#don’t worry i’m not gonna list em all 😂
megoosa · 2 years
oh hey, uh, listen, we sorta neutered your boyfriend :( yup. neutered. ohh NO not like that ahaha don’t worry!! he’s just going to take identical forms in the nominative and accusative now. anyway.. sorry about that.
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iamiamiam1111 · 2 years
I was just wondering if this doesn't sound like to be answered I completely get it but how did you start feeling loa to be real? Like I have read and known about the law but i have just manifested unconsciously which now consciously I know I manifested but i still fuck up when it comes to conscious manifesting it's not happening like wtf😂😂 how did you get results fast consciously?
I was a believer of law of attraction at first and when I got into law of assumption,ofc I believed it but…I still had those intrusive thoughts in my mind.
        I just listed out all the things I unconsciously manifested in the past and when I’m trying to manifest consciously, I think “I’ve been manifesting my whole life so why worry about my desires when I already have it?
First,start with manifesting “simple” things like turning the traffic light from red to green,food/drink items,gifts,etc. Ik we are limitless gods and no desire is “too big” or “‘too small” but I feel like if we are manifesting a “small” thing,it will increase your belief more and then,it’ll be easier to manifest “big” desires.        The mindset substitution method is also really helpful. Like for example,if you want to be a influencer,think of what the influencer’s thoughts would be like and start thinking like you are the famous influencer that everyone loves and why? BECAUSE YOU ARE THAT FAMOUS INFLUENCER. PERIOD.
If intrusive thoughts start coming,just think “I know that I already have all my desires so I don’t need to worry about anything else” and let it go.     Oversimplify the hell out of your desires and be in the mindset of a person who already has all their desires.
Okay,look. Suppose you’re going to a cafe with your best friend (your subconscious mind). She gushes over how you have everything you’ve ever wanted. Then,this random person (3d) just comes out of nowhere and is like,”nah,you ain’t got any of ‘em”. Who you gonna listen to? Who you gonna trust? Ofc,you’re gonna trust your best friend. 
You should know there will be people who let you down,even the 3d. But what’s the reason of it? It’s becuz you assume that you can’t manifest. You are basically assuming that you can’t manifest consciously. I’d like you to assume the opposite. You can manifest consciously. It’s really effortless for you to manifest consciously. There,done.
Have a nice dayyy luvv! Happy manifesting ! You got this! ❤️       
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many-but-one · 2 years
question, do you believe traumagenic systems can intentionally create alters/headmates? (more just thought provoking you to help you wonder more about your ideas on plurality but also curious)
I might not be the best part to answer this question but I’m here so 👋🏻
Honestly, I’m not really sure. I think we know a system in our server who is traumagenic who can do that but I might be wrong. We really can’t know for certain or even give a good theory because we’ve never experienced that ourselves.
What we have experienced however, which could seem like creating an alter, is fragment parts coming together to fuse into a more “full” alter and happened to introject our current favorite character. He’s one of our most frequent fronters. (Foster.) We have also experienced alters changing their appearance at will or changing their name which then, in turn, changes their appearance. They’re not technically a “new” or “purposely created” alter, but they decided to change due to either processing trauma, becoming retraumatized later in life, or just simply needing to be different to carry out a certain role in the system. People think alters appearances must always be static and can never change, but that’s not been our experience. I change from a child to an adult all the time and my appearance changes phenomenally with that change. That’s just how I cope with the anger I hold in the system. But parts like April didn’t always used to look like Samara from The Ring, and she didn’t even have a name until Jules helped her pick it out. She didn’t look like The Ring girl until she was retraumatized when we were teens, and she also aged up at the same time. Jules didn’t even know she had been a child alter from childhood trauma time for a long time, they had just assumed she split in our teens like Alice did. When in actuality Alice split off from April and holds a lot of April’s anger that she could never express. I like Alice. >:) Another example is that Valentine used to be called Pain and look very beastly (he’s a demon alter) but now he’s starting to look more human every day. (Still very demon-like. Red skin and horns and all that, but he used to be like a fully inhuman looking demon and now he’s more uhh I think the dnd version is Tefling? I’m not sure if that’s right and I’m too tired to look it up. It’s 4AM here.)
So in traumagenic systems, I’m just gonna answer “I don’t know” because I don’t have relevant experiences in our system. There are things that could mimic a new alter being formed which I listed above. But I wouldn’t fake claim a traumagenic system that claims to be able to create alters. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t have all the answers. Nobody really does. Which is why I’m guessing our views have shifted. I’m going to be honest, I didn’t even know that post that you’re referencing got written until you sent in this ask. I don’t give much thought on syscourse. I’ve got way too much trauma to fucking worry about to give two shits about it. Let people cope how they want, I don’t care. If people get mad, fuck em.
That’s it. Thanks for asking. An alter that fronts more often might add to this in the morning. They’re probably going to shit their pants when they see I answered an ask on here😂
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