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tarredo · 4 years ago
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#Doimocucine #AllAround #D23 #tarredorivenditored #tarredoporcia #tarredo #tarredotoffolosnc #cucinachepassione❤️ #cucinaitaliana #Design #kitchendesign Il sistema cucina All-arounD di Doimo Cucine è completo e versatile. Qualsiasi sia la cucina contemporanea componibile che desideri, sarà possibile realizzarla grazie alla trasversalità e all’adattabilità dei singoli elementi. All-arounD è un sistema che inizia con la “A” di Aspen, e le sue peculiarità sostenibili, e finisce con la “D” di dimensioni (20 e 23 mm). (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRnDEdgqRe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tortozal · 5 years ago
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En el 20/20 @elchefvaatucasa y estará en lugares como Caruao, Los Roques y hasta las Europas; así que a sentarse porque la comida la pongo yo 😉 . . . . #elchefvaatucasa #aloespa #cookingforreal#duomostyle #grupodoimo #doimocucine #foodphotography #foodpornshare #foodlover #cheflife🔪 #chefsofinstagram #cocina#finland #finland_frames (en Caracas, D.F., Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XR45VnY4h/?igshid=1tsn28aemnqsn
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wmtext · 4 years ago
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a @doimocucine kitchen.
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mariajustinteriordesigns · 5 years ago
8 Italian Brands: Our Virtual Salone del Milano with DDN Milan
Design fairs like the famous Salone del Milano have long given industry professionals a special lens into the interiors world months before the rest of the world. We get to see what’s coming, and in many cases, what potentially could arrive in the years ahead.
What is the focus? What are the colors, patterns, materials, shapes, textures and other considerations being talked about the most? A fair gives you a chance to pull out your crystal ball. They serve as both a telescope and a microscope. These mega events are exhilarating, exhausting, exciting, fun, you barely sleep, yet absolutely essential for those responsible for bringing trends and ideas into the mainstream space.
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However, during a global pandemic, it’s impossible to gather together hundreds of thousands of guests to mingle and share this design conversation together, at least in person. The major fairs in Europe this year have all been postponed until 2021. The industry weaps. This hurts the brands. We all hurt.
This is why my friends and I, who normally visit Milan together for the Salone del Milano each year, have partnered with DDN Milan to pull together an online viewing of what we all missed last month in Milan. They organize fantastic tours of the fair each year, in which I am a part of with my friends (listed below).
Today, I’ll share 8 important Italian brands with you and some of their new offerings, and my blogger friends will follow tomorrow, on their blogs. We will also share on our Instagram Stories all week too. So you can get a little taste of the fair virtually.
It’s hard to imagine something like this being the “new normal” for 2020, but I have embraced the concept of a virtual fair and feel like something with heart is better than nothing at all, and in these times, we must challenge ourselves to be more creative and to imagine new ways of sharing information that can ultimately help good brands to grow stronger.
Here are the 8 important Italian brands we are working with for this collaboration, so please visit them online to learn more and visit my Instagram Stories today to see what I love from each listed below.
1. Cantori / @cantori_spa
2. Casalgrande Padana / @casalgrandepadana
3. CRISTINA Rubinetterie / @CRISTINARubinetterie 
4. Doimo Cucine / @DoimoCucine 
5. Maestri / @Maistrilacucina
6. Minotticucine / @minotticucine 
7. Quadrodesign / @quadrodesign_official
8. Viva / @vivaporte
Again, today on my Instagram Stories: @decor8, you can follow me and my friends (below) all week to see what we love from the participating brands above. You can also follow these blogs all week, too. Here is the schedule below:
16th June  My Scandinavian Home
17th June Passion Shake
 18th June VosgesParis
 19th June Happy Interior Blog
 22nd June Interiors Design Blog
 23rd June DDN Blog 
 24th June That Scandinavian Feeling 
 25th June  Design Hunter 
 26th June  Italian Bark 
 29th June Creative Home X
I am so happy and honored to work with DDN again and to represent these brands along with my lovely colleagues and friends. A special thanks to Agata from Passion Shake for involving me in the DDN circle in the first place several years ago.
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tarredo · 4 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Aspen #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #tarredotoffolosnc #cucinachepassione❤️ #cucinadesign #kitchendesign Una composizione tutta ordine e simmetria. Si impone con due grandi portali vetrati dove ogni cosa trova il suo posto e da cui fuoriescono volumi dedicati agli elettrodomestici. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO94BZMARty/?igshid=ly42pi2fob05
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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CUCINA A ISOLA IN FENIX® E NOCE Finiture di pregio per la cucina in Fenix®, ricercato e setoso al tatto, e noce Scalfito, lavorato per donare molteplici sensazioni tattili. La presenza degli elementi Modular neri a muro scandisce un ritmo moderno. #Doimocucine #Aspen #tarredo #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #toffolo #toffoloaec (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWwL__sk9d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Showroom Una cucina in linea fronteggiata da un’isola in appoggio a parete. I flussi dei movimenti sono così semplici, la stanza acquista dinamicità ed è chiaramente divisa per funzioni in una sorta di corridoio operativo separato dalla zona pranzo al di là del piano snack. Elemento caratterizzante: la base arredo Doimo in alluminio nero e ripiani in vetro fumé. #tarredo #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #toffolo #cucine #cucinadesign #cucinachepassione❤️ (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXN7L4ksWZM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Showroom The raised edge door features a soft edge whose subtle frame accentuates its profile. It is coupled here with a traditional groove handle system. The simplicity of the composition is enriched by Modular open shelving units, in metal with LED lights, that also increases their functionality. The composition features a pair of open shelving units, with hooks for objects, a tablet holder and utensil hooks, and a tall unit installed above the worktop, in a wall mounted version. Both are completed by a splashback in HPL Munè Grey, matched to the worktop. #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredoditoffoloaecsnc #tarredo #toffolo #tarredotoffolosnc #cucine #cucina (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW371q6sdeo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #D20 #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredo #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #toffolo CUCINA A ISOLA IN MELAMINICO La cucina a isola ha i top in Okite®, materiale che simula alla perfezione il quarzo naturale, ma è ben più resistente a graffi, urti e usura, oltre a essere impermeabile, igienico e facile da pulire. La scelta del melaminico dimostra ulteriore attenzione alla resistenza e agli aspetti economici. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWAqtV9MJGl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Showroom #tarredoporcia #tarredoditoffoloaecsnc #tarredo #design All-arounD è libertà! Ante diverse, sistemi di apertura e spessori diversi, tutti insieme, perfettamente coordinati e funzionali, abbinabili a piacere. Le varianti Aspen e D23 All-arounD coabitano in una composizione originale. Colonne e sopracolonne a profondità ridotta incorniciano lo spazio e uniscono area lavaggio a parete e penisola. Le ante sono lisce quattro lati in olmo Michelangelo o sono in MDi Jasper con telaio d’alluminio interno e, nelle colonne, con schiena in olmo Michelangelo. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVvB05cMeAQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #D23 # tarredo #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia#cucina The D23 door of the All-arounD kitchen system by Doimo Cucine has a thickness of 23 mm. It offers the broadest selection of materials, handle systems and typologies. The choice ranges from slab to integrated Rail handle, 30° chamfer, flat groove profile, to tray frame and framed doors. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU72Y5LAZxZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #D23 The D23 door of the All-arounD kitchen system by Doimo Cucine has a thickness of 23 mm. It offers the broadest selection of materials, handle systems and typologies. The choice ranges from slab to integrated Rail handle, 30° chamfer, flat groove profile, to tray frame and framed doors. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU2_WAjAfqo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Showroom #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredoditoffoloaecsnc #tarredo #cucinachepassione❤️ #cucinadesign #design #kitchendesigners SISTEMA CUCINA ALL-AROUND Il sistema cucina All-arounD di Doimo Cucine è completo e versatile. Qualsiasi sia la cucina contemporanea componibile che desideri, sarà possibile realizzarla grazie alla trasversalità e all’adattabilità dei singoli elementi. All-arounD è un sistema che inizia con la “A” di Aspen, e le sue peculiarità sostenibili, e finisce con la “D” di dimensioni (20 e 23 mm). Una volta scelto lo spessore dell’anta o la sua tipologia, fatti guidare dal tuo gusto per i materiali e le loro finiture e dalle tue esigenze, sino a definire una cucina assolutamente personale, la tua. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcN4j-gfkr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 3 years ago
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#Doimocucine #D23 #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia#tarredo CUCINA A ISOLA IN LACCATO L’eleganza delle colonne in laccato opaco Camoscio fa da sfondo all’isola con la zona operativa, completa di lavaggio e fuochi, che domina l’intera composizione. Ha il top in laminato Cemento Polvere, contrapposto al piano snack ad altezza tavolo con supporto in vetro. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTpr6F0ri9z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 4 years ago
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#Doimocucine #Showroom #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #tarredo #toffolo #tarredoditoffoloaecsnc #cucinadesign #cucinachepassione❤️ #designdeinteriores This kitchen with its rigorous style and dark colours utilises both door thicknesses offered to All-arounD by the Aspen door. Knotted oak Antico is used on the 23 mm doors, while the 20 mm doors are in Fenix NTM ® Nero and ceramic Nero Greco. This makes it possible to play with two different finishes on the base units, one for the drawers under the worktop, the other for the fronts below. (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTJwes1MgEI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarredo · 4 years ago
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#Doimocucine #IncomingMaterial #tarredorivenditoredoimocucine #tarredoporcia #tarredosnc #tarredo InComingMaterial mostra a colpo d’occhio, in un pratico PDF, le novità introdotte fra le finiture con il sistema All-arounD: melaminici monocolore, Synchroface con diverse essenze legni speciali, XGloss e XMatt e laccati metallizzati. Puoi scaricarlo qui: https://www.doimocucine.com/download/InComingMaterial-2020.pdf (presso T.arredo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIzX9VD88c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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