pandorasyndrome · 4 years
♖ prompt 001
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Domeric Kilcairn
i.  what do their quarters look like?
Domeric’s room at the Rosegate is large and airy, with large sloped ceilings painted a cream-colored white. His walls were a baby blue, lined with portraits and tapestries, hand painted and tailored by the best artisans that money could buy. In the exact center of the room was a raised platform, where his four poster bed stood proud, opulent, and tall. The bed was a dark, wooden oak with royal blue curtains that framed each side, giving him even further privacy in the comfort of his bed. His sheets were silk and the color of gold, and his blankets were always carefully made due to the careful work of Eden’s servants.
ii. where does your character hail from? do they still live there?
Domeric hails from Eden. He does still live there, though in recent years he has found himself visiting other noble courts, extending the hand of friendship to his family’s allies.
iii. if your character still lives there, do they enjoy it? or do they feel trapped & would prefer to live somewhere else?
Domeric loves Eden, and he loves Belhaven, and he loves his family’s castle of Rosegate. Though he finds himself travelling often, to return home is the sweetest feeling every time.
iv. are they religious? if so, what religion? are they devoted?
Domeric is performatively religious. It isn’t that he does not believe in the Gods, because he does. But he also does not spare too much of a thought towards them. However, even with that being the case, it is not rare to see him bow his head for prayers. To be godly only helped to sharpen the courtly perception he so loved to give off.
v. what is their occupation? how long have they been at this position?
Domeric does not have any official occupation beyond his duties as a member of House Kilcairn. He has yet to fight in any war, but should the occasion arise, he is prepared to take up arms and lead his family’s soldiers. In addition, he often takes it upon himself to maintain his family’s diplomatic ties, and makes it a point to keep in contact with other influential nobles in the realm.
vi. how physically threatening are they? emotionally threatening?
Domeric is not particularly threatening physically, at least no more than any other nobleman raised in the art of swordplay. He would certainly be very threatening to a baker holding a pitchfork, but the fight would be a lot more even with someone who had training, proper weapons, and experience. Emotionally, however, Domeric is much more threatening. He hunts for secrets and wields them over the heads of others, threatening to bring discord and strife into their life and relationships.
vii. is your character more extroverted or introverted?
Domeric is certainly more extroverted. He likes small talk and conversation, and hearing what other people had to say. However he does not find it a huge bother to be alone.
viii. do they have any scars? tattoos? birthmarks? other unique physical features?
Domeric is free of any significant scars, nor does he have any tattoos. The most unique look about him would be the way he adorned himself in expensive jewelry. His fingers were lined with rings, and his neck was often adorned with glittering amulets.
ix. do they have any family? if so, how close are they to their family?
Domeric loves his family fiercely, but even more so, he loves their family legacy. He is proud to be a member of his house, and everything he does is an attempt to increase their power and standing. He isn’t very open or transparent to them about his plans and motivations, but he is affectionate, most especially to his sisters, and likes to believe that they would all feel free to come to him, for whatever help they might need.
x. have they ever been to the capital? if so, what was the occasion?
Domeric has been to the capital on many occasions. Most often for celebratory events; weddings for important nobles, tournaments and jousts. Though since he’d grown, more and more often he found himself there to attend court, so he could report back to his parents on the goings-on in the heart of the kingdom.
xi. have they traveled much in their life? if so, what is the best thing they saw on their travels?
He has certainly traveled more than the common peasant. He’s explored most of Belhaven, finding it fun to ride off in a band of other knights and squires when he was in his late teens and early twenties. He’s been to the capital, and to capital cities of the other important regions, or the closer ones anyways.
The best thing that Domeric ever encountered during his travels was a peasant wedding near the western coast of Belhaven. He was riding towards the beach, with a mid ranged entourage of various courtiers and soldiers. They happened upon a village in the throes of celebration. The commoners had turned their town square into a dancing ring, and they all hopped and swung and spun each other around. Meat, a rarity for poorfolk such as these, was on display and there were torches and decorative bales of hay all around. He’d never been to something so… quaint, and ended up stopping to join the party with the rest of his people.
xii. have they ever been in love?
Domeric has never been in love the way the stories say. However, he is quite fond of his betrothed.
xiii. what is their greatest achievement?
It was Domeric who pushed for his own engagement. He was not forced into it like so many others, and instead embraced this opportunity to bring more prestige and power to his dynasty. Calida Celtigar came from the richest family in the land, and she made a great match. It was his own plotting and pushing that led to his parents agreeing to the match. He’s quite proud of the entire thing, really.
xiv. what is their greatest failure?
A bit of blackmail gone wrong. Three years ago, at the age of twenty three, Domeric played his cards too heavily, and threatened a minor nobleman in the city of Eden with exposure. The noble was funding illicit poaching, and getting ahead of himself, Domeric propositioned the man before having concrete evidence in hand. He lost the upper hand when the nobleman killed his accomplices and ran away to a land overseas. He never did inform his mother about the poaching, or the noble, or his own part in it. Lest she see something in him that she would not like.
xv. is you character literate? if noble, did they tend to their watcher’s lessons or did they slack off? do they enjoy reading, or hearing stories?
Domeric is literate, and can both read and write in fancy, curling script. He fidgeted through his lessons much as any small child might, but ultimately he paid attention to his watcher. He prefers to read over listening to stories. He reads faster than others can speak, so he would just prefer to do it himself.
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