#doin an intro post
employee052 · 14 days
this is your reminder to make ur cringy n self indulgent art bc cringe is dead and you gotta live life (I say, despite the fact i still feel a bit cringe but im being so brave abt it)
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lettin myself post n do more art for myself so apologies for the more selfshippy art than usual
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saintaviator · 6 months
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MEET THE ARTIST 2024 ✨🌈🫧!!!!!!!
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project-colorpulse · 2 months
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Introducing Colorpulse!
A lil personal project made as a love letter to the aesthetics of Jetset Radio/Bomb Rush Cyberfunk/In General SEGA esc flare and an attempt to capture the vibes of Sonic SAT AM and perhaps those funky ass Archie comics!
At the time of writing this it’s only a one man show and a very heavy WIP, but if you like what you see stay tuned! Perhaps it’ll become somethin’ greater! ; )
Considering this is the obligatory introductory post, expect changes/updates/etc. to be posted here
I’m not advertising something groundbreaking, this is just for funsies.
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mechacringekitty · 7 months
Hey hey! Finally remaking my pinned! Under the cut because it did get a bit long. I reccomend reading the whole thing if you can.
I'm Doll/whatever variation of my blog name you want to call me. You'll probably see me called a lot of names, I swap quite often and love nicknames.
It/its or any neopronouns, I'm alright with most gendered terms but I am agender. Please do not refer to me as nonbinary, I dislike the term when applied to myself. Pronouns.page here. I might talk in third person, use number = letter typing quirks, or put [brackets] around my speech sometimes.
I'm pansexual, fictoromantic, and too tired to figure out the rest. I RB selfship content and very happily support it. I might block you if we have the same F/O[s]- I dont like to share. That being said, proship/comship not welcome.
Diagnosed autistic, this blog is a place for me to be incredibly autistic about my interests and do assorted other things.
Nonhuman! Yep, I'm one of 'em. Don't feel like listing exactly what I am, mostly because I half have no idea myself, but you'll figure it out if you follow me long enough.
Interests and fandoms include Hollow Knight, Wings of Fire, ULTRAKILL, Rain World, computers/robots/tech in general, and dragons are my special interest. Asks are always open to chat about them! Or other things, if you know me. I love to talk. About my ocs especially. [Here is my toyhouse if you would like to have a look.] My oc blog is @webspinning !!
I fucking love music, almost all kinds, though I have a particular love for rock. I won't be able to say anything coherent or thoughtful but you can always talk to me about music. Or ask for song requests...or give me some...
We're working on sorting out issues and my headmate likely won't post here for a long while, if ever, but I am possibly part of an endogenic system- it's very complicated and I'm unsure of what's going on myself. I don't tolerate antis.
I do art and play video games and screech over other people's characters and so many other things. Commissions closed, requests extremely selectively open, art trades semi-open. My blog is a place for me and me only, it's disorganised but I can find my way around. If you're offended by things here, ah, leave! Goodbye! Tags - hound.txt - talking tag. i ramble hound.art - original art that i post...sometimes hound.games - me playing games! usually short little things, sometimes screenshots :) beware spoilers save for later - stuff for me. ignore that various oc tags that are "oc;[name]" - also for me. ignore that too, unless you're a moot and find it funny singing to the stars - selfship tag :) hopefully ill remember to actually use it
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opheliaweeps · 1 year
heyhey y’all.
after many, many years of lurking (and two years with an account so bland it looked like a spambot) I’ve decided to start posting on the hellsite, cause why the fuck not?
hi, I’m jyot, any pronouns. I don’t (can’t) draw but I write sometimes (and it might be either the most inspirational or the most mundane or the most batshit crazy stuff you’ve ever read). have no expectations for a schedule - my posting will be spontaneous and erratic, but if I do post, then, well, hope you like what I’ve got to say. I’ll write about fandoms I’m in, current hyperfixations, and maybe (just maybe) post some shitty poetry (trust me, it’s less a treat for you and more a coping mechanism for me).
if you drop me an ask, no guarantees I’ll respond, but if you feel compelled to do so please do (at least I’ll know I’m not just rambling to the void).
((and yes, I do have a thing for brackets. it’s mildly concerning. I will continue to use them excessively, thank you very much.))
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plasticbag3207 · 1 year
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image dump.
Also I don’t have an intro for myself so oops guess that’s what this will be.
Hello, my name is Plastic. My pronouns are They/He.
I like drawing (mostly digital), even though I’m pretty bad at it. I struggle with motivation so I don’t draw a lot. When I do make posts, they’re most likely going to be either my sona, warrior cats OCs, WoF OCs, and other random stuff.
I don’t know what else to say, the images above are shitposts. Cool, bye bye :)
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multeasers · 1 year
spring break by next week and my sister will only be here for a few days so i should be able to do Smth,,
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cryptidapprentice · 6 days
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samandcolbysworld · 2 months
Hii! I'm Atlas, or Cass, I love Sam and Colby, I've been a fan for over three years, maybe four. I occasionally write, which I !!MIGHT!! post... honestly depending on if I think it's good enough. I am not the best, as I barely write, so don't expect me to write a novel or something... lol. Anyways, here's some things I also like;
Sam and Colby (obviously!)
The Walking Dead
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Motorcycles 😻
Anyways, moving on...
I am a huge fan of science, I will Yap your ear off if it's brung up. I love a lot of things, except math. I love poems; except I don't write them... oops. also I am ass at texting... sorry!
Straw Page
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piningpercussionist · 6 months
Formally back for the day I think! Little tired so replies may be slow, but I am free again 👍
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waloeders · 8 months
i am off to bed bc i have work+its late buut...sneaky peak of a fic ive been writing with barny hehee gn <33
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herald-of-aurene · 1 year
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nintn19 · 2 years
Intro post cause idk what the fuck I'm doing here if you have issues with anything I post I was told to put it in asks and to turn on anon so do it there I guess
Name: Nineteen if you know me by a different one, no you dont
Pronouns: He/Him
Things I'm qualified to talk about:
Things I'll probably talk about: DnD, the current book I'm reading, classes, random world building bullshit, maybe politics cause it's fun imo, and anything else that comes to mind
Things I like: Redwood trees, California Poppies, monarch butterflies, fiction, nuclear energy, I'm sure there's more but head empty
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witheringwidgetwrites · 11 months
not sure if you would be interested in writing but...
Mc having a nightmare that forcibly wakes them up screaming and running out of they're room crying. While slightly panicked they go to the living room refusing to go back to their room. Soon one of the brothers(when Mc screamed they started looking for them,not seeing in their room) finds them on one of the couches near the fireplace trembling. And the demon goes to comfort them.
Also I couldn't find a rules post anywhere so if there's a character limit just mammon please
I did this in a Hc format so I could do all the brothers! Lmk if you'd enjoy a more focused scenario!! I also only did the older brothers, because I felt like I was a little redundant? lmk if youd like more!
TW- descriptions of panic attack!
Your scream rung out throughout the house, the door slam following quickly after as you tumbled out the door, almost tripping over your own feet. Your face ran hot, tears pricking at your eyes and chest heaving uneven breaths. You felt the light sweat on your skin, head pounding as you ran down the steps, your brain finally catching up to you as you fell to your knees in front of the living room couch.
Sitting back, breath ragged and shaky hands covering your face, you hear him call.
He's hesitant to approach, after all, it's very possible your nightmare was about him. He walks swiftly and calmly to your side, crouching down to lend you his hand, "can I touch you?"
You nod, still avoiding eye contact. He gently lays his hand on your back, rubbing small circles and moving to sit down fully, pulling you into his chest as sobs wrack through your body. He can feel you shake, your hands trembling in front of your face.
He breaths deeply, and loudly, hoping you'll mimic him. "can you breathe for me, MC?" You nod, still trembling as you try to control your breath. It's easier as you focus on the small circles he's rubbing onto your back.
Your tears slow, and he rests his chin on your forehead as he hears your breathing steady, "are you ready to talk about it?"
"Treasure, what're ya doin-" he notices the shaking, and the tears, "hey hey hey, what's wrong?" He leans down, immediately pulling you into his arms, "is this okay?"
You nod, "ya gotta breathe MC, can't pass out on me," he tries to make you laugh, feeling your breathing slow as you listen to his heartbeat, feeling the heat radiating off of him.
He pats your back softly, humming and rocking you barely back and fourth. He can hear your breathing become less ragged, your shaking turning into small twitches instead.
"What's got you so shook up, treasure?"
He hears your breathing before he fully enters the room, coughing so you knew he was there, and carefully approaching you. He sat behind you, quiet for a moment.
"Can I hug you?" He's not sure if you're touch adversed for not. He can remember many times when all he wanted was to be held by someone he cared about.
Sighs softly when you nod, a little relieved. He wraps his arms around you, leaning his head on your back. His hands caress your arms, trying to ground you.
He gives you a few minutes, listening to your breathing slowly calm, and your shaking become less violent, he removes one of his hands to pull his phone out, quickly pulling up a video. (meme comp or baby sensory video, you choose.)
"We can watch this until you're ready to talk about it, okay?"
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paofia · 1 year
Sharing some of Logan’s lines I got while playing the multiplayer and also some screenshots!
"Not everyone's welcoming around these parts, Builder. You want respect? Gotta earn it."
"Lot of people talk a good game, but don't have it where it counts. If push ever comes to shove, hope we can count on you, Builder."
"If you don't see me around, well, that's probably 'cause I'm out taking care of the 'thing' that goes bump in the night. When monsters look under their bed, I'm the guy they're hopin' not to see lookin' back..."
"Listen: you see a monster comin' towards town, you take 'em out. Don't care how "cute" they look. Every single one of them would do us in, given the chance."
"You want some combat tips? Yeah. Hit the other guy before he hits you."
"Why don't a guy like me join the Civil Corps, you ask? I don't care for the uniform."
"You wanna do right by me? Help anyone who needs helpin', do anything that needs doin'. Work hard, don't complain so much. Matter of fact, act like that and I reckon you'd be doin' right by all."
"When duty calls, you answer. For me that means takin' out monsters that rear their ugly head around town. For you, that means puttin' this town together to the best of your ability. You watch my back, I'll watch yours."
"Long as you're here helpin' out around Sandrock, you're family. Mess with anyone here? You're messin' with me."
Now for the screenshots:
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Intro with Logan. It previously used to be Howlett but now with the story being completely scrapped it seems Logan replaced him.
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Official art without the hat and mask!
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My man sleeps with his hat on and eyes open 😭
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Monster hunter base done! You can even enter it, got some screenshots of the inside (that i’ll use for… references 😏) and yeah, he’s lifting weights in the background, like usual lmao.
That’s it so far! I got more like giving him a heartknot, going on dates, etc. that I will eventually post… maybe.
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roselandsrl · 6 months
intro post
Hello, I'm June (not Rose) she/her
I am a minor
Things I like
-Taylor swift
-Conan Gray
-Baby queen
-Anything rainbow
-Silver jewlery
-Black nail polish
-The colour purple and black
I post about heartstopper and my life most of the time
I am also bi and ace
feel free to ask any questions
My Pinterest-
"Devil in the details but you got a friend in me"
Peace by Taylor Swift
My mutuals
@chantelles-stuff @idontwanttobeabuzzkill @theplasticwalmartbag3 @ive-never-been-a-natural @ucanbanything @universe-friday @doin-ur-mum @babyqueenfangirl @13callisto @toulouseradiosilence @super-ace @im-a-slut-for-subway-sandwiches @ezraisfallingapart @obsessingoverl @pretentious-media @lilytx19 @littlemissunstable13427 @totalcharliespringsimp
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