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TOP 10 HOTTEST MOVIE MONSTERS (as voted by my followers)
#10. Darkness portrayed by Tim Curry (4%) ↳ legend (1985) dir. ridley scott
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Dragon Kiss (Chantilly, Musée Condé)
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Akseli Gallen-Kallela - The Monster and the Maiden (1906)
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“ Well. The malákas Minotaur. Aaaand here we go.
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Post the most recent gif you have with no context
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Build-A-Bear except it's Guillermo Del Toro making you a Monster Boyfriend.
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A little late here but Trick or treat, what do you like more, Heathens?
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You know how people sometimes get a cat by just having a random stray cat with no collar and no chip walk in and sit on the couch like "yo fucknuts I live here now", and the people just go "well fuck, guess I gotta go get a litterbox then."
Now consider: Humans doing that to the fae. Not being captured by the fae folk, not taken against their will but stubbornly walking in to their realm and refusing to leave before one of them agrees to take this damn creature. Faeries telling each other "naww come on, you can't make it leave, it already ate your food. Everyone knows you gotta keep them if you've fed them."
And another faery yells back "I did not fucking feed that thing, it climbed into my pantry and was eating flour straight out of the bag!"
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Brict the Goblin Prince (Rewrite)

One of my first stories is coming back! Brict the Goblin Prince has gotten a fresh coat of paint and been rewritten, with lots more added. Our reader is being forced into a marriage, and the lovely Brict is their future groom. Perhaps they will be a match? Extra long story!
Nonbinary Reader (afab) x Male Monster ////////////////////////////////
You had always dreamed of what your wedding would be like. As a small child you used to play it out with all your dolls and stuffed animals. You would make our own wedding outfit and walk down an aisle with a sheet serving as a veil.
All you wanted was to have the biggest, most beautiful wedding that anyone had ever seen. It had never occurred to you to think about a groom or who you would be walking up the aisle towards. You wanted the big white alter, the flowers, the beautiful flower girl and to dance.
Now that your big day was here, you wanted anything else. Your arranged marriage had taken place a few years ago, but you always figured it would fall through or never happen. But your betrothed was eager and was constantly asking for a date from your father. He soon grew too impatient and backed your father into a corner.
The Goblin kingdom had been fighting over borders with your family’s kingdom for ages. As long as you could remember fights and war were fought on the horizon outside your window. All the guards in the castle were now men younger than you. All the strong and older knights were off fighting.
It wasn’t until the crowned prince of the goblins came forward, asking for your hand in marriage that any peace was struck. You had agreed to it if only to help your kingdom. Your father and mother were dead set against it, but you had seen too many friends go off to wage war and die. You knew the same could be said for the prince.
You had been the one who had hoped you could delay the proceedings as much as possible. But soon, the prince became much too overbearing, and your father had to concede to his demands.
Now, you were in your dream wedding attire, about to have the wedding you always had longed for. But you were daydreaming of someway it would never happen. Perhaps a dragon would attack the church and eat the prince. Maybe a knight would come in and save you. Perhaps the dam would break, and everyone would be swept away.
You sigh heavily as you look at your reflection, seeing someone you didn’t quite recognize. There is a knock at your chamber doors, and you don’t even turn.
“Come in,” you murmur.
The door creak opens and closes quietly. “My darling.”
You look up in the mirror, seeing the goblin prince, Brict, my betrothed. He’s standing at the door, dressed in his wedding finery.
“What are you doing here?” You ask with a quiet voice.
“I wanted to talk,” he says. “Is that ok?”
You look down at your hands “You aren’t supposed to see me before the wedding,” you mumble, not really feeling it.
“That’s human tradition,” he says as he walks into the room. He’s barefoot, his three toed feet exposed. For a creature so short, the goblins have big feet. “It is usually goblin tradition that we spend the week leading up the wedding alone and secluded, sharing everything.”
You look back up to the mirror, seeing his dark brown eyes looking at you. His hand is stretched out, and a finger gently pets a loose curl going down your back.
You turn abruptly, and Brict takes a few steps back. His eyes go wide as you stare him down. “What do you want to talk about.”
Brict stands straight, and he clears his throat. “I wanted to let you know I’ve planned us a romantic honeymoon. I was told you like to swim and enjoy the ocean, so I found a place at the coast that will be-” he slows and tilts his head. His great big, bat-wing like ears flick, and he looks over you.
“What?” You snap at him.
“You’re crying,” Brict says.
You quickly whip back around to the mirror and see tears streaming down your cheeks. “Oh no,” you gasp as you reach for a handkerchief.
“Are you…” Brict hesitates. “Are you unhappy?”
You sniffle, weeping into the handkerchief. “Just go! What does it matter now?”
“I thought-” his voice chokes off. “Oh no,” he murmurs as he steps back. “I thought this was what you wanted?”
You turn back to face Brict. “Why would I want this?” You cry. “Why would I ever want to be married to something like you?”
His eyes widen, and you instantly regret your words.
“I’m sorry,” you whimper. “This is just...not at all what I wanted.”
“I thought when you agreed,” Brict’s voice wavers, obviously still hurt by your blow. “That’s why I was so eager.” His ears fold back. “Why did you agree even when your parents didn’t want it?”
“I wanted to end the war,” you say. “I wanted it done with! Why did you ask for my hand if not for that?”
Brict hesitates. “It was a bonus, to be certain,” he mutters. “But-” his ears twitch, and he looks down. His big nose seems to take up most of his face. “I have always loved you.”
You furrow your brow at him. “Excuse me?”
Brict looks back up at you. “It was love at first sight,” he says. “Back during the High Council in Obresh that Nictis had hosted.” He swallows nervously. “I saw you there, and I was overwhelmed-” he chuckles. “It wasn’t until later I learned that you were supposed to be my sworn enemy. But I still only saw love when I thought of you.”
You avert your eyes from him. “Oh,” you mutter.
“Guess I was so excited, I had invented the idea in my head that you had fallen for me as well,” he laughs. “My mistake. My mom always said being a romantic would get me into trouble. Well, here it is,” he flaps his arms out.
Brict reaches into his pocket and pulls out another handkerchief. “Here,” he offers it to you.
You tentatively take it and dab your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize,” Brict chuckles. “I was warned that I was-” he shakes his head. “Never mind.”
You sniffle and glance over Brict. Standing tall, he barely came up to your breasts. If his ears stood on end, they’d touch your collarbone. He had long black hair that was slicked back and tied into an elegant braid. He looked uncomfortable in his suit. After all, even Goblin royals didn’t wear much clothing.
“Maybe we should have done that week,” you huff. “And gotten all this out of the way.”
Brict’s eyes go bright, and his ears stand up. “You’re right!” He gasps. “Please,” he takes hold of your hands. “Stop crying. Let me make this right.”
“What’re you talking about?” You sniffle.
“Give me a week,” he says. “Let’s delay the wedding.”
You stare at Brict like he’s insane. “You can’t delay it now! Not when all the guests are here, and everyone is waiting! My dad thinks you’re angry at him!”
“I’ll make this right. Let me handle all that wrath.” He brushes his strange fingers across your cheek. “We’ll take our honeymoon now and give ourselves that week.” he gives you a determined smile. “I promise, I’ll make you fall for me.”
You still give him that crazy stare, but you did say you would do anything to delay this wedding for whatever reason. It wasn’t exactly the dragon you were praying for, but it was an out.
You nod slowly. “Ok.” You wipe at your eyes. “Ok sure. You try and do that.”
Brict grins and gives your hand a tight squeeze. “I promise. This will make everything better!” He kisses your gloved hand and leaves in a rush.
Somehow, Brict announcing to the full church that the wedding was being delayed by a week didn’t erupt in instant war and bloodshed. He instead offered logging and anything the guests would need. He opened his kingdom to those who wanted to stay and wait. You weren’t too sure on the details, but somehow, no one seemed too upset.
The next day, you were in a carriage heading to the coast where Brict had arranged for your honeymoon. Now, it was to be your Elamot Week, as it’s known to goblins. It was a week where the bride and groom spend alone together. They get used to living with one another as well as growing closer before the wedding.
It was a strange tradition for you, but you were just glad to escape the wedding for another week. You’re wearing a new outfit made for you. Brict, on the other hand, has a piece of cloth wrapped down his chest and waist. It barely covers him.
You knew you would have to get used to the goblin’s version of modesty, but this was a bit much, It almost felt like Brict was trying to show off something. You tried not to look, but you always didn’t want to be rude to Brict.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Brict says.
You fidget in your seat. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to uhm...so much skin.” You murmur.
Brict looks down. “I feel overdressed actually. Not as much as yesterday, but-” he then chuckles. “I still wanted to look nice for you.”
You sigh and relax into your seat as the carriage bobs along. “Thank you, for yesterday.”
“I would do anything for you,” Brict replies brightly. “You need to know this,” he smiles. “I will always be on your side.”
You look at him and can’t help but smile. “What I said-”
“It’s in the past,” he waves his hand out. “I understand. You didn’t know me, and I only knew the romanticized you in my mind. I’m hoping we can both cure this by the end of the week.”
You can already smell the ocean and the beach. Glancing out your window, you see the wide expanse of the horizon turn into nothing but water. You grin, unable to hold back your excitement.
“You really do love the water,” Brict says, reminding you of his presence.
You sit back down. “Yes,” you murmur. “I love to swim.”
“Hopefully, it will be warm enough for that,” Brict replies. “To be honest, I never have.”
You stare at him and gasp. “You can’t swim?”
He wags his finger. “I didn’t say can’t,” he corrects.
“But you said you never have!” You’re so alarmed by this. Swimming has always been your favorite thing in the world. It seems absurd to you that someone doesn’t know how or has never been. “If you’ve never been how can you?”
“I’m sure I can swim if I tried it,” he chuckles.
“It’s not so easy,” you lean forward in your seat. “The water isn’t something to be trifled with you know?”
Brict grins. “I like the look in your eyes. You’re even more beautiful than the day I first saw you.”
Your cheeks ache with heat, and you glance aside. A smile still blossoms on your face. “Thank you,” you murmur.
The small cottage that Brict bought was cozy. It had just a handful of rooms, and only one of them held a bed. It was apparent Brict had ideas when he got this place.
“You can have the bed,” Brict says. “I can find somewhere to curl up and sleep.”
“No,” you scratch the back of your neck. “It’s big enough,” you murmur. “I mean...the whole point of the Elamot is to share, right?”
Brict tries to bite back a grin, but you caught it. “I promise, I won’t do anything unless you ask for it.” He then takes off the clothes he’s wearing.
“What-” you yelp and bounce on your toes. “What...what are you doing?”
“Oh,” he rubs his hand down his hairy chest. “I was just getting comfortable.”
You look away, holding your breath.
“Elamot usually is spent completely naked,” he explains. “I thought you knew that.”
You huff and swallow the lump in your throat back down. “I did-” your voice cracks. “I just thought.” You glance at him, your eyes lingering a bit. You snap your attention away again. “I’ve never-” you place your palms over your stomach and chest.
“You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable,” Brict says. “Do you want me to dress again?”
“No,” you murmur. “You’re being accommodating for me, I should...do the same for you.” You look back at him. “Give me some time to...feel comfortable with it.”
“Of course,” Brict takes your hand and kisses the inside of your palm.
After unpacking, you walk outside and onto the beach. You take off your shoes, letting your toes sink into the sand. The air is crisp, and the spray of the ocean makes it freezing. You still step out, hiking up your skirt as you wade into the chilled water.
You look down, seeing how high you’ve raised your hem. Your stomach churns with nerves, but you take off your clothes and feel the cold breeze on your bare body. You clutch the clothes to your chest and turn to step out of the water. You see Brict standing on the porch of the house, and you hesitate.
“Is it cold?” He calls out to you, his eyes shining.
You nod, remaining silent.
“Then come inside,” his voice is suddenly breathy and quiet.
You step back onto the sand and walk up to the house. You take Brict’s hand as you hold your breath. You’re both silent as you walk back inside. You feel strange, so naked and uncovered as you are. But Brict is also naked. There should be no reason to feel this exposed.
“Go sit down, I got the fire started,” Brict finally says. “I’ll pour us a drink.”
You brush your fingers down your middle. You then touch Brict’s shoulder. “Thank you,” you say. “And you were right, it’s much too cold to go swimming.”
Brict smiles at you, capturing your hand and kissing the center of your palm again. “It will be warmer soon.”
You walk over to the fireplace, sitting down in front of it. You pull your knees to your chest. You bite back a smile.
Brict joins you, carrying two glasses of dark red wine. “Here you go.”
“This looks lovely,” you say.
“Not half as lovely as you on the beach,” Brict sighs. “I must admit, seeing you out there stole ten years off my life.”
“That bad?” You chuckle as you take a sip.
“That good,” Brict’s grin brightens. “So good, it’s a downright sin.”
You sputter as you giggle and a little wine drips down between your breasts. You notice the look in Brict’s eyes as he watches that single drop slide down. He licks his lips, and you feel a flutter in your belly.
“Made a mess,” you murmur, wiping it up with your finger.
Brict clears his throat and glances back towards the fire. “Are you sure about the sleeping situation?”
“Kind of,” you admit. “I guess we’ll find out.”
He nods. “Right.”
You touch his shoulder and stroke down his arm. “You’re much more muscular than I thought,” you say. “You’re very fit.”
Brict’s breath shudders. “Yes. I do the same training regiment as my men do,” he replies. “It’s only fair.”
“I also didn’t realize goblins were so hairy,” you comb your fingers through his chest hair, and you can feel the spike in his pulse. “I thought you were all smooth.”
“Hardly,” Brict’s laugh is nervous.
You brush your fingers along his cheek and up his ear. Once you touch his ear, he wrenches back and whimpers.
“Sorry,” you gasp.
“No, no,” his ears flick back. “My ears are uhm...sensitive.”
You nod. “I’ll be careful,” you bite your lip.
You sit in silence for a while. Soon, the wine is gone, and the fire is only glowing embers. Brict takes your empty glass.
“It’s late,” he says. “Go on to bed.”
You stand up from the sofa as he takes the glasses to the kitchen. You go to the bedroom, pulling back the blankets and slipping into the cold sheets. You shiver as you try to warm up the bed. For some reason, Brict doesn’t come right away.
After a while, Brict walks into the dark room and climbs into bed. He lays on top of the covers.
You roll over and touch his back. “Aren’t you cold?”
“Oh,” he murmurs. “I thought you were asleep.”
You shake your head. “No uhm...the bed is cold.”
“Then why should I get under the blankets?” Brict teases.
“Ah-” you giggle. “Ok, that’s fair.”
Brict moves under the blankets, and you can feel his body warmth close to you. You inch closer, placing your hand on his back.
“Are you that cold?” He asks.
You press your chest to his back, and a low moan escapes his lips. “I am,” you whisper, trembling slightly.
You pet your hand along his thigh, and your fingertips brush along his shaft. Brict’s back stiffens, and he presses closer to you.
“Is this what you want?” He asks.
You nod as you take his cock into your hand, stroking it slowly. You feel it get hotter and thicker, you feel his pulse pounding and his blood surge. He groans and grunts as you touch him.
“Why?” Brict pants.
“I like how I feel with you,” you confess. “I feel free and safe,” you pant into his ear. “And when I saw you naked...I grew hot.”
Brict rolls over, kissing you and placing his hands on your body. His cock rubs against your belly, smearing precum along your skin.
“Why did you get hot?” He growls into your ear. His fingers pet down your belly and comb through the fluff of your mound.
You bite back a moan as his fingers open your folds and find your clit. “You looked handsome,” you moan. “Anh-” you cry out. “Rugged-” you grunt. “Manly.”
“Did I not look that way yesterday?” Brict growls as his fingers sink inside you.
“No,” you whimper.
Brict chuckles as he bites your nipple and nuzzles between your breasts. “I’m glad,” he sighs. “I saw you staring, but I thought it was another reason.”
You arch your back as his fingers move inside your cunt. “Your cock too-” you mewl. “It looked. Unh-” you squeeze around his fingers.
“What?” Brict suckles your breast, tugging on it and shaking his head. “What about my dick?”
“It looks big,” you mewl.
Brict kisses your hard. “Really?” He grins. “Not seen a pickle that big around the royal castle?”
You bite your lip as you look into his heated eyes. “I’ve spied...a few times,” you admit. “Sometimes when the guards would bathe.” You stroke your palm down his chest and grasp his cock again. “Even soft-” you pant.
“Do you want me inside then?” Brict pulls his fingers out.
You nod. “I mean...we are sharing all this week,” you kiss him and lick his lips.
“Oof-” Brict grunts with a grin. “Now you’re really sure?” he asks as he nestled between your thighs. “This isn’t the wine talking is it?”
You shake your head and place your hands on his chest. “You impressed me,” you moan as you feel his cock sliding against your folds.
“Is that all it took?” Brict grunts as he moves into place. His cock slides up and down your slit, and you can hear your wetness as he sloshes about.
You grown and your lashes flutter. “I’m also really horny,” you confess.
Brict kisses your belly and breasts. “Let me cure that for you then.”
You bite your cheek as his cock spears inside. You groan and squeeze around him. Brict jerks, gasping for breath.
“Easy now,” he moans. “First time doing this.”
You gasp. “You’re a virgin.”
He moves slowly looking down and watching as your pussy takes him. “Yeah, or was,” he smirks. “I’ve been saving myself for the right person.”
You squeeze around him again. “I’ve only ever touched,” you moan. “You’re my first too.”
Brict bends down to kiss you, barely making your chin. “That makes me happy to hear.” he sits back up, rolling his hips. “Does this feel right?”
You nod. “Mm-hm,” you lock your legs around his waist. “Keep going.” You reach down, stroking your clit as he moves inside you.
You’re both panting and moaning, tangling together. At one point, you switch places. You straddle Brict’s hips, riding him. It takes you a while to figure out how to move and get a rhythm, but soon, you’re bouncing on him and liking it.
Brict’s hands grab your hips, and his fingers dig into your thighs. He rises up, arching his hips and meeting you. He drives himself inside, and you feel a heat quickening in your belly. You grind him inside, feeling the heat build.
Brict snarls and grunts. “I’m cumming,” he moans. “Oh god...I’m going to cum.”
You gasp and shudder, not really hearing him. You hear a roaring in your ears as the heat explodes from within. You cry out, clamping down around his cock right as he blows. You feel him surging inside you and looking down, you see his cum dribbling down his shaft.
You flop down onto the bed, curling into his chest.
“Wow,” Brict pants.
You giggle and kiss his chest and neck. “That was so good,” you stretch and wiggle your toes.
“Well, the bed is certainly warm now,” Brict sighs in triumph.
You reach down, feeling the sopping mess between your legs. Your vulva is hot and a little sore, but it feels so good. “You came a lot,” you sigh.
“Sorry,” he groans. “I should’ve asked.”
You kiss him then lick his ear making his body quiver. “I think I wanted it that way,” you purr.
Brict strokes your cheek and looks into your eyes. “Was that really ok?” He asks. “We’ve only been here a day, I didn’t expect things to happen so quickly.”
“Neither did I,” you whisper. “But my body-” you sigh. “I felt it so fast and so deep.” You kiss Brict again and then lay your head to his chest. “It was that love at first sight.”
“Hey,” he growls. “You only felt that after seeing me naked. What gives?” He bites the tip of your ear. “Did you only want me for my body?”
“No,” you mewl in protest. “Of course not. I think well...maybe I just needed to see all of you first. You looked so strange in uncomfortable in that suit yesterday. That wasn’t really you.” You pet down his body. “This is you.”
He grunts. “Ok, I’ll let that slide.” He rolls you over and nuzzles between your breasts and lays on them like a pillow. “Well, now what are we supposed to do all week?”
“You know exactly what we’re going to do,” you purr. “Until the water warms, we’re staying in this bed all cozy and warm.”
Brict chuckles. “Cozy and warm eh?” He squeezes your breast in his hand. “I’m starting to feel cozy again already.”
You wake up the next morning with your head on Brict’s chest. He’s snoozing soundly and doesn’t budge as you sit up. You stretch and yawn, hearing the waves crashing outside. You hear rain and wind and the whole room is chilled.
“Get back in bed,” Brict grumbles.
“It’s storming,” you murmur.
Brict throws you down in bed and tucks you in. “exactly. I’ll go light the fire. You stay here.” He kisses your cheek.
“Thank you,” you murmur to him.
Brict smiles at you, a dreamy look in his eyes before he leaves the room. “Always,” he whispers to you.
You snuggle back into the blankets and listen to the storm raging outside. When Brict returns, he smells a bit like ash. You open the covers for him and kiss him.
“No swimming today, I’m afraid,” Brict sighs.
“That’s ok,” you murmur as he lays his head on your breast. “I don’t feel like moving today.”
The chill of the mountains is not something you’ve gotten used to over time like everything else. Waking up knowing that the floor is going to be ice cold and the day won’t warm until after the noon sun rises above the peaks has been the hardest thing you have had to acclimate to. Everything else about your life in the goblin royal palace has been fine. Until recently, that is.
“Good morning, your highness!” You’re greeted chipperly as you make your way to the warm dining hall.
“Good morning.” You clutch a robe around you while most of the goblins in the halls still go around near nude. It reminded you of how much you missed your husband’s own naked form.
All the uproar and commotion caused by the recent unification has kept your husband, the now King Brict, away on important matters. He’s been going across the Cobra Strait often to the Rakshasa Kingdom.
“You have a letter this morning.” You’re greeted with a tray of mail as soon as you sit at the table, your back turned to the massive fireplace.
You excitedly reach for the stack of letters, hoping to see one from your husband. “Thank you Grit!” You exclaim to your advisor.
Grit adds logs to the fire while you search the stack of letters. The usual ones from your family in Charbagne, your sister and her husband Ikid, along with some from your friends scattered amongst the empire. You then find one from Brict and happily tear into it.
Grit joins you at the table, serving you coffee while you peruse the letter. He looks at you just as your expression drops and your guts sink into the pit of your stomach.
“He’s not coming home,” you mutter.
Grit sets the coffee pot aside as you stare at your empty plate and slowly move the letter into your lap where you can’t see it.
“There must be some mistake, your highness.” Grit takes the letter from you. “He said he would return in time for the Festival of Cups.”
“He can’t make it,” you murmur. “There’s too much going on.”
Grit huffs and places his hand upon your arm. “I’ll write back to him and insist that-”
You move away from the table, pushing your chair back. “There’s no need. If he’s not coming back for the festival, then this must be important to him. I wouldn’t dare call him away if that’s the case.”
He looks from you, to the letter, and then to your untouched coffee cup. “Your highness, what about your breakfast?”
“I’m not hungry.” You leave the dining hall, going back into the cold hallway.
It was hard enough dealing with all these royal matters by yourself, but you had been glad to do it to help your husband. Brict was working so hard to assure your kingdom remained safe and protected, the least you could do was assure his home was also left in the same care. What hurt was the rumors that had spread, and the whispers she heard in the corners. No heir had been produced yet, and that of course got everyone talking.
You had decided to go to the study in order to do some work, but instead you bypassed it and went into your chambers where you laid down upon the bed.You missed your husband beside you, you missed him holding you and kissing you. You had never felt such loneliness as you did without Brict there.
He had been so attentive and loving during your first few months together. Ever since the Elamont you took, the two of you had been inseparable. This sudden separation made you wonder if he was staying away because he was bored with you now, maybe even annoyed. Your thoughts wander along these darks paths that you try to avoid, but the more he’s absent the further you travel down them. The rumors spreading about didn’t help either. Some days it felt like Grit and his family were the only comfort you had.
Grit’s wife, Tulka, who was also Brict’s elder sister, came into your room later that day. She sat by you on the bed and stroked your hand.
“I don’t think wallowing in your sadness again will do anyone any good. But if you cannot rise, I understand,” she says calmly.
You sigh heavily, slowly sitting up to look her in the eye. “I know what he’s doing is important. I just feel like-no, never mind.” You look away towards the window.
Tulka squeezes your hand tight. “Never mind the never mind, you finish what you started. Tell me, and if I hear what I think I am going to, I’ll go and fetch that twirp of a king myself.”
You shook your head. “No, Tulka, I wouldn’t dare do that to him.”
Tulka frowned and her ears went down. “It doesn’t matter, he’s hurting you, and I know my brother. If he knew that, he’d understand and come home. He could do his business from here.”
“I know it’s important to him, and it’s important to me. Everything he’s doing is for the good of the kingdom. But I feel...forgotten.”
Tulka took in a deep steadying breath then she let it out slowly. “Okay, that’s it, I’m kicking his ass.” She stands but you grab her to stop.
“Tulka! No!”
“I’m doing it,” she argues. “I’m hopping on the next boat across the Cobra Strait and I am kicking his ass!”
“Then I would really be lonely!”
Tulka’s expression softens again and she sits back beside you, putting her arms around you in a tight embrace. “Don’t be so pitiful, my sister. He’ll come back, and when he does, you may chain him to the bed and I will not tell a soul.”
You smile. “Thank you.”
Tulka sighs as she pulls back. “But at the very least, write him a letter, tell him how you feel. I’m sure he’d understand-”
You shake your head. “I don’t want him to worry. I also don’t want him thinking I’m being selfish.”
Tulka growls and rolls her eyes. “But you aren’t! You’re asking your husband to come home because you need him. That’s not selfish.”
“But his work-”
Tulka pinches your nose and shakes your head back and forth. “Then leave things to Grit and I and you go kick his ass.”
You cup your hand around your nose once she lets go. “Go to Rakshasa Country?”
Tulka nods. “Consider it a vacation, a second honeymoon. And then you kick his ass for me and for you.”
You glance away. “But I promised him-”
Tulka claps her hands hard together. “He promised to be home! We all make promises and sometimes we have to break them. So since he broke your heart you should break one of his legs.”
“No!” You gasp.
Tulka broke into a grin. “I’ll arrange it with Grit to get you to Rakshasa Country. We can take care of things here, so don't worry about anything. I’ll even send you with Riox & Elta so you won’t be alone, plus they’ve been wanting to travel. Grit and I could use some alone time without the kids anyways.”
You thought for a moment. You did enjoy spending time with Riox and Elta, and you were eager to see brict again more than anything. “Perhaps it will be okay.”
Tulka’s smile grows brighter. “It will be. And if Brict is doing anything awful, I’ll tell my children to stab his feet.”
The next day, you’re sent down the mountain and from there you head to Obresh. Riox and Elta are full of excitement, never having left the Stohbulk mountains before. The eager thirteen year olds constantly talk about what they’ll do during their travels, which helps ease your mind. Once you’re on the ship to Obresh your nerves return and your thoughts turn back down those dark paths.
“Auntie,” Elta tugs your sleeve, “what’s Rakshasa Country like?”
She pulls you from your thoughts and you look into her eager eyes. “Oh well, I haven’t been there since I was your age, but I can remember how colorful it was.”
“Colorful?” Riox approaches, sheathing his dagger.
You nod and sit with them. “They have lots of spices down there, many of which can be used as dyes. So they have all sorts of colorful clothing and decor. Then even have a festival every year to celebrate that.”
“Like the festival of cups?” Riox asks excitedly.
You smile. “Close, only they celebrate by throwing colorful powders into the air rather than with the various drinks made throughout the year.”
“Is that why Uncle Brict has stayed so long?” Elta asks.
You hesitate for a moment, licking your lips and forcing yourself to maintain your smile. “I’m not sure. I know he’s taking care of some very important work.”
“Why would he stay for work though?” Riox grimaces.
“Because he’s king,” you say. “That’s his job.”
Riox’s brow pinches. “Isn’t he supposed to be king at Stohbulk?”
You close your mouth and sigh. “Being a royal is more complicated than that. Just know your uncle is doing what he thinks is best.”
The journey across the Cobra Strait is relatively peaceful and quick. Once you land, you’re taken from the Rakshasa ports and into the royal city.
“Everything is so pretty!” Elta exclaims, nearly hanging out the carriage window.
Riox looks back in with a wide expression. “There’s no rocks here!”
You smile. “We’re technically in an oasis, this is actually a desert.” Both kids lean out the window as the carriage comes to the royal palace. You’re taken into the palace and given a warm welcome. You’re taken to the chambers where the kids would be staying, and then a staff member offers to take you to Brict.
“I’m not sure where he is now, but I can show you to his chambers,” the maid says.
“Does he know I’ve arrived?” You ask.
“He was given word a few days ago you’d be coming,” she replies, “but I don’t think he knows you’re here now.”
Brict’s room is just down the hall from Riox’s and Elta’s. The maid opens the door for you and inside you see Brict with another woman. Your heart drops into your chest and all color fades from your face.
Brict looks up and seeing you he stands up from the table. “You’re here!”
You look towards the woman who also rises from the table, her hair is pure white, but that is all you can stand to look at. Your head is spinning, faster and faster. You don’t want him to see you cry so you turn away and start walking.
“Wait!” Brict calls after you.
You run as you hear him approaching. You sprint down the hallway, turning the corner. You don’t stop, you barely acknowledge where you’re going. All you want to do is get away. You then turn another corner and crash into an imposing figure. He grabs you up and steadies you.
“Careful now, easy,” he chuckles. “You’re running around like my Nicolai.”
You push against the giant figure and the tears find you. The rise up quickly, pouring from your sockets as your face goes even redder.
“What’s this?” The polar bear brushes away your tears as you try to keep your sobs restrained. “I don’t know you, but if you need to cry you ran into me for a reason.”
You start shaking, digging your hands into the polar bear’s arm. Tears flow and you fall into the polar bear’s chest.
“There, there strange woman.” He pets your back. “The heat here gets to me too.”
You sob angrily into his chest while clinging to the thin tunic he wore. All your dark thoughts had been correct, Brict had been staying for another reason, a woman reason.
“There you are!” Brict huffs and puffs. “What are you doing? Why did you run like that?”
“Is this yours?” The polar bear asks.
Brict sighs. “That’s my wife! I’ve been expecting her, but suddenly she just bolted away from me.”
“Wife!” You roar and turn around to face him. “Now I am your wife?”
Brict's eyes widen and his ears go back. “Yes! Of course you’re my wife, now and always. What has gotten into you?”
Too many emotions are spilling out at once, you can’t grip onto just one, you can barely speak. You glare at him, tears still falling. The woman with white hair steps around the corner.
“That!” You point at her. “What is that?”
The woman scoffs. “Excuse me?”
Brict’s ears perked up and his jaw dropped. “Darling, this is my friend! She’s this fellow's wife.” He points to the polar bear you are still clinging to. “Katrina and I are just friends. We were having tea while discussing trades between our kingdoms.”
The polar bear grins. “I was spending time with Amit, so I didn’t join them.”
“Then why won’t you come home?” You snap.
Brict’s eyes flicked down. “Gregori, Katrina, please excuse us. I’ll take my wife and talk to her in private.”
Katrina eyed Brict closely. The blood red of her eyes made her gaze so much more severe. “You left this darling woman alone?”
Brict’s body stiffened. “I had to for-”
“How long?” Katrina pried. “I did not think to ask this when you kept babbling on about her, but how long have you left her alone?”
“Months!” You spit out.
Katrina clicked her tongue. “I see.”
“No, no,” Brict gasps, “Katria it isn’t-”
Katrina steps around him, coming towards you. “I am surprised she has not slapped you yet. If my Gregori were to leave me alone and unattended for months at a time, I would have him hunted down like a deer and then chained to my wall.”
Brict’s ears go back and his jaw closes tight.
Katrina looks at you. “I am sorry for the trouble I have caused. But trust me, your husband and I are only friends. And as far as I know he has remained faithful to you all this time. He barely talks about anything else than you.” She cuts her eyes back to Brict. “I would have assumed he was more reliable than what he has been showing.”
“Can I have my wife, please?” Brict asks weakly.
Katrina looks back at you. “Do you want him?”
Gregori’s huge paws come down onto your shoulders; they’re warm and comforting, which helps to ease your tensions. “I suppose. Thats why I am here.”
Katrina eases in closer to you. “I have paddles and whips in my chambers if you want them. Gregori’s rear needs to rest.”
Your brow furrows. “Pardon?”
Brict comes up, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. “Thank you both, but I should talk to my wife now.”
“I will send my son after you with his sword should you continue to disappoint this lovely lady more.” Katrina offers the warning with a terrifying glare.
Brict hurries you down the hall, trying to keep hold of your hand which you pull away. He looks up at you with guilt and disappointment.
“Are you still mad?” He asks.
“I don’t know,” you huff. “I’m a bit confused.”
Brict takes you into his chambers. He clears up papers from the table but you stride away and stand before the window.
“I was so excited to see you,” he starts. “I couldn’t believe you were coming all this way. I’ve missed you so-”
“Then why not come home?” You murmur. “You promised me.”
Brict is quiet for a spell. He then comes up beside you. “So much has been happening, and I wanted to assure that our mountains would be safe. Then I started realizing how good this all is. Meeting all these royals and nobles who could open up the world for us.”
You clench your fists tight. “Couldn’t you do that at home?”
“I can accomplish more here.” Brict takes hold of one of your fists. “I missed you like mad, but I wanted to make you proud. I wanted to come home with some many victories to show you.”
You turn to him, opening up your hand so you can hold his hand. “I am proud of you, all the time. You don’t need to try and win anything to do that. I just want you home.”
Brict squeezes your hand and lowers his head. “I’m so sorry, I should have known that. I got caught up in all of it.”
“All this time I didn’t want to bother you, but Tulka and Grit insisted. But I’ve been so miserable without you, especially as it’s gotten colder.” You touch his cheek and lift his eyes back to you. “I’m sorry if I’m selfish, but I want you home with me.”
Brict’s smile was small and apologetic. He kissed your palm and held it to his cheek. “I will. But you must be tired, come lay down.” He brings you to the bed and pulls back the blankets for you.
“I’m sorry I made a scene,” you sigh.
“Don’t worry. I suppose I earned it.” He sits beside you as you get into bed. “How was your trip?”
“It was nice. The children had fun, which kept my mind off things.” You look into his dark eyes and smile. “Can you lay down with me?”
“Do you want me to?”
You pat the bed beside you. “It’s all I want.”
“Well then,” he chuckles, “I have to.” He stands and removes his clothing, bringing a smile and heat to your face.
“You still act like when we were on our Elamont.” Brict kisses your cheek and moves his lips to your neck. “So shy but so happy to stare.”
You moan softly as his lips brush against your skin. “Don’t tease me right now.”
Brict presses a loving kiss to your lips. “I like it. But I must admit, if I were to see anymore of your skin right now, I would burst.”
You muzzle to his neck and put your arm around him. “Just hold me right now.”
Brict puts his arms around you, missing your temple and smelling your hair. “I have missed you.”
“I know,” you whisper.
Brict eases you down onto the bed, kissing you and slowly opening your dress. He kisses down your neck, between your breasts as he opens your clothes. You moan and cup your hand over your mouth as he exposes your breasts, holding them in his strong hands.
“Just relax, I’ll take care of everything,” Brict murmurs. His long tongue glides over your nipples before his mouth comes down upon one. You whimper loudly then bite down upon your finger. You haven’t been touched in so long it is aching for this moment.
Brict pulls up with a pop then kisses your nipple softly. He moves to the other, sucking it and making you squeal.
He chuckles as he raises his head. “My sweet love, I owe you so much more than this.” He sits up, removing your clothes so you’re as bare as he his. His warm hands trail down your body, over your belly, your hips. He pushes your thighs open to gaze down below. His eyes shine bright and he licks his lips hungrily.
“I forgot how delectable you were.” He lowers down, kissing your navel and thighs. “All the more reason I need to return home.”
Your lashes flutter before you close them. You reach down, running your fingers through Brict’s long hair. He breathes against your thighs before his warm, wet tongue pushes between the lips below.
“Brict-” you moan.
He growls against you, opening you with his tongue and lips. His nose grinds against that sensitive bud while his long tongue burrows inside. You sigh in relief, opening yourself up more for his ease.
Brict slurps and ease up, moving his lips around your clit while his long fingers slip inside. Your breath hitches as you throw your head back, drowning in the delicious touch he brings. Your inner walls tighten around his fingers, which makes their aim more directed. He moans against your clit, licking and suckling until your knees begin to tremble. His dark eyes flick up to you, and you know you’re done for.
So many lonely nights are washed away with one tremendous spike of pleasure. You cry again as you’re overwhelmed by his affections. His touch, his love, all of it mingle and tingle within you until you can no longer breathe.
Brict lies beside you, kissing your neck and cheek until your vision returns. You look at him, sated and breathless from his touch. You kiss him, accepting his apology and affections.
“How do you feel?” He whispers.
“Much better,” you smile. “What about you?”
He butts his forehead to yours. “Later. I just want to know that you’re happy.”
After heading home to Sothbulk, Brict took you back to the site where you had first fallen for him; The small cottage that overlooks the ocean.
“It’ll be good to spend some time here,” Brict says. “We’ve been apart for too long, and we need to reconnect.” He was already removing his clothes even before you walked into the cottage.
“I won’t argue with spending time alone with you, but I don’t want to burden Tulka and Grit either.” You step inside the cottage and you remember the first time you walked through those doors. You had been so weary of your husband to be, so unsure of the arrangement between you. You then look down, seeing your husband had taken off the last of his clothes, and you remember exactly what made you first fall for him.
“Darling,” you giggle girlishly. “You know what you do to me in that state.”
Brict poses, showing himself off to you. His strong arms and toned legs haven’t changed, but there is a certain softness to his belly that wasn’t there before. “I can’t help it, I wanted to feel comfortable, I haven’t been able to really undress since I left home. Here, I can let myself be as free as I wish.” His dark eyes narrowed upon you as his grin grew. “I can’t help it that you get salacious when you see me this way.”
You glance away shyly, cheeks warm but your loins even warmer. “You look as though you’ve put on a little weight since you’ve been away.”
Brict laughed and smacked his belly. “I haven’t done any of my training like I usually do. I hope you’ll tolerate the jelly belly while I have it.”
You smile at him as you tiptoe closer. “I think it’s cute. I was thinking of something else.” You bend over, stroking your hand down his side then firmly gripping his rear. “This looks more plump than usual.” His backside is softer than usual, but more pronounced and shapely.
Brict clenches at your touch then clears his throat in an attempt to cover it. “Yes, well-” He giggles as you squeeze. “As long as it pleases you, my dear.”
You kiss him, placing your hands upon his shoulders then upon his cheeks. “Everything about you is pleasing,” you whisper into his ear.
Brict lets out a breath and chuckles. “Easy now, it’s been too long, I might claw you down onto the floor right now.”
You smirk and kneel down before him, kissing his ribs and stomach while your hands take hold of his hips.
Brict licks his lips and his eyes dart around the room. He looks down upon you, eyes lidded as he takes in the scene. “Darling, what are you doing?”
“You can’t tell?” You smooth your hands around his thighs, working them up until you cup his manhood in your palm.
Brict hisses, closing his eyes while he swallows hard. “I was hoping, I didn't think you’d go straight there once we arrived and uhm-” he gulps, “got comfortable.”
You palpate him in your hand, his warmth and girth so appealing. You kiss his belly, slowly moving down so your lips brush against the base of his shaft. Brict winces, letting out a small yelp. He places his hand on the back of your head as your kisses trail further.
“Your lips are so soft,” he moans. “So warm.” His lashes flutter then open up wide as your touch continues. “Darling-”
You kiss along his expanding shaft, knowing just how wonderfully engorged he can get. You place your lips upon his tip then teasingly dart your tongue along the glans.
Brict’s hand grasps tighter on the back of your head, his fingers tangling into your hair, pulling just enough that it’s a pleasurable sensation. “Darling-” he whimpers. “It’s been so long.”
You swirl your tongue around the head, tasting him and growing more aroused with each passing second. His moans and trembling thighs added to your pleasure, your joy in knowing that he was melting because of you.
“Do you like it?” You ask.
Brict grunt as he laughs, his chest puffing out as he tries to maintain his posture. “What a silly question. How could I not be pleased when your gorgeous mouth is touching me?” he smiled down at you then smoothes his fingers through your hair. “I’m the happiest goblin alive right now, thanks to those lips and that dirty mind controlling them.” His fingers scrape along your scalp, sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m glad, now, just give me a moment to get more comfortable.” You pull away so that you can take off your dress. You hold your breasts in your palms, bringing them close to Brict’s shaft. You gently press against him, rubbing yourself against his throbbing cock. His breath falters and you squish yourself tight against him. Brict whines and throws his head back, covering his face with both of his hands.
“Don’t do this to me!” He cries out for mercy.
His cock slides between your soft breasts and you hold them together so he is stuck between them. “Do you want me to stop then.”
“N-no! Of course not.” he cranes his neck back down to look at you. “If this is how you intend to play with me though, I may not make it.”
You squeeze your breasts around him tighter, watching him squirm. “I just like having my husband back. I want to touch him as much as I can.”
Brict whimpers. “You can touch me all you want, of course you can. But this-” He loses his breath as his cock vanishes between your breasts. “This is unfair!”
You release him, letting his cock spring out and nearly whack the tip of your nose. Precum leaks heavily from the tip, dripping down and splashing onto your breast. Brict grabs your shoulders so you stand and hurries you over to the sofa. There he lays you down and throws your ankles over your head before he eagerly drives himself into you.
You cry out upon that first thrust, taking his aroused rob deep inside you all at once. Brict breathed, watching how you wrap around him from below. His grin is greedy, almost drunken as he watches you squeeze around him.
“That’s unfair,” you whimper.
Brict moves slowly, pulling himself out to watch how wet his shaft has become. “We’re both done for now.”
You whimper and reach for him. “I want to feel you on top of me.”
Brict’s eyes soften and he pulls out from you so you can lay on the floor. Sunlight falls across your skin, feeling so warm and gentle even as Brict lays upon you. He presses his hairy chest into your breasts as he sinks himself back inside.
“Hold me,” he growls.
You wrap your arms around him, placing one hand at the back of his head. His long hair falls around his face and shoulders, thick luscious waves that shine like onyx. You smile up at him, his handsome face strained as he rocks his hips.
“You’re gripping me so hard,” he breathes.
“You’re so big, and I want you so badly.”
Brict’s smile returns as he breathes deep. “I wasn’t complaining, my darling.” He drives in hard, grinding himself in place before pulling out again. “I’m amazed I haven’t come yet.”
You comb your fingers through his hair and part your lips, whimpering gently for him as his powerful thrusts rock through your body. “I can’t wait to feel it.”
Brict shivers. “Don’t speak like that. I’ll become a monster.”
“Maybe you should.” You claw your fingers down through his chest hair and pinch his nipple. “I want everything you have.”
Brict bites his lip, slowly his pace until he stills. He pulls out, his cock slick with your cream. He wipes his brow, taking a few deep breaths as he stares down at your naked body. His dark eyes focus and he fixes his stance. He widens his knees apart, stiffens his back then lifts your hips off the ground. He places you in his lap, slowly sinking you upon his hard cock again. The angle makes it so his cock hits a spot inside you that makes your toes curl. You whine loudly as his hands go up your body and grab your breasts firmly in his three fingered clutches.
“Oh gods, Brict-” You pant.
He bounces his hips, thrusting up into you. The sensation is almost too much, it’s like lightning coursing through your body from the tip of his cock. He does this again and again, bouncing you on his lap while he fingers tug and pull your nipples. You cry out pitifully, being driven over the edge by his powerful prowess. You grab his hands, holding his wrists tight as his onslaught continues.
He then moves his hands, grabbing hold of your hips so your more ancored than before. His drive becomes harder, more satible. You cannot take much more and you end comes sooner than you expect. Your back arches off the ground and your vision fills with bright white stars. Brict’s voice barely reaches you as he snarls and growls until the world goes silent. You're wrapped up in warm, dappled sunlight both outside and in. You mind swoons, your breath falters and your back touches the cool floor again.
Brict’s labored breathing pulls you back and you see him slobbering above you. Below, his warmth has not left you and is still throbbing inside. You relax against the floor, falling from his lap and he lays on top of you.
“I don’t think I can move,” you mewl.
Brict muzzles against your breasts. “Neither can I.”
You smile tranquilly, closing your eyes as you bathe in this moment of sunlight and your husband’s body. You don’t move for quite some time, not until Brict rises and carries you to the bedroom.
“I don’t think I’ve been that ravenous since after our wedding.” Brict lays back, staring up the ceiling with a twinkle in his eye.
“You always feel that stirring to me,” you giggle.
Brict rolls over, his long hair falling off his shoulder as he kisses you. “I owe you so much more after all this time.”
You shush him and brush back his hair. “I am happy that you are here by my side. You do not need to shatter worlds again to appease me.”
“I like doing that though,” he laughs. “Making you come, seeing your eyes become lost in the delirium, it makes me want to grow rock hard all again.”
You bite your lip at his words. “I just like being close to you and feeling you against me.” You tuck his long hair behind his ear and trail your finger around the edge. Brict shudders, quickly grabbing your hand so you cannot touch more. His ears are so sensitive, and he’s probably not up to another round, just yet.
“Just tell me and I’ll be as close as you command.” He pet his hand down her center, stopping just above her mound. “Maybe even a little closer.”
You smirk and roll over onto your side so you can face him. “There is something I would like to talk to you about.”
“Oh boy, that’s your serious voice.” He rests his cheek into his palm. “What is it? Is something bothering you?”
You pout and shrug your shoulders up around your ears. “There have been some rumors going around the castle, and they sort of added to my concerns when I arrived in Rakshasa Country.”
Brict’s expression turned serious as he listens He places his hand upon your arm, and his eyes never leave your face.
“People think that I can’t have an heir,” you squeak out weakly.
Brict pulls you in, letting you press your forehead to his chest. “Stop right there. Even if that were true, it would not need the rumors or gossip I am certain are circulating. If we cannot make an heir together, I have Elta and Riox I would happily let lead. But we had both agreed during our Elamont that we would wait before having any children. Is that still what you want?”
“I am in no hurry to have children, but the whispering-”
Brict smiles and places a kiss upon your forehead. “I know, and I am sorry I was away so long to let them grow. But once we go home, I will make sure they become silent again. All the matters amongst whispers, is what is said between the two of us.”
You beam up at him, snuggling back into his body and pushing him down against the bed. “I know.”
Brict strokes your hair and chuckles. “When the time is right, we will have a child, no later and no sooner. But for now, we can grow our love and tend to it so when that happens, the child knows it’s born in a world of love.”
You raise your head, kissing him lovingly. “Thank you.”
“Oh now, don’t thank me,” he chuckles. He rises from bed, but makes you stay. “I’ll go get us something to drink. You rest here.”
Later that afternoon you and Brict are laid out upon the porch, watching the stars glow above the ocean. You sigh tranquially, breathing in the sea air you love so much. Brict’s hand upon your shoulder was warm, and it slowly went down your arm.
“I must ask, darling, what worried you so much about my absence? Did I say or do something that caused you to doubt?”
You sit up and look into his eyes. “It wasn’t something that happened all at once. I was never concerned, I knew I held your heart. But time has a way of wearing you down. Your absence made me so lonely, and that allowed my thoughts to go down paths that normally wouldn’t. I know you would never hurt me, and yet the worst case scenario always seemed like the most logical answer.”
Brict touches your face. “I’m so sorry, my darling.” he kisses your temple then lays your head back down upon his chest. “I promise, if I ever have to leave again you will be with me or I will return as quickly as possible.”
“I know you have duties and I cannot control that,” you murmur.
“But you control me,” he chuckles.
You smile and sit back up again. “I only wish to influence you slightly, my darling. It’s starting to get chilly. We should go back inside.”
Brict follows you inside, smiling as you stride naked through the house. He chuckles, turning your head to look down upon him.
“What?” You ask.
Brict’s smile is soft. “Just remember.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Can you share?”
Brict rubs his chin and takes in a deep breath. “Back when we first came here you were so timid and shy. You barely removed your clothes at all. Even months into our marriage you were shy and blushing when I was naked.”
You tuck your hair behind your eyes and chuckle softly. “I still do.”
His ears go back as he laughs. “I know, and I love it. But I’m looking at you now, walking naked alongside me, and it fills me with pride. But, I do like looking back at the shy creature you were.”
You take a seat and cup your cheek in your palm. “I feel like I was so cruel when we met,” you pout. “I said something so awful to you back then.”
“You were scared, I don’t think of it as cruel. I have you now, don’t I? I turned that silly little mind around and now you love me. Don’t you?”
You smile at him and nod. “With all my heart.”
Brict takes your hand, placing it on his chest over his heart. “From the moment I saw you I knew my heart would belong to no one else. Looking at you now, I cannot imagine a world without you in it. It breaks my heart to even think that this could have been missed.”
You lean in, snuggling up to his side and letting him curl up against you, placing his head upon your breast and his hand onto your hip. “I was a fool, but I learned my lesson.” You pet down his back and slip your hand under his rear. “I saw you, the natural you, and I wanted to understand that world.”
Brict chuckles nervously as you squeeze his rear. “You adapted quite well too.”
You rest your cheek on the top of his head. “You do know it was more than your body I fell for right? You were so kind to me, so understanding, my heart melted so easily for you.”
Brict sighs and places his arms around you, pulling you down for a kiss then making you lay on top of his body. “I was willing to work for you, still am.”
You rest upon him, closing your eyes as the world is still and perfect. “I know,” you whisper as sleep begins to crawl into your eyes.
You dream of something small in your arms that’s warm like Brict, but so tiny and helpless. They smell like the ocean breeze as you bring them up to kiss. Sunlight flows across your skin and you hear Brict calling your name.
You wake, hearing Brict breathing beside you. He must have carried you to bed after you drifted to sleep. You smile in the haze, reaching out across the bed to touch him. He stirs and moves into your touch. His long hair spreads out across the pillows and you feel his leg under the blankets.
You rest again, closing your eyes as Brict murmurs your name half asleep. Morning will come as it always does, but it will rise upon the two of you as you should be again.
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Part 1 | Part 2
Please enjoy this cute sapphic comic about accidentally adopting a werewolf from the pound based on this post. (Except I made it gay.) Meet Sabine and Jazz as they fall in loooove.
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