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blisterthigh · 7 months ago
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old rough trackpad butches
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zxfactor · 2 months ago
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(wip) Plink
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marshroom580 · 6 months ago
number 1 situationship
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(Cable and Deadpool #8)
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fithealthmagazines · 2 years ago
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citrusitonit · 1 year ago
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Citrus what in the world are you planning
You wasn't even on the leaderboard a few minutes ago-
word domnation
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februaaaR 2025
Det har nog gÄtt tvÄ veckor nu och ide har fortsatt. Det Àr skönt att bara...inte ett tag. Jag har lite mer ork idag och igÄr och det kÀnns som en ...otrolig gÄva. Att fÄ kÀnna ork i kroppen Àven om den Àr lÄg.
Vi gick till havet inatt och det kÀndes som att benen inte ville. Det Àr fortfarande fett med brist pÄ energi men fortfarande sÄ kÀnner jag ÀndÄ att musklerna liksom reagerar mer rÀtt igen.
Jag har lite lÀtt proppat i mig massa nÀringsrika grejer och jag tycker det kÀnns som att huvudet kÀnns mer...som att det inte Àr lika domnat lÀngre. Har inte vÄgat borsta hÄret pÄ fyra dar bara sÄ..det ska jag typ göra idag.
Men det Àr lite ljus i tunneln igen. HÄret gÄr kanske o fixa och tröttheten har lite mindre grepp om mig. Det finns...hopp.
Vi har faktiskt nÀrmat oss lite igen. Som att nÀr jag stÄr pÄ mig och Àr mer mig och visar att jag har behov sÄ, hÀnde nÄt. IstÀllet för att höra samma visa sÄ visade han ocksÄ sina. Jag vill ockso massor. NÄnstans dÀr sÄ kÀnde jag en whoosh! och hopp. Vi kanske kan nÀrma oss. Det Àr bÀttre och jag försöker se stegen istÀllet för dÀr jag Àr. RÀtt riktning.
Anna visade att hon utvecklar sina skidÄkarskills och idag var det blÄ backe för första gÄngen. Jag mÀrker att hon blir bÀttre och jag kÀnner fortfarande att jag Àr jelly/nÄt med dedÀr lockar. Jag slÀngde ut en "lÀngtar efter att fÄ göra dedÀr nÄn gÄng" typ och hon bara bara att komma upp! typ. Oj. jag har inte ens tÀnkt pÄ att det varit en möjlighet. Ja...kanske kan ta sig till typ Klövsjö och prova? Kommer ihÄg att jag pratade med den andra Anna och jag tror vi pratade om kitesurfing och va inne lite pÄ hur vi bÄda verkar gilla saker pÄ hjul och vind. DÄ sa hon typ nÄt om att Äka skidor och trodde att jag Äkt nÀr jag gick i skolan som om alla gjorde det but nope. Jag har bara ett minne av slalom och dÄ var jag tre. Sen tröttnade dem och I guess I never really got the chance.
Det Àr det som Àr sÄ coolt med henne. Hon ger sig pÄ sig det nu. och jag antar att det Àr nÄgot med det som kÀnns för mig. NÀr man ser nÄgon göra nÄgot man sjÀlv vill sÄ...mÀrks det. Det liksom kÀnns i magen och hela ens being liksom fryser till lite. Kanske för att det Àr nÄgot viktigt som verkligen ska tas in.
Kan man Ă„ka med frusen skuldra? Och kan Jag Ă„ka tĂ„g upp till Ă„vĂ€vla town SjĂ€lv..?? Jag vet inte. En del av mig vill. Piercing lockar igen. Saker som..Ă€r jag men liksom ...Ă€r pĂ„ is. Eller i lĂ„dor som...ska tas fram. Lite som alla klĂ€der jag har men inte anvĂ€nds, symaskinerna som bara stĂ„r dĂ€r eller skateboarden,longboarden, mah skikes, mina inlines och min kite som bara...Är dĂ€r. kanske för att jag inte...connectat med det Ă€n.
BÄlstyrka! och Diafragma! Who the fuck knew? Det Àr weird nÀr pusslet liksom börjar...makea sense, varför jag lockats till vissa saker och de liksom SITTER IHOP..!
weird...weird mc weird.
HjÀrterum har en liten puls och jag vet inte riktigt vad jag gett liv. En del vill bara strypa det och lÄtsas som det aldrig hÀnde. Samtidigt kÀnns det som att...det inte gÄr för att jag skulle sÄ om det. Samtidigt Àr jag livrÀdd för att jag ska ha ihjÀl det. Att det bara Poff! Jag tycker ocksÄ det Àr skönt att kunna sÀga det utan att cringea lika mycket. Jag antar att jag mest cringeade Ät ...mitt hjÀrta?? Det Àr rÀtt f-cked up. Jaaa euuu vad cringe med HjÀrta..! SuperfÄnigt..!
Det verkar inte som att vĂ€rlden mindear nu faktiskt. Det har liksom blivit. Det vore fett nice om det gick o vara i den dĂ€r lokalen men de svarar junnte och det kĂ€nns lite för bra för att vara sant I guess. Även om det verkligen samtidigt Ă€r mindre Ă€n mitt minimum.
Aja, jag ska fortsÀtta lite med dansen, lÀgga till lite bÄlstyrkagrejer och kanske börja jogga. That's the förhoppning.
Mitt öraaaa kliar hjÀÀÀÄÄÀÀÀÀrndöööööed!
Det Àr konstigt hur kroppen gör massa kli sÄ att man vill klia osen blir det 700 Är vÀrre och plötsligt kan man inte öppna munnen och saker har svÀllt och gör skitont. Vad Àr det för jÀkla system?? Nu Àr det dÀr och har börjat klia igen och nu Àr leken ja det kliar, kan du lÄta bli att klia?
I can not.
jag tror att jag kan fuska genom att trycka och greja men det blir Bara vÀrre hur jag Àn gör. JÀkligt psykande.
Men...jag ser fram emot saker nu :) FĂ„r nog mest..ta det i min takt <3
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alecksreads · 16 days ago
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January reading wrap up ✹
One Dark Window | Rachel Gillig 4.5🌟
This book feels wonderfully like a dark, whimiscal and gothic fairytale. So much of this book worked for me. The magic system was incredibly unique, and so solid it felt real. Every character felt alive, grounded with their own personality and motive. The yearning between Elspeth and Ravyn was palpable, the romance simmered, and the conflict Elspeth feels due to Nightmare really raised the stakes.
A Study in Drowning | Ava Reid 5🌟
I devoured this. Slow paced and full of lore, I loved the rivals-to-lovers relationship between Effy and Preston. Effy's fight to reclaim her sense of self, amid a male-domnated university culture, makes the creeping sense of doom keeps tensions high throughout the book. Contrasted with Preston's frank, and often gentle, nature towards Effy, there is also this sense of hope woven throughout the book. Would recommend looking up trigger warnings for this one.
The Country Will Bring Us No Peace | Matthieu Simard 3.5🌟
I wanted to try something different to what I normally read and this definitely was.
What a Way To Go 3.5🌟
I wanted to love this book so much. Mackie's other book, How To Kill Your Family, has such a special place in my heart, because it dragged me out of a years long reading slump. And as much as I loved that, I couldn't bring myself to love this. Full of her signature unlikable characters and a mysterious murder, I just found this didn't capture my interest and I got a bit bored towards the middle.
Two Twisted Crowns 4.5🌟
I loved One Dark Window so much I ordered this immediately.
Halo: The Rubicon Protocol 4🌟
Book swap with my boyfriend, because he loved it and we've played almost every Halo game on co-op together. I was honestly surprised with how much I liked this book, it had a great cast of characters and really highlighted what life is like for civilians and normal military personnel. It made me feel guilty for how I've always disregarded NPC's in the games before.
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dnd4adults · 5 months ago
Tales of the Great Library
The Price of Beauty
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The name Dragonsgate is deceptive, actually referring to a winding mountain pass through which the Wyrmsong River flows down, out of Drakhonia. It’s a rugged often narrow passage with sheer mountain walls on either side, sudden drops along its length, and always the roar of Wyrmsong. Dragonborn have long exploited the naturally defensible entrance to their country with scores of well-manned ambush points ready to assault land-based invaders. Actual dragons are frequently spotted over the pass, adding surveillance and defense by air.
At the lower end of the pass, Drakhonia maintains a trade community known in the Common Tongue simply as the Low Gate. Here again, there are no actual gates or even walls surrounding the community. It's shelter comes form rugger terrain and the wild. The greater concentration of community resides on either side of Wyrmsong’s rushing flow, with arched stone bridges for traffic passing back and forth across town. Isolated homesteads and towers spread outward for a mile around, however, equal in number to the central population.
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This is the friend Verdantorix mentioned. A elven sorceress of considerable skill, she's spent centuries acquiring discipline over her wild magic by crafting wands useful as arcane foci. She has a comfortable home and shop on the east side of community, including a teleportation circle inscribed in the workshop floor. Once each lunar month Gloriel makes “jaunts” to Alekhandir, selling wands she’s prepared for enchantment. She can activate the circle at any time, however, and is willing to do so as a favor for Verdantorix.
Indeed, when he a young dragonborn ranger, Verdantorix had an unfortunate encounter with a wild boar and barely made his way back to town alive. Gloriel found and took him in and nursed him back to health in secret, so other dragonborn wouldn’t witness his shame. Gloriel personally finds the idea perplexing, but could plainly see how much the notion troubled the ranger. They’ve been good friends for one another ever since.
If their need is urgent she's willing to activate the teleportation circle immediately. Insofar as she was already planning a trip in the morning, Gloriel asks the men if they wouldn't mind taking lodgings at an inn for the night, so she can complete her preparations. They're happy to oblige, of course -- provided Verdantorix allows them to pay for his drinks and lodging before the ranger makes his way into Dragonsgate and Drakhonia.
Low Gate
With the better part of an afternoon before them, five men (and Dorrik) scatter into the community, agreeing to reconvene at sundown, comparing notes on likely inns.
Sir Andros & Dorrik sell the iron bars, platinum filigree shield, and one filigree short sword. Andros keeps the other as a trophy weapon. Khazpar & Verdantorix sell the platinum filigree drinking horn, giving the dragonborn money to live on once in Drakhonia, as well as the dead centurion's armor and weapons. Khazpar retains the ominous Dread Helm for deeper consideration. Khazpar domnates half his income to a local shrine. Teddy & Hyram concentrate their efforts on the search for an inn. For Hyram, of course, it's a matter of professional pride, checking to see what others do with their cooking. For Teddy, however, it's been a long-hard slog through the wilderness, wholly lacking the creature comforts he'd taken for granted at the Great Library, and he wants a proper bath!
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Sheth Ethorel ("House of the Restful Lily")
About a half-mile northwest of Low Gate's bustling town center, along a lesser stream making its way down from Drakhonia's heights, a delegation of high elves representing the Fey Court and Elven Nation established the semi-isolated refuge known as House of the Restful Lily. As the name implies, it's intended as a retreat from the Mortal Realm -- a slice of Faerie to which ambassadors and their retinues could retire following long deliberations with dragonborn politicians.
Ever since the Fall any need for ongoing diplomatic relations between the Elven Nation and Fey Court have long since ended, but the Fey Court retains its presence at Sheth Ethorel, opening their retreat for the enjoyment of others. It's never boisterous, crude, or ill-mannered here. It's quiet, wonder-filled, and other-worldly, rather like stepping into a waking dream. Gloriel recommends it, in fact, taking a fortnight's holiday at the "spa" every mid-winter.
The House of the Restful Lily does not occupy a crossroads into Faerie, however, nor any otherworldly realm for that matter. It was "grown" by the original high elf founders, making use of magic not unlike that of a Dark Shard. A fey fragment, however, is a living part of the Twilight Realm transplanted into the Mortal. As long as the fey fragment thrives, Sheth Ethorel remains a fey haven.
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SYLVARIE (High Elf Cleric - Twilight Domain)
This lovely elf woman has been Mistress of the House for the better part of a century, so a fixture in Low Gate community known for her impeccable character and services. She never leaves House of the Restful Lily or its grounds, of course, as she's responsible for the fae fragment. Even so, she made an outstanding name for herself by greeting every visitor personally -- an enchanting introduction to an elvish spa-retreat, indeed!
Sylvarie's divine mistress is none less than elven love goddess Celene. In the Twilight Tradition, of course, she's associated with much more than sexuality, being a muse of artists and poets, and patron of relaxation, bathing, restorative rest, and sweet dreams of Faerie. As Mistress of the House Sylvarie is effective high priestess of the fae sanctuary, proudly maintaining its tradition as a place of rest, restoration, and repose for any who reach it.
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SAETH (Half-elf Bard - College of Glamour)
Seath is originally from Celenaar, and participated in the Bloodless revolution fifty years ago, being all of seventy years of age. Given his multi-generational half-elven heritage, however, he looks little older than a mature thirty-five. Exceptionally charismatic, he discovered the the House of the Restful Lily twenty years ago, and struck a deal with Sylvarie. In exchange for bard services including appropriate musical entertainment, and assistance managing practical operations for the retreat, Saeth makes Seth Ethorel his home and avails himself freely of any patrons who'll have him.
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HERMEXES (Dragonborn Sorcerer)
As luck would have it, also enjoying the luxuries of the retreat is an old acquaintance of Verdantorix. If not so "beefy" as the ranger, Hermexes is nevertheless tall and powerfully built, with a decided look of the Golden Desert in his attire. In fact, he's something of a scholar on its geography and cultures -- not affiliated with the Great Library, however. Hermexes prefers Drakhonia. He is traveling to Alekhandir and the Great Library, even so, to consult on some desert expedition being organized.
A Taste of Faerie
This pair of them aren't the only dragonborn in the house, not this close to Drakhonia. The old friends soon reunite, are introrduced all around, but fall into conversation and join a hot pool occupied by a pair of bronze dragonborn women; twin sisters, apparently.
Andros meanwhile orders up one of everything, beginning with the baths followed sensual massage, both for himself and Dorrik.
Teddy's all about bath, as well, but passes on the sensual massage, along with Hyram, who's wracking his brains for the perfect message to send winging back with Lenore.
Khazpaar bathes as well but also spends time in conversation with Sylvarie, offering his services to her Twilight Mistress. The priestess replies this is a place of rest from toil, so the only service he may provide is setting aside his burdens for so long as he remains.
The longer one lingers in the House of the Restful Lily, however, the more its fae essence has opportunity to take effect. Like a slow-building intoxicant, visitors find themselves steadily more relaxed, social, and unburdened of woe and troubles. The source isn't just the pool springs, but everything influenced by the fae shard, including the food, structures, and the very air within them.
Feeling merely intoxicated, those influenced by the effect find themselves living wholly in the moment, with no recollection of past troubles nor worry about the future. For elves this is a natural, even normal sensation, so they mostly feel nostalgic or "at home." Others, however, become enchanted by the playing musical instruments, the sight of starlight on rippling water, the smells of flowers, and so on. If not led away, for pleasant dreams in fragrant bowers, else they'd fall asleep where they are.
Lovers often seek Seth Ethorel to spend the night together, but it's hardly the hedonistic brothel of Pandaemonium. Lovers often arrive together but are thy are very seldom made here, and acts of passion become far less important than devoted gazing and embraces.
Teddy: I have fallen in love with you, mudar-sadikh. Khazpaar: (Sighs.) That is to be expected. Teddy: Is it wrong? Khazpaar: No, ak-eshek. It means you are ready now for the next My Lady's mysteries -- and I had hoped to linger here with you.
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Each morning before dawn, a gentle shower falls over the House of the Restful Lily and its grounds, softly scattering dreams and all sense of lingering intoxication. Guests awaken feeling rested and restored, their recollections of the night before happy yet hazy, like passing dreams. By light of dawn with a freshening rain just ended, there are trays of fresh fruit, mild cheese, and warm bread waiting, along with steaming pots of strong tea.
Verdantorix and Hermexes will return to Gloriel's shop with the company, as the blue dragonbon's headed to Alkehandir, as well. Verdantorix, as stated, will make his way up, into Drakhonia, convincing his people to renew their interest in the outer foothills.
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spekulativtskimmer · 9 months ago
I dunklet pÄ bakgÄrden under strömavbrottet. Ett fuktigt, tropiskt mörker tvingar, famlar, omvandlar. Manar mig vidare. Blandas med nuet och blir till en blek Äterspegling av jaget som domnat och vattnats ur.
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blisterthigh · 4 months ago
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smith complicated butches for fuck everything magazine or whatever
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
STARSHIP TROOPERS [1997]– Official Trailer (HD) | Get the 25th Anniversa...
and it is on these bugs are up. tons went in to retrieve stuff and tons to the devils tower. hge huge huge numbers and out soon
and t his is a war and it starts in buenos aires argentina and the hits are huge by bugs after the small attaack.  lalnd garth is u p yapping claling and being annoihing says he comes here domnates the boy.  and treu too you ppl are rdue as hel dont do a thing with him or have him your shit.  we get our son out of this while your here idiot. in front of you. many many times. the empire is up for it and pseudo empire and they thank our son. these idiots are so daned dumb. sound like bugs.  and prob an ear wig in each.  and they say it no no you wont. and well they look like cockroaches. and you bother him every  night and make it feel odd have us do it ok. now these bugs are  pissed. sense you see you hear you hate you. are up today. small numbers.  tonight plan to strike.you try to hit they whipe you out they said. follow you find your nests and whipe them out.  and they are up for it.  and mean gnarly. and we help control it and keep them from the populace as do the psuedo empire and empire. now the spuedo empire sees them coming and will stop them shortly from hitting them. and fuly use it too. and fire on bitg ones so the ycant charge.  in tunnels and do it right. and you will fall. get eaten now. dumb asshoes
Thor Freya
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marshroom580 · 6 months ago
butch4butch domnate is so real to me
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
As time moves well be a pace set .
I fiund that thoufhts are more given .
Thinking is to me dependent on a safe me and in that been a clean . I can b3 dirty and feel safe . Oe the loin does not want soiled flesh . The pig mest syndrome.
So j found a vwey nice hotel in the uk and i was feeling low shoetlt into the stay . I corrected by a porcelian or tile celaner and add a ligoybiy and sone floor f3et salt frin the chemist to hwlp on e walk turn on the fan bring in a clith for vaking a hugh tempeeture finjsh cotten. Dont dorget to eat clwan fiiid and i recicweed wey quuckly. The place j am reels ne more about .ny thubkung .
I saw rhus furst where un the same hotel.i mkved rioms my habits chagned for. The room a to room b and i wonderwd vwey intresting .
So now in trying to square up to no ibterent ro stoo domnation many ex army or thugs xri.jbals suddle yp to ut staff to make sure they nevwr exwecuse erhixak begaviour that mihht be corre ted a little but y usibg same same ideas abve . As the riom remains clwan over time i an avle to clean my skin wbeete . Currebtly hee in the uk irs heavy wngine temepratuee immesions and to clear rhat rhe baking clith and the tuke cl3aner i mix a little soap as i need and skun siap and some washing liquid the temperariure of the engibes b3urn is toto high and cobstant . Si that cauaes theillness like running frin eztreem to exteeem . Buetral is needed and rhatnneeds to be mkre like a helagry clean esutary
This will help actors actress to be safe and the studio and the editosr and it staff and do bot reyst aircon and gikters do all thises by yours efls and dibt dprget rhe tax atart vy satubg nk to xar epaymebrs and cars sales and inxrease adverts for public transptrr snd help explaun th evus aahs to be a puvlic aervixe bit a priceat idid
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nietopesz · 5 years ago
They're gonna take all the daesangs again omg
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kerryanne79 · 5 years ago
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Tyler, the Mutant Komodo Dragon in my story Dominated. My friend, Jerry drew him  for me. He's exactly how I envisioned and is incredible!
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saint-dominik-of-zadar · 5 years ago
I love every change you did 😁
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actual footage of me doing it all while jamming to Yugoslavian 80â€Čs music
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