#dollmaker silliness
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confirmed emo ✋😔💔💦
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obsessivedelirium · 2 months
Nice shoes bro
It's funny that he can't reach the floor with his feet
he's very tall
omg, okay.
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loaflovesdoodling · 9 months
Pleiades pleaded, as the Dollmaker's dagger dug deeper and deeper into his back, cutting right through his yellowish-colored flesh, golden blood spewing out, he had no way of fighting back, and stabs to the pancreas wouldn't have been enough to shut his cries up anymore.
Leaving him absolutely motionless.
The warrior could feel costant hits on his vertebrae, like a hammer on a nail, it was terrifying, disturbing. painful. His consciousness started fading away. All he could do... was look back.....
...and scream his heart out.
Finishing her job, she fleed the scene, forgetting her dagger deep inside his back. It was now 2AM. Pleiades coughed, grunted, making a strong effort to roll over on the cold, wet grass. He wanted to spend his final moments of consciousness facing the stars. His only sisters at the moment.
He knew he couldn't die. But he was still scared. Limbo was near. He didn't want to go to sleep. Especially for that long. He tried to inbreathe sharply, but was cut off by violent coughs. He didn't have the energy to even cry. The warrior kept his eyes open, and finally stopped struggling.
"He art not replying... he art not reachable... Just what hast thou gotten thyself into, mine brother..?!" Dero muttered to himself, scurrying across the dirt and rocks. His five eyes curved, expressing concern and frustration. His mouth partially covered by his grey-ish neck fur that now messily stuck out his cape.
Pleiades should've been back from the bar an hour earlier. His phone wasn't available and nobody who was still awake had heard from him. The dim light of the first quarter shone upon the forest, attributing to it a feeling of gloom and dread. It felt like a circle of darkness that only condensed and reduced the already miniscule amount of air. It was obscure, claustrophobic, haunting.
The Dark Matter called out loudly.
Still, no response, until he came across peculiar footsteps leading to a trail of golden blood. And he knew exactly who that belonged to.
Running in that same direction, he found himself even deeper inside the forest. Scurrying along, he again yelled: "PLEIADES?? I HATH BEEN LOOKING FOR THEE FOR SO LONG!! WHY ART THOU NOT RESPONDING TO MY CALLS?!" and, again, no answer. His worry only grew with the overwhelming suspense and quiet, that was so long as the moment he picked up on the putrid odor of flesh and venous and arterial fluids. He followed the scent, and finally saw Pleiades.
There lied on the earth Pleiades. Motionless. Cut up and down by the sharp blade that now emerged from his stomach. His eyes open, gazing into the nothingness. His chest flat, not a puff of air leaving his nostrils or mouth.
Dero's eyelids grew apart in shock. He gulped, then shakily exhaled, stuttering as he hurried to his injured sibling:
"..h-how....... wh...at..?"
"P...Pleiades, can you hear me.. ? ..PLEIADES..?!"
"nonononononononono.... no... NO!! Please, please hang in there... STAY STRONG..!! PLEASE..."
"just... just... please just..."
he fumbled with his words, as he bit into the knight's torn cape and lifted him over his shoulder, now noticing the handle of the seemingly familiar dagger on the other side of him, buried far inside his spine; the Dark Matter hicked in frustration and worry:
"just give me a sign... please.."
it was then that, as he cradled him, out of Pleiades came a wispy breath, and there he knew. He was still alive.
"Hang in there, mine brother. Hang in there." he whispered, before hurrying out of the forest, following the same path he used to reach it.
It was another night of work at Cookie Country's Medical Center, as Henri fixed his gloves and face mask, making his way across the white-tiled hospital corridors. Just then, he stumbled across Casipan, who was pushing a medical cart to another room. They looked at eachother for just a second, before Henri acknowledged:
"Do you need help with that? I wouldn't mind performing an extra operation tonight."
"Ah, uh, no, thank you! I was actually just putting these back."
"Oh! Alright! Tell you what, I'll go get us both something refreshing to drink, I was gonna buy another water bottle anyway."
"You're way too kind. Here, let me pa--"
"Nonono, I insist!"
"Fine, but I owe you one."
"Haha, now don't be ridiculous. I'll be back in just a minute."
Casipan joked:
"I swear, more than just a water bottle, we'd need some coffee! It's such a quiet night here today that I might just fall asleep!"
to which Henri replied by chuckling. Until--
Dero cried in a muffled voice, barging into the hospital's hall, still carrying Pleiades.
Henri and Casipan looked at eachother with concern and determination and nodded, before hurrying towards the sound.
"Good Void...." Casipan froze upon discovering the source of panic, as Henri immediately ran past him to help, making him follow along.
"Casi, don't worry about this, I'll handle it. Just please go get me a stretcher." the creature nodded before running to the hallway once again.
"You were very brave, Dero. You were very brave--... Please take a deep breath now..." The doctor empathically encouraged, as the Dark Matter inhaled and exhaled rapidly from worry.
"...He will make it. I'm sure he will. Pleiades is a very strong man. He will make it."
"..I...shan..'t......'ve..... all..ow..e..d.......h...im....to....g..o.....d..ri..nk.....alo..ne....." he blurted out in-between each intake of air. Henri placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed its thumb on his face in a fatherly manner, before repeating, once again:
"He will make it."
Casipan reached the three of them with a stretcher before him. Henri quickly thanked him, before setting Ades onto the ground, crossing the unconscious warrior's four hands.
The medic adjusted the sheets and unfastened the straps, before bending the stretcher's metal legs and pushing it down to the floor. On the count of three they both lifted Pleiades and secured him on the hard mattress, then mounting the legs and wheels once again, before rushing to the ER, while Henri looked back at Dero one last time.
He could only sit (im)patiently in the waiting room as the hospital staff made calls to everyone else. Most of them couldn't reply. It was an ungodly hour, after all. Call after call, Dero's only thoughts were of how that could've happened, and why. Part of him was worrying about Dolly, too, but he knew she was safe at his sweet fiancé's house.
The hospital felt so quiet, he could've sworn he could hear the time ticking by with triggering low speed. The air was getting tense.
Ten minutes felt like an hour. Twenty felt like five. It was so maddening he eventually lost track of time, until, a while later, Twilight showed up, panting, as if they just ran a marathon.
Dero looked over with his head down and his spine curved, completely ashamed. Despite how much he tried, the only thing he could force out of his mouth were mumbles and messy stutters.
Twilight looked at him with a defeated expression, before taking a seat and leaning on him.
"what even happened..? Why..?!"
"I'm sorry I hath not been there for him."
"I-It's not your fault, I just..... I don't have any words.."
"He'll be okay......... I know he will..........." Dero tried to convince himself, trying to drown out all those horrible thoughts.
"I hope so....... I really hope so, Dero."
They waited.
It was 3:37AM when Selene unexpectedly entered the hospital with a look of concern and confusion, walking slowly across the main hall until she spotted her two other relatives, then running in their direction.
"SELENE?! You should be asleep!!! What has gotten into you?!?" Twilight Knight rebuked, worried and dumbfounded.
"Well, I could say the same thing about you!! I don't even know why I came here!! Blossom just started crying in the other room and I went to check her out. Apparently she has a bad feeling something happened, and then I just... saw you were both here, and I decided to reach out to you. And, before you ask, you forgot to turn off your location." She explained as a worried and tired Blossom sat over her head, being only slightly hidden by the silvery fuzz of her antennae, but just enough that they had only noticed her now that she was being mentioned.
"Poor thing...." Dero whispered, then walking closer to the girls and kneeling down, offering Blossom his head, on which she climbed.
It was then that Selene had noticed the stains of golden blood on Dero's cape, freezing in shock then and there. Twilight checked in on her:
"Selene? Selene, are you okay??"
They waved their hand in front of her face, before flicking their fingers and sternly calling:
And that yell was sufficient to remind her of how Farron used to catch her attention, except, it was usually followed by a slap or hit. She braced herself, but... the slap never came. Instead, a few gentle pats on the head.
"Everything alright, sis?" TK whispered soothingly.
".. mmyeah, yeah.... it's all good...."
"You sure?"
And, just then, they looked at her, before hugging her tight, and explaining.
"Pleiades got attacked. He was really badly hurt and.... unresponsive."
Her heart sank. Did she hear that right? Blossom started crying even more, inconsolable. Dero tried to soothe her like a father would with his baby, but, to mostly no avail. Selene almost started tearing up, mumbling:
"..bu..t..... I... th..ought.....A..des.......was............ I-I..thou..ght..... "
She always knew him as a strong and invincible man, so how could've this..?
The clock ticked. It was 3:46AM when, finally, the door to the ER was opened. They all ran torwards Casipan, the only doctor that came out of that room in that moment, sprinting across the hallway.
"Mister Casipan!"
"I'm sorry, Selene. It's a matter of mere seconds here and it could all be over."
He apologized, quickly walking past them.
The coldness in his tone suddenly reminded Twilight of how their mother used to treat them. They knew Casipan meant no harm, but, instinctively, they placed themselves before Selene, shielding her. She squeezed her brother's hand. They scuffed and backed down, wrapping her once again in a comforting embrace.
Dolly woke up feeling strangely lonely.
Usually, she would go to Dollmaker's room and wake her up for consolation, but, for some strange reason, it felt dangerous to do so tonight.
From under the pillow came out Alden, her guardian angel. With a soft and empathetic tone, he warned her:
"Oh! Mister Alden!"
"I fear something... really bad happened to Pleiades.."
"Oh no..! Did he accidentally swap lunch with a stranger, and eat cabbage, and have an allergic reaction? Mister Pleiades doesn't like cabbage..."
"No, no... it's something far worse than that, sweet child.... I admire your innocence.."
"Did he stub his toe?"
"He got hurt.. that's certain...."
"Oh no! Is he okay?"
"I'm sorry for saying this... he's not okay. I don't know how much time will pass until you see him again."
The Doll got silent. Looking down. Pleiades was hurt?? Maybe that's why she felt lonely.
Dolly doesn't want to be lonely.
Dolly wants to see Mister Pleiades again.
She's not going to be alone. Not again.
She immediately started rummaging through her toybox, looking for something, anything that could help. Until she found it.
A plushie Pleiades had gifted her for Christmas: it was in the shape of a cow, a baby pink color with yellow and blue splotches on it. Inspecting it closely, she found exactly what she needed.
A string of blue turquoise hair, trapped inside one of the two black button eyes. She carefully pried it free, before placing it on her bed as a working surface and taking out her crochet hooks. Now she would have her brother by her side for at least a little longer.
3:49AM. Twilight was hugging Selene tightly, as Blossom Slept, tucked inside Dero's cape collar, with dried tears on her cheeks. He simply shielded the small Waddle Dee with his head as a sign of comfort. Then he suggested to the other two, whispering: "why doth thou not head outside a few minutes for some fresh air while I wait? It could take thy mind off things, I'm sure."
"You're not coming?" asked the older moth.
"Afraid not. I would prefer to wait here anyway, just in case. Besides, she art resting so peacefully...." he replied, looking down at Blossom.
"Y'know... you remind me of how she would be with Ades. She's only slept so soundly with him...." Selene noticed.
"He.... he's going to be okay........... he would not leave her.. or us.." he replied.
"Alright... let's go, Selene." interrupted Twilight, guiding her to the hospital's parking lot.
"Full moon."
"It's.. haunting." they clenched their fists.
"The stars are so luminous, too...." Selene shuddered, recalling the night in which she ran away from the Mapop clan. The moon shone bright, the stars did too. It was all too familiar. Twilight put a hand on her back, patting it as comfort. They needed to be strong for the others, now that Ades wasn't there. They would have been the one to 'suck it up', and they didn't know if they could do it.
4AM. Dulciana sat on his bed. Trying to hold his hand as best as she could while the surgery carried on. Her heart was beating so fast. She wanted to cry. It was so painful seeing him like this. The ghost leaned forward and kissed his forehead, reassuring him, although unconscious, that she would've been there until he'd be back home safe and sound. And now she wouldn't ever leave his side. Not for one minute. Not for one second.
"I love you, StarBright."
Henri finally opened the doors to the emergency room, Dero called the others.
The doctor sighed, before delivering the news:
"Sir Pleiades is not waking up."
their hearts were about to be crushed, imagining the worst, but he continued:
"We checked his pulse. His heart is still functioning perfectly fine."
"Although. His time of redevelopment is uncertain and therefore undetermined. We'll just have to pray he awakens as soon as possible."
Henri then reminded himself:
"This is the weapon we found stuck inside his torso. the cuts on his body all seem to match the length and width of its blade." he handed over the Seam Ripper.
"If you have any idea to who this might belong, your help would be greatly appreciated." he looked at Dero, who now appeared shocked and guilty.
"When could we visit him..?"
"Tomorrow. We still ought to move him to a safer, more comfortable and hygienic room. I suggest you all head back home to rest. I'll call you as soon as I can." he gave the usual fatherly smile, and so they silently walked back.
"Do not worry. He won't be alone. I'll be right beside him."
7:40AM. Fylass woke up. The chimera took a big stretch, before sleepily rubbing their eyes and checking their phone on their nightstand, and noticing they had a voicemail that was not yet read. Upon listening, the words they heard made them drop their phone on the floor.
"Hey Fy. How are you doing? Listen, this might really upset you. But Pleiades was brought to us tonight. He was fatally wounded, and... agh..... he's... he's in a coma."
Dero belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
Dollmaker and Dolly belong to @ilikesillythingswooo
Twilight Knight belongs to @that-fanperson-meg
Casipan and Selene belong to @moon-mage
Henri and Fylass belong to @george228732
Sir Pleiades and Blossom Dee belong to me :))
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mechahero · 4 months
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//Okay but what if (dollmaker link)
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vargaslovinghours · 7 months
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Happy Vargasversary! Only one meme this year, but I do have a few Vargas-themed online dolls and Picrews for your viewing pleasure lol
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I’m so sad about Flash!! It’s just not the same with Ruffle, at least there’s Flashpoint. Anyway, pretty sure I made this Scriabin before the shutdown haha
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I can’t find this one, which is such a shame! I think it’s a total classic :0 Something something computer Scriabin haha, there’s no long hair option! Wires are a good enough stand-in
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Had to do it the other way around too of course. Don’t tease him! (Do tease him)
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Kitty!Edgar! Being able to add things like his glasses, goatee, striped “shirt”, even his bangs! So many lovely options 💕
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Feeling normal, covered in blood. I always love when Makers include the Red String, it is Excellent ✨
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Rinamaru‘s Anime Avatar Creator, THE maker GOAT to me ♥ Got a sequence of Edgar newly face-cut-up, with the bandaid on his nose, and then “fully” healed hehe
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Ladyverse!Jake and Edgar! ♥ I think I was going to make Scriabin as well but there weren’t enough features that’d suit him so these two got the feature instead ♪ I can’t find this one either, I think it’s a Picrew though...? Update: Smol found it!! Thank you!!
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Smol also made the boys with one of her fave Picrews! For only really knowing Vargas from my incessant talk (lol), I think she captured them quite lovely :D
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I also had to give them a go of course haha, I’m very happy for the option to remove eyes lol
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monsterhatdoodles · 1 year
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I think I’m going insane
Dollmaker belongs to @ilikesillythingswooo
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ceoofmetagala · 1 year
@monsterhatdoodles !! I drew dero :) Chocomonio may be a demon-dark matter hybird but they aren't comeptly fucked up (Chocomonio is more apathetic than evil surprisingly. The way they get enjoyment is it's gf, and causing problems on purpose)
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I love dero. He desvres happiness and joy and everything good !!!!!
Also the other oc with dero is met. Met is also dark matter just way less of it then chocomonio and dero! He is talking about how well deros scarf fits him (in the most rambly overcomplicated long way because of mets autsim and her special interest in fashion 🔥)
I wish I could offer one of my girlie OCS up for dero but their eiter lesbiens or bright knight)she is my baby and not allowed to date anyone)
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sanokojima · 2 days
kidding! I'm not leaving!! i'll be a normal customer in your office
??? You have got to be kidding me
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Silly Game Time: Assuming time and money and energy weren't considerstions, what's a hobby you'd like to take up?
I really really wanna take up doll making. I love dolls and puppets and wanna make all kind of my own!
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whimsidollie · 2 years
Girls im this [] close to joining random ass discords and the like just to get attention bc holy shit
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well i wasn't expecting that-
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Pin [Yan Doll] and Doll Reader is friends to lovers. Remmy [Yan Dollmaker] and Doll Reader is (one-sided) enemies to lovers.
Doll Reader to Pin: Oh my gosh, Pin!! It's so nice to have another talking doll on the property. Is there anything I can do for you? Fix up your stitches? Read you a story from the library? You seem to really like the sound of my voice- It's an honor. The new coat you made for me is the best present I've received this decade. If only I had something as nice to give you in return.
Doll Reader to Remmy: Oh, it's you. You brought me flowers? What a shame, I'm allergic. How can a doll be allergic to flowers? Don't ask me silly questions, human. How are your dolls back home? Do you intend to put me on a shelf like them? Brush my hair everyday. Mend the tears in my clothes?.... Hold me like every minute we have together is the last?... Pfft - as if I'd want that from some dumb human.... Your hands are so soft though.
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loaflovesdoodling · 11 months
Pleiades pleaded, as the Dollmaker's dagger dug deeper and deeper into his back, cutting right through his yellowish-colored flesh, golden blood spewing out, he had no way of fighting back, and stabs to the pancreas wouldn't have been enough to shut his cries up anymore.
His spine, she aimed at his spine. She tried to break it using her sharp blade, so she could easily rip it out of his body, leaving him absolutely motionless. She didn't care if he'd heal, like he always does, somehow; all she wanted in that moment was to make him suffer.
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The warrior could feel costant hits on his vertebrae, like a hammer on a nail, it was terrifying, disturbing. painful.
His wails completely for naught. he felt a horrifying snap, followed by atrocious pain. His consciousness started fading away. All he could do... was look back.....
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...and scream his heart out.
Dollmaker belongs to @ilikesillythingswooo
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eletricheart · 5 months
(Donna Beneviento x Fem!reader)
part 1
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*pic creds to owner, got it from pinterest
Word count: 1383
TW: manipulation, attempted murder
I was feeling tragic when i had the idea but changed my mind so fluff with some angst sprinkles but happy ending
I tried to find a flower that meant heartbreak😭 amen to google, the photo was like unrelated to the title i just liked the aesthetic💀
ps: not proofread plss lmk any mistakes
ps2: i betrayed miranda cult and made her evil on this one😔
ps3: she's still my cutie silly girlie tho
You kicked, screamed, cried, begged, but still left. You were too young…and your parents were too afraid, so you left.
You still remembered the day when she came, you remembered watching through the stairs railings as she glided on the floor. Her halo being the only defining characteristic you could perfectly recall, besides your parents' terrified face.
You knew who she was, having been to church since you were two years old. Therefore, when your mother called you (long after the priestess had left) to order you to pack your bags, you knew it was her fault.
Dani was…naive. After her conversation with her mother proved to be worthless and her refusal to accept you couldn't be found. The youngest Dimitrescu called the one person who could perform the impossible, Mother Miranda.
Cassandra had shown disinterest to the story since the start, this being a difference once compared to her two sisters. Bela wasn't as hopeful as Dani, however she was curious. So she indulged in the hunt alone.
To say Mother Miranda was surprised to hear your name was an understatement, the woman remained her composure as being questioned by Daniela, and vowed to find Donna’s little lover, for the sake of romance of course.
You were living a quiet life in south Italy when received a letter from Romania. You were aware of the risks of returning to your hometown, Mother Miranda’s threats were never idle. But you missed Donna, and seeing her one more time was better than living a long alone life.
You arrived Sunday at seven a.m, a time Bela knew the priestess would be busy with the Mass. You were naturally confused in seeing her but having gone that far you chose to trust her, and allowed her to lead you into Beneviento territory.
The dollmaker recognized you the moment you stepped into her land, after all how could she not, her memories of you were all she had for so long, memorizing every breath was only natural for her.
So she cleared the path, no pollen or hanging bodies, just a forest and a dirt road. She even went as far as attempting to clean the house in the five minutes it would take you to arrive, consequentially giving up and crying for two of the five minutes.
Angie was the one to greet you, shooing Bela away to interrogate you while a hidden Donna watched.
You allowed the doll to conduct you to the couch where you both sat and promptly began talking.
You were grinning while looking at Angie's long explanation of how she kept your path safe. Giggling when the doll asked what you were staring at. You shook your head with a smile. “I just--it’s so good to see you.”
Angie stopped for a moment and blinked. “Oh. It is always good to see me.”
You laughed and fidgeted with your fingers. “If you don't mind me asking…um…the blonde woman. Bela? I think? She said Donna was looking for me, and well that's why I came. So…do you know where she is?”
Angie nodded slowly, watching a corner on your left before staring back at you. “Donna needs a bit more time, she doesn't want you to fade away again.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Fade away?”
The doll shrugged and quickly changed subject. “Come help me and my friends to bake a cake.”
And so was your entire day filled with baking and playing. As much as you longed to see the dollmaker, you understood it had been a while, so you gave her time.
Donna was scared during your entire visit, what if you weren't real, what if it was just her mind playing tricks. It happened before, why wouldn't it now. And that's how she found herself sitting alone on her bridge.
And that's how Mother Miranda found her.
The priestess arrived at your house minutes after you left and once seeing Bela’s letter she hastily returned to the village and waited for you. The service was the same as always, making it easy for her to watch you make your way to Donna’s Manor.
She knew your potential of ruining all the hard work she’s conquered with the dollmaker, but also believed in her creation.
Miranda knew Donna would not be able to handle your sudden appearance just as she knew the Lady would isolate herself away from you.
That’s why she was now sitting beside her on the bridge, rubbing gentle circles on her back. “It’s okay, my child. Tell me what happened.”
Donna was staring at her shaking hands, trying and failing to normalize her breathing. The priestess was slow to hold her hands, not wanting to scare the young woman, and repeated her words.
The dollmaker looked at her from the side of her veil. “A friend I–I thought was gone, came back.”
The priestess faked compassion. “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
Donna quickly nodded and wiped her tears behind her veil. “What–what if she’s not real? It’s been so long, I just–why now?”
Miranda took a deep breath, carefully measuring her next words. “My dear, I’ve told you before our procedure that your friend had died. I know it’s hard to let go of the past, but you must try so you can truly heal.”
The dollmaker lifted her veil to look at the priestess, as an act of trust and despair. “What should I do, Mother?”
Miranda smiled and gently touched her cheek. “You must put an end to her, it’s the only way.”
You fell asleep on the couch while reading a story to the dolls. Angie was the one to wait for Donna’s return.
The doll didn't know what was discussed, however from Donna’s slow and dragging steps she could make a good guess.
Donna was holding a yellow flower, mentally preparing herself to poison you when Angie blocked her way towards you. “Angie, please, I need to heal.”
The doll fervently shook her head. “She’s the real deal, Donnie. You gotta believe me.”
Donna gave her a somber smile and controlled her out of the way. “We need to heal.”
She knelt in front of you, taking nervous breaths and tightly holding the flower. The dollmaker thought of every time you were by her side, every joke, every hug, every smile. Before she knew she was sobbing and straining herself from hugging you. She needed you to die, Mother said so, Mother knew best.
You woke up with Donna’s head on the edge of the couch.
You did not know of the experiments, or why she had sentient dolls running around, but you knew your friend. So you carefully repositioned yourself and hugged her.
You stayed in the embrace for so long that even the other dolls had moved to other rooms so as to not disturb.
Donna’s flower found a place on the floor since the dollmaker chose to grip your arms. “I–I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You gently shushed her and kissed the top of her head. “You have nothing to apologize for, I’m the one who’s sorry, I should’ve come back sooner.”
Donna lifted her head, the veil sticking to her face due to the tears. “I’m supposed to kill you, you’re not real.”
You held her cheeks and smiled softly. “I’m real, Donna. And I’m here, I came all this way for you. Whatever you choose to do, it’s okay, I’m just happy I get to see you one more time.”
The dollmaker nodded, going back into your embrace and hiding her head on your neck. “Is it okay if I don’t kill you right now?”
You laughed and returned the hug. “It would be great if you didn't kill me right now.”
It took her three weeks to understand you were not a hallucination and Mother Miranda was lying to her.
The dollmaker still kept the act, making her territory unreachable even for the priestess while you and her tried to find a way for her to leave without Miranda tracking her.
Still, even trapped inside her territory you were happy and dutifully kept your promise to never leave.
And if life ever got boring, Angie was always around to give you both a one week worth headache.
requests are open: masterlist
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quixtrix · 2 months
the significance of blue - a somewhat analysis on the lost temple cult
the heretic katana skin jus got shown to the general public and the detail that stands out to me the most is the fact that katana's horns are dyed blue. teal blue is the colour motif of the church of the lost eye, and the fact that they go as far as to make members dye their horns for this blue is very interesting! let's get into why I think they do this and more about the church of the true eye :P
for starters, i am an art history nerd, i'm going into uni for an art history related major, and took an art history class. these are my credentials before you tell me im insane (but also i am overanalysing phighting rn so maybe i am insane). pls dont like. kill me for overanalysing actually i jus really like doing this kinda thing lol dont read if you dont wanna hear me yapping
with that being said, in history, blue has been historically associated with wealth and religion. this is due to the fact that blue, specifically cobalt blue, is difficult to mine, and because a deep rich blue such as cobalt blue doesn't have an easy alternative for the colour. the standard of ur for exactly is a symbol of wealth because of the amount of blue that it uses.
on the religion side, or at least in abrahamic religions (i cannot currently remember if hinduism or buddhism treasures blue like that), blue is associated with heaven. obviously because the sky is blue and what not, but also because it represents the spirit of god. this may also be because of the aforementioned difficulty of acquiring blue, but religious figures and buildings use blue a lot, enhancing the association with blue and religion.
this all fits in line with the lost temple, which 1. is a place of wealth 2. the largest religious organisation we've seen in phighting. blue fits them, analysis done and dusted.
wrong. i woulda let this slide if we didn't establish that dying your horns is a way to express oneself in phighting.
look at all the members for me real quick, look at their horns.
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yeah i included dollmaker mainly bc it said on the wiki shes in the cult. shes not apart of this analysis tho sorry dollmaker fans.
all various shades of blue! specifically teal and dark blue. whether it be dye or not, it's something noteworthy.
i wanna point out that it's said that medkit and katana both share the same shade of teal. yknow what else that medkit and katana share that's related to the church?
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only mention of biological family on med's side btw. also, since he was born with teal horns its smth of note.
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and then katana has a brother. this is literally in dialogue.
yknow what's a big thing in the church of the true eye? family. their whole schtick is being a whole big family. honestly, katana might not even have a biological brother if my assumption on how the cult's rankings work.
basically, the highest figure we know in the cult, whether he be the head of it or jus a real high ranking figure, is referred to as 'the father.'
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it's not a stretch to assume that the hierarchy within the cult is based off of a family. those who are the lowest are referred to as the acolytes (i assume they are the lowest because the broker refers to them as a whole and not individuals), those who are higher may possibly referred to with more traditional family titles such as 'brother' or 'sister' or even possibly 'mother.' it would make sense given the fact that they're literally big on the family thing. why would you call the whole thing family if you won't do the silly culty thing with the brother and sister thing within the cult do you hate love and joy and fun??? (obviously matches are a different thing entirely, but i feel like outside of the phighters we see, the reputation of being a cult family as opposed to jus some weird ass cult obviously had to come from somewhere. besides, reserving titles such as brother and sister for higher ranking officials would show significance).
i highlight the fact that katana and medkit have the same shade of teal because colour is so significant in the cult. broker, medkit, and katana look to have similar uniforms in terms of build and colour, with katanas being kinda an inverse of broker's. they all seem to work underneath scythe as well, with scythe in a white uniform and more gold, appearing to be more wealthy and have influence in the cult. while she also has teal horns, it's darker than katana and medkit's, and i don't have enough information to gather what that darker shade of teal could really mean.
but regardless, teal horns in the context of the church of the true eye can possibly mean literal familial connection. that's one possibility. we're going through possibilities of the meanings of the colours right now. i say this because medkit would have most likely been fucked if he didn't have the familial connection to the church because from what we've seen, going to another faction is not a real welcome thing to do. and then katana's horns are clearly dyed that specific teal, when he hasn't dyed his horns red at all. he could have had them dyed like broker's darker blue, but they're not.
teal horns could also jus be a cult thing and broker's jus being the lil weirdo he is. but i jus can't let go of the fact that medkit's horns and katana's horns are basically the same colour. it's been bothering me. it's why im here yapping right now. honestly i wish i could also explain why dollmaker or scythe has tealish horns as well, (with the lil bits on both of their horns sticking out!) but i jus don't have enough info on dollmaker.
anyways, since i'm already talking about katana's and medkit's horns, let's talk about that little gold ring on both of their horns.
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horn decoration has mostly been seen as, once again, expression, but historically irl jewellery has a lot of significance culturally and religiously. first thing that comes to mind is the stretching of the ear lobes, which is associated with status and religion (think the buddha.) within the world of phighting, we rarely if ever see jewellery on horns outside of the cult. honestly i jus assumed that medkit was cunty but with the large gold piece on heretic katana's horn, it has to have more significance.
also. why are they on the same side. i know that the right side and the left side have meanings within abrahamic religions (eg. muslims not using their left hands to eat or drink because of the devil, 'the right hand of the father' being because the right hand of god is metaphor for his omnipotence) but i don't have enough info for the ring. it could mean that you were accepted as more than an acolyte within the cult, or again, the family tie, but there's jus nothing at the time of writing this that i can figure out. it's a bit frustrating. it could jus mean they're wealthy though
anyways, i think that's all my thoughts on the church of the true eye. i actually have a small idea on who the deity the church worships, but also i feel like that's like theorising who's the in universe jesus christ (because the church unironically can be compared to christianity. i might make another yap sesh on that.) so i didn't go into it in here lol. tell me all ur thoughts nd feelings on this, my askbox is open :P
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atropalugosi · 10 months
Played through the Donna good end route on @resident-lover and had to do something with our favourite dollmaker's little flirt about drawing her during work.
So have a little post good end moment between her and my MC with as much awkwardness and gay panicking as should be expected.
"Can I draw you?" Valeria asks quickly and loudly, grasping the arm of Donna's chair with white knuckles. The botanist quirks an eyebrow at the younger woman, amused.
"You already know I don't mind, tesorina," she laughs teasingly, a sparkle in her eyes. It had been months since the two officially started dating, and things were going great, but still when Donna looked at her like that she couldn't help but feel like her next request would be stupid. Taking a deep breath, she readies herself and just rips the metaphorical bandaid off.
"Can I draw you like an Italian girl?" Valeria asks again, voice pitching embarrassingly. She watches anxiously as Donna's face blooms red and her jaw drops slightly, her eyes widening like a deer in headlights. Fuck! She shouldn't have asked that! It had just been a silly meaningless flirt the older woman had made to test the waters back then, why did Valeria think to bring it up again? She quickly pushes back and out of Donna's space, fully ready to fumble out an excuse to leave and die of embarrassment somewhere else.
"I'm sorry! Forget I said anything, I'm gonna go make us some tea or-"
"Dolcézza, wait!" Donna hurriedly responds, seeming to have gotten her bearings. She takes Valeria by the arm possessively, pulling her down so their eyes are level. "You... are asking me to pose for you," she blushes again as she squeaks out, "nude?"
The redhead nods slowly, her own cheeks heating up at the thought of her love agreeing. "Yeah- but! But only if you're comfy with that!" She says firmly, staring intently into Donna's eyes to let her know it really is okay to say 'no'. Her concern appears wasted though as a cheeky grin graces Donna's face.
"I was... sort of hoping you'd have asked again after we were interrupted the first time," she admits. Valeria's head feels about ready to explode with the way that small confession makes blood rush to her face. Donna truly was insatiable with her desire for the botanist in training. Feeling emboldened, Valeria leans in until their lips are nearly brushing and responds.
"Then let me help you undress and get ready."
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