#don't care thanks bye
lea-andres · 2 years
I love how my technically* more IDW compliant version of BugBear is just:
Jewel: Tangle! I made some new friends while you and Whisper were off adventuring! :D
*points to the Hooligans, who look scruffy and like they have about three diseases each*
Tangle: Uh... Huh...
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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please don’t ever become a stranger | 18.3k words
Mike isn’t sure how much time passes—how long they stay there, foreheads pressed against each other, holding onto one another’s hands like they’re scared to let go. But finally, Mike finds the courage in him to open his eyes and whisper, “I wish we had more time together.”
Because isn’t that what they’ve been missing all along? Time. They’ve never had more than a few months together before being rebooted, and even now, the longest the two of them have gotten to interact, the universe is separating them again. It’s as if every single fucking time the two of them get close and begin to fall in love, they have to start over again.
Now, knowing the full extent of their shared history, Mike just wants more time with Will. That’s all he wants.
The Good Place season 3 finale, but make it Byler.
the tgp brain rot is so real right now, you guys. if you’ve had to interact with me at all this week, i apologize for dragging you back into your tgp brain rots with me.
also, let the record show that i gave suni @astrobei like three different tgp fic options, and she went with the most devastating idea i had. so she is an accomplice to the crime that is this fic.
anyways, enjoy this late birthday fic for my dear suni, whom i love very very very much <3 
oh and here’s the playlist full of sad songs that remind me of this fic.
(also a big thank you to @messrsbyler​ for helping me with this moodboard!!!!!)
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thecultoflove · 2 months
CUPID HI Being nervous of image does happen sometimes and it's a really difficult thing but I think you're so FUN! Not a lot of people want to be [ Whatever you'd call your behavior ] for a similiar reason you're apologizing for so I think you should take a day to appreciate that uniqueness isn't a horrible dooming end of the world situation. Take what you think is a flaw of yours and look at it as something that others love you for. I can promise that people most likely PREFER you're overly excited
ajgkfhdkfdkjghkjfdhgjkfdhgjkfdhgkjfdhgfdjkg this is too sweet i really wish i could express how much i needed it i hope you have the best day ever. i love you so muchhh
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cowardlycowboys · 11 months
ok pick my sweater for tomorrow since it's gonna be like 44 degrees
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chaotic-trav · 1 year
There are too many stories about trauma turning you cruel, pessimistic and cold in this world. I want recognition for people who had to look all the worst things in the eye and chose to stand up and say "I've suffered and now I want to do everything in my power to lessen it for other people". More people who hope when everything seems dark and hopeless because that's what kept them alive and they sure as hell aren't giving up on it now. More people who are soft and give second chances because the world wasn't kind to them but they can be kind to this person, after all? Basically give me sunshine characters who are the light of everyone's day who chose to be like that because they didn't want anyone else to be hurt or alone like they were. Kindness is a weapon against your abusers sometimes and I need that to be acknowledged
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blitz0hno · 4 months
Why does knowing I have DID because ✨DID Problems✨ make said problems both less and more Terrifying.
Like I know what it is and how to cope. I'm getting really good at it in fact.
But also these are like. Problem problems. I dunno if we can counsel ourselves outta this one gang..
Blogging time! Cuz like yeah it's objectively weird but just another Sunday for us lmao
Like tell me why, when we headed back to work shortly after hanging out with a friend, "we" briefly couldn't even remember who we hung out with. Except now that I know what's going on, I realize when I'm not fronting. This other alter fronted by surprise, probably because we were deciding where to work tonight.
Like cool I know why I was so out of it but still Doing Things but the WHY there makes things. So incredibly complicated for me. And bro felt baaaaad like shit he didn't remember jack. Because duh the Guy Who Was Not There fronted only after the other human is Gone. Some alters just can't help but mask and it's not good for us so they don't front with others around, you know the basics lol
And why do we feel like a bad friend even though we remember them perfectly clearly now. We remember them, but we had to consciously communicate it... To someone else in our own head... Like a thought-game of telephone? And like u know what it's like to think u can feel your brain working, and mine's like "compartmentalize or else." Whoops! Having fun? Many people wanna share front? Gonna slice up the memories! Oh you're conscious of this process? Amnesia. Get shadow realmed bitch you're not about to come into contact with something you shouldn't be reminded of. DAMN being wired for Living is so cool actually but also mom pick me up I'm scared (picks myself up). We always remember after a moment or two, which is why we never used to suspect amnesia to begin with. I will never understand why latching onto guilt for every little thing seems to be hardwired into our being.
It's up and down really, and makes socializing tough even though we love interacting with our friends so much. And Idk we always have really good communication when we're happy (and high ngl) but sometimes if we're alone we connect a lot of dots and don't know what to do with them. Silly funny interesting things and not something legit keeping me too dissociated to drive lmaoooo good thing we're freelance
BUT because we stopped, we saw a raccoon skitter across the ground. I love raccoons, they're cute. We were just thinking about them earlier. Makes up for the Horrors I think.
Tryna make some more money before bed but my phone is crying "no signal" despite working on certain apps. Guess I'm being forced to chill for a second. We're doing just fine and hopefully have a whole new job soon. We saw a magazine at the store that had part of the title obscured and all that remained visible was "your mind works." I think I'll take that as a good sign because uh it sure does! We deal we deal.
Being myself is the best advice I ever actually followed but damn this is difficult.
So yeah internal communication is a fuck. But less so than it used to be.
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ic-napology · 5 months
Labyrinth rant because I love it and need to vent it out
So Jim Henson's Labyrinth is my new fixation.
I kinda wish it was one of my childhood movies, I'm sure I would have loved it just like I loved The Neverending Story, but I'm also happy I discovered it now that I can decode the subtext in it.
It speaks a lot to me. I still am very keen on escaping from reality through fantasy as a coping mechanism, just like Sarah. I can't help but see her adventure not as real, but as a dream become physical. For me, what we see is just a manifestation of an internal struggle. That means her own mind is giving herself the chance to understand a lesson. She's actually fighting not to let her own tendency to escapism dominate her this much anymore, at least not to the point of discarding serious responsabilities. That's why Jareth, who embodies that, is a selfish, bullying tyrant and the Labyrinth is in decay. Reminds me of Scar's reign lol
I think it makes sense that Jareth embodies both her love for fantasy since childhood and the ghost of sexuality. Both (would) inspire her the utmost pleasure, just since two different points of her life.
I love Jareth's and Sarah's dynamic, in that sense. I love her struggle against the temptations he represents. I love how perfectly tempting he is. Yet I'm so satisfied by her final decision to let him down. About her love for fantasy, she's too mature. About sexuality, she's still too young. Both things need to be limited.
I also love how the conclusion isn't about getting rid of some part of you in order to grow up, but to balance all you parts. Your seek of happiness and pleasure and what it inspires it don't need to be erased, just not weight too much. It implies that you don't have to have shame and get rid of anything, every part of you is inherently good just because it helps to build you. It's up to you to balance the components.
It's reassuring and empowering.
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ryansjane · 1 year
I really don't know how I feel about Mark Pakin being replaced by a minor 😭 especially if they keep the side couple Neo I think is 22 so pairing him with a 17 year old is a choice.
oh wow, aungpao is 17... 😳 honestly no shade to him at all but imo this recast makes ABSOLUTELY zero sense. firstly he has way too much of an age gap with the whole cast, how is he gonna play a cook next to gun who's almost 30?? (yes I know we all joke gun looks 12 but still.) and for the side ship, the age gap with neo is yikes imo, especially since it will be his first role ever... overall I'm really annoyed bc this is something they should've figured out a while ago. having 5 recasts this late in the year just proves gmmtv isn't organized enough. but mostly it makes me mad bc I'm afraid cooking crush as a show will suffer & that is simply unacceptable, especially since gmmtv already gave their oldest most consistently beloved ship a very basic show which was already kinda disrespectful ngl. no hate to aungpao at all, I'm not doubting his acting ability, but I have a feeling cooking crush will become another bullet point on the VERY LONG list of times gmmtv disrespected offgun.
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mchiti · 2 years
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when you think nothing could make you hate chelsea more and this happens. A racist and a zionist too. Also I hope neither Ziyech Fofana or Kante, for as long as they have to stay in this shithole of a club, speak to you again
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What? Me posting about Fanny's 1971 live performance on Beat-Club AGAIN? It's more likely than you think!
Anyway, watching and listening to this band jam is such a fucking joy that I'm here practically crying over how grateful I am to witness it (51 years after the fact, not to mention!), but I would just like to continue this apparently one-sided conversation with myself about their music to mention...god damn, what they managed musically with just four members is such a fucking astonishment and WE ALL should be crying with gratitude over how they did ALL OF THAT (all five of the unprecedented full-length albums they put out as a rock band of all women; their live shows and performances, WHICH THEY DID A WHOLE LOT MORE OF than we still publicly/collectively have record of; and in general, the sexism, the racism, and the homophobia and plain not-being-taken-seriously that they endured in order to DO ALL OF THIS), but furthermore, I was just thinking about the fact that they did these live performances in particular (okay, ALL of their live performances, though) with just one rhythm/lead guitarist who played both parts, a bit like the way Nickey Barclay totally fucking fluidly moved from the piano to the keyboard/organ and back except that the piano performs much of the rhythm in lieu of a constant rhythm guitar presence (I think? I don't know enough about actually playing music to say for sure, but my familiar ear tells me that's what's going on), so on the studio versions of these songs they're able to have both rhythm and lead guitar assuming one is played live with the whole band and one is overdubbed (and both played by June Millington, of course) but that's impossible during live performances AND SO...WOW THAT'S AN INCREDIBLY LONG SENTENCE, I AM SO SORRY...AND SO, ALL THAT TO SAY, WHAT IF THEY HAD ANOTHER (WOMAN) RHYTHM OR LEAD GUITARIST WHO PLAYED WITH THEM LIVE? Not that the band totally needed to make their sound any more full than it was as just the four of them, but it could've assisted in rounding out their sound, anyway! ALSO, oh my GOD this is NOT meant to be criticism over June Millington's rhythm or lead guitar playing which IS FUCKING PERFECTION and she could play whatever the hell she wants/wanted and I would still be like 🥺😭🥺💗! I don't think I need to re-defend that she's one of my favorite guitarists of all-time. What I meant by my thought was that the band could've gotten even more sound, even more presence out of...well, literally having another presence on stage/live with them. If they'd had someone to play rhythm guitar or lead guitar and June play whatever they didn't (okay, realistically, seniority considered: it would be the opposite, actually, LOL...and tbh I've always thought that June preferred playing rhythm guitar? I think Alice de Buhr confirmed that at least once on the Get Behind Fanny podcast), I just wonder if they could've literally AND figuratively added more to their sound than what was ALREADY there; to make it even better, so to speak, even though what they did with just four members is truly something to think and speak and scream about still, 50 years on. :')
Buuuuuuuuut maybe that thought isn't even necessary since The Beatles were [mostly, presumably, but you can call me stupid for presuming that since generally speaking The Beatles couldn't hear shit when they played live - for understandable reasons - lol] able to keep their sound fairly rounded out live even when, for example, John Lennon played keyboard or the mouth organ and wasn't available to play rhythm guitar (disregarding Let it Be because they did introduce a fifth member, Billy Preston, to play keyboards, so John and George were free to trade off parts/roles without entirely missing or taking away from their sound which would've sounded as complete in the studio even without Billy Preston. NOT, once again, THAT I AM ESPECIALLY SAYING THAT FANNY'S MUSIC WAS MISSING SOMETHING OR THAT ANYTHING WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM THEIR SOUND. IT WAS NOT, EVER, NEITHER LIVE NOR IN THE STUDIO). But maybe I should still mention/consider the fact that once The Beatles added Billy Preston to their Let it Be sessions, they DID have a more complete sound, both live and in the studio, but of course what I was talking about in regards to Fanny was LIVE and not in the studio, anyway but also I fucking love Billy Preston's playing and I really DO think that he added something unique and special to The Beatles' sound that the band did NOT have even when it was Paul or John or even George playing the keyboard or piano in the studio. SORRY BUT MY FAVORITE INSTRUMENT IS THE PIANO AND KEYBOARD SO MY EARS KNOW A GOOD FUCKING PIANIST AND KEYBOARDIST/ORGANIST WHEN THEY HEAR ONE. And yes that's @ Billy Preston but of course that's also @ Nickey Barclay too, but I feel like that's implied, LOL.
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
I also need planned parenthood to stop calling me to tell me they need a referral or I'm going to have to pay to see them. I KNOW. Not that anyone told me that before the first appointment, but like. Look at where we are living. I don't have a pcp I trust not to hate crime me in the name of the lord if I ask for a referral. And! That referral is required to be specifically for trans care! The longer I can go without telling insurance or the government that I'm trans, the happier I will be. I told the lady this is the third time I've gotten this call and I appreciate it but would she please note that I've been made aware. And I told her my reasons and mentioned that in Texas they're trying to pass legislation to get access to the names of everyone who has sought trans care and for now I'm better off paying out of pocket.
And she was literally like. Her whole demeanor changed and it was "okay thanks bye."
I'm glad to have access to hormones and whatnot, but I can't stop thinking about how everyone's laptops were decorated with "power to the pussy" stickers and "no uterus no opinion" and how they asked extremely outdated and even offensive questions. I can usually keep my head up but sometimes trying to navigate between the cracks of a world that not only isn't made for me but is actively trying to exclude me - sometimes it wears on me. Especially right before my period, which I'm trying to not keep having.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
T__T final fantasy
#🌙.rambles#bruh i remember why i'm so romantic now#i hate final fantasy................#BUT GOD THE LYRICS OF. SUTEKI DA NE. EYES ON ME. MELODIES OF LIFE. KISS ME GOOD-BYE. SOBBBBBBB#i want to throw my phone or my laptop across my room! bury my head in a pillow n scream!#the the. EMOTION IN THEM. hurts just the way i like it lol#STAR-CROSSED ? OH MY GOD I HATE FINAL FANTASY FOR MAKING THAT ONE OF MY FAV TROPES WTF#THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING REALIZING HOW ROMANTIC I AM BCS OF INFLUENCES LIKE FINAL FANTASY#'darling so share with me / your love if you have enough / your tears if you're holding back / or pain if that's what it is'#'just reach me out then you will know that you're not dreaming' i will Cry#this is so cringe n i've always been a bit 'weird' but#sob hermes ffxiv kin bcs i still fit in thanks to my kindness n my intelligence . but it feels lonely#frankly as long as i stop caring about that n just really focus on just being myself as i always have. i'll definitely be happier .#be closer to that inner peace. n while i definitely keep on improving in that regard. i got the mindset n all#it's hard still bcs i can tell there's smth that's holding me back significantly. am i afraid that i'll be left out? alone?#i don't want to be what i'm not. but i'm afraid that. everything i've already found could just go away. disappear and leave#n i'll never really find a place that stays that i belong in. i'm too young to say for sure but i think#the world was cruel then. I ALREADY HAD TRUST ISSUES THEN THANKS TO OLD FRIENDS N THEN LMFAOOO I GOT HURT MORE#this is why i love helping others ! i try to make sure that people are being listened to in convos. i try to really read n understand *you*#fuck my anxiety though n i guess that child in me's still afraid to let my guard down.#there's sm i WANT to do for others n then. added with my own self. it's so overwhelming n it often feels like i failed everyone#we all owe ourselves the same kindness we give to others. it really gets hard though. bcs god i beat myself up for not being enough#especially for others :') like god i always want to help but it gets so hard to reach out n then i get hurt even more by my incompetence#cries i got distracted but back to ff..... i hate being romantic this way bcs i cld find some witty way to.#god no wait i'm not gna bring that up
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piccadillyfool · 4 months
tag ramble lol nothing serious so keep walking
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skitterjitter · 6 months
you know, the killing of Caesar really looks different when you know that he was a populist and all of the conspirators who killed him were part of the upper class
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shoyudon · 4 months
them forgetting a date night.
starring. gojo, sukuna, toji x fem! reader
heads up. cursing, no fluff, sukuna can use a phone (bcs u taught him lol /j), sukuna calling u "woman"
note. haiii, how are you guys doing? make sure to take care of yourself!! i'm feeling a bit angsty today, so i'm gonna write a bit of angst. i miss gojo, like so much u guys :( i might make a part two for this btw hehe
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──────〃★ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔
the one thing you hated more than people being late was people who don't keep their promises — your boyfriend wasn't an exception to it. gojo's a busy man, you get it. for months you haven't been able to see him because he was so caught up in the jujutsu world; he saves people dan and night from lingering curses that it broke you a bit.
the jujutsu world treats him like a weapon; and you never liked it. despite your constant battering on him, trying to get him to quit and just settled in for a quiet life, he tells you that he can't. that people needed him, and you felt selfish.
but isn't it fine to be selfish sometimes?
clutching onto your phone, you'd tried dialing gojo's number at least six times before he answers. his voice groggy and slow, as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep, "huh . . . hello?"
you wanted to yell at him, especially because he was the one who has been reminding you about this particular date night — and he was the one to forget about it, "good sleep?" you ended up asking him, voice hard.
"y/n . . . why did you—"
"why did i call? oh, i don't know. maybe because my boyfriend stood me up for an hour and a half. i look like an idiot sitting here, satoru," you mutter out in embarrassment, avoiding the lingering gazes from both waiters and waitresses around you.
for the past hour, you've lost count of how many times you'd ask them to refill your glass of tea — embarrassing. then telling them you were waiting for someone when they tried to ask you if you were going to order anything since there were people waiting for a table, just for the said person not showing up.
"what time is— oh, fuck. baby, i'm so sorry, i fell asleep when i was work—"
before he could finish his words, you finished it for him, "working. i get it, you're always working. clearly, you don't have time for anything else, right?" you ask him, signaling the waiter nearby for the bill.
"baby, i know. i'm so sorry, i'm on my way, okay? please," he whispers. you could hear a few shuffling on the background; along with a few curses he muttered under his breath as he stumble over his feet, mind hazy from all the sudden movements he was doing despite just waking up.
"no need. i'm leaving the place," you mutter, walking out of the restaurant — heels clacking on the pavement, "and 'm leaving you, because clearly you're not ready for a relationship, so bye."
gojo yells out, "what? no, baby. i swear — i'll make it up to you, please. don't leave me . . ." he rambled on the same words over and over again, "where are you? i'm picking you up. please, can we talk about this? i'm sorry, i know i should've—"
"bye, satoru," and with that you ended the call.
you fiddled the hem of your dress as you sat inside the almost closed restaurant, the last speck of hope you had on your boyfriend —sukuna— dissipating into hopelessness. standing up you walked over to the cashier, taking out your card to pay for the one glass of shrimp cocktail and one glass of white wine.
the cashier shot you a sympathetic look, and you didn't dare to look her into her eyes. face hard from embarrassment and shame, "thank you for coming, come again next time, ma'am . . ." she bids you goodbye as she returns your card.
walking out of the restaurant that now had the 'closed' sign flipped made your stomach churn in mixed feelings: anger, embarrassment, shame, sadness, everything all at once.
sinking your nails onto the palm of your hand, you muttered out strings of curses. you knew being in a relationship with someone who had no understanding to the concept of love was a hard thing — but honestly, you thought you got a hang of it. all this time you had been nothing but patient with sukuna, but maybe even that wasn't enough for him.
three hours. you sat alone inside the restaurant you booked for the both of you for three hours — each hour depleting your hope even more. and sukuna just managed to fuck it up even after he said he'd try. well, you should've underlined the keyword there: he said he'd try not that he'd come.
maybe you saw it coming yet it still disappointed you anyways.
your phone rang. even before you see who it was — you knew it's none other than sukuna. your heart screamed at you to answer his phone call, but your mind told you to leave it ringing because you were in no mood to talk to him. yet, at the end — you still pressed the answer button.
"where are you?" his rough voice echoed through the line as you walked down the nearly empty street, holding onto your purse, "place's closed."
scoffing, you answered, "'f course it's closed, it's almost ten. i've been waiting for three hours, ryo. three hours."
you could hear him inhale sharply, "i was caught up with something, woman. where are you now?" he questioned. hearing a few car honking behind on the background, "where are you? answer me."
"doesn't matter, i left. and i'm leaving you, i was wrong thinking maybe i could've changed you — turns out, i couldn't. good luck to you," you mutter out sternly.
sukuna raised a brow, "y're kidding."
you weren't, and all he could hear next was the loud dial tune of the other line hanging up — now did he realize that this was all serious and you were actually leaving him for good.
you sighed, dialing toji for the first time of the night when he said that he was going to pick you up for a date, the phone rung for a while before going into voicemail. grumbling under your breath, you tried dialing him again for the second time, which ended up the same way.
all these time spent on makeup and picking out the best outfit — all for nothing as your boyfriend, toji failed to show up on time. angry, you tried calling him again for the third time, only for it to end up in voicemail yet again. this time you decided to leave a message for him.
"hey, you forgot. didn't you? hope you're happy with yourself, cause 'm not."
dating toji wasn't the easiest — but you love him, no matter what he was like. and it was stupid of you to do so, all this time you've defended his name against your friends' malice towards him, saying how he wasn't treating you well enough and that you deserved so much better.
despite all that, you love him. disregarding their words, retorting back to how toji treats you well, which he does — except for the times he tended to forget about everything, even you. maybe it was time to open your eyes and actually break up; because you did deserve better than this.
it would be a shame to let all this makeup go to waste, and so you hailed a cab and decided to go out for a treat. and made the best out of everything, that is until toji decided it would be the most convenient time to call you back amidst your little "me time".
wiping your hand on the napkin, you answered him, "huh, you're alive," you muttered out, huffing.
he sighs, "i forgot, sorry." you couldn't see him, but toji actually looked remorseful, already on his way out of his apartment to yours, "i'm on my way."
you chuckled, "doesn't matter. i left my house," you informed, taking a bite out of the crab meat, "so don't bother coming — and i don't think i don't deserve this kind of treatment from anyone, even you, toji. i'm breaking up with you because clearly you don't take this relationship as seriously as i am."
toji furrowed his brows, "i forgot, i fucked up, i can make it up. where are you right now?" he asks, his voice still as calm as cucumber. but the look on his face contradicted the tone of his voice.
"bye, toji. good luck."
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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slut-for-hyunjin · 1 month
skz links♡
juicy prn links from X. MDNI!!!
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Hyung line
: ̗̀➛chan deepens his twitching cock inside of you★
: ̗̀➛ chan comes all over your tits★
: ̗̀➛ minho loves the taste of you★
: ̗̀➛ minho likes the creampie ★
: ̗̀➛ changbin is a bit big..★
: ̗̀➛ changbin fingers you like there's no tomorrow★
: ̗̀➛ hyunjin fucks you in the dorm, til the guys are sleeping★
: ̗̀➛ hyunjin lets you ride him★
Maknae line
: ̗̀➛ jisung fingers you so good, while your hand are tied together ★
: ̗̀➛ you made jisungie cum ★
: ̗̀➛ felix and you decided to make a quick sex tape★
: ̗̀➛ you're clingy and needy for felix ★
: ̗̀➛ seungmin loves suck on your breast★
: ̗̀➛ oral sex with seungmin ★
: ̗̀➛ passionate sex with jeongin★
: ̗̀➛ jeongin takes care of you★
if you liked it don't forget to like, reblog and comment your experiences, have a nice day!♡
edit: hey guys!! first, thank you for that lot of notes, i'm so glad you liked these links🤭
× second, i made the post coquette i hope you still like it♡
× then the last thing, i needed to change a few links at the maknae line because for some kind of reason, that part is so chaotic, and has a lot of problem with saving the links, i can't💀🔫
× then the last last thing, sorry for the spelling, english is not my first language, but i always try to fix my mistakes😭🙏🏻
bye bye~
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