#don’t trust dr. fuse
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mewintheflesh-2 · 5 months ago
Day 1: Peach
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Hiiiiii Kikirunt :)
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kiki-and-carmi · 5 months ago
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“Hello? Is anybody there? What is this app…?”
Asks are open! Rules in pinned post!
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doctorfuse · 7 months ago
not an assistant, no. just an unfortunate watcher with no power here. what's your name?
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“Oh… I see…” [They frown, casting their eyes to the wall.]
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[They inhale, then exhale] “I’m…” [They pause for a moment.] “…you can call me Mutt.”
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teamskyappreciator · 4 months ago
Skyvember 2024 day 8: fusion
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Decided to do Snake from @doctorfuse. A funky little guy. Thank you to @mewintheflesh-2 for creating this challenge.
Prompt post here
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year ago
LMAOAOAAOAOOAOAAOOOOO oh my god thank you 😭😭😭
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agentmarvel · 8 months ago
Hello hello!! I am so excited about your challenge (literally been thinking about what prompt I could do for dayyyyys now🤭)
Could I please do angst 💔 to fluff 🩷 (if I can’t do two I’m sorry, I’ll stick to fluff 🩷 pls), with my main squeeze Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼, annnnnnd the buzz words being American reader, secret relationship, “stay away from her”
Thank you🤍🤍
thank you so much for requesting! 🥰 i'm so excited to FINALLY get one for soap! this ended up being WAAAAAAY longer than i intended, almost 2k.
johnny "soap" mactavish x fem!reader
cw: graves being gross
mdni - 18+; minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
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Heartbreak is a special kind of beast, the Mr. Hyde to falling in love’s Dr. Jekyll. No matter how tough you think you are, how thick or calloused your skin may be, it tears its way out, rearing its ugly head with a thunderous roar that commands you to feed it. The gluttonous craving is grief. It gnaws at your bones with a bloodied maw, snarling as it downs your tears by the gallon, and there’s no proven way to set yourself free. It will sneak back up on you when you least expect it.
That gaping wound in your chest has sat hollow since you ended things with Johnny, or as you know him now, simply Sergeant MacTavish. It wasn’t pleasant, you didn’t want this, but he was too keen on keeping you a secret. He expressly forbade you from telling even your closest friends about your relationship for over three years for a slew of reasons that just became muddier over the months.
Each time you reached your limit, he’d beg you to raise your ceiling built of tolerance and patience. He swore up and down that it wouldn’t be like this forever, that someday, he’d put a ring on your finger, and you’d both be able to display your love to the entire world. But his rationale got weaker and weaker as the hourglass began to run out, and it crushed you into those final grains of sand, trickling through the tiny gap into a vicious pit of loneliness.
“You good?” A voice comes from over your shoulder, and you glance back. Commander Graves, your direct supervisor, is stationed behind you, a look of concern painted across his face.
You nod, albeit meekly, unable to trust your voice after hearing the call from General Shepherd. Shadows have been called in as air support for Task Force 141 in Mexico, and you haven’t seen Johnny - no, MacTavish - since the break-up. Oxygen catches in your chest, awaiting any sort of spark that will light the fuse on your dynamite tongue, and that’s not a conversation you really want to have with Graves.
“You know you don’t have to lie to me, right?” he says softly, putting a hand on your shoulder. You resist the urge to shrug it off, instead nodding again. “Listen, I know you’re still pretty new to my team, but you’re still part of my team. If something is going on, if something about this mission has you freaked out, you need to tell me. Can’t fix it if you won’t let me in.”
You smile, forced and small.
“I know, sir. I’m good, I promise. Just… Tired.”
He eyes you warily. The disbelief is evident, but he doesn’t press you on it. He merely offers a few oddly sincere pats on your shoulder and walks away. You let out a sigh, and focus in on your screen, a distraction to pass time until you touch down in Las Almas. 
It works almost too well. Seemingly, you’ve only blinked before you’re back in the air after gear checks, restocks, and a fuel top-off. Through the comms, you can hear Graves trying to make contact with the 141. You dread the moment you hear MacTavish’s voice again, but it crackles to life in your ear before you can truly brace yourself for it.
He sounds worn and tired, and a pang of guilt spears you in the gut for thinking he deserves it just a little. Some days, you hope he’s still hurting. You hope he’s felt even a fraction of the pain you have.
But those thoughts have no place in your line of work, not while you’re trying to help him stay alive. So your brain shuts off, autopilot kicks on, and you work as a cog in a well-oiled machine until the job is done.
Shadows always party after a win, no matter how small it may be. Despite having to release Hassan and it being well after midnight, the drinks came quickly at Fuerza Especiales headquarters.
You, however, couldn’t quite get into the partying mood. The inevitability of seeing him again filled your stomach with rocks, weighing you down. You mask the weight well, though. It’s not unusual for you to stick to the edge of the group; polite smiles, meaningless small talk, and high fives leaving your teammates none the wiser.
The moment you see Graves scanning the crowd of Shadows and Vaqueros, both parties equally rowdy, your heart drops. If he’s here, you know they won’t be far behind. It’s too much; you’re not ready for this. You’re not ready to be in the same city as him, much less the same room. Anxiety grips you at the thought of him even seeing you. You don’t know how he’ll react. What he’ll say, what he’ll do… You used to think his unpredictability was one of the best things about him. Now, you’re not so sure.
Graves beelines for you the second he spots you. You can see the bundles parting to accommodate his passing through. As much as your brain wills you to move, finish your drink and take off to grab another, you seem to be rooted in place. Your feet won’t move, and you silently curse them, not exactly up for a chat.
“Hey, you,” your commander hums, sidling up in front of you. “Glad to see you stuck around.”
“Was just about to leave, actually,” you answer plainly, staring down at the honeyed whiskey in your glass. He nudges you with the toe of his boot until you look up.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t.” It’s an attempt to sound earnest, but it comes off as more condescending than anything. “I was hoping we’d have some time to get to know each other a little better. You’re still pretty new, and I like to know my soldiers pretty intimately.”
You open your mouth to respond, off-put but polite, but words seem to elude you as you catch sight of a familiar mohawk. Even from this distance, you can still see just how blue his eyes are. You can still make out the Scottish brogue as he laughs with the man in the skull mask - Ghost, Simon, right?
It hurts. Every bone, muscle, vessel, nerve screams. Seeing him again, knowing he’s just out of reach and you have to stand your ground. No matter how much your being craves him - mind, body, and soul - you can’t. You just can’t. Your throat goes dry, heart racing, eyes welling up. And when he looks your way, looks you right in the eye, you crack. 
“Mind tellin’ me what’s got you so distracted, Shadow?” Graves asks softly, hand finding your shoulder again, like before. You shake your head, teary eyed, unwilling to look away from MacTavish as he makes his way towards you. “C’mon, darlin’, somethin’s gotta give.”
“I’m sorry, sir - “
“Phil. Just call me Phil, okay?”
You sigh, wiping the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Okay, I… I’m sorry, Phil. I can’t really talk about it.”
“Business or personal?”
“Personal, sir. It’s complicated.”
He takes hold of your chin between his thumb and forefinger, a gentle warning to look at him. You struggle with it, but you relent, hoping that maybe you’re just hallucinating.
“Relationship troubles?”
You hesitate.
“No… I mean, yes, but no. Like I said, it’s complicated.”
“So, you’re not seein’ anyone?”
He pauses for a moment, the look in his eye shifting from something sincere and worried to something unnervingly predatory. A faint glimmer of that sincerity remains, and that’s all it takes to tell you it’s all been a charade. It’s not about welcoming you to his team or bonding. He’s trying to fuck you.
“No, I’m not, but - ”
“Then how about we take some time when we get home, clear those thoughts outta your pretty little brain, and we’ll make some memories to replace him.”
You recoil, taking a step back in the implication. It’s disgusting, to say the least. But you don’t get the chance to answer for yourself.
“Like fuckin’ hell ye will,” MacTavish barks, fighting tooth and nail to get through a stone wall in the form of Ghost and Alejandro. “Ye better stay the fuck away from her, Graves. Only gonna warn ye once.”
“Soap, I was wonderin’ when you were gonna try to swoop in and snatch her up. You can smell a pretty girl from a mile away, can’t ya? Too bad I beat you to it. Don’t pay him no mind, sweetheart; thinks he’s irresistible.”
“I swear tae God, Graves, ye better get yer bloody fuckin’ hands offa her. I’ll - Ghost, fuckin’ move!” He’s still struggling, Ghost’s brick shithouse body being the only thing in his way.
Graves raises an eyebrow, never looking away from you.
“Wait, you know him, don’t you?” You don’t answer straight away. “Is good ol’ Johnny what makes things complicated?”
Again, MacTavish butts in.
“Nothin’ complicated about it, ye fuckin’ bawbag. S’my fuckin’ wife!”
Everything stops. Graves goes quiet, Ghost’s stock-still, and you can’t hear the chatter around you anymore. You look at Johnny, wide-eyed and wired. He’s staring right at you with those bright blue eyes, a pleading expression on his beautiful face. You swallow hard.
“John,” you breathe, blinking back more tears.
“Don’t,” he warns, side-stepping the shellshocked Simon. “Dinnae say it. I love ye, and I ken ye still love me. No point in wastin’ yer time on a lavvy heid like Graves. I won’t keep secrets anymore, bonnie. Lemme show ye I’ll be better for ye.”
Graves looks between the two of you briefly before leaning over to whisper in your ear.
“When you two are done with whatever this is, come find me. I’ll make ya feel better.”
He chucks you under the chin with a click of his tongue before losing himself in the throngs. You didn’t even get the opportunity to tell him to go fuck himself.
Johnny is on you in a split second, inches away with your face cradled in his palms. He wholly consumes all of your senses, blocking out the rest of the world with the breadth of his shoulders, the smell of his aftershave. You’re frozen in place, trails of tears dripping off your cheeks.
“Can we please talk privately?” he asks softly. “Away from all this. Just us. I need ye tae hear me out, and ‘m not above beggin’, bon. Meant what I said; I love ye. Just wanna talk, okay? Please?”
You sigh. The options hold equal weight. But a soft swipe of his thumb across your cheek decides for you.
“Okay,” you whisper, nearly inaudible above the echoing din. He raises an eyebrow. You nod. “Yeah, okay. Can we just… step outside?”
“Ye got a bunk on base for the night? Let’s go grab yer things and talk there, yeah?”
“John, I can’t just leave. I still have a job to do.”
“Nah, yer done with this shite.” He shakes his head resolutely, moving to wrap both of his hands around one of yours. “I’ll call Shepherd myself if I have tae, tell ‘im yer takin’ immediate leave for an emergency. Not lettin’ ye get away again, bonnie. I ken I fucked it up, and I’ll spend the rest of my life makin’ it up tae ye.”
pick your prompt here! 💌
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mewintheflesh-2 · 5 months ago
Day 2: Chain
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kiki-and-carmi · 5 months ago
Deep down.
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In a laboratory.
Lies a young boy
in his cellar.
Separated from his Sister
and his DNA mangled.
This is the Story of Runt, and his sister, Ogre.
๑ About!! (Last updated: October 8th, 4:17pm, central time)
🍡 → This is an ask blog for the characters Kieran and Carmine from the video game Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, specifically taking place in my alternate universe, dubbed Don’t Trust Dr. Fuse.
👺 → This is an art ask blog. All art is mine unless it’s stated otherwise. Effort put into each piece may fluctuate violently. The amount of effort put into answering an ask is not an indicator for how thankful I am for you sending in asks. Every ask is very much appreciated no matter how much the effort put into the art in the answers fluctuates.
🍑 → Runt uses he/him.
🍡 → Mod Mew uses any pronouns and does not use labels.
👺 → Asks are not answered chronologically.
๑ Available for Asks!!
🍑 → As of right now: Runt is available for asks
๑ Rules!!
🍡 → 1. Nsfw asks are NOT ALLOWED.
👺 → 2. No bigotry whatsoever I literally don’t care keep that shit away from me. I’m usually okay with some slurs but not for this ask blog.
🍑 → 3. Be. Nice. Remember there is a real living breathing person behind this account. You can be mean to Runt that’s fine but not to Mod Mew. If you aren’t happy with a response you get it’s not my fault.
🍡 → 4. No asks about politics. The owner of this account is very much radical left if that’s what you call it if you’re curious.
👺 → 5. If you want something tagged then ask.
🍑 → 6. Magic anons will not affect canon!
๑ DNI!
👺 → Pro isreal, antisemites, neo nazis, transphobes, transmeds, truscum, anti-mogai, terfs/swerfs, anti-endogenics, sysmeds, MAPS, homophobes, aphobes, anti contradicting labels. Anti-kink, purists.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year ago
Me with Dr. Fuse
He’s my OC now sorry (I am not sorry. You can pry him from my cold dead hands.)
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doctorfuse · 7 months ago
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[A flicker of static is all you see before the screen clears,
it’s another concrete room, but cleaner this time.
no red splatters, no stuffing, no broken glass.
just… empty.
aside from one thing, that is.
There’s a person in this cell as well. But they look different from the last person that was in one of these.
immensely different.
they’re sitting on the floor, chains around their torso, bonding a large tail to their back. Their hair is brown, and They’re clad in green and black clothing, with simple yellow and red accents. A jacket, shirt, and shorts. Through some of the fabric protrudes fins, almost like a fish, but thicker.
there appears to be black lines coming from their eyes, and horns coming from the top of their head, four total, two on each side. And from their eyes sprouts two golden chain-like… something’s.
Their legs aren’t human. More reptile like than anything, with four sharp claws on each foot, three in front, one sprouting from the heel.
They look up, directly at the camera. They seem to notice someone’s watching them. Sluggishly, they float up to the camera, and they just stare. Right into the lens. Their eyes are completely black exempt from white irises, fangs protrude from their lips, a golden oval lies on their forehead, half covered by their hairline, looking a lot like the golden chains from their eyes, and there appears to be scales on their cheeks.
The feed cuts off.]
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teamskyappreciator · 1 year ago
Skyvember prompt 19: Fusion
Minor Blood warning under the cut.
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This is a au(?) of Mewintheflesh-2's (they also created this challenge) Don't Trust Dr. Fuse au and Mikey's Team Sky Pokémon Infinite Fusion video. Dr. Fuse would definitely manipulate Mikey into doing what ever he wants by "promising" that once he fulfils his propose to Dr. Fuse, he can go back to his world. (He is lying, after Mikey fulfils his purpose he will just kill him).
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put-me-on-a-hitlist · 1 month ago
I’ve seen several of these and now it has me excited so here’s my MHA DR intro :3
Personal information:
Names: Murasami Miyo (biological), Taiyō (prefered/villain alias)
Nickname: Sun
Gender: Transmasculine he/him
Age: 16 (01/02)
Nationality: Japanese/French
- Father: Murasami (Shimura) Kazuya
- Mother: Murasami Mai (Mai Beausoleil)
- Sisters: Yōko and Miaka
- Brothers: Yagi Shikoko (Murasami Taeko) and Moshonora Kotai (soul brother)
- Cousin: Shigiraki Tomura (Shimura Tenko)
- Paternal grandmother: Shimura Nana
- Children (adopted) (not right off but about a year and a half in): Rin and Riku
(Only Storage [and maybe venom I can’t remember tbh] are my own creation, the others I found on various websites for quirk ideas so all credits to them)
- Fuse:
Only natural born quirk, allows him to touch an object and after a set amount of time the object will explode/catch fire. The time is up to four hours. Only two fuses can be made at a time
- Glitch:
Allows him to control another persons bodily functions such as passing out and pain receptors as well as his own. With it, he can also glitch through walls, doors, floors, etc. similar to Mirio’s permeation. However, when used it causes severe pain both to the person being affected and the user. Stress and other strong emotions can also cause to accidentally glitch through things or just have his image glitch out.
- Storage:
Allows him to put and pull objects out of like another dimension (honestly don’t know how to describe this one I’m still ironing details out). The heavier the objects are that are in storage, the more stamina and energy it takes. They can stay the infinitely and can only be taken out forcefully when he passes out from quirk exhaustion.
- Venom:
Allows him to store all venoms, toxins, and poisons in his body when he consumes them. He still has side effects but it would take a lot more than the normal amount to kill him. He can then use them on someone else either through retractable fangs or secreting it from his skin.
- Black flame:
Allows him to produce and control black flames that he can determine the heat of and also make that they have a healing property instead of burning one.
(There are more but I’m terrible with coming up with and finding quirks I like so I just trust my subconscious to come up with more I like)
- Todoroki Touya (17)
- Takami Keigo (18)
(Both are aged down because for some reason my brain hates the idea of making myself an adult. Dunno why)
Childhood friend of Takami Keigo. When they were five/six they were both picked up by the HPSC to join the Heroic Prodigy Program. A program to raise kids to become heroes. When he was there, he finally met the boy who he had already been set to marry in the future by his father: Todoroki Touya. Together the three of them lived several years with Prodigy. When he was eleven, his family was caught in a villain fight and they all died (they didn’t but they did have to pretend they did for reasons I will get into with Shikoko’s intro). Then Enji got to a point where he thought Sun was more of a problem than a help when he was 12. He hired some people from the underground to kill him however they only kidnapped him and claimed they killed him. There they were testing how well living bodies could handle having multiple quirks as research for All for One. Eventually they realized he wasn’t like the other people they had tested on (due to a genetic factor from his mothers quirk that I will go into more detail about when I make one of these for his brother/my other drself Shikoko) and they started to put energy into him as a backup for Tomura. After about a year, he escaped and found that Touya had died and Keigo was no where to be found and presumably dead as well. Then the Labs found him again and dragged him back. Two years later he escaped for good and was picked up off the streets by a man named Tashima who was friends of Giran and took him under his wing. When he realized Keigo was still alive, he decided against reaching out because it was safer for Keigo and it would only be selfish of him to do so. Several months later is when all plot really picks up and when I shift in the December before classes start at UA when he bumps into Dabi and reaches out to Keigo as Taiyō.
Taiyō does join the league of villains with Dabi for two reasons: 1. He still wants to get revenge on the hero system and Endeavour and it is almost a sure fire shot to get him to where he needs to be to do so. And 2. He realizes Tomura is his cousin. However, though he does join the League, I wouldn’t classify him as a villain. More of an anti-hero or a vigilante. He wants to tear down the hero system, sure, but because it’s corrupted from the inside out. He wants to tear it down to build it back up again and that not all heroes are bad but that a lot of them are. He doesn’t believe in unjustified murder or things the league does. In those cases, he refuses to partake. In disaster situations (such as after Jaku, in Kyushu, other big fights) Taiyō does his best to save anyone he can.
Canon vs. Shift
A lot of things are different mainly because I added so many new people, factors, backgrounds, and even a quirk on par with All for One and One for all (will elaborate more with Shikoko’s intro). And the Final War goes completely different with a third party fighting in it. At the end of the war, almost everyone survives and put on trial for their crimes. After a couple months of legal battles and a couple months of hospital stays where the league was psychologically evaluated, they were able to be free. After that, Taiyō, Touya and Keigo along with others begin the process of putting things back together.
Anyways, this is kind of the basics. I’ll probably do Shikoko’s soon. This is my main DR and it’s very personal to me. I may at some point do more details (such as the main plot, the prodigy program, etc.) it just depends if I’m comfortable and if anyone really wants to hear it. If anyone wants details about how people are in my DR that’s cool too. Anyways bye now :DD
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year ago
*coughcough* fusing their body with that of a pokemon’s *coughcough*
Forced body modification in Whump should be more popular, methinks.
Forcing Whumpee to get a tattoo, cutting or burning initials into their skin. Sharpening the canines of an “attack dog” Whumpee to make them look scarier. Giving them piercings they wouldn’t give themselves, or an ID tag to hang from their ear. Changing their hair color. Deciding what they wear, what they eat, how they speak, who they are.
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draksinhahealthcare · 1 month ago
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Best Treatment for Lower Back Pain:
Lower back pain is one of the most common health issues faced by people of all ages. Whether it’s a dull ache or sharp discomfort, it can make even the simplest tasks feel challenging. Fortunately, with the right treatment, most cases of lower back pain can be managed or even completely relieved.
If you’re dealing with persistent lower back pain, this blog will guide you through the best treatment options, lifestyle changes, and tips to help you find relief and prevent future discomfort.
Causes of Lower Back Pain
Understanding the root cause of your pain is key to choosing the right treatment. Common causes of lower back pain include:
Muscle Strain Overuse or sudden movements can strain the muscles and ligaments, leading to pain.
Herniated Discs When a disc between your vertebrae bulges or ruptures, it can compress nearby nerves.
Poor Posture Sitting or standing improperly for long periods can strain the lower back.
Arthritis Osteoarthritis can cause inflammation and stiffness in the lower back joints.
Sciatica Compression of the sciatic nerve can cause pain that radiates down the leg.
Best Treatments for Lower Back Pain
Here are the most effective ways to treat lower back pain, depending on its cause and severity:
1. Medications for Pain Relief
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Muscle relaxants may be prescribed for severe muscle spasms.
2. Physical Therapy
Physical therapy involves guided exercises to strengthen your back muscles, improve flexibility, and restore mobility. A physical therapist can design a program tailored to your condition.
3. Heat and Cold Therapy
Apply a cold compress during the first 48 hours after an injury to reduce swelling.
Use heat therapy later to relax tense muscles and improve blood flow.
4. Massage Therapy
A professional massage can help ease muscle tension and improve circulation in the lower back.
5. Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractors use spinal manipulation techniques to relieve pressure and improve spinal alignment.
6. Posture Correction
Poor posture often contributes to lower back pain. Simple adjustments, such as using ergonomic chairs and maintaining a straight back, can prevent further strain.
7. Minimally Invasive Procedures
If conservative treatments don’t work, doctors may recommend options like:
Epidural steroid injections to reduce inflammation.
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) to block pain signals.
8. Surgical Intervention
Surgery is usually a last resort for severe cases like herniated discs or spinal stenosis. Options include:
Discectomy: Removal of the damaged portion of a herniated disc.
Spinal Fusion: Fusing two or more vertebrae to stabilize the spine.
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Lower Back Pain
In addition to treatment, making small changes in your daily life can significantly reduce back pain:
Exercise Regularly Strengthening your core muscles helps support your lower back. Activities like yoga, swimming, and walking are excellent choices.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Extra weight can put unnecessary pressure on your spine.
Lift Objects Properly Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting heavy items.
Sleep on a Supportive Mattress Choose a medium-firm mattress to keep your spine in a neutral position while you sleep.
Avoid Sitting for Long Periods If you work at a desk, take regular breaks to stretch and move around.
When to See a Doctor
If your lower back pain doesn’t improve with home remedies or if you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s time to consult a doctor:
Severe or worsening pain
Numbness or tingling in the legs
Difficulty standing or walking
Loss of bladder or bowel control
In Gorakhpur, Dr. A.K. Sinha is a trusted orthopedic doctor with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating lower back pain. With his expertise, you’ll receive a personalized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your pain.
Final Thoughts
Lower back pain can be frustrating, but it’s treatable with the right approach. From medications and physical therapy to lifestyle changes, there are plenty of effective solutions to help you find relief. If your pain persists or becomes severe, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.
By consulting a skilled orthopedic doctor like Dr. A.K. Sinha, you can regain your mobility and live a pain-free life. Take the first step toward recovery today.
Contact Us:
Website: https://draksinhagorakhpur.com/
Phone No: 084718 21019
Address: Buddh Vihar, Buddh Vihar Part A, commercial, Taramandal, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273008
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agarwalshikha · 2 months ago
COSMODENT Dental Clinic: Your Trusted Dental Implant & RCT Specialist in Jaipur
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Why Choose COSMODENT Dental Clinic?
1. Expert Care by Dr. Shikha Agarwal At COSMODENT, you are in expert hands. Dr. Shikha Agarwal is a highly skilled and experienced dental professional specializing in dental implants and root canal treatments. With years of training and expertise in the field, Dr. Agarwal ensures that each patient receives personalized care that meets their unique dental needs. Her compassionate approach makes patients feel comfortable, while her dedication to precision guarantees the best possible outcomes.
2. Comprehensive Dental Services As one of the leading dental clinics in Mansarovar, Jaipur, COSMODENT Dental Clinic offers a wide range of services, including:
Dental Implants: If you’ve lost a tooth due to injury or decay, dental implants can restore both function and aesthetics. Dr. Agarwal uses the latest implant technology to ensure that your new teeth look and feel like natural ones.
Root Canal Treatment (RCT): RCT is a specialized procedure to save severely damaged or infected teeth. With Dr. Agarwal’s expertise, you can expect a painless and effective treatment that helps preserve your natural teeth.
Teeth Whitening: A brighter smile is just a visit away! COSMODENT offers professional teeth whitening solutions to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.
Orthodontics: Whether you need traditional braces or clear aligners, COSMODENT provides orthodontic treatments for both children and adults.
Cosmetic Dentistry: From veneers to smile makeovers, the clinic offers various cosmetic solutions to enhance the appearance of your teeth.
3. Advanced Technology & Equipment COSMODENT is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that enables Dr. Agarwal and her team to perform accurate diagnostics and deliver treatments with utmost precision. The clinic uses advanced tools for digital X-rays, intraoral cameras, and other modern dental equipment to ensure that you receive the best care possible.
4. Comfortable and Friendly Environment One of the primary reasons patients trust COSMODENT Dental Clinic is its welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. The clinic is designed to make your visit as stress-free as possible. The team goes the extra mile to ensure that you feel at ease, whether you’re coming in for a routine check-up or a more complex procedure like dental implants or RCT.
5. Affordable and Transparent Pricing Dental treatments can sometimes be expensive, but COSMODENT strives to keep dental care affordable for everyone. Dr. Agarwal believes in providing top-quality care at competitive prices, ensuring that financial concerns don’t prevent you from getting the treatment you need. The clinic is also transparent about its pricing, so there are no hidden costs.
Dental Implants in Jaipur: A Lifesaver for Missing Teeth
Missing teeth can lead to a variety of issues, including difficulty chewing, speaking, and maintaining a confident smile. COSMODENT Dental Clinic offers the latest dental implant solutions to restore both the function and appearance of your teeth.
Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone to act as replacements for missing tooth roots. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant, providing a sturdy foundation for a replacement tooth. At COSMODENT, you can expect a thorough consultation, personalized treatment plan, and post-surgery care to ensure a successful outcome.
Root Canal Treatment (RCT): Saving Your Natural Teeth
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is essential when the pulp of your tooth becomes infected or inflamed, often due to deep decay or injury. Rather than extracting the tooth, an RCT procedure can save your natural tooth, restore its function, and prevent further complications.
Dr. Shikha Agarwal is renowned for her expertise in performing painless RCTs, using the latest equipment and techniques to ensure a smooth, efficient treatment. With a focus on patient comfort, COSMODENT makes this procedure as painless and stress-free as possible, helping you preserve your natural teeth for a lifetime.
Convenient Location in Mansarovar, Jaipur
Located in the bustling area of Mansarovar, Jaipur, COSMODENT Dental Clinic is easily accessible for residents of Jaipur and surrounding areas. Whether you’re coming from nearby localities or other parts of the city, the clinic offers convenient parking and a warm, welcoming environment for your dental care.
If you’re searching for a “Dental Clinic in Mansarovar Jaipur” that offers high-quality dental services with personalized care, COSMODENT should be at the top of your list. The clinic’s prime location, combined with its commitment to excellence in dental care, makes it a trusted choice for patients of all ages.
Your dental health is important, and choosing the right dental care provider can make all the difference. COSMODENT Dental Clinic in Mansarovar Jaipur, under the expert guidance of Dr. Shikha Agarwal, offers a comprehensive range of services, from dental implants to root canal treatments, and more. With advanced technology, expert care, and a compassionate team, COSMODENT ensures that your smile is in the best hands. Book an appointment today to experience top-notch dental care and leave with a smile that’s both healthy and beautiful.
Contact COSMODENT Dental Clinic in Mansarovar Jaipur today for a consultation with Dr. Shikha Agarwal and start your journey towards optimal dental health!
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year ago
SO TRUE!!!!!!
he shouldnt be at the club he should be in a dark old basement laboratory saying shit like “fascinating” or “by jove” and conducting experiments on himself
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