#doing their best with the limp scripts theyve been given
perhaps-relax · 3 days
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maaan idk i really like both of their takes on the character, but i kinda wish they weren't so different.
Like...Joseph Mawle's Adar is so sad and meek and gentle, the embodiment of grief and violation that hurts to look at. He can't be anything other than a mistake, so all he can hope to do is protect himself and his kind from the violence their very existence seems to permit. Yet he doesn't begrudge the rest of the world from rejecting the orcs or trying to wipe them out. He knows there this is the inevitable conflict he will have to live with, forever. So he hides his ugliness from the world that would punish it, even if he's made peace with the half-existence it brings.
But Sam Hazeldine's Adar is not even slightly apologetic. This Adar wants the world to look at him and know him and fear him. Why should they have to hide, what is so special about the Valar's creations anyway if they can be so easily corrupted? Even if his motivation is still only to provide a home for orc kind, there is unshakable charisma and confidence in the pivot towards revenge. Maybe its just the direction of his character arc as of the last episode, but that righteous fury seems in opposition to the seclusion he's promised his children.
There's a tainted elf who wants to find a hole to die in, and there's an orc who wants to kill the world for its hypocrisy. The transition would have been really interesting if it was actually intentional.
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