sapphirebluejewel · 4 years
Dominque Apolline Weasley
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Parents: Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour
Height: 5’ 9”
House: Slytherin
Sexuality: Abrosexual
Pronouns: she/they
First Slytherin in the family but shortly followed by Albus.
She didn't quite get her mom's blonde hair and didn't quite get her dad's red hair. Dom's hair is somewhere in the middle.
She got the Weasley freckles though.
Dom never really fully inherited the veela gene.
Family calls her Dom. Teachers call her Dominique.
She has always felt alone her whole life even surrounded by people. Especially surrounded by her big family.
Victorie trys to make her feel included but Vic has her own life and they are not exactly on great terms.
She liked Teddy her whole life and it was devastating because he likes Victorie so much. Victorie didn't even have to try to make her like him. Dom was very much crushed when Victorie finally said yes to Teddy. Victorie's wedding day was bittersweet for everyone.
All the Delacour Weasley children are fluent in French.
Dom is best friends with Elliot. But even he never knew about her crush for Teddy.
This relationship has always been and will always be platonic.
She had a smoking stint in 7th year. She did it at home once and Teddy convinced her to stop.
Dominique is a Hogwarts bad girl. She throws rager parties though.
Her favorite subject is defense against the dark arts. She likes the action.
Dominique was the only one to go to American University. She loved it.
She became a therapist with a degree in psychology.
Although acting careless, Dominique is very smart.
Dom decides in third year to outgrow the shadow of her sister. Dom the rebel came to be.
No one really remembers Dom before 3rd year except Teddy. She was very quiet.
Loud laugh
She was rated hottest in her 7th year but boys don't dare touch her.
Victorie and Dominique fight alot.
She hates the color purple.
Dominique is the Charlie of this generation. She's not asexual though. She just never found someone and did not want kids.
Dominique didn't talk to her brother for five months after she found out about him and Abby(her college best friend). Dominique felt she was always being ignored in favor of her family. No one ever just wanted her.
Dom is black sheep number 1.
James nickname is Nyx
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badacts · 7 years
sharing clothes prompt + andreil? good luck on exams!!
It’s not a thing.
It’s just - convenient. Or a natural result of living in each other’s pockets. The point is, there’s no reason for Matt to take one look at Neil when they’re moving back into Fox Tower and laugh.
“What?” Neil asks, though he’s mostly drowned out by Nicky’s explosive, “Thank you!”
Nicky attempts to high-five Matt, but Dan hip-checks him out of the way so hard he staggers. “Ignore them, Neil. You’re fine.”
“That’s usually his line,” Allison says. Her mouth is curled up in a smirk, her gaze coolly evaluating. She has an arm slung over Renee’s shoulders, and Renee herself is wearing a much more earnest smile. “I’m curious though, is it all And-”
She’s interrupted by Coach’s voice booming down the hall from behind them. “What are you idiots all doing in the hallway? We’re not delaying practice just because you’re all too busy yapping to unpack.”
“We’re admiring Neil’s outfit,” Nicky says, and then squeaks a little.
Andrew appears from behind Coach’s broad body, a bag over each shoulder. He looks at them all as coolly as ever before walking straight past into their room where Kevin is presumably already unpacking.
Coach looks Neil over and then snorts. “I don’t care. Get your asses into gear or you’ll be running laps till you puke tomorrow.”
That makes the Foxes scatter. Neil follows Andrew into their suite, closing the door behind him.
It’s only then that he looks down at what he’s wearing. It’s a t-shirt and jeans, both black. The shirt is a part of the Fox uniform, but it’s not like he was the only one wearing one. Renee was wearing her team hoodie, as was Matt. Anyway, he knows his outfits have been a source of contention and amusement for the Foxes in the past, but he’s hardly the only one to have ever worn something considered unusual. Allison has turned up to the Tower in both a ballgown and a giraffe onesie for a start, and that’s without even mentioning Nicky’s clothes.
Andrew is unpacking food out of one of the bags into the kitchenette. Neil says, mostly to himself, “I don’t get it.”
Andrew doesn’t look up as he says, “You’re wearing my shirt.”
“This is my shirt,” Neil replies, grabbing the hem of said shirt and pulling it away from his body to examine it. It’s definitely his shirt. He remembers washing it. It’s particularly soft, and fits him a little loosely in the way he prefers.
“You stole my shirt,” Andrew tells him, “Number 10.”
Everything the Foxes have is branded, from their training gear to the stuff they’re given to wear on campus or for media events. When Neil looks at the breast of his shirt, he notices the number three on it next to the fox print logo.
“Oh,” Neil says. “...do you want it back?”
“No,” Andrew replies.
“...okay?” It comes out like a question even though it isn’t meant to.
This time Andrew looks up, if only to give him a flat look. The effect is lessened a little by the way the look drifts, tracing over Neil’s shoulders.
“Do you like it?” Neil asks, because that kind of aimless watching tends to mean one thing. His tone is dubious, but after a moment of silence on Andrew’s part the feeling of guessing right starts to solidify in his gut. 
It’s not as though he hasn’t got used to the idea that Andrew likes things by now, and not just in terms of the things Neil does to him. It’s things about Neil himself - the shape of his legs, the sounds he makes - and Andrew might not always tell Neil those things outright, but Neil reads him very well. 
But it’s...clothes. Neil just doesn’t really get it. 
While he’s been considering it, Andrew has returned to shoving a bag of corn chips and several bottles of spirits into a cupboard. Then he stands, kicking the cupboard door shut, and walks around the little bench towards Neil.
Neil stays still, even when Andrew gets within arm’s length, even when he curls his fingers into Neil’s - his? Neil’s? - shirt and holds on, even...especially when he pulls Neil down and kisses him.
Maybe it’s kind of thing, then.
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tumsa · 7 years
could you write sweater/jersey sharing and/or mornings between jean and jeremy? i headcanon jean being like the worst at mornings (even though he hauls himself up to run and workout) and jeremy is just,, perpetually amused as his boyfriend pulls on the jeremy's shirt by accident and looks like he wants to murder anything and everything.
this is about six months late and i don’t have any excuse besides me having a depression and dropping everything, but i hope late is better than never? :( i have a playlist named “sappy love songs” that I listened to while writing this so you’ve been warned.
Not even a minute after Jean’s FitBit alarm annoyingly buzzes against his wrist, Jeremy’s too loud and enthusiastic voice announces: “Rise and shine, Jean!”
It’s annoying as hell, the energy that pours out of Jeremy at any ungodly hour like he’s a solar power station on a sunny day, like human laws of energy consumption do not apply to him, and a part of Jean wants to throw a pillow at his boyfriend and tell him to fuck off but Jean has had much, much worse ways of waking up so he just grunts and turns over. There’s a lead heaviness in his muscles, tiredness in his bones, his joints are like tiny anchors, clinging to the depths of their warm bed. Jean winces at the pulling pain in his right shoulder, still tender from a game caused injury, and slowly opens his eyes.
“Good morning,” Jeremy is fully dressed and beaming like mornings are not the work of devil and there’s nothing more exciting in the world than waking up at 6AM.
Jean sighs, yawns and sighs again, trying to remember why he puts himself through the torture of early mornings. His mind comes up with nothing.
“Kill me,” he moans, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. They feel sore. Jean’s mind hurts.
Jeremy laughs blithely and plops down on the bed, pulling away the warm duvet that’s protecting Jean from the cold, cruel world of early mornings. Jean isn’t embarrassed to whimper in protest, helplessly trying to hold on to it. Jeremy, of course, wins that battle.
“I changed my mind,” Jean sighs, sitting up, spreading his arms and arching his back like a lazy cat, waken from a nap. “Kill you.”
It comes out too soft and sweet because stupid Jeremy is smiling his stupid smile and even when Jean despises everything and everyone at 6AM, he cannot muster even a dust of hate for Jeremy. Jeremy, who is wearing bright red running shorts and a white tank top that says “future is female” in big black letters, Jeremy who is holding a cup of something that looks like Jean’s favorite coconut latte with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles from a coffee shop that’s on the other side of the campus.
Jean blinks. His brain is still heavy with sleep and nothing makes sense.
“Here,” Jeremy puts the cup in Jean’s hands and smiles bashuffly. His cheeks bloom like roses in summer as he bites his lip and murmurs quietly: “An apology for keeping you up that late.”
“Only you,” Jean notes amused, taking a sip of the delicious coconut magic, and battling his eyelids to stay open, his body still desperately wanting nothing but sleep, “would apologize for having sex. With me. In our bed. Where we agreed to have sex.”
Jeremy grins. “Well, yeah. But you had only four hours of sleep, and,” he checks his watch with a quick tap on it, “we have to be at the running track in fifteen minutes.”
Jean blinks. Jeremy is evil.
“You only had four hours too,” he whines because what the fuck, how can Jeremy look like that when Jean wants to be swallowed by the bed and never get up? He closes his eyes and doesn’t open them again, he can sit and sleep at the same time, no big deal. “Don’t wanna get up.”
Jeremy hums. “Get ready in five minutes and I’ll kiss you.”
“You,” Jean says accusingly, opening only one eye, “would kiss me anyway. ”
Jeremy winks and pats Jean’s knee matter-of-factly, then gets up and disappears through the doors to their common room, shouting: “Willing to take that bet, Moreau? Four minutes and thirty seconds!”
These are the moments that make Jean wonder how the hell he ended up with Jeremy, with Trojans, how is this his life, this lighthearted morning back and forth with his boyfriend. If he grins to himself, Jeremy doesn’t need to know. Slowly, Jean gets out of the bed, mourning the hours of sleep he will never get to have, trying to find something he can run it, sipping his drink. Unlike Jeremy, who owns every item of Nike’s running collection ever made, Jean couldn’t care less about his attire. He finds his shorts under a pile of sweaters and grabs his Trojan jersey from the floor. It’s rumpled but clean enough to wear so Jean pulls it over his head and heads toward where Jean is still counting down the time, announcing it loudly and enthusiastically every half minute.  
Jean rolls his eyes and tries to locate his running shoes, a pair of red and golden Trojan sneakers. They are individually made and couch Rheman throws a fit and recites the speech about running injuries if anyone ever wears anything else. They are at the door, next to where Jeremy stands so Jean walks over and kneels down to put the shoes on. He yawns again as Jeremy announces zero seconds left.
“Shut up, Jeremy, I am ready.”
He expects a cheerful answer and looks up when there’s silence. Jeremy’s cheeks are bright rosy again and he is trying to unlock his phone while staring at Jean like he’s some miracle.
“What now?” Jean says as he finishes the fight with the second shoe lace. His fingers are still stiff and his recovering shoulder throbs as he gets up. Jean hindes the wince to save Jeremy some gray hairs and unnecesary fussing.
“Nothing,” Jeremy beams, and there’s a shutter of camera going off. Why would Jeremy want a photo of half asleep Jean who probably still have pillow marks on his cheeks and too messy hair, Jean has no idea. He probably doesn’t want to know, his brain still hurts from how early it is. So he doesn’t ask just rolls his eyes and steals a quick kiss from Jeremy before opening the door and bracing himself for the world.
Jeremy is still grinning, as he locks the doors behind them. He looks like a balloon about to burst from smugness and Jean sighs, takes his arm and pulls him down the hallway, oblivious to the fact that he is wearing Jeremy’s jersey.
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ironinkpen · 7 years
hi your headcanons make my day that's all thank u bye
no wait come back i miss u
keith: “am i in trouble” shiro: “take a guess” keith: “no?” shiro: “take another guess”
allura is an adrenaline junkie
the day lance finally realizes this coran pats him on the shoulder and is like “haha! yeah! chip off the old block she is!”
meanwhile lance is like. oh god. there’s. there’s two of them
*pidge voice* “listen. i have had a very long day. i’m very small and have no money. you can imagine what kind of stress i’m under”
lance’s personal mission is to introduce the phrase “great googly moogly” into coran’s vocabulary
hunk’s biceps are almost the same diameter as pidge’s head
keith and lance’s friendship is a symbiotic relationship between “guy who is almost always confused” and “guy who loves explaining things”
lance’ll act like he’s flaunting his “superior knowledge” in keith’s face but really he just likes talking about stuff
keith: ??? lance: :D !!!!!
pidge: “wow that joke really went over your head didn’t it” kolivan: “nothing goes over my head. my reflexes are too fast. i would catch it”
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lovroot · 7 years
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moodboard: sirius black
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
wishing a very merry christmas to @dominqueweasley from your #jtsecretsanta!! may your day be filled with laughter, joy, and love! ♥ 
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palmettofoxden · 7 years
thank you so much for your post about aaron and addressing the kevin/aaron situation because it's exactly the way i see it. i've seen a lot of posts hating on anyone who ships aaron with a male character and i felt really bad about myself even though i literally just wanted aaron to figure out his own belief system, grow to be a better person, maybe figure out his sexuality as he gets over his knee-jerk homophobia. i could write so much more agreeing with you, but i just wanted to say thank you
No problem!
Honestly, asks like this make me so happy and so sad. Because like I’m glad that I managed to make you feel better about it, but also it’s so shitty that some people are so quick to get mad and target anyone who ships KevAaron. And it makes me sad that some people can be so rude about people shipping KevAaron and that so many people get sent hate for shipping them and some even end up taking all their KevAaron stuff down because of it.
And I definitely do not think writing about that is anything to feel bad about, but I know it’s hard when you’ve got loud voices telling you that it’s somehow absolutely terrible and unforgivable.
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leviohhsa · 7 years
i don't have a fav scary movie, sorry!! im super jumpy & easy scared lmao
It’s certainly not everyone’s thing!URL:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | pumpkin spiced latte
ICON: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | toffee apple
DESKTOP THEME: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | smores
MOBILE THEME: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | apple cider
POSTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | pumpkin carving
AM I FOLLOWING: no | i am now | yes | always
Want One?
blacklist ‘michaela rates’ if you don’t want to see these
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fleur · 7 years
🐝 + im looking forward to my trip to asia during winter break !! also, could this blograte be for my sideblog @nymqhadoras? thank you so much for doing this & i LOVE your blog lol it's god The Quality Content i came here for 💕
ooh omg have an amazing time! i’ve never been anywhere in asia, i would love to get to go! (for @nvmqhadoras i hope thats right? i went to message you and you’d mentioned it before)
url: 7/10icon: 9/10mobile theme: 7/10theme: 6/10 original content: /10overall: 7/10
following: not yet, sorry b! | +f! | ofc!!! (CLOSED)
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jeanmoreaux · 7 years
congrats on 8.1k!! 💖 hope u have a wonderful day !
thank you!
celebrate 8.1k with me!
colour - lilac // topaz // peach // silver // azure // burgundy // feldspar // bubblegum // celadon // navy // ivory
creature - mermaid // fairy // trickster // siren //phoenix // god // angel // poltergeist // succubi // valkyrie // wraith // nymph // elves
location - depths of the ocean // heart of an eerie forest // crumbling dark castle // city of skyscrapers // the bottom of a swimming pool // nights on a rooftop, spent stargazing // floating amongst the clouds // sprawling hills of green grass // center of a storm, safe indoors // night life city scene // vintage shop
space - stars // moon // sun // mercury // venus // earth // mars // jupiter // saturn // uranus // neptune
scent - pine // roses // chocolate // jasmine // lavender // rain // vanilla // mint // parchment // coffee
season - summer // autumn // winter // spring
following: no(t yet)
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thlestrals · 7 years
hi b it's been a While lol but i just want to say that you're a sweetheart & i love your blog and edits!! have a nice day 💕
ahhhhhh this is super sweet ily and your blog!!! I hope you have a great day too! 💗 💗 💗 
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kevinday · 7 years
hi i was just scrolling through your blog and found a post where you said you felt much more at home in vietnam. are you vietnamese? because im vietnamese 😊 and idk just uh wanted to say hi i guess?
yeah im vietnamese!! i miss vn so much :(( and hi again omg im always happy to meet vietnamese ppl on here !!
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meraudurs · 7 years
um idk if it's ur birthday yet but happy [early?] birthday!! i hope u have a gr9 day filled with nice feelings and all the good things and just,, everything that makes you happy. happy 20th bday!! 💕
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! don’t worry haha it is my birthday in some parts of the world :”D 
ily omg thank you sm for being so kind 💖💖  you’re amazing fhdjkgf ily!! xx
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badacts · 7 years
1, 2, 49?
1) things that inspire you
picking apart characters and character dynamics is a big thing for me - i like to write my way through understanding what makes my fave characters tick - but a big inspiration for me is how beautiful you can make words and how something i produce can inspire emotion in other people, if that makes sense
people are my inspiration, whether they’re characters or readers
2) things that motivate you
feedback! kudos, comments, reblogs with tags, all that good stuff. i’d like to say i’d write just as much with no feedback but i already did that when i was starting out and i don’t wanna go back tbqh. i wanna know that you like it and i especially wanna know how it makes you FEEL
49) writing advice
a) write a lot, b) write about things you know, c) write about things you want to know, d) look after yourself when you’re blocked, e) don’t be hypercritical of yourself while you’re learning, and f) HAVE FUN honestly otherwise why bother???
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wandlores · 7 years
scorpius malfoy
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his pure-heart and intelligence :’)worst quality:  i don’t even think he has one scorpius is fantasticship them with: ALBUS and lily lunabrotp them with: albus and rose (away from canon cause canon rose makes me want to barf with her attitude)needs to stay away from: all the toxic assholes at school and canon rose weasley misc. thoughts: he is SO PURE and he deserves every wonderful thing is life he has such a nice heart :’)
send me a character! 
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mermaeids · 7 years
hey did you notice that at the beginning of lwymmd the gravestones form "TS" just as the lightning flashes?
yes!! it was such a nice touch. i also loved the “nils sjoberg” on one of the gravestones in the background
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nymphadoratonks · 7 years
5, 24, 34, 45? (p.s. you don't have pretty eyes, you have gorgeous eyes. 💕 and y'know what they say about eyes being windows to the soul ❤️)
thank you so much aw :)
5. are you afraid of falling in love?
yes omg idk if i’ll fall in love tbh 
24. is there a certain quote you live by?
not really but there is this little snippet from a french poem “the wind is rising, we must try to live” which i rly like i always think of it as time is always passing and we should try use our time to the fullest.
34.  has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
no one really says they are pretty aha they’re just rly dark plain brown BUT i do get “wow they are so big” a lot
45.  do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
no i don’t aha i literally own like 3 pairs of shoes and i like them all
ask me!
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