#don’t call me a genwunner I couldn’t think of a good number to give them lol
palletofshipping · 6 months
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It’s finally palletshipping day RAHHH 🦅🦅
here’s day 7 of palletshipping week- AU
I’ve been watching Infinity Train Book 4 and Ryan and Min-Gi remind me so much of Ash and Gary so I obviously had to make an infinity train AU with them!
Basically, the AU starts the same way the canon anime does, the boys go on their separate pokemon journey. When Gary decides to go on the research path following the silver conference, Ash gets kinda distraught by this decision. Ash brushes it off and several years go by where the boys find each other again. Ash thinks it’s the perfect opportunity for them to travel the far away regions. Unfortunately, Gary declines his offer as he’s about to start college. In a fit of frustration, Ash snatches the keys to Oak’s lab from Gary and makes him go after them only for them to get sucked into this train that came out of nowhere.
They wake up with these jumpsuits and glowing green numbers on their hand that match and learn that they have to get the numbers down to zero to get off the train.
I definitely recommend Infinity Train. Unfortunately there is no “proper” way to watch it anymore as it got taken down on Max and other streaming services last year so y’all are going have to watch it through wcocartoon or something
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pkmnjesus · 5 years
He won one...for me, for us 🏆
Satoshi, Ash Ketchum, the 10 year old I grew up watching since 1998.
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Before I get started, I want to thank all those people who took part in my Discord server chat tonight (especially those who just joined!) to witness a very  special moment live in the Pokémon anime’s history. It’s been probably THE MOST ACTIVE it’s ever been in (Prolly since the 1st Brock & Misty appearance in Alola), and I can’t thank you enough that I helped build healthy and lively area for people to talk about one common interest and see everyones so excited about it. So, if you haven’t joined the PokéTõku server yet, we’re always still welcoming more people to come join the group/family that love Pokémon as much as wed do -> https://discord.gg/mVSgxbp (cheap plug heh). ANYHOW...
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Guys you don’t know how much this means to me and a few other older fans who grew up with this all their life without missing a single beat of this show. The number one question I often get asked is, “why are you still watching the show after all these years?”. The same answer I always give them was simply because of Ash (& Pikachu I guess :3). In fact, it’s basically the whole reason why I’m here on tumblr, why I chose the pokeani platform and hopefully form a community. I’ve got to know so many people over the years because of this journey, and I only want to think of the positives out of it. I told them that as long as he’s in the show going through every known existing region out there, the journey still continues, and I will follow him until journey’s end because I want to see him win a Pokémon League. After loss after loss in a span of every 5 years (estimated), it can be frustrating to see a protagonist you grew up watching fail every time when he reaches near the finish line. Newer gen. fans don’t understand how much disappointment you can feel during every stage of your life. From kindergarten, pre-teen, high school, college to present. The reason why so many other fans left is because of their frustration of watching long series filled with “pointless fillers” to watch a “bad trainer” make dumb decisions of not evolving his Pokémon and lose at every region. I was the only few from my generation where Pokémon was the biggest hit in the late 90s to never fall out of this show, and I’ve been made fun of because I never “grew out” of it. I honestly could have chosen the genwunner path easily, and focus on other things. But, I told myself I won’t stop watching this show until I see Ash win a major Pokémon League. I was so happy when he won the Orange League and even conquered Battle Frontier, but it still felt he was missing that big win.
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And as of September 15th 2019, he did just that. Even he was in disbelief that he beat Gladion which really represented how I felt (despite seeing the spoiler-ish preview). I just couldn’t believe it actually happened. I didn’t cry, I didn’t scream, I didn’t jump out of my seat...I was literally just sitting there staring at my screen in awe silently saying to myself...”he did it” with a smile on my face. I didn’t show any outer emotions, but I can definitely feel a lot of them inside as I reflect on how far he’s come. I don’t care what anyone else might say about this, but THIS WAS A BIG WIN FOR HIM. Seeing him hold that trophy felt like my childhood had closure. But I know the journey isn’t over yet. Remember, his dream is to become Pokémon MASTER, NOT a CHAMPION which people often treat the two as the same. Knowing him, he probably still wants to go to more places, so he can get stronger and be friends with even more Pokémon. But let’s say that even if someone does beat him in a title defense for his champion status, only few of people can be call themselves INAUGURAL champion of Alola, and that’s what Ash achieved today. Even if he ends up losing the rank, NO OTHER TRAINER can take that away from him being the FIRST EVER. Honestly, if the anime ends at Sun & Moon, I’d be contented with it. Still sad, but at least I got to finally see him win a big one and we can just come up with our own extended head-canons for him lol...I still do wish to see him in the next gen. anime though! Whether if he’s older, or still the same age. I’d still watch.
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With that being said, you know that there will be some criticism from “fans” mostly from the people that barely even watched the SM anime. Oh trust me, I’ve already seen some comments you don’t want to hear about it. But, instead of doing arguments you’ll probably get frustrated with, why not encourage them to watch Sun & Moon even more? This is a good opportunity for those that missed out on how truly amazing the storytelling this series has done to each of their characters, and how powerful one episode can get even if it doesn’t have to do with a continuing story arc. You know which episodes I’m referring to, and this is coming from an old fan of the anime. I’m lucky to be the way I am.
I will admit, there are times I doubted, heck, even made fun of Ash, but at end of the day, I always still believed in him and cheered him on in every battle. I cheered him when I was 3 years old, and twenty years later as 24 year old, I’m still doing it. Thank you for finally winning, and thank you for me watching over 1,000 episodes of content worth while. Never skipped a “filler”. :’)
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Young P J always sporting his Ash cap...what a dork (circa 1999-2000)
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