#domestic tabby with the twins i cry
cammie-morgan-goode · 4 years
Hello!! I love your writing! I don't know if your still taking prompts but if you are would you do prompt #1, fluff, #6 Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so you could see better. Abby/Townsend
Prompt #1 fluff #6 “sorry your hair was in your face” Townsend/Abby
They say that certain things take time. That everything happens for a reason. Even things we don’t want to happen. And things we least except.
For Abigail Cameron, it was falling for Townsend. Yes. That Edward Townsend of MI6.
What was even crazier than falling for a guy like him? Was getting married and having twins. And not just any set of twins. Twins that were going to be multi-generational spies.
At least, that was their hope.
The twins were already running around and acting like little devils before Abby and Townsend could even blink. Matthew had a thing for trash bins and Morgan somehow always ended up with something stuck to her outfit. (A skill that both parents couldn’t understand.)
Abby was currently mixing up some concoction for the twins in the kitchen. Morgan was the picky one, whereas Matt would eat anything you put in front of him. Grabbing one tiny spoon for each of them, she turned to pick them up from the floor.
Matthew was already waddling towards the plastic container before Abby snatched him up into her arms. “Oh no you don’t.”
Matthew squealed and squirmed in her arms, reaching wildly towards the white bin. He didn’t like that Abby had intercepted his plans—and he was definitely going to let her know how he felt about it. Kicking his chubby legs, Matthew let out a squeal. Abby sighed and plopped the pudgy toddler in his high chair.
“Now it’s your turn, little miss.” Abby told Morgan after she was finished strapping Matthew into his chair.
Picking up the other twin, she placed her into her own chair, strapping her in—a feat that was way easier done than her son. She wiped off her hands and placed them against her hips as if all her hard work was over. Even though the “hard work” hadn’t even started yet.
“Are you wearing out your mother?” A British voice sounds from the doorway of the kitchen.
“Yes, yes they are.” Abby sighs, turning to look at her husband.
Townsend takes in his wife’s appearance. Her silver hair was falling into her face, clouding her eyes. Her once white shirt had a stain on the left shoulder. It was also untucked from her side with a string dangling against her thigh. She looked like she just got done with a battle.
And Townsend thought she had never looked more beautiful.
Stepping towards his wife, he grabs her by the waist. Reaching up, he brushes a strand of hair from her face and tucks it behind her ear the next instant. He touches her cheek and leans down to kiss her.
Abby doesn’t pull away. She doesn’t protest about how dirty her shirt is. Or how messy her hair looks. She knows she has to shower at some point, having been putting it off for the past two days so she couldn’t have smelled the best.
But none of that matters.
Because Townsend is finally home.
He breaks the kiss and gently caresses her cheek. “Sorry,” he starts, “your hair was in your face. I thought I should move it so you could see better.”
Abby smiles and rolls her eyes. “Is that what that was?” She asks, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Of course. And there’s...” He pulls her closer. “...more blocking your view.” He says before ducking his head to give her one more kiss.
Abby smiles against him and kisses back. She was so grateful for her little family. Even though her days were long and being a mother seemed tougher than being in the Secret Service, she wouldn’t change it for the world.
Okay maybe if she could do without the tantrums...
Not even then.
(Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode)
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cammie-morgan-goode · 4 years
3. I have no idea what I'm doing, with Tabby?
Parenting Dialogue Prompts #3 “I have no idea what I’m doing” Abby/Townsend
(This one was requested twice so I wrote it first!)
First time parenting is tough. Changing a diaper is like dismantling an atomic bomb. Sticking to a sleep schedule is like tailing a trained operative in deep cover. It’s damn near impossible. And imagine thinking that you’re getting one out of the deal, only to end up with two? You better believe that agents Townsend and Cameron were less than prepared.
“Sit still please, Matthew.” Townsend grits, pinning the struggling baby onto the changing table.
Matthew squeals and babbles unintelligibly, moving his legs back and forth. He tries to roll to one side but, Edward won’t let him. So he attempts the other side. He puts him back in place. But, that only makes the small child squirm more.
The first time father puts the clean diaper underneath the dirty one just like Rachel had instructed but, that didn’t seem to be helping much. He cleans Matt up, crinkling his nose in disgust. He gags. Oh the smell. Oh god. It’s atrocious. He would much rather be going over case files at the very least than changing a dirty diaper. But, no. Abigail had put him on clean up duty.
“Havin’ fun over there?” Townsend looks up at the voice and notices a very smug look on his wife’s face. She is enjoying this way too much.
“I can’t... he won’t... sit still, dammit!” He groans.
And then it happens. It happens. The thing that both Rachel and Abby had warned him about. Townsend tries to remind himself that Matthew is in fact a baby. He repeats in his head that Matt cannot control his bodily fluids but, man, does he wish he could throttle his own child right about then.
Townsend tried. He really, really did. He tossed the diaper on top of Matthew’s area but, it didn’t help. And by then, the yellow liquid had already met its target, hitting the new father square in the chest.
“No, no, no! Matthew! Come on!” Townsend says, dismayed.
Not only was this one of Townsend’s favorite shirts, he knew that Abby was never going to let him live this one down. He was going to be hearing about it for ages. And he could practically hear her lips turn up into a smirk from across the room.
“Oh yeah, I can do it, Abbs. I don’t need your help at all,” she says in a spot on English accent, imitating what Edward had said only moments before.
Townsend sighs as Abby strolls over to the changing table, replacing him. And he watches as she expertly cleans the baby up, slaps on a new diaper, and buttons up the onesie—all in a matter of minuets. Townsend shakes his head. He really didn’t know how she did it. Don’t get him wrong, she had her moments... but it was times like these, that she was always saving him.
“I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Abby looks up and over at her significant other. Edward Townsend had just admitted defeat. Edward Townsend has just admitted to not having it all together. And Abby totally loved him for it.
She winks at him. “It’s a learning curve, babe. You’ll get it.” She picks up Matthew and smiles sweetly at him. “Your daddy can run all of MI6 but he can’t change a diaper. No he can’t. No he can’t,” she murmurs in a high pitched voice. Then without turning around or missing a beat she says, “Now, go grab Morgan before she unplugs the lamp by the crib.”
Townsend looks over to the side of the room where Abby had been shortly before and notices Morgan crawling towards the nightstand. Edward could spot just beneath the wood, the tiny sliver of the electric plug, poking out from beneath the protective strip. He strides over and scoops her up before she can get her hands on it. “Not today, you don’t.”
Abby shakes her head. “We need to baby proof better.”
“I know,” Townsend says. “I’ll go in a bit.”
And he will. But, he just wants a moment with his daughter—her soft smile, the only thing that can brighten his day. And yes, the only one besides Abigail’s.
And Abby totally doesn’t mind. (Most of the time)
Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode
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