and didn't know what shipping was, I still felt there was something off. As I've gotten older and wiser though, I think it really comes down to Sandy and Spongebob having virtually zero romantic chemistry. Nada. Zilch. Despite SBSP being episodic in nature, their dynamic consistently gives me sibling vibes - which does not translate well into a romantic connection at all. They're just miles better as friends and I don't see that changing in the slightest.
(And this is just a personal nit-pick vs. a solid point but I find myself put off by the frequently OOC portrayal in fanworks - particularly for Sandy, who is actually one of my favorite characters. I know as writers and artists, we're going to take some creative liberties. But if you have to drastically alter a character's personality and/or physical traits to suit your ship narrative, it's probably not a good ship. ๐Ÿคท)
SQUANDY - hell no tier
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I do love seeing Squidward and Sandy getting along and being pals - I mean, look at this interaction (sorry, couldn't find a better gif)! However, any sort of romantic connotation gives me a serious case of the "ick" (SquidBob be damned, honestly). Hence the very low ranking. They are strangely more believable than Spandy, but that's probably the only redeeming thing about this as a ship tbh. Otherwise, it's a "hell no" from me.
(This sound effect is literally me when thinking about this lmao.)
MINDRICK - hell no tier
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Not to be that person, but even if there was genuine chemistry... let's just say Mindy doesn't just look young. I even Googled it for you. You're welcome.
SQUARRY - ?? tier
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Okay so I've heard lots of good things about this pairing and how they have some great, shippy interactions. However, it's not a ship I'm familiar enough with to form an opinion.
BUBBLERAY - ?? tier
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Not really super familiar with these characters' dynamic in general, let alone the ship.
SLAPFERATU - ?? tier
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I've seen this ship making the rounds as well, but definitely not familiar enough with them to make a judgment call. From what I've seen (including pulling this pic together), it is pretty hilarious. I will say that. ๐Ÿ˜†
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pizzza365 ยท 2 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Since you asked so kindly!๐Ÿคญ
1.) First would deffo have to be praying, just feels like a great day when I do it!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ
2.) Twitter or... X- Such an amazing application for giggles, although I haven't been on it too much lately.๐Ÿคฃ
3.) Sleep for sure because I don't get enough of it, but when I do I'm in bed for the rest of the day. It's like my bed yearns for me when I'm not there.๐Ÿ˜
4.) I really enjoy watching shows and stuff on YouTube. Great way for me to relax and learn something new that is NOT academic material๐Ÿ˜ญ. (For anyone wondering, i'm currently watching Cruel Summer Season 2!๐Ÿ˜)
5.) Lastly, hmm... I've been playing euphoria ever since I done heard it, so i'm gonna go with that. (the first beat, flow + tempo is legit my fav!)๐ŸŽต
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xxonceuponafuckxx ยท 3 months
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜‹๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’‹3๏ธโƒฃ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ†โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ฐ ((โ€œSexy Time Headcanonsโ€ list again. For Billy. This is the last one, โ€˜cause heโ€™s the last muse Iโ€™ve interacted with as a main muse in a thread with you.))
Sexy Headcanon Meme!
๐Ÿ‘€ - What do they look for in a sexual partner? Billy is looking for someone who is genuinely kind, but also someone who will take control. Because he literally cannot be in charge.
๐Ÿ‘ - Top/Bottom. Do they have a preference? Billy is likely a switch more than anything. Because he'd do whatever made the other person happy.
๐ŸŒน - Dom/Sub. Do they have a preference? He's 100% a sub. He doesn't really want to admit it because it makes him feel like less of a villain, but he's a sub.
๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ - What is their sexuality and romantic alignment? I really wanna call Billy straight. I really do. But, he's gotta be at least bi-curious. For romantic alignment, probably panromantic with a preference toward gyneromantic (female-presenting partners). I also wanna call him some form of demisexual because he doesn't jump into bed.
๐ŸŒˆ - Sexual fantasies? He just wants to be loved.
๐Ÿ’˜ - Kinks? Not super sure on his kinks. But, I know that touch is definitely a big thing for him.
๐Ÿ˜” - Any sexual fantasies/kinks theyโ€™re ashamed of? He hasn't really explored enough to know.
๐Ÿ˜ - Are they loud/vocal, or do they stay quiet? He is a mix of the two. He is loud as hell because he's enthusiastic, but he doesn't want to bother anyone so he tries to be quiet.
๐Ÿ˜‹ - Spit or swallow? Swallow. So sure about it.
๐ŸŒธ - Do they have an aftercare routine? Absolutely. It's extensive. Lotions, water, snacks.
๐Ÿ‘Œ - Favourite position? Missionary. He's a virgin.
๐Ÿ‘… - Oral sex. Do they prefer giving or receiving? Giving. He doesn't want to inconvenience anyone.
๐Ÿ’‹ - Do they prefer casual sex or relationship sex? Relationship sex. He can be convinced to do casual, but he is gonna follow you around like you're in a relationship.
3๏ธโƒฃ - Pick 2 characters to join them in a threeway, and explain why you picked these two. Honestly either Hammer and Penny or Penny and Moist. So, either hate/jealousy or love/friendship. Not sure which is more interesting.
๐Ÿ˜ก - Are they into hate sex? If yes, name another character they might have hate sex with. I wouldn't say into it... But, would he kiss Hammer if it happened during an argument? 100%
๐Ÿค‘ - Would they hire a sex worker? Would they do sex work themselves? Probably not. Maybe though? Billy respects sex workers, but he honestly is too nervous to know what he's doing. He'd probably talk to them, honestly.
๐Ÿ‘— - Clothes off or on during sex? Billy definitely wants his clothes on. He's super anxious to expose his body.
๐Ÿ’ฆ - Any traits or physical attributes that really turn them on? I don't really think there's something that physically attracts him. He loves for heart. But, obviously, he is still a man... So, probably tits.
๐Ÿ”ฅ - How sexually active are they when theyโ€™re single vs. in a relationship? He is a virgin and he's never had a girlfriend, so... Yeah, this man has zero fucking rizz.
๐Ÿค— - Do they like to cuddle after sex? YES. Absolutely. He's stuck like glue after sex.
๐Ÿ† - Do they prefer rough or gentle sex? Okay... Okay. So, here's where I'm gonna not 100% answer. I feel like both. Billy loves gentle sex. He's a sensitive boy. But, he also kinda likes when someone can treat him like shit.
โ˜ ๏ธ - Do they have any bad sexual experiences? Billy is still a virgin, so pass.
๐Ÿ›๏ธ - Do they like having sex outside of the bedroom? If yes, where? Probably not. He honestly is so anxious. He'll do it for someone, but he will be so nervous.
๐Ÿธ - Do they have any methods of courtship for getting people into bed? Billy doesn't really aim to get people into bed. Because he's so fumbling. But, I think he is all about service. He brings you things that he remembers you like, mentions things from a story you told him. He is a guy that will remember that you mentioned in a one-off that you like donkeys and bring you every donkey-themed thing he sees until you have a donkey shrine.
๐Ÿ˜˜ - Are they affectionate during sex? He definitely is. I think he follows you around like a puppy after sex.
๐Ÿ˜‰ - How flirty are they? He's very flirty, but it's an anxious, fumbling flirtation. He gets flustered and says dumb shit.
๐Ÿ˜ฐ - Is there anything sexual that they find upsetting? I don't really think so. He'll try anything.
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