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Käitumis –, sotsiaal - ja terviseteaduste doktorikooli aastakonverents
"Enam kui 70 teadlast peavad Noarootsis Tartu ülikooli käitumis-, sotsiaal- ja terviseteaduste doktorikooli 12. aastakonverentsi ning tutvustavad viimaste aastate jooksul tehtud uuringuid ja tulemusi.
Üritusel võetakse muu hulgas luubi alla inimeste internetikasutus ja kehaline võimekus, samuti meedia mõju lastele ja noortele, vahendasid ERR-i teleuudised. Tööalase uurimusena tutvustatakse seda, miks kipuvad inimesed lükkama kohustusi edasi. Ürituse külalisesineja on professor David Ost USA-st, kes räägib üldisest tööjõuliikumisest. Peale uurimisprojektide tutvustamise tunnustatakse konverentsil parimate doktorantide teadusartikleid ning kavandatakse edasist valdkondadevahelist koostööd."
(ERR 23.05.13)
Täpsem info doktorikooli kodulehelt: http://www.doktorikool.ut.ee/kstt//1179867
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Pakkumine doktoriõpinguteks Hollandis
Full PhD scholarships at ICS
Dear Colleague,
We turn to you because we believe you might know excellent graduates in one of the social sciences for whom we have the unique opportunity to obtain a full four-year scholarship in our PhD program for yeargroup 2013.
The recruitment and selection procedure for these full PhD scholarships starts already at April 2, 2013, with advertisements on Dutch and foreign websites (such as academic transfer and www.jobs.ac.uk) and on the ICS website (www.ics-graduateschool.nl).
The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) is an institute for postgraduate studies of the Universities of Groningen, Utrecht, and Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. The ICS offers a postgraduate program for a small selection of excellent graduates in one of the social sciences (including economics, history, mathematics or computer sciences). The structured program consists of training in advanced theory construction and research methods by means of courses, tutorials, and individual study. Supervision and monitoring are intense: each PhD student is supported by a personal supervision team and meetings on a regular basis. After four years, our PhD students will have finished their dissertation and will be well-prepared to enter the growing market for highly trained researchers in the social sciences.
Training and thesis supervision are in English. As the ICS is a joint venture of the universities of Groningen, Utrecht, and Nijmegen, PhD students reside either in Utrecht, Groningen, or Nijmegen. Course locations alternate between Groningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen, with PhD students commuting during the period of each course.
ICS PhD students enjoy rather comfortable conditions, certainly compared to opportunities for PhD students in other countries. The salary amounts to appr. €2062,- before taxes in the first year of the appointment, rising to appr. €2638,- before taxes in the fourth year. There are no tuition fees.
We would like to ask you to search in your own network for recent graduates who might be interested and who are highly qualified.
General information on the ICS and the structure of the program can be found on the ICS-website: http://www.ics-graduateschool.nl Information on the available PhD positions can be found on:http://www.ics-graduateschool.nl/vacancies/
Further information, if necessary, can be obtained via [email protected]
Applications, online only, should be delivered through the ICS website before April 23, 2013.
The interviews will be conducted on June 3, 4 & 10, 2013.
We very much appreciate your interest and cooperation,
Rafael Wittek
Scientific Director ICS
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