dogueteeth-fhr · 1 year
Can I ask what’s up with praeludium (allegro)?
You certainly can! This one has been in the works for a while and I poke it whenever inspiration strikes me.
Small snippet:
" You had accepted the cigarette back then out of curiosity. His thoughts, his feelings, were foreign, but tempted you like forbidden fruit, and every time your curiosity had won, and you’d dipped your toes into his humanity, you came out more unsettled and disoriented than before. You hated the feeling, and nowadays, you’re sure he did too. You’ve heard people say that they’re uncertain of the moment when they went from a tottering, mindless infant to a being with collectable thoughts and emotions. Maybe you’d accepted the habit because you had slipped into the pool of his emotions faster than you’d realized and emerged conscious and sane.
Maybe that moment was it for you. Maybe it was your first true birth, heralded by a cruel human who happened to have one last vestige of remorse to share with a heartless puppet. It would be fitting. The man was a monster by human standards, and you’re no different. Like does breed like. "
This one explores a non-specific gender-neutral Sidestep, presumably around the times the Special Directive first set them out on missions. Hints heavily at the cigarette vice but it can be taken as just a future secondary habit. I started this piece after seeing someone somewhere (I think FHR Reddit?) say that Sidestep's telomeres must be absolutely fucked. This piece is meant to explore Re-Gene health and Sidestep's early mentality and it may eventually become a fic for Constantine rather than a non-specific step, but We Shall See as it progresses.
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dogueteeth-fhr · 1 year
FOr the WIP ask. Two in particular make me curious. Please tell something about "5 Camels and 10 White Horses" and "vice & vicodin".👀 I am looking forward to all parts of "capsaicin", but I will be patient and let myself be surprised.🙂
Ooh so glad you asked!!! (Also dw you won't have to wait long for most capsaicin bits >:3)
5 Camels and 10 White Horses
Tiny morsel snippet that works as a synopsis teaser:
" he doesn't have the same urges in Ace's body as he does in his own. doesn't feel the needy twitch in his left hand as it fumbles in his pockets for a cigarette, doesn't feel the oncoming headache that grows when he can't find any. it reminds him of darker times, fumbling blind through alleyways, the taste of grime and motor oil burning away behind a plume of smoke. "
This one is a one-shot between Dr. Mortum and Constantine!! I think this is my first fic for Constantine beside a capsaicin WIP between the two. It's a puppetstuck!ending that explores Constantine and his past, and it sheds some insight to him about how he could be different if he decided to change his ways. This fic is a reminder to him that he's not alone anymore. The title is a bit odd so I feel I should explain it— "Camel" and "White Horse" are the names of two cigarette brands! Not many people know of White Horse anymore but it's Constantine's favourite.
vice & vicodin
Long Snippet (WARNING TWs: Mentions of self-harm and drug abuse);
" But she's been bed-bound for weeks and only recently gotten the clear from Mortum's doctor-friend to whirl around in a wheelchair. She's not keen to rebreak her legs before they've even gotten a chance to heal, but it's been hell, trying to keep herself occupied. She feels like one of those ex-military dogs, retired and told to play house. Pent up and out of place. A lion put in a cart, pacing across straw and ten-by-fifteen wooden boards as the circus music plays. Lightning in a bottle.
She's already gone through pile after pile of evidence, cleaned up the lair, and repaired her armor. Downed some Vicodin after hitting her leg against the wall and organized more plans and files. Took another blunt, researched Carter's info, stared at the ceiling and wished it would fall on her, went through evidence piles again, avoided and failed staring at the knives and did it all over again. Twice. Took a bit more Vicodin than she probably should have. That's going to be awkward to explain to Dr. Halabi.
Did it all over again, thrice. Multiple times with more variations. Some involving more blood and bandages. Those ones were often spent reassuring the Rat King that she's okay afterwards. She's not going to die. Not yet. It's just blood. It's just more wounds that will heal. Horizontal. Not vertical. She promises the Rat King she'll give it a break. For now.
Rat King.
Now there's something that she can do. Something to occupy her mind with. "
Oh boy, vice & vicodin is the first part of a new series I have planned called "it's called "freefall" about Isa post-guilty crash, set after Retribution and crossing into Revelations; kind of like my own little continuation of Retri since we don't know what Revelations will be like yet!
Writing-wise, I feel very odd about this series, as I plan to kind of go at it with whatever my mind tosses at me. I have some POVs of other characters (Daniel and Ortega mostly) planned for the series that I will go through my usual process of writing for, but most of it will be from Isa's POV and what I'm trying to accomplish with that is the pacing and sentence structure that you can see a bit of in this snippet.
Her thought process is a bit everywhere, not sure if that reflects in my writing here in comparison to my other works, but it feels starkly different in tone to me at least. Not sure if it makes for a good read, so I do look forward to future feedback on that and deciding if I want to keep this style for this work or if I should comb through it to make it easier to read. But, then again, this series is not planned to be an easy, lighthearted read beyond syntax and grammar, but content-wise as well.
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dogueteeth-fhr · 1 year
WIP Titles Ask Game!
Tysm @silvery-bluish for the tag!! I, uh, def not gonna be able to follow the rules to a T because I've got a ridiculous amount of writing WIPs atm since my creative juices have been rapid-firing lately. But I!! Shall do my best!! By tagging.... @wonda-fhr and @disastersteps !! As always, no pressure to participate <<33
Gonna keep it purely FHR WIPs since that's my obsession still!
Rules: Reveal the titles of documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
LIL NOTE: I'll divide these into Non-NSFW & NSFW so that anyone who asks about a WIP isn't bonked with unwanted spice!
5 Camels and 10 White Horses
praeludium (allegro)
Semi-NSFW (contains NSFW or mild spice but it's not the main focus)
sargasso sea
"it's called "freefall"" (new WIP series ft. Isa post-guilty end);
vice & vicodin
blood & iodine
grout & putty
authority issues
Upcoming "capsaicin" WIPS;
double trouble
angel wings
a bit of healing
vanilla ice cream
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