les-maux-doux · 1 month
I'm gonna pretend like this TUA s4 doesn't exist and hope that someone will write a fanfiction better than this shitshow, which to be fair shouldn't be very difficult
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les-maux-doux · 2 months
when will JK Rowling's bullshit finally encourage you to stop engaging with her content ? I know, HP was your whole childhood, bla bla bla, how will you even survive without that cute Slytherin tie or that one Drarry fanfic - but it's time to check your priorities.
JK Rowling participated in the harassment of Imane Khelif, a cis woman accused of being trans just because she naturally produces more testosterone. She spreads misinformation and has caused Imane a lot of suffering. That's what she does to a CIS WOMAN for not conforming to her vision of what a woman should be. Now, imagine for just a second the hell that she puts trans people through.
Idk about you but knowing that an author is such a worthless, racist, transphobic piece of crap kind of disgusts me from the content said author has put out. But maybe that's just me tho. Or maybe my convictions actually hold some weight in my conscience, contrarily to some of you.
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les-maux-doux · 2 months
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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les-maux-doux · 2 months
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Yes they did ! I specifically remember the announcer saying "levez-vous si vous le pouvez" (stand if you can/are able to)
"please stand for the Olympic anthem, if you are able"
song in sign language
amputees on the runway
parathletes carrying the flame!!!!!
Paris is not waiting for the Paralympics to be inclusive of disabled people, it's so good to see!
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les-maux-doux · 2 months
Oh well that would be because the French government had very little to do with the show besides funding it and organizing the security. Artists and JO organizers created the show. Sadly, artists and organizers have no say in the Law, but what I can say is that the show made a few obvious digs at current France politics - hence Macron making faces during the show.
So let's not get it twisted, France is bright and queer and contains multitudes, and this show was a great example of the inclusivity we must strive for. We might have 10 millions fascists in our ranks but don't forget that we still elected a socialist majority in the most recent elections. The gays and POCs are out there trying to save our country.
the diversity section was fun but also weird coming from a country that doesn't allow their athletes to compete in hijabs, like it's diverse but only to an extent
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les-maux-doux · 2 months
Finding out that someone you follow on Tumblr since basically forever is actually a Zionist is so jarring bc I've been curating a bubble of content and creators tailed specifically to my interests and opinions, so I'm not used to finding out there's actually a bigot in our ranks
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les-maux-doux · 3 months
if Attack on Titan taught me one thing, it's that things are going really bad when Actors!AU and Reincarnation!AU get popular in a fandom
and I see what's going on in the JJK fandom lately, so that tells me all I need to know about the state of things
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les-maux-doux · 5 months
So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)
Reblog to increase sample size!
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les-maux-doux · 7 months
maybe i'm just a misandrist but i believe we, as a society, should harass men online a lot more
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les-maux-doux · 11 months
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I don’t want to find out about world events anymore
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
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A new chapter has knocked the soul out of my body
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
One of my favorite Tumblr gags which I hope never dies is receiving world political news via supernatural Destiel love confession meme.
That's one I'm telling the kids about in 2089.
They probably won't even remember the original context.
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis.
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
people who discover a fic and leave a comment on every chapter as they read it are the unsung heroes of our era. 
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
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les-maux-doux · 2 years
Hi people. As the boy billionaire has bought the birdsite and corporate accounts joke about moving to Tumblr, I kindly ask y'all to give the brands the treatment they deserve: silence.
Make your own posts if you wanna post bugass but do NOT engage the brands. Gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss. In containment they will wither.
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