#don't even get me started on the two women with lines
Sleepless in Not-Seattle
Barbie dolls: Derek Morgan x gn! Sheriff!gn! Reader
Word: 2.4k
Summary:you're the sheriff of a town and meet an agent in hotchners team that's quite interesting
Warnings: insinuated you're a Texan sheriff bc I'm Texan and I can do what I want, cannon typical violence, Emily makes a bad. Joke, you're sad, you want to make a shelters for prostitutes, they don't kiss, ok goodnight
“Aaron.” You said, reaching out for Hotch. He pulled you into a hug, greeting you with your first name. You pulled back. 
You knew Hotch from years ago. He and his team came to your town to help with a case that was out of your hands. You weren’t the Sheriff at the time, you were the deputy. His small team was in and out of your doors in less than three days, catching your killer. You accidentally saved Hotch’s life, shoving him out of the way of a bullet headed straight for his heart. It grazed your arm and even though it hurt like hell at the time you were glad it was saving your ass now. Hotch owed you a favor and now that you were sitting in the Sheriff’s chair you were catching all the heat for not slapping cuffs on another killer at large in your town. You called Hotch and now he was pushing through your door with his now large team following behind him. 
“Good to see you, no bullet wounds so that’s good. This is it. You’ve got a whole conference room I’ve set everything up in for you. I know how y’all work so I even stocked it with some bad coffee and partially stale donuts. Yay!” You said, shaking your hands in the air as a false celebration. A small smile bit at Hotch’s lips. He turned back to the line of five people behind him. 
He pointed to a woman with black hair and bangs, her thumbs pushed behind her belt. “That is SSA Emily Prentiss.” He moved his finger over one, pointing to an older man with speckled hair. “SSA David Rossi.” Hotch moved his finger over once again, now pointing to a young man with long hair and his hands shoved in his pockets. “Doctor Spencer Reid.” You quirked a brow at that, what the hell kind of doctor is 12? Hotch moved his hand over, pointing to a woman in a pressed suit with long blonde hair. “Our Liaison Jenifer Jareauo.” He pointed to a tall man with a tight shirt and smirk that made you want to call him a dickhead. “And finally SSA Derek Morgan,” Hotch said, dropping his hand. You smiled, waving at them. 
“Nice to meet y'all, if you follow me we can get started. I do not want any more dead bodies on my hands.” You said, leading them off to the confernce room. You heard whispers from Hotch's team, probally about the first name basis between you two. 
Two women were found in your nearby lake. It was awful. They had their hands and feet cut off and you couldn’t find them. All the women were found dressed in white dresses and lying in the bank. The lake wasn’t even pretty. The water was brown and the trees were dead. Those poor women were butchered and didn’t even get to rest somewhere nice.  The local news made it some kind of fun story the public got to learn about. It was passed around diner tables like gossip followed up by recaps of their favorate reality TV show. The press gave the killer a fun name and blamed you because you couldn’t catch him quick enough to stop another woman from losing her life.  
You felt sick every time you looked at the crime scene photos pinned up on their board. Hotch's team had already been there for two days and there was another woman found in the lake. It felt like you were standing on a cliff, teetering on the edge of catching this son of a bitch.  You leaned back on the confrence table, your legs outstreached in front of you. Most of your officers went home for the night, night shift was about to walk in. You even sent home your deputy. She complained but you told her something about how it was better to work a case with fresh eyes than tired ones. You were even sure all of the BAU went back to their hotel. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to leave yet. You knew those women were left alone in the lake while the last smidge of life left them. Now that you had their pictures and lifeless faces staring back at you on the board you couldn’t leave them alone. It felt like their deaths really were on you. It wasn’t their fault the system failed them and left them to turn to a life of prostitution. It wasn’t their fault some dick bag picked them up and held them for three days, torturing them in every way you didn’t want to think of. It wasn’t their fault he then dragged them sedated to the lake and cut off their hands and feet. It wasn’t their fault their last moment was of pain. You couldn’t leave the precinct because felt like you were letting them down again. Now you were just staring at the board hoping the answer would come to you. 
“Sheriff?” You sniffled and wipped your eyes as fast as you could, looking back at the confrence room door. SSA Morgan was standing in the doorway, his hand raised like he was about to knock. 
“Yes? What do you need?” You answered, pretending like your voice didn’t sound tense. Morgan stepped into the conference room, standing next to your spot on the conference room table. He stared at the board with you. 
“You know, it’s best if you sleep and return to the case rested?” You hummed. 
“Yes, actually I told my deputy that.” You said, staring at the picture of the Lake’s shore. Victim number two’s heart shaped locket buried in the rocks. Morgan sighed, leaning back on the table with you. His hip pressed into yours and you pretended like you didn’t notice. 
“So why are you still here?” Morgan asked, raising a brow at you. You looked away from the board. 
“I could ask you the same.” 
“I asked first so you have to answer first.” Morgan sassed, tilting his head to the side with cockiness you didn’t particually enjoy. It still made you grin, falling the second you looked back at the board again. 
“They were so beautiful. Victoria had a baby girl and 4-year-old son waiting for her to get home, their pictures in her locket. Sophie who did scrapbooking, had two entire bookshelves full of them. All the good times of her life were decorated perfectly. And Clemintine was a quilter. She was selling custom quilts on Ebay. She was saving up all the money in cash, shoved into a can labeled ‘freedom’. Now they’re all missing their hands and feet and sitting in a morgue. Their lives were stolen from them because I couldn’t pull my own weight as Sheriff. Their blood is on my hands as much as the killers.” You said, sniffing when you felt tears brimming in your eyes. Moragn made a sympathizing sound. 
“This isn’t your fault at all. It relies fully on the killer’s shoulders. The press is getting to your head. They point fingers at the first person who shows their face. There is no blood on your badge but there is on the killer’s blade. We will catch this son of bitch. These women will rest peacefully, and their families will get peace knowing their killer is behind bars. You’ll catch him.” You sucked in a shaky breath and stared at the board. You didn’t think this would be over when this case closed but you appreciated him anyway. 
“You know, I actually didn’t like you when you walked into my town but now I moderatly enjoy you.” You said, smirking at him. Morgan scoffed out a laugh and clutched his chest in faux hurt. 
“Oh, you wound me! What did I ever do to you?” You shrugged. 
“I think I’m going to go home. Maybe rest a little.” You whispered, staring at Victoria’s locket again. Morgan hummed. “You should too.” You added. You stood from the table. 
“Oh, what great advice. I wonder where you got that from.” Morgan teased, smiling at you as you headed towards the door. 
“Just the good ol’ noggin, sweetheart.” You said, heading off towards your office to gather your things. 
Two days later you caught the sick bastard and without any more lives were lost. The hands and feet were shoved in his freezer and Doctor Reid told you something about something. You wanted to deck the killer so hard but the look Morgan gave you told you it was better if you didn’t. 
“Is there anything else you need?” She asked, her coat thrown over her arm. You shook your head. 
Later that week you were in your office, typing away at your computer. Your brows were furrowed and you kept turning away from the screen to scribble at the pad infront of you. Once again it was late at night and most of the precinct was empty. Your deputy knocks on your open door, making you look up. 
“You go home, and by the way you should start calling it a night sooner. I’m starting to worry you’re a workoholic.” You said, cracking a smile at her. She groaned and shook her head at you. 
“I’ll clock out sooner when you do.” You shooed her away with your hand and turned back to your computer. As you dipped back into your zone you heard another knock. 
“Deputy, I told you to go home.” You said, looking up to find Morgan and not your deputy. He smirked at you and settled into the chair on the other side of your desk for guests. 
“Staying up late again?” Morgan asked, clasping his hands in his lap. You dropped your pen, leaning back in your chair. 
“I thought you would’ve already left town?” You said, turning your chair side to side. Morgan tilted his head to the side. 
“Oh we had personal business we had to handle, but I wanted to come check on you before we left.” You hummed at him. 
“Oh isn’t that sweet? You care about little ol’ me?” Morgan snorted, shaking his head at you. He glanced down at his lap and looked back up to you. 
“That and we wanted to pay our respects at the funerals.” The mood in the room dampened. You blinked and glanced at your computer to ignore the difference. 
“I saw you there. You look nice in black.” You scoffed at Morgan and sighed. 
“I gave Victoria her locket back, it was still evidence until then. We didn’t need it. I sent Sophie down with her fullest scrapbook, that might’ve been a bad idea cause now her set is missing one but I wanted her to have it in her afterlife. She could reminisce and think back on the good times, maybe that’d help her with the pain of going out the way she did. I gave Clemintine a little bird themed quilt so she could feel free. Her funds went to her best friend and now she’s on a bus to the next city over, a fresh start.” You said, feeling like Morgan jusst wanted to see if you still felt guilty. Morgan leaned forward and rested his elbows on the edge of your desk. 
“You’re very kind. What are you working on now?” Morgan asked. You glanced down at your paper. 
“I’m trying to figure out a way to make a shelter. A warm home for prositiutes to come to. A person to worry about them, somebody to make sure they get home before curfew and get fed warm food. I just keep thinking about how those women would’ve been safer if someone had been waiting on them. Victoria was the one that caught our attention because her mother came in with the two kids hanging off her. Sophie was already gone by then. We didn’t even notice, nobody filed anything. We wouldn’t have seen Clemintine if we weren’t looking. Now that I’m actually trying to work this out, it’s harder than I expected.” You said, flinging your pen at your paper again and sighing. A smile was playing on Morgan’s lips. 
“You should join the BAU,” Morgan said. You laughed at that one. Leaning forward on your desk to laugh louder. Morgan leaned back in his chair to let out an awkward chuckle. Your laugh died down and you wiped at your eyes. 
“Oh wow. I haven’t laughed like that in a while. Go ahead, tell me why you think I should join the FBI.” You said, even chuckling through saying it. Morgan clicked his tongue. 
“I think you’d be a great addition and it means I get to spend more time with you, I might even be able to take you out,” Morgan said, grinning at you. You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“On a date, Sherriff. On a date.” Morgan said. You leaned back in your chair. 
“Take me out? Like assassination?” You asked, kind of wishing you hadn’t told your deputy to leave. Morgan laughed, filling your offiice with a warm feeling. 
“Oh. Well, that seems biased. Sounds like you don’t want me on the team for my skills but for my stunning good looks.” You said. Morgan smiled. 
“Two things can be true at once,” Morgan whispered, glancing awy from you. 
“I’ll give you my number, but be warned I am quite picky.” You said, reaching over to the front of your desk for your buiness card. You scribbled your number on the back and stuck it out to Morgan. He gently took it from your hand and shoved it into his pocket. He stole a sucker from the bowl on the corner of your desk and left your precinct. 
The next morning you waved them goodbye at the airport. Hotch hugged you goodbye, telling you not to give up on the shelter idea. All good flowers take time to grow or something stupid like that. You murrmed something about him not being your dad and shooed him away. The others said goodbye simply and before long Morgan was standing before you. 
“I’ll call you once I land,” Morgan said. You nodded a mocking smirk on your lips. 
“Yeah, baby? Is that right?” You said, your tone making Morgan laugh in a way that made you assume that was his best-flustered act. Emily shreeked behind Morgan. He glanced back at her. She laughed and clapped her hands, pointing at him. 
“You’re getting Morgan-ed. What’s it feel like baby girl?” She said, through a laugh. You snorted and waited until Morgan turned back to you. 
“Isn’t she sweet?” Morgan asked sarcasticlly. 
“She’s a peach.” 
Morgan did call you. It was the first night you stayed up without thinking of a case. 
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marvelann · 8 months
Started watching Oppenheimer so I could have an informed reason to get mad when it inevitably wins Oscars and it's going terrific. I hate it here
I wasn't expecting anything good tbh, biopics shouldn't exist and Christopher Nolan's films shouldn't either but wow. Is even worse than I expected.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
the thing about chilshi is that i see it as super one-sided on chilchuck's part and that's some shit he's bringing to the grave with him
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#if (somehow) senshi became aware i think he'd be flattered#in like an 'aw thanks man' way#this goes for marcille too btw but in like reverse#i could see marcille having a fledgling crush on chilchuck after he reveals his age#but before she fully internalizes he's An Adult. like an adult adult#like how she infantilizes falin? like that#and like she's honestly chilchuck's type yknow? being blonde and all#but i don't think he would date someone who views him like that#he might tolerate it from senshi for like 4.5 seconds in his fleeting daydreams#but in reality? noooo thank you#this is why i ship laios and chilchuck tbh. he's the party member who chilchuck thinks knows him the best#and he trusts him the most to lead!!!#also because i think it'd be funny if laios (26) started dating izutsumi's (17) surrogate father figure#also because i really like that comic where chilchuck's children judge him for dating someone so YOUNG. cradlerobber#this is quickly devolving into me providing my Opinion on dungeon meshi ships#might as well get into kabru and laios#i don't see it? it might be because i've only read the manga and im bad at fully comprehending those the first time through#but like. first of all kabru is a VERY minor character in my eyes#he mostly becomes relevant during the latter half which is my least favorite part#and ive seen people tote the 'i want to be your friend!!!' panel as like. fodder for the ship?#and honestly when i read that part i read it as kabru desperately grasping at straws to keep laios from going to marcille#his brain to mouth line fully shut down and he was just spouting gibberish#laios even calls him out on it#i see kabru and shuro as being in the same boat? seeing laios as insufferable but it's not his fault#marcille and falin are in lesbians with each other. gay as hell to revive someone with forbidden magicks#they are LESS gay than i was expecting though. which is a hell of a thing to say about two women who bathe together
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noveauskull · 2 months
Sylus & Zayne As Your Bodyguards [NSFW]
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characters: sylus & zayne x reader
warnings: 18+ smut, threesome, reader has implied anger issues, millionaire reader, bratty reader, bodyguards sylus & zayne, nipple sucking, fingering, clit teasing, oral (f! receiving), anal fingering, anal penetration, double penetration (piv), no protection, overstimulation
"Bring me your expensive one" You sighed, sitting yourself onto the stools in the store, your bodyguards both standing on each of your side. Holding all the bags that had every product you bought.
The shop was empty with only employees standing in a straight line with their hands clasped together in front of their waists, sweat visibly dripping from their foreheads as they watched you cross your legs. You weren't in a good mood today.
No one in the world doesn't know you. You might as well be considered as the next Elon Musk. A young woman that is a wealthy self made millionaire, teenagers want to be you and women want to be with you.
Your success skyrockets everytime, even a step into a country has the charts doing zig zags, you can't lie when you say you love the attention and wealth you have. The past you would've wanted to be the current you as soon as possible.
Because of your dangerous status, you needed to have bodyguards by your side. It was clear to the press or anyone of the matter that you always had two of your favorite bodyguards by your side.
Their names were Sylus and Zayne.
The two men are quite talented in what they do, one would be extremely patient with you while the other would advise you on what not to do and what you should do. A perfect duo, almost like ying and yang.
Today you were shopping in China. At this point you've step foot on every shop there is in the mall, the one you're currently at probably being your 100th one. Specifically selling shoes.
"Ma'am, it's getting late soon. Shall we head home after this?" Your bodyguard, Zayne said in a monotone yet reminding voice, you glanced at the gold watch on your wrist with a furrowed brow.
"I still haven't gotten everything out of my system" You grumbled. This wouldn't have happened if the person you were going to meet today hadn't cancelled the date on you earlier.
You were supposed to meet a millionaire like you on a date in China, and yet that no good of a man ditched you last minute. You're literally worth more than him, how dare he leave you in the dust like you're nobody.
"Here is our limited edition shoes, Ma'am. A collaboration with the two best shoe companies in Ch-"
"Forget it. I'm not interested" You held your hand up to cut off the employee before standing up. Grabbing your purse in the process before walking- or rather, storming off.
Everyone knew that once you were angry about something, it sticks for quite a while.
As you walked out of the mall, you waited for Sylus to open the car door for you as you sat yourself in the back passenger seat, then he sat himself at the front while Zayne took the drivers seat.
You took out your phone before dialing a certain number, the car started with absolute silence as you held the device close to your ear, waiting for the person on the other line to pickup the call.
"Yes Ma'am-"
"Cancel everything with that man! And let it be known that I will sue him if he does not return all my gifts within the next 12 hours! I don't care if he isn't in the country just do it NOW!!"
You yelled, almost letting out a growl by how enraged you were.
Despite being a millionaire that everyone looks up to, there was a side of you no one, including the press, knows about.
You had extreme anger issues.
"You know what? I want a hitman"
You suddenly said, not noticing the looks you were getting from your bodyguards in front of you through the glass mirror in between the front of the car, debating on whether they should calm you down at the moment.
"M-Ma'am please calm down-"
Big mistake.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down???" You repeated, not realising the grip on your purse had already caused a crack on the tiny mirror you had inside it.
"Okay. I'll calm down" You said sweetly, but you weren't smiling.
"But you're fired."
With one press, you hung up. Refraining yourself from throwing your phone at the floor. At the same time, you had already reached your hotel, and Sylus had already opened the car door for you to walk out.
You stomped out the car, if you were ever reminded you should praise the company that made your heels, because they were able to withstand any pressure you put on them.
When you finally reached into the elevator, you tapped your foot continuously with crossed arms as Zayne pressed on the number of your floor, the silence was completely filled in with the continuous taps.
In a ding you reached your floor, and you walked out almost immediately, you stood in front of your room door before taking out your card and pressing it onto the scanner to unlock it.
Almost like an instinct, you ran onto the sofa and dropped your body, removing your heels and jacket off while your two bodyguards stood beside you in silence.
"Get me a drink" You ordered, right now you needed something to remove that fog that was clouding your head, and a drink would suffice.
"I don't think that will be a good idea, Ma'am. You still have an appointment to go to early in the morning" Sylus said, he had a straight face on as he told you this.
"Are you going against my orders?" You tilted your head to look at him, flashing him a look that would've threatened his job.
"No. I'm just suggesting something better" He answered, you could almost see a smirk forming in his lips as Zayne stood beside him with a straight face.
"And what's that?"
Suddenly, you were pushed onto the bed. You used your arms to hold yourself up as you watched your two bodyguards loosened their ties in front of you, this was the first time behaving this way, and yet you were intrigued.
Did they finally catch on you having the hots for them?
Your thoughts were interrupted when Zayne crawled himself onto you, planting a kiss onto your lips in a few smooches, before putting a hand to your cheek and leaning in for a deeper kiss.
Like an instinct, you kissed him back hungrily. You had no idea you were so starved for touch until now.
You watched as Sylus went beside Zayne, lifting up your shirt to remove it. Zayne released his lips from yours to let Sylus remove your shirt before kissing your again.
At the same time you felt Sylus unclasp your strapless bra, removing it off your body before sucking on your right nipple, making your breathe hitch against Zayne's lips.
Unexpectingly, Zayne had removed his lips from yours once again, now he was doing the same thing as Sylus, and he also began sucking on your left nipple. Now you had both men teasing your nipples with their mouths while your mouth let out shameless tiny moans, holding back from creating any noise.
You felt Sylus' hands move to your pants, pulling them down along with your underwear. Now you were completely naked while all they had removed was their ties, a little bit embarrassing, but you won't let the night finish unless they were completely naked with you.
Without realising, you already had a pool of arousal around your cunt, possibly leaving a string of it when Sylus removed your underwear. You had no idea you were this pent up.
Zayne's hands also began working, his fingers circled itself around your wet and sticky hole, almost building up the anticipation that he will put them in, but instead he just curls up enough of your slick and moves upwards to your clit, rubbing the wetness onto it.
You instictively twitched and the sudden contact of his gentle fingers on your clit, the wetness making his strokes on your clit more smoother. You could feel your hole clenching to push out more of your juices when he did that.
Sylus seeing how much you enjoyed having your clit played with wanted to participate as well, so he used the same hands that pulled your clothes off to circle around your hole like how Zayne did earlier, except this time, he slipped his finger inside with a squelch.
A loud moan left your lips when you felt Sylus' thick finger push into your twitching hole, satisfying the need of something to plug you up before anymore juices had left your body.
Not even a minute later he gave a few thrusts into your hole before adding two more fingers inside, now three fingers were gushing in and out of your hole, all while Zayne was teasing your clit and you had your nipples sucked on by the two men.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes back, laying your head against the bed headboard as you let the two men monopolize your body, letting every slurp of your nipples and every squelch of your cunt fill up the room's silence.
Had you knew the two were this skilled in bed you would have cancelled the stupid dates you've had with multiple men beforehand. It hadn't even felt like 30 minutes had passed by yet you already felt like you were going to cum, and you didn't bother holding yourself back.
You unconciously moaned louder with each thrust, feeling your hole clench around Sylus' fingers uncontrollably while Zayne's fingers kept on egging on your orgasm through your clit, in no time making you come undone when your orgasm arrived.
You held onto the backs of the two men for support as your cunt twitched under their fingers, you would've reached down to grab their wrists and stop them from moving whilst you were coming, but their faces on your tits were in the way.
Once they rode out your orgasm, the two removed their lips from your breasts with a pop. Now your nipples were sensitive, wet and swollen from how long and harsh they've been sucking on it, your areolas look puffy and red.
Without any warning, Sylus suddenly switched the positions between you and him. Now you were hovering on top of him while he was sitting below you, like how Zayne was kissing you earlier, he took the chance to kiss you as well.
Compared to Zayne's gentle and yearning kiss, Sylus' was more aggressive and hungry. You didn't notice that your cum was dripping onto his crotch since you were hovering over him, until you felt Zayne's hand rub itself onto your wet hole.
You didn't say anything and only focused on the kiss for the time being, your cunt did feel a bit sensitive from the fingering and orgasm, but you could handle another one.
Then you felt his hand slowly move upwards towards the other you had, rubbing it up and down in a swift moment that made your eyes wide open and break the kiss from you and Sylus.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" You yelled, turning your head to glare at Zayne who only locked in his eyes with yours, though you didn't expect to see him blushing with his ice cold face.
"It's alright, I know how to make it feel good" He said calmly, almost like he was in daze before he continued to rub his wet and sticky hands onto your anus, teasing the action that he will out in a finger soon.
Maybe it's because you were getting lost in the moment, but you let him continue on what he was doing, trusting him that he would do as he said and make you feel good as you waited for him to put in the first finger.
Sylus watching your eyes glued onto what Zayne was doing behind you probably felt a little jealous, because then he slowly slid himself down and forced your soaking cunt to meet with his face.
"S-Sylus!" You called out to the white haired man, who only smirked at you.
You felt yourself getting a little angry at his sudden smug personality until you were caught off guard by his lips locking in with your clit, since Zayne took the time to tease your hole while Sylus was kissing you the sensitivity you had earlier recovered, but it still brought a shiver to your spine when you felt his warm mouth on your cunt.
You were going to let out a whimper at Sylus' naughty approach until you felt a finger enter inside you at a hole you don't usually take in, making you let out a desperate moan and unconciously rub your cunt onto Sylus' mouth.
While Sylus worked his tongue onto your clit with each flick and suck, Zayne was thrusting a finger in and out of your hole, almost controlling your hips to move front and back to force you into taking the friction and have you moan uncontrollably.
The feeling of Sylus' tongue flicking around your clit then licking down to your hole and letting your clit touch his nose almost drove you insane, and the pressure of Zayne adding another finger inside you wasn't helpful either, the mix of discomfort and pleasure almost made your eyes roll back once again.
You couldn't help but continue to moan at the pleasures of having your holes played with, the more you leaked your juices the more Sylus would swallow it all down his throat and into his stomach, sticking his tongue out almost like he would swallow you whole if he wanted to.
Zayne made it clear that your hole was ready when you noticed how easily his fingers could suddenly move inside you, feeling each time his fingers would stretch your hole open to ensure it wouldn't be too tight to cause any displeasure, you almost felt embarrassed once again when you realised just what you were letting your bodyguards do to you.
Distracted by the overwhelming feeling of cumming again, Zayne continued to thrust his slender fingers in and out of you while Sylus worked hard to make you cum from your clit once again, like before, you felt a knot tie itself onto your stomach as your moans gradually became louder, indicating your orgasm was coming again.
You clenched your legs around Sylus' head, hands gripping onto the headboard for support as you stuck your ass out without even realizing to feel Zayne's fingers pound into the same direction where your orgasm was pooling in.
Before you could even react, your eyes lost it's focus before rolling to the back of your head, and your mouth hung itself wide open to let out the nasty noises you've been trying so hard to suppress.
You shamelessly let your body twitch onto Sylus' face, letting him lap his tongue all over your hole while you were still cumming until you finally calmed down.
Zayne removed his fingers from your hole to let it twitch around the air by its own before unzipping his pants to finally let his hard cock out, Sylus sitting up to wipe his mouth with his thumb and lick off any excess cum before doing the same with his zipper.
You watched as Zayne picked you up and made your front face him while your back face Sylus. Before you could even process your second orgasm, Zayne had already aligned his dick into your hole and pushed it inside, making your hole clamp onto his dick so hard from the unexpected greeting, as well as having another stimulating feeling onto your lower region for the 3rd time.
You let out a broken moan when you felt Sylus do the same to your ass, pushing his dick in slowly yet easily until your hole was completely filled in with his cock, making you have tears growing in your eyes from the pain and pleasure.
Before you could even tell the two to give you a moment, they gave you one big thrust in unison. The movement caught you off guard so hard you could barely make a noise, your mouth was stuck open waiting to let out even a small croak, yet only the sound of both your wet holes filled in the silence.
You helplessly wrapped your arms around Zayne's neck and took in the hungry thrusts Sylus and Zayne were making you take, your sensitive nipples brushing against Zayne's shirt as he gave your neck tiny kisses.
Sylus' dick would've probably been too much to bare alone, but thanks to Zayne's dick hitting all the right spots in you, the discomfort Sylus was plunging into you only enhanced your pleasure to the point you were drooling and whimpering onto Zayne's neck.
What felt like almost an hour, you still continued to take in the thrusts of the two men inside you helplessly. Your moans now sounding like broken squeaks, at this point you've already came 5 times now.
You thought it was never going to end with these two, but then you felt their dicks twitch inside your soaking wet holes, the mushy feeling of your insides tighted up to force them to cum inside you as deep as they could, and that's what they did.
In the past 2 hours, they finally let out their first ejaculations. Filling your holes up to the point you could feel it moving inside you, a satisfied and relieved moan leaves your lips as you hear them groan together from your impressive hooks onto your holes.
The two didn't remove their dicks out of you yet, instead, while they were inside you, Zayne laid you down onto the pillows while doing the same with Sylus, now the three of you were laying together with you facing Zayne and Sylus behind you.
You thought they were going to let you sleep with their cocks inside you, until you felt a hand grip your thigh and lift it up, giving the two more access to move their hips freely, which made your eyes widen.
"Ma'am..." Zayne called out for you, his eyes looking as if they were deep in lust and daze while Sylus smirked behind you, both men blushing aggressively.
"Let's do one more round, please"
It seemed like the two men weren't going to stop at one round. You better hope you can still walk after tonight.
this waaaasss supposed to be an omegaverse where reader was in heat and Sylus and Zayne were alpha bodyguards (idea inspired by sakimenz on insta with Gojo and Geto) but then I realised im not into omegaverse stories as much as I thought i was (unfortunately)
BUT i hope this was a way more better approach then what I intended!!
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how i imagined reader in this oneshot SHSHHAHA
EDIT: if this post gets 1k notes in the next 2 to 3 days i'll make a oneshot of Sylus and Zayne as reader's sugar daddies cause im unstoppable ✨️😋
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sceletaflores · 2 months
where there’s sparks, there’s fire!
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pairing: patrick zweig x fem!reader
summary: you can’t tell if patrick hates you as much as you hate him. every time you see him he’s constantly talking to you, touching you, trailing behind you. but he’s only doing all that to piss you off. you think back to tashi telling you it’s obvious that he wants to fuck you. you don’t see it. patrick wants to fuck everyone, you’re not special.
—or: patrick zweig is a slut. you can't stand him.
word count: 4.6k
contains: 18+ SMUT MDNI, p in v, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y’all!), public sex (doing it in a coat closet lmao), more hate sex, swearing, fighting as foreplay, light choking, light hair pulling, degradation, even more hints of mean!reader cause i really do live for that shit, tashi and reader are cute besties always, porn with a little plot, no use of y/n.
author’s note: i originally wanted to post a tashi fic next but i realized i don't have any like actual full on plot filled patrick works lmao i felt bad neglecting him and my patrick girlies so yeah. once again had literally so much fun writing this, like i hardcore love this niche!!! i ride so hard for it!!! the tashi fic i'm working on also falls into this category lols and yes this is fourth of july themed and it's late shut up i cannot write fast for the life of me...anyway! to the anons who requested something like this, hope you love it! okay bye mwah xoxo.
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Patrick Zweig is a huge slut.
Everyone knows that. He doesn't even go to Stanford but he's still somehow managed to sleep with a third of the girls on campus, maybe even more than a few guys too if the rumors going around are true.
You hate him. Hate isn't even a strong enough word. You loathe him. You despise him. You detest him. Pick any other fancy synonym, the point still stands. You just really fucking hate him.
It blows your mind that someone as sweet and angelic as Art would be best friends with someone like him. Someone who's so obnoxious, so arrogant, so crass. Art’s the guy that goes out of his way to protect you from the gross frat bros at parties, only to bring his very own as a plus one.
Sigma Nu throws a rager every year on the fourth, extending invites to those who are still in Stanford for the summer. The women’s tennis team is always invited, and Tashi always ends up convincing you to go. Well, she’s less convincing than she is more forcing you, but it’s basically the same thing to her anyway. She did your makeup and wrestled you into a Hollister dress, vowing to get you laid as she straightened your hair.
Tashi’s almost more invested in your sex life than you are, constantly hand-picking guys on campus for your consideration. She actually offered up Patrick once when you told her you wouldn’t fuck any of the guys on campus at all. The two of you were practicing, she suggested it as casual as ever while returning your serve. You were so shocked you stopped in your tracks, letting the ball fly right past you. She assured you she wouldn’t mind if you did, that what the two of them had was quote “Nothing serious, he’s just a really good fuck.” and that you should “Totally do it. He definitely wants to fuck you, I can tell.” 
You just brushed her off, ignored the way she smirked knowingly at you over the net. Your cheeks burned as you served again, you wrote it off as annoyance. As if you would ever let Patrick Zweig fuck you.
You lost Tashi when she took off to the bathroom, texting you that she’d be a while thanks to a long line outside the door. You were leaning against a wall nursing a half-empty cup of jungle juice when he came up to you. You can’t remember his name, you think it starts with a B. Something like Brandon? Or maybe Brian? One or the other.
He’s Sigma Nu’s secretary, you sit three seats down from him in your economics lecture. Tashi says he has a crush on you, and he’s nice for a frat guy but he’s definitely not your type. He’s been droning on about his upcoming trip to his family's summer house in Cabo for almost ten minutes. You try your best to seem interested, humming and nodding every couple seconds. You’re in the middle of tuning him out when a loud, familiar voice calls out your name. 
“There you are!” Patrick Zweig shouts from a few feet away, ugly American flag patterned flip flops smacking against the ground as he makes his way over to you. He’s wearing a bright red button down and white cargo shorts you scrunch your nose up at. He’s tanner than the last time you saw him, legs long and even more toned. “I’ve been looking everywhere for that pretty face.” He coos sweetly, his hand that isn't holding a bottle of Bud Light comes up to pinch your cheek.
You scoff, smacking his hand off your face. “You found me, so you can go bother someone else now,” you say, rubbing your cheek lightly. “Bye.” You press, waving your hand dismissively when he makes no move to walk away.
Patrick grins, unfazed by your reaction, he steps in even closer. “Yeah, I missed you too,” he says breezily, his breath smells like cheap beer and camel blues. He’s just as tall as you remember. He has tacky blue shutter shades resting on the top of his head. His eyes rake over your body shamelessly, lingering on the low dip of your neckline. “Cute dress.” 
You ignore him, rolling your eyes before turning your attention back towards Brandon/Brian. He’s silent now, eyes flicking between you and Patrick skeptically. “Are you like, together, or something?” 
You laugh loudly, quickly shaking your head ‘No’. Patrick beats you to speaking though, “God no, man.” he says through a laugh, dark curls bouncing as he shakes his head. “I came over here to warn you.” He continues, voice and expression going overly serious like he’s not talking out of his ass.
Brandon/Brian’s brows furrow, clearly confused. “Warn me?” he asks, head tilting to the left slightly. His puka shell necklace makes a small clicking sound as he moves. 
Patrick nods his head gravely, clapping his free hand down on Brandon/Brian's shoulder a little too roughly to be considered friendly, shaking him back and forth like a rag doll. “Yeah, best of luck trying to get inside that snatch, man.” he says earnestly, jerking his head in your direction. “Cause’ she’s really fucking picky–”
You whip your head in his direction to cut him off, grimacing in disgust. “You would say snatch, you sick fuck.” you snap, red solo cup crunching quietly in your hand. Patrick just laughs, dropping his hand from Brandon/Brian’s shoulder. Anger stews inside you the longer he looks at you with that stupid shit-eating smirk on his face. 
You can’t tell if Patrick hates you as much as you hate him. Every time you see him he’s constantly talking to you, touching you, trailing behind you. But he’s only doing all that to piss you off. You think back to Tashi telling you it’s obvious that he wants to fuck you. You don’t see it.
Patrick wants to fuck everyone, you’re not special. Sure, he may feel the constant need to be a horn-dog when he’s around you. That doesn’t mean anything. Patrick’s just gross, constantly making crude comments or lame innuendos. What Tashi fails to see is him making sex jokes around you is just another way he can piss you off. It’s not an open invitation into those god-awful shorts. 
Patrick takes a small step back, big hands raising in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. Put the claws away,” You try to ignore the way him saying your name in that goddamn infuriating condescending tone makes your cheeks start heating up. Patrick leans his shoulder on the wall next to you, looking down at you with a small grin on his face. “I actually wanted to congratulate you on cracking the top twenty.” He takes a long sip of his beer, head lolling to the side lazily as he swallows. “Lucky number 14.”
You’re not too proud to admit that Patrick is kind of hot, especially in this lighting. He’s objectively a hot guy, and he knows it. All tall and firm looking even in his horrendous outfit. But he’s kind of cute too, in an ass-holey way. His hair's a mess of soft-looking black curls and his ears stick out from his head sort of endearingly. He’s close enough that you can see he’s got a little brown in his eyes, and long lashes. There’s a handful of freckles sprinkled over the bridge of his nose. 
His big, strong nose that looks like it could work wonders between your legs. Or at least that’s what you’ve heard from Jen in your chem lab. Maybe this jungle juice is stronger than you thought.
Patrick's smirk widens, wolfish and dirty like he can see what you’re thinking. “That’s pretty impressive.” he continues, his tone a mix of genuine admiration and teasing. "Especially for someone who's always so...busy." He lets the last word hang in the air, a clear innuendo that makes your blood boil all over again.
"Busy training," you snap back, not willing to let him get under your skin any more than he already has. "Some of us have actual work ethic, Patrick. We put in the hours on the court instead of fucking anything that breathes, you know? So we don’t look like idiots that get their ass handed to them on tour by nobody scrubs."
You can feel the heat start to simmer in your stomach, anger and frustration bubbling beneath the surface as Patrick's presence continues to grate on your nerves. The tension between you is thick, amplified by the chaotic energy of the party swirling around you. You see Brandon/Brian take a long, awkward sip of his beer as he steps away, turning on his heel to quickly disappear into the sea of bodies crowding the living room. You roll your eyes internally, pussy.
Patrick grins, not deterred in the slightest. “You’ve been keeping up with my matches?” His voice is low and pleased sounding, shiny green eyes slowly getting swallowed by the black of his pupils. 
You pause, owlishly blinking up at him in silence. You’ve been caught. Shit.
You can feel the immediate warmth of embarrassment burning hot on your cheeks as you cast your gaze to the floor. “Only when I need to cheer myself up, a losing streak that high is actually laughable.” You mutter to the floor, lightly swirling your drink in your cup. 
Patrick laughs loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. “Still thinking about me though.” he says matter-of-factly, a lazy grin taking over his face.
His audacity sends another wave of anger and embarrassment through you, your grip tightens around your cup. "Only because you make such a spectacle of yourself," you retort sharply. "It's hard not to notice when you're crashing and burning so publicly."
Patrick's grin doesn't falter. If anything, it widens. "I'll take what I can get from you," he says, his tone a blend of amusement and something else that you can't place. "But seriously, congratulations. You deserve it."
His unexpected sincerity throws you off, and for a moment, you don’t know how to respond. It's rare to see Patrick in a light that isn’t coated in sarcasm or sleaze. You catch a glimpse of something genuine in his expression, something that almost resembles respect, and it confuses you.
It confuses you, and it makes something warm start to burn in your stomach. You can’t afford to feel any warm, fuzzy feelings around a guy like Patrick, not if you don’t want to get majorly fucked over the second he gets bored of you. 
You don’t know how to react so you do what makes sense, you lash out.
“God, will you just fuck off and leave me alone Patrick,” you say, tone over-dramatic and long-suffering as you tip your head up to the ceiling in annoyance. “I’m trying to have fun.” A lie. The party kind of sucked compared to last years. You were planning on talking Tashi into leaving when she came back, but he didn’t need to know that.
Patrick’s cool exterior finally cracks, letting out a quiet huff of disbelief as a frown starts tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Jesus Christ, what the hell is your fucking problem? I’m being sincere.” The playful light in his eyes is gone, replaced by something darker.
You let out a loud laugh, shaking your head in amusement. “Maybe I’d believe that if you weren’t such an ass. I know you too well, Patrick.” You say, tone mean and condescending. You know he’s right, on some level, but that doesn’t stop you. 
Patrick is silent for a beat, eyes boring into yours with an intensity that makes you want to start squirming. He lets out a quiet, bitter laugh, bringing his beer up to his lips to take a long sip. You watch the way his throat moves as he swallows, the way his lips look wrapped around the neck of the bottle. You feel a familiar heat start to pool between your legs, thighs clenching involuntarily as your mind envisions something else his slick, pink lips would look good wrapped around. 
He drops the bottle to his side, finally breaking the silence. “You know, now I do believe you.” he says casually, swiping his tongue over his lips lazily. “You must really not be getting any dick acting like this much of an uptight bitch.”
You reel back in shock, his words hitting you like a punch in the gut. The wave of fury that sweeps through you is almost tangible, your vision narrowing to a tunnel that begins and ends with Patrick’s infuriatingly smug face. “What did you just say?” you ask completely taken aback, voice low and rough. Your hand twitches at your side with the need to throw your drink in his face, anger and embarrassment lapping white hot flames in your stomach. 
Patrick just scoffs, heated gaze not breaking from your own. “You heard me.” He says, jaw set stubbornly. “You need like, emergency dick, or something to chill the fuck out for once.” 
You feel your heart rate spike, your free hand clenching into a tight wrist by your side. “You’re a fucking pig.” your voice shakes with anger, you feel sweaty and hot all over. The heat swirling between your legs is persistent.
Patrick laughs, a loud and infuriating sound. “Come on, we both know you’re fucking begging for someone to give you what you need.” He says like it’s obvious, you clench your fist a little tighter. He takes a step closer, voice dropping down to a whisper meant just for you. “I can help you with that. I can fuck all that bratty shit right out of yo–”
You’re reacting before you can stop yourself, hand flying up to slap him hard across the face. The loud crack pierces through the room, loud enough that a few eyes turn in your direction. Patrick's head snaps to the side, the shades resting on the top of his head fly off. 
Your heart stops, hands shaking with the realization of what you just did. You expect Patrick to flip out, start shouting and threatening to sue you or whatever else it is that rich people do. Time seems to slow down as he turns his head, and when he looks back at you, there's no trace of anger in his eyes. Instead, they're dark with something else entirely— something that makes your stomach flip.
He licks his lips, a slow, deliberate motion, and then he laughs, a low, throaty sound that sends shivers down your spine. A clear hand print grows steadily, red and angry on his cheek. "Fuck." he breathes, his hazy eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your breath catch in your throat. 
You’re stuck staring at each other for what feels like hours, the music and chatter from the party reduced down to a low hum as you’re caught under Patrick’s heavy gaze.
He drops his beer bottle on the floor carelessly, hand shooting out to grab your wrist tightly and drag you away from the living room. Your cup falls from your grip, splashing down onto the hardwood in a red sticky mess. You fall into step behind him, letting him guide you into the hallway outside the living room before he lurches to a stop in front of a closed door, ripping it open and shoving you inside. Patrick follows quickly, closing the door behind him and bathing the coat closet in darkness. 
It’s a tiny closet, you’re pressed up against too many coats fighting for space on the tiny rack, kicking loose shoes around as you try to find your footing. “Patrick, I–” You start, but you're cut off by a strong hand gripping your forearm and whipping you around. Your back hits the door with a dull thud, you don’t have any time to react before his lips are on yours.
The kiss is the opposite of gentle, Patrick’s lips are almost violent as they move with yours. Your hands tangle in his soft hair, kissing back just as roughly. He hisses into your mouth as you twist the strands in your grip meanly, pressing you into the door harder. His tongue forces its way past your parted lips, claiming your mouth fiercely. He tastes like beer, his fingertips are rough and calloused on your skin, pulling you closer as if he wants to meld into you.
“If you don’t want this, say the word and I’ll stop right now.” He says against your lips, breathless and rumbly. His hands squeeze your hips reassuringly, his own version of sincerity softening the moment.
Yeah fucking right.
“Zweig,” you say slowly, yanking his hair roughly. “If you don’t shut up and fuck me in the next ten seconds, I’ll kill you.”
Patrick grins wildly, surging forward to connect your lips again. Your hands find the buttons of his shirt as the two of you kiss, working them open one by one until you get too frustrated and rip the two half-open sides apart. Buttons clatter onto the floor of the closet, Patrick groans into your mouth, breaking the kiss with a huff. “I liked that shirt, dick. You owe me twenty bucks.”
You’re not listening, eyes trained on the bare skin of his chest as everything seems to slow down for a second. Of course, you’ve seen Patrick shirtless before, when he’s on the court and it’s above ninety or when he’s taking up space in Art’s dorm. This feels different, a completely new situation where it’s actually okay for you to stare at the expanse of his torso. 
You can’t help reaching out to touch him again— running your greedy hands down his chest, his abs, the sharp ‘v’ cut of his hips that makes its way into the waistband of his shorts. Your manicured nails scratch through the dark hair of his happy trail, you can see the muscles in his stomach jump.
“Fuck,” you whisper breathlessly and immediately regret it. He was already insufferable— all you fucking needed was for him to know how you felt right now. How the sight of his barely undressed body is making your pussy soak through your panties.
Patrick doesn’t even gloat, just uses his tight grip on your hips to flip you so you’re pressing onto the door harshly. He impatiently yanks the skirt of your dress up, wasting no time in hooking a finger on the lace of your panties and moving the fabric to the side for easier access.
You hear him pop the button of his shorts open, his zipper following close behind. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” He says, sliding the thick tip of his cock through your slick lips, brushing himself against your entrance teasingly. “I’m gonna make you think twice about bitching me out ever again.” He seals his promise by grabbing your hair and yanking, causing a surprised whine to fall from your lips. His voice is so patronizing, but you aren’t getting mad like you should be. You’re just getting wetter, getting desperate with the need for him to get inside you right fucking now.
You grit your teeth in frustration, exhaling sharply through your nose. “I hate you.” You hiss, grinding back against his hard cock. You gasp raggedly as he starts to sink himself inside you, not stopping until his hips are flush against your ass. “Shit!” Your hands grip the door so hard you’re scared one of your nails will break. The stretch of him burns in the best way possible. You’d never say it out loud, not wanting to inflate his ego anymore than you probably already have, but he’s definitely the biggest cock you’ve taken. Almost porn-star big.
“I know.” He replies easily, hiking your thigh up with his hand as his hips start to pound mercilessly into the meat of your ass, not even giving you time to get used to the thick stretch of him. The loud smack of skin on skin fills the tiny closet easily, you hope to God the amount of clothes shoved in here somehow muffles the sound. The rough denim of his shorts scratches against your raw skin, adding to the sting of his hips.
Patrick was pounding into you in a way that makes you feel every inch of him. His cock felt impossibly big, filling you up like he was carving a place for himself inside of you. The sting in your pussy at the stretch of him is mind-numbing, you think you’d collapse from how hard your thighs were shaking if he wasn’t practically holding you up.
His big hand grips the sensitive skin of your inner thigh hard enough that it’ll probably be bruised by tomorrow. You distantly hope he’s high up enough that your tennis skirt will cover it, because if not it’ll be a hard thing to talk your way out of.
You throw your head back, a strained moan erupting from your lips. Your nails scratch at the paint on the door's edges, raking small lines down the wall. The loud squelch of your pussy’s overflowing wetness every time he sinks back inside you would be embarrassing if you had the mental capacity to care.
“Fuck yeah, keep making those slutty sounds, baby. Want the whole fucking party to hear how good I’m making you feel on this cock,” he mutters, hiking your leg up higher so he can pound into you deeper.
He drops your thigh, sliding his hand up your body and around your throat. You whine loudly, pushing back into his thrusts harder. Guys have tried the choking thing in the past, but Patrick’s hand is the only one that’s felt right. His long fingers curling around your throat like they belong there.
“Shit, fuck- don’t stop.” you mewl, lips parted in ecstasy. His hand squeezes a little tighter, not enough to cut off your breathing, just enough to get your eyes rolling back into your head as your pussy weeps around the thick length of his cock.
“That’s it, taking my fucking cock like you were made for it,” Patrick grates through a groan, gripping your hips and pulling out from your tight hole to spit on where his cock bumps up against your entrance before plunging back in.  You jolt at the extra wetness, whining at how dirty it is. “So fucking tight— does it hurt, baby?” he asks in a barely breathless voice, laughter edging his tone. “Is my fat cock hurting your tight little pussy?”
“God– shit, yes!” you sob loudly, cheek rubbing against the wood of the door as you nod your head frantically. “Hurts so fucking good.” You stop caring about inflating his ego, letting moans fall freely from your lips as you get closer to the edge.
“Fuck yeah, I’m gonna come,” he grunts, his rhythm growing sloppy and erratic as his muscles tense. He wraps your hair in his other hand, pulling hard enough to make your neck crane back awkwardly. He leans forward, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “I can feel you, fucking clenching up on me so tight,” he whispers, still pounding into you roughly. “I know you’re close. Do it. Come all over my cock like a slut.”
Patrick's hand tightens around your throat as he talks, cutting off your air for just a second. “Patrick!” Your voice sounds weak and strained, your hand coming up to wrap around his wrist desperately.
He pulls out abruptly, dropping your hair from his fist to frantically jerk his cock, burying his face in your neck. You can hear the lewd shlick shlick shlick of your wetness help his hand glide over the skin of his cock quickly. Patrick lets out a loud growl before you feel the sharp bite of his teeth sinking in where your shoulder meets your neck, muffling a loud groan of your name as he sprays hot come over the skin of your lower back and the swell of your ass. 
The feeling of Patrick’s hand wrapped around your throat as his come paints your skin has you catapulting over the edge. Eyes rolling back in your head as your convulsing pussy gushes wet over his spent cock. 
You drag in greedy lungfuls of air, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. “You came first.” You say breathlessly, voice scratchy and hushed. Patrick chuckles against your skin, swatting the tender flesh of your ass lightly. 
“Shut the fuck up.” He mutters half-heartedly, nuzzling his nose in your neck in a way that seems far too intimate for what the two of you just did. You don’t say anything.
Patrick eventually peels himself off your back, but the warmth of his body stays wrapped around you as he starts to gently wipe your skin clean. You’re ready to scold him for using some poor guy's coat as a come-rag, but when you turn your head to glare at him he’s using the inside of his own shirt. You wrinkle your nose, but a tiny smile fights its way onto your lips. So gross, you think with a sort of reluctant fondness.
He leans over to fix your panties back over your puffy, abused pussy. Your thighs continue to shake weakly as you try to stand on your own, still unsteady without Patrick holding you up. He gives you a sweet kiss on the back of your shoulder, smacking his lips loudly. You huff out a tiny laugh, pushing away from the door to face him.
You watch him as he languidly gets re-dressed. He looks well-fucked, his hair and clothes are mess, his face is flushed and sweaty. Your eyes trail down to where he’s buttoning up his atrocious shorts. 
The fabric around the crotch is darkened with your release, wetness soaking the denim around the zipper and front pockets. You gawk at it, a mix of terror and excitement swirling through your stomach. “You can’t go back out like that.” you say to his shorts, shame burning your cheeks. 
Patrick follows your gaze down to his crotch. A pleased smirk plays on his lips when he looks back at you. “I’ll text you later.” Is all he says, zipping his fly and turning towards the door. 
“You don’t have my number.” You say, tugging the skirt of your dress down over your hips. You can slowly feel the horny fog leave your brain, leaving you clear-minded and a little panicked.
He cracks the door open, but before walking out of the closet he looks back at you over his shoulder. “Art’ll give me your number. “ He says casually with a small shrug of his shoulder. You suddenly feel sick, wondering how many other people have heard that line before getting completely ghosted. 
Patrick must see the negative thoughts running through your mind play out on your face. He gives you an actual smile, one that has his eyes crinkling up the tiniest bit at the corners. “Promise.” He says with a reassuring nod, it’s the most sincere you’ve ever seen him. You bite your lip to stop from smiling at the hope blooming in your stomach, nodding back at him slowly. He throws you one last toothy grin before he’s walking out and closing the door behind him.
You sigh contently, staring at the closed door for a few beats before your phone buzzes to life from where it's laying on the floor. You bend over to search for it, blindly rooting around until you see the tiny display light. The ringing stops before you can answer, when you flip the screen up to check your inbox you have seven missed texts and two missed calls.
Four texts and two calls from Art, and just three texts from Tashi.
arty where are you? i’ve been looking for you are you okay? hello???
tash you know you're not invisible right? everyone saw your little show have fun <3
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tags are now in the comments! if you want to get tagged for any of my works just fill out this form!
mini a/n: yes i did change the title leave me lmao love you!
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riririnnnn · 4 months
More random things in Blue Lock I find endearing:
-> Telepathy
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There is something really sweet about knowing someone so well that you don't even need to verbally speak to them. The above panel is just so heartwarming—I really want what they have.
-> Mothers
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I'm so happy that Mothers in this Manga actually look like Women who are Mothers to a High School-er and don't just look like High School-ers themselves.
You might say, "Oh, but it's only a few lines on their faces that make them look old!"
And that's point—it's easy af to make characters who actually look like Mothers and yet there are so many Mangas out there who fail to do this.
If you know, you know.
-> Hi-five!
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Just look at them. Just look. Just. Look. At. Them.
Do I need to say something else?
It's the main reason why I don't want Neru to get out of NEL—I want more of these cuties to interact!!
-> Frenemies in U-20
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The above interactions are so wholesome, you know. Like, it's very hard to explain, but the above scenes are just so heartwarming to me.
Rin was trying to cheer up Isagi in his own cold ways!
While considering how Isagi was so adamant on crushing Rin at the start, it's just so precious to see him being the first one to go congratulate Rin for his goal with a freaking HUG! And it just wasn't a normal hug, it was a DIVE-IN!
Boys please resolve your issues.
-> Two Duos
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The way Reo looks at Nagi with concern and the way Yukimiya's arm is stretched out to give Isagi some kind of support—everything about this is pure wholesome.
Nagi-Reo was expected, but Yukimiya-Isagi was something unexpected.
Also the way Nagi is just: (O x O)
-> Meanwhile this idiot (affectionate)
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I hate this Bastard (I love him). He is such a menace. I'll smack him (I'll smooch his forehead). I'll whoop his ass if I get a chance (For real).
Did he just fly down from somewhere though?
Hey there, Chigiri.
-> Ubers PT - 2
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You know, if you think over it, then Ubers have the most random ass characters together—
A tyrannical King
A 15 years old weeb
A glam can-be vogue model
A womaniser
A wannabe womaniser
And Lorenzo
and yet they are the team that feels the most family-like.
I adore them so much.
-> Unfaithful gentleman
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When the Blue Lock-ers Vs U-20 was happening in the Bowling area, he was the first (and only) one who went to the registration counter—this behaviour just screams, "CAPTAIN!"
But on a second thought, I think his ahh just wanted an excuse to talk with the ladies behind the counter.
I just know he is such a smooth talker that you'll melt like a butter in a hot pan.
Someone get his ass!
-> Trust
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It's one of those things that only a handful of people can understand and that is Kaiser trusting Ness to cut his hair.
Further, the way Kaiser opened up about himself feels bittersweet when you think about his backstory.
I hope those theories that revolved around Ness leaving Kaiser for Isagi never comes true.
Part: 1, 2, 4.
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fanfiction4sooya · 3 months
Forbidden dream (G!P Nayeon x Fem!R)
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I was thinking of this little sadistic fucker and well... I hope you enjoy yourselves. I know I did.
cw: g!p, dacryphilia, masturbation, noncon, dubcon, jerking off, face slapping, humiliation, unprotected sex, degradation kink (sorry I'm not big in degradation since i prefer praise but I tried ok), tit slapping, spitting, a lot of cum in face (nasty, i love it), creampie, anal fingering, sadistic nayeon, bully captain im, not really proofread, etc;
The military was definitely an experience. Sometimes you honestly questioned what the fuck you had in mind when you decided to join, specially because you have been tormented by your boss, Captain Im, since the very beginning. She would pick on you for every apparent reason, always making very known her distaste for you and your quiet demeanor.
You tried your best to ignore her, but it was seemingly impossible to, specially after you had a three week mission together, staying on the same dorm because you were the only two women at it. Of course it was a fucking bunk bed and of course she made you stay on the one under hers. It was impressive how that woman could be captain when in reality she was nothing but a mean girl, a bully.
A very scary one.
It's been months until you finally hit your breaking point. Sort of.
You were leaving the shower when you bumped face first into her, your wet self literally "staining" her green shirt with nothing but water. She made a scowl, rolling her eyes.
"Look where you are going" Her nasty look didn't help at all.
"I'm sorry-" You started saying but she cut you off.
"No need to start whining" She walked past you, unbuckling her belt to get in the shared bathroom.
You stood there for about a minute or two bsolutely stunned at how uneducated that woman could be, how very rude and unnecessarily mean she was. You were mad. Why did she always had to make a comment, be rude to you at all? What did you ever do to her?
Oh no you weren't mad, you were enraged.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You entered the shared bathroom, opening the stall full force, not caring if she was naked or not.
As if you were nothing but an insect, she turned around very slowly.
"What did you say?" She said very calmly, poison dripping from that 'calm' tone.
You tried, you really tried to not stare but it was impossible not to notice that thing between her legs. It was pretty big and you were sure it was semi hard by the looks of it. It literally twitched and you gulped.
"You were saying, Sargent?" She closed the shower, pulling a towel to cover her lower half and not really minding to hide her perky tits as well.
"I- uhm" you tried to say, staring at her face now. Your cheeks felt so warm you knew you could fry an egg on them. You lost every single line of thought you could ever have, specially because the bulge under the towel was getting visibly bigger.
She scoffed.
"I don't even know why you bother starting something you can't finish" She stepped closer, her body now warm because of the hot shower. You clutched your towel so hard it hurt. "You wanna know what's wrong with me..." She eyed you up and down and you shivered, your eyes watering. "You are a cry baby, sweetie. That's the whole problem" She lift her hand and you flinched, but she didn't hit you. Nayeon caught the tear that fell from your right eye with her thumb, taking it to her lips and smiling. "You are damn lucky you are pretty when you cry"
She lightly pushed you out of the bathroom, slamming the door on your face. You were stunned now, shocked out of your mind.
"What the hell did just happen?" You put your hand on your cheek, the one she touched. You could feel yourself tightening around nothing.
The aftermath of your wannabe rage outburst was awkward. Staying in the same room as her made your mind wander over and over again to that huge thing between her legs. You kept your eyes down the whole day, trying your best to not cross her at all, but anytime you saw her point to anything you remembered her thumb on your cheek and that feeling came back cascading like a waterfall.
And soon as they said the meeting for the day ended you ran back to your shared room, taking a quick cold shower to try taking that wetness and dirty feelings off of you. Unfortunately for you, she was right there when you left the shower, resting on the small couch with her eyes closed, still on her uniform. Her legs were spread and her bulge quite visibly there.
You shook off that feeling, doing your best to try changing into your pajamas without disturbing her peaceful rest, going straight up to your bed. You closed your eyes, focusing on sleeping and trying your best to not make any sound and relax.
You sure managed to do all that, relaxing onto the comfort of your covers and mattress, finally able to let Captain Im Nayeon go from your thoughts.
Or so you thought.
You first heard a faint whimper, not really picking up on what that meant; then the wet sounds came. You froze. 'Okay maybe that's not what I think it is' you thought.
"Fuck..." You heard her whisper. Your heartbeat quickened and you pondered if she'd see you peeking. You gulped moving ever so slightly, slowly you peeked under the bunk bed and to where you saw her figure and there she was.
Lights were off but under the dim light of the moon entering the room from the windows you could see her silhouete, her legs still spread but this time they were unzipped and that bulge was now standing out of it's confinement. Her cock seemed big and by the sound she was making, very senstive too. She was fucking her hand very slowly, the end of her shirt between her teeth so it wouldn't stand in the way of her ministrations or maybe to muffle her noise. Actually, cut that last part out, she wouldn't hide that from you.
"Jesus christ" You heard her mutter, her hand sliding up and down faster and harder now, eyes closed and furrowed eyebrows, hissing when her other palm cupped the tip in a rubbing motion. She was almost climaxing, you could see by the way her hips bucked. You slid your hand inside your sleeping shorts as well, touching your wet pussy and biting the back of your other hand. She looked right where you were, almost as if she could see through you. It scared you but of it didn't stop what you were doing; in fact, it turn you on even more.
You circled your clit faster, it was pulsing under your fingers. Nayeon smiled when you moaned.
"Fuck, look at your pathetic little face" Her cock was leaking so much precum, you wanted to drink every single drop. "Come here" She commanded and as if you had no free will, you immediatelly got down your bed, kneeling right between her thighs, pleading eyes watcing her face contort in this beautiful way. "I'm gonna cum all over your face" She growled, aiming the slit of her cock to you and doing what she just said, splashing her cum on your face and boobs, smiling down at you. "Open your mouth now"
You were about to do what she told you to, when all of a sudden the sound of your alarm went off pulling you out of that dream.
You woke up confused, looking around and seeing her in front of the mirror, tightening her bun. Your eyes met and she gave you a side smile.
"Nice dreams?" She turned around. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" She stepped closer to where you were and your heart sunk, your eyes looking down. "Although one can't consider all those noises 'talking'" Nayeon shook her head and left, leaving you there with a throbbing pussy and memories of the wildest wet dream ever.
A week or so had passed since the dream.
You were so confused. Why would you feel attracted to her? Why couldn't you stop imagining her cum all over your face? Her degrading you while those huge hands wrapped around your neck and her cock fucked you hard? Ugh, you were going insane, your horniness reaching places you never thought it could, even walking was becoming something umbearable due to the stickyness of your throbbing pussy.
You finally had a moment alone after she went on a mission and was expected to come back in two days. You had two days to fuck yourself dumb to try to satisfy your needy state.
You sat down on the small couch, immediately pulling your pants off and reaching for your aching clit.
"Fucking hell" You hissed, pulling them off too. It was drenched, sensitive as you never felt before. You circled it lightly, whimpering when you felt that rush of energy going through your body, your clit hard and poking out of its hood.
It took you less than you expected to cum. So you did it again and again until all you could feel was your trembling legs and that stickyness gushing out of your sensitive slit. You barely registred when you fell sleep, legs slightly apart, your glistening pussy furiously reddened due to all that action.
Nayeon reached for the doorknob and it was, unusually, locked. Her perverted mind going far so so quickly, thinking you might have someone over. She could tell by the whimpering and the talking in your sleep that you've been having wet dreams for a while now and she definitely knew it was about her. So since you couldn't have her you'd probably try to find some replacement. Oh but she wanted you to wait a bit more to actually have what she had for you.
Nayeon was a patient woman. Not once touching herself to your sounds just so she could store her load better for you. Biting her lip she got her keys and unlocked the heavy door. The sight was better than she imagined, her cock instantly getting erect inside her trousers, her mouth wattering with desire.
You looked dazzling for her in your dishevelled state; your shirt lift up showing your tummy, legs spread and swollen pussy. Oh she was having a feast.
Slowly unzipping her pants, she freed her girthy cock as her eyes scanned your face and pussy. It was painfully hard as she spat on the tip; the first stroke felt heavenly, her eyes slowly rolling to the back of her skull as she whimpered, a moan scaping her plump lips. She hated your whiny little self, but since she saw tears roll down your face she thought nothing but how to make you cry even more for her, getting off to the feeling of letting you desperate for her.
She positioned herself just above your face, her precum doing all the work on making her big hands slide up and down on her cock; the loud squealching sound slowly made your eyes open as she stared down at you.
There she was in her glory, jerking off just as you were god knows how long ago. It was a dream. It only could be.
Thinking it was a dream, you wrapped your hand around her base, horniness filling your mind as your cunt pulsed in need, desperate to feel something. Without a word you got down from the couch, kneeling in front of her and taking her inside your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the tip and she hissed, grabing you by the hair with much needed strength, pulling your mouth closer to the base of it.
You gagged hard as she bobbed your head up and down, clenching each time your nose touched her abs, your eyes welling up with tears.
"Fuck" She held you in place for about 5 seconds as your throat clenched on her big cock. Your hands pushed her by the thighs but she wouldn't move. It wasn't a dream. "Pushing me away now pretty girl?" She pulled your hair back, taking her cock off your mouth. "You were the one who started it" She slapped your face as you panted, wetness dripping down your leg and on the carpet. "Now you are going to take it and I won't hear any of your pleas for me to stop" She growled.
"I-" You tried to say anything but that humiliating feeling of being so aroused by that bully was something overwhelming to the point of despair. "Please" You said in this shaky moany breath, eyebrows knit together.
"Oh fuck, you look pretty like this" She squeezed your face between her fingers, her nails digging a bit as she jerked off to the sight of you. "I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face" And that being said her cock was back inside your mouth, pistoning fast as you gagged and cried, drooling all over your boobs and her thighs, your nose runny as well since you tried hard to breathe through it. "Fucking pathetic slut" She said, panting. "You think I haven't seen how you were looking at me?"
Uncousciousness was almost reaching you due to the lack of air, but nayeon wouldn't stop if you wanted to. You definitely didn't wanted to.
"You think - fuck - I didn't hear you whining in your dream for me to fucking cum on your pretty face?" She said, her hips moving with violence. It hurt so bad but felt way too good. "Now take it you filthy thing" She held your head with one hand and her cock with the other, splashing her hot semen all over your face as you closed your mouth and eyes. It was a never ending rope of thick white liquid, it really did the job for Nayeon as her hips stuttered. "Hell" She kept jerking off, squeezing every drop of her cum all over your face. "You look pretty now"
She took her sweaty uniform tshirt off, doing the same to you as she ripped it off of your skin. Manhandling you, she slapped your tits hard as you moaned, pulling you to get on your back, your knees pushed by her hands to your chest to show your whole swollen pussy for her. It was pulsing, leaking your arousal onto your asshole.
"Now that's what i'm talking about" nayeon didn't even stop to think, shoving her cock inside of you in one go, hissing.
"C-captain" You whined, hands grabbing her wrists as she suffocated your with her whole weight, holding your cum splashed face between her slender fingers to open your mouth for her to spit on your tongue.
"Filthy whore" Nayeon spat again, now on your face. Your pussy needed that attention, that heat inside of it.
"I'm gonna cum, god" you cried out and she fucked you even harder, your scalp tingling as your muscles spasmed.
"I don't give a fuck" She closed her eyes, chasing her own climax as yours washed over you just by hearing her degrading tone, the skin slapping so loud your were almost deaf by it, your breath being knocked out of you over and over. Your womb hurt with how much force she was putting behind each thrust.
You squeezed her cock so good, but she wanted something different. She pulled you up to turn you over in all fours, her big hands immediately finding your hips after she pushed you face down on the floor.
She spread your ass cheeks with both hands, gripping the skin so tight you could feel her nails digging in. Nayeon moaned, her eyes trained on where the two of your were connected, your pussy deliciously stretched around her big veiny dick.
"Oh you are swallowing me whole" She said, one of her fingers circling your asshole as you clenched. It was too much but you had nothing left in you to say or do anyhting.
She spat on her fingers before pushing her thumb past your entrance and your knees almost gave up on holding you. It hurt, it was humilliating.
"More" You sobbed, crying like you never had before. "Cap- please" You choked, rolling your eyes as one more finger was added inside your asshole, her cock furiously sliding in and out of you.
"Dumb little whore, you can't even speak properly and want more?" Nayeon moaned, her eyebrows furrowed together as her vision started to go white.
She was the Captain Im Nayeon and you were draining her. Resting her weight on her heels, not thrusting anymore only pulling you to her with her right hand as your ass swallowed two fingers of her left.
"Fucking hell" Nayeon closed her eyes, unable to hold back anymore. Holding your hips flush into hers she came, trembling, her sweat dripping down her face to your back.
Her cock throbbed inside you, spurting her cum each time it happened. You clenched, absolutely spent as she thrusted a few times, pulling it out at the same time she pulled her fingers, watching her cum ooze out of you and your asshole clench because of the sudden emptiness.
"You are a whiny little thing but damn..." She tapped your drenched pussy with her semi hard cock, eliciting a loud cry from you. "That's a good pussy" She breathed out, exhausted.
You fell forward spent, used, stretched, humiliated and so full of her cum. Watching her get up you closed your eyes, this time knowing very well your forbidden dream came true as you dozed off.
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pseudowho · 9 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part Two (Takuma Ino, Higuruma Hiromi and Itadori Yuuji)
Part Three (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji)
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: train gropers, flashers and unwanted sexual advances
Nanami Kento
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"Quick, Kento! We'll miss the train."
"This one's packed. We'll get the next one."
"Come on! We can make it!"
With a squeeze and a groan, you and Kento squash yourselves into the packed carriage, the air a humid perfume-deodorant-sweat miasma. You faced Kento's chest, his back to the door. As the doors closed, squashing you to his chest, you shoot him a playful smirk as he glowers down at you, only half-serious.
You lean up to give him a sweet peck on the lips as the train jolts to a start. Kento wraps an arm around your waist as you wobble, although barely, your movement corseted by the tight pack of people around you.
The train rattles through tunnels, dipping in and out of orange lights. As the train goes through a particularly dark tunnel, you feel a set of fingers inching between your legs to the inside of your thigh. You cringe, clamping your legs together, which doesn't dissuade the hand from climbing up the back of your thigh, lifting your skirt to rub the cleft of your bottom.
When light flashes back into the train, the hand doesn't stop. You're paralysed, eyes stinging with tears, constricted by the crowd around you and unable to move to stop your assailant even if you wanted to.
Kento is looking down at you, frowning, concerned; what's wrong? His eyes ask you.
You whisper, voice shaking, "A hand-- someone's hand-- touching me--"
Kento blinks once, and his face clouds, deep rage settling in the crinkles and lines as his narrow eyes scan the people behind you. Within moments, his eyes settle on someone behind you, his eyes narrowing further until they're snakelike. You feel Kento's hand leave your waist as both arms wrap behind you, waiting.
A minute later, your train pulls to the next platform, and Kento pulls you off. Behind you on the train, a circle has formed around a man on the floor, crying and screeching, cradling two badly broken hands, bloody, twisted and ruined.
You hiss at Kento as you're pulled away up the stairs, "What did you do?"
Kento scowled, "I've got strong hands, he had wandering hands. Had."
Todo Aoi
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"God, it's so busy. I don't think we'll make it to our table in time," you stressed, Aoi head-and-shoulders above you as he tried to see a path through the crowd. Halloween in Shibuya was always heaving, and throngs of costumed celebrants slid past each other like eels.
Aoi looked behind him to you, breaking into what he assumed was a charming smile, and you rolled your eyes at him as he squatted down, his hands out behind him like steps.
"Get on my back, babe. You'll get lost, I'll get us to the restaurant-- win win."
"Me getting lost is...a win?" Aoi blinked, gears grinding as he reconsidered his words. Smiling (charmingly, again) and opening his mouth to talk (again), you raised a hand to stop him, exasperated.
"I can keep up. It's fine. Let's go."
"That's my girl." Aoi grabbed your hand as you weaved together through the crowds. You found it harder and harder to keep up, body buffeted from side to side by faceless monsters, vampires, sexy cats, and you felt Aoi's hand slipping in yours, holding tightly to his knuckles, now fingertip to fingertip until--
With a pluck, his hand slipped out of yours. You tripped, stumbling, unable to see above the sea of heads, and you slipped sideways into an alleyway to get out of the thronging masses. Breathing in a sigh of relief, you turned your back to the street, knowing Aoi would turn back to find you.
Your breath caught in your throat when, on turning, you come within two arms-length of a middle-aged man, in a heavy coat...completely exposed, as he stared at you, thrilled and smug. You gulped, flushed, bizarrely exposed and humiliated and trapped, as if you had your genitals flung out for the world to see, and you opened your mouth to scream for hel--
"Oh, man. Is that all you're working with? You're no brother of mine." The flasher grimaced, scowling for a moment as his eyes fixed behind you, and he took a single step backwards before--
-- the crowd in the street behind you quietened for just a moment, enough to hear the sounds of a single rattling empty beer can, spinning in the flasher's place...before a cacophony of screams, laughter and appalled shouts poured into the alleyway. You gaped like a fish as Aoi pulled you gently to him.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry I lost you."
"I"m-- I'm fine-- did you just use your technique on that guy?"
You heard a ruckus at the mouth of the alleyway, watching your flasher's legs skittering as he was bodily dragged away by Police officers, arguing and bargaining.
Aoi grinned rakishly, thumb and forefinger framing his jaw, "Did you like that? Nobody flashes my girl but me."
Geto Suguru
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"Keep our table! I'll get us some drinks. You want...?"
Suguru rested a single bent finger against his temple, narrow eyes looking you up and down fondly; "You know what I like."
You skipped away through the buzzing bar, blowing Suguru a kiss as you went; most of the patrons were two or three drinks deep already, and you pushed through a hen-do, apologising loudly to get to the bar.
You stood at the bar, tapping your fingers as you waited to catch the bartender's eye, and you felt a big hand slip around your waist from behind. You turned, grinning, leaning in for a kiss--
"Oh! God, sorry," you cried as the beer-breathed stranger laughed as if he knew you, and you cringed as he leaned back into you.
"No harm done baby, thought I was gonna get lucky there," he shouted over the music, flecks of spit peppering your face and lips.
"Nope! Not tonight I'm afraid--" as you moved to pull away, his hand tightened around your waist, skimming down to cup your hip, pulling you closer, squeezing--
"-- look, can you get your hands off--"
The stranger raised his hands off you dramatically, waving them in your face, barely concealing aggression behind an easygoing facade; "Just trying to have a good night like everyone else here, sweetheart, so you could just loosen up--"
You turned your back, flushing with confrontation, almost tearful as you tried to attract the attention of the bartender. You felt hot breath on your neck, the same unfamiliar hand on the small of your back--
"So you got a boyfriend, then?" You swallowed hard, closing your eyes for a moment, desperate to be left alone.
"She has," Suguru crooned, voice mercurially smooth as he slowly took the stranger's hand off your back, his eyes black, flat and cold. You had never been happier to see him in your life, and you pressed yourself against him, back still to the stranger. The stranger's lips rolled inwards, an irritated tongue dabbing out to lick them.
"Sorry bud, didn't realise she was here with anyone--"
"-- but scum like you always respect an absent boyfriend more than a girl telling you no, right?" Suguru's voice could have frozen water. The stranger excused himself without another word.
"Come on," Suguru gently urged, "I don't like this bar anymore. Let's go somewhere else."
As he slipped an arm around you, walking towards the doors, you heard frantic shrieking behind you; the stranger writhed and squirmed on the floor, frantically undoing and shoving his trousers down, kicking and shouting in alarm.
Suguru smirked; "Had that weird little snake curse in my pocket for a while now. Even better, he can't see it."
Will do some more of these; always more Nanamin, but also the other JJK crew too!
Part Two (Higuruma, Ino and Yuuji) LINK HERE!
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trivia-yandere · 11 months
Study Partner
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An alternate world in which the elites rule the world and have everything at their fingertips. At a top elite college, “Study Partners” - the most desirable sexual partners around the world - are assigned to the top 10% of students with the highest grades.
word count: 2.820
warning: smut, reader is naked majority of the time, porn with little plot, facial, oral sex, saliva, voyeurism, public indecency, masturbation, creampie, anal, double penetration, drooling, cum swallowing, handjobs, overstimulation
@seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @babycandy111
@srslythis-ismylife @darkuni63 @momnomnom @sweetempathprunetree
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Alternate Universe
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"Congratulations students." says the dean, hands clapping together. He was a short and fat man with round glasses on his face. "On being in the top 10% of students with the highest grades."
Jungkook held his head in his hands and released a sigh. His eyes boredly watched his death on the flat screen television in the classroom he sat. On a Saturday of all days.
"You'd think we'd get a medal or something." Jimin scoffs. "Instead of being forced inside of a classroom on the weekend."
The top 10% of students were only 1,000 out of the 10,000 attending the private university. It was a University their parents attended and even their grandparents, fully funded by the elite last names that attended throughout decades. While the school remained vacant with the rest of the students attending, only the 1,000 students were permitted on University grounds. Guards lined up outside the gates and ID'd each student as they entered and were instructed to show where they would be for the day.
"Why'd they separate us?" asks Taehyung, seated with his leg on another desk. "Having 5 in a room seems like such a hassle."
Hoseok hums in agreement.
"You all must be confused as to why you're here on a free day, but you'll be confused no longer. We have separated you to the correct rooms where each of you will be awarded for your grades." the dean smiles, a sinister wide smile. 
Hoseok's eyes the windows to the right of the room, showing the hallway of the University. It soon litters with women and men all around the same ages - and all naked.
The television turns black and the door that held the five men - Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook - swings open. A guard strolls in and behind him, a woman - you. You're naked like the rest, nipples perky and erect as you bounced inside cheerfully. 
"Studying starts now. Lunch will be in the next two hours." the guard says, and like clockwork, the television displays a countdown. 
The guard closes the door and you smile at the faces of the five men inside, all confused and bewildered.
"Hello." you wave to them, but neither of them respond. "I'm sure you're all wondering what's going on."
"Yes, we are." Jungkook murmurs, but his eyes glue themselves to your exposed clit. It feels dirty to stare at you, especially in front of his hyungs.
"I'm Y/N. I'm a study partner." you began to speak, making your way closer to them. "You as the top 10% of students are being rewarded for keeping your grades high."
"With...?" Jimin questions. But he's sure he knows the answer. 
"Sex." you answer coolly. "You can do anything you want with me, of course." you smile cutely and Jimin reddens. "All at once or one at a time."
Taehyung shakes his head and snickers. "This is crazy." but he feels his cock twitch with excitement. 
"It is." you agree. "But it's a reward for working so hard. So today, you'll use me for whatever desires you have."
You're already naked, so it doesn't take long for you to stroll to the closest person - Park Jimin. You lift your leg to place your knee upon his desk, pussy - glistening and wet - flashing him. 
Jimin gulps visibly, swallowing the lump in his throat. His eyes don't glance away from you to know that they're eight eyes upon him and you. 
You grasp Jimin's hand and place it upon your naked breast. These men weren't going to take the first move, and you didn't blame them. It was a tradition spawning decades that study partners will be gifted to elite students with the highest grades. The tradition itself is left a secret until the time comes, former alumni vowing to not reveal it. You would never forget the look on the faces of those prior to the five men - bewildered but willing.
"Let me take care of you, Jimin-ssi." you murmur.
Jungkook feels his pants grow tighter at the sight of you and Jimin, eyes wide and body frozen in shock. You place your lips upon Jimin, hand encouraging him to fondle your breast - and when Jimin does your throat allows you to moan in satisfaction.
Taehyung doesn't recall how long you and Jimin kiss, it's all a blur to him. What he does know is that he blinks and you're upon your knees, ass high into the air and your lips are around Jimin's cock. You waste no time gagging upon it, reaching it deep into your throat like a pro.
Jimin's moaning, eyes snapping shut. Your mouth was amazing and your throat proved to be even better.
"You're so hard, Jimin-ssi." you swipe your tongue against the tip of his cock teasingly. "Is what I'm doing making you this hard?"
Jimin nods hastily. He was breathing heavily and sweating. He feels you take him in your mouth once more, this time slobbering messily upon his cock, even taking it out and slapping yourself with it a few times the way you knew he liked it - never revealing to any of them how you know their kinks.
Hoseok doesn't stop himself from reaching into his sweats. He was but a man, and watching you pleasure Jimin to the point the man is twitching in his seat is hot. He wraps a hand around his cock and pumps, eyes on your pussy clenching on nothing - oh how he wished it was his cock you were clenching around.
"If you keep sucking like that I'm gonna cum." Jimin hisses, groaning at the way your mouth suctions around his cock.
Jimin is coming undone and you do nothing but suck harder. You wrap a hand around the base of his cock and pump him while you suck and soon Jimin is twitching harder in his seat.
Jimin peaks his eyes open as he's cumming to witness your smiling face, cum dripping out of his cock and right onto your lips. You were enjoying this - you had to be. Initially, he assumed you were doing this for the money - and with working for a private elite school, the money was amazing. But you truly enjoyed pleasuring him - and for that he found it more worthwhile. The cum drips down your chin and onto your chest.
Jimin falls limp into his seat while you lick the remaining cum from your lips. 
Namjoon is the first to react. He - like Hoseok - was but a man and already had his cock out and ready. He quickly grasps you from your position and hoists you up. You yelp, but turn to face the tall man. 
"You're so cute when you're horny." you murmur to Namjoon, and before he can react to your words you push him besides Jimin in an empty seat. You sit upon him, both legs on either side of him. Your clit is dripping with excitement when you rub it against his cock, and Namjoon swallows as you do so. "You know, I have been assigned to you all since you started."
Namjoon's ears perk, as do the other four men.
"They allowed me to study each of you. They showed me pictures and I just knew I couldn't wait to have you." you continue to grind against Namjoon while his hands dig into the skin of your hips. "I prepared myself for this moment and I won't stop until I've satisfied each of you."
You pushed yourself onto Namjoon's tip, entering it inside of you.
Namjoon grunts, eyes glued to your bouncing breast as you adjusted to his size. Your pussy was hot and wet and his cock felt as if it was going to melt - and could he truly be angered if it did?
You embrace Namjoon, both arms tugging him closer to you. Your breast suffocates him as you bounce atop of him, but he doesn't care. He cannot bring himself to. All he does care about is the way your pussy is making him feel - as if he could cum any moment now and wouldn't be ashamed by how quick it was.
Hoseok was the next to follow. His cock felt ready to explode at the sight of you and Namjoon and waiting for his turn was not an option. He tugs you off of Namjoon, but the only one upset about it is the man and not you. You instead giggle at his action.
Hoseok pushes you upon a glaring Namjoon and enters you, wasting no time to crack his hips inside of you at a brutal pace. Your hands clench Namjoon's shoulders for support. Your moans filled the room along with Hoseok's brutal thrusts. Your pussy is dripping slick down your thighs, but you do nothing but beg for more and more - needing to be filled by the man. 
Your breasts clap against one another loudly when Hoseok yanks you by your neck closer to him. Namjoon takes this opportunity to take a nipple into his mouth and suck, left hand cupping your wet clit. He rubs circles on your clit and you're coming undone right before their eyes - and the eyes of Taehyung and Jungkook. 
"I'm gonna cum!" You wail, legs shaking in great pleasure. Hoseok's cock was so big and he knew just how to fuck you - deep and hard just how you loved it. Namjoon's fingers playing with your clit as he sucked and bite at your breast was the icing on top, and just as Hoseok shoots his cum into you, you're squirting against Namjoon's hand, a long cry of satisfaction leaving your lips.
"It's my turn!" Jungkook hisses, cock out and ready to pounce, but Namjoon shakes his head.
"Hobi took my turn." Namjoon retorts.
"You let him." Jungkook rolls his eyes and he's already grabbing you by your arm when Namjoon tugs you closer to him.
"I can take the both of you." you moan. Your pussy throbs for more, even after Hoseok's powerful rampage. 
"H-Huh?" Jungkook flushes at your statement. He swallows thickly, eyes already dark with lust. His mind is blurred enough at the fact that this wasn’t a wet dream. No, you were actually here taking everyone so well.
Namjoon is already seated, so it isn't hard to turn towards Jungkook and bring him closer to you. You turn back around and sit upon Namjoon, directing his cock closer to your pussy. He gulps when you center it at your hole and begin to thrust inside.
"Now you both can have a turn." you murmur, the pressure of having Namjoon inside of you causes you to take a deep breath, but it doesn't last long. Jungkook is already behind you and centering his own cock at your hole.
Jungkook has never done this before and it feels amazing to enter you. He coughs a couple groans when he does so - so tight and warm, inviting. Your back arches to take more of him, and it was the invitation needed for Jungkook to thrust.
As you feel Jungkook fuck your ass, Namjoon begins to thrust inside of your pussy. You never felt so satisfied and full at once - and the sensation was amazing. Your breasts are directly against Namjoon’s chest, fingers clenching his shoulders. 
The situation right now feels surreal for Jungkook - and so filthy. The sane part of him wants himself to slow down - that you were still a woman and is deemed fragile. But you’re the one moaning so loud for them - telling him and Namjoon how much you truly wanted it.
And who was Jungkook but a man to give you what you were begging for?
“She’s so tight.” Jungkook grunts, hands firmly placed upon your hips, his own hips snapping directly inside of you. 
“Please fuck me as hard as you’d like.” you slurr, your insides churning with such pleasure. You don’t notice Taehyung come before you until your hair is being yanked, and even then you cannot bring yourself to care.
The position had to be uncomfortable to you, but Taehyung doesn’t care. After all, you stated that you wanted all of them, and that’s what he was going to give you until it was his turn to fuck you. 
Taehyung places his cock against your willing tongue, groaning at the wet sensation. He slaps your cheek and you do as you were silently told. You begin to suck upon Taehyung’s cock, throat vibrating with Namjoon’s and Jungkook’s thrusts.
“She’s so filthy.” Taehyung chuckles, a hand firmly in your hair. “The perfect whore with all of her holes stuffed.”
You groan a response.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jungkook snaps his hips even harder, his eyes clenching shut. He couldn’t look at you anymore, not while you appeared so filthy. He focuses on cumming, your tight walls clenching around him each time.
Jungkook removes himself from inside of you, hand wrapped around his cock. He grabs you from Taehyung - much to the mans annoyance - and cum directly onto your mouth. You open your mouth even wider to swallow every last droplet.
“Oh, shit.” Namjoon was next, but he didn't remove himself. He cums deep inside of you, thrusts sloppy and his eyes on the sight of you swallowing Jungkook’s cum.
“My turn.” Taehyung sing-songs, all too excited. He grabs you from Namjoon and roughly presses you against a nearby desk, chest slamming against it. He spreads your legs apart and doesn’t waste any time in entering you. “You’re still tight as if you weren’t fucked by so many cocks already.”
Taehyung’s speed is degrading, he cares solely about his own please - but you aren’t upset. You’ve came so many times now that if you didn’t this time, you wouldn’t be angry. 
You slam against the cold desk with each thrust from Taehyung. Your pussy clenches, slick dripping down your thighs.
“Please cum inside of me!” you wail, overstimulation getting to you. You feel fresh tears swell in your eyes.
Taehyung slams a hand over your mouth, thrusts never stopping. He’s so deep that you swear you can feel him in your stomach, something that shouldn’t be possible.
“I’ll give you what you want.” Taehyung laughs, eyes zoning in on the way your ass bounces against his cock. He was never meant to last long - not with how wet, willing and tight you were. A few more sloppy thrusts and he’s cumming inside of you, so much that it begins to drip out before he could remove himself.
Jimin stands once more. “We don’t have much time left. I want to cum in her next.” 
The time has went by rapidly, and the timer shown that there was only 30 minutes left until lunch,
“I’m sure we can all cum just one more time.” Hoseok’s already hard again, dark eyes filled with lust. 
Jimin flips you onto your back. Your legs open automatically for him, but you’re far too exhausted to do anything. 
“I can take two in my mouth.” you slur, already opening your mouth to invite any two inside.
Jimin growls. He grasps his cock and enters you just as you allow Namjoon and Hoseok inside your mouth. In each hand, Jungkook and Taehyung are being pumped.
Jimin focuses on your bouncing breast, then to the way your mouth was being fucked by his hyungs. You were truly a sight to behold - a woman willing to do anything to please them. He places a thumb upon your clit and rubs roughly while he fucks inside of you.
“She likes that, hyung.” Jungkook groans, his cock being pumped so tightly in your soft hands. 
Jimin knows, he can feel you clench him even tighter. How your pussy isn’t stretched out by the amount of cocks you had inside of you, he’d never know.
There’s saliva seeping out of your mouth, but you cannot bring yourself to care. You’ve come twice already with Jimin inside of you. You were far from exhausted, allowing Taehyung and Jungkook to jack themselves with your hands and for Namjoon and Hoseok to use your mouth as they wanted. 
Your eyes remained open, but you couldn’t focus on anything - your vision was blurry due to the tears and even not, you were currently seeing stars due to the overstimulation.
Jimin cums deep inside of you with a final thrust, slapping your clit harshly. Namjoon was next, the first to remove himself from your lips to coat your cheeks with his warm seed. Jungkook and Taehyung follow suit, both coating each of your breasts and finally Hoseok, deep inside of your throat.
You cough when you finally feel oxygen run through your lungs - the alarm blaring in the room. It was now lunchtime, you note, and you heard shuffling just outside the classroom walls. 
Anticipation runs through you knowing that there was still the whole day ahead of you with the five men after lunch was over.
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yelenasdiary · 5 months
WandaNat yelling at each other over their last mission and reader having a ptsd episode (sudden loud noises, combat or abusive ex?)? Maybe reader goes black out for a few hours and wakes up in the forest outside the compound and WandaNat are trying to find her? Super angst to fluff? If thats okay 🤧
Notice Me
Pairing: WandaNat x Fem! Reader
Summary: When your girlfriends get into a heated argument, it triggers an episode for you, leaving the women to find you alone in the woods by the compound. 
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of an Abusive Ex, Hints of Domestic Violence, | 1.3K
Translations: Detka (baby),
AC: Thank you for sending this, I hope I did okay! Please don’t read this if you’re uncomfortable with the mentioned topics. Enjoy! x
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The back-and-forth yelling coming from the hall only seemed to get louder as your girlfriends, Wanda, and Natasha, had just returned from a mission. You were reading a book, completely relaxed, and enjoying the quietness to read when you heard the familiar voices. Wanda opened the door to the shared bedroom, Natasha following close behind her. You looked up from your book and smiled softly at the women, but they didn't seem to have even noticed you laying on the bed in one of Nat's sweaters. 
"What should I have done huh?" Wanda snapped, throwing her coat over the office chair by the desk. 
"Oh, I don't know, maybe wait for your team?!" Natasha argued, "Wands, you have powers that others don't have but that doesn't mean you get to put yourself in a life-or-death situation!" The red head added. Wanda rolled her eyes, "do you really want to talk about life-or-death situations? Because you seem to throw yourself into the line of fire at the first chance you get!" Wanda rose her voice. 
"I'm trained to do so!" Natasha argued back, tossing her bag to the floor. The loud thud of her bag hitting the floor made you jump; she didn't care for her weapons that were inside. 
"Guys" you tried to interrupt before things escalated but it was too late. Wanda's eyes flashed with red chaos before she used her magic to slam the door closed, another loud thud that only drew you closer to an episode. "Guys, please!" You begged over their yelling voices but still, it was like you weren't even there.
The arguing continued until eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. Their tones got stronger, the slamming of things down got louder until everything went black as you left the room. 
"Wands, have you seen Y/n?" Nat asked when Wanda came out of the bathroom in her comfortable clothing and her hair wrapped in a towel. Wanda shook her head, "I haven't seen her, not even when we got back but then again th-"
"Please don't start now" Natasha sighed, "Nobody has seen Y/n since lunch when she said she was going to come here and wait for us" she added, her tone of voice full of worry. Wanda looked to the bed and saw your opened book on the bed and your empty plate from lunch on the bedside table. She used her magic to take her back to the argument she had hours before with Natasha, "oh god" she spoke under her breath. 
"What?" Natasha asked, "what is it?" 
"We're selfish idiots, that's what! Get your coat, we have to find her" she replied.
Natasha grabbed her coat and met Wanda downstairs. Wanda could see the amount of worry and concern on Natasha's face, she took a moment to give her partner some comfort. "Nat, we'll find her and it'll be okay" she assures the widow but all this is a little too close to home for Nat. 
"I can't lose her" Natasha broke.
"I know darling, we'll find her" Wanda wiped the rolling tear that Natasha had let go.
Wanda asked some of the others to join the search to find you, you didn't take your phone and Natasha noticed you left without your shoes on. Wanda tried her best to use her magic to find you, but something was blocking your mind from allowing her to do so. 
Everybody broke up into small groups of two. Tony and Bruce started by car, driving around the surrounding neighborhood and closest stores. Steve and Thor searched the compound and surrounding areas while Natasha and Wanda searched the woods close by. It was only getting darker by the minute; the cold air began to get cold which only made every bodies worry and concern for your well-being even stronger. 
"Wands! Over here" Natasha called out when she noticed footprints in the softened dirt. Wanda rushed to Nat's side, "this way, come on" Nat added. The two called out your name over and over as they walked deeper and deeper into the darkness of the woods. 
"Nat, maybe we call Steve and get him to fly the jet over" Wanda suggested but Natasha shook her head, "the loudness will only make things worse" she reminded Wanda. 
As the two tried their best to keep track of your footprints in the dirty, they heard the loud crunches of leaves up ahead. Natasha signaled to Wanda to pause their movements in-case it was a wild animal but instead, it was you. Stumbling out of the trees only for Natasha to catch you in her arms as you fell. 
"Y/n! are you okay?" Natasha asked, brushing your hair from your face. Wanda rushed quickly to your side as Nat handed you to her before taking off her coat and instantly covering you in it to warm you up. "E-everything….it….y-ou" you stuttered, "shh, it's okay darling. You're safe now" Wanda pulled you closer to her, placing a kiss on the top of your head as your sobs became clear. 
Wanda used her powers to levitate you back to the compound, not wanting to keep you out in the cold any longer. When Natasha got to your shared room, the two of them forgot about their argument and ran you a warm bath, they bathed you and helped you into your favorite pjs because making sure you were comfortable in bed. 
"Detka, what happened?" Natasha asked in a soft tone. You looked over at her, your eyes filled with tears and mind filled with worry that you might have angered your girlfriends. "It's okay love, you talk to us" Wanda chipped in. 
You took a moment to gather your feelings before you spoke, "You guys didn't even notice I was in here, you both came in yelling and slamming doors and when I tried to get between it, you both just didn't seem to notice me. I hid under the covers to try and drown out the yelling but some of the things you both said to one another just triggered me…" you explained with a pause, "everything just went back after Wanda said 'you know better' in that tone you had" you added, looking over at Wanda. 
Natasha took you into her arms, "I'm so sorry detka, we promise never to let this happen again" she spoke, her hand rubbing up and down on your back. Wanda couldn't shake the terror in your eyes when she held you in the woods, she was quickly reminded of the fear you once had with your ex whom the women saved you from, she never, ever wanted to make you feel like that again. 
"How about I fix us some hot coco and we watch whatever movie you like?" Wanda suggested, wanting to light the mood and help you forget about this afternoon. You looked up at Wanda and nodded, "can I please have double whipped cream?" You asked. Both of your girlfriends chuckled at your request, "is that even a question?" Wanda smiled before leaning over and pecking a soft kiss on your cheek, "anything you want darling" she whispered. 
When Wanda came back with the three mugs of hot coco, the three of you curled up in bed and watched your favorite movie of all time. You were in the middle, Natasha to your left and Wanda to your right, both of them resting their heads on your shoulder. It wasn't long until you started to feel okay once again and the fear from their argument faded away as you drifted off to sleep before the end credits rolled on the screen. Wanda tucked you in and placed a kiss on your forehead before Natasha did the same. 
"Date night tomorrow? I think we could with some time away from work" Wanda whispered, "I couldn't agree more!" Natasha smiled before the two shared a kiss.
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Taglist: @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @karmasgxrl | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @mostlymarvelsstuff | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @angel68104 | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @caporal-nino | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | 
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 months
Slow-Speed to the Finish Line
WC: 2.6K
Fernando x driver!reader
Summery: "You drive me insane, you know that, I can't seem to get you out of my mind." + "my chest... hurts."
Warning: Crash, injuries, curse words
A part of my 1K celebration
Fernando Masterlist
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You've been in Formula 1 for so long, coming into the sport as a female was met with opposition from fans and some officials alike. But you've proven everyone wrong with an amazing rookie year and almost beating the 2 times world champion Fernando Alonso as his teammate. You have a very good relationship with all the drivers who've come into Formula 1 through the years. The media had their say on that, but you didn't care. It's not a bad thing to be close to your colleagues. At the end of the day, they're the only ones who can relate to you on so many things. You've become closest with Lewis due to the two of you working together to get more women into formula 1 to have the sport be more exclusive.
Maybe that's the reason why Fernando hated you so much. He and Lewis have been rivals since day one, just like you and him. From day one, he's been against you for some reason, didn't like you or approve of you. It irked you to no end, but you took it out on track. The battles you both share are a fan favourite. Even when you changed teams and were no longer teammates, you still were always at each other's throats. It's a wonder you've never crashed into each
other, you've pushed each other off track more times than you can count. Don't get me started on when you qualify on the same row. The first corner always gets spicey, but never to the point of crashing. You've been in your fair share of accidents on track, but none were because of Fernando.
"You know, there's a reason they do best when they're close to each other." Nico Rosberg once said in an interview, when he was asked about an incident between you and Fernando, that saw you two pushing each other off track both getting penalties for that race. "They push each other to the limit. They just have to learn when to stop."
"They've been in the sport long enough to have learnt." Jensen said, and Nico agreed. "It seems to me that when it comes to each other, it's like they're rookies again."
That race specifically was fire-y between the two of you on track. You found yourself in the FIA section in the paddock, after the race, where all the drivers get weighed and there's a screen showing some parts of the race. Both of your teams were standing side to side as the watched the two of you, the clashing of team kits making this all the more obvious, the rivalry between the two of you. You stand facing each other, your voices cutting through the noise of the garage, a storm is brewing. The air
between you is filled with tension.
"If you haven't pushed me off track, we would've both finished in the points." You say through gritted teeth, your arms crossed and your eyes blazing. "What were you thinking, Alonso?"
"Spare me the lecture." Fernando's tone is icy, and he steps closer. "Maybe if you learned how to defend properly, you wouldn't have ended up in the gravel."
"Defend properly?" You scoff. "That's rich coming from someone who dives into every corner like a maniac, this isn't bumper cars, Alonso."
"You've always been like this." Fernando waves his hand around.
"Like what?"
"You waltz in here and act like you own the place, you've still got a lot to learn about racing, and respect is one of them, maybe start with that." His fists clench.
"Respect?" You laugh sarcastically, taking a step closer, matching his intensity. "I don't need a lesson in respect from someone who thinks he's the king of the track, your arrogance is unbelievable."
"Come on, both of you this is enough." Your team principal arrives on scene and tries to calm you down, his voice was firm, he's sick and tired of having to always break the two of you off. "It's been years and you're still at it.”
You and Fernando glare at each other, both unwilling to back down.
"Just stay out of my way, or you'll regret it." Fernando says with venom in his voice.
"Funny, I was about to say the same thing." You say coldly and wip around your ponytail hitting him in the face, that's how close you two were standing, and walk away.
Now this race was no different, you qualified on the third row with Fernando, there were some things said between the two of you before the race that left your blood boiling. Fernando is only like this with you and you don't know why. You qualified higher than him, but he's on the good side of the track so the start is very important for the trajectory of the race.
When lights go out you press the paddle down, and away you go. You maintain you lead on Fernando overtaking two cars by the first lap, but with one look in your rearview mirror you know that Fernando is behind you.
"Why is he always so close to me?" You ask yourself and focus on the cars in front of you, the track is short so by the third lap cars are still close together and with a yellow sector because of one of the Alpines, everyone is getting even closer. Once the yellow flag is back to green, it happens. You don't know what happened, was it Fernando trying to overtake you while you were trying to over take the car in front of you? Has it finally happened? Did Fernando crash into you?
All you know is that you touch the gravel at a corner and your car is slipping, skidding and flipping a few times before it hits the barrier. You felt the G-force from the hit in your core. Thankfully the car landed on the wheels and you weren't upside down.
A car came up behind Fernando and hit his tire, giving him a puncture at the start of the corner making his car hit yours, the impact into your car, made his car only slide on the gravel before it stopped.
In a few seconds Fernando was out of the car, he caught glimpses of your car as it rolled, the car was totaled, bits and pieces of carbon fibre littered the gravel. It looked like the car was chewed up and spit out, that's the only way for him to describe it. Fernando's feet carried him at a speed he didn't know he possessed. Reaching the car, or what was left of it, he saw your shaking hands as you tried to take off the wheel. Fernando leans in and takes it out for you, he threw it to the side. You seem to be struggling even more, so Fernando steady's himself on the side of the car, gets his arms over the halo and under your armpits and pulls you up. It's a struggle, he felt like you put no weight into it. But you're still conscious so that's a good thing. He knows your family is watching, seeing you out and moving will be a great relief to them.
“I-uh, I.” You struggle to speak, Fernando leads you a bit away from the car before he sets you down, he removes his helmet in super speed to be able to see you better. “I can’t breathe.” You choke out. He lefts you head and unbuckles your helmet and removes it and pulls off your balaclava. Your hands press against your chest.
”What hurts?” He asks in such a tender tone, you haven’t heard before. You try and curl into yourself from the pain, but you only manage to move a bit with a whine and whimper.
”My chest… hurts.”
”Shit!” Fernando looks around and sees the medical car just rounding the corner. “HURRY THE FUCK UP!” He turns back to you, tears gather in your eyes as you struggle to breathe. “It’s okay, they're here, the medics are here.”
Your hand clenches his forearm tightly as if it’s your lifeline, his eyes don’t stray from yours, a look of panic fills yours, it’s a look he’s never seen before.
”You’ll be okay, you’ll be okay.” Fernando stresses, he doesn’t know how he’s comforting, you or himself. only when the medics arrive and pull him away does he move. He stands to the side and watches as they quickly assess you. The ambulance arrives seconds later and you’re carried to the back of it, he doesn’t think twice before he jumps in after you. There’s an oxygen mask placed on your face, as the medic does his check ups, you wince when he touches your chest. But then he presses a spot that had you let out a short strained scream, being unable to breathe properly Meant you didn't have enough air in your lungs to scream so that let to coughing.
“Wah, what's happening?” Fernando panicked as the medic tried to calm you down.
Thankfully it doesn't take long to teach the medbay, you're wheeled out of the ambulance and inside. Fernando is taken for check ups but a few doctors go with you. He's half focused as he goes through the motions.
Your race suit is unzipped and pulled down your arms the fireproofs are cut down the middle. The nurse pauses when she sees your chest, it's all bruised up. The doctor takes a look at you, and he's calling for the ambulance to take you to the hospital.
Fernando finds you after his test, he looks at the frantic medic.
“What's going on?” He asks the doctor.
“She has to go to the hospital.” The doctor tells him while he checks your chest and ribs once more, they put some pain killers in an IV, since you were still feeling a lot of pain.
“Why?” Fernando’s heart dropped once more, this means it’s a bigger problem than he originally thought.
“We need to do some scans.” The doctor told him and they start rolling you out of the make shift medbay and back into the ambulance.
“I'm going.” Fernando says, no one of your team has reached the medbay yet, and he doesn’t like the idea of you going alone.
“What? no you-“ The doctor says as you’re rolled in, Fernando hops in the ambulance and glares at the doctor.
“I wasn’t asking.” His tone left no room for arguments.
You’re rushed to the hospital and Fernando stays by your side as much as he was allowed to, one of your team and one of his team arrive, he changes into his street clothes, but still refuses to leave you. Even when you tell him to go, he just says.
”After we know what happened.”
You’ve never seen Fernando this worried and if you weren’t in pain you’d have found it endearing.
“Fernando.” Your trainer calls the driver’s name with his phone pressed to his ear, the spaniard looks up. “The FIA looked at the photoage of the crash-“
”Was it my fault?” Fernando cuts him off, his tone already guilty, maybe he wasn’t pushed after all, and it was his fault all along.
”No, they uh, did you unbuckle y/n’s belt?” He asks him and Fernando frowns, thinking back to when he got you out of the car, it dawns on him now.
”No, I didn’t.” You share a look with the driver before you look at your trainer.
”Guess we know now why my chest is all bruised up.” You mumble.
Just then the doctor walks in with a couple nurses. They have your scans with them, the doctor looks at your trainer and Fernando before he looks back at you.
”It’s alright, we already have our theories.” You tell him to just say what they found.
The doctor says a bunch of things, but all you focus on is, bruised lung, cracked rib and and another three bruised ribs. Your trainer is back on the phone informing the team with your diagnosis.
“Why are you still here?” You ask Fernando when you’re alone in your room.
”I can leave if you want to.” Fernando stands up and heads towards the door when you stop him.
”Why did you come in the first place?” That stops him in his tracks and he turns to look at you, there’s a long moment of silence. “I thought you’d be happy, I’ll be out of the car for a while.”
”I’m not cruel.” Fernando spits out, he’s offended you’d think him so heartless.
”No, but you hate me.” You fire back at him, though your tone is much softer, weaker.
”I don’t… I don’t hate you.” Fernando’s tone waver, he takes a few steps toward your bed.
”Could’ve fooled me.” You scoff and play with the irritating hospital blanket.
”You’re not really all sunshine and rainbows.”
”But what did I do in my first year, you’ve hated me since then.” You frown, this is beyond confusing, Fernando stays silent, and you chuckle dryly. “That’s what I thought, you know, I was so happy to be your teammate, I have no idea why you’re so cold towards me, I’ve never been the instigator to anything that has ever happened between us, maybe on track but nothing to ever warnt this much hate from you, I was so happy to be teammates with the great Fernando Alonso but you’ve made it so hard and -“
”Can you please shut up! You drive me insane, you know that!” Your lips close tight at his admission, his tone turned desperate like he couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I can't seem to get you out of my mind, and I feel guilty about it."
“Guilty? Why are you guilty?”
”You choose to ignore everything and focus on that?” Fernando puts a hand on his waist and the other pinches between his eyes. “You’re the only female in the sport, what would be like if I showed that I liked you, that I want to be with you, that you’ve consumed my every thought and my every dream? Huh? It’s not fair to you, to have your colleague want to date you.”
”You know you’re such a child.” You glare at Fernando and he scoffs. “So what? You have a crush on a girl and instead of telling her you’re mean to her?”
”What else was I supposed to do?” He throws his arms up.
”Fucking tell me!” You’re angry and rightfully so.
”And then what? You’ll reject me and then it’ll be uncomfortable for you.”
“Who said I’d reject you?” Fernando’s eyes snaps to yours, your voice is much softer now, void of the anger.
”I would’ve gladly gone out with you.” Your voice is barely over a whisper, Fernando moves closer, he’s standing right next to you. “I still would, even though you’re an asshole.”
”Would you?”
”mhmm.” You mumble and give him the smallest smile.
“I’m such an asshole.” Fernando mutters and you grin.
”That you are, but you can start making it up to me, by taking me out on a date.” You say and raise an eyebrow teasing him. “It seems like I’ll be have time off from my job.”
”Anywhere you like.” He promises and takes your hand in his, raising it up to his lips where he presses a soft kiss there.
”It’s a deal then, Fernando.” He closes his eyes and groans. “What?”
”This is the first time you called me Fernando.” You giggle and shake your head softly.
”Get used to it then.”
Main Taglist:
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life . @c-losur3 . @xoscar03 . @schniti-is-in-the-house .
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genderqueerdykes · 20 days
What if using the pronouns for someone is a trigger for me? I've tried to work on it in the past with my therapist, but we made little progress on this particular issue in two years and I'm starting to run out of money for therapy. Should I just avoid people who use the pronouns?
no? do you understand how absolutely off the walls that is? that's literally NOT how you heal from trauma- this is the EXACT opposite of that. what, should trans people with she/her or he/him trauma avoid every single person they encounter who use he or she from here on out?
why are you even talking to me to begin with? i use it/its pronouns only.
alright FUCK THIS. not being overly nice for this one, this is absolutely vile and fucking personal at this stage. look i have very severe PTSD and i am sick and TIRED of people using their OWN trauma as an excuse to MISGENDER OTHER PEOPLE:
you will NEVER have the excuse to refuse to properly gender someone because YOU have some type of trauma. that fucking sucks that you have trauma but that is NOBODY'S burden to bear but yours and NOBODY is misgendering YOU on purpose for it. you CAN and WILL get over triggers if you actually try. you have to put in a lot of effort. you have to understand that calling SOMEONE ELSE BY THEIR CORRECT PRONOUNS IS NOT YOU GETTING MISGENDERED.
YOU are NOT being misgendered by referring to someone else by their CORRECT pronouns. you HAVE to get the fuck over it and STOP making someone else's pronouns about yourself.
seriously, re-read this question and ask yourself is that even a remotely healthy sounding line of thinking? do you seriously think it's okay for men who have been abused by a lot of women to incorrectly refer to women and pathologically avoid them? do you seriously think it's okay for women who have been abused by a lot of men to misgender every man they come across and pathologically avoid men for the rest of their lives?
honestly, how hard have you even tried to work on this? be serious with yourself. you can say you worked on it, but have you? go the fuck back to therapy, you're not done yet. i don't know how to tell you GIVING UP is not the correct way to go about this. therapy can take years and DECADES you can't just INSTANTLY give the fuck up because it brings back upsetting memories. you HAVE to care about other people's feelings, you can't prioritize yourself in ever single situation on planet earth. you can't. trauma can and does make people do selfish, abusive, manipulative things. you are NOT incapable of abusing others just because you have trauma. you don't deserve to be coddled just because you have trauma.
if you can't see it/its users as people who deserve respect and deserve to be referred to correctly, you are projecting your own trauma about your own feelings on these pronouns on to complete and total fucking strangers and that is nobody's problem but yours. that needs to be worked on fucking ASAP. absolutely un-fucking-real. i'm a person and i hate it that you just do not see it/its users as people, but instead roadblocks, and that you don't care about our feelings whatsoever.
235 notes · View notes
sainzproductions · 1 year
𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 ⋆ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳
wherein the internet hates you for breaking poor charles's heart; so you move on to his best mate.
[charles leclerc x ex!socialite reader, carlos sainz x socialite!reader]
chapter one, chapter two
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 304,830 others
yourusername tan lines and fine company🌞🌹
username i don't even know what to say... 🥹🥹
username is this tears or am i sweating??
username let's be so for real, no one else could have pulled this off😩😩😩
username now she's switched to using carlos for clout🙄
username i can finally call her for what she is; whore!!
username where's raphael? she has a new man, and he's suddenly forgotten🤮
username charles_leclerc come get your son from this insufferable wench!!
username run carlos!!
username homie hopper
username charles leclerc core right?🤔😆
username she doesn't even know you
username yeah just like charles won't fuck you🤷‍♀️😆
username why do f1 drivers just pick from one dating pool though
username social status!! looks!! availability!! someone that can probably match their travelling lifestyle or someone they can just bring along
username jobless behavior
username excuse you, she's an executive director of their international hotels
username she's also harvard educated, hope you can say the same about yourself🤭
username she has a type
username i would pay to watch charles and carlos's interaction after this😂😂
username why am i seeing a shift in these comments though?🤭😂
username yikes what does the family look like now?
username emotionally stable, unlike you.
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 890,820 others
carlossainz55 indeed, a magic moment.
username run the opposite way not towards her!?
username do you see where his hands are, you lunatic?
username this is inappropriate, how could you just publicly share that you're screwing your teammate's ex?😐😐🙄
username precisely, ex.
username how many women has charles been with, since???
username don't attack me, but they look so good! 😩
username congratulations😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username you know what, i will take those days off corporate!😀
landonorris i just opened the app mate
landonorris but fucking finally!!
username oop imagine her on carlos's side of the garage though🤭😂
username netflix are you seeing this???
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liked by pierregasly, danielricciardo and 503,304 others
charles_leclerc nowhere else i'd rather be.
username 😳😳😳😳😳
username is it me or that's a very loaded caption????
username he's living his best life🥳🥳
username i'd be enjoying life everyday if i dodged y/n too☺️😛
username be so for real, she's too good for him even right from the start!!!
username help i want to get shady in here, but the chunky abs are staring at me😳😩😩😩
username there there
username how about trying to spend some time with your ONLY son charles?
username gen question, why does it always seem like charles is out there living his best life without taking care of raphael?🤔
username charles, carlos is having fun with your sloppy seconds!! liked by charles_leclerc
username raphael is playing family with a second best😕😕 that doesn't seem very good for him, no?? liked by charles_leclerc
1K notes · View notes
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paring: Jake Seresin x female!air-traffic controller!reader
wordcount: ca. 5500
synopsis: When Jake hears the voice of the new air-traffic controller he's a goner. If anyone were to ask him what the goddess of love and beauty would sound like, he'd play them a recording of your voice. And when he's finally brave enough to ask you out you turn him down. Little does he know that even with you refusing to meet him at the Hard Deck his life is still changing tonight.
note: Will I ever write something short? Nope, I don't think so. Will I ever write something with a reader who hasn't been body-shamed for her size? Kinda unlikely, though I am trying. I promise. This was inspired by a very specific line in the OS that came to me on a walk with my floof and I was like yeah. Let's turn that into a cute little drabble. What could go wrong? After over 5000 words and three different attempts at an ending I am sitting here and say, I hope you enjoy. I got to make my joke, that's all I asked for. And for those who find the Criminal Minds quote I stole. I see you, I love you. It's just too fucking good not to use and I will be forever bitter that those two never got their HEA.
Trigger Warning(If I forgot something or you want me to add to the list, my inbox is wide open. You are responsible for your media consumption, so proceed with caution, you know the drill): plus-size!reader, body shaming, cursing, kinda descriptive violence (if you took the poll, you know), attempted SA/non-consensual touch, military/navy inaccuracies, non-canon (not even sure if this is canon compliant so, take that as you will), written by a non-native speaker, probably classifies as soft!Jake Seresin but you'll be the judge of that, the end is cheesy AF,
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banner by @firefly-graphics divider by @sweetmelodygraphics gif by @galactic-marvelettes
!!!Minors do not interact! I block blank blogs/without age/Minors!!!
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“Aphrodite. I need to ask you a question” “Yes, Hangman?” “You got time tonight? 7 pm at the Hard Deck. I’d love to finally meet my beautiful guardian angel and buy her a drink as thanks for keeping me safe”, he knew he made himself vulnerable with this. But after weeks of hinting, he was no longer ready to wait until maybe one day you got it. He needed an answer, no matter what that might be. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Hangman” “Why?” “Because I could never live up to the image you painted of me in your head” There was a long silence. “Fine. Let’s forget I ever asked. But for the record, you are the most beautiful woman I know, no matter what you look like. Hangman over and out”
He knew he had a reputation on base and he was pretty sure that you had heard it too, but to think that you could believe that his infatuation with you would change one bit only because he knew your face hurt more than he’d ever like to admit. He wasn’t that shallow a man.
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You are hidden away in a booth at the Hard Deck, sitting around a table while your friends are chatting about their day. Your table was the one furthest away from the pool tables and dart boards and you were thanking the heavens for this. At least that way you had a chance to not accidentally bump into him.
With you are Carla who works as AM, Meredith from Archives and of course Lisa from accounting. You all met on your first day on base during orientation and as the only women starting that day, you stuck together. It's good to have some people around you that are familiar, that you feel actually comfortable around. It's the only reason why they managed to talk you into going to a bar even if your mind was still at the tower, the disappointed tone of his voice echoing in your ear. They all know of your crush and they had attempted to talk you into just going over and introducing yourself to him more often than you can count. Damn if they got wind of what happened today you knew for a fact Carla would drag you to the bar to get him a drink and then shove you into him to apologise. But since they are oblivious you can take over the role that you usually play for them. Designated driver and drinks watchdog while they were dancing. It’s not like they asked you to do it or expected you to, but it was a role you naturally fell into. You had so few people who gave a damn about you that you had become fiercely protective of the ones who did and your girls are pretty close to the top of that list.
"Isn't that your flirty aviator?", Lisa asks you, pointing to the pool tables where your eyes fall on the dagger squad and him. Jake Hangman Seresin, Adonis incarnate. You cannot help but stare at him and lord almighty, even here in the bar he looked like a marble statue and you knew that he had the hottest voice on planet Earth on top of that.
"How much more obvious do you wanna do that?", you take her hand and put it back on the table. You didn't need any more attention on your table than four women on their own in a bar full of navy guys already got. The moment he would hear your voice he'd know and after everything you said to him today, you couldn't stomach the idea of the expression of disdain and betrayal on his beautiful features. "Would it be so bad if he came over?", Carla asks and you shoot her a deadly look. She’s the one who’s the most vocal about you just taking that leap and talking to him and has been from day one. Carla had a front-row seat to the effect you had on Hangman, heard the way he talked about you to his squad mates, the affection in his eyes and the soft smile that played on his lips included. It's why she’s trying so hard to convince you to give this a chance because she knew that this would be absolutely magical. "I mean he is a charming guy and he absolutely has his sweet moments..." "That's because his survival is dependent on you, Carla. I too would worship the ground you walk on if your hands were the difference between coming home in a jet or an iron coffin", Meredith retorts. "Nothing compared to what he'd do for her. She's his everything. Without her he's practically blind", she points at you and you know that this is her way of nudging you, but you only stare at the bottle in front of you. "True. But that would mean she'd have to come out of her ivory tower and actually show her face for once", you kick Meredith under the table for the comment.
You know that she's not saying this in malice, but until Jake had weaselled his way into your heart you had loved how things were going. The anonymity gave you a certain freedom to move on base and it meant that your relationship with the aviators was not clouded by their perception of you. You had seen how that ended once and you didn't need a repeat of the clusterfuck that had turned into. "I don't need another multimillion-dollar asset on the list of things that went up in flames because of me" "Don't be ridiculous doll", Carla shook her head and took your hand between hers, "That was not on you and you know it. You were right and he was ignoring that because he was an asshole" "Still got him almost killed", you close your eyes for a moment and hear the cursing, the desperation in his voice before he ejected and then the crash. "I don't need a repeat"
There is a moment of silence at your table that is filled with the bar chatter and the song that came from the music box. "Come on girls. Let's dance", Lisa decides and you smile at her. This is her way of looking out for you. She knows you need some space right now so you can sort out your brain and wrangle those memories back into the box where they belonged. Reaching out her hands to both Meredith and Carla she pulls them both up. When Carla tries to pull you up too, you only shake your head and point at the glasses on the table. "I'll look out for your drinks", you explain and she nods. As much as they’d love to have you there with them, just enjoying the music and having fun, they knew that here in the Hard Deck, you would never be able to have fun while dancing. When you met at Meredith’s place they could easily rope you into it, but here with all the eyes that would be watching, whether they wanted it or not you felt vulnerable and naked.
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Hangman was in a mood and the entire dagger squad could practically feel it. From the moment he left his jet today, he had his mask in place, hiding behind his cockiness and bravado far more than he usually did. He had perfected this over the years to make sure people stayed away from him so he wouldn't be vulnerable. All he ever dreamed of was being an aviator and he worked so goddamn hard for it. And now he had everything. He had the job he loved, a nice house near the beach and yet. He had built walls so high that no one dared to even attempt to enter and that meant at the end of the day he was alone.
And then came your voice into his life and god he hated the cliché of love at first sight but he was a goner when you introduced yourself to him. Calling you Aphrodite was the most natural thing in the world. You were funny and charming and if he ever imagined a voice for the goddess of love and beauty then it was yours. But you had turned him down because you thought him to be shallow and vain and not even winning all the money of the dagger squad can chase away the pain that causes.
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You are watching the girls dancing, a soft smile on your lips when you see how much fun they had out there. This is why you had dragged yourself up and out of the pitty party on your couch to come with them. Their smiles are worth the heartache you feel whenever your eyes wander to the pool tables and you see him, doing his thing and obviously grilling whoever is brave enough to pick up a cue and challenge him.
It's one of the major reasons why you are so terrified of talking to him. Lieutenant Jake Seresin was not just good at what he did, he excelled. Whether in the jet or here in the bar and then you saw the woman sauntering over to him, chatting him up with a beer for him in hand. And it seems like a switch flipped and he gave her the brightest smile and started charming her out of her pants. It hurts to think that even for the shortest moment in time there had been something like a chance for you to be her. And then you look down on your reflection in your phone and a sad smile grows on your lips while you shake your head. That’s daydreaming. You are leaps and bounds away from a man like Hangman. To believe any different is just a childish dream.
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When the woman saunters over with a bottle of his favourite beer his heart rate picks up for a moment. He had never seen that face before so maybe his Aphrodite had changed her mind. Maybe you’d give him a chance. And then she opens her mouth and he realises how stupid this was. You had taken over his brain to a degree that was completely unhealthy. So maybe it was about time for an exorcism and even if she wasn’t close to having your charm and voice, she was easy enough on the eye for him to at least give it a try.
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When the girls come back to the table you see their happy but exhausted expressions as they sit down. “Your bottle is empty. I’ll go and get you a new drink”, Lisa shoots back up from her seat and is gone before you can even say something. It was their way to thank you for looking out for them. Almost like a little tradition of your own. You came with them and got them home safe and sound and they kept your drinks coming.
It was a Friday evening, so the Hard Deck was packed with Navy, tag chasers and the occasional visitor that stumbled across the bar from the beach. Your eyes follow her as she weaves through the crowd and you know you are not the only one watching. There were men in different states of drunkenness who couldn’t keep their gaze off of her, practically undressing her with their eyes. It’s why you preferred the much more quiet meetings with your girls at someone’s home. You could have the drinks you wanted, play the music you enjoyed all the time and you didn’t have to deal with men who thought their mere existence warranted applause. Not that this is a battle that you ever had to fight, but for your friends, there is never a night without someone attempting to put their hands where they didn’t belong.
You cannot listen to what Carla and Meredith are chatting about because your focus is all on Lisa, waiting patiently until Jimmy can take her order and when she finally gets his attention you see how a guy walks closer to her. He had been one of those who had attempted to dance with her but Lisa was much more interested in having fun with her friends so she ignored him. Something that he hadn't taken too well, considering that this would be attempt number two of convincing her to give him the time of day.
There is a war waging in your chest when you see him get even more into her personal space. A part of you wanted to go over to chase him away hoping he was the kind of guy who'd turn around with a tucked tail if he had to face two women at once and the other part of you worried that this would only make it worse considering some men took that as a two-for-one deal offer. And even though you don't want to admit it, there is also a part of you that's scared that if you were to make a scene it would turn you into the focal point and if you knew anything about Hangman and his squad, then that they'd be the very first to come to your rescue. Even if he had the woman who brought him the beer caged between himself and the wall, arm resting above her head as they talk, he would not stand for such behaviour and if he'd hear your voice... The thought alone makes your stomach churn.
Once Lisa has the bottle with your coke in hand she makes her way straight back to your table. You had hoped that this would be enough to deter him and even his friends attempted to hold him back as he walked past their table but no. Whoever he was, he was so full of himself that he believed every woman should be thankful that he gave them the time of day. If it weren't your booth he was walking towards, you would have thought that it looked utterly hilarious how he was swaying side to side, like someone who’s on a ship for the first time and needs to find his footing. Pretty embarrassing considering he's an officer in bloody service khakis. And the way he fought his way through the crowd gave away something else. He was one of the really annoying ones. Those who lacked the word no in their vocabulary and the thought alone made your blood boil.
“Come on darling. We both know you are just acting coy”, are the first words you hear and that makes you stand up and offer Lisa the backseat in the booth. She gives you a thankful smile and hands you the glass bottle of coke before she scoots in and you take the seat at the front. And yet, even with her decidedly choosing to put a living and breathing body between them, he was not getting the hint.   “One dance and you’ll never want to let me go again”, he adds, stopping in front of your table. “You’ll have the time of your life princess”, the words come out slurred and drawn together. You don’t need to get any closer to him to know he’s completely wasted.
Since the guy wouldn't let up you stood up again, using your body in an attempt to push him away from your table. There were few advantages to your size but being a great blocking wall was one of them. "Why don't you go and look for someone else to pester?", your tone is calm and measured but authoritative. It’s one of those moments when you thank the heavens for your training, both vocally and for the stress resistance you have built over the years. "That's none of your business", he growls, trying to make his way past you but whenever he tries to sidestep you, your body is already there to block him. It’s not difficult considering how inebriated he is, but it morphs the look of lust in his eyes into fury. "You made it my business, the moment you started harassing my friend", your voice turns cutting. You had a very low bullshit tolerance as is, but men like him never failed to rub you the wrong way. "Just because no one would touch you with a ten-foot pole, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone else, hippo", he slurs. It’s not the first time someone compares you to an animal and hippo is by far the least creative animal he could have gone for, but it didn’t matter to you. That is until he dares to put his hands on you.
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“Fucking shit”, Rooster growls as he watches Mark Weller follow a pretty girl from the bar back to her table. Phoenix who had been hunched over the table for a shot follows his eyes and heaves a sigh. Fucking shit indeed.
Weller was a cocky as fuck asshole, nothing unusual for a navy pilot in training, but he couldn’t back anything up with actual skills. How he made the cut for Top Gun has been a mystery to everyone who’d ever seen him fly a jet, but nevertheless, he existed, annoying the shit out of everyone who had the displeasure of working with him. They know that chances are that this is gonna go bad, so they put their cues down and walk over to the rest of the squad. “Looks like we’ll have to throw someone overboard”, Rooster tells them as Coyote's and Bob's gazes follow his eyes and they nod. Whenever one of their own made a scene they felt like they had to at least attempt to right that asshole's wrong. And Hangman who for the better part of 30 minutes attempted to convince himself that fucking the tag chaser in one of the bathrooms was a smart idea to get you out of his system sees how his squad starts moving and takes it his chance to get out of this situation, reputation intact. “Sorry, sweetness. But it seems like I am needed”, he says without looking back as he follows the others who try to get through the crowd as quickly as possible and then there is a loud thud, the cracking of glass and the chatter and noise in the bar suddenly dies down.
When the dagger squad finally pushed themselves through the crowd they saw the scene before them. Weller curled up on the floor, temple bleeding and whimpering while you stood over him looking like a fucking fury. Dr Martens, high-waisted jeans shorts and white top with full sleeves, the neck of a shattered bottle still in hand, chest heaving as you attempt to catch your own breath. "For the record, the Hippopotamus amphibius is the wild mammal with the highest kill count on planet earth, asshole"
The moment he hears you speak Jake Hangman Seresin is a goner. He knew that whatever you'd look like, he'd be infatuated with you but right now as you stood there looking like a fucking goddess, he knew he'd never come back from this. A smirk grows on his lips as the words sink in. You were probably the only person on earth to drop such a line after knocking out a guy cold with a bottle and it made that fondness for you grow even more in his heart.
"Get that asshole out of my bar boys", the words come from Penny who had climbed onto the bartop to see what the fuck was going on and as much as she hated violence, right now she was happy that the fucker had gotten a lesson. Rooster only nods her way as he and Coyote pick him up from the floor, manoeuvring the dead weight through the crowd and out the door. "And if you feel generous, call him an ambulance"
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You barely register what followed your words, still trying to calm your beating heart. You had no idea that everyone was staring at you and you especially had no clue that your favourite aviator walked over to you, calm and careful not to startle. "Aphrodite...", the word pulls you back to reality and the first thing you see are green eyes that steal your breath away and then you feel his hand on your cheek and he tilts your head up to kiss you. For a moment you give in, adrenalin still pumping through your veins. Then you hear the loud thud of the bottleneck hitting the floor and that's when you suddenly sober up. You are kissing fucking Hangman. So you push him back and he's off you in an instant but it's obvious on his face that doesn't like it one bit. "What's wrong...?", that fucking voice and those green eyes... they make you do very stupid things and so you did the only thing you could right about now. You run, ignoring his voice and Carla's, you just made your way through the crowd, the feeling of his lips still on yours as tears streamed down your face.
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When Jake got close to you he saw the determination in your eyes, the way you were willing to do whatever it took to protect your friends and it made his heart skip another beat and in a tiny part of his heart, he might even dream of belonging to those you'd love so much you would smash a bottle over someone's head to protect them. "Aphrodite...", the word fell from his lips like a desperate prayer and when your eyes flittered up from the piece of trash on the floor to his he felt like lighting hit him. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and if he were a betting man, he'd say that he'd never meet anyone who could rival you.
Placing his hand on your cheek is pure instinct and pulling you into him for a kiss is everything he wanted to do from that morning you introduced yourself to him over coms. The moment your lips touched his he forgot everything else. The woman who brought him the beer and was probably fuming right about now, the words you said to him this morning, how much you hurt him when you turned him down. It was all gone and replaced with that deeply rooted feeling of being home and all he wants to do is bottle up that feeling and never let it go. And then he feels your hand on his chest and the push and he stumbles back. There is something hiding in those beautiful eyes he never wanted to illicit in you. Panic.
"What's wrong...?", he tried to reach out again, not understanding the issue. You had leaned into him, had kissed him back. Everything had been fine until... and then he had to watch you turn around and before he could hold on to you, you ran away. "Fuck", he's running his hands over his face as the realisation settles in that he probably just lost the one chance he had to convince you that he was not just a vain playboy and he fucked up. Royally so. "Hangman", he turns to the side and there is his Carla, sitting in your booth, her arms wrapped around another woman who was sobbing into her shoulder. "Go get your girl", at first he's not quite getting what she means before she gives him a pointer with her head. And that's when things fall into place. She knows that he is utterly infatuated with you, fuck everyone in the squad does, but she knew you too and maybe...
He didn't look back as he made his way through the crowd, ignoring everyone else around him. He had to go and find you. Once he opens the door of the Hard Deck the chilly night air hits him. Or as chilly as a San Diego summer night can get. His eyes wandered over the parking lot, hoping that you hadn't already left when he saw a figure standing at the beach.
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You had kissed Hangman. Or well he kissed you but you kissed him back. God, you were so fucking stupid. It's not like you've been right here before and the last time... "Aphrodite!" You turn around and there he is, hurrying down the steps to the beach and you know that you cannot outrun him, especially not in the sand. God, why did you forget your keys and phone at the table?
"What?", you knew he didn't deserve the snappyness. He didn't do anything wrong. This was a you problem not a him one and still you hated it. The fact that he just came into your life and made you break all the rules you set for yourself, all the safety measures you put in place to not have history repeat itself. "Why are you so scared of me?" You are shaking your head no as you stare up in the night sky, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. "Please...", he takes another step closer, eyes searching your features for anything he could have missed. Anything that would at least give him a clue why you were so adamant about the distance. "I cannot do that again" "Do what not again?" Your pain-filled eyes look at him and it feels like a dagger straight into his heart. "I cannot fall for an aviator only to get him almost killed"
There is a heavy silence between you. From the first day you had Hangman in your ear you knew it was bound to happen. The flirting, the teasing and the fallout. It felt like a really fucked up version of deja-vu but still. You couldn't stop yourself. He was far too charming for his own good and you were weak.
Hangman is taken aback by your words. He has no fucking clue what you are talking about but he can see how much it hurts and all he wants is to kiss the furrow of your brow away and pull you into his arms. To give you a space where you are safe from whatever ails you. "You don't get me killed, sweetheart. You get me back home", he reminded you, knowing that there had been situations aplenty where it had been your voice that led him away from chaos and catastrophe.
You shake your head again, eyes trying to find anything but those green eyes to focus on because fucking god you wanted to believe him so bad.
He takes another step closer before he places his hands back on your cheeks, stopping your shaking head before his eyes find yours. "You are my heaven-sent solace", he reiterates with so much conviction that you cannot escape the feeling any longer, surging forward to press your lips onto his and god did it make his heart soar to have you right here in his arms, the warmth of your skin under his fingertips and your soft lips pressed against his. He doesn't know how long he's kissing you but when you pull back he rests his forehead on yours and closes his eyes, revelling in the feeling of having you this close. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this...", he whispers, his warm breath fanning over your skin while you try to get your erratic heartbeat back under control. "Who hurt you so bad you thought you had to run away?"
The question is surprising you, making you pull back as much the hands on your cheeks will allow while your panic-filled eyes wander over his face. Your mouth opens and closes a few times before you take a deep breath. "I'm sure you heard of the crash of the jet in Norfolk 6 months ago?" Of course, he had. Everyone and their mother had heard about it. The first squad to be issued a brand new jet model and on day one a pilot had to eject and the thing went up in flames, but what... "I was the air-traffic controller...", there is such a sombreness to the tone in your voice that he didn't dare to speak. "Bond, the guy who was flying it had been flirting with me for months at that point and the day before he got to fly his first mission training he asked me out and I said yes...", you closed your eyes trying to push back the memories of that night in the bar. The laughter, the humiliation. "Should have known the moment I heard the fucking callsign that he was bad news but I was young and dumb and I have a thing for a southern drawl so...", you catch yourself before you reveal even more. "He told me that he'd be stupid not to ask out a woman with a voice like mine and when he saw me. Well let's say he was everything but enthused", you open your eyes to focus back on his, trying to make out even the smallest detail in the moonlight. "He'd have to gauge out his eyes to fuck me was the most memorable one though", the sadness that washes over your features is something that pains his heart beyond words. Of course, you'd push him away after something like this, especially with a guy of his reputation, but you weren't done yet.
"I was hurt, yes and I felt really stupid for thinking that he could you know, care about me and not only be interested in my level of 'fuckability', but when I saw him on my schedule the next day I just thought fine, this is my job, I'm gonna do this and I tried. Fucking god I really tried but he... he brushed off every warning I gave and then there was this storm cell and he kept going on about how I was just bitter because he didn't wanna fuck me and now I do everything to ruin his first flight in the new machine..." "The cell caught up to him" "Of bloody fucking course it did", you burst out and then look at him, the guilt of lashing out at him written all over your face but all Jake did was brush away your tears. "As soon as he was conscious he tried to pin it on me but they checked the tape so he was demoted and they gave me a free pick of what base I'd like to work on, so I chose the one furthest away from Norfolk and here I am"
His eyes wandered over your features and when he saw the angry furrow of your brow he leaned forward to kiss it away.
"When I first heard your voice I knew I was in fucking trouble", you whisper, feeling how his lips on your forehead make you relax in his arms, hands placed on his chest and abs. "It felt like fucking deja-vu on that first day but I couldn't help myself. You were charming and kind and when Carla pointed you out to me I knew I was so goddamn fucked", you place a hand on his cheek now, to pull him down so your lips could hover over his. "When you asked me out I panicked because hearing those words from him was rough but from you... I...", Jake leaned in to kiss your worries away.
"Shhh. It's ok", he wants to comfort you, to make you forget you've ever done as much as set foot on the base in Norfolk so he leans in and steals another kiss from your lips and then another. "And just for the record. The first thought I had when I saw you standing there with that bottle in your hand as you looked down on that pathetic little dipshit after dropping what I'd dub the most iconic line ever uttered in that bar was 'She's a fucking goddess'"
And then he sees a smile grow on your lips and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, especially when it reaches your eyes. "I am not sure if I should be flattered or concerned considering the display of violence...", you say and he leans in for yet another kiss. "It wasn't the violence, Aphrodite. When I saw you, I saw a woman who is strong and protective. A woman I'd give the world to be loved by" This time it's you who pulls him into the kiss, wrapping your arm around his neck before you pull back a bit, smiling at the way he's chasing your lips for another kiss, but the fingers that are tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck hold him back. "Be careful what you wish for, Hangman. It might come true..."
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likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated as always
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blueberryarchive · 5 months
i want reader to call him again...please
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𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧!𝙟𝙠
previously on steph's house // later at the game...
tw: mentions of non-con
You've always heard men talk about having called at least once in their life to have sex on the phone. They usually called in groups, mutual support or stupidity, you didn't know which it was.
You knew you always wanted to know how those women could have such rich, soft and daring voices. Even when they laughed it seemed like a well-rehearsed choreography and at the end they said your name as if they knew you down to your bones. You wanted that gift, you would pay for that gift.
Now much more than ever. Or maybe you would like to know how to make another decision as daring as taking the phone from the living room again and hiding it in the bathroom at Steph's house. The girls sleeping upstairs. You should probably go back to bed.
How dare you? You have a boyfriend, for God's sake. And not only that, but with this idiot? You could feel Steph's gaze on the back of your neck, judging your finger to make the final turn.
The buzzing is the same, the heavy lump in your throat is not. You knew what awaited you on the other side of the line, it was cruel and disgusting; but you were lying if you said you didn't need to listen a little more.
In the silent night, in the darkness of the chick-yellow bathroom, shame haunts you, warming your ears, your hands on the phone when the soft click was heard on the other side.
"Mm." Was his response, silence was yours. What the hell had you done, were you crazy?
"Fuck," he laughed lowly, "not you again."
"Do you really play?"
"I'm on the team, if that's what you want to know. But I don't think you're adding numbers to your phone bill to ask so much shit, am I wrong?"
You let your forehead cool on the tiles on the wall, is he wrong?
"God, if I had you in front of me…” Jungkook sighed and your heart skipped a beat.
"I would force your mouth open to see if you learn to answer people when they talk to you."
"Do you always have music on when you sleep?"
"Are you always such an annoying cunt?"
Your chest burns, your eyes sting.
"You probably have a boyfriend, you all have a lapdog behind you so you don't get bored."
"Please. My boyfriend can kick your ass." You responded quickly, letting the burning spread like burning garbage.
"Are you, then?"
"Are you so bored that you have to call the weirdo from college."
"I don't even know why they consider you weird."
This time the laughter was genuine, stupid popular girl, didn't know what she was getting into.
"You would have noticed a while ago if you were in front of me."
"Are you missing teeth or something?" You laughed, chewing on your nails.
"I'd have you bend over with your head on the ground while I split that pussy in two. You'll probably be crying and your little pussy bleeding from the dryness."
"What if I don't want to?" And you cursed yourself for having hesitated, your callgirl career looked even further away.
"Who said anything about wanting?"
And there it was, the heavy knot tied lower, down your stomach to your legs.
"That's illegal."
"Shut up and put your hand between your legs." He interrupted. The smell of detergent was so strong all of a sudden, you looked at your pathetic reflection in the sink mirror.
"You're sick."
"And you're an insignificant whore who calls me at 4 in the morning to listen to my voice and touch herself. Wanting me to tell her exactly what she wants." The stranger growled under his breath. "You're all so spoiled and pathetic, you disgust me."
"Fuck you." Your wet cheeks started to bother you.
Silence, his laughter was lethal, hoarse from hours of interrupted sleep.
"Don't let me find out who you are, callgirl. You gonna' regret it."
Your eyes opened, the darkness and silence were no longer your allies, they now seemed to engulf you. Click, the unbearable tone torturing your ear.
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pelova4president · 8 months
All eyes on you II
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Fridolina Rölfo x Reader
All eyes on you I
summary~ After making their intentions very clear they take control.
!warnings! 18+ smut, dirty talk, making out, masturbation, oral, fingering, praising/degrading, strap-on use, blowjob, orgasm denial, thigh riding
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“Maria why don’t you get her ready to take a cock then. I’m sure she’d appreciate that, don’t go easy on her though. You know how we want this evening to go.” Ingrid instructed Maria. They’ve been fucking planning this.
The thought of them planning this out, wanting you like that drove you crazy. With you still between Frido's thighs, Mapi made her way towards you. She made a show of leaning over you to take the blonde behind you in for a kiss. You looked up, trying to see the passionate interaction between the two of them. But Ingrid wouldn't let you, taking your face into her hands and kissing you just as passionate.
Mapi took that moment to slide your panties aside. Spitting on her fingers she rubbed at your clit. You moaned into Ingrid's mouth, giving her easy access to slide her tongue in. She took total control over the kiss, like she'd been doing all night.
Ingrid left your lips swollen. With Ingrid next to you Mapi kissed up your legs, kissing your inner thighs and slowly moving up your pussy. The Spaniard began licking your pussy in slow motions, not wanting to give you satisfaction yet. Both of Frido's hands cup your tits, groping them gently with her palms. Her fingers tug at your nipples, pulling out a string of breathy moans from you. "That's it, make some pretty noises for us." the blonde whispers in your ear.
The defender in front of you began circling your clit. Putting just enough pressure to receive pleasure from it, but not enough to really get anything from it. “Mapi, need more. Give me more.” you moaned out, tired from all the teasing. You just wanted something. “You think you’re the one making calls here? I’ll give you what i want and you’ll take it or you can forget the idea of an orgasm at all.” the replied sternly. Mapi may not be the hardest dom in the room but she still had control over you.
After what felt like forever, she finally pushed a finger inside you. Fucking you slowly, she pushed another one in without a warning, stretching your hole out. And while you're being ruined by Maria Frido's whispering sweet nothings in your ear. "You're so pretty. You're doing amazing sweet girl." she kisses you behind your ear.
Almost reaching your peak you try to let the woman between your legs know. "Mapi fuck- 'm gonna cum." you moan out, your head falling onto Frido's shoulder behind you. But before you could let loose Mapi's fingers disappeared. With a frown you looked down. "Why'd you do that?" you asked her. Her face was soaked in your arousal, "You don't deserve it just yet." she grinned.
Frido stood up from behind you, placing you down next to Ingrid who was looking at you with hungry eyes. Her green eyes were filled with lust, the green being replaced by her dilated pupils.
Frido returned with two strap-ons, a blue one and a bigger red one. Mapi took finally took your dress off, taking your naked body. All three of the women in front of you were fully dressed, feeling so exposed you tried to cover up. "Why are you covering up?" Ingrid asked you confused, her brows knitted together. She looked around, seeing what bothered you.
"Quítate la ropa y no es sólo ella la que está desnuda" the dark haired woman spoke. You didn't exactly get what she said but you assumed it was something along the lines of 'take your clothes off' since they started stripping for you.
Ingrid was wearing a pink lingerie set, the colour complimenting her dark hair and light eyes. And while Frido was taking her clothes off, revealing a blue set, the colour of her eyes, Ingrid undressed the other woman. Mapi wore a simple black thong and lace bra. They were absolutely stunning. "Better now baby?" Frido smirked cockily, securing the strap-on around her hips.
With wide eyes you looked at her, how could she be so fucking hot. "Aw, looks like someone can't use their words, cute. But i think we can make that mouth a bit more useful hm?" You don't have time to respond. Maria's finger intrudes your mouth and she presses down on your tongue. "Suck" she commands, so that's what you did.
In the corner of your eyes you could see the Scandinavian women whisper something to each other. They saw you look and they smirked. "Get her mouth nice and ready for my dick Maria" Frido walked over. She stands in front of you, the silicon dick before you. "Go on, you thought you were the only one receiving pleasure tonight? Suck me off." she bluntly says.
Following her commands you begin taking the tip in your mouth. Slowly taking more in your mouth, on your pace. That was until Frido decided it wasn't enough. "I know you can suck dick better than that." she grunts. You're taken aback by her rough movement bringing her hips forward, forcing you to take the whole length at once, without warning. Trying to keep your breaths steady your open your throat up as much as you could. The tears prick in the corners of your eyes.
"You're doing good, so perfect." Maria sucks your pulse point after saying this, marking sure to leave a mark for everyone to see, "So fucking good for us". Maria was fucking herself next to you, her breaths getting more erratic by the second. Frido was close too, her hips were no longer pushing roughly into your mouth, now her movements were longs and deep.
"Joder- Fuck…" Maria cursed reaching her orgasm. "Jesus, gonna come in this slutty mouth of yours-" Frido groaned, her hips stuttering. Riding her orgasm out she took her dick out of your mouth. It was not that you saw Ingrid again. Mapi was wetting the red cock between her thighs.
"Are you gonna take all of this, pretty girl?" the Norwegian asked. "Yes please" you answered looking with glassy eyes. "So sweet, how can i see no to that face hm." you laid down on your back.
Ingrid teased your pussy, rubbing the tip against your clit. "Please Ingrid, i want you." you tried to convince her to stop the teasing. It worked, she pushed the tip inside, your mouth opening at the feeling of the stretch. Steadily, she moved the red dick further in. Her pounds were slow, almost like she wanted to tease you. "Come on Ingrid, the slut likes it rough." the blonde next to you said. Maria's head was thrown back, riding the girl's cock.
Ingrid started to get rougher. "Like this? Want me to treat you like a slut?" the sound of her hips coming in contact with the flesh of your ass. You bite your bottom lip hard to prevent a moan from escaping your lips as her mouth comes down to bite your neck. "Don't hold back those pretty noises for us." she licks the marks on your neck. You could feel that Ingrid was getting close too. "You're so fucking perfect, need more of you." The words tighten the knot in your belly. "Please please let me come. Need it." you begged once again. "Come for us" Ingrid said coming undone. With a scream of her name you reached your high.
The post orgasm haze was hitting you hard. Your sight was still blurry when Ingrid pulled out, offering you some water. Just when you thought you were done for the night, Frido offered you an offer you couldn't resist.
"Think you can take one more orgasm?" you nodded furiously, ready for another. "Yeah? If you really want one, you can you it yourself. Get off on Maria's thigh." she exchanged a glance with your teammates and gave you a smirk. "But," of course there had to be a catch. "if you don't get off before Ingrid does we get to fuck you whenever, however and how many times we want the whole of next week."
Mapi placed you on her thigh, one leg on each side of her thigh. But of course Ingrid didn't get the same treatment. Frido was giving her fucking head, while you had to do it all yourself. "Go on then, or can't you do it yourself now? We fucking ruined you for everyone eh? Including yourself." Mapi kissed up your shoulder.
You could hear Ingrid moan and the wet sounds of Frido's tongue on her pussy. It only made it harder for you. Grinding yourself down, you just couldn't find the right position. But when you finally did, it was heavenly. And now not only Ingrid was close but you were too. "I know you want to lose. Let her come first, amor." she was right, you did want to lose.
You held your orgasm off as long as you could and when you heard Ingrid reaching her peak you got the green light. Mapi guided you through your orgasm, leading your hips with her strong hands on your hips. "That's it, such a good girl." she praised you.
Tired from all the action you leaned forward, your head in the crook of her neck. The other two women got everything ready in the bedroom for you. "Gonna take you to bed now, okay." Mapi picked you up and walked you to their bedroom. Placing you on their soft mattress she cleaned you up. You felt the bed dip and all the women who ruined you just minutes ago laid down next to you.
Placing a kiss on your head Ingrid spoke, "Get some rest, you'll need it. We won, so this was just a tiny bit of what's to come." You hummed and snuggled into Frido who was already gone. "G' night, thank you" you mumbled before drifting off.
And eventually, they did get to show you their bedroom.
A/N definitely underestimated how hard it was to write an orgy but it's here. Thanks for reading :)
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