#dolores hawkins
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robertocustodioart · 3 months ago
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Dolores Hawkins by Karen Radkai 1960
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chicinsilk · 6 months ago
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US Vogue September 1, 1964
Model : Dolores Hawkins
vogue archive
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oldtimesnew · 1 month ago
Sears S/S 1964
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Dolores Hawkins, far left
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yoestuveaquiunavezfrases21 · 10 months ago
1857- La vida no es un párrafo y la muerte no es un paréntesis.
(La chica del tren - Paula Hawkins)
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redhairedgryffindor · 1 year ago
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Now that I'm in charge, your membership is revoked.
Accept the results
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Protest the results
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Don't react
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just-kit-ink · 1 year ago
How did Kitty celebrate her graduation? I'm certain she celebrated it with her dad, but she also has Roger and Eddie, and even the Toon Patrol too. Did Kitty try to bring everyone together to celebrate? Or did she just have separate little events with each of her loved ones? (I'm betting the latter. I'm sorry Kitty, but I don't have faith in anybody being able to bring Roger and the weasels all in one group together XD)
//What a great question!
Kitty passed her graduation with flying colours which impressed her teachers as she struggled at the beginning of her first year with anger, sadness and a disillusionment at the way her fellow animation peers saw Toons. She donned her cap (with some difficulty due to her hair) and recieved her degree from a prestigious animation director whom himself had graduated from the Hucklberry Institute. A Toon professor also turned up (he stood on books up at the podium because he's quite short.) She shook hands with both, had her photo snapped and smiled brighter than she ever has. Her father clapped the loudest of course and took lots of photos of his own but you're right in that others showed up to the graduation ceremony - Eddie and Dolores were in the front row! Everyone wanted to talk to Eddie, he was very well-known in his day after all but he was incredibly humble about it insisting today was about the graduates. He did shake a few hands at the reception though. At this point he was getting frailer and Dolores sometimes needed to help him walk as his knees would shake. Kitty thanked them both for coming as she came in and gave her father a big hug who whispered to her "You're mother would be so proud."
A couple of days later she recieved a phone call. There was static at first and then a lot of babbling.
"...sigiisugu Am I through, Kitty is that you?"
"Roger! Is that you!"
"I heard ya passed everything and Jessica and I just wanted to send our congratulations!"
"Oh thanks so much it was...kinda overwhelming."
"Your Dad sent us the photos, you were lit up like a kid at Christmas! I really really hope this means we'll get to work together again!"
"Yeah me too! Hey are you ok the signal is a bit weird."
"Yeah I got one'a those fancy new celluar phones with the big antenna," aside "am I holdin' right Jessie?"
She probably gains the favour of other Toons she meets post-ceremony. Cartoons are always happy to meet new graduates!
(As for the Toon Patrol, I don't think they find out for a while after. They don't usually care what humans get up to and it's not like any of them have ever graduated anything. Smartass probably sends her a congratulatory basket with wine and her favourite candy.)
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ladykailitha · 4 months ago
A Love For Christmas Part 1
Hello, it's December so that means Christmas!! For the next four weeks, I'm going to be posting two chapters a day until the Sunday before Christmas. And if it stays the eight chapters I'm planning it should be all out on time. (fingers crossed, it is going smoothly soo...)
Summary: Steve is a business man charged with planning his dad's company Christmas party. Christmas has never been a good day for him, so he's a bit of Scrooge as far as the holiday is concerned. So when he meets tree farmer Eddie Munson, the man decided to show Steve what Christmas means. And maybe with a little Christmas magic Steve will find more than just a love for the holiday, he'll find love for Christmas too.
On October 31st, I gathered my best elves and explained my problem.
Dear elves, it has come to my attention in the light of recent events Christmas cheer is down nearly a thousand percent. There aren’t that many of us, so Mrs. Claus and I have come to the conclusion that we should send out ambassadors to places that need it the most. You don’t have to turn the whole town, just one person. Because that one person will have a ripple effect that will spread to others.
These are the list of places we think you’ll do the most good:
I listed off all the towns and I turn to the last elf in the line.
“I have something special in mind for you.”
“Me?” the elf squeaked.
“Yes, I’m sending you to Hawkins, Indiana. I think you’ll do well there.”
“Am I being punished?”
I let out a jolly laugh.
“No little one, not everyone is fit for every job. This is to see what you can do and if this doesn’t work out. We’ll find something else.”
It wasn’t that Steve hated his job. No, of course not. He hated that his boss was his dad and everyone shunned him for it. Even though he had gone to school for it same as they had, but nope. Just because he was the boss’s son, it was nepotism. He hated the long hours. He hated the way they were only surface level do-gooders. Paying only lip service to causes like cancer research, the environment, and the queer community, all the while the bosses lined their pockets with bigger and bigger bonuses, while his coworkers and his, yes his, wages stagnated.
But most of all he hated the way the company did Christmas. All talk about food banks and giving to the poor, while throwing lavish parties and big giveaways to the employees.
So no, he didn’t hate his job. He just hated everything about it.
“Steven!” Mr. Harrington boomed, throwing open the door to his office. “I’m going to need you to throw the Christmas party this year. Dolores is out with COVID again and won’t be able to set everything up.”
Steve bit back a groan of annoyance. He sucked at planning.
But before he could launch a protest that sure she could do it from home or find someone else to do it, Mr. Harrington’s phone rang out loudly in the room.
Mr. Harrington held up a finger to shush him while he checked his message.
“Well, damn,” he grunted. “I’m going to have to find a new secratary. That was her husband. Her funeral is on Saturday at 10am. I’m sure you’ll do great.”
He wandered off muttering to himself, wondering if he could get a hot blond this time and whether or Steve’s mother would even notice.
Steve buried his face in his hands and let out a muffled scream. He pinched himself and even picked up a paper to see if he could read it. But alas, he was not dreaming. This wasn’t a nightmare.
He was in actual fucking hell.
“Steven!” Mr. Harrington bellowed, storming into his apartment two days later. “One of the IT guys, Milton, Morris or something–”
“Mitch?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
Mr. Harrington snapped his fingers. “That’s the one! He managed to get into Delores’s computer and get a list of the vendors and things for the Christmas party. I had him email it to you.”
Steve wandered over to his phone and picked it up. Sure enough there was a very detailed list of everything from decorators and caterers, to budgets for each. It was very well organized.
“Yeah, everything looks good,” he murmured and set his phone back down. He pulled out a vest and suit coat and began putting them on.
“Just one small change,” Mr. Harrington said. “The board wants three of those ‘rent a tree’ deals instead of one big one.”
Steve frowned. “A what now?”
“It’s very eco-friendly,” Mr. Harrington said. “Basically you rent the tree and then give it back for them to be used again the next year, then after they reach a certain height the get planted in the forest.”
“Okay.” Steve wasn’t sure there was anything else he could say to that.
Mr. Harrington blinked at him. “Where are you going so dressed up on a Saturday? You got a meeting I didn’t see on your schedule?”
“I’m going to the funeral, Dad.”
“Whose funeral?” Mr. Harrington asked, his brow wrinkling in confusion, bordering on anger.
Steve paused in pursuit of his nicer dress shoes and turned to him slowly as if he was trying not spoke a predator into attacking.
“Dolores Gardener, your former secretary,” he said just as slow as he turned. Part of him wanted to hold his hands up in a show of submission, but he wasn’t sure how well he would react to that.
Then Mr. Harrington’s face cleared. “Oh, so you drew the short straw. You poor bastard. I already sent them flowers so don’t bother on that front. You mother is demanding your presence at dinner tomorrow. Seven o’clock, sharp. You know how she gets when you’re late.”
He left as loudly as he came, and Steve sat down hard on the bed. He buried his head in his hands. This was going to be a long winter.
Steve supposed that the best part about doing the Christmas party was that he was not only given a blank check for all this shit, but that he had been given the time off needed to get it all done.
He didn’t have to show up in the office for anything until the 24th, unless he needed a signature for anything.
He started his hunt for the trees first, mainly because the place the board wanted to use closed up two years ago and they had only picked the first name that came up on a Google search.
He found a rent-a-tree place in nearby Hawkins and decided to take a look.
Steve got into the back seat of his father’s company car and tapped on the roof, to let the drive know he was in and ready to go.
“This seems like quite a distance to get a Christmas tree,” Murray, the driver said, looking at Steve in the rear view mirror.
Steve let out a long sigh. “Yeah, but it’s what Dad wants...”
“And whatever Clint Harrington wants, he gets,” Murray agreed, resigned and pulled into traffic.
They passed in silence as Steve looked up Hawkins. He found out that the town were really big on Christmas each year. Complete with a Christmas village, Santa reigning supreme on a red velvet throne; an ice skating rink set up in the middle of town, though you could ice skate on either of the nearby lakes as well; ice sculpting contests; huge hills for sledding; sleigh rides. Like the whole town transformed into the North Pole from Nov. 1st to Dec. 31st. Two whole months of Christmas.
Steve thought that would have been his own personal hell.
He tossed his phone on the seat next to him and looked back up at Murray. “Oh, I meant to ask, did you get that dog you were looking at?”
Murray’s eyes lit up. “I did.” And began to tell Steve all about the mad cap adventures of Scamp, the corgi.
Finally they were pulling up to the tree farm. In bright festive letters were the words Munson’s Nursery and Tree Farm.
Steve stepped out of the car and looked around. There were so many trees of various types of fir and suddenly he was instantly overwhelmed. He started wandering around and soon he was lost. Not just his direction but what he was supposed to be looking for. He felt like Charles Brown. Like he was going to pick the wrong tree and Christmas was going to be ruin.
His eyes started welling up and he just wanted to go home. He turned around suddenly and bumped into someone who had been coming up behind him.
“Shit!” the man cried out as Steve yelled, “Sorry!”
Then the man’s arms came up to steady him. “Hey are you okay?”
“No,” Steve said with the shake of his head. “I’m supposed to get three trees for the company Christmas party and the person who usually does it, passed away recently and my dad picked me to her place but I’m so overwhelmed!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the man murmured, rubbing Steve’s arms slowly. “Take a deep breath there, sweetheart. You’re hyperventilating.”
Steve took a deep breath and then another until he could see straight. And in the light falling snow the man in front of him cast an ethereal figure. He had long dark curls and dimpled grin and the biggest brown eyes Steve had even seen.
“There you are,” the man said gently. “I’m Eddie. My uncle runs the nursery, so lets find him and we can talk about what you need and for how long, okay?”
Steve took another deep breath and nodded. “Thank you. I’m Steve.”
“Come follow me, Stevie,” Eddie said cheerfully.
He turned a corner and spotted a volunteer. “Hey, Robbie, did you see which direction Uncle Wayne went?”
She peered around the area and then pointed. “Last I saw him he was in the Douglas firs with Mrs. Click.”
Eddie grimaced. “I wonder if she’ll trying grade him for his ‘knowledge’ of trees.” He shook his head and bid Steve to follow him.
They turned a couple of corners and there was a nice older man with thinning hair and a soft smile talking with what Steve assumed was pickled lemon come to life. Everything about her was pinched and yellow. And angry.
Very, very angry.
“Uncle Wayne!” Eddie said cheerfully. “I have a doosey for ya. This gentleman needs three trees for his work. I’ll take over for you if you want to help him out?”
Wayne smiled that same crinkle-eyed, dimple smile his nephew had and turned to Steve. “First time buy a live tree?”
“First time buying any tree,” Steve admitted dryly. “Not much of a Christmas person really.”
Eddie whipped around. “How can you not love Christmas?” he said, scandalized, holding his heart in his hands. “It’s only the most magical day of the year!”
“Young man, are you going to help me or not?” Mrs. Click hissed. “I’m looking for a Douglas fir and these aren’t Douglas firs!”
Wayne led Steve away as Eddie looked around himself in confusion. “Ma’am, these are Douglas firs. Maybe describe what you’re looking for and we see if we have it...”
Steve turned to Wayne. “Is he going to be okay with her? She reminds me of my mom and not in a good way.”
Wayne threw his head back and laughed. “He’ll be fine. He’ll play dumb until either they figure out what she wants or she goes elsewhere. Happens every year.”
Steve looked behind him, worriedly, but followed Wayne to a nice little hut in the center of the maze of trees. Wayne unlocked the door and sat him down.
“All right,” Wayne said sliding over an info-graphic that had roughly a dozen or so different trees. “We don’t have every tree on that list, but if you like one of the ones that isn’t I can try to find you something close enough.”
Steve pulled the nicely drawn poster closer to him. “Wow, I didn’t realize that there was so many.”
“That’s fair,” Wayne grabbed the poster and slid it off to the side. “So lets narrow it down. What’s the tree going to be for? Inside or outside?”
“Inside,” Steve said quickly. “The ceilings are fifteen feet.”
Wayne nodded in approval. “That’s good that you know that. Most people don’t and try buying a fifteen footer when they only have ten foot ceilings. Is it going to be lit? Decorated?”
Steve nodded. Another answer he knew right away.
“Will there be presents under it?” Wayne asked warmly.
“No,” he said with a small, fragile smile. “It’s for an office.”
Wayne pulled out a piece of paper and started jotting down Steve’s answers. “Right, any other requirements?”
Steve chewed on the skin around his nails. “Do you have the rent-a-tree program? My fa–I mean my boss was hoping to go green this year.”
Wayne’s eyes narrowed at the slip up but said nothing. Instead he pulled out a list from the top drawer of the desk. “These are the trees that are available to be rented out. Most of them are Douglas firs, like the ones where you found me. Though we do have a lovely trio of Fraser firs that are about six feet tall.”
Steve pulled the poster over to him again and then nodded. “I’ll take all three.”
Wayne blinked at him for a moment. “This will be an office, I’m assuming. Do you have house keeping that can water the trees?”
“Yes, sir,” Steve said. “We have other live plants year round and I have already cleared it with the head of housekeeping before coming here.”
Wayne nodded appreciatively. “Sounds like you’ve got everything figured out. Why were you so nervous before?”
Steve ducked his head and blushed. “It’s my first year doing it and I’m not really into the whole holiday. I was worried I’d get it wrong, especially since I really don’t care, but the people I’m buying for do.”
Wayne nodded again and started pulling up the paper work for the trees. “If you can write the name of the company, the address, and the date they need to be delivered by, I’ll ring you up a bill of sale.”
He started filling out the information and was almost done when Eddie walked back in with a wide grin and a check in hand.
“That saucy minx tried to get me to tie the tree to her car before she paid,” he said easily. “Can you believe it?”
Wayne chuckled. “Yes. Does it every year. Would you move our rentable Frasers, our friend here will be taking all three.”
Eddie’s eyebrows wagged. “Friend indeed! I’ll be right on it.” He got this grin on his face as Steve pulled out the checkbook from his briefcase. “You said you were planning your work Christmas do, right?”
Steve handed the check to Wayne who then gave him a receipt in return, then he turned to Eddie. “Well, sure. I’ve got to buy all the decorations and lights and all that jazz. Why do you ask?”
Eddie licked his lips slowly. “You see, I’ve got friends who might be able to help you out with some of that stuff.”
Steve blinked at him for a moment. “What do you get out of it?”
“Let me show you the fun side of Christmas,” Eddie said with an even bigger grin. “You get everything you need, my friends get your company’s business, it’s win/win/win for everyone. What do you say?”
Steve snapped his briefcase shut and stuck out his hand. “I think you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Eddie could barely contain his glee. “Just wait until I tell Robin, she thought for sure you’d say no!”
Steve threw his head back and laughed.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
The italics are Santa, if that's not quite clear.
1- @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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casadabiqueira · 6 months ago
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Dolores Hawkins walking a Great Dane on the streets of New York
William Klein, 1958
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undreaming-fanfiction · 1 year ago
Thinking of a modern AU when the kids get to be kids after it's all over and they go to the movies, they play games, hang out, all that. And of course, Steve drives them everywhere. He vouches for them in front of their parents, watches them like a hawk, tries to tell them about the adult stuff he's learned so far and chases Robin and Nancy to give them info on uni application and the things he feels he's too dumb for. Still, when Robin and Nancy are away and one of his kids needs something, he'll grab that legal document and either stare at it long enough to get a migraine or begins hounding the smart people who stayed in Hawkins (Mr. Clarke is Steve's go-to person and Mr. Clarke won't say it, but he's so proud of Harrington's progress).
So, Steve's life is basically nonstop work and babysitting (with lots of complaints and grumbling from the teens), they ask him to drive them somewhere and he'll bitch about it, sure, but he will get up after 4 hours of sleep and do it anyways. Dustin often reprimands Steve for not taking care of his health, but he doesn't see why.
When Encanto comes out, El really, really wants to see it, and how can Steve say no to her? He drives the whole gang to the movie theatre (some of them stacked on top of each other, some in the trunk on a pile of blankets) and decides to join them. He doesn't really like animated stuff, but Robin loves these movies and he wants yet another reason to call her and talk through the night.
He didn't expect to enjoy the movie so much, but it's colorful and catchy. The songs are nice and the characters are relatable. He makes a lot of mental notes to discuss with Robin. He thinks she will love Mirabel.
And then "Surface Pressure" starts playing and Steve wonders why he suddenly feels like crying. "I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service" hits especially hard. He's just sitting there and feeling incredibly stupid for tearing up at flying glitter-covered donkeys.
When they leave the movie theater, everyone is pretty excited and discussing which characters and songs they liked the most (even if some feel like rolling their eyes at a kids' movie, El's excitement stops them from doing that). They all start discussing to who they relate the most, El feels with Mirabel for being left out and different, even if she actually is the only one who has a gift, Will dares to utter that he really sympathizes with Dolores, Dustin loves Bruno for trying to fix the cracks in Casita.
And then they turn to Steve and someone makes a jab at him, saying he resembles Mariano the most. Steve is ready to shrug it off, there's some truth in that with what happened to his relationship with Nancy, but El just shakes her head and says: "No. Steve is our Luisa."
Everyone goes silent. There's a lot of hmmming and "well, he did get up to drive us when he had a night shift..." and "we could have just biked...". Steve tries to make them feel better about it, joking that he really has nothing better to do, but the drive home is full of whispering, and the party actually diligently thank him when they leave his car.
The next day is Sunday and Steve is ready for his usual routine, making himself busy until someone needs something. But there's a knock on the door to his small apartment and when he opens it, he sees his group of kids, proudly presenting a tray of muffins and two cartons of orange juice.
Out of all of them, it's Mike who speaks up. "Nancy said you often forget to eat breakfast," he states in his usual annoyed tone. "She also said that you like chocolate muffins, so we are here to ensure you don't die from hunger. Now move, I'll get the glasses and plates."
Steve just watches in awe as they swarm his flat, Will smiling at him and producing a DVD of the latest Spider-man movie. "This one was a tip from Robin, she says you haven't seen it yet."
Max is standing in the kitchenette with her cane, watching the pile of meds Steve has to take after his injuries with disdain. "This has to take forever for you to find what you need. Don't argue, I remember how shitty it was for me. Let me help you build a chart and thank me later."
El and Lucas are rearranging Steve's couch and placing pillows in front of the TV so everyone can sit comfortably. El also ensures the blinds are closed so Steve's eyes don't have to fight against the light.
And if that all wasn't more care than Steve has known in years, Dustin grabs his elbow and sits him down, threatening him with violence if he even thinks about working on Sunday.
As the opening titles start, Steve is surrounded by six teenagers in his tiny and cheap flat, chewing on a subpar muffin with an orange juice that probably never saw the actual fruit, and he thinks that there's no greater happiness than this.
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year ago
Hey would you mind Could you give us a huge insight of Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna's personalitys? in some rare quotes said by someone who met them both ?
I would love to read more facts and quotes about the little pair .
Hello! Of course! I'm going to split this into two parts: this part will be about Maria, and another post will be about Anastasia.
Here are some rare, lesser known quotes, about Maria Nikolaevna (or writings from Maria herself) that capture her personality well.
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"Marie was kindness and unselfishness personified" - Olga Voronova, Upheaval
Letter from Olga to aunt Xenia - "1916 August 26th … Papa brings an attendant with him to dinner, and Mordvinov comes every evening and we torment and scare him. Yesterday we discharged the conductor and drew a beard, moustache and eyebrows with a burnt cork on Marie and put her on the train. Of course, he didn't recognize her, and he was terribly tormented when during a game of hide and seek in the dark, she ran into him in the corridor and rudely pushed him. He said that it was some kind of half-drunk conductor, and found her impudent, because we gave her cigarettes and she paced about importantly, smoking them." - George Hawkins, Correspondence of the Russian Grand Duchesses: Letters of the Daughters of the Last Tsar
"The other Grand Duchesses were still children. Marie Nicholatevna was a robust, well developed little girl with big blue eves, of a typical Russian beauty. She had an excellent memory and every time somathing to be remembered her sisters always turned to her. - Alexander Spiridovitch, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 2
"One day the little Grand Duchess Anastasie was sitting in my lap, coughing and choking away, when the Grand Duchess Marie came to her and putting her face close up to her said, " Baby, darling, cough on me." Greatly amazed, I asked her what she meant, and the dear child said, " I am so sorry to see my dear little sister so ill, and I thought if I could take it from her she would be better." Was it not touching?" - Margaretta Eagar, Six Years at the Russian Court
The following are from George Hawkins, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings - volume 1:
Note from Alexandra to Alexei, dated 1 December 1914: "Don’t tease Maria."
Letter from Tatiana to Alexei, Spring-Summer 1916 "...Taube [patient] (the one with no legs, do you remember him?) and Marie yell so you’d think the whole infirmary can hear them, they make such a fuss, and they all shout and argue. It is awfully funny to watch them."
Letter from Maria to Alexei after Alexei asked Maria to draw Joy the dog: "16 December 1916. My dear darling Alexei! I don’t know how big you want me to draw Joy, but I will give it a go, and if it doesn’t turn out, I can do it again…. I have just tried to sketch Joy but it didn't work out because I don’t really remember what he looks like and it ended up looking nothing like him, so I won’t send it to you. When you bring Joy to me, then I will be able to draw him."
The following are from Joseph T. Fuhrmann, Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna. The complete Wartime Correspondence April 1914 – March 1917:
Alexandra to Nicholas "[January] 24 1915 …Marie stands at the door & alas! picks her nose..."
Alexandra to Nicholas "January 2 1916 …Baby began writing his first diary yesterday. - Marie helped him, his spelling is of course queer."
Alexandra to Nicholas "April 2 1916 …Marie is in a grump mood & grumbles all the time & bellows at one, she & Olga have B. [Codeword for 'Becker', meaning their periods]"
The following are from George Hawkins, Correspondence of the Russian Grand Duchesses: Letters of the Daughters of the Last Tsar:
Fanmail letter from American girl Dolores Sybilla Adam to Olga and Tatiana: "Jan 24 1913 …I cannot ever thank you enough for the picture that was sent to me… But tell me is Marie the only one that ever smiles…?"
Letter from Maria to Tatiana: "Tatiana my darling. Thank you very much for the note and good wishes. Although I have not seen my husband [an inside joke amongst the sisters, most likely referring to their crushes] yet, I did see him in a dream. Today we will go to the Grand Palace and I hope that Provotorov (i.e.: your husband) will tell us a lot of nonsense. It’s boring without you. I hope that I will see ND [Nikolai Dmitrievich Demenkov, her crush] again… 9th Dec. 1914"
Letter from Maria to Olga Voronova: "Dec 29th 1914 …The other day we were at a Christmas party at Mama's nanny school. There are now many children of the reserves, so awfully sweet! We gave them all toys and they rejoiced in them, and each showed his nanny what he received. They are so appetising. Some are very small, some are even only two weeks old. I really love young children, and play with them, holding them in my arms. Do you like little children?"
Letter from Pierre Gilliard to Maria: "10 December 1916 …Be careful, Maria Nikolaevna, if you continue to tease me, I will avenge myself!!!!"
Letter from Olga to Nicholas II: "16 August [circa 1904] - Peterhof. Dear Papa …Maria went to sleep in the afternoon, and Anastasia crept under the mattress and slept there with Maria on top of her. When she got up we all laughed, and so did she." - Maylunas and Mironenko, A Lifelong Passion
Letter from Alexandra to Nicholas: "14 June 1915 - I congratulate you with all my loving heart for our big Marie’s 16th birthday… Pity you are not here. She enjoyed all her presents, I gave her her first ring from us made out of one of my Buchara diamonds. She is so cheery and gay today." - Maylunas and Mironenko, A Lifelong Passion
Letter from Anastasia to Nicholas: "26 August 1915 …I am sitting on the couch near Alexei as he is having dinner with M. Gilliard, while Maria is running around like crazy. …This morning [Doctor] Ostrogorsky came to see me, but Maria and I were still in bed, then Maria covered herself with the blanket, then he entered and listened to my [lungs], but when he finished, I quietly uncovered the blanket and Maria had to climb out, and she was very embarrassed." - Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Anastasia Romanov: The Tsar's Youngest Daughter Speaks Through Her Writings
"When I first knew the Grand Duchess Marie, she was quite a child, but during the Revolution she became very devoted to me, and I to her, and we spent most of our time together — she was a wonderful girl, possessed of tremendous reserve force, and I never realised her unselfish nature until those dreadful days. She too was exceeding fair, dowered with the classic beauty of the Romanoffs; her eyes were dark blue, shaded by long lashes, and she had masses of dark brown hair. Marie was plump, and the Empress often teased her about this; she was not so lively as her sisters, but she was much more decided in her outlook. The Grand Duchess Marie knew at once what she wanted, and why she wanted it." - Lili Dehn, The Real Tsaritsa
"Count Grabbe says of the Tsar's third daughter, clearly his favorite: "With her large gray, luminous eyes, her classical features, and languorous movements, she was the true type of Russian beauty, the most good- natured and artless of the four sisters, with endearing qualities which drew people to her." More outgoing than her older sisters, Maria Nikolaievna loved children and used to talk to soldiers about their families. She knew the names of many of the Koncoy Cossacks and Standart sailors, took an interest in their affairs and managed out of her $9 a month allowance to send little gifts to their children. With all her gentle ways, she was strong and solidly built, like her grandfather Alexander III. Her sisters called her "Mashka" and sometimes "Little Bow-wow."" - Count Alexander Grabbe, The private world of the last Tsar, in the photographs and notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe
"The Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna was a young wcnnan of broad build. She was very strong; for example, she could lift me up from the ground. She had lighter hair than Tatiana, but darker than Olga. (Olga Nicholaevna had brown hair, of a golden shade, and Maria Nicholaevna had brown hair with a light shade.) She had very nice, light grey eyes. She was very good looking, but got too thin after her illness. She had a great talent for painting and always liked to exercise it. She played the piano indifferently and was not as capable as Olga or Tatiana. She was modest and simple and probably had the qualities of a good wife and mother. She was fond of children and was inclined to be lazy. She liked Tobolsk and told me that she would be quite happy to stay there. It is quite difficult for me to tell you whom she preferred — her father or her mother." - Examination of Sidney Gibbes, The Last Days of the Romanovs
"The Grand Duchess Maria was eighteen ; she was tall, strong, and better looking than the other sisters. She painted well and was the most amiable. She always used to speak to the soldiers, questioned them, and knew very well the names of their wives, the number of their children, and the amount of land owned by the soldiers. All the intimate affairs in such cases were always known to her. Like the Grand Duchess Olga, she loved her father more than the rest. On account of her simplicity and affability she was given the pet name by the family of "Mashka." And by this term she was called by her brother and by her sisters." - Examination of Commissar E. S. Kobylinsky, The Last Days of the Romanovs
Hope you found it interesting or learnt something new! Will post Anastasia's a little later :)
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onegentlemansescapades · 10 months ago
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Dolores Hawkins in a Max Factor make-up ad wearing a silk petal hat / Ph. by John Frederics (1958)
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday
Featuring: Jonathan and the mortifying ordeal of enjoying your Baby Boomer parents’ music!
From Tonight, Tonight, The Highway’s Bright:
“What’s on this?” the front-desk lady asked, frowning at the cassette tape. “You know we listen to these backwards, too.”
She squinted up at Jonathan, who was suddenly very aware of the hollows under his eyes and the cooking-oil smell that he felt sure still clung to his hair. He’d made an effort, washing his face and hands in the bathroom at Drummond’s and swapping his T-shirt for a navy sweater with yellow stripes, but there’d been no time to go back to the apartment and shower, let alone take a nap. Another old-house nightmare had broken up his sleep last night.
“It’s folk, mostly,” he said, attempting to sound meek instead of annoyed. He had long shifts and bad dreams; that didn’t mean that he was trying to send Satanic messages to his sick mother. “It’s nice. Soothing.”
He’d listened to the tape himself on the drive down to Pennhurst. It was full of stuff from the sixties: Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Joan Baez, Tom Paxton, Peter Sarstedt, the Everly Brothers after they’d started making weird concept albums instead of chipper malt-shop pop. It wasn’t his usual style at all. He preferred more concise lyrics, and all the acoustic strumming just made him sleepy. Yet listening to “Farewell, Angelina” and “Shady Grove” while surrounded by the ghosts of Mom’s Camels had an almost hypnotizing effect, making the worries of the day seem less sharp and pressing. Maybe the tape would do the same for her.
The front-desk lady—Dolores, according to her badge—didn’t respond, just turned the tape over in her thin, knobby hands. It occurred to him that Joan Baez might be as offensive to her as Iron Maiden or the Sex Pistols. She was the right age to have been scandalized by Elvis (or, he thought uncharitably, Scott Joplin). He wondered if she (or the mysterious “we” she’d mentioned) would deem the lyrics too disturbing for a schizophrenic person. He thought of the pirates in “Farewell, Angelina,” shooting tin cans with a sawed-off shotgun while the neighbors cheered and clapped. He loved those lyrics; they reminded him of the people of Hawkins, cheerfully turning out for the spectacle of his family’s destruction. Joan Baez—or, rather, Bob Dylan, who’d written the song—had probably had something completely different in mind, but he didn’t care. He’d take vindication where he could find it.
From Tomorrow’s a Long Way Off (warning for allusions to domestic violence, plus Lonnie saying a bunch of gross inappropriate sexist shit, including about Joyce, below the cut):
“You gotta let these girls know where things stand, right at the start,” Lonnie said, turning the key in the ignition. The stereo started playing The Rolling Stones. “You can’t let them walk all over you. Give an inch, and they’ll take a mile.”
Yeah, thought Jonathan, they might start thinking that you shouldn’t call them crazy bitches and throw things at them.
“Mind if I turn this up?” he asked, gesturing at the stereo. “I like this song.”
“Sure,” Lonnie said. He pulled out of the parking space and started down Main Street. “What was that one you liked when you were little? You used to kind of bob up and down to it. God, you were funny.”
“Street Fighting Man,” said Jonathan.
Despite himself, he smiled. He could remember crouching in front of the record player on the shag carpet, trying to get closer to the music and its strange, rollicking beat. Lonnie saying hey, Joyce, the kid’s got taste. His mom beaming, hugely pregnant with Will and wearing some long hippie dress with orange flowers.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Lonnie was also smiling. It made him look older, nicer. Then he sighed. “It was easier when I was a kid, you know. Even girls thought women’s lib was a joke. Course, they still wanted their own way, but…”
He trailed off and drummed on the steering wheel. But you’ll never break, never break, never break, went the stereo. Jonathan stayed quiet.
“Well, I don’t know,” Lonnie continued. “I guess we got nothing to complain about. Back then, good girls didn’t give it up. Hell, most bad girls didn’t go all the way. Hey, you wanna know which one your mom was?”
Jonathan’s mouth went dry.
“No,” he snapped. “Why would I want to know that?”
Lonnie just laughed.
“Lighten up, kid. It was just a joke.”
Jonathan didn’t reply. Joke or not, it had been a gross thing to say. He looked out the window, watching the buildings get sparser. They were almost at the edge of town.
“You don’t know how good you have it,” Lonnie continued, apparently unbothered. “None of it means anything now.”
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chicinsilk · 11 months ago
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US Vogue May 1, 1957
Dolores Hawkins wears a navy blue and white nylon and Lastex swimsuit. Its top, built like a sweater, with quasi-sleeves, buttons, bias. By Catalina, from Du Pont nylon.
Dolores Hawkins porte un costume bain en nylon et Lastex, bleu marine et blanc. Son haut, construit comme un pull, avec des quasi-manches, des boutons, des biais. Par Catalina, de nylon Du Pont.
Photo Roger Prigent vogue archive
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oldtimesnew · 8 months ago
Sears A/W 1955
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Dolores Hawkins, center
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auburneyez1990 · 1 year ago
Eddie Munson x Reader Series Chapter one The beginning of forever
You stand in the shower as the hot water runs over your shoulders & back relaxing as the steam in the bathroom starts to consume you fully. Washing your hair with your favorite cherry blossom 🌸 shampoo thinking of what kind of date night Eddie has up his sleeve beings you've both been busy working to help Wayne with the bills plus you guys started a savings for your own place. You both can't stay with Wayne forever as much as you both love him to pieces. Both you & Eddie had pretty rough childhoods his dad being in jail most of his life and his mom passed away when he was 10 years old. Your father was a drunk who loved not get violent once he's had one too many hurting you and your mom both. You were at the end of your rope feeling like giving up until the one night it got way too out of control. You showed up at Eddie's with a busted lip and a gash under your eye Wayne was the only one home Eddie was at his hellfire campaign. Wayne never seen you in such a state before his heart shattered when he lead you inside you couldn't keep it a secret anymore. You & Wayne were always pretty close he was the dad you'd wished you had. Opening up laying it all out on the table as he made you a coffee to calm your shaking hands. He couldn't believe it he wanted to go & kick your father's ass right there & then but he knew he had to be strong for you & to keep Eddie as calm as possible. He knew a thing or two about abuse & neglect & didn't want Eddie to get himself into trouble defending you especially since he already gets enough judgement from Chrissy's death even though all the charges were dropped people still looked at Eddie with caution. Eddie came home from hellfire that night & when he saw your face his heart shattered him & Wayne both vowed to protect you from here on out & that's when Wayne offered you a place to stay as long as you needed. It's been three years since that night things are a lot different now. Eddie works full time at the garage as a mechanic and you work full time down at the radio station as a secretary. You're both so adamant about saving for an apartment to give Wayne his space especially now that he has a lady friend. Her name is Dolores and he met her at the Hawkins Farmers market. Turning off the shower to go get ready for tonight you went out and bought a brand new black dress short but long enough to not expose anything for Eddie's eyes only & paired it with a pair of knee high boots & fishnets. Making sure everything is absolutely perfect your hair your makeup is amazing Eddie even sent you out to get your nails done with El & max for some much needed sister time. They adore you & look up to you and you love them to pieces you love the boys too but you have a special bond with the girls. They seemed awfully giddy today but I guess it's just teenage stuff. Eddie for some reason got ready at Dustin's. Odd but you know not to argue with Eddie when he says something is a surprise. He better not have cut his hair or something crazy you loved his hair more then he does. Waiting patiently Wayne comes out of his room to the kitchen. " Well darlin you look like an angel right now" you blush at the complement. "Thank you Wayne do you have any ideas what your nephew is up to?" You ask. He seems to hesitate a moment then answers "no idea darlin never know what's going on in that boys head" you giggled and plop down on the sofa to wait.
Eddie's Pov
Making sure his shirts not wrinkled and his hair looks just right Eddie puts on the silver chain you gifted him for his birthday last year. Dustin comes into his bedroom where Eddie's getting finished up. "Hey Eddie how ya holding up?" He says with a big grin. "Nervous man do I look like an ass?" Presenting himself arms open." No you look great & everything is gonna go perfect so relax I know y/n just as well as you do she's not going to say no". Eddie goes into his duffel bag and pulls out a little black velvet box opening it and sitting next to Dustin." Do you think she'll like it I saved all year I just hope it's enough" Eddie knows he's not the richest man he would hang the moon for you if he could. "Dude she's gonna love it it's her favorite color too dont be so hard on yourself man you love her i know she loves you this is gonna be amazing & im the best man right?" Eddie laughs "let's get her to say yes first then we'll figure all that out. Dustin gives a half grin. Eddie turns to him "Hey is everything in the van set to go?" Looking nervous Dustin smiles wide "Yup I even found some old twinkle lights and set them up the curtain I put up should block the view from the front so she won't be able to see until faze 2" they high five each other and Eddie pulls Dustin in for a hug. "Thanks for helping me man I really appreciate it" Dustin gives a scrunched face when Eddie tussles his hair. "I did it because your my friend and because I love y/n just as much as you do but in a sister kind of way" Eddie takes one last look at himself in the mirror and heads out to start up the van and come to pick you up. He lights a cigarette to calm his nerves as his hands tightly grip the steering wheel. Blasting Alice Cooper while he tries not to work himself up too much. Going over what he wants to say to you tonight over and over in his head. Pulling up to the driveway he gives himself a pep talk. " Okay Munson you can do this you both love each other everything is gonna go great okay let's fucking rock and roll".
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redhairedgryffindor · 1 year ago
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(Y/N), did you put Tonks up to impersonating me?
Take responsibility
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Deny responsibility
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Blame Tonks
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