wolfgirlclit · 2 years
The Android and the Fiend
The figure who would only appear after 4pm, who would vanish before the sun had completed its rise. Whose eyes reflected the world, but with added starlight and visibly rubberbanding and artifacting elements. The android had heard of Witches and Dolls, all of them had.
What it hadn't heard of was... well this. Some words, a pretty image carved into the air with the power of this entity's will, and the android could feel them inside of it. Altering. Searching. Playing. Improving.
A softly glowing green glyph, then all of its communication would be perceived as barks, or chirps, or clicks, though the envoyd would simply croon at how cute it was. How adorable the flustered noises it made would become, its communication faltering and unsure.
Though never scared; for all its appearances of horns and tails and wings and fangs, the entity never harmed the android. They always ensured it would remain able to communicate its needs, THAT particular glyph had actually been etched into the back of its head casing.
On the inside of course, so the starlight wouldn't raise suspicions amongst the techs that service the android, but fie was endlessly careful as it trailed fien claws along the advanced machinery, etching the glyph between the ports for movement and communication.
Yes, the android had heard about Witches, their influence crafting the world around them, and their Dolls, their vessels; it understood Angels and Demons less entirely, but had those words in its database. What it hadn't heard of was... this.
No spells, not as it had been preloaded to understand them at least. No programming to actually execute. Just the pretty symbols that this entity seemingly enjoyed making for it, always smiling down at it with the warmth of every star that could be found in their eyes.
The glyphs forming. Shifting. Fragmenting into what it had been told were this entity's version of binary. Weaving themselves into the fabric of its programming, its core. Their will. Their power. Not animating it as a Witch would a Doll, no...something else. Different.
"Still trying to figure out why my sigils effect you, little beepheart?" Cheeks flooding with coolant, it realized it'd dedicated too many resources to processing the Why once more, nodding. They were right, of course, their past voice melding with their present one.
"Do you really care over much about Why I can affect you, darling?" With a syllable in an unfamiliar tongue, one it had tried and failed to locate many times in any database, the glyph in the back of its head flared. Enabling it to speak its truths; preventing its hiding them.
`No. It does not care, it enjoys getting distracted thinking about it though. Fact: The [ERROR: TERM UNDEFINED] always tells it that it is cuten and adorable, and that they desire to pet it, or otherwise bring it pleasurable sensations, when it gets distracted processing.`
The coolant pooling in its ears as well as its face, it once more insincerely wished it had not agreed to the glyph in its head being installed, but could not lie to itself either. It may not ever know why this being could weave feelings or sensations into it; it didn't care.
It was a good droid.(They told it so often!) A cute droid.(Twice as frequently communicated) They made its existance exciting. Enjoyable. Bear- It stopped all higher processing as the entity muttered two syllables, in their tongue that broke the world with each sound.
Their meaning was complex, contextual, and from what it had gleaned connotative. But it knew that tone. It knew that glimmer of endless hunger in their eyes, inspired by its apparently adorable form. A hunger to make it even better. Happier. To watch it grow.
The fingers tilting its primary processor casing upwards helped ensure contextual correctness, its sensors staring into the pits of the Void behind their eyes; despite its translator insisting the language was not found, it understood the words perfectly.
"Good Android."
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lexical-lushes · 1 year
[Quiet] That's all my old dolltwitter stories posted. We have others, but they're less focused on dolls and magic and witches; perhaps we'll share some of them later.
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catgirlcummies · 2 years
anthillgirl, whose consciousness is distributed across the behavior of her ants, who fantasizes about having hardcore dolltwitter shit done to her by careful application of pesticides and synthetic pheromones
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firespirited · 2 years
anyway, sorry for the dash takeover and my camera battery died just as i was starting so I’ll have to redo some photos later but please take the photos and information and spread them to dolltwitter, instagram, reddit and tiktok. No credit required - It is of public interest for folks to know what they are getting before they spend money on a doll that is temporary or not fit for child’s play.
It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a poly haired doll, but you can make an informed choice to only buy them at a price you feel is more acceptable for what you get.
My budget for Jane Boolittle and her non glue head was double what I was willing to pay for glue-seeping Twyla who I knew would need several hours of work (and supplies).
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