#don’t play with her omg
iheartbookbran · 4 months
i cackled before the season came out and everyone was freaking out about the brothel scenes because they wanted demi!Colin and now the possibility was lost forever, when it was precisely the brothel scenes (+ the diary bit) which cemented demi!Colin to canon prosperity!
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mtvrin · 11 days
everytime i see someone draw fem rindou skinny as fuck i actually start crying and contemplating putting a bullet through my head SYOP BEING A PUSSY ABD GIVE HER MUSCLES
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angelforever · 6 months
When’s it gonna be my turn?
Open me up, tell me you like me
Fuck me to death, love me until I love myself
𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 7 months
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FEBRUARY RECEIPITFY TIME BABES thanks for tagging me @raplinenthusiasts 🤍
i’ll tag @livelocks @cosmicdreamgrl @senor-hoberto @jkvjimin @rjshope @captainassmerica @hopeinthebox @jinstronaut @permanentreverie @summerwave @epiphanytear @hvseoks @kimtaegis
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caitlynmeow · 11 months
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I love how in game Bela’s lines are so business like. You can tell she’s in charge and she’s very efficient because mama expects a lot from her and she isn’t there to disappoint.
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Cassandra is the opposite she’s very playful and doesn’t take anything seriously. Her lines are literally “rawr” trying to scare Ethan while laughing and she literally says “play with me some more” like girlie is there to have a fun time while she’s killing the man-thing and she plans to enjoy it.
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Daniela is… she’s playful, not really on the serious side either. She messes around with Ethan, drawing him into a sort of fantasy before she lunges in for the kill. Definitely more on the fun side than the serious one.
And I LOVE how genuinely surprised she is when he attacks. She just doesn’t understand why he would hurt her even when she’s trying to eat him.
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 5 months
do i believe that taylor and karlie kissed at the 1975 concert in 2014 … well that’s one secret i’ll never tell xoxo
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
3x03 - Asian F
Run the World (Girls) - Brittany S. Pierce and Santana Lopez + McKinley High Girls
“With only two days left for people to announce their candidacy, that leaves me and Brittany running in this race. Which is more like me running, and you know, Brittany just whimsically hopping and skipping nearby. No one takes her seriously.”
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
me and my girlfriend @gilbirda are very cute, and it gives me such joy to see the little opposite pic crews we accidentally made 💕 plus a meme by @gremlin-bot because when they’re right, they’re right
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anyways i love her, that’s all 💕
link to the pic crew hehe 🤗
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weezerlvr228 · 26 days
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why he so mysterious…
#weezer#rivers cuomo#i had a bad day! well actually i looked freaking amazing and got sm compliments today sooo!! i am pretty as freaksauce.#it was fairly good but i failed my physics test :(( …. it’s so sad… 34 percent before the curve.#34?!??? HOW???? I THOUGHT J ATE TS UP???#so yeah; insane …. but it’s okay because i’m good at other stuff and have other things i am good at!#oh yeah so guys guys guys.#there’s this girl who i do not like and i have not liked her since freshman year; right? and she’s fairly popular; your average overachieve#ing person; BUT i always didn’t like her. she left a bad taste in my mouth and i didn’t know if i was just jealous or WHAT#BUT I HAVE REASON TO HATE JER! MY GUT WAS RIGHT!#good job lyss#she’s a homewrecker and basically likes to get w people who have partners…. AND SHE WSS BEING FLIRTY W MY BF LIKE HELLO ???#who she think she is?#my bf doesn’t talk to her anymore since i said i don’t rlly like her and how she is thankfully#but my friend was talking to me in Seminar and was like ‘oh ya if i had a bf i’d kms than let him be around her.’ is that mean ? or is it#okay since she has done that multiple times then gets defensive and hates to be called out for kt#her gf right now had cheated on her boyfriend for the girl i don’t like; and this has happened TWICE!#HELLO???#like wtf…. and she sends the screenshots of it when she stops talking w the person who cheated on their partner for her and starts to play#the victim… like the weezer song. you can’t pay for dinner w the victim card ya.#well billy talent; but you know what i mean. so she’s playing the victim and she was saying “omg…. this feels so wrong…. but-but i love you.#stfu yn 😭#like holy moly. holy guac. “i don’t know how to quit you…’ turn off your phone ! (^^) close the app !#easy as that girl dw i got you#but for real. NOBODY LIKES JER BC SHES SO TOXIC. OMG IM SO JAPPY IM NOT ALONE ONNMY HATE TRAIN#anyways yeah. i can go more in detail for you all if anybody cares about my silly high school drama
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merumis · 1 month
i hate my man roommate and his bitch girlfriend so much
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yourqueenb · 11 months
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MC sweetie, do you know that you’re— nvm
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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do you guys blorbo your own ocs or are you normal?
ft murch because for some reason i’ve latched onto him. teasing big brother rights on odessa whilst trying to help the little menace hold the pretty girls hand
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sunlightfeeling · 7 months
I do enjoy that i can have moments of peace where I’m just working peacefully
like enjoying my drink, listening to music; in a rhythm y’know?
and then my brain just has ✨a moment✨
🧠: hey~ (asked repeatedly until i finally listen)
🧍🏻‍♀️: sup?
🧠: hey, listen, you’re having some boba right now and you know what boba reminded me of?
🧍🏻‍♀️: I’m afraid to ask but you’re just going to tell me anyw
🧠: Takuya laughing at the director on Kimura-saaaan because he starts choking on balls
🧍🏻‍♀️: …….
🧠: boba balls
🧍🏻‍♀️: I’m putting headphones on you
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Had a dream last night that two of my best friends came to stay with me and also Mabel was alive 🥹
#we were all tucked up in my bed with me in the middle#every time i opened my eyes one of them was like ‘omg do you need anything??’#she tried to bring me an energy drink and a glass of water. and then turned on a tv i don’t have & put on a movie with the sound down#i ‘woke up’ still in the dream and one of them was gone so i went downstairs to make the other one a hot chocolate#it was a ridiculously complicated hot chocolate. it was like the luxury hot chocolates i used to make at work#and i look round and i see mabel standing at the kitchen door patiently waiting for her lunch and i’m like ‘MABEL. BABYYY’#so i tried to let her out the patio door but the key wasn’t in the patio door and also the garden gate was open#i couldn’t find the key and i was like ‘mabel must need to pee. like. she must’#i ended up putting her on a leash (she was deaf & senile & had zero recall so couldn’t be unleashed even on the driveway)#and we were about to walk down the driveway into the garden so she could pee there and then i was going to close the gate & try to find the#patio door key. i woke up before i could do any of this or finish making the hot chocolate#i was happy but also sad that i woke up. i miss my little mabel. i miss her face#at some other point in the dream i remember seeing her half asleep in her basket and i was just like 🥺🥺🥺#i just wanted to stand there and look at her because i knew she wasn’t supposed to be there and i wanted to enjoy however long i had#with her. and that’s something i don’t think i always did when she was alive. and the guilt eats me up#she was so loved. i loved her so much. but i wish i’d given her more. i wish i’d been less annoyed by her quirks#like how she could never be let off a lead and how she used to stare at me for hours even though she didn’t want anything (had been fed#recently; wouldn’t go for a walk or play with me if i tried; wasn’t receptive to attention)#if she came back for the day and all she wanted to do was stare into my soul i would be so happy. i feel so awful for ever being annoyed#by her habits. she just wanted to know where i was 😭#personal
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villainsidestep · 6 months
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theamazingannie · 6 months
I’m a sucker for musical parallels and referencing an old song in a new song but I feel like this TTPD lead up is not just a “this is how I used to feel and now I’m using those themes to show how I feel now” and more of a “those feelings were never real and actually those love songs that were so beautiful before are actually about a bad relationship and full of red flags” cuz it’s honestly ruining my feelings on those old songs. Like Taylor’s whole thing is letting us interrupt the songs and apply them to our own lives and now it’s like even she is encouraging us to only see them through the lens of her most recent breakup and it really sucks tbh
#like when it was just fans being swifties I could ignore it and keep believing they were good love songs#but now that those Apple Music playlists came out and these songs are being sorted through different lenses#it feels like she wants us to look at those beautiful love songs differently and I hate it#taylor swift#ttpd#like I’d make jokes and talk about her personal life#and look at her songs and be like hmmm maybe that’s what she meant by this#but mostly her songs were always separate from her real life relationships#(otherwise I wouldn’t be able to love the speak now era love songs lmao)#I apply her songs to my characters#sweet nothing was the perfect song for one of my ocs who got famous and felt like he couldn’t be himself anymore#expect when he was with his bf who didn’t see him that way#and now I listen to it and I hear all those tweets saying ‘omg he didn’t love her and didn’t care about her and THATS what she was saying’#and having lover being one of the top wedding songs of the 2020s#and the ‘at every table I’ll save you a seat’ now going from ‘I want you by my side always’#to ‘I have to save it but you don’t show up cuz you’re never there for me’#and lavender haze going from ‘we don’t need to be married to be in love and I just want to be with you#and I wish people would stay out of my private life’#now being ‘I actually did want to get married and this was me just being in denial’#it SUCKS#things were much easier when I was just playing my thoughts here rather than following fan pages on Twitter#I’ve met a lot of great people and learned some fun stuff but this is exhausting#I just want to listen to my favorite artist without analyzing every line to figure out if she really meant it like that#I love her for her ability to tel stories I can relate my characters to#that’s all I really want to do with her songs#makes me want to leave the fandom and just listen alone#but also doing that before made me miss album announcements and vault puzzles and other news#idk I’ll probably stay but it just really sours the whole experience for me#and I wish it didn’t
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