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zzzztimes-blog · 7 months ago
Trying yo indersyand been healthy is sekfish . Try wee wars theres a numbrr of wars we shoukd keep in our thoughts tiday and presentky. The wars stop hen resources are there. Measure truthfully the vodt of motor bikes and cars add yime and your health depreciayoon and especialky your mental health. With yhis in mind know ehy restructions servere ate in placce and vurrentky macjine coding in place and puvkic sported dupport yo travel bynpublic transoort. Having the perdon you thought was a crimnalnsit or walk and your walking or sitting close vy abd you realise tgst he or she isca nice person a good cutixen . The internayional remivals of wars as much as personal conclusions of people in a car or ona motor bike compared to using pubkic transport systems .
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zzzztimes-blog · 8 months ago
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zzzztimes-blog · 8 months ago
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zzzztimes-blog · 9 months ago
Im as an isdue im my mibd as all around . Manahing thus issye was realusing my mother enjoyed my war games . She kibd of looked atvtge nunver of play senariors by the tine over 7 yrs she guided me hmm to my aunt and death. She had a abikity ti ssy you can die . Thsy is often very scarse in any aunty or mother. My mither was unparrakked in making a home above a sewerage system we all the family enjoyed troping the colurs bbc . Any mounty oythin wuedtiibs and answrr tennus welvone . The prespertterian graves left ascthey were left
Many attemots at integratikns left by hmmm u i see i see u . Etc . The lesdon is tge army not a engkish ir irish its a ducioline . The abikity to not kill wrong. The ginal lesson i played out with mum was the unions propabkyany bedraggked srmy keft over ftom wars unable to acceot the self is bith wribg write and ibdiffeent limited was a attck on indian settlements . I reacted in the garden and we sirted hiw yo mange uniforms gobe riuge. The helicopter furing inbhis srmy vuet bam kirea . It is a look to not a wrong answer. So the army by waters grey water. Perhaps show a reel how amebsty international can expkain about grey wstrr piosons. Nature has a need for clean water too. In the meantime spatk jirk general senares druids any body liefts yiur toyal highnesse and majestys . Shikds up
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zzzztimes-blog · 9 months ago
Getting ready to be cleaned because I am a dirty dirty girl 🫧
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zzzztimes-blog · 10 months ago
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zzzztimes-blog · 10 months ago
The reels in im.just stqrtedq hve to have trees , see reflections. If not it will locj and in say 2 eeeeks customers innreeal trouble. Try trees the rd if anger is vobfysibg angers abd addictions are seebbas rracyions ssy im really alone 12 hours kinda. The unit remaibs by natural trees redefit iverlay indiir plabts aside windows . No.pet animal or fish . Try see the wind move leaves.
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
allow feed back to say what is the obejective. Oe in the sites manifesto say healthy sexual interactions in or with relationships is a over riding goal. So that is3d not in a screen . Thehuman is not in a screen. Therefore the cpu.role is, a ? Or not a? The message of a person is more or if cjijfldren yo teens aa concern holdong hands the first key to not been a audiance desire , parenys or guardians to realising sex is a final thought not the first when you meet school others. Name my name , sges nice%/ ok . That if is thererfore . And trapping elderes whom are not aware sets a fyture fir yiung parebts less involved with wars than ok hes ie shes old. Say thy truths not define hmmm.
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
Boarsing sxholl.is mpre an issue than people.ie lets npt draw attemtion tp purwelves ..this is a not addressed seroous often crime.
Seeds.of crime begin very ypung
It is not to say tjat segregatoon or f4eedom.tp be self is a source pf issues tjat ks opppsite. It is larents unwillimg tp face thoer emptional truths.
That tramsference pf responsibiloty far away from.larents is a crime.facilotatong this is acrime.
Evidence is as boarding children will testify..excess.money ,returning to make mpre.pr.takep ey from.people tp.hoard ..tje family are.hence oe files using rransference awsy frpm thier emptions . The truth , look.amd clpse the svjools of tjere is a need the mumbers will ne bery lpw amd teamsoent oe im.leaving
.the freedome.tp that or unrespurced tp prevent that is mpre.than less . Ke a.very high mumber pf childrem.beemm abused.
The car is arela sogm pf emptional.transference.
Tje inner villages towns and cities ha e serious issues more because the vjildren froends have been segregated frpm thier neeedss ie from family and community . Tje cjoice tp mgo and stay is freely talen tje vjoice then to return oe tje respurces provided is tp be abilable .
Respirces are then elooked mpre in the jomes vommunities and of thier os a fonavila respurce distrobilutoon need deal woth this and that can only be done with the family in tje cpmmunitunpt.a .segreagtoon fpr army tp.male.an error. Tjat then is a war zone tp stop tjat fpr amy army whom live in these areas os tp hear see and chat about many aspects.pf wjy
Rohht wrigjt for heoght repsurces rarions no cars amd travel by bjs wall.mpretham.pne sits amd fppds in season lpcally sourced . Dp t gp tp snother cpmmjntiy and say tjats jow but share the respurces and amother srmy tjere sjklds tjat descrobed above..walkig.npt.in farms butbu tje rd side. The car stops the bus takes over that role pf humans tranpprting. Of ypur unable tjat needs to becorrected by as above..
Fpr wars see boarding svjopls no army pr wprker cam be front if in fsmily.the role emgage tje emy ceases the role of cpmmumtiu is the role oe square is.not respurces tp shild tje glga t tjay tje four five wars are due tp tje resources trade thid is wjere the army needs to be ot wjere fpkds are neem set . Oltje issue is self pt pther people.
Lprd mpunt gomery. A.win pf peace.npt.a.loss.
No signs are wwlcome but tjat is fpr cars, npt walkimg , sitting tpp long . Droving to town tp.look.at the town these are why wars stop oe i say no..a npther saying you will weather in vpice pr how ever is a new war. See rigjt weoght fpr heoght and avvess tp tje foods ..mps are pk with everypne ..nuts to huma s .
Dont wall.woth asent pf.sitting time is.1 uear nd see after a.month..retu. tk sitti g it gets real angru the birus and bacteria ..remain sitti g tjen zero respirces kust a mirage in deerts . Nambian..as.tje artic fpx
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
Changing the impoossible. ?
Not changing but moving on .
The reality changes.
A person reacts to their reality.
Mothers aare fit to dads.
Not attached are with not attached.
Never attached with never attached.
The politics l changes a suut. peoplw are people .
The mind fixes by lufe experienxes.this is not possible to change.
Thw male mono god , male interpretation cant think this through.
A god by woman is his way to theres no pain
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
The goal of any human male and female is not sex. The excess defines this ie the envoirenment we make around uscdata os part of ou life experiences.
My sex is aalso staying safe , i removed god belief as it increased mu illness , illusions of self , unhealthy1. Part of struggling with addictions to sugar and fpods genersting thoughts that fuel me not cpmmunity. Foods especially. Been with a medocal team too is minimised , while opening life challamges and not seekingesxcape from my errors
The cpu or hete the mobike i use promarily to self doors. My life through has a female hue ie one ifeas of thier expressoon. By watching another culture zero god belief . Call it punished by god belivers . No need to find jungkes or for that mayter prefijuice the uniforms of reeeligion many if all have zero nelief in god. The issue is excess and the sex lock that has to be if excess. That then dtives wsrs conflicts. If the male mono god ie sxtual expression is broken the females ie grans mums sisters are asked wuedtoons how do i or we ? The roke of fieing prematurely changes . Like not durty. Clean clothes. Betrer cooked foods, the onsanity os excess and bring sewerage to the home you have seroius crime. Insanity and as you see no way will i repay my debts
A nation send an army , believing in god..? It is the food. Hence hungr. And right weight for heohht.
Wars never or won
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
Take male leadership away put this jas to be female leadership. Not male . The male mono god seems tp stop the thoughts of feminie. Try lose this not via gay but by . The cells guided by a vitis bacteria. Clever keepss her bpdy vlean heaslthy pocking ip on many thoughts . The belief on god not one of these only to aapease an insanemale.
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
On yuc tok. I set a mind that reflects the mqchije cide to mirror to staff weqtheror not . The numbe rof devices that pick out the stqff and aside humans ensure their qffcets of thier output
Is mirrired..
Mist it stqff will feel this.
The few that switch off the items and hydrate walk experiebce thier output , work.by switchingboff the it items . Marketing !
Seem to be living longer.
Wild specues pick uo.in the affect bybthe movule unuts..i5 seems ro me running fir more rime than manynthiught.
A in affect guman extermination programachine cide..every tiem the wild spcues feel thus a humanseeing a mobike there aura emissions feelings rhoughts smells smikes..
Helathy.or nit uodates rhe cide and selwcriins rebegin.
Trying to bring each ceo.into olqy ie i am nit immune foem thisnand hurryi3ngbthenanswrs uo ie swcrhingbthese off is thw latest . No spevial. Just off .
Taxes out .the witkd nerds no half braibs especualky humabs .
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
Cleaning is not understood by many people.
Where i live my room and clothes , the envoirnment is more influental than kissing, or greetings .
It is a defintion where thoughts will be triggered.
I proved this as i move from rooms in hotels, (im changing my life about.
I had completely different thoughts from one room to another and even if i change to a new room in the same hotel.
Affecting more, my thoughts , ie time to shop. What i will buy, and if i eat how my feelings give me hmmm im ok or i can do better, I dont know ?
I work at this more than most people because I have lived through early childhood trauma and seek now identification of triggers that drive me.
A trigger to make me do things as one might do if i was starting a family.
At 60 yrs , I question the sanity of continuing to work and remove a new couples , or younger persons resorces to succeed with thier dreams. Love and all that!
So i spin out to orbits>/ exploring, this may attract a comment that might be triggered to think , say to themselves = 'Ohh you will do", and a community or group or another person presses factory reset and the churlbs there.3/<>*#
Ring for a butler ? Helooooooo.?
So cleaning is the key.
I got my skin in parts clean to breathe.
In each room i need to clean to allow me to sleep needs applying the same approach to my skin.
Note your thoughts as you clean.
I'm writing this morning with less errors.
These overtime are profound. And enable a person to buy accurately thier needs and a want.
If I am very poor I wont spend so much that is important to not return to poverty. And have enough.
Do not employ a Butler and or a Maid.
Clean your own clothes and your room.
The clothes and room, keep the food [an animal and plant that was slaughtered] happy in a person.
Any person.
Clothes, clean clothes , make sure we i dont overeat.
I use that food energy efficently keeps me safe.
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zzzztimes-blog · 1 year ago
As time moves well be a pace set .
I fiund that thoufhts are more given .
Thinking is to me dependent on a safe me and in that been a clean . I can b3 dirty and feel safe . Oe the loin does not want soiled flesh . The pig mest syndrome.
So j found a vwey nice hotel in the uk and i was feeling low shoetlt into the stay . I corrected by a porcelian or tile celaner and add a ligoybiy and sone floor f3et salt frin the chemist to hwlp on e walk turn on the fan bring in a clith for vaking a hugh tempeeture finjsh cotten. Dont dorget to eat clwan fiiid and i recicweed wey quuckly. The place j am reels ne more about .ny thubkung .
I saw rhus furst where un the same hotel.i mkved rioms my habits chagned for. The room a to room b and i wonderwd vwey intresting .
So now in trying to square up to no ibterent ro stoo domnation many ex army or thugs xri.jbals suddle yp to ut staff to make sure they nevwr exwecuse erhixak begaviour that mihht be corre ted a little but y usibg same same ideas abve . As the riom remains clwan over time i an avle to clean my skin wbeete . Currebtly hee in the uk irs heavy wngine temepratuee immesions and to clear rhat rhe baking clith and the tuke cl3aner i mix a little soap as i need and skun siap and some washing liquid the temperariure of the engibes b3urn is toto high and cobstant . Si that cauaes theillness like running frin eztreem to exteeem . Buetral is needed and rhatnneeds to be mkre like a helagry clean esutary
This will help actors actress to be safe and the studio and the editosr and it staff and do bot reyst aircon and gikters do all thises by yours efls and dibt dprget rhe tax atart vy satubg nk to xar epaymebrs and cars sales and inxrease adverts for public transptrr snd help explaun th evus aahs to be a puvlic aervixe bit a priceat idid
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zzzztimes-blog · 2 years ago
Srcyors if these webdutrs are edycstional. I bekueve ni makes arruve abd thry always intent to do no harm. But background niuse traumaa rrtrsbscribes no ti yes revysaks haate abd hurt again kills. Leasvr tge clitges on abd rdhcate why tgr loik nrans no i am nit wantibg aa trlqqtiibship rrferebced by thr many spectrum to i like fruebds . To mqddage aand continue.
Tge majirity if male un slavery eill yurn the eartg back to gibe time sbd see weakthy it staff fir thus . It is grre no mibey ibto a sysyrn if no taxes ir no well the miney us in the ibternet
The machine code is faulty. Try cirrect by life, ?
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zzzztimes-blog · 2 years ago
Is there a gods
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