graysdesire · 5 years
🌤 - SMUT. ☁️ - FLUFF. 🌩 - ANGST.
[🌤] MINE
[🌤] SLUT
[🌤] HATE
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dolantwinnnsss · 7 years
An Awkward Party (Dolan twins) Part 3
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Spin the bottle had just started and you were sitting in a circle with Jess on your right and Ethan on your left. Grayson was sitting on Jess’ right. You don’t even know how Jess managed to convince you to play. Now it was Ethan’s turn and the bottle was spinning. Nobody landed on you so far and you have never kissed anyone before so you were getting nervous. What if Ethan lands on you? 
“Woooooo!!” everyone exclaims as the bottle lands on Jess. You smile because Grayson looks a little annoyed. Jess would never cheat on Gray, she loves him too much. You were there since they started going out so you know she’s committed.
Ethan blushes and Jess laughs. “You sure you’re ok with this bro?” asks Ethan sincerely. 
“Yeah, it’s cool. I know you guys aren’t like that,” says Grayson. You don’t believe him and feel kind of bad. 
Ethan and Jess lean in right in front of you and quickly kiss. It was more like a peck. Both of them jokingly cringe and wipe their lips probably sensing that Grayson was a bit uncomfortable. Grayson chuckles. 
Now it’s your turn. This time you knew you were going to have to kiss someone. The question is who? You spin the bottle and close your eyes until you hear people go “woooo.” When you open your eyes you see that the bottle is pointing at Grayson. Jess has her eyebrows raised in surprise. You too raise your eyebrows and widen your eyes at Jess. She laughs and nods, so you assume it’s ok. 
The room feels 10 degrees hotter. You smile awkwardly and lean across Jess as Grayson does the same. There’s a quick peck and people clap. You look back at Ethan and give him a smile. You’re surprised to see that he looks kind of disappointed. It could just be the lighting or something. All of a sudden Jess grabs Grayson’s face and kisses him. This lasts a bit longer which makes everyone go wild, shouting comments like, “damn girl!” and “Yeah Grayson!” You laugh at them and blush, realizing that Jess is indirectly kissing you. 
People start breaking the circle to go get drinks. Grayson and Jess break apart hesitantly when they hear an ILoveMakonnen song. They get up to dance so you get up too and go to the kitchen to get water. 
“Hey,” says Ethan behind you as you’re drinking. You swallow, turn, and smile. “Hey,” you say back.
“Wanna go out on the porch with me?” he asks with an eyebrow raised. You nod.
When you get outside you sit down on the porch swing with Ethan on your left. “So I wanted to say that seeing you and Grayson kiss….” he pauses and you get nervous, knowing where this is going, “I don’t know it made me realize I kind of wanna kiss you.” You don’t know what to think right now. He could just being saying this because he’s drunk. You hadn’t seen him drink anything but you weren’t with him all night. You nod slowly and as you were about to tell him that he’s drunk he kisses you. He gently grabs your cheek and leans in, putting his lips on yours. You inhale and freeze but he continues. 
A few seconds later he realizes you’re not kissing back so he stops. “What’s wrong?” he asks with a worried look. You stare at him and try to find the right words but you can’t so you just keep staring. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he looks embarrassed, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I…I’ll just go,” he says quickly and points to the door. He walks inside shaking his head. You immediately regret not saying something, anything. It was just too fast. All of it.
*smack* You face-palm. “So stupid,” you whisper to yourself, “he’s so cute and you ruined it.” You shake your head.
A few minutes later Jess comes outside holding hands with Grayson and gives him a quick kiss and a goodbye. She sees you and calls you over.
“You ready to go?” she asks, “something wrong?” 
“I’ll tell you later,” you say, “Bye Grayson. Say bye to Ethan for me,” you wave goodbye to him and walk down the lawn to the car with Jess following. You replay the moment over and over in your head. It’s okay, you convince yourself, you could talk to him and explain on Monday. It will be okay.
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strangerquinns · 4 years
grayson & ethan dolan imagines/oneshots masterlist
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Grayson Dolan
your favorite thing
christmas cuddles
wedding guest | grocery store moment
promise | my person (part two)
paradise (smut)
Ethan Dolan
naive | part two | part three | bonus chapter (smut)
after care
proud of you baby
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