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House & Garden visits Dominique de Menil at her Houston home on the opening of the family’s eponymous museum in 1987. Part III The opposite end of the Menil’s living room (see Part I) showcases Braque’s Interior with Palette over a grand piano selected by their designer, couturier Charles James - who also designed the Butterfly sofa, inspired by Man Ray’s Surrealist painting Observatory Time—The Lovers. The color scheme chosen by James was intended to compliment the Braque. Yep, that’s me in the second photo - taken three years ago by designer @wmtwigs ... who without I would have likely never seen the interiors of the Menil House, as it is not open to the public. The spaces are less layered than when Dominique presided over the house. Still, it was a thrill to experience this iconic home up close and personal. In the third photo, taken in the 1960’s, a tufted velvet-covered ottoman designed by Dominique grounds the center of the room. Photo by Balthazar Korab/The Menil Archives #demenilhouse #demenil #dominiquedemenil #jeandemenil #philipjohnson #modernarchitecture #modernism #modernmaster #riveroaks #charlesjames #couturier #fashiondesigner #interiordesign #sculpturaldesign #sensuousdesign #worldlyinteriors #artcollections #collectors #modernart #livingwithart #bluechipart #artmaven #belterfurntiure #butterflysofa #braque #interiorwithpalette #theartoftheroom @obertogili
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From a @nytimes magazine story on Phillip Johnson's #demenil #home w editor #pilarviladas photographed within weeks of #dominiquedemenil passing (at Houston, Texas)
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The Philip Johnson and Charles James designed Houston home of Jean and Dominique de Menil. Part II of III Dominique de Menil's talent for installation was legendary - a natural gift for which she was also known to be self-effacing. An important Picasso - Seated Woman with a Hat (Femme au chapeau assise sur une chaise), 1938 - hangs over a curated selection of sculpture, mostly African. The small painting is by Juan Gris. Photography by @obertogili for House & Garden, 1987. #demenilhouse #demenil #dominiquedemenil #jeandemenil #philipjohnson #modernarchitecture #modernism #modernmaster #riveroaks #charlesjames #couturier #fashiondesigner #interiordesign #sculpturaldesign #sensuousdesign #worldlyinteriors #artcollections #collectors #modernart #livingwithart #bluechipart #artmaven #picasso #SeatedWomanWithAHat #femmeauchapeauassisesurunechaise #africansculpture #juangris #theartoftheroom
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The grey stone entrance gallery in Château de Kolbsheim in Alsace, France - the 18th-century residence of one of Dominique de Menil's cousins - was designed by Parisian architect Pierre Barbe, who had worked with Charles and Marie-Laure de Noailles on the renowned Hôtel Bischoffsheim on the Place des États-Unis in Paris. The spare and sober elegance of Château de Kolbsheim made a profound impression on both Dominique and her husband, Jean, that lasted a lifetime. From Double Vision by Willam Middleton. #chateaudekolbsheim #dominiquedemenil #jeandemenil #demenil #modernism #frenchmoderndesign #1920'sdesign #soberinteriors #restraineddesign #françaismoderne #classicalmodern #doublevision #williammiddleton https://www.instagram.com/p/BqaLYhsFHkS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e9g1o29ir2ib
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