#don’t entertain that ‘not our fault!’ rhetoric co-opted from other progressive dialogues
hamletthedane · 7 months
Idc if this gets me a thousand hate messages (don’t bother - I won’t answer) or whatever, but somebody needs to say it:
Refusing to vote in a general election as a “protest” makes you 100% personally responsible for the consequences of that election.
Anybody who tries to say otherwise, or tries to reassure you that you’re blameless for not voting etc etc is either hoping the other guy wins or was duped by somebody hoping the other guy wins.
It’s a chess match, not a love letter, and there is a clear right and wrong choice in many upcoming elections. So for the love of god, hold your nose and vote.
Also: assume anybody saying there are good reasons not to vote (including inevitably in the comments/reblogs of this post/those like it) is a psyop or somebody repeating psyop propaganda. Don’t fall for it and don’t let yourself be complicit in the rise of fascism: go vote and always encourage others to do so as well.
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