#doing a Lore
convexicalcrow · 11 months
Fic: Eerie Silence
My fic for the Spook Me Halloween Ficathon is done! :D I wanted to explore the lore behind the Black Mines in Decked Out 2, and this is what I came up with. Read here, or on AO3.
Summary: Scar's sure there's a huge cache of diamonds at these coordinates he found in a book in the Vex's astral library, so many diamonds that they could make ConCorp the richest company on the server several times over!
"Are you sure it's here?" Cub asked.
They were looking at a very ordinary looking taiga with a lake in the middle and rivers off to the sides. Nothing at all suggested there was anything special here. The pillagers who'd come with them also looked unimpressed as did the ravagers. Though, to be fair, the ravagers always looked unimpressed. They pawed the grass and huffed, nudging anyone they were next to.
"Yes, yes, of course! I checked the book myself before we left! We're at the right coordinates! It's here, I promise!" Scar said, shoving his communicator at Cub as he pointed at the coords on screen.
"And we had to go back, what, a thousand years or something?" Cub said.
"It was hidden in space AND in time! I know I deciphered the date right, it'll be here," Scar said confidently, but not in a way that reassured Cub.
"Well, I hope you've done the time magic right then, for all our sakes. What, exactly, are we looking for again?" Cub said.
"According to this record by one of the Evokers, there's a huge cache of diamonds here! Imagine how rich ConCorp could be if we found it! Besides, the Vex told us to find it, and we swore to obey, didn't we, Cub?" Scar said.
Cub sighed. "We did, we did, yeah. Alright. We'll make camp then start digging tomorrow."
Cub's diary, day 1: Following one of Scar's hairbrained ideas again. Landed on some abandoned planet thousands of lightyears away from the Hermitcraft season 6 world. No idea what we're doing here. Fully convinced Scar's just sent us on a wild goose chase. We'll find no stash of diamonds here. Why would we? Besides, we're already the richest Hermits without these. What more do the Vex want? Is there something about this place that they're not telling us about?
Cub had been digging for days, to the point where his hands were aching. They hadn't found anything unsual, though the fact that there was buried ice and snow in a definitely-not-snowy taiga suggested something weird was going on here. Cub was still withholding his judgement though. Underground ice wasn't that weird. It could just be an oddity. It happened. It didn't mean there was anything special here.
More pillagers had been sent for as the area of ice was growing larger, and there was no way Scar and Cub could dig it out on their own. At least their camp was comfortable. Built from spruce and stone, it was a selection of houses and other buildings, but it did the trick. Even the ravagers looked slightly happier once they had a stables of their own to sleep in and a good supply of feed. The land was good for farming, and there were plenty of supplies around them to work with, from food and crops to other wood types, plentiful resources in the caves, and even some villages that they'd pilfered and raided.
Cub stood by the fire as Scar handed out some rabbit stew he'd been cooking. Everyone looked exhausted. Not that morale was bad per se, but, well. Over a week straight of digging and all they'd found was some ice. If this treasure was indeed buried deep in the earth, how much longer would it take to find it? Months? Years? Would it even be there? So much of this was resting on Scar having picked the right year. If it wasn't, well. Who knew what they'd find down there?
Cub's diary, day 17: Days 1-11: digging. So much digging. At least the camp's been set up well, and there's plenty of food, but it's been a struggle. My body isn't built for this kind of manual labour anymore. I'm too old. My back is sore, and my hands haven't stopped aching. I couldn't hold a quill for days, let alone a pick axe.
But at least I have some news to share. On day 12, we found something! The endless layers of ice and snow opened up into some kind of icy labyrinth that seemed to have been created by someone, or someones, unknown. Not that we heard anyone there though. The place seemed empty? Abandoned?
We walked around for a while and found what we thought was the entrance. The giant thick doors sat slightly ajar and off their hinges, as if they had been damaged somehow. It wasn't clear what might have damaged it.
There was what I assume was a door marked 'exit' but the pressure plates before it didn't seem to do anything, so we don't know what's behind that door. Also the door was made of some kind of dark, sticky substance we'd never seen before. Assuming it was even a door. It might have been some kind of odd corrosion that's eaten away what used to be there. All I know is that substance had what felt like little stars in it, and they glowed and moved and twinkled in the low light. It also stunk really bad, which is why I think it must be some kind of corrosion. Maybe it ate some iron doors or something maybe.
I do know the air felt… eerie. Like something bad had happened here. Everyone was quiet in there, as if raising our voices would disturb whatever danger might be in here. We didn't stay much longer though. We heard some kind of shrill cry that instilled us all with fear. We returned to the camp as quickly as we could. We haven't been back yet.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure we should continue exploring. Something about that place feels off. Like it's been sealed away for a reason. Scar still seems convinced it's the right place, but at least he hasn't run off on his own yet. There's still time, of course, the man can't stay still to save his life. I just hope I can stop him before that point, or we might all be doomed.
The Vex, it's fair to say, weren't happy, that much Cub could tell, as he and Scar knelt in place, being scolded for their hesitancy. Cub understood. He really did. They wanted the diamonds, but no one wanted to go back down there, not unless they had to. Well, no one except Scar. There was no pleasure today, though, only pain. That's what he got for being disobedient. Pain, and the Vex shrieking in his head until he gave in. They'd go back into the caves. Was it a mistake? Well, only time would tell, but Cub knew when it was better to keep his mouth shut.
Cub's diary, day 18: Can't sleep. They won't let me. So I'm just sitting out here looking at the sky. I've been- dreaming. Bad dreams. I see- can't see, really. Some kind of darkness. And- that corrosion from the doors? It's everywhere. Sticky and hot and burning and it feels like it's eating me alive. Sometimes I've seen glimpses of something large, a black shadow stalking through the passageways. And through it all, a heartbeat. Mine? Or something else's? I see glimpses of a mineshaft carved into hard, black rock, like it's all been stained with coal or something, right? But I also see- bones.
I dunno if what I'm seeing is what's down there, or if it's just my imagination running wild. I just know it scares me. I really don't think we should be digging down there, but I know it's foolhardy to say no at this point. The Vex will simply possess me until it's done and perhaps kill me afterwards once I've served my purpose. That's fine. I am Theirs to do with as They wish.
I just wish They wouldn't have given us such a dangerous mission to do.
Cub's diary, day 22: We've spent three days exploring the icy caves and found what looks like a crypt somewhere in the middle. Well, it could have been a crypt, but there didn't seem to be any bodies - or any coffins for that matter. Old half-rotted barrels were falling to pieces in a couple of the rooms, and the icy ground made the stone floors more slippery to traverse than we would have liked. It made our progress rather slow.
The silence of the caves kept us all quiet. It just didn't feel like the place to speak. Footsteps were careful, voices barely above a whisper, light kept dim with soul lanterns to avoid melting any ice or snow. Every now and then, we heard another shriek like the first one that had sent us packing the first time. There were also- grumbling sounds. Crying? Some sort of creature trapped down here maybe? In some lower levels perhaps? I'm still not sure I want to know the answer. This place gives me the creeps.
"'Place? Find? the- staff? coin? key? and lay down? destroy? offer? to the dying? no, kneeling man,' I think that's what it says," Cub said, trying to decipher the sign they'd found in what they had decided to call the throne room, as it had a large statue at the end and two doors on either side that appeared to go… somewhere else? They looked like they were made of some kind of oxidised metal, maybe copper? But copper didn't exist in this world, right? Maybe it was something else. The signs looked badly worn, and half the letters appeared to be damaged. Not enough that the meaning couldn't be intuitied if you knew what you were reading, but Cub still found it tricky.
"Well, this guy looks like he's kneeling, right? And there's some kind of thing at his feet, see? With a key engraved on it?" Scar said cheerfully. "So I guess we just have to find a key now, hey?"
"In this place? Unlikely. Where are we gonna find keys in here? There's hardly anywhere they could be hidden. There's no barrels, chests, nothing that suggests anything was kept here," Cub said.
"Well, we've only explored part of this place, haven't we? There's still a ton more left to see. Who knows? We might find one eventually!" Scar said. "Come on, let's go see if we can cut out any more of that ice from the basement stairs."
"Sure, sure," Cub said, unable to share his enthusiasm as he followed him back through to the staircases and down to the entry to the crypt. There were two staircases going down but they were almost entirely filled with ice. Some of the pillagers had been trying to break it up, but it seemed to be very thick, hard ice that was proving quite resistant to the effort. Perhaps there was a reason for that.
Cub's diary, day 25: We lost two pillagers to a deep lake in one of the rooms yesterday. It looked like it led somewhere, but I wasn't going to risk swimming in icy water to find it. They jumped in before either Scar or I could stop them, and they never came back. Scar carved a little memorial for them in the crypt in one of the small rooms on a slab of stone. Perhaps it really is a crypt now.
That room was interesting, though. We found heaps of chests and barrels to search, as well as some old TNT. The wooden boardwalk looked half-rotted in places though, so we stayed away from there. We didn't find any keys though, just a rusty old coin with engravings too worn to decipher. This place must have been abandoned for a very long time. I wonder who built it?
Cub's diary, day 35: My fingers are numb from mining ice for days. My toes are numb, too. I've lost all sense of the cold down there, even with extra woollen clothes on. It's just cold. I can't even think anymore. We spend twelve hours a day mining through ice, finding nothing, and return to camp exhausted. I eat, I sleep, I dream of nothing. Then I wake and do it all again the next day. If we don't find anything soon, well, maybe there's nothing there to find.
Cub's diary, day 36: I saw something. Down there. In the crypt. Something-
Ahh, maybe it's nothing. Ghosts don't exist, right?
"You sure this is even a key? It looks so bent out of shape, man," Scar said as he examined the key one of the pillagers had given him, found half-buried in soil behind a sweet berry bush.
The pillager shrugged. "Looks like one, though. We've found nothing else that looks even close to a key. Might as well try it."
"Hmm. What do you think, Cub? Should we try it?" Scar said, handing him the key. "Do we just- what, you said the sign said to give it to the kneeling man?"
"Yeah, yeah, I think we would just- there's that plate you found, right? With the key engraved on it? It might go in there," Cub said. He spent a moment trying to bend it back so it was a little straighter, but to little success. "Only one way to find out, though."
Cub wasn't sure he wanted to know what was behind those doors as he knelt down to fix the key in place. The engraving was a little deeper than he expected, and a little wider, but the key didn't quite fit. But it did disappear, and he heard some pistons firing along with some strange tune he didn't recognise.
"Oh, hey, did that work?" Cub said, getting to his feet.
"It sure did! Come on, let's see where this goes!" Scar said, running for the doors.
That strange corrosive substance was on the walls in these tunnels, making it smell like it had been filled with rotting carcasses. They didn't hang around, hurrying down the stairs to see what was at the end of them. There had to be something, right?
Well, there was certainly something. The staircase went down several flights and seemed to spiral back on itself before it opened up onto a stony area with what looked like mycelium and mushrooms nearby. But that wasn't what they noticed. No, what they saw first was the remains of a ravager. Old, old remains, but remains nonetheless, ones that couldn't be anything else. All that was left were the bones, the armour, and the saddle, the leather rotting away and bent out of shape.
"Well, shit. Who had ravagers down here? Was this a pillager camp once upon a time?" Scar said.
"Well, I dunno, you're the one who read the book about this place," Cub said. "What'd it say?"
"Well, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention to that! I saw a puzzle and did some puzzlin'!" Scar said.
"Well, you said it was written by an Evoker, right? So they must have been down here as part of a raid party or a patrol or something, right? How else could a ravager get this far down and die like this?" Cub said.
"I guess so, yeah. I wonder what they were doing down here," Scar said.
"Hiding diamonds? I dunno, maybe you should read that book again, Scar, just sayin'," Cub said.
Scar huffed, but didn't reply. Instead he started walking, moving away and around the skeleton as he headed deeper into the cave.
"Why don't you read it, Cub? I'll be down here, seeing if I can find us some diamonds!" Scar called, disappearing around a corner.
Cub's diary, day 40: I finally tracked down that book Scar got the coords from in between exploring the lower levels. Scar locked the doors open with some rocks to stop us having to find another key to get down each time, and we made good progress in exploring these lower levels.
This looked much more like a mine, albeit a winding, confusing one. There also wasn't as much to dig through, though some of the pathways and corridors were blocked by rubble and needed to be cleared before we could go further. We still haven't found anything more though. These caves look far more extensive than the icy ones above, and there's no real sign of anything constructed apart from an old rotting bridge that we've seen so far.
I still think we're on a wild goose chase though. The book was an Evoker's diary from around this time, talking about a patrol down here to look for some treasure, just like we're doing. Clearly someone came back alive or we wouldn't have the book to begin with, but I dunno. Some of the things the Evoker talked about make my skin crawl. There's definitely something down here that doesn't want to be woken.
I've seen shadowy figures in the distance all the time we've been down here. They're… I don't know if they're human, or once were human. They have weird faces, maybe like birds? I dunno. I know it's stupid, but they really do feel like a warning. Like seeing ravens in a cemetery, you know? This place is telling us to leave and never come back, and we ignore that at our peril.
"Scar, I got you!" Cub said as he grabbed Scar's arm before he fell through the rotting fence posts that guarded a little cliff face overlooking a large lake with the rotting remains of a ship stuck against the rocks. "I told you, you can't trust anything here. It's not going to hold you!"
"I know, I know. But it's such a pretty lake! I wanted a closer look!" Scar said, moving away from the fences.
"You can do that more easily once we find a way down, not by you falling through and breaking your legs, okay?" Cub said.
"Well, then, you'd better find a way through, hadn't you? I wanna go see it!" Scar said. Carefully, he peered around the edges of the rock, doing his best not to lean on the fencing, seeing if there was another way. "Hey! I see something! There's like-"
Scar was cut off as a trident flew out of nowhere and hit his shoulder. Scar didn't even have time to panic, but at least Cub was able to pull it out quickly and set it aside.
"Man, are there drowned down there? That's gonna make things tricky," Cub said as he pulled out a healing pot. "Here, take this. That'll sort you out."
"God. Thanks, Cub." Scar sat up and drank the potion, ignoring the blood stains that would be left on his jacket. There would be time to worry about that later. He felt his heart slow down as the potion healed him, taking away the wounds and leaving him feeling much more energised. "Honestly I'm surprised anything's still alive down here, let alone a trident drowned! What cheek!"
"Maybe he's protecting the ship. What else would he be doing, you know?" Cub said. "Then again, how did a ship that large even get down here in the first place, you know? Was there once some kind of river that lead down here? It's so huge!"
"I dunno, but I guess we'd better go look, right? Just to make sure? Maybe there's some log books or something there, you know?" Scar said.
"Yeah, maybe. Can't hurt to check it out," Cub said.
Cub's diary, day 42: It took another four hours to figure out how to get down to the lake. The caves on this level were far more open, but there were a lot of tunnels and passages that had collapsed or had been closed up by rubble. Some crisscrossed over each other, others led to dead-ends, some spiralled past each other and never met. It wasn't a maze, but it did feel like one. There were more specks of that corrosion that we found by what looked like another door that opened with a key. It seeped in from around the door, spreading into the stone around it and down into the floor. Something- something was crying down there. Something bad. I wasn't convinced we should continue, but of course Scar could sense treasure, so we kept going.
The lake itself was larger than it had seemed from our first view of it. It spun off into branches and was quite deep. There were little caves dug out from the walls, and streams of water falling from the roof, suggesting that there could be another lake above that, or maybe some kind of river, maybe? We hadn't found any other bodies of water on our way down, but it's possible we just simply missed it.
We lost another pillager as we made our way around the lake. That trident drowned was super accurate, and we were lucky to only lose one, but the rest of us did get hit a few times. I was just about out of healing pots by the time we climbed aboard the ship.
Not that we found much there, if I'm honest. The ship was solid, but clearly abandoned. Maybe we found a few pieces of gold, but that was about it. I took the pillagers and returned to the surface to our camp to rest. Scar stayed aboard the ship, said he was sure there was something there in the captain's room that he wanted to find. Fine. Whatever. I was done exploring for the day anyway, and we were out of supplies so I left him to it. I just didn't expect that would be the last time I saw him.
Cub's diary, day 50: Winter's set in here. The ground is cold, and our crops are plagued with some kind of blight that eats everything we plant. Thankfully the animals haven't been affected, and we had enough stored away to be eating well for now. I've had a couple of pillagers make a new camp in a plains some distance away, just to ensure we still have food. Just in case we can't farm anything here.
But. Scar's still missing. We've made a few patrols down to the ship but we can't find him. What we did find the first time we went was that corroded door was now wide open, and wedged with rocks. Something - Scar? - had gone down there. Or had, perhaps even worse, broken out.
There's more of that corrosion everywhere. I don't know if any of the other pillagers have noticed it, but it's there. Small patches breaking through rocks, hiding in shadows, like somehow our presence here has enabled it to spread. Those figures hiding in the distance seem much closer too.
You might wonder why we're still here. Anyone else might have fled by now. But I dunno. Something tells me Scar's still out there somewhere. Whether he's still himself at that point, I don't know, but he's definitely not dead yet. I know, because I'd never hear the end of it from the Vex if he'd died. And right now, They're more worried about the diamonds still, so. We keep going. We keep going.
Cub's diary, day 51: We're going through the second door. Don't ask me why, I think it's a suicide mission. There's clearly monsters down there. I can hear them every time we've been past there. But the Vex won't be disobeyed, and so we go below. Vex help us if we never return.
"Okay, just- I dunno why, but be as quiet as you can down there, okay? I just have a feeling we shouldn't make any noise. Something down there won't like it," Cub said as they stood outside the door, looking down at another staircase lined with that same starry corrosion. The smell was awful, and the silence deafening.
"Maybe we should've brought the ravagers. They can handle anything," one of the pillagers said.
"Nah, too noisy. Too much. This is going to require careful footsteps and a lot of sneaking. Stick together, okay? We don't know what's down there, or what it's capable of," Cub said.
The pillagers nodded, and after another moment of hesitation and making sure the door was indeed wedged open and wouldn't close behind them, they started to descend.
The air was humid. Cold, but humid. The corrosion down here was much more widespread. They stepped out of the staircase and into what looked like an old mine. A proper one, as opposed to the other two floors they'd explored. Was 'floors' even the right word to describe them? Cub wasn't sure. Wasn't willing to think about that right now.
"Grab onto each other. Don't get spooked. Silence, sneaking, no sound above a whisper okay? We don't want to draw attention to ourselves," Cub said.
Cub felt one of the pillagers grab his coat, and he hoped the others were following suit. Perhaps rope would have been better, but ah well. Where to go now, though? There was what looked like some kind of passage to his left, which seemed easier than the passage ahead, which had part of the floor collapsed. It might be possible to jump it, but Cub wasn't willing to risk it. He gestured left, and that's where they went, slowly creeping through the dark mines.
The pillager behind Cub froze, bringing their travels to a standstill. Something- something had croaked? Or chirruped? It was a soft sound, not like the shrieks they'd heard earlier. Cub looked back at them.
"You heard that too, right?" Cub said, keeping his voice as quiet as he could.
They all nodded. Something- there was that cry again. Some kind of creature crying as if it had been disturbed. Cub took a step and something crunched under his foot.
"Oh. Oh no. That's not bones, is it? Is this place full of bones?" Cub said.
"Do you want to know?" said the pillager behind him, matching his tone.
"I'm not sure I do. Do- do you think we can risk a light down here? It's just so dark, you know?" Cub said.
"I don't know. But-"
What sounded like an angry cry echoed around them, and it seemed to be closer than the first cry had been. Was something getting closer to them?
Cub peered around the corner and saw another shadowy figure in the distance. When he looked again, the figure was gone. Something-. His Vex senses were pinging very strongly. Perhaps Scar was close by.
Cub gestured forward. There wasn't really any other options at this point. On they went, into the darkness.
They had found what looked like some kind of office at the bottom of a set of stairs. Half the wood was rotting away, and there were definitely bones down here too in the corridors, but they had decided to overlook that. No point in worrying about that, right? They were old anyway. Whatever had happened here wasn't still present. Right?
The office itself was ransacked. Not much remained. Though there was that one-
"Hey, isn't that Scar in that poster? What's he wearing?" one of the pillagers said, drawing Cub's attention to the poster above the desk on the wall.
"Hotguy? Who the fuck is Hotguy? I mean, it's definitely Scar, I'd know that face anywhere, but what's it doing here? It's old, too. Real old. That's not something Scar planted here for us to find as a prank, I guarantee it. He'd have jumped out to scare us by now if he had," Cub said.
The door closed behind them, trapping them in the office. A shriek went off somewhere. Cub could have sworn he heard footsteps retreating, and perhaps, softly, a very familiar laugh that sent chills down his spine.
Cub's diary, day 57: The office door was jammed hard, and we wasted a lot of time trying to decide if it was worth all the noise to break it open and get out. My instincts told me not to do so, that perhaps whatever was down here was trying to keep us safe, but imprisonment is still imprisonment, and we were running out of food.
We didn't break down the door, though. There were some trapdoors that had rotted off their hinges that gave us just enough space to slip through. They were pretty high up, though, but we managed to stack up enough to get there. We came out on the stairs and headed back down again, aiming to follow the corridors.
Well, that was the plan. We followed the rails and found an open area in the middle that looked down at what looked like perhaps two more floors below us. Lava pooled down there, and there was clear evidence of mining activity as we explored some of the rooms nearby.
We didn't see anything weird, but something just felt off, you know? Like it was trying to make us believe we were fine. I dunno. We weren't fine, though.
We found Scar. He was-. That corrosion stuff had infected him somehow. He was wearing his Vex mask, with that stuff just covering him. He was draped in a long cloak, which I think was the same as the shadowy figures I'd been seeing. He'd been watching us. He claimed he was helping. That he was healing the sculk? I think that's what he called it? from the invasion from the miners. That they'd dug down too deep. Gone where they had not been invited. The sculk were only protecting their home. They meant no harm. We were safe, there was nothing to worry about.
I wanted to kill him. Leave his body down here to rot with all the other bones. I should've done that. Maybe then-
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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hinamie · 4 days
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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possuminnit · 1 year
my fav thing about having ocs is having a basic line of lore for them but as soon as someone asks me about them I completely bullshit everything I tell them. Yeah this wasn't true like 5 minutes ago but now it is
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lylahammar · 8 months
Randomly thinkin about Chilchuck today, and how he tries sooooo hard to self sabotage
like for example, other half foots on the island think that he's a greedy asshole who only cares about money, and he does nothing to try to disprove that
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but then there's this omake at the end of book 9 that shows that people treat half foots fucking TERRIBLY and chilchuck started a union to protect them
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and then in the bicorn chapter, he doesn't want Marcille to keep digging into his personal business so he tells her he CHEATED ON HIS WIFE
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but he just COMPLETELY fuckin lied about that and made himself sound so much worse than he is bc he's afraid of being vulnerable with people and would rather everyone believes he's a shitty person so he can keep them at a distance
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and the thing that's memed so often is that he refuses to help with fighting most of the time because it's not part of his contract
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but if you take this lore into account (not gonna add those particular images to this post simply bc I've used them in so many posts already LMAO) along with this tidbit from the world guide:
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then it's like. yeah he has to keep his weight low so if he gets killed or severely injured and has to be healed, that could be really dangerous for him. and even if he was healed at that point he'd end up being a burden to the party after that point, he would be too dangerously thin/sickly to be able to help.
Like, Chilchuck has so many things about him that APPEAR to be character flaws, but every single one of them has a very reasonable explanation. He just leans into the mischaracterization bc he's emotionally withholding and can handle people thinking he's an asshole more than he can handle opening up to anyone. he's such a well thought out and interesting character
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mysillycomics · 2 months
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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inbabylontheywept · 28 days
she was dead silent on the drive home, but that was okay. sometimes, after band practice, she was just out of words. it was a short drive to her house. the only part where it actually felt weird was after i pulled up her parent’s driveway. 
after that, the silence stretched so far it smeared and left a weird residue. she kept looking at the car door like she wanted to leave, so i looked at the door too, then she looked at me, and i looked at her, and my first thought was that she was going to tell me that the door was stuck. i was used to that car always doing some damn thing. it was the car me and all my siblings had learned to drive in, and it was really beat to hell. there were dents all over the body, which we’d unsuccessfully tried fixing up with spackle. it had looked nice for maybe a week, but then the sun wrecked it - the spackle cracked up like the mud on the bottom of a dry riverbed and turned a sort of off yellow-white that made the car looked like it had been molded out of chicken shit. it also had a bullet hole it through the cabin that whistled like a toothless old man whenever the car went above 40, so loud it could drown out the radio, and a cabin that smelled so strongly of bugspray that even the arizona summer we drove everywhere we could with the windows down.
(if you have kids one day, you will maybe, possibly, begin to understand how much i loved that car.)
anyway, i was thinking about what else could possibly be wrong with the chickenshitmobile, and she just kept looking at me, and then i wondered if there was something on my face, and she just kept looking at me, and then the penny dropped and i realized she was trying to work up the nerve to break up with me. 
now, i’d seen her work up the nerve to do things like this before – it could take quite a while. and knowing it was about to happen made the waiting immediately unbearable. 
so i said hey. 
and she looked at me, very startled, and said hey back real small. like she’d been caught. and in a way, i suppose she had. 
and i said it’s okay. you can just say it. i’ll be okay.
i’m always okay. 
and she said: i’m really sorry. 
i loved her, you know? it was highschool, but teenagers are capable of love. the way people love changes over time just as much as the way they stand, or the way they talk, but things don’t stop existing just because they're different. opposite really – a thing only stops changing when it's fully gone.
and i said, nothing to be sorry for, and i meant it. she looked a little relived, and i was happy to give her that peace. then she left. i watched her make it through the front door, because that was just habit at that point, and then i sat there a while afterwards, checking how i felt. and the answer was not good, but good enough to make it home. good enough to limp on. 
so i put my car in reverse, took my last look goodbye, and immediately backed into her neighbor’s car. 
air bags didn't go off, which was good. i left a decent dent in the bumper of the other car. genuinely couldn’t tell if i did anything to my car – anything wrong with it just kind of blended together into the general ecosystem of hand mottled, sun cracked, chickenshit spackle. 
i checked my glove box, and my car insurance info was, of course, out of date. my phone was dead too. as a teenager, my phone was less my lifeline to my friends, and more my tether to my parents, so i wasn’t particularly conscious of keeping it charged. both my fault.
i sat there a few minutes, trying to think of the best way to handle things, and there was only one answer i could think of, and i hated that answer, so i spent a few more minutes trying and failing to think of a better one, and then a few more coming to peace with what had to be done. 
then i went back to knock on my now ex’s front door. 
her dad opened, which i was very relieved over, even if he seemed less than thrilled. he looked me over, and in a firm, but slightly apologetic way said: she does not want to see you right now. 
(i think he assumed i was going to try and talk her out of the break up?)
and i said not here for her. i just backed into your neighbor’s car, and i need to call my dad, but my phone’s dead. could i borrow yours?
and he looked at me, then back at his neighbors car, which sure enough was dented, then he looked at the chickenshitmobile, and if there was something wrong with it, it just kind of blended into the general Wrongness of the car, then back to me, and i could see him imagining the last ten minutes from my pov: getting broken up with, backing into a car, having to walk up to your exes door and borrow a phone, calling my dad to tell him that i just reversed into someone.  
and his expression shifted from stern and apologetic to truly sad, which felt more kind that i deserved. things only got here because i kept fucking up - forgot to look behind me, forgot to replace the insurance forms, forgot to charge my phone. it was my mess, but his sympathy meant the world to me. i probably would’ve cried if he said sorry, or patted me on the back or called me sport, but instead he said
stay out here – i’ll bring you a phone.
and then he left.  
i found a nice spot on the lawn in the shade under a sycamore, then settled into his grass.i was trying not to freak out, and was doing an okay job. he came out a minute or so later, not just with a phone, but a juicebox and a jar of green olives, which really threw a wrench in the whole try not to cry thing. soon as i saw those, a few tears squoze out. i was still hoping i could pass them off as Manly Tears but then he told me that he’d gotten the olives a few weeks before and had been meaning to hand them off to me, and that this was his last chance for that. then i made a sound like a horse drowning in a bog, and he patted my back pretty rough, four solid thumps, like he wasn't sure if i was crying or choking on an olive, and was trying to cover both bases at once.
then he went back inside, and i made a few more bog horse noises while finishing off the rest of the entire jar of green olives, and then i called my dad.
he was about ten minutes away that day, and luckily was home. he drove over, and we went to the neighbor’s house, and from there things actually went quite nice. the neighbor was a retired man who actually said he could fix the dent himself, no need for insurance. he said he appreciated that i didn't just drive off, and i said i was really sorry about his car, and he said he was really sorry about my car, and then he gestured to the chickenshitmobile and i laughed because it really was a disaster on wheels.
then we left.
i thought we were going to head straight home, but instead we went to a gas station, and we both got several slim jims that we folded into thick enough coils that we could put them on a hotdog bun because the growing up mormon equivalent of having a sad brewski with your dad is just choosing to make bad decisions sober. then he took me to the canals and we watched the sun turn all orange and pink, and he looked over at me and said:
brains are good at remembering bad days. so you gotta make sure that a bad day has a good part in in, so you can remember that too. remember that when you have a kid. try to do a good job on days like that - they're going to be a big part of how they remember you.
and then he gave me a big hug and said he was never going to eat another slim jim again.
the year after that i went to college, which kicked my butt in new and exciting ways. and on a lot of those bad days, after a test that went sour, or a faux paus that was particularly embarrassing, or some other hardship of my new adult life, i’d stop by the gas station and pick up leathery, half jerkied hotdog before heading to the canals to watch the sun set. i’d take a bite and imagine my dad next to me, grimacing through the slim-jim wad, asking what good thing i was going use that time to remember. 
and in my head, i’d say you, dad. 
i’m going to remember you.
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torchtour · 1 month
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if it stained my hands silver i too would wear gloves
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okidraw · 1 month
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i wanted to show them the stars.
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havanillas · 3 months
Random question, have you think of Ratio's parents are Alhaitham and Kaveh?
it doesn't make a lot of sense since star rail and genshin timelines are so far apart but it's still one of my favorite ratio headcannons, like what if ratio's interest in engineering comes from growing up with mehrak
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calocreek · 7 months
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Grian is a human!! (part 1 possibly)
(my minecraft + mcyt tag)
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k1d1c4rus · 2 months
thinking about how armand was turned bc he was dying from being stabbed by a scorned grown man who was in love with him. he nearly died from rejecting unwanted advances. its such a key explicit detail of his origin that teaches him yet again that what he wants is utterly unimportant and even deadly in the face of survival. everything about his character is informed by the fact that he adapts entirely to the situation he is forced into because that's the only way he can survive. he adopts the satanic doctrine for 200 years not because he believes in it but because he knows that is the only way he'll survive and as soon as lestat arrives he knows he can abandon it. for half a millenium he believes he can't get what he wants and also survive, he has to choose one or the other. God.
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harbingerofsoup · 1 year
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deep-space-lines · 7 months
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