#dollhouse (series)
sulietsexual · 8 months
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∟ 2.11 Getting Closer Dollhouse [2009 - 2010]
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irate-iguana · 7 months
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Feeling sad about him and making it everyone’s problem.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 4 months
A Small Break, Worst Timing.
Not entangled minds or anything else that i should be doing but i'm in a Dollhouse mood and to stop myself drifting away from these i decided to give into this one.
a Dollhouse crossover.
Elijah after decades of failing to find any evidence against Klaus' claim of throwing their siblings into the ocean meets a man in a bar and takes a chance on human science giving him a escape from his failings before he's forced to kill his brother.
Sage just wants her husband back.
Warnings for Dubious Consent, Mental manipulation, and other things normally found within Dollhouse.
Sage had been waiting for this, for Klaus Mikaelson to appear and with it a chance to get Finn back, but his timing was terrible.
It would be on an engagement like this, that Klaus finally found them; noticed after decades that Elijah wasn’t following him like a broody hen and looked for the one sibling he hadn’t got stored away in a box somewhere.
Sage had found the man two years ago and managed to get herself placed herself as his handler, to wait for Klaus, to use, to bargain for Finn back.
Elijah apathy towards her plan when he had decided to reach out to her had set off alarm bells but she had managed to gather the full story over a few more meetings. She refused to believe it, that the possessive man the soft hearted child had grown into would ever let go of his siblings. 
Two years of watching human science turn one of the few people she knew from her human life into a toy; watching as the cold controlled Elijah, one for the oldest vampires alive became a ditsy college boy, a music prodigy turned tutor, the charming seducer, the desperate student, the sweet son, the naughty secretary, the lost love, the dirty secret of dozens of humans with power and money.
Dozen and dozens of non-existent humans- imprints, born to live in a body that died a thousand years ago.
Percy, the current Imprint, was panicking, naturally, Ryanes liked his dates nervous so he could push them into a breakdown over the course of the night and then take what he wanted with them programmed to like it and thank him.
So this was of course when Klaus would find them; mid way through an engagement with one of the worst clients, with the person looking like his missing older brother shifting away from grabbing hands as he begged his partner to 'stop, just wait a little longer.'
One moment she’s listening to the soft canadian accent of Percy Knowles pleading with his boyfriend not to and said ‘boyfriend’s’ grating laugh, then the familiar sound of spilled blood and death gurgles.
She’s out the van and within sight of them within seconds.
It wasn't all bad as she watched Johnathan Ryanes choke to death on blood, the hole in his chest making it clear how he died. 
She didn’t really like any of those that paid for use of Elijah’s body for all Elijah didn't care, but she had grown to hate this particular client, she wasn’t alone since most the other handlers hated having to deal with a sobbing Active on the way back, it was just unfortunately he had gained a liking for Elijah and picked him repeatedly. 
The pains of having a popular Doll, and Uniform had been working for long enough he had regulars and those that had seen him around, seen and wanted, and could have in anyway they wish.
“Brother, I’-” Klaus started what would no doubt be an impressive monologue, sadly for him it went unheard as Percy screamed. 
“JON!” he struggled, torn between reaching for the downed man and flinching from the strange man still holding the bleeding heart in his hand “Why you- How?” he gagged.
Klaus stared in confusion as the person who looked like a copy of his brother turned away to throw up before sinking to his knees and sobbing.
It could be worse, she reminded herself, had Klaus found Elijah during one of the nights Tristan visited the city his paranoid mind would have jumped to betrayal, as if killing your sibling and leaving them in boxes for centuries wasn’t betrayal.
Still she needed to deal with this and getting Percy back had to be the first priority, even if this likely made tonight Percy’s last.
“Percy?” she called as she walked towards them, giving both a warning, Percy didn’t react as he cried, eyes stuck on the person he believed was his long time boyfriend.
“Sage.” Klaus snarled as he recognized her, it was nice to be remembered, considering how little Klaus cared for anything beyond his own power but she would have been happy to be unknown but have Finn beside her.
“I’ll explain after I get him out of here,” she offered as he started to move towards her, the reminder of his brother froze him “before he hyperventilates.”
“What happened to my brother?” he asked
“Currently that’s not your brother,” she corrects him as she steps past, “it’s Percy Knowles who just watched you tear the heart out of his boyfriend, crappy boyfriend but he believed he was the love of his life.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s a long story and Elijah hasn’t told me everything.” she shrugged at him before completely ignoring any further noise from him to crouch in front of the now rocking Percy.
“Percy,” she called, “Percy Knowles.” she tried again, sighing when that didn’t get a reaction either.
She hated using the Script.
“Trust me?” She asked, trying to ignore the way he reacted to the words almost unconsciously. 
She had been compelling humans for fun for centuries. The fact the humans had managed to recreate something similar without any magic and Elijah had let them place it on him almost made a pit form in her stomach.  
She watched as his eyes were pulled from the body to meet hers.
“With my life.” Percy replied almost vacantly as he took her hand and allowed her to pull him away from the body and lowly growling Klaus, something she was sure Percy couldn’t hear. 
She had always wondered how the tech had managed to smother Elijah’s superior senses, strength and speed.
Elijah knew but he had never bothered to share during the rare times he pulled her into an old memory to speak to him. She was starting to think she had spent more time with Uniform since she had become a handler than she had with Elijah over the course of a thousand years.
“Wait? Your not coming with-“ Percy suddenly gripped her arm as he noticed she wasn’t following him into the van
“They’ll take you to your treatment. I'll be there to see you right after.” she smiled at him as the mention of ‘a treatment’ soothed most the remaining fear.
The shaky “Okay.” was the last thing she heard before she shut the side of the van and watched it drive away.
The van was barely out of view when she felt someone appear at her back.
“You're going to explain what you’ve done to my brother.” The low threat came from right behind her before she could return to the mess she would mean to clean up.
It may have been threatening if she; one, didn’t remember him as a little boy collecting flowers for his mother and sister and two, wasn’t his only clue about his favourite brother.
“I’ve done.” She choked at the idea that she could do anything to Elijah. “I found him like that, like you did tonight. Acting unlike himself” ‘Abit with far less clothes and more leather’ she thought, it wouldn’t have been an entirely unpleasant sight if it hadn’t been her love’s younger brother being passed by a group of women like fresh meat.
“A two years ago now.” she shrugged, taking a step back to watch Klaus, “I became his handler to get an idea of what the hell was going on.” She explained, going further as he stared at her with bewilderment “that wasn’t Elijah, hasn’t been for around sixteen years now, he let them wipe his mind to put back whoever they want.” 
It wasn’t the whole truth, whatever progress they had didn’t completely work on vampires at least an Original, Elijah was still in there, just far more interested in what the humans could and were doing to his body than reclaiming it himself.
But how was she meant to explain Elijah’s fascination with Uniform, the blank childlike persona that had control whenever he wasn’t imprinted, and his relation to Elijah’s own lost humanity, when she didn’t understand it herself.
“It was your actions that pushed him into letting himself become an experiment for the humans.” she added, because that was the one thing she was clear on.
“What-why?” he sounded like the words were choking him.
“It seemed you managed the impossible and broke his patience, that he would prefer being a toy to the humans than deal with you.” she snapped not showing a hint of her pleasure at his sudden horrified hurt expression, she wasn’t Elijah who likely would have crumpled at the sight. 
No, she was the woman who had waited nine centuries while he kept her love in a box.
“What else did you think was going to happen after telling him you had thrown his siblings away, taken them from him.”
“I didn’t.” Klaus barked out, soundless less like the monster the stories described and more as a child denying they broke a toy.
She wanted to bite back that of course he hadn’t; he had left his thinking to Elijah but the relief was enough to hold her tongue. She told herself she didn’t believe that he wouldn’t have thrown his siblings into the sea but the fact that Elijah had seemingly given up on Klaus, enough that he had been debating killing him had shaken her resolve.
The reinsurance was just the first step, now she had to find a way to get Finn released and then she and he could leave. She’d show him the world he has missed, enjoy it herself with him at her side.
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absolutely-wretched · 5 months
Because Dollhouse was cancelled so no one knows anything about it, there’s like no fandom when there absolutely SHOULD BE. Anyone who posts Dollhouse stuff lmk so I can follow 💜
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beautyarchive · 5 months
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Summer Glau in 'The Public Eye' episode of Dollhouse (2009).
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aerowolf · 3 months
Remembering when for a wordsprint for a writing camp I came up with a speed fanfic and it was a crossover between two equally vague fandoms— The Lunar Chronicles and Dollhouse. Scarlet was a Doll, Wolf was a handler. I need to rewatch it so bad and maybe expand on my writing. Please if anyone knows these two fandoms I'm begging you
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cookiedoughmeagain · 1 year
Every time I watch Dollhouse, I get more annoyed there isn't more of it. How can such a show get cancelled so early? The world makes no sense at all.
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divinecomedienne · 2 years
Interrupting your usual programming to ask when the hell are we going to get a release date for season two of Severance? So damn good. It’s essentially what you would get if Dollhouse were made by David Lynch instead of J*ss Whedon (and the creators clearly realise this as they cast Patricia Arquette and Dichen Lachman). What’s not to like?
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gloombeaches · 2 months
also idk if anyone else on here has seen some of the new scaremester covers sooo comp post of all the covers shown off so far!
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The Dollhouse 2
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as fear, coercion, violence, noncon/dubcon, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk. 
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 
Summary: Five girls move into a shared residence for the upcoming school year but not all is as it seems. 
Characters: Jonathan Pine, Captain Syverson, Steve Abnesti, Lloyd Hansen, and Peter Parker 
This fic features five named readers; Ann, Lulu, Polly, Barbie, and Molly. This chapter features Ann and Lulu. Please note that characters may switch but will maintain second-person POV.
Note: It's thirstday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3 
Love you all until you can’t stand it. Take care. 💖 
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You’ve been waiting all summer to come back. Campus is like paradise to you. Sure, it’s fun to party but there’s also all the clubs and the general sense of community. You always manage to find your way right into the heart of it all. 
You’re a bit disappointed to not be living on campus itself but you found an alternative not too far away, and in a nice neighbourhood too. Not to mention, your best friend ever, Polly, will be living with you! 
The uber pulls up to the front of the idyllic building and your cheeks bloom with excitement. You spent the extra money to haul all your bags from the station, and it was worth it. You couldn’t have dragged it all that way, even on the bus. 
The driver helps you get everything onto the curb. You thank him and tip him on the app. He looks at you with that fogginess that a lot of guys get. He asks if you need anything else and you assure him you’re just fine. He seems almost reluctant to go. His spindly fingers twiddle at his side as he slinks around the hood. 
You stand with your bags and take out your phone. Polly said she was on her way. You don’t want to go in without her. You send her a message asking how close she is.
“Hey, what’re ya standing in the middle of the sidewalk for, bitch?”  
You wince as you spin to face the grizzly snarl. You harrumph and scowl at Polly as she cackles. It’s funny to think she could do such a scary voice considering she always looks so dainty and perfect. Even then, she wears a blouse and skirt, with a scarf that reminds you of an Audrey classic. Never a stitch out of place with her. 
“You sure are dressed for moving day,” you remark dryly. 
“Mm, don’t talk to me Barbie Doll,” she tosses the derisive nickname at you, “I see you have on the classic Mattel shade today.” 
You pout your pinkened lips at her and roll your eyes, “whatever! Pol! We’re gonna be roommates!” 
You squeal together and she lifts her bag over the lip of the pavement, “hell yeah.” 
You giggle and look up at the house. You went there once before for the walkthrough and it’s even more perfect than you remember. You bend to take your smallest bag and Polly shakes her head. 
“Really? You brought all that? I hope you don’t think I’m gonna be your personal camel and carry it.” 
“Don’t be such a downer,” you stick your tongue out. 
“Excuse me,” a deep timbre rolls over as the front gate squeaks. You and Polly share a startled look then turn to the large blond man as he steps through. That isn’t Jonathan... “Are you girls here for moving day?” 
“Uhhhhh,” you drone out and once more glance at your BFF, “we are.” 
“Oh, let me explain, Jonathan can’t make it. He has an emergency at another property. He left your keys with me to deliver,” he stirs around in the pocket of his blazers as he stands across the pavement. 
He's taller than the building manager you met in July, broader too. He’s bigger in every way and just as blond. He wears a pair of square glasses and only a plain tee under his suit jacket. He fishes out two key rings and shakes them. 
“Here we are,” he grins. He steps forward and offers you one of the fobs. “Front door is a censor. All new system.” He gives Polly the other dongle. “By the way, I’m Steve. I help Jonathan with security. I’ll be popping in for routine measures but I shouldn’t bother you too much.” 
“Oh thanks. I’m Barbie, this is Polly,” you squeeze the fob and smile at the grand facade of the building. “Awesome.” 
Polly toys with her keyring and stays quiet. She’s usually a riot but around men, you’ve noticed she gets a bit shy. You don’t blame her. Steve is a big guy and his gaze doesn’t falter for a single second. 
“Well, that’s great,” you continue, “good to be safe.” 
“Yeah, especially with a house full of girls. You never know,” he says. 
You blink at the subtlety of his suggestion. Obviously, there’s always those who will have the worst intentions but you try not to think of that. Besides, you’ve been around the block and it all looks very ordinary to you. 
“Anyway, let me show you inside. You’ve already got a roommate waiting on your girls,” he announces and claps his hands. “Can I help you with some of this?” 
He nods to your bags and you shimmy as you laugh at yourself, “oh, yeah, aha. I wanted to make sure I had everything.” 
“No problem, think I can handle it,” he bends and picks up your two largest bags. He doesn’t struggle at all. You gather up the three smaller ones and Polly rolls her suitcase with her. 
He stands inside the gate as he waits for you to enter. You lead the way up the walk as Polly clicks behind you. You climb the steps and strut across the porch. 
“Go on in,” Steve calls from behind. 
You do as he says and set your bags to the side of the entryway. You pause to take off your shoes as you see another pair on the mat. A pair of round-toed flats with bows. 
“You two are upstairs,” Steve says, “at the top, rooms at the end of the hall. Do you want me to bring your bags up?” 
“Oh, no, you can leave them at the door,” you face him again. “This is so lovely. Will you let Jonathan know we got here or should I call him?” 
“I can take care of it,” he says. “I’ll be headed to him once the rest of you show up. My partner’s out of town so we’re short right now.” 
“Your partner?” 
“Like I said, security.” 
“Ah, right, ha,” you rock your shoulders and he puts your bags down lightly. 
“Sure you don’t want some help,” he peers upstairs. 
“Really, we’re all good, right Polly?” 
“Mhmm,” she nods and looks past him. 
“Right, I’ll be outside. There's three more coming.” He nods and turns to go. 
You wait until he’s out the door to proceed upstairs. As you do, Polly sighs. 
“He was nice,” you say. 
“I guess,” she agrees dully. 
“He’s just doing his job.” 
“I know, it’s just, boys, guys, or whatever, standing next to you with them is like being invisible sometimes,” she mutters. “Not your fault but... yeah.” 
“Whatever. He’s a bit old for me,” you scoff as you get to the second-floor hall. You forgot how wide it was. Probably a good thing knowing it will be a full house. 
As you come to the end of the hall, a door opens and you see a single eye peer out. You stop short and Polly hits your back. The girl shifts the door and sticks her head out. 
“Uh, hi,” she squeaks, “I’m Lulu.” 
“Hey, uh, we’re... Barbie,” you point to yourself, “and Polly.” 
Polly leans around to wave with her free hands, “hi, Lulu.” 
Lulu lets the door go and steps out, “it’s been so quiet around here. I got here last week. It’s so nice to have people around.” 
“Oh, really?” You wonder. 
“I’m on exchange so... yeah, had to fly in,” she smiles sheepishly. “Anyway, sorry to bug you. Just wanted to say hi.” 
“You’re not bugging us at all! We were just chatting with Steve--” 
“Steve?” She frowns, “oh, the big bald guy? That’s Sy.” 
You frown and look at Polly, “no, Steve. Blond hair. Big.” You make yourself wide as you say the last word. 
“Ohhhh, sorry, I haven’t been out of my room. I’ve been so nervous,” she giggles and it sounds like a tinkling bell. 
“He’s the security guy or something,” Polly says. 
“Right,” Lulu’s lips tremble, “cool. Um, anyway, if you need me to show you around...” 
“Um, sure. We’ll drop out things off then I want to have a look at the kitchen. I was thinking of having some drinks once the rest got here. Maybe we can do a housewarming,” you chirp. 
“Oh, that sounds fun,” Lulu laughs again and it seems to clog her throat. She clears it and blinks, “sorry. Nervous.” 
You smile. You like meeting new people and the most exciting part for you, is all the different personalities coming together. And there’s still three more girls on the way. 
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New things are always scary. For you, even the familiar is frightening. Sometimes what you know is the most dangerous. Like the bullies you went to school with for years.
Transferring to a new college is enough stress on its own but moving to a whole new city, that’s another beast on its own. Just like a dragon on its hoard. You clutch your worn novel to your chest as you walk down the street, your bag bouncing on the cracks in the sidewalk. 
You should’ve written this down. You think you’re going in the right direction. After the greyhound, you counter the city transit into the core and from there, you’ve been walking in circles. Finally, you recognise a street name and stop to turn on your data and spend a few MBs on confirming your destination. Just at the end. Phew. 
That gate was in the photos, those hedges too. Wow, it looks so much better IRL. You slow down in disbelief as you stare up at the siding. This can’t be. For the price you’re paying, you have to have taken a wrong turn. 
“Moving in?” A chipper voice asks as a shadow skews over the pavement next to yours. 
You blanch and look over at a boy about your age with reddish brown hair and warm amber eyes. He grins as you lower your chin then turn back to the house, “uh, yeah?” 
“Me too,” he says. “Peter. It’s a pretty cool building, huh? My aunt knows the owner.” 
“Mr. Pine,” you murmur. 
“I call him Jonathan but, yeah,” he chuckles. “You’re a Thrones fan?” 
You furrow your brow and glance over again. Then you check the book in your hand. 
“I’ve only read the books,” you say. 
“Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” 
“Molly,” you answer and sniff. You stare up at the house as it sinks in. You’ll be sharing a space with him. Not only him, but four others. 
“Should we go in together?” He offers. 
“Sure, why not,” you clutch your phone against the book and drag your bag forward. “Um, Mr. Pine said we should call--” 
“Yeah, that’s whatever. Like I said, I know him,” he insists as he goes ahead of you and unlatches the gate. “Come on.” 
You come forward as he hitches up his duffle bag. Your suitcase rattles over the threshold as another figure appears from the porch, “Pete, didn’t say you were bringing your girlfriend.” 
A large blond man, built like a warrior in a fantasy novel, descends the steps, “don’t think the roommates will be very happy about that.” “Whatever, Steve. She’s one of them. We just met.” 
“Ah, another one,” the man says, “great, just one more then.” The man digs in his pocket, “Jonathan left the keys.” He takes out two fobs and doles them out between you and Peter, “I’m Steve. Security.” He explains. 
“Oh, uh, nice to meet you,” you eke out. 
“This is Molly,” Peter intones and you give a bashful look. Oops, you forgot that. 
“Right, you two are on the first floor,” Steve says, “you wanna show her around, Pete?” 
Peter clucks, “Peter,” he corrects, “Steven.” 
The large man chortles and nods at you, “let me know if he gives you any trouble. It is my job to deal with the rabble.” 
You smile tightly and Peter waves off the other man, “come on. I’m sure you don’t wanna stand out in the sun with this lump head.” 
You show your teeth apologetically before you follow Peter. He strides down the walk and up the steps. You’re a few feet behind him. 
As you enter the house, you hear voices. They hush and you listen for them as they seem to do the same. Peter stands on the mat as you unlace your sneakers. 
“Hello?” He calls out, “anybody here?” 
There’s some noise before footsteps come from somewhere deep in the house. You look up to the top of the stairs as a figure appears above. The girl bounds down as two others loom behind her. 
“Helloooooo!” She trills, “I’m Barbie!” 
“Barbie,” Peter says, “hey. I love your lipstick.” 
“It’s gloss, actually, honey,” she winks, “you two are moving in? You’re friends too?” 
“Oh, uh no,” you shake your head, “we just...” 
“Good timing,” Peter says, “Peter, Molly.” He points in tandem with his introductions. 
“So cute, Molly, well up there is Polly. That rhymes! Polly and Molly, and that’s Lulu,” she gestures up behind her as the girls wave, “think there’s only one room left.” 
“What are we thinking?” Peter asks. “Party tonight? Ice breakers?” 
“Something like that. Drinks?” Barbie suggests. 
“You’re my kinda girl, Barbs.” 
“Barbie, hon,” she chides with a wag of her finger, “anywho, I’ll let you two get cozy while we wait on the last one.” 
“I hope it’s a dude,” Peter mutters as he turns away.  
You smile at Barbie then follow him. You’re not sure where your room is but he seems to know exactly where he’s going. You wouldn’t mind a door to hide behind. 
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irate-iguana · 6 months
Rossum: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “experimental memory drug” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever I don’t feel shit
5 minutes later, eating crisps on a trampoline: I find lentils completely incomprehensible. Also I’m worried November might be remembering her sleeper code
My employee/son Topher, pacing: this was a murder attempt
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crimsonlyinglilly · 2 months
Bonus - Broken trust
Bonus fill for @augustofwhump.
Again back to A small break, the Original/Dollhouse Xover - Elijah became a Doll to escape dealing with his family, it doesn't go as expected but Elijah pleased with a break.
Warnings for attempted SA, Dubious Consent, Mental manipulation, things normally found within Dollhouse.
Uniform’s handler after a few moments of intimacy with imprints on the way back, tries to use Uniform, Elijah takes over.
One of the unexpected benefits of his break was a chance to truly explore his mind and take full control of it. The first session in the chair had been long, agonising and he’s very aware he shouldn’t remember it, he was almost disappointed that it hadn’t worked as his drinking companion had promised.
Then he had realised he wasn’t in control of his body and that he was free of the constant desire for blood.
There was an irony to only fully learning who he was and all the horrors he had done though the centuries after he gave his body up.
This was his break from being himself, from struggling against the constant hunger, of loving but always failing those that returned that.
An escape from making the decision it seemed he was always going to have to make, Niklaus had lost his way, had destroyed their family, there was no redemption for either of them, Klaus had lost their sibling and Elijah's inaction had allowed it.
Elijah was reading within his mind, well closer to remembering when he felt a flicker of unease, then fear and discomfort, which couldn’t be right. He had been paying attention earlier, they weren’t out on an engagement, they hadn’t been printed with anyone else, even with his apparent popularity they rarely had multiple appointments in a day, so it should be safe in the controlled environment of the house.
Uniform, the blank state, the very definition of innocent shouldn’t ever feel either of those emotions.
This was his break from being himself, from struggling against the constant hunger, of loving but always failing those that returned that.
And quite frankly Elijah was more than annoyed at anyone who would interfere with that.
 Uniform was confused and uncomfortable as Mr. Clark’s hand slipped under his clothes, his back against the wall with the larger man’s weight crushing him into the wall. He didn’t understand this game but Mr. Clark told him to stand still and be quiet and he tried to.
He always tried to be his best.
He didn’t like it.
He choked on a whimper.
And Elijah took control in the instance the full picture appeared to him, carefully quieting Uniform’s confusion in his mind and placing the other personality to sleep, he didn’t need to see anything more of this man.
The Handler didn’t notice as the Doll under him turned deadly still, Elijah smiled, nothing of Uniform’s open kind honest one. 
“You're breaking the rules.” he told him, taking care to replicate the airy tone he noticed the Dolls had. He was hushed in response, causing his smile to drop with irritation. 
The man’s nails dug into his skin on his hip, teeth scraped his neck and Elijah’s patience came to a sharp end. 
He shifted, using supernatural strength and speed, both things that Uniform was unaware their body had moments before to change their position.
Holding the Handler flat against the wall with one hand pressed between his shoulder blades, appling just enough pressure to crush his lungs to keep his voice down.
“Uniform!” the man wheezed, his cheek rubbing against the wall as he tried to meet his eyes “let go of me.” the man tried “You trust me.”
“No.” he replied, he knew of the script and watch as it was first set and every time it was reconditioned when he moved to a new house or gained a new handler. It didn’t work on him, he was too angry to even consider it.
“What?” the man almost whimpered as fear started to creep in, sadly for him it was far too late for that. “They're going to send you to the attic. But we can fix this, do you want a treatment?” he asked, trying to be comforting.
 Elijah hummed in response, a little concerned by the fact he did, but that would have to be after he dealt with this.
This wasn’t the first time his handler had been attracted to him, but the others hadn't let it go beyond an over enthusiastic imprint on the way to and from an engagement, against the rules but not something that bothered Elijah. Uniform was another matter.
The man’s squirming was starting to get on his nerves so he brought his free hand up and placed two fingers to his lower back and pushed. 
The spine beneath his fingers broke with ease, clear and almost pain free.
Elijah could’ve done far worse, part of him wished to tear the spine free but that would give him away to the rest of the house and ended his break.
“Wha-what did you do?” the man whimpered as he felt the sudden numbness from his lower half.
“You wont need your legs in the attic.” Elijah replied back, loosening his other hand to grasp the back of his neck. “Careful.” he warned as the man started to reach for him, “I’ve left you your arms but i could just as easily take them from you as well.”
“How?” he asked as he seemed to notice that Elijah, lighter and shorter than him was lifting his whole weight from the ground with one hand on his neck.
“I’ll let you in on a secret.” he whispered, lowering him so he speak into the other’s ear as he started to carry him away uncaring if he legs dragged along the floor, using the back corridors to avoid most of the other humans, aware that the camera were likely already following him as soon as he pulled them from the blind spot this waste of space had found to take advantage of Uniform. “I’m not human.” 
“Wha-that’s not-what-” the man babbled, causing Elijah to roll his eyes.
He smiled at Alpha as he passed him, the handler hanging from his hand in a way that should have been impossible, the smile wasn’t Uniform’s which he realised Alpha noticed as the Doll’s eye narrowed at him.
Interesting he thought but that wasn’t really any of Elijah's business. 
“Freeze!” a voice shouted as the elevator doors opened.
Elijah isn’t surprised to be met at the floor to Miss Dewitt’s office by gun point, he would have been disappointed if he wasn’t but he was a little surprised that it was only Miss Dewitt and her head of security.
“Help! He’s gone mad! He’s-” the last of the former handler’s words ended unfinished as his grip tightened enough to knock him out, he had adjusted his grip before the door opened so it looked like he was putting more effort into holding him up than he truly needed.
“That’s enough from him,” he told them.
“What is the meaning of this?” Miss Dewitt accented voice asked, a gun of her own trained on him. He briefly wondered if she could shoot or if it was a buff but it didn’t matter, he liked Adelle Dewit she cared about those entrusted to her, which placed her above the others he had met leading Rossum, even his ‘friend’ from the bar who had introduced him to this idea in the first place sat lower in his view than her so she was in no danger from him.
“I’m going to need a new handler.” He replied keeping hold of the limp man as a shield, he had no interest in being shot even if it wouldn’t do anything, it would mean he'd have to do more explaining than he wanted to or used compulsion which he very much didn’t want to. 
“I noticed.” she said deadpan as she put her gun  away.
“You need the attic-” the head of security started to snarl, Elijah isn’t surprised by that Laurence Dominic was clearly uncomfortable about the idea of dolls, curious for the head of security but at least it meant he wouldn’t be taking advantage of any of them but that also left him suspicious of them all and Elijah appearing as a Doll gone rouge would be fulfilling all his worst thoughts.
“Dominic.” Adelle warned her subordinated before turning back to him “What caused you to have an issue with Mr-”
“Uniform didn’t like this things’ hand in his pants.” he spat the words, unable to hide his true anger.
“What?” Adelle took her eyes off him a moment to glare at the limp man hanging in his grip.
“You're not Uniform?” Mr Dominic narrowed his eyes, not looking from the threat he was but no longer looking so concerned to rescue the man in his hand.
“Mr. Mikaelson, correct.” Adelle asked.
“Miss Dewitt,” he smiled at her, “it’s been a few years since we last spoke, correct? Mr Dominic, please do put the gun away, you're far more likely to hurt one of your selves instead of me.”
Mr. Dominic did not in fact put the gun away.
“How? you should be wiped.” he said instead,
“I’m one of the oldest Dolls in your companies’ history. I'm a little different.” he inclined his head with a small smirk catching the other man’s eyes to watch as the reminder that he was an experimental doll made him even more tense.
“What did you do to him?” Adelle asked to cut between them.
“I broke his back,” Elijah offered as half shrug, making it look like he was tiring from holding  the man up, “I'm aware he won’t be needing them in the attic.”
“Shall we take this to the office.” Adelle offered seemingly catching the appearance of his growing ‘exhaustion’.
“Indeed,” he agreed “I find that is a far better place for a civilised discussion than a hallway at gunpoint.” he finished raising a brow at Mr. Dominic’s gun.
There was a moment where Mr. Dominic a Adelle had a small battle of wills until she won and he finally put his gun away and followed her into the office.
He waited until the pair had vanished thought the the doorway before he followed, dropping the former handler on the floor just inside without any care and keeping himself out of Mr. Dominic’s reach by an inch as he passed him to go to the collection of bottles Adelle had out on display.
He was still free of his need of blood currently, his pre-arranged blood transfusions twice a month has kept him from desiccation but he still needed a drink of something to calm his still growing anger over the idea of that man using the trust Uniform had been programmed into feeling for him. 
“It does sound like an attempt at a crime” she spoke standing in front of her desk as Elijah helped him to a glass filling it with amber liquor “but you believe the attic is where he should go, that is a serious suggestion.”
“Yeah how are you so sure Uniform didn’t-” Mr. Dominic started.
The glass shatters in his hand.
“Careful.” he warned, “that little gun won’t do anything to protect you from me if you finish that sentence.” the absurdity of blaming Uniform, who hadn’t even understood what was being done to him, how dare he. “He’s been enjoying some of the imprints after their engagement; this was just the first he tried with Uniform. And yes I do believe he should go to the attic after abusing and breaking the trust you programmed into Uniform.”
Uniform had no choice but to listen when he had been told to follow, was trying so hard to  smother his own noises of discomfort and fear because he had been asked to be quiet.
“Understandable,” Adelle agreed “but I would also like to know how you are here and have apparently been aware all this time.” “And why didn't you do anything before now.” Dominic added.
Elijah huffed a sigh as he realised the amber liquid was going to stain his white clothes before he answered them.
“I didn’t care what he did with the imprints when they are consenting but i wasn’t going to sit back as Uniform was scared” he explained honestly as settled into a chair with another glass “and I assume the consciousness has to do with being one of the first imprinted temporarily to be a doll, it would seem I was never wiped.” he lied with a smile.
“We can fix that now, the technology has improved.” Adelle offered.
“I’m aware, my thanks to Mr Topher the shorter imprinting time is far less tortuous but no thank you for fixing it. I'm quite pleased with how things are now, without him of course” he gestured to the man on the floor.
“You’ve been awake through every imprint, how are you sane?” she asked, looking for the first time shaken since he had arrived.
He smiled at her instead of answering, sanity had long left his family.
Her increased heart rate had been giving her away but he was impressed by her even more.
“So you get off on watching others use your body?” Dominic sneered
“Trust me, what my body is doing here is far better than what I would likely be doing otherwise.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Mr. Dominic demanded more.
“Family can lead a man to do monstrous things,” he explained, “a Doll has no family.” he sighed as they both kept looking at him, “I’m not like the others in your care, I signed up to this experience, to have a break from being myself, a vacation as it was described.”
The talk ended shortly after that, when Adelle realised she could not convince Elijah to allow them to try to fully wipe him and Elijah promised he could return Uniform to the forefront of his mind when he returned to the common area. He told her he had stopped the handler’s attempted before any physical danger could be done but she had told him she would be having Dr. Sanders check Uniform after the Handler was dealt with and Elijah gave in, he wouldn’t interfere with her duty and Uniform liked the Dr.
She ordered Mr. Dominic to assort him back down while she would arrange Mr. Clark’s appointment with the Attic. 
The journey downwards in silence and Elijah used it to prepare, switching between himself and a imprint wasn’t something he had done before and taking over in the first place had been instinct and anger but it isn’t hard to work out it’s akin to opening the door in his mind Uniform was behind while stepping back behind his own.
He ignored the numerous other doors that hadn’t existed before this experience, his break.
“You're not that different from the rest of them.” Mr Dominic told him as they returned to the common area, disgust and mistrust absent for the first time “You're just running from yourself.”
Elijah noticed Alpha was standing in the centre of the room below them, and looked away when Elijah met his eyes.
Was he waiting for him- Uniform, interesting.
“Let's both pray, that I don't catch up then, shall we.” Elijah told Mr. Dominic seriously before he closed his eyes.
“Is Mr. Clark gone?” Uniform asked when he found himself stand with Mr. Dominic.
“Yes.” Mr Dominic nodded looking at him oddly. 
“Do you need me?” Uniform asked, always happy to help.
“Why don't you go and colour or something.” Mr. Dominic told him gruffly and Uniform smiled and left.
He liked colouring.
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beautyarchive · 5 months
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Dichen Lachman in the 'Epitaph Two: Return' episode of Dollhouse (2010).
Her nose is so extraordinary. In the second screenshot, it's like a sundial, and in the third screenshot she looks like a beautiful puppet. Does the nose come from being half-Tibetan? I think Tibetan noses are more aquiline than those of other East Asians.
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d-criss-news · 2 months
How Sondheim and Burnett Got Darren Criss to Provincetown
Provincetown hasn’t been compared to The Godfather or Star Wars very often, but those are the examples actor and singer Darren Criss names in acknowledging that his July 21 town hall appearance will be his first visit here.
“Provincetown is like that movie that you haven’t seen but you don’t want your friends to know you haven’t seen, so you don’t incur their wrath and ridicule and disbelief,” he says, noting that several of his good pals visit often. “I don’t bring up that I haven’t been there because my friends will give me crap. I haven’t avoided it — I’ve really wanted to go. Finally, the stars aligned quite nicely.”
Maybe the stars had a little help from Carol Burnett.
Host and accompanist John McDaniel, a Grammy and Emmy award-winning musician, says he invited Criss to be part of his summer Broadway series here after Criss performed on 2023’s Carol Burnett: 90 Years of Love + Laughter TV birthday special. McDaniel was the music director.
Criss’s best-known roles are his breakout portrayal of Blaine for five seasons (2010 to 2015) on Glee in a milestone-for-mainstream-TV gay romance with Chris Colfer’s Kurt, and his 2018 Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning turn as spree killer Andrew Cunanan in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. (Both roles came thanks to producer and Provincetown part-timer Ryan Murphy.)
In addition to acting and singing — including Glee’s “Teenage Dream” cover that climbed the Billboard charts — Criss is a songwriter. He first won notice for co-writing and starring in 2009’s A Very Potter Musical parody for the Chicago-based StarKid Productions, which he co-founded. Criss’s A Very Darren Crissmas generated national holiday tours.
Shortly after Criss wrote the opening number for the 2022 Tony Awards, his friend Paul Miller, director of the Burnett tribute, asked him to refashion Stephen Sondheim’s “Side by Side” from Company into an homage to Burnett’s famous duets with celebrity guest stars.
In what he called “one of the coolest things I’ve ever gotten to be a part of,” Criss performed “Burnett’s Duets” for the star-studded birthday-party special with Broadway’s Sutton Foster. That came after he meticulously dissected Sondheim’s music to fit new lyrics and fine-tuned the arrangement with McDaniel.
“When I was doing this,” Criss says, “in my mind, I was going, ‘What would the ghost of Sondheim be OK with?’ ”
More Broadway music will be on Criss’s mind in Provincetown for what he says will be an unusual program because it likely won’t include original work or him playing guitar or piano; McDaniel will accompany him. Criss prides himself on not performing the same live show twice and plans to include Broadway songs he’s not yet sung in public.
That said, he recognizes fans might want to hear something connected to his own Broadway star turns. Those include — besides the nonmusical American Buffalo in 2022 — How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in 2012 and 2015’s Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Plus, earlier this year, Criss starred in off-Broadway’s Little Shop of Horrors.
In September, he’ll originate a Broadway role for the first time, headlining Will Aronson and Hue Park’s musical Maybe Happy Ending. Criss plays an outdated, retired robot in futuristic Seoul who explores the nature of love with another retired robot (Helen J. Shen). To try to help boost its U.S. profile, Criss is also a producer of the musical, which has been a hit in Korea, China, and Japan. Its Broadway debut will be directed by Michael Arden (2023 Tony Award for Parade, Spring Awakening), a longtime Criss friend who directed the English-language debut in 2020 in Atlanta.
Criss is excited but nervous about the piece; he says it’s intimate and epic at once. “There’s an excitement about the uniqueness and specialness of this show that I’ve never encountered before,” he says. “So that’s either going to crash and burn and blow up in our faces or catch on. I don’t know, but the prospect is very thrilling.”
Criss, who is straight, made headlines this spring for comments at a Chicago expo about being “culturally queer” because of his admiration for the LGBTQ community. “The things in my life that I have tried to emulate, learn from, and be inspired by are 100 percent queer,” he said then, later adding that “it was in queer communities that I’ve found people that I idolize, that I want to learn something from.”
“That had to be the slowest news day ever,” Criss says about his comments getting attention — especially because he’s talked many times before about similar things, including how much it meant to be part of Glee’s Blaine-Kurt relationship story.
Beyond Provincetown and Broadway, in August Criss’s voice will be heard in an unusual spot: on season 10 of Netflix’s Gabby’s Dollhouse, a children’s show, as the new Marty the Party Cat, magical host of the Party Room. It’s a voice role Criss says was planned long before his two-year-old daughter and seven-week-old son were born to him and his wife.
Marty is described by Netflix as a lovable, “exuberant goofball” who has a big heart and the ability to laugh at himself.
“He’s a fun guy,” Criss says. “I’m aspirationally Marty the Party Cat.”
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chocostarsss · 1 month
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