#don’t mind the drains I know they’re a little gross xD
minibunz · 10 months
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I survived top surgery 🤪
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master-sass-blast · 6 years
I’m Not as Think as You Drunk I Am.
And, like the title suggests, it involves drinking; this is your obligatory PSA to drink responsibly and legally. It may seem like fun, but you can actually kill yourself if you drink too much. Stay safe, kids.
Summary: Wade gets the Reader DRUNK during a New Year’s celebration at the X-Mansion. Piotr finds out and gets pissed, then helps the Reader recover from their hangover the next morning.
Rating: T for strong language and alcohol consumption.
Warnings: Vomiting, legal alcohol consumption, hangovers, etc.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader.
(Title from “Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time” lyric by Panic! At The Disco.)
You’re minding your own business, just hanging out in the library while you innocently sketch in your drawing pad.
But, then, that’s usually how these things happen.
Wade bounds into the library, skips towards you, and hops over the couch before crouching behind you and putting his hand over your mouth. “Don’t scream. It’s just me.”
“I literally just saw you come in,” You mumble against his palm before pushing his hand away. “What’s up?”
Wade yanks on your arm until you climb over the back of the couch and crouch next to him. “Okay, so this is for your ears only, okay? Wolvie and I managed to hide some booze in the mansion for the New Year’s party tomorrow. There’s going to be a party in the basement after the fireworks go off. Anyone under twenty-one, Mr. Pole Up the Ass, and Colossus are absolutely not invited, capiche?”
You frown. “And you’re telling me this because...”
“Uh, because drinking alcohol is a great rite of passage in America. I’m Canadian, and I know that. You’re legal, right?”’
“Then you’re invited. Look, it’s better to drink with friends for the first time. We’ve all drank alcohol before --I can’t drunk anyway, so I’ll be able to keep an eye on you--and you’ll be at a safe place with literal doctors on staff if you get sick. It’s perfect!”
Hindsight will tell you that this is a bad idea. Horrible. Utterly stupid.
But, right now, you don’t have hindsight. All you have is foresight, and you’re foreseeing a lot of fun and new experiences in the future.
You grin. “Awesome.”
“And just what are you two doing?”
You and Wade both jump and stare guiltily up at your boyfriend.
He’s in his metal form right now, thick arms crossed over his burly chest. “Why are you hiding behind couch and whispering?”
“Hi, Pete!” You chirp with a sunny grin. “We’re booby-trapping Scott’s underwear drawer for New Year’s!”
“Don’t tell him!” Wade hisses, playing along with your deception.
Piotr simply shakes his head --but you can seem him repressing a smile. “Play nice, you two. No pranks tomorrow.”
“Aw, babe--”
“Nyet, myshka. Not tomorrow. Tomorrow is celebration, not time for pranks.”
You pout, slump your shoulders, and hang your head. “Okay.”
“Hey! I didn’t agree to this!”
“Fine! Do it without me!”
Piotr chuckles and turns to leave. “Behave, you two.”
“I make no promises!”
You opt to blow a kiss at your boyfriend --and he blows one back, which makes your cheeks flush--then grin at Wade when he’s gone and hold up your fist. “How awesome was that?”
Wade returns your fist bump with an equally devious grin. “So awesome.”
“Five... four... three... two... one!”
People cheer, fireworks go off, and camera lights flash as the world officially rolls over into a New Year.
Piotr grins down at you, holding you to him with one hand and using the other to caress your face. “S noyvm godom, myshka.”
You grin back. “Kiss me, darling.”
He does. Passionately, and longer than he would normally dare in other public displays of affection. When he pulls back, his cheeks are flushed and he looks immensely pleased. “A New Year.”
“A New Year,” you repeat. You grin, then lean up on your toes. “To all it may bring.”
“Da.” He kisses you again, then breaks it with a sigh. “I am on teenager duty tonight, unfortunately.”
“I know.” You feign a yawn and give him a sheepish look. “I’m actually kind of tired...”
He pats your shoulder and kisses the top of your head. “Go rest, myshka. One of us should.”
You press a kiss against his cheek, then head upstairs. Phase One: Complete.
You and Wade had constructed a damn near fool proof plan to sneak you downstairs without your mother hen boyfriend noticing. Wade had paid Russell fifty dollars to light something outside on fire to create a diversion, and he’d text you once it was safe for you to come down.
Within two minutes of skulking around the hall, you hear the loud ‘fwoom’ of one of Russell’s fireballs; mere seconds later, your phone chirps with a text from Wade.
Bro: Silver ballz is outsies. Bring on da booze!!! Get ur ass down here. XD XP
You: Don’t ever call him ‘silver ballz’ again. That’s just gross. And I’m on my way.
You creep back down the hall, listening for any signs of approaching residents. 
Fortunately, almost everyone’s outside, distracted by Russell’s explosion. 
You hop over the railing by the staircase and make an air current to float down to the floor. The backdoor’s open, and you can actually see Piotr outside in defense mode, trying to put out a burning rose bush.
“Psst! Come on! Stop ogling and get down here!” Wade hisses through the barely ajar basement door.
You dart over and slip down the stairs, an excited grin on your face.
Logan and Nathan are already down there, drinks in hand. Neena’s with them as well, along with Peter, Kurt, and Bobby.
“Rogue and Gambit should be joining us later,” Wade says as he joins you at the bottom of the stairs. “In the meantime, let’s get this party started!”
“For once, Wilson, you’ve had a good idea,” Logan growls as he takes a swig from his red solo cup. “Colossus’s kept us from having adult New Years for a while now.”
“Yeah, well, the world’s largest Silver Bullet ain’t got nothin’ on me!” Wade pulls out a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. “First shot of the night goes to Princess here, since it’s her first time.”
“Oh, everyone, you know what that means,” Neena says with a grin.
You frown as the others refill their cups. “What does it mean?”
“Everyone downs a drink once you take your first shot,” Bobby says as he blows on his cup to cool it down.
You blink, then eye your shot glass suspiciously. “That sounds... dubious.”
“Don’t worry, that’s just your inner Piotr talking.” Wade holds out the shot glass to you. “He’ll shut up after the second or third shot.” When you hesitate, his face softens. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
You eye the glass in his hand, then shrug. “Hashtag YOLO.” You pick up the glass, lift it to your lips, then tilt your head back and down the shot in a few swallows, just like you’ve seen in the movies.
Well, almost like you’ve seen in the movies. It takes a couple tries for you to swallow it all down, and you cough once the glass is empty. “Oh my gosh. That burns.”
Wade cheers and claps his hands. “Well done! Considerably less flailing than I was expecting. All right, everyone else, she’s done it; bottoms up!”
You watch, stunned as the other adults drain their cups --cups, not shot glasses--in long, easy swallows. Your mind already feels a little hazy, but you still can’t fathom drinking this stuff that easily.
Nathan finishes first with a growl. “Keep it coming, Wade. It’s been a hell of a year.”
A couple hours in and you’re feeling great. The shots just get easier and easier to take the more you drink, and each shot you take has you feeling more and more relaxed.
Beer, however, tastes like piss; you have no idea how Nate and Logan stomach the stuff.
“It’s an acquired taste,” Nathan says with a crooked grin after he lets you trip a sip of his drink; his cheeks are flushed --apparently, he can drunk, just not as fast as you.
“An’ you keep callin’ Wade the s-su-stupid one.” You giggle and rock back in your chair, almost knocking it over. “You’re the one wi’ the stupid hair, ‘fter all.”
“My hair... is not stupid,” Nathan grumbles, pointing a finger at you.
“Maybe not, but Wade doesn’ have any, which jus’ leave you.”
“She’s got a point,” Logan says with a chuckle as he watches Domino destroy Bobby, Kurt, and Peter at beer pong. “The default answer is you.”
Nathan flips him off.
You laugh again, flopping around in your seat. You feel amazing. Normally, there’s always an underlying current of stress and worry, but right now it’s gone. You feel completely relaxed, without a care in your mind.
Your ‘Piotr’ voice --it’s not gone, just really hard to hear right now--is saying something about it being fake and one of the addictive side effects of alcohol, but you’re too busy taking another shot to focus on the actual words.
“Okay, pumpkin!” Wade lifts the shot glass out of your hand. “That’s the cut off point for you. You’ve had seven, and I’m not trying to give you alcohol poisoning.”
You pout at him. “I was havin’ fun! The fuck?”
“You can have it back in a couple hours, once you’ve guzzled some water, peed, and eaten something. The bathroom’s right behind you. I suggest you go there, because pissing your pants isn’t as fun as it sounds. Believe me, I would know.”
You blink owlishly at him. “Huh?”
“Maybe you should cut her off for the night,” Logan suggests. “She’s clearly a lightweight.”
You can’t really process what they’re saying. You’re too busy rubbing your hands all over your face. “I can’t feel my face,” You sing. “She tol’ me... don’ worry... ‘bout it!” You slap yourself across the face --it takes a couple tries, but you manage--and gasp when no sting of pain follows. “Holy shit! I don’ feel pain anymore!”
Wade laughs hysterically as he holds your hands away from your face. “I wish I had a camera! This is fucking priceless! Y/N, you’re completely toasted!”
You open your mouth to say something, but there’s a loud banging noise that distracts you. You loll your head back and try to see what’s going on.
Piotr tromps down the stairs in his human mode, fists clenched at his side. His blue eyes are wide with fury, and his mouth his clenched shut. He stops at the bottom of the stairs and glares down the room. “What is going on?”
“Shit,” Wade mutters under his breath. He forces a grin and stands, partially hiding you from view. “Colossus! Buddy! Welcome to the party!”
“Enough. Where is Y/N?”
You gasp once your brain catches up with your eyes. “Oh! Piotr’s here!” You smile --because you’re genuinely happy to see him, even though you’re too drunk to think right now--when his gaze snaps to you. “Hi, baby! How’s it goin’?”
He relaxes, just a little. “You’re going to bed. Now.”
You nod, happy to along with whatever he says. “Okay.” You manage to get out of your chair, but start falling over as soon as you try to walk.
Piotr darts forward and catches you, clutching you against his chest to keep you from toppling over.
You nuzzle your face against his chest, marveling at how soft his shirt is. You can’t really hear what he’s saying to the others, but you can feel the resonance of his voice in his chest. It tickles your face, and you let out a soft giggle as you wrap your arms around his waist. “You’re all buzzy.”
Piotr sighs and pats your back. “Come on, lyublyu. To bed with you.” He places his hands under your shoulders and tenses. “I’m going to carry you, okay?”
“Right.” You gasp when he lifts you --then groan when the room spins. “Oh shit. Everything’s sideways.”
Piotr tucks you against his chest and walks towards the stairs. “Close your eyes. Just let me take care of you.”
The trek to his room is mercifully short --though that might have to do with your passing out halfway through. Your eyes pop open when he sets you on his bed. “Huh? Where am I?”
“In bed.” He kisses your forehead. “Stay here. I’ll get you one of my shirts.”
You whine as he walks away. “No! Don’ leave me!”
“I’m just right here, at the closet. You can still see me.”
“But you’re so far ‘way!” You sob into the bed. “‘m all alone.”
“No, you’re not,” he says as he kneels in front of you. “I’m right here.”
You gasp. “You’re back! You were gone f’rever!”
He kisses your temple and wipes the tears off your cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’ll be faster next time.” He sits you up and starts peeling you out of your clothes.
“Bow chika wow wow,” You mumble as he strips you out of your jeans. You start singing the intro to ‘Careless Whisper,’ but give up about halfway through. “Pete?”
“Da, dorogaya moya?”
“I think ‘m drunk.”
Last night, you felt great.
This morning, you abso-fucking-lutely do not.
Your head feels like someone’s driving an ice pick into it. Your body aches, and your stomach feels like it’s about to commit mutiny.
And you’re tired. You feel like you got hit by an insomnia train.
Piotr’s hand rubs up and down your back in soothing circles. “How are you feeling, myshka?”
You bury your face into your pillow to try and block out the light streaming through the windows. “Oh God. I think I’m gonna die!”
His lips press against your shoulder. “You’re hungover. Wade said you had seven vodka shots last night.”
“I didn’t mean to! Holy shit, this sucks! Why didn’t Wade tell me about this? I’m gonna murder him!”
“Later, dorogoy. Try to focus on getting rest for now.”
You would, but at that moment your stomach decides to launch its mutiny into motion. You lurch out of bed and bolt for the bathroom, diving for the toilet as the first round of stomach contractions start.
You’re not sure how long you spend vomiting into the porcelain bowl, but when you finally get a reprieve you realize Piotr’s sitting next to you, holding your hair back. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s natural reaction for hangover.”
“No --well, yeah, but not what I was talking about. I’m sorry that I went to the party behind your back, and I’m sorry I drank alcohol when I wasn’t supposed to. I’m sorry I broke the rules.”
He rubs your back with his free hand. “We’ll talk about it when you’re better --but you are very much forgiven.”
Once your body settles, he leaves your side to turn the shower on.
You grimace at the sound of the water pelting the shower floor. “That’s so loud! Turn it off!”
 “Sorry, dorogoy, but you’ll feel better after shower.” He helps you out of your pajamas --then strips down and joins you.
Normally, you’d be delighted by that, but right now you’re entirely consumed by how shitty you’re feeling. All you can really do is stand under the spray of the water and squeeze your eyes shut to try and block out the pain.
Fortunately, you don’t have to do more than that. Piotr’s in full ‘mother hen boyfriend’ mode right now, determined to help you survive your first ever hangover. He gently washes --and conditions--your hair and lathers your body in soap with such nurturing tenderness that you don’t even get turned on from having your boyfriend literally rub you from head to toe.
That, and you feel like shit. Actually, it might be more of the latter than the former.
Once you’re all rinsed, Piotr turns the water off and dries both of you off before helping you into a fresh set of pajamas. Then, in a gesture of ultimate chivalry, he carries you the ten foot distance back to the bed and tucks you in. “I’m going to make you some breakfast. Rest in meantime.”
You groan. “No. No food.”
“Your body needs food to help process alcohol out of system. Trust me, da? I have been hungover before. I know what helps.”
You snort, which makes your headache worse, but you can’t help it. “You? Hungover? Likely story.”
“I had rebellious phase!” He sounds indignant. “I was not always like I am now.”
“Sure, babe.” You manage to find his hand and pat it. “What, did you jaywalk instead of using the crosswalks like a law-abiding citizen?”
He huffs and kisses your temple. “Very funny, myshka. Get some rest while I make food.”
You’re out before he closes the door.
Nearly an hour later and he’s back, gently rousing you from sleep and helping you sit up.
“Breakfast in bed? What sort of alternate universe is this?” You grumble, feeling somewhat better after a nap.
“Special circumstance.” He sets up a tray table next to his bed, then sets a bottle of water and a couple ibuprofen pills on the table. “Take these and drink some water. I’ll be back in few minutes.”
Now that he’s mentioned it, you realize your mouth is bone dry. You take the pain pills and guzzle half the bottle, but your mouth wicks all the water away like one of those miracle drying rags Wade keeps buying off the infomercial channels.
Speaking of Wade, he’s walking into the room. “You okay?”
You glare at him as you gulp from the water bottle. “I’m gonna fucking murder you.”
“Figured. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about the hangover. I don’t get hungover anymore; I didn’t even think about it.” He sets an orange prescription bottle on the tray table. “But I brought a peace offering. Prescription painkillers. Best shit you can get.”
“Absolutely not.” Piotr storms into the room, sets the plate he’d been carrying for you on his desk, and yanks Wade away from you. “You’ve done enough damage already.”
“Piotr, calm down!” You exclaim, wincing at how loud your voice is. Quieter, you add, “He’s just trying to be nice.”
“By offering you stolen prescription. After getting you overly intoxicated.”
“They’re mine!” Wade insists as he flails in Piotr’s grip. “Legal and all that shit! I still have cancer, asshole. They prescribe painkillers to help with that.”
Piotr picks up the bottle, then sets Wade down after reading the label. “I am sorry. I should not have assumed. But you still got Y/N drunk --after you were told to not bring alcohol in for New Year’s. And you bribed Russell.”
“Look, babe, he wanted to introduce me to alcohol safely.”
“By breaking rules, causing damage, and lying.”
“By doing it in a safe place, with people who know me and know how alcohol effects the body, and where we had access to a doctor if things went super sideways. He didn’t take me to a bar, he didn’t force me to drink anything, and he cut me off before I got too out of control. I think he deserves some credit for that.”
Piotr mulls it over, then sighs. “Your intentions were... good, Wade. Even if your techniques were... misguided.”
“Thank you.”
“You still have to answer for your actions. You broke many rules last night, and bribing Russell to cause damage to property is unacceptable. He or any number of others could have been seriously hurt.”
 “Yeah, yeah, I know.” Wade waves his hand dismissively before plucking his bottle of painkillers out of your boyfriend’s hand. “I’m going now. Before you get too far into lecture mode.”
Piotr glares after him, then shakes his head and retrieves the plate from his desk. “Sorry about that, moya lyubov’.”
“It’s okay.” You gratefully accept the plate --you’re hungry now, ravenous beyond belief.
The plate is loaded with all your favorites --including a small stack of golden, perfectly fluffy chocolate chip pancakes.
Piotr kisses the top of your head as you dig in. “I will be right back. Do you want more water?”
“Yes, please.”
He returns a few minutes later, water bottle tucked under his arm and two glasses in hand. One is filled with an orange liquid and almost looks appetizing; the other...
“Is that... pickle juice?” You grimace when you give the contents of the glass a precursory sniff. “Why? Haven’t I suffered enough?”
“Salt will help your body. Take sips. Don’t try to drink it all at once.”
You take a sip --and it’s a disgustingly salty and sour--and eye the other glass with suspicion. “Do I even want to know what that is?”
Piotr holds it out to you. “It is Russian hangover cure. I think you will like this better.”
You sniff the contents --it smells decidedly better, just barely not like orange juice--and take a sip. “Oh! I like that!” You down the glass easily and set it on the table as you smack your lips. “Can I have more of that?”
“Maybe later, if you still need it. Try to keep eating.”
You manage, growing more subdued and sleepier as you fill your belly. Eventually, Piotr says you’ve eaten enough --and drank enough of the pickle juice, which is still gross--and lets you flop back down on the bed.
He pulls the blankets up around your shoulders and smooths your hair away from your face as you settle back in. “I will check on you later. Rest well, myshka.”
You wake up several hours later, feeling considerably less fucked over. Your head no longer feels like it’s being scooped out by a melon baller, and your stomach is considerably less grumpy. You manage to get yourself upright and pad out of Piotr’s room on shaky legs.
The mansion is practically silent as you wander through the large halls. Most of the mutants visit their families during Christmas and New Year’s, meaning that there’s no one to run into while you search for your boyfriend.
Which is probably for the best. You can walk, but you definitely don’t feel human enough for conversation.
It takes a while, but you manage to track him down; he’s outside, in full on defense mode, watching Nathan, Neena, Logan, Kurt, Wade, Peter, and Bobby clean up the remains from Russell’s bush burning.
Scott’s also there, supervising, which briefly makes you hesitate; you ultimately decide that you want your boyfriend, so you jam your boots onto your feet and brave the cold and snow.
The sunlight hurts your head, and you tromp towards Piotr as quickly as you can.
He starts slightly when you wrap your arms around his waist --considerably harder than usual since he’s in defense mode--and turns around with a concerned frown on his face. “Y/N? You should be inside.”
“I wanted to come find you,” You mumble as you press your face into his coat to block out the piercing sunlight.
He makes sure Scott is good to go, then scoops you into his arms and carries you inside. Before you can think of anything to say, you’re back in his room and in bed again with the blankets tucked over your legs.
He hands you the water bottle as you prop yourself into a sitting position. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. My head still hurts, though.”
He kisses your forehead, almost like a parent kissing their child’s scraped knee. “Do you want some more painkillers?”
“Later. I saw that you had the guys and Neena doing due penance. Why didn’t you have me out there, too? I was part of last night.”
Piotr takes one of your hands in his and kisses your knuckles. “Scott and I talked it over with the Professor. We decided better ‘penance’ would be to have you take course on alcohol safety.”
You frown. “Scott agreed to that?”
“Eventually. Wade made very compelling case for you this morning. He said you had no experience with alcohol previously, and that you had no basis to know why New Year’s rule was in place to begin with.”
You make a mental note to thank Wade later.
“The Professor and I agreed --and Scott added the safety course, which is not that unreasonable, I think.”
“It’s not,” You admit. “But I might bitch about it anyway.”
“And I will be there to pat your hand and remind you that it is due consequence of your choices.”
“Like the wonderful boyfriend you are. Pampering me and keeping me grounded.” You smile softly. “I like to think you bring out the best in me, Pete.”
He smiles back and kisses you gently. “I like to think you bring out best in me, Y/N.”
Despite the pounding in your head and the knowledge that you’re going to have to take a pain the ass course eventually, you melt into the kiss.
There’s no place you’d rather be.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(aww don’t worry, that’s totally fine!
 And oh no, I’m so sorry you had a hard time ;-; I babysit a LOT (I do it basically every day since I don’t have any studying to do right now…I go out to take a walk with my little sister and all her friends flock to me like “EVANS we’re playing tag and you gotta be it, please?” like how can you resist those eyes omg. Maybe I’m just too soft?) so I know what it’s like…
tbh my little sister is an ok kid- she’s nicer than a lot of kids I know (probably because my mom is super strict when it comes to manners and being kind/polite to others) and is super adorable at times. But, like everyone else, she has her bratty moments XD She has a bad habit of sulking sometimes over little things and then she just starts whining in a way that completely drains anyone who has to listen to her. She also refuses to compromise when she’s sulking so. Yeah. Really frustrating LOL
(is chewing with your mouth open rude in Croatia too? This might sound gross to you then but it’s totally fine in Korea so most people do it that way lol)
Anyway,I hope you’re ok now Queen *hugs*)
Yeah, I might.
My parents actually bought the books for me because they were interested in reading the series too, but idk.
I recently realized that FMA has a lot of Rising Sun Flag designs in it, and that’s considered offensive over here (probably in China too) because it’s associated with Japanese Imperialism (which was pretty ugly). Not sure why it was used in FMA because FMA seems to be all against war and violence, but I guess the artist, like most Japanese people, just doesn’t know what the Rising Sun Flag is associated with in other countries…
I talked about my mom with it and she’s fine with me reading FMA as long as I know what I’m doing, but I don’t think she’ll really want to read it herself anymore.
Ok that looks horrible for my feelings. I love it. I’ll have to find a way to watch that over here! :D
I think one of the problems is that sometimes writers are so desperate to make ‘strong’, ‘likable’ characters that they overdo it…
Yep, Killua is the cutie with the fluffy white hair! :) He’s not my favorite out of the main four (that’s either Gon or Leorio), but he’s pretty good. Killua is the youngest, most talented Zoldyck kid who’s probably going to be chosen as the heir once his parents die, but he doesn’t want to. The thing that makes Killua different from Illumi and his other siblings is that he hates his training and really doesn’t want to grow up to be an assassin, and that’s why he ran away from home at the start of the series.
(then of course his mother sent Illumi to pick him up, and Illumi’s all like “Why did you run away from home?“ then it’s basically
Kilua: “Because I didn’t want to stay and I have other stuff I want to do. Like, hopes and dreams, things I want to achieve in life, you know?”
Illumi: …
Illumi “lol what hopes and dreams you’re a murderer Killua. A bloodthirsty killer just like the rest of us. no rainbows and unicorns for you”
Killua: “That’s not true! I have friends now, friends who I actually enjoy spending time with! People who are NICE to me!”
Illumi: “*sigh* this is why we can’t have nice things, dearest brother…these ‘friends’ are the reason you won’t come back home, right? So if I just go and kill them, problem solved! :)”)
…that sounds really accurate.
(also wow are we actually making Kimblee/Evans headcanons. WHEN did this become a thing.)
the smol pokemon (I think it’s called Meowth? Also from what I remember it’s evil) would probably be Envy or Pride lol
Moblit has been put out of his suffering by Isayama though ;-;
Yep, Idk what would happen to the fandom if Armin actually kicked the bucket (gotta stop talking about that we might jinx it 0.0).
Naomi would really disown him then LOL
Ah, tysm queen <333 I do try to keep a color palette in in mind but it’s hard to stick to just one so I just look for pics with similar tones or colors that go well together (like the Tatsuo aesthetic is a bit all over the place but because they’re mostly 'cooler’ shades I don’t think it looks that bad? XD).
(the wine gave it away, right? lol)
Were the aesthetics still ok-ish, though? ;-;
(but more Thor with short hair, I mean the hairstyle does look good on him but I can’t stop seeing Chris Hemsworth instead of Thor ok. He feels like a different character now lol) 
((I’m watching Iron Man 2 rn. Tony: It’s not about us, it’s about Legacy.
Legacy, what is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.))
Aw, you’re so lucky with your sister! I’m the younger sis in my family, and I know I was a little shit, but I’m not anymore :))) I feel sorry for my big sis…
I can imagine Evans playing with little kids at the local heart… my heart is melting T^T Ahaha, everyone whines from time to time. Well, I guess it can be annoying if the person does it too much… 
Well, it’s considered rude, but an embarrassingly big number of people do it. I’ve always been raised not to do it, so it’s become one of my biggest pet peeves.  Oh dear… If I ever visit Korea, that’s gonna be a fun experience XD 
I’m fine now, since he’s gone back to Zagreb, I’m gonna see him again in September. Plenty of time to recover XD
Oh wow! That’s pretty interesting. My parents know my hobby, but they stay far away from it… They did watch Spririted Away with me, though, so it’s something…
I didn’t know that… I mean, I knew about the rising flag thing, but I didn’t really notice the amount of it in the manga… I usually don’t pay attention to those things, though I think I read somewhere that, in the original manga, the original Greed was crucified. I’m not sure if it was changed for the translation or before the publication. In the anime and in the manga I’ve read, he was tied around that huge stone. 
How much did she read? Is she upset by the rising sun? Well, it’s still nice that she tried to read it ^^
Is kissanime banned in Korea? Or do you just want to watch the series legally? Cause it’s definitely easier to watch it there. You’ll love Re:Zero, I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s an infinite loop of suffering. That’s the actual description oft the anime.
All this talk about HxH is making me wanna watch it, but it has more than 140 episodes and I’m really not the person for long anime (which is rich, considering I’ve watched all Fairy Tail episodes, and there’ like 277 of those. First and last time I watched something like that). I feel so sorry for Killua ;-; He seems like a cinnamon roll and cinnamon rolls never deserve treatment like that… Why can’t he be happy??
Tbh, it kinda makes sense to me for Illumi to be the most messed up one, since he’s the oldest and has been under their influence for the longest, not to mention parents tend to be hardest on their oldest kids, but still. Damn. Also, torturing anyone, let alone a 12yo is just. That show is seriously messed up.
It’s always fun making peoplexchatacter headcanons! I always enjoy writing them, especially if they make people happy (and aren’t necessarily matchups), and it’s even more fun for you, because you’re a cinnamon roll (90% of the time)  and it’s so much fun writing about cinnamon rolls~ 
Ah, I see! Still, Chibi envy and pride sound quite! They’d probably cause so much problems for the two of you, but it would be awesome to see. 
Right. I just remembered Moblit and the recent characters. Welp.  I found a sentence on his wiki that describes me perfectly during the school year: “Much of the time, this left him in a state of near-panic(…)” Sounds like me.
Maybe we can try to double jinx it? Armin is definitely gonna die in the next chapter! (If he does, I’m smashing something XD)
Yep, it’s not bad ^^ But it’s always a tiny bit better if the colors are as similar as possible. The Olivier one was probably the best one yet, since it mostly sticks with blue-grey! So you’re improving quickly ^^ All of them are good, though! So don’t beat yourself up over it ^^ They’re your aesthetics and you’re free to make them however you want ^^
YEEEE I AM SO EXCITED!!! Omg, but I need to tell you about my dream that I had the night after watching the trailer. So my family is having some kind of Christmas gathering and I come downstairs to greet everyone and boom! There, on the couch, sitting next to my sister and explaining the process of making a movie, is Tom Hiddleston. Apparently, he was my really distant cousin?? Which made me really confused?? And I wanted to ask him a few questions about Ragnarok, but I was too damn shy, even though my sister had right about 0 problems talking to him,  and I was quite jealous actually =3=  According to my dream, they had to climb up some mountain by themselves to film it.  It was McFreaking weird.
But still TT^TT HIS FABULOUS HAIR!! I’ll never get over it….
Iron Man 2 is on! Well, I’m not watching it anymore XD I’m not gonna see the last 30 mins, cause i’m switching the channel, since Sherlock (the TV show) begins shortly. I’ll probably watch the rest of Iron Man some other day ^^
Ah, also, I'm afraid I won't be able to answer for a week... unfortunately, I won't have access to a laptop, so =3= i could probably answer asks though ^^
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s02e09 The Last Word review - or more aptly named, how dare they replace Elle like that, oh shit I fell in love with Paget Brewster from the two scenes in this episode, never mind, continue, my lovelies XD
Episode 09 – The Last Word
So last episode played on every bit of emotion I had – happy, sad, fucking crying like a baby because Derek put himself in harm’s way just to comfort a victim who could be blown to smithereens like Cooke and he was completely dependent on fucking Cassie to do her job and not fuck it up. I was in emotional shambles! I swear!
So I hope this episode would be better in that it gives me some humor fodder, but I doubt it, cuz the title is very cryptic and not helpful. And the opening shot is kids running in a park and we all know by now that if you watch Criminal Minds, something fucked up is going to happen to whoever is the first shot. Fuck.
Aww! The guy ran with a Dalmatian!
Wait. They’re playing catch with their daughter like a dog? Oh my god, they’re so cute!
Oh fuck. That girl just ran into the woods on her own. Uh oh.
Hey! That guy played that fake head of S.H.I.E.L.D!
Wait, so you’re just following this guy who popped out of nowhere into the forest? Oh my god.
Oh my god, I knew this guy was gonna be awful. Shit!
Why is he seeing his mom in her bra? Come on.
And she’s blaming him for not waking her up on time?
I’m with this kid, get a fucking alarm clock. And I’m not even mad at him for being sassy.
He gave his baby brother pizza and milk? Oh my god. That mom is awful.
Aw, she’s the worst mom ever. Not bringing him pancakes when she promised.
Oh god, she’s a hooker? Oh baby.
Oh shit! He just shot that hooker! Damn!
Okay, that’s a new face. Emily Prentiss. Cute name. She’s a daughter of an ambassador. Nice. And she went to Yale? Wow! Smarty!
Oh my god, there is something we’re not getting, Hotch.
What? She’s supposed to work with the team? What? But. They haven’t gotten over Elle yet! What are you doing???? No!!!!
Wow. He just blew her off. Wow.
Wait. Someone went over Gideon and Hotch’s heads to enlist Prentiss? Uh oh.
Yup. That was is St. Louis, someone is killing hookers and moms. Yikes.
Wait. Emily is officially on the team? Okay. Welcome, Paget Brewster. I’ve seen a lot of her on the web, so she should be ok, right?
Elbert Hubbard: “If men could only know each other, they would neither idolize nor hate.” What? That made no sense. I guess I’m tired… so in order to wake up a bit, eating schnitzel with noodles.
Aww, groggy, pensive Reid is the cutest.
I’m jealous of that cup in Derek’s hand.
One of the killers wrote a letter? Oh lord, that is sick.
Oh my god, Derek talking to children is the cutest thing ever. I swear. She’s so adorable! I can’t believe Shemar is still unmarried, but it makes me beyond happy.
Oh god. She’s dead? Fuck.
Wait, the killer is still visiting her? Oh my god.
Oh god, I am totally grossed out right now. He’s actually putting lipstick on her lips, brushing her hair, and making out with a corpse. I’m sorry, but I really am trying not to judge here, but that is so disgusting to me. I know she probably is alive, but the whole acting thing is way believable.
Wow, that old lady creeps me out.
Oh, she’s the hooker’s mom. Hey! That’s no way to treat your grandkids. Oh my god, the baby is crying, do something about him.
Wow. That lady is seriously jaded.
Great. Humanizing the victims. It’s a great season, emotionally speaking.
Wait, they only have one file about the guy who killed the hooker? But three boxes on the freak who kills women, buries them up till their necks and makes out with them? Oh boy.
I like that reporter. He’s hot.
They found the mom. Thank goodness. But seriously, oh my god.
Oh shit! That taxi driver, who is apparently the Hollow Man just killed two hookers at once! Dang! He’s a quick-shooter. Fuck.
And he put the paper that glorified the Mill Creek River, ha. He was pissed.
It’s not a guessing game, dude, JJ is as much a profiler as the other guys, come on! Trust her, jackhole.
Graphology. Interesting. It’s awesome.
So he’s oppressed in his job and feels it’s draining him and he’s underappreciated and underpaid? Shit, I could be a serial killer with that profile, Reid, I’m not really feeling it.
An attention whore. Got it. That’s the Hollow Man.
The Mill Creek River is disturbed on the inside. Got it.
Another death. Fuck. The Creek Killer. Shit.
That’s him! That’s the killer! Please let them find something on him so they don’t find more bodies. But he’s too smart for that. But seriously? Hiking with no water or food supplies? That’s seriously suspicious.
So he’s familiar with the woods? Oh god.
“Now that is an awesome place to dump a person.” “Come on, Garcia.” “What? I’m just saying, angel fish … Evil knew what he was doing.” God, I love those two.
“What? Forget … No, no. I don’t want to know that. Bye-bye.” Oh sweetie, you’re so adorable, but I agree, I wish I hadn’t known what that meant either. But I do. Gross. I actually giggled over that sentence like a little girl.
They call a sniffing dog Brownie? Aww, those tough FBI agents are softies.
Well yeah. If it’s imperative that he comes to see her, he’s gonna come see her, and if they set up a trap they can catch him.
Wait. That’s the reporter guy! What the fuck?
The Hollow Man told him? What the fuck?
A news chopper? Oh no.
Oh god. He’s gonna get her on the street? Oh god.
Hey! Leave her alone, you dick! God, you are amazing, lady! So brave! And he’s such a coward.
I’m pretty sure the Hollow Man is an inside man. I’m suspicious he’s inside the PD.
They’re talking in the personals in codes? Oh my god. The two serial killers corresponded using Catcher in the Rye names! Fuck! And dude, no offense, but every white guy/girl knows that story. Wait what, it’s a loved book of sociopaths. And Mark David Chapman quoted it after offing John Lennon? Oh lord. Wait. They know who killed him? I thought it was a random shooting. Oh lord. I have so much to learn.
“Hey, sweetness. Make me smile and tell me you got a name.” “Oh, I got scads of them, babe, but none paid for these personal ads. They went with cash, totally old school. I hate it when they’re smart. Two separate accounts in good standing.” Apart from the psychos who are outsmarting them, I love the interchange. Someone kiss someone already!
Fuck. Why pressure Reid? Damn.
Oh god, they’re using a doppelganger to bait him. Oh my god. She’s so brave. I love her. Ew.
So the Mill Creek Killer bought it. You go, Reid. Oh my god, he’s sick as fuck. Damn.
YES! They got the fucker. You go, Derek! I love watching him cuff those assholes. Thank you, Criminal Minds writers for doing it.
Oh wait, they want to give a show now? That’s impressive. They want to show the Hollow Man they caught him. And he didn’t. Ha.
I hate that guy so much. I mean, again, the character. I liked him as Mace in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So he’s denying it? After they found him about to apply lipstick to the poor woman’s lips?
Oh he’s good. Gideon is trying to goad him into confessing by admitting they thought they’d never catch him and by implying automatically that they know it’s him.
And he’s just trying to seem nonchalant but he’s describing himself (the serial killer) as an artist, come on.
Oh snap! He just gave himself away! He just totally implicated that he belittles the Hollow Man’s work, he think there’s no imagination there in simply shooting the hookers. He thinks he’s the artist here. Oh god.
Seriously? He’s just giving it all away. Except for confessing. Damn.
Hey! Don’t tell Gideon to shut his mouth! He’s goading you into confessing!
Ha! He just confessed. He killed them. He doesn’t want them to know about his fetish? Oh come on. Give me a break.
So they’re just separating them and completely dismissing him as a dumbass? I love them. They’re just goading him into submitting himself. I love it.
I love this show.
Shit. That’s the killer. Damn.
What?! Oh god.
He just totally knocked that security guard to the floor. Damn.
Shit! He just walked into the police station like nobody’s business with a gun pointing at the security guard. Come on, man!
Yes! They got him! You go, Morgan! I love you so much!
Bah. That was awful.
Aww, Meyers sent them an article remembering the victims. So great.
They don’t need to mention the shooter. The victims are important. The assholes are now behind bars.
Mahatma Gandhi: “Remember that all through history there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.” Great, that’s very wise, Gandhi. But what about the period while they are raging terror? Huh?
Hey! What is Prentiss doing waiting in Hotch’s office? Come on.
I already love her tenacity.
Okay, I just fell in love with Emily Prentiss. I love her.
 Oaky, so let’s recap. Sickos killing people, really hate that part. Introducing Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss, of course, fell in love with her immediately, even though it’s super hard for me to get over Elle leaving. Gideon was awesome as per usual. Lovely Derek and Penelope scenes. Though they were few. And overall? Just yuck over the entire case. It was weird, but won’t go unappreciated. See you all tomorrow <3
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