#doing a bunch of grunt work and getting carts ready to get fixed !!!!!
cybervom1t · 5 months
i have an interview tomorrow for a summer job so wish me luck pls :’)
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Your First Fight - Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, Kageyama (Setter Squad)
A/N - This was for anon, I’m so sorry, I’m not sure what the heck happened to this post >-< but it’s back, and I fixed the links on the other posts as well!
Ace Edition
Word Count: 2.8k T-T 
I may or may not have gotten carried away with this one  (✿◠‿◠) Buckle up, and I hope u enjoy!  ( ˘ ³˘)
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You understand why Akaashi wanted to keep your relationship secret. Really, you did. You could already imagine the barrage of overbearing comments, and the teasing that was sure to be a distraction during practice. With Nationals just around the corner, this was the last thing you both needed.
Being the manager of the Fukurodani Volleyball Club, you know better than most just how rowdy the group could actually be. Bokuto may be the loudest one of the bunch, but all the others can be just as provoking.
And to be honest, the sneaking around was kind of hot. You can’t deny you got butterflies every time Akaashi would pull you into the equipment room for a quick make out session, or when he would give your thigh a secret squeeze under the lunch table surrounded by your friends.
But it’s been months now, and frankly, you were kind of getting tired of it. Sure, it may be slightly more convenient for the both of you, but some days you just want to hold your boyfriend’s hand down the hall without having to look over your shoulder.
You’ve only brought it up to Akaashi once before, but he brushed it off by saying it wasn’t the right time, and you were discouraged to try ever since.
You really weren’t planning to bring it up at the Tokyo Representative Playoffs… you really didn’t. But Konoha’s girlfriend showed up to cheer him on, looking so happy and proud in the stands, you couldn’t fight the tinge of envy that started to take over your body.
Akaashi was observant, and he knew you better than anyone. He could see you stealing glances into the stands, could see the tension in your shoulders whenever Konoha’s girlfriend yelled out cheers for him.
He couldn’t stop himself from following you after you told Yukie you were just going to the restroom.
“No good luck kiss?” he called out once the both of you were a safe distance from the team.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone to see,” you said bitterly, not stopping for Akaashi.
Akaashi frowned. “Y/N, you know that’s not true.”
“Well, why else wouldn’t you want to tell anyone about us?” you asked, you finally stopped walking, turning around to give him a hard look.
Akaashi groaned in frustration. “Do we really have to talk about this right here? Right now? I told you, it’s just easier this way.”
You scoffed, and Akaashi hated the sound. “Sorry our relationship is such an inconvenience for you.” You didn’t give him a chance to reply, quickly entering the women’s bathroom, faintly hearing the sound of Bokuto calling your boyfriend’s name behind you.
Akaashi didn’t blame you for the loss against Itachiyama, but he definitely blamed himself.
“Have you seen Y/N?” he asked Bokuto after the game, but the ace just shrugged, too upset about the loss to really care. The whole team had all gathered their things, ready to make their way out of the gym and you still were nowhere to be found.
Akaashi’s worries were relieved, but quickly replaced with new ones when Bokuto spotted you down the hall, cornered by someone wearing a Nohebi uniform.
“So tell me, do you have you a boyfriend?” Akaashi heard him ask, and you finally noticed the team approach you. The evil gleam in your eye didn’t escape Akaashi’s attention.
“No, actually. I don’t.”
It was one thing for you to deny it to your teammates, but to other men? Akaashi shouldn’t be mad that those were the words that came out of your mouth; it was his own fault for putting you in the situation in the first place. He knows you’re just doing what he told you to.
But he was furious, and there was nothing that could have stopped him from grabbing you by the elbow, turning you away from the dirty little snake that dared to talk to you, and crashing his lips onto yours.
You weren’t sure what reaction you were expecting from Akaashi, but it definitely wasn’t this. Though, you weren’t complaining, returning his kiss with equal fervor, ignoring the uncomfortable cough from the Nohebi player, and the gasps and shocked exclamations from your teammates.
All you could focus on when he pulled away was Akaashi, blue eyes staring straight into your soul, the next words tumbling out of his mouth was all you’ve wanted to hear for months.
“You’re mine. I’m going to make sure everyone knows it.”
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You’ve been sitting in the same spot on Kenma’s bed for about an hour now. The room was filled with only the sounds emanating from the TV, and your boyfriend’s fingers tapping on the buttons of his controller.
Kenma always did like falling into a hole whenever he bought a new game; you’ve known this about him since you were kids. It wasn’t something you ever really minded, nor did you think it was something you wanted to change. It was a part of him that you simply accepted.
Normally, you were content with reading a book while he played, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence, getting lost in different worlds. You both respected each other’s hobbies, and the fact that you could do them together in the same room worked out so perfectly.
However, you finished your book faster than you anticipated, and in your shortsightedness, you failed to bring with you a second book. You tried to read webtoons online, but the light from your phone began to strain your eyes.
“Kenma,” you whined as boredom got the best of you, and the blonde boy didn’t bother to respond, “I’m hungry. Can’t we get something to eat?”
“After,” he grunted, though there were no specifications to when ‘After’ would be.
You sighed, getting up from your spot on the bed to tinker with his things. You walk around his room, running your fingers along the books lined on his shelf, picking up frames that contained happy memories of his life.
You hear your phone ding, signaling a message and you turned to make your way back to the bed.
“Hey!” Kenma exclaimed suddenly, making you jump, “Could you not walk in front of the TV? I just died because of you!”
You stared at him in shock for a second. You had never heard him raise his voice before “Excuse me? So what, it’s just a stupid game.”
“It’s not a stupid game,” Kenma grumbled, his voice back to his usual soft tone, but still held a slight tinge of anger. “You know I’ve been waiting for this to be released. Can’t you just read your book and be quiet like you usually do?”
Kenma immediately knew those were the wrong words to say, regretting the way you face turned into a pout. He watched you begin to gather your things, a slight panic rising in his chest when he realizes you’re trying to leave. “You know what, let me just leave you alone, since clearly my company isn’t wanted –“
You were cut off by Kenma getting up from his spot, opening the bottom drawer of his TV stand to rummage through it. You eyed him curiously until he finally found what he was looking for; pulling out another controller that he connected to the gaming console.
He quietly took your hand, pulling you down to sit on the floor with him. You sat cross legged and confused, wondering what he was doing until he handed you the controller. You stared at it in your lap, a small smile spreading on your face at his silent apology.
He started the game on easy mode, giving you a quick rundown on the basic controls.
“I’ll order us some pizza,” he said quietly, making you give him a soft peck on the cheek.
“Pizza sounds good.”
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The booming sound of Oikawa’s serves was something that will never cease to amaze you.
Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile your Oikawa Toru – the one that hides behind your hair during scary movies, and asks you to kill the spiders for him – with Aoba Johsai’s Oikawa Toru. To you, they were just two completely different people.
But when you were watching him practice like this, raw power coming from his usually gentle hands, you can’t help but stare at him in awe.
You don’t usually stay this late to watch him practice; on a normal day, your club activities would end at the same time and Oikawa would walk you home, but on days like today where he felt he needed the extra practice, you left him in the care of Iwaizumi.
You were a little surprised, however, when you found Iwaizumi waiting for you at your club room, claiming he really needed to get his part of his group project done by tonight, and if you could please stay and make sure your boyfriend doesn’t kill himself.
How could you say no?
At this point, you’ve lost track of how many times Oikawa practiced his serve, the repetitive sound of the balls bouncing and his grunting becoming a sort of hypnotic rhythm for you. Before you knew it, the sun had BEEN down, and the moon had taken its place in the night sky.
You begin to notice the telltale signs of exhaustion, Oikawa struggling to catch his breath, chest heaving up and down, his form beginning to look sloppy.
“Alright,” you say, jumping down from your spot on the bench, “It’s time to go home.”
“One more.”
“Tsk,” you clicked your tongue, walking around collecting the balls, “It’s been hours, Toru. Rest is also a part of training, you know.”
He ignored you, grabbing another ball from the cart, but you just started taking down the volleyball net.
“What the hell are you doing? I said one more!” “And I said it’s time to go home!”
The ear-splitting sound of the volleyball slamming the floor cut through the gym, leaving you frozen in place. “You wouldn’t understand! You may be satisfied with doing the bare minimum for your practices, but my serves have to be perfect! I have to be perfect!” Oikawa’s voice echoed, glaring at you with red eyes, frustration evident on his face.
You didn’t say anything. You stared at him for a moment, then turned around and began the process of closing the gym. Oikawa also chose to stay silent, brown eyes trained on the floor as he gathered his belongings, silently following you once you turned off the lights and locked the door.
The walk home was quiet; the lack of a reaction on your part weighing more heavily on Oikawa than he expected. He snuck a glance at you, but you kept your head forward, steel faced and neutral.
Each step he took was more agonizing than the last, knowing he shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that. Your house was beginning to come into view, and he couldn’t leave the night like this.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, and your sharp inhale let him know that you heard him.
“I know.”
“I’m exhausted...” and you know he wasn’t just talking about volleyball.
You finally faced him, and gently grabbed his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders as you snaked an arm around his middle. He felt all the tension his body melt away, half expecting to find it puddled around his feet.
“I know,” you said, “But if you ever talk to me like that again, you’re getting a flying fist to the face.”
Oikawa laughed, drawing one out from your own mouth. He placed a kiss on your temple, and gave you full permission to cut his head off if he ever lashed out at you again. He always appreciated how he never had to tell you anything… you always just knew.
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Kageyama had a pretty good weekend, if you asked him.
He woke up early on Saturday morning to go for a run, then got home and had pork curry for lunch. He figures it’s been a while since he’s brushed up on his basic skills, so he went to the local gym and practiced some drills. On Sunday, he was dragged by Hinata to a study group with Yachi, and admittedly gotten more homework done there than he would have on his own.
It was a nice, productive weekend. He entered his Monday with this positive vibe following him around, even morning practice went by smoothly.
He went about his usual routine of waiting for you by the school gates so he could walk you to class. He only waited about ten minutes until you came into view, and Kageyama subconsciously straightened his posture. He tried to push down the little tickle at the pit of his belly when you made eye contact, not wanting to admit he was excited to see you.
“Good morning,” he said as soon as you approached, but his entire mood completely shifted downward when you simply walked passed him.
Where was his usual ‘Good morning, Tobio-kun!’? Why didn’t you stop to give him his morning peck on the cheek? Why didn’t you let him carry your bag for you on the way to class?
Did he do something wrong?
He was so confused, questions running through his head as he simply trailed after you silently.
“Is everything alright?” He tried to ask once you reached your class, but you just gave him a stern look, turning away from him to enter your classroom and take your seat. He was left there looking like an idiot.
He couldn’t focus in class, trying to wrack his brain on why you could possibly be upset. Did he forget an anniversary? Doubtful, you’ve only just started dating. Were you on your period? Kageyama shook his head. Even he knew that would literally be the worst question to ask.
The bell rang to signal the start of lunch, and Kageyama hurriedly gathered his things so he can go find you.
He didn’t have to look very far, though, because when he exited his classroom, he spotted you down the hall.
The second you saw him, you marched your way over; the dark aura you were giving off had made everyone steer clear of you.
Kageyama gulped, wanting to run away before he remembered that he also wanted to talk to you.
“Y/N –“ “You know, I was going to ignore you the whole day, but seeing you this morning just really pissed me off, and unlike you, I actually can’t stand not talking to you.”
Kageyama blinked, happy to hear your voice, but confused at the words you were saying. “Unlike me? What do you mean?”
You crossed your arms and huffed. “Where the hell were you all weekend?”
Again, Kageyama blinked stupidly. “What do you mean? I was home.”
This seemed like the wrong answer, because now your hands moved to your hips, and for some reason, you were ten times more intimidating like that. “So? You never thought to shoot me a text? Or give me a call?”
“Was I supposed to?” Kageyama asked, and the genuine curiosity in his voice made you face palm.
“Did you not want to?” You asked, though there was no hurt behind the question.
“I did.” “So why didn’t you?”
Kageyama thought about it for a moment. “I went to the gym instead.”
You let out a groan of frustration. Honestly, you should have known. It took you three tries before Kageyama even realized you were confessing to him. It took him even longer to realize that he actually had to tell you he liked you back, and that you had no idea that him buying you yogurt meant he was asking you out.
“Tobio-kun,” you said patiently, “If you’re thinking of me, you should text me or call me to let me know.”
He tilted his head slightly. “Even if I have nothing interesting to say?”
You nodded, looping your arm through his and starting your walk to the cafeteria. “Even then. I just want to hear from you.”
Kageyama nodded his head in understanding. “Okay. That’s good to know.”
Your phone never stopped blowing up after that conversation. RIP your notifications.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 5
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* A couple hours earlier *
Still mid call with Dain in his try to figure out who was behind the show Gorgo sat in her office that Gimli and Gloin had stopped in the office across from to give her some privacy. Admiring the new art on the wall Gimli kept busy while Gloin glanced at his still buzzing phone deciding to silence the guys in their constant requests for updates. Calling Thorin he said, “Thorin, none of you mentioned the Lass worked for Findis for 12 years.”
Through the line he could feel their moment of looking at one another around the phone on speaker before Dwalin asked, “She works at Findis? We never got that far.”
Thorin, “Only came up how long her shifts were. She had a good review then?”
Gloin, “The Dominic fiasco, she fixed it.”
Balin, “Impressive. No doubt they will have ample tales to share on our young Lass.”
Gloin, “Well, tomorrow is her day off, I’ll be there with all the details for her.”
Dwalin, “What did she settle on? We caught you mentioning she could afford a home.”
Gloin, “Cerulean  Circle. Perfect for her to grow into.”
Thorin, “Better deal than her current expense?”
Gloin smirked, “Around 500 cheaper a month.”
Thorin, “Good. It was what she wanted all around?”
Gloin, “She expected a closet I assume. Seemed nervous, assuming it would all get pulled out from under her. I don’t know what she’s faced before in backlash for her relatives, this house is exactly what she deserves right now. So no spooking her tomorrow with any comments on anything going wrong or foul weather or any omens, nothing, I don’t want to risk startling the poor dear she’s had a rough few centuries so far.”
Dwalin, “We wouldn’t dream of it. The boys will behave we’ll see to it.”
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They couldn’t even begin to imagine what to expect of Beryl. All the news shared was that it was this ghastly place, but with the fact that you had lived there each of them had a hint of hope that it wasn’t as terrible as others had let on. An hour and a half drive from their familiar city to endless interstate flipped suddenly to what they could only link to a sort of resort style decor. Bright but empty buildings that would seem like they would be lovely and ready to open up for the day yet the empty flowering cacti lined streets were bare of any customers. Word apparently had passed on and if someone would be taking over the city it seemed easier as all the Troll, Orc and Uruk-hai citizens were driving opposite ways from where they were headed with loaded trucks of their own leaving just the gleeful goblins strolling by between groups of Easterlings glaring at each truck passing by.
Up to the lot behind your building they pulled in and Thorin exited the van with his cousins and Nephews while the Driver stayed in the truck watching the group of Uruk-hai teens loading up more boxes into their own while their mother nursed their sister. Peering up at the oddly cheerful yellow shingled building with ample windows, balconies and a glass roof for the very top floor surrounded by sectioned off planters with clearly dug up plants a trio of Trolls were potting to transfer to their owners in their group upping arrival. Fili, “Not what I pictured.”
Bilbo, “Certainly not what the news says it’s like.”
Gloin eyed the building saying, “17th floor.”
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Thorin glanced at his cousin and sighed joining Dwalin on leading the way into the stunningly picturesque apartment lobby with crisp white and gold accented wingback furniture and cherry tables topped by gold lights filling the place. Into the massive elevator they all squeezed and Kili said, “There’s no floor 17.”
Gloin cleared his throat feeling eyes on him and said, “A renter refused to sacrifice space to aid in continuing the lift shaft.”
Bofur couldn’t help but snort behind his hand and Kili hit the button and the men sighed hating they would have to take two flights of stairs. Only at the 15th floor they noticed the ceilings for higher and in the stairwell they realized there was four flights they would have to trek to get to your floor. Groaning on the whole path they finally reached your floor eyeing the hand carved doors each with stunning tunes and images etched into the wooden slats on the metal doors.
The one on the end sticking out by the much older wood and firefly accented door above the yellow and black diagonally striped mat outside drew them to it. The opening of the one across from it however halted the men who eyed the massive pair of Uruk-hai brothers standing at over eight feet tall who looked them over in return only to nod their heads and shift allowing the bubbly blonde half Troll women through. The last who said in a thick accent, “Good to see ta Bun has moving hands.”
Her mate grunted in return, “Not much to move,” shifting to grab an armful of ukulele cases his brother grabbed the rest of.
The other male said with a point, “Trash chute is silver, big shaft, take that to 15, how we moved couches.”
Thorin nodded, “Will do, thank you.”
His wife grinned and passed Dwalin a decorative pan in the shape of a flower, “For ta Bun, luck and safe for move.”
Dwalin nodded in their path to the stairs leaving their empty oblong apartment open, “I’ll give it to her.”
“You help ta Bun?” A voice behind them boomed and it seemed more and more doors opened up with the same question being asked until all five doors around them had been left open and empty apartments sat open in the families heading down to their vehicles.
Pulling the lever in the wall next to the door frame Bilbo drew the focus back to your apartment at the muffled buzzing sound followed by a muffled thud narrowing eyes at the door. Suddenly it swung open and with a panting grin you eyed the group of Dwarves behind the Hobbit who flashed you a quick grin once his eyes had trailed the lightning streak like scar along your collar bone in a telling white on your olive skin revealed in your sideways slanted baggy tank top over ink stained jean shorts and bright green converse. “Hey, um, wow you brought a group, I pictured like, three of you.”
Thorin smirked and rumbled back, “What use would three be in emptying a house? Your neighbors gifted, ta Bun, a bunch of tins.”
In their flashing you the tins you grinned, “Aww, so sweet of them they didn’t have to.”
Dwalin, “Can we ask why?”
“I’m the elder on the floor. You always gift the eldest before you leave a territory.” When you stepped back you said, “Guess we can see how many of you fit.”
Peering inside Dwalin asked eyeing the floor to ceiling piles of books with cubbies filled with knickknacks, sketches and mini framed portraits. “You didn’t pack?” All across the walls around the cubbies and cabinets acting as your closet surely showed little effort towards moving past the laundry basket with blankets, sheets and pillows on top of the blood boiling twin sized mattress on a four inch platform.
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Turning around from your path to the kitchen you eyed the shelves and giggled approaching one. At the base you tapped your foot on the blue slanted square pattern all at once causing in a ripple the cubbies to drop into the base until in a line of trunks the bare walls were revealed. Some with a few collapsing trunks resting one on top of the other or even more behind the first row parting their lips. “Sorry, keep forgetting only Trolls make them.” You said stepping around your troll sized armchair and round end table clearly acting as your dinner table on the lone patch of tile acting as your dining area against the jut out spot where your shelves for the open pantry was.
Bofur said, “Very handy.”
“Packed up the kitchen should be room for the gifts still.”
Splitting up the men divided to grab the trunks to fill the carts they brought for the trash chute. Just leaving a bed sheet coated object and the bed Kili tapped the triangle on making it snap up too luring a smirk across his lips while holding the laundry basket of sheets to carry down with the rest of it all until the room was empty except for the sheet coated object Thorin and Gloin were staring at.
Pointing at it Fili asked, “Miss Pear, what’s under the sheet?”
Gloin, “It’s not your bird cage, is it?”
You shook your head, “No, they’re up top. That’s my piano.”
Unable to help it Thorin smirked and purred, “You have a piano in all this?”
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Firing back with a playful smirk you walked over and pulled back the sheet dropping their jaws seeing the partial geode carved piano with stone legs and crystal revealed top housing the keys and compartment for the strings and mounts. “Where-,” Gloin rasped out.
With a smirk you replied, “Gift from my Gran.”
Dwalin, “That’s singing stone.”
“Yes it is.” Still smirking as it registered that it was crafted from stones known to him along to whatever tune you played harmonizing to even the simplest of tunes. “Lighter than it looks.” You said guiding the Dwarves to lift the instrument and set it on the cart. While that went down you led Bilbo, Thorin and Dwalin upstairs. Right behind you Bilbo wondered just where this supposed garden of yours was only to let out a gasping squeal in seeing the stunning oasis under the golden light refracted into dozens of rainbows around the planters of various flowers, small fruit bearing trees, vines and bushes beside the trunks you closed holding your potatoes, carrots and green beans. “Now it shouldn’t be too heavy to manage, those are Uruk planters, fairly light for most races though a bit cumbersome and I’ll get the swings.”
Thorin muttered to himself, “Swings..” eyeing the Elven rope contraptions laced between support beams with bells and nipping decorations showing signs of being pecked at and adjusted.
Fili begins his uncles climbed up next saying, “I thought they said you had birds.”
“Be nice Kuu,” you said and his gaze followed yours to his left. With eyes widening at the once thought odd shimmering silver white speckled bush with a silvery green eye aimed right at Dwalin in the head turning around revealing the face of the turning three foot Great Owl chick from his being woken by the scent and sounds of the strangers.
Kili let out a breath of air, “You have a Great Owl..”
Moving past the Dwarves you shifted the hamster carrier like cage packed with woven tufts of grass and soft clover holding the egg carton like holder with the shimmering galaxy humming bird flock seated in and around the nests watching those around you. Curiously Thorin moved closer to a yellow and orange crystal box with a slot in the top filled with coins he shifted sideways to read the word ‘Rent’ across the top on a piece of painting tape. His smirk however fell at the sudden appearance of the nearly two foot tall zebra striped raven now dangling sideways on one of the swings squawked at Thorin who whispered in Raven tongue, “Hello.”
Belly replied, “Hello, that is my rent. Mind the box, it is heavy.”
Thorin smirked deeper and nodded as you said, “This is Balakavallatagh, but only I can call him Belly.”
Belly nodded, “Only Jack Rabbit.”
Bilbo after touring the mini garden helping the Dwarves on how to close or carry each planter asked, “Jack Rabbit?”
Grinning at him you said, “My name is Jaqiearae.”
He nodded, “Ah, what does ta Bun mean?”
Weakly you chuckled adjusting your sleeve to sit on your shoulder again only for it to slide off once more calling eyes back to your scar, “Trolls and Uruk call you by the meaning of your name. Jack Rabbit is a slur in their tongues. They call hare, bun. So, the Bun. You add ‘ta’ to alert others that it’s a name.”
Bilbo nodded, “Makes sense.”
Dwalin asked noticing the stained glass wrought iron panels, “What is that glass there?”
Your head turned and Belly said, “Houses stripped for travel.”
Fili looked at the Owl as he stretched his wings and shivered fluffing up his feathers mumbling, “We were told it was a long distance.”
Smirking to yourself you brought over a wicker basket with a lid you carried between the confused men saying, “Alright Kuu, lets get you down the steps and you can nap in here.”
Hopping off the short perch the men watched his strut to the steps only to slide down the railing and land with a clack of his talons muffling. Bofur chuckled seeing you crouch to raise him on your arm that lowered into the basket he nestled into as you added the lid, seen to close his eyes again through the open slot in the side. To join his friend Belly slid next halting the Dwarves there gawking at the impossibly rare breed of Raven looking each of them over with his pale green gold flecked eyes while you went up again. Each planter was being brought down while you reached up giving simple tugs on the swings that came free and filled the second basket. From downstairs you heard Belly call out, “Travel tunes!”
“I got it.” You called back making the men around you chuckle again.
Dwalin, “Travel tunes?”
Weakly you chuckled, “Insisted I make a mix tape of their favorite songs to pass the time. Never been in a car before.”
Gloin, “Can’t wait to hear what their choice is,” holding a small pear tree following Bifur with the orange tree.
Bilbo asked, “How did you manage all this? I don’t mean to insult you, but this isn’t exactly prime condition for crops.”
“I’m half Vanyar, we’re a little bit impossible.”
Dwalin rumbled, “Other half Hobbit no doubt.”
“No, Teleri, Hobbit and Maiar.” Halting him for a moment to look you over, “His Mom was half Hobbit, so, close.”
Thorin, “Maiar?”
You nodded, “Only like an eighth? I think, hard to keep up the math. I’m a mutt.” Looking to Bilbo you said, “It’s not that hard, just have to find the right mix for the soil and add in extra minerals and adjust each to fit the best sunlight positions.”
On the other end of the room Kili asked, “Miss, um, what happened to your bike?”
You turned looking at the half of your bike left by the remnants of your homemade washing machine, “That was my washing machine that also hooked up with the sprinklers.”
Bilbo, “Sprinklers?” You nodded and showed him the bucket of hoses you had used to link up to the part of the roof that flooded you used as a makeshift water well for the plants emptied by the force of the pump you had made.
Bofur, “How did you come up with all this?”
You looked at him, “Had a lot of time to myself in Ruun. You pick up a lot on how to work with scraps.”
The men collectively repeated the name of the now destroyed island prison the Dark Elves from past the Smoking Cinders Forest below Orcarni had held thousands of Elves captive from the forces they faced in the wars centuries back. “Ruun?!”
You nodded, “Service was mandatory in Nuunife, 50 years. 2 years in our freighter was hit, again, my name had me snatched up from the wreckage, even though I was an engineer. Wasn’t that bad, past the first couple months…”
Again Bilbo’s eyes fell to your shoulder at the stroke of your fingers along the scar, “They did that?”
“Um, the carrier got hit by something, the reactor surged, caught me, but they have uv markers, to brand their prisoners. It’s there, and on the back,” you shook your head, “You don’t need to look at me like that. Staged a coup and stole one of their carriers we managed to get to Numenor. Discharged, with honors outstanding.”
Lowly Gloin said patting your other shoulder, “No doubt in that.”
Bilbo wet his lips, “I only mention, that is, I’m a tattoo artist, if you like we work with uv often, it is fairly easy to cover if it is old.”
“Well it was seven centuries back.”
Bilbo grinned at you, “I’ll leave you my card, we can set up an appointment to think up a design you might like whenever you like. No worries on the cost, we always offer free for jobs like this for former service men and women.”
You nodded and turned to help gather the rest of the odds and ends until you were joining the guys down. Holding the hummingbird carrier with Belly on your shoulder nuzzling against your head to keep calm at his first and last time out of this apartment with you while Kuu tried to sleep riding on the cart in his basket. Through the slot on the locked office wall Bilbo slid the envelope holding the key to your open apartment and joined you all on the walk to the waiting van beside the locked up truck.
In the back of the trunk Kuu was settled while Belly and the carrier were with you in the front seat you buckled into. Into the slot the mix tape was eased and your fingers rose to smooth against your forehead as the first song popped up. For an hour the songs would play and for the embarrassment you had assumed to feel the singing and bouncing Dwarves joined the birds bopping along to ‘Safety Dance’ to start off the long voyage.
There was no time for sentiment, no time to take a lingering stroll through the tiny apartment, not while your mind raced at all you had shared in these past few days. No one had ever asked about your scar before, a stunning fact stinging at you. No one had asked why you were so fine with being alone and living in such cramped quarters, were used to going without. Or how you had grown to be so comfortable with the supposed rougher races who mainly had a lifetime a third of all the others explaining why they would use surrogates from the race of Men every other generation to hopefully extend that precious time they had together. No one had cared to try and help you like this before, and it was highly understated that you were beyond baffled as to how to behave after this.
As fast as you had been moved out your things were moved to the equivalent of the rooms they had been taken from and a call from the owner of the truck had the guys off again. One lingering awed gaze at the greenhouse was what Bilbo got to take with him before managing to slip you his card to come up with your tattoo idea. And with the closing of your forest green door you turned with a grin to Belly with his head cocked on top of one of your trunks only to join you in a giddy hop while you let out an excited squeak.
Through the house you showed the birds then got to assembling their homes again in the greenhouse while they flew around inspecting the arches and domed ceiling praising the home you had found for all of you. From above between glances off the arches they helped to guide you in laying out the planters to better spots. All sharing their eagerness to see how the earth would take their plants once you had moved them from their planters finally. Their swings were next with Belly helping to guide the ropes and swings under them with much more space this time around for their bells and dangling perches. Carefully you helped to resettle the nests for the hummingbirds back in their home they thanked you for then nestled on top of again to nap from their tiring day ensuring their favorite flowers were taking in all the sunlight they could before they had drifted off.
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Though on your walk back to the kitchen you paused hearing your doorbell ring. With your head cocked you walked through the house to your front door. Opening it you found Thorin holding Belly’s tape, “Forgot this.”
“You drove all the way back to give me this?”
A moment his lips pursed and he replied, “No.” Your brow inched up and he lifted a bag from his side, “I brought food. It needs to cool, so I thought you might need help unpacking your kitchen?”
“I knew you were up to something.” His brow inched up, “Trying to subtly hide my dishes too high up for me to reach.” Earning an eye roll from him as he walked in easing the door behind himself shut then followed after you to the kitchen. On top of the counter he set the bag and watched you open the trunk you had filled with the things from your kitchen. Cubbies rose slowly and on the counter you set the open topped boxes of food you had pulled from your pantry he helped to take back to your new pantry. “You could have waited on the tape till tomorrow.”
Lowly he rumbled back, “Didn’t feel right. One call and you were just alone. Well, not alone,” his eyes scanned over your face in setting the empty boxes back and joining you in grabbing the next set with cups he followed your lead in where to place them to your liking. “How are they taking it?”
“Well, the hummingbirds are napping, thoroughly exhausted by the whole ordeal,” making him chuckle to himself, “It’s such a big world to them. And the greenhouse is amazing.”
“Yes it is.” His eyes scanned over you again from the side of his gaze.
“Kuu is finding his favorite spots to hide, and Belly is taking a lap over the block.”
Thorin smirked, “No wonder your neighbors seemed to be buzzing. They are rare you know. Hardly ever seen out of captivity due to their status. Where did you find him?”
“Old neighbor bought his egg, wanted to eat him, I told them a lie and bought him. Still trying to perfect my Raven tongue. Bit rough, but I am not the worst student.”
“It is impressive, few other races can master the sounds.”
“Exactly. Part of why he’s patient. Plus Kuu had a talk with him when he was young, I had a hard week and started crying halfway through a lesson. It was bad, worse than bad, but he understands. I tried to get him some raven buddies but apparently I looked a bit shady in the shops or something, wouldn’t let me buy one.”
Thorin chuckled again, “You’re not shady. Few shops sell unless given an event one of their clan are holding. Ravens are meant to bond with their keepers, I am sure you know. To hear you have one,”
“Ya, no doubt I’ll pluck it and eat it.” Making him chuckle again in your move to the silverware trays you eased into their new drawers you left cracked to remember which they were in. “Maybe he can find one or two around here to chat with.”
Thorin chuckled saying, “Perhaps I could bring by my raven, Roac, he loves meeting new birds. Should have heard him the last time a pigeon landed on our balcony.” In a curious glance over you he asked, “You like it here? I mean, you bought it, but, was it what you hoped for?”
“Always liked the Hobbit style, I do have to admit the Dwarf touches too, especially in the greenhouse. Let me guess, something, modern for you.”
With a smirk he turned with you to your round dining/end table you set plates on and slid a pair of trunks over to for seats, “My brother picked the style. It was available. Plenty of rooms for the pair of us, bit cramped with our nephews there.”
“Gloin can’t help there?”
Thorin chuckled, “Trust me, he wants to, but none of us can agree on a place or find a day we’re all off for hunting. Plus the boys have terrible taste.”
Looking in your fridge you said, “Apple juice or cranberry juice?” his brow inched up, “Or I have a water bottle left? Guess I’ll have to shop.”
While he carried the bag of food over he answered, “Apple, please.” You brought him over a small 8 oz bottle of juice deepening his smirk as it nearly vanished inside his fist the same size of your bottle of cranberry juice you set down while you sat down on the trunk behind you. “These are adorable,” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“I reuse them, get the bigger bottles and pour them in these so I can use the bigger ones for making soaps.”
“Do you need help with furniture?” he said setting out the final container of food noticing your fork being pointed at him.
“I’ve got it, I’ve known you a few days you’ve helped me with a review job, to move and brought me dinner, you do not get to redecorate too. I got it, gotta plan.”
“And how long will that take?”
You shrugged, “Who knows.” Making him roll his eyes next watching you serve yourself from the containers to fill your plate before he did the same.
“Well if you-,”
“Need help, I know, I will contact my local Mug Dealer.”
“I-,” you smirked at him and he rolled his eyes and looked to his plate again. “You must be pleased most of my family is calling me that now.”
“It’s adorable, plus it gives you a bit of mystique to add to your daily life in that shop of yours.”
“So you assume I need mystique in my life?”
“Everyone does,” you said filling your fork, “My main job’s mostly watching other people live their lives from the background. You have no idea how many stories whiz right by you, no doubt having a shop is like that too. People buzz in and out without ever really interacting with you as a person.”
Through your next bite he looked over your face and asked, “Gloin did spill the beans, you work at Findis, do you like it there?”
“It’s nice. I’ve got a nitpicking thing, I’m good at cleaning. Did get bumped up to the top floors so I also do errands and such, within reason of course. But it’s one of the best jobs I’ve had. Now I’m just a stop away from it. How bout you, you like the shop?”
“We opened the shop, it’s our baby. I love the shop. Not the baby sitting hassles from time to time, I have nothing against mothers but the ones who plan poorly taking advantage of those who try to help them, I have little compassion for.”
“I’m not-,”
He shook his head and gave his hand a slight wave in front of his chest after taking a bite of his food, “You are not taking advantage. And if you were I wouldn’t blame you.”
“My past doesn’t forgive being cruel. It demands the opposite.”
“I get that.”
“But thank you for the permission to take advantage of you.” Coughing through swallowing his mouthful he glanced up at you seeing your puffy cheeked grin, a sparing sip of his drink later and you got back to eating talking about possible ideas you could use for filling your empty rooms and companies to help.
Chatting playfully back and forth eventually in your shared history of wishing for castles with hidden hideaways and treasures came to a halt as he said, “I have books on how to build secret doors in bookshelves.”
You lowered your drink and pointed at him making his brows inch up, “I have a secret study!”
Chuckling lowly he asked, “What?”
Up you popped taking hold of his wrist pulling him to his feet excitedly spreading his grin in his trot behind you passing through your bedroom into the hidden study through a hidden door earning another chuckle from him. When you let him go he looked around and stopped to see you pull the door open in the atrium revealing the second hidden door there. “It’s so cool!”
He chuckled again and stepped closer to you only to pause at the alarm sounding on his phone he pulled out. “Oh, wow it’s getting late. Let me help you clean up.” While you turned his hand clenched a moment in realizing just how close to you he had been standing.
Quietly through lingering chuckles you both cleaned up and into the trash can you brought out of another trunk the containers were put while he rinsed the dishes and set them to dry on the rack in the washer. Closing that had him turn to see you flashing him a rapid grin and shift to guide him to the door, through the forest green door you eyed his sporty black car he walked to saying, “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” Waves were traded and you closed the door in his lowering into the car. Exhaling slowly you leaned against the door and turned your head to flip the lock feeling the locks inside the door shifting to latch into the frame at several points. “Why does he have to be so amazing?” you sighed out in a push off the door to head to your bedroom to try and get some sleep.
Another kick to your bed case had it expanding to full Troll size in the center of the room with a cushioned head and footboard now fully expanded. Onto the bed you crawled and plopped down hugging your pillow in the softly rising light of the crystal lanterns on the walls that would give off a soft glow through the house so it was never fully dark inside.
A sudden pop up had you also ensuring the garage and back door were locked as well before coming back again to lay across your pillow again. To the sound of Kuu singing a song you fell asleep smiling to yourself in planning the letter you would write to your mother, sisters and Cirdan. Breakfast would come soon enough and after a shower you could start a draft of it all to send off while you ate, surely the first of dozens until you could get the wording right and add pictures of your new home.
Pt 6
A rough sketch of the Dwobbit Home I made up. :)
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@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
Could I please request a continuation of Byleth and his three fatties? Maybe where Sylvain is disobedient, refusing to bottom because he insists he's a top, so Byleth gives him an experience that he won't forget!
All smut will be tagged #risque
Sorry this took so long! But here it is and I hope you enjoy it
"Are you ready?" Byleth's head popping in upside down, Sylvain struggles. Grunting, the hands clamped around his wrists resist his attempts at rolling, getting up requiring too much of his energy with his gut in the way.
The gift of morning sex unappreciated, Sylvain had climbed on top of a drowsy Byleth. Breath knocked out of him, not from the sight of Sylvain's nude body but from his crushing weight, Byleth had struggled to push him off. Ribs saved, he did manage to shove him off. Pissed off, Byleth left Sylvain all on his lonesome for the entire day.
Work done for the day, Byleth had come back to an amorous Sylvain. Immediately hugged and shoved against the wall, Sylvain's body covering Byleth entirely, a digging hand finding his buried dick was enough to distract the needy Sylvain. Plush carpet softening the fall, Byleth pushed him down.
His foot on top of Sylvain's stomach, Sylvain unable to roll around with the pressure, Byleth simply waited for Ashe and Caspar to show up. The two doing just that on clockwork, he commanded them to hold on to Sylvain's arms and to not let him up while he left for a quick minute before he came back.
Which led to their current situation.
A cart of food by Sylvain, Byleth had instructed Caspar and Ashe to stuff Sylvain while he teaches him a personal lesson. All four of them already disrobed.
Standing back up and walking to the front of Sylvain, his plush stomach covers his groin and thighs. Caspar and Ashe immediately working, Sylvain can barely mutter anything, bits of various deserts crammed down his mouth.
Taking the time to first enjoy the scene, Byleth watches for a bit. Sylvain the fattest of the three, extra food needed to placate him, he's all around wide. Large, sagging gut that now reaches down his knees, the pendulous rolls of fat shake with each cumbersome step Sylvain rarely takes, much preferring the pampered lifestyle. Pliable, soft rolls that cascade off the side. Wide door crushing hips, the size of which would put any birthing hips to shame. And malleable breasts so plump and tender, the sensitive spots a treasure to touch. Caspar and Ashe shorter than Sylvain, their width was comparable to his despite their lower weights. Ashe bottom heavy, his jutting ass was culprit to items getting knocked over from his clumsiness. One is his thighs now wider than a person, each desperate waddle was a vision in motion. His creamy stomach halfway to his knees only make said waddled more arduous. Caspar instead top heavy, his overflowing gut and breasts were his main issue. Push-ups definitely impossible for him as well, his stomach rests on the floor despite being at the crest of a push-up, and that had been months ago, Caspar far too lazy to attempt such a difficult task again. His gut reaching his knees as well, the lumps of fat roll off his thighs, not enough area to hold his stomach. His breasts heavily weighing on him as well as his stomach, the two engorged breasts rest on his shelf of a stomach.
And yet, despite both claiming a stake in obesity, Sylvain's larger stake into bigger and beyond left him just as rowdy and assertive as before. A task Byleth finds needs fixing.
Immediately reaching for Sylvain's breasts, he falls down onto Sylvain's gut, the expansive fat cushioning him. Hands wrapped around his breasts, Byleth begins pulling and squeezing, as if milking him. The joke not lost on Sylvain, his retort ends up a bunch of grumbles, Ashe shoving moist strawberry shortcake in his mouth. Rubbing and massaging Sylvain's breasts, Byleth can barely feel Sylvain's growing excitement with it buried under so much fat.
"You make a great bed," Byleth crawls back off of Sylvain's stomach, kneading and rolling it all the while. Glancing back up, he spots the way Caspar and Ashe blush and avert their gazes. But their expectant faces they make show their wants. Holding off on letting them join a bit longer, Byleth reaches under Sylvain's stomach. Digging into his fat pad, his dick like a needle in a haystack, the budding hard on is barely beginning. Toying with it, Byleth wraps his hand around it. Holding it firmly yet gently, he rubs his thumb up and down his tip. Precum slowly oozes out, slicking his fingers in it.
Gurgling sounds coming from Sylvain, a dribble of drool escaping past the eclair Caspar shoved in his mouth, alerts him to his correct decision. Sylvain's quickened breaths nearly blocked out from his intake of food, Byleth lets go, Sylvain almost getting his release first. Stomach dropped back down, Sylvain's whole body shakes.
Checking the cart, Byleth grins at it halfway gone, Caspar and Ashe doing their jobs splendidly. "Watch out, heavy load coming through," On the side of Sylvain, Byleth roughly rolls him onto his back. Stuffed gut full of food, Sylvain complains. The mountainous hillside of a back and ass revealed to him, Byleth wastes no time.
Sylvain resting on his stomach, his hopes of less food don't come true. Caspar now feeding him, he picks up the pace, Ashe massaging and grabbing Sylvain's rolls before he comes back to feed him, Caspar toying with Sylvain's body next. Stuffed and constantly played with, his raging hard-on presses uncomfortably into the floor. Arms struggling, he tries to lift himself up. Dropping down, his breath hitches as his dick rubs against the floor, any friction wanted. Attempting again, a slap to his ass shocks him, arms failing him.
Hands rubbing his lardy cheeks, Sylvain can barely hear Byleth's voice from his own breathing and chewing.
"I choose when you cum," Byleth deciding now, he aligns himself with Sylvain's cavernous hole. Taking the plunge, he bites his lip at the warmth.
Sylvain's tongue lulls out for a second. Blinking, he shakes his head, remembering that this is what he was supposed to do to Byleth.
Byleth commanding them to stop feeding Sylvain, Caspar and Ashe immediately go to his breasts, the mounds splayed out to the side on the floor. No food to stop him this time, he whimpers as Byleth gives a thrust. Entire body shaking, Sylvain wheezes. Hands rubbing his breasts, Sylvain shuts his eyes tight, release so close.
Byleth unwilling to prolong his own needed release, he springs into action. Hips slamming into Sylvain's wide ass, Byleth only goes a few thrusts before Sylvain cums. His semen trapped in his layers of fat, none of it seeps onto the floor. Sylvain's ragged breaths come out further ragged as Byleth continues pounding into him. Sylvain's fatty ass does wonders for him, his own seed promptly releasing.
Arms wrapped around Sylvain's ass, Byleth stays inside him. Huffing, he remains as such, Caspar's and Ashe's expectant whimpers stiffening him up again.
Pulling out, he rolls Sylvain over once more. Drooled face, exposed, Sylvain's simply wheezes as he catches his breath. Sitting proudly on Sylvain's gut, each breath rising and lowering Byleth, he shoves cake in Sylvain's mouth, Sylvain chewing it diligently. "This is only the beginning, Sylvain. I'm gonna keep fattening you up until you forget all about that silly idea of topping,"
Caspar and Ashe lovingly nuzzling into Sylvain's neck and chest, Byleth smiles at the hardworking two.
"All right, who's next?" Byleth grins down at them, both eagerly raising their hands, the two much more whipped than Sylvain. Though even Sylvain is much more whipped now, and if any get out of line, there's always more food for all three of them.
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Easter Bunny
This in an early one shot of Erik Killmonger and Reader of Color as parents to a beautiful 3 year old princess. The are getting ready for Easter and the reader buys something adorable that’ll get everyone’s attention. This contains a little profanity and a whole lotta cute fluff.
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   It was the weekend before Easter and you grabbing last minute things at Target for the family gathering that was taking place. You were in the food section looking for white chocolate melts for your famous cake pops when you got a call from your loving husband. “Hello, Erik” you smiled even before you heard his voice. “Aye, baby. Serenity just woke up from her nap and now I’m running a bath for her. We miss you, my Queen.” 
“Awe, I miss y’all too, baby. I just gotta make sure everything is perfect since everyone and they moms gonna be at there next Sunday. Ah, here they are. I know Serenity and her classmates are gonna love these cake pops.”
“Those shits are fire. Fuck you mean”, he said making you laugh. “Baby, we still gotta find an outfit for our baby girl. Serenity, come on baby”. You can hear him grunt on the other end as he picked up y’all child. “Damn, See. You getting big on me, princess. What momma feeding you?” You kissed your teeth and said “that’s yo ass feeding her steak, grits and cheese eggs like a fucking football player.” He said “hey, if my baby girl wanna be a football player she can be one. Huh. baby.” You can tell she was nodding super hard and said “see, my baby now what’s up”. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile as you turned into the toddler section and your eyes fell on a cute white tutu with a peach top and matching jacket. “Eeeeeeek, this is ssoooooooo cute. Ugh my baby needs this in her life” you said as he chuckled. You can hear serenity as she called out your name. “Mamamamamamamama”. “Hi, mommy’s baby. I’m on my way home to shower you with all the kisses in the world.”   “You talking to me or SeSe” he asked and you can hear a smile in his tone. “Oh yeah, you too”. He kissed his teeth and chuckled. “Be careful, baby. I love you.” You grinned and replied “I love you more” before hanging up. You made your way to the Easter section to grab some cute eggs for candy, money and other goodies when you looked looked to your left with big wide doll eyes and couldn’t help but to throw the items in the cart excited on your way to ring out
   You pulled into the driveway with a simple two honks. That’s when you saw your baby girl bouncing in Erik’s arms. You got out to the get stuff out the backseat but Erik appeared behind you, handing Serenity and taking the bags from you. “Hi, my baby” you looked at your babies dark brown eyes that you blessed her with and her super thick Afro. She had Erik’s smooth brown skin and his nose as well; the perfect combination of you two. She puckered her lips at you and you started to shower her sweet face with kisses.    Erik looked at you both and said “what about BaBa? Don’t I get any love?” Serenity looked at her dad and then raises her bottle up. “BaBa” she said with a sweet smile. You laughed with a snort and he looked at her with a smirk. “You knew what I meant wittle girl” he said leaning his face into hers. He attacked her with kisses of his own and she giggled with a “dada”. You all walked into the house and he placed the bags in the kitchen, unpacking everything grocery. You kicked your shoes off and sat on the couch still kissing your baby’s face.
   “Here you go, baby” he said as he handed the bag to you and kisses your lips. He sat beside you two and took Serenity in his arms with her bottle still in hand. You dug in the bag and said “baaaaaby, look what mommy got you” as out pulled out her Easter fit with bunny ears and a matching basket. Her face lit up when she dropped her baba, reaching for the ears. When you passed them to her, she said “tankoooooo” with puckered lips and you gave her a small kiss while she placed them on her hear, eventually slipping to cover her eyes. Erik fixed them and she exclaimed “tankoooo, dada” with those lips again and she returned a tiny kiss. He looked over into the bag and said “oh, babyyyy? What is that?” You followed his eyes then looked back with a smile and a little dance as he mocked you. You grabbed the bag staring at him and just smiled. “I thought this would be super adowable and everyone would wuv it.” 
   When you turned the packaging over, his eyes grew big and he looked back you. “Y/N Stevens-Udaku, ell naaaaah” he said as he rose from the couch with Serenity still in his arms and placing her in her high chair. “But whyyyyyyy” you asked with a pout once you followed the pair in the kitchen and sitting on the counter. He chuckled, grabbing a glassed apple juice and said “babe, I am a preschool teacher AND part owner of a huge organization called The Wakandan Outreach Program and YOU want ME to dress like a damn bunny?”
   Serenity looked up to Erik and said “dada, no bad” referring to him using profanity. You pouted and said “yes, I do. The kids would love it and we need pics with SeSe and the Easter Bunny. If she knows it’s you then we can have some amazing pictures and all.” Erik took another sip and said “aight, I’ll do it.”
“Really?” He pulled out his cross fingers and said “Sike” with his tongue out. “Erik!!! Pweaaaaaase, if you won’t don it for me then do it for SeSe.” He looked at his beautiful dimpled baby girl who was pulling the ears of her eyes in her own little world, making him smile. “Tell you what. If you do it, then I will bare you a son” you said with your hands behind your back. He raised his brow and looked at you with smirk. “For real?” You nodded with  lip bite and he walked up to you tilting your head up. “I’ll think about it, okay”, he kissed your lips, walked away to the bedroom with his juice and that was that. You looked to your baby girl and she looked up at you with a huge smile making you do the same.
    You sat on the plush king sized bed watching TV as Erik was doing your baby’s hair in two afro puffs. “Alright one puff down, another to go”, he said as he did your girl’s hair right and perfect; he loved doing her hair and sometimes your as well. She bounced and shimmied to the music on the screen and all. Erik wore no shirt and just some Nike sweats and you were in jean shorts and a peach crop top. Your hair was in two neat braids he did for the night before. He looked over at you and asked “you mad at me, baby?” You shook your head and said “just disappointed. That’s all.” He looked at the screen still doing Serenity’s hair and sighed. “Y/N, baby. I’m sorry but you know dressing up ain’t my thing. I promise I will wear it for alone. Maybe I can be a haunted bunny.” He finished up her hair and you said “fine. I just wished you did for her at least. I gotta go check the food and let folks in.” With that , you made your way to the kitchen. Erik looked down at Serenity who was looking up at him with her big doll eyes like yours. He took a deep breath and said “damn it.”
“No, dada. Bad.”
     Everyone finally arrived and the party was up and going. All the kids ran around on a sugar high while your side of the family was playing spades with Stevie Wonder in the background. Shuri, T’Challa and Ramanda all came along with M’Baku, Okoye and Nakia as well. Shuri said “hello, sister Y/N. Thank you for inviting us.”
“Yes, we highly appreciate it,” T’Challa said kissing your head. You hugged him and said “thank you all for coming. The food and drinks are all the table so go ahead and dig in.” M’Baku said “don’t have to tell me twice” as he was already making his way. You laughed and Okoye asked “so where is the Prince and our youngest princess” with a smile. You looked around and said “they are probably still inside. They’ll be out in a minute.” All of a sudden, you heard a whole bunch of awes and ‘how cute’ when you saw Serenity walking out with her bunny ears and basket to the backyard. She ran to you and you kissed her face but realized their was no Erik anywhere. You picked her up and asked “baby girl, where is dada?”
    Before you know it, you heard Shuri dying laughing then Serenity said “dada” with her little coos and giggles, pointing to ahead. You looked at the direction and you were surprised to see Erik is the bunny costume with face paint on and all. He walked out with pride and a big smile. He shook your dad’s hand, hugged your mom and his aunt. T’Challa made his way over and said “ahhh, is this your new uniform for work.” Erik chuckled and said “hush, T” as Challa patted his back. Nakia gave him a hug and so did Okoye while Shuri still laughed. M’Baku came over with a veggie burger in hand, saying “it’s nice look, my pal” with a big gapped smile. Serenity reached out to Erik the Bunny and he gladly took her. “Hey, baby girl.” Serenity poked his nose with hers, giggled as he laughed and you couldn’t help but smile and take a few photos.
   The day was incredible and everyone enjoyed their time but it was time to go home. When they all left with money eggs, goody bags and all, Serenity was in the bath and after she was dressed was out like a light in her peach crib. You looked down at her as held her bunny ears still. You were all showered before and made your way to the shared bedroom of you and Erik. He was i the bathroom wrapped in towel around his waist fresh out, in the mirror checking for leftover make up. He turned the light off and saw you on the bed watching with your hands behind your back. “That was very sweet, my king”, you said as he made his way to you bending at the torso. “I had to do it for my princess and queen”, he kissed your lips and said “but now we can work on our baby boy.” He hovered over you and you said “ohhh, Erik.”You raised your crossed fingers in between him to see and said “SIKE!” with your tongue out. You were about to run away but he grabbed you by your arm as he sat up on the bed and said “girl, you had me dress like that bunny and now Ima be the energizer because I’m keep going and going” as he kept saying it until his towel was gone and you were on top of him passionately kissing.
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@muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii @theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc@wakandantings @thadelightfulone@mzamethystp @simbiann @tropicalsun10@babydoll756 @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition@quietstorm-73 @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz@chocolatedippedinhoney @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies
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batnsons · 8 years
For the samhill medieval au, both? Either one? There are only like 5 posts about them. I've read them all 5 times. They are so cute? Why is this a rare pair?
I don’t know why it’s such a rare pair because they literally had chemistry the second they met. So this ended up being a headcanon/fic mashup, the setup being headcanon-y but the rest more normal fic style. I’ve never written like this before, but there’s a first time for everything. Might get rewritten into a proper full fic later, but for now, here goes.
Sam is a prince, son of King Nicolas ‘Fury’ (because I adore the idea of Nick being Sam’s dad, sue me). He’s a war hero, but after struggling with nightmares and the loss of his best knight and friend, he moves away from the palace to get away from the constant reminders of his friend.
After several years of living in a quiet village on the other side of the kingdom, Sam suddenly receives horrible news. His father is dead, and he’s next in line. Dreading his return to the castle, now void of both his friend and his father, he reluctantly starts his journey back.
Along the way, he and his few servants are ambushed by a bunch of masked bandits. Taken by surprise, he’s taken captive and shoved into the back of a covered cart, bound and gagged and with no clue of where they’re going or who’s got him prisoner.
Sam warily eyes the bandit sitting across from him before glancing at the second sitting right beside him, eyes nervously flitting down to the knife held scarily close to his side. Sam’s a warrior, a soldier, but even he doesn’t like being held at knife-point, bound and helpless. The bandit at his side suddenly jerks forward, and he flinches, bracing himself for the feeling of a blade being buried into his side. But it doesn’t come, and he opens his eyes at the other bandit’s grunt of surprise, just in time to see the bandit with the knife bring the hilt down onto the second bandit’s head, knocking him out cold. Sam’s eyes widen in surprise as the remaining bandit turns to him, and he lets out a muffled squeal of surprise when the bandit pulls of his hood. Or rather, her hood. The woman leans forward and pulls the gag off his mouth, and Sam can only sputter in surprise. She eyes him quickly, before speaking.
“You’re Fury’s son?” Sam simply nods, and she answers with a curt nod of her own. “Hm. I expected somebody…bigger,” she says quietly, and Sam nearly chokes. He’s still struggling to form words when she cuts the rope from his hands and feet. She fixes him with a glare. “Whatever you’re trying to say, save it. We need to eat out of here first.” If Sam’s eyes could’ve widened anymore, they would’ve.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” he manages to squeak out, still in total confusion. She smiles at him mischievously, and Sam feels his stomach twist into a million different knots for a million different reasons.
“Jump,” she says simply, and before Sam can even register what’s happening, she’s got his arm in a vice-like grip, and the next thing he knows, they’re jumping from the back of the moving cart. They slam to the ground painfully, tumbling across the dirt and rocks, and Sam feels a crack somewhere in his shoulder. But before he can even cry out, the woman is pulling him to his feet and sprinting for the woods. Sam ignores the twinge in his shoulder and sprints after her, trusting that right now, this woman is on his side. He’ll figure out why she was with his kidnappers later.
She doesn’t let up until they’re well into the woods, and even then she only slows down. Sam figures this is as good as he’s going to get for a while, and starts questioning her.
“Ok, who are you, how do you know who I am, who are they, why were you with them, and why do you speak about my f—” his voice breaks a bit as he thinks of his father, “father so informally?” He nearly runs into her as she stops suddenly, and for a second he’s terrified she’s going to gut him there and then as she whirls to face him. But at the look in his eyes, her face softens and she sighs.
“I was going to wait to tell you, but you deserve to know.” She leads him to a fallen log nearby, and sits down. Sam warily follows her example, still keeping an eye on the knife she’s still holding. She takes a deep breath, sticking the knife into her belt before she begins. “My name is Maria, I work for your father. I’m not sure how to tell you this, but those men… they work for your Uncle Alexander.” Sam doesn’t even know how to respond to that, but thankfully Maria doesn’t even give him a chance to. “Your uncle, he wants to be king. He tried to have your father killed. And we knew he would try to go after you before you could return, so I infiltrated his foot soldiers right before they found you.” Sam couldn’t even believe what he was hearing. His uncle tried to kill him, tried to kill his father?
“You said he tried to kill my father… If he failed, then how did my father die?” He can barely get the words out, but he needs to know. Maria gives him a sympathetic look, but it doesn’t look like the look of someone giving bad news.
“That’s the thing… Your Highness—” Sam grunts, waving off the title. He hasn’t been Prince Sam in a while, and he certainly wasn’t a prince now. Maria smiles, continuing. “Sam, your father… he isn’t dead.” As soon as she says it, he knows it’s true. In the back of his mind, from the moment he got the news, it hadn’t sat right with him. He should’ve felt some form emptiness, something missing. But he hadn’t. And now he knew why. He isn’t dead… He wasn’t particularly close with his father, but he wasn’t ready to lose anyone else. Maria watches as he visibly relaxes, and breathes a sigh of relief that he believes her. “You aren’t that surprised,” she says. It isn’t a question, really, more like a statement. He nods.
“I… I guess I knew he wasn’t dead, deep down. I didn’t feel like he was gone, if that makes any sense,” he says awkwardly, but Maria just smiles.
“It makes perfect sense.” It’s silent for a moment, as the two of them sit there, watching each other, trying to learn more about each other so they can work together. Eventually, she stands up, reaching her hand out for him to take. “We should get going, I don’t think we have to worry about your uncle for now, but we have a ways to go before nightfall.” Sam reaches up to take her hand, letting her pull him to his feet. But as she pulls him up, his shoulder screams in protest, and he lets out an involuntary squeak of pain. Maria is at his side instantly, and he weakly waves her off.
“I’m fine, I think I dislocated my shoulder jumping out of the cart, it’s nothing.” He winces as she moves his arm around slightly, and he hears her sigh.
“It’s not nothing, Sam, it’s definitely dislocated.” She pauses for a heartbeat. “I’m going to have to reset it,” she says quietly, and Sam sighs in resignation.
“I was afraid you were gonna say that,” he mumbles. Maria laughs, and gently lowers back onto the log. She hesitates for a second, before leaning down and grabbing a stick off the forest floor.
“Here,” she says, handing it to him. “You might want to bite down on that.” Sam takes it wordlessly, putting it in his mouth. He’s been through this before, he knows what to expect, but that doesn’t mean he has to enjoy it. It’s bloody painful, after all. “Ready?” she asks, and he nods. “3, 2, 1—” Sam lets out a grunt as she painfully pops his shoulder back in, but the pain immediately dulls to a throb and Sam lets out a breath of relief. He takes the stick from his mouth and smiles grimly, giving his arm a slight rotation. Pleased at the semi-normalcy it’s been returned, he gives Maria a thumbs up. She shakes her head with a laugh. “Just because you can move it doesn’t mean you should,” she tells him with mock severity, at the same time ripping the hood she had been wearing earlier.
“What’re you doing?” He watches as she measures out the strips of cloth she’s ripped.
“It’s not perfect, but this should be enough to immobilize your arm for the time being,” she says, gesturing to his arm with the improvised sling. “May I?” Sam nods, and she sets about to tying the cloth around his neck and arm. Sam has to force himself to breathe normally at her close proximity. She’s beautiful, after all, and can kick some serious butt, no less. As he tries not to get caught staring, he notices something on her left temple, near her hairline. Just as she finishes and pulls away, he reaches out and touches his fingers to the side of her head. She freezes for a second, before pulling away completely. Sam looks down at his fingers and frowns.
“You’re bleeding.” It’s a statement, and he can tell she doesn’t like it. Instinctively, she reaches up to where his fingers just were, turning away from him. He stands up quickly, pulling a small handkerchief from his pocket and moving closer to her. “Here,” he says. She starts to take it from him, but he stops her. “Please, let me. It’s the least I can do.” She hesitates, but nods eventually. He moves closer, trying to clean up the blood as best he can without hurting her. He sucks in a breath through his teeth. “Looks like a rock must’ve gotten you pretty bad, or something,” he says lightly, wincing when she winces. “Sorry,” he apologizes, and she chuckles.
“You’re alright,” she says softly. He finishes up in silence, folding up the cloth and sticking it back in his pocket. He takes a step back, letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.
“There. Luckily, it’s stopped bleeding mostly, not completely but,” he shrugs. “It’s enough for now, considering we don’t have anything to stop the bleeding with. But head wounds always bleed worse than they actually are, so you should be fine.” He’s rambling now, wringing his hands awkwardly, but he can’t help it. She makes him nervous, like a bumbling child. But she just laughs.
“Thank you,” she says with a smile. Sam smiles back, and for a moment it’s quiet, as the two of them stand there. And then she clears her throat, turning and grabbing her bag that Sam hadn’t even noticed she’d had. “We should get moving, we have to meet up with another of your father’s friends.” Sam shakes his head quickly, and follows her as she starts to move again.
“Another friend?”
“His name is Steven, he’s a captain in your father’s guard. Unfortunately, he’s being hunted by Alexander as well. They’re trying to pin your father’s death on him. He was there when it happened, he thinks he’s dead too,” Maria calls over her shoulder, and Sam is even more confused than he was in the cart.
“I’m sorry, what?” He fights to keep his voice to a normal pitch, but he’s beyond confused. Maria smacks herself in the forehead, and Sam has to resist the urge to remind her about her injury.
“I guess I should explain everything,” she says with a slight laugh, and Sam just nods.
She tells him everything as they walk. How his father found out about the threat to his life, although he didn’t know it was Alexander until after he “died”. Sam felt a pang of sympathy for this Captain Steven, on the run and being framed by the king’s brother for the death of his friend, who, for all this captain knows, practically died in his arms.
It’s night by the time they reach their destination, a tiny village inn where they’re supposed to meet this captain in the morning. Maria makes him wait outside, saying she doesn’t want anyone to recognize him. She tells him to go around the back, and she’ll figure out a way to get him in through a window.
Sam is standing awkwardly behind the building when he hears his name whispered from above him. He looks up to see Maria leaning through one of the windows, feeding a bed-sheet rope through it. Sam groans, glancing down at his arm, before going over and grabbing hold of the rope. He looks up and sees Maria smiling reassuringly at him, and he sighs before attempting to awkwardly climb the makeshift rope. It’s difficult with only one useful arm, but Maria helps pull him up, and eventually he’s climbing successfully through the window. They stand there, panting, before busting into laughter. Maria pulls the rope back in through the window, coiling it up on the floor, Sam assumes for the captain to use later. He straightens up and looks around the room, taking it the single cot. He glances at Maria.
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” he says simply, hoping she gives in without argument, but knowing she won’t. Sure enough, she snorts slightly.
“No, you won’t. You need to the bed,” she says firmly, and Sam starts to protest. But before he can get the words out, she silently points to his arm, and Sam knows he can’t argue this. So he sighs, nodding once. She smirks, and Sam, for once, is glad that he gave in so quickly. “Steve is going to meet us here tomorrow morning, and then we’re heading back to your cottage. Your father is there, recovering. We moved him there as soon as you left, we knew Alexander would try to grab on the road and wouldn’t bother going back to your house.” Sam feels a white hot anger at the mention of his traitorous uncle’s name, and unconsciously lets out a slight growl. He’s startled when he feels Maria’s hand on his good arm, and he looks up to see her watching him sympathetically. “I know, this is hard. I’m sorry. We never could’ve expected your uncle would do something like this.” He nods quickly, taking a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he breathes, and she smiles at him softly.
“Of course.” She takes her hand from his arm, and Sam feels briefly disappointed at the lack of warmth. He clears his head as she speaks again. “You should get some sleep, it’s been a long day.” He concedes quickly, feeling the waves of exhaustion overtake him. He settles onto the bed, and it suddenly occurs to him that she’s not even planning on sleeping.
“Maria,” he says tentatively, and she turns to him expectantly. “Wake me for second watch?” He phrases it as a question, but he tries to make it sound like a statement too, and her eyes soften in response. She nods once, and Sam is confident she’ll wake him. Maybe not as soon as he would like, but she’ll wake him. So he relaxes into the bed, closing his eyes and immediately feeling sleep start to overtake him. He smiles despite the circumstances, thankful his father enlisted a woman like Maria.
Maria watches him as his breathing slowly regulates, signaling he’s fallen asleep. She smiles to herself. He hadn’t been quite what she was expecting, but she was glad of who he was. As his soft snores fill the room, Maria chuckles and settles into her chair for her watch. She’s planning on waking him for his turn, after all he asked her to, but that didn’t mean she had to wake him too early. She would let him sleep for a while. He deserves it.
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