#dogs had no braincells today at work
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descendantofthesparrow · 7 months ago
when dad makes you dinner that sounds so good but you get home and eat it and it isnt
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 months ago
Hey there hope you’re doing well just wondering what kind of jobs do you think the characters of hellsing have in a normal life?
Ayoo here's a collection of silly ideas from the Hellsing Discord mostly (and some scraps of my last braincells):
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Alucard teaches history and is obsessed with wars specifically. Infodumps about brutal facts a concerningly amount.
Anderson would be either a librarian, a kindergarden teacher every parent feels mildly intimidated by (but the kids love him very much), or a theology professor.
Seras would be a personal trainer or a bodyguard that always gets underestemated until she kicks their butt.
Integra was supposed to inherit her father's business but became a lawyer that specializes in enforcing human rights.
Walter is an undercover agent that works as a butler to unveil Arthur's massive tax fraud.
Pip is a temp worker that's talented with everything but still can't keep a job for two weeks straight because of his attitude.
Maxwell becomes one of those redpill influencers that sells bullshit to his naive followers and makes thirst edits of himself.
Heinkel gives classes for material arts or sports.
Yumie would be a school counselor or a nurse with an open ear for everyone.
Jan and Luke own the club they had in Hellsing Gonzo. Jan ends up in prison often but his brother somehow always bails him out.
The Captain is an ex-soldier with a lot of confirmed kills. Retires to become a dog-walker or work in an animal shelter.
The Major would either be an evil CEO or the leader of a cult-like commune that claims they don't fit into today's society (definetly commits felonies either way).
The Doc would be a chef, a fashion designer, or one of those surgeons with questionable PHD that offers body modification operations in his basement.
Rip writes dark romance novels that sell surprisingly well with the booktok girlies (we all know her Tumblr would be fire).
Zorin is a tattoo artist with a side business on etsy (she scams people by selling fake magic stuff).
Dandy has no job, he literally scams people with gambling and card tricks.
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lqtraintracks · 1 month ago
Getting to Know You Tag Game, Part Deux!
Thank you for the new questions, @moonmanateee and thank you for the tag @magpiefngrl @annanother-thing @bibayaga @badwolfblues @the-invisibility-bloke and whoever I may have missed! <3
Last book: Currently reading Justin Torres’s Blackouts and The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones. Before those, I read Evenings & Weekends by OisÍn McKenna, which I LOVED.
Favorite animal: I mean, I’m basic, so dogs and cats. But of the ones who are not pets: wombats, sea otters, possums, raccoons, pikas, prairie dogs and groundhogs, cheetahs, and black-footed cats
Last meal: Really good leftovers from Pepperoni Grill: shrimp fettuccine alfredo and chicken parmesan  
Last text message: I’m rooting for your team today!!! Miss you! <3 (For context, this is my Buffalo Bills friend who moved away about 6 months ago.)
Socks/slippers/bare feet: All of them depending! My feet tend to get cold for no reason, so sometimes I’m socks and slippers, even if I have shorts on, which is ~a look~.
Last thing that made me laugh: @sleepstxtic @hoko-onchi-writes and vera. there is one singular braincell between them and watching them squabble over it is the highlight of my day. ← Listen, Anna had a pretty darn good answer here! I too have laughed very recently over these exact darlings! <333 I’m certain the answer is also @snabulous who is my IRL work bestie and keeps me somewhat sane. 
Last thing I watched on youtube: I’m not a YouTube person.
Favorite lazy-sunday activity: write fic, read my book, chat with friends online, and, yet another of Anna’s answers that works for me: annoy the cat
Current obsession: My mother’s health. This is not a good thing. I would literally rather worry about *anything* else. :( 
Looking forward to:  Turning in my Knot Fest, reading more, going to the gym more often, and, a few months from now, Work Bestie’s wedding! <333
I'll tag: Snabulous, Hoko, and Kat! And also @julcheninred @apricitydays-lazynights @romaine2424 @glassf1re @drarrymyheart and @thehoneybeet
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marvel-starwarsfangirl · 1 year ago
"The Return" thoughts
I said it earlier after my first viewing, but this episode proves why Crosshair is such a compelling character. I love him so so much and I realize that I resonate with him deeply.
I also love how the title of this episode can refer to multiple things be it characters, locations, or ideas. It really is a perfect fit.
Spoilers below
I have no words for how beautiful and perfect this episode is. Although I would've liked to see Crosshair being accepted back by his brothers in that cliffhanger, I was still overjoyed to see him finally on Pabu. He finally gets to experience island life. Unfortunately, his hand is still acting up. After today's episode, I genuinely believe that his tremors are a result of physical damage combined with psychological factors. His identity has been ripped apart, he's lost so much, and his turmoil regarding his brothers still lingers. The moment where his hand trembles at Hunter's words solidified that for me.
AND ECHO RETURNED! I missed him so much and it's relieving to see that he's doing well. Mama Echo is home. I love how he's written in this episode as well. Echo is someone who has a strong set of values that he follows and believes in to his core. This makes him a great mentor/parental figure and to see that here was amazing. He's always there to break up Cross and Hunter's fights and he gives Omega sound wisdom and advice. He validates her feelings but also acknowledges that she did make the right choice in escaping. I assume he's older than the Batch which also makes sense in why he can parent them so well. He's the voice of reason and the braincell carrier.
Overall, I really enjoyed the action and plot of this episode. When Crosshair mentioned he knew a place that could bypass the imperial encryption, I had a feeling of where he was talking about. Still, to see the outpost consumed by the environment of Barton IV hits hard. Of course, nothing prepared me for seeing Mayday and the other clones' helmets. Seeing Crosshair set the helmets up as a sign of respect hit hard. Aside from that, the episode does a great job of letting Crosshair and Hunter try and reconnect. It isn't easy due to their avoidant natures. However, both still relied on each other when danger struck.
Looking back, I'm glad they got the reunion of Omega and Crosshair taken care of so they can focus on finding Tantiss and freeing the other clones. I thought we'd get a whole season of just Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo wandering around while Cross and Omega are stuck. Now, we get new dynamics and seeing the bonds between brothers reborn.
Crosshair and Omega still continues to be an amazing duo. He loves her so much and is so comfortable around her. Omega playfully calling him "little brother" and his smile is so sweet. I still think Cross is the baby of the family. There were also moments when Cross sounded like Tech when he yells and it honestly makes me buy into the fanon idea that they're twins. Anyways, Omega still supporting her (big) little brother is so endearing. Same with Wrecker and him returning the armor to Crosshair. So touching. And the hug! Crosshair finally got a hug and I'm so happy.
Now, Hunter and Crosshair. I loved how their relationship was handled. Both distrust each other and lash out due to lack of communication. That being said, both of them didn't hesitate to rescue the other when danger struck. They still love each other deep down and I'm glad they came to an understanding at the end. There's much to work on, but they're moving forward.
(also Batcher is best emotional support dog!)
(also also, seeing Crosshair's crestfallen face at the mention of Tech hit the feels)
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missperfectlyfinewrites · 1 year ago
oh look another giant thing from the braincell @wlwhq || ivy & rowan
The festive season was a fun time of year, there was no doubt about that. Ivy loved doing themed activities with her student - inclusive as possible of course, and she spent a lot of her free time buying presents, wrapping presents, volunteering with the needy, doing Christmas baking, everything you could imagine. Cute headbands, cute Christmas jumpers, countless hot chocolate. Ivy was a cosy girl who liked cosy festive times. But, there was something that bothered her about Christmas.
There were a few years in her life, where Christmas was not as fun. Her ex boyfriend was an awful man. Didn't really get along with her family, was toxic - in so many ways that it hurt to think about, and he had kind of crumpled up some of her love about Christmas. Sure, Ivy was doing all of the things and enjoying herself, but some things were very much difficult to cope with. For someone who enjoyed Christmas, she wasn't the kind of person to write her own Christmas list. If Rowan asked what she wanted, she deviated the conversation. if she saw Rowan putting some presents under the tree, Ivy kept clear for a little bit. Ivy would have talked till the cows came home about presents for other people, but every time the conversation became about her getting things, she seemed to stiffen. Every now and again she found herself looking at the tree, almost hopeful that maybe she'd actually get some of the presents this year. It wasn't Rowan's fault, it was never Rowan's fault. Rowan didn't seem to push or shove or demand to ask what was wrong. Rowan tended to sit back and observe, at least that's what Ivy thought. It was difficult. How could a time of year that brought so much joy, also bring so much angsty and trauma to the surface?
Ivy, well, hadn't thought Rowan had even noticed her slight angst and anxiety building about the Christmas period. Ivy had been trying to shove it down, trying not to think about it. Her ex boyfriend was the problem, not Rowan. But Ivy had been deluded into thinking that certain things were normal, certain things were going to happen. If she was bad, then she wouldn't get any of the presents. If she upset somebody, they'd be taken away or broken. There wasn't any point to asking for something she wanted, because she'd either be laughed at or be told she was getting something, and then have it be taken away. Ivy had even been hesitant to bring her presents from the students home. One year he'd broken mugs her students had gotten her, and Ivy had been shattered. Those kinds of things were special to her. Rowan had asked if the kids had gotten her anything, and she'd given a bit of a half answer, not saying much, showing a drawing or two, not really alluding to the fact that she had a giant pile of things on her desk she had taken home yet.
But, Ivy tried to ignore all of that. Tried to ignore her anxiety about it. It would be a good Christmas, right? Today she was introducing Rowan to her family, and then next week, on Christmas day, she'd actually get to go meet Row's family. That was so exciting, so fun. There was a decent pile of presents in the trunk, for her parents, along side their bags - and of course plenty of goodies for her family's dog Daisy too. It had taken about two hours to get to her parents place - Rowan offering to drive, as Ivy was a little anxious about driving in the not so amazing weather. Also, the idea of bringing Row home for the first time, that was a little nerve wracking.
But as soon as the door opened, it was fine, right? Her mom had pulled Rowan in for like the biggest hug ever, her dad had gone straight to give Ivy a hug, gushing about how good it was to see them and to have them stay for a couple of days. Ivy had visited for a weekend a little while ago, but this was the first time Row had gotten the time off work to fit around a visit, and Ivy was grateful.
Her parents had insisted on helping them bring everything in, her dad taking their bags up to her childhood room and her mom insisting on getting some food after their drive. They chatted to Rowan like they'd known them for ages, wanting to know about work - Caleb being particularly interested in the mechanics of the ambulances, enjoying some of her mom's delightful cooking. It was a relief to Ivy, that Rowan seemed to like them, and that they seemed to like Rowan.
A few hours had passed off them being at the Winters family home, mama insisting on showing them around the house and having a lot of introductory chats. It was good, all going fine. Dad kept asking Ivy about work, and Mom kept up asking about if she'd tried any new recipes, but Ivy just quietly deflected the conversation to things about Rowan and and her students, not really talking about herself. Ivy felt a little out of sorts, especially when she kept catching the glimpses of the Christmas tree out of the corner of her eye, noticing her name scrawled on so many presents in her Mama's handwriting. Her dad caught her eye a few times but Ivy was quick to move on the conversation, participating, not wanting him to be worried.
That was until they'd settled in the living room to chat more, over hot chocolate and cookies. Ivy was kind of zoning out, just a little. The chats were nice, nothing was wrong with that, but she could just feel her anxiety swirling, feel her mind drifting. It wasn't until she heard her dad call her name a couple of times and place a hand on her arm that Ivy jolted, realising she wasn't paying attention. "Sweetheart?" Caleb gave her a look and Ivy quickly brushed it off - or at least she hoped so, giving him a smile, her hands smoothing out her little plaid skirt. "Sorry Dad, I thought I heard Daisy, I think she wants to go out," Ivy lied smoothly.
"Oh, I can take her out, you stay here in the warm," he went to get up and Ivy quickly shook her head, standing up. "It's okay dad, you keep getting to know Row, I can take her outside quickly," Ivy didn't stop to see if he was going to agree or see if anyone was giving her a funny look. She simply went to find Daisy - who arguably had just been lazing about in the kitchen, and coaxed her outside into the backyard. It was a little cold, to be honest, but Ivy didn't overly care. She watched Daisy scamper around for a moment - Daisy clearly didn't care about the cold for the moment either.
Tears welled in Ivy's eyes, her bottom lip quivering as she did her best to take a shaky breath, facing out into the garden - so nobody could see the look on her face. Her fingers worried the sleeves of her red reindeer sweater, teeth sinking down into her red lipstick for a moment. Ivy rocked on her little heeled black boots, legs shivering ever so slightly in her black tights, her gaze watching Daisy run up and down, trying to catch some poor insect. She'd be okay. She just had to have a moment, go back inside, and she'd be fine. She didn't want to let anxiety win this moment. Row had only met her parents merely a few hours ago, and they seemed to all love each other, she didn't want to take away from that.
Caleb went to stand up to follow Ivy, as she'd clearly moved away a little hurriedly, and Kimberly's hand shot out, grabbing his arm for a moment and shaking her head. "Give her a moment, mi amor. Don't go crowding her, " Kimberly offered gently, before her gaze moved to Rowan, offering a sympathetic smile. Kimberly wasn't quite sure how much Rowan knew, or how much Ivy wanted Rowan to know, or if Rowan had dealt with much of Ivy's anxiety yet.
"She might just need a moment, perhaps it's a little overwhelming being home," Kimberly spoke to Rowan - but she wasn't quite sure if she was trying to reassure them, herself or her husband. She was a little worried about the blonde that had gone to help Daisy - as she was pretty sure it was just one of her excuses. Maybe Rowan would know if Ivy had been a little more off lately, after all, they would have seen each other a lot more often. Ivy called her parents all the time, but perhaps she wasn't giving them all the details.
"Has Ivy been alright lately?" Caleb spoke up. It might have seen like a bit of an intrusive question, but considering he'd felt like Ivy was a little out of it, and now she'd disappeared from the room completely, he was allowed to be worried about his little girl.
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purplesurveys · 10 months ago
Do you like coffee? Yes. Need it everyday. No coffee no braincells no work done hahah.
Do your eyes ever twitch? They don't.
Do you get excited when you get something in the mail that isn’t a bill? Of course it's exciting when stuff I order arrives. But it also depends, because I'm not always buying things and sometimes I'm just receiving stuff for my parents or sister haha.
What was the last thing you wrote by hand? Just my signature for when I picked up the book I pre-ordered from the local bookstore.
Why did you last feel exhausted? Tuesday last week. The Sunday before that I had 10 AM-6 PM event, immediately the following day I had a 5 PM-1 AM event...by Tuesday I was beat and felt a fever coming in. Thankfully it didn't last long and I powered through the rest of the week like a motherfucker.
Have you ever used emotional blackmail to get your own way? Sure.
Has anybody ever used emotional blackmail on you? Sure.
Assuming you have any, is your hair soft today? No.
Who did you last worry about and why? The dogs, because of the weather. I'm constantly worrying they might get heat stroke so now I always give them ice cubes and have the living room aircon turned on, even if it's only them downstairs.
When are you next at work? If you mean at the office, Thursday.
Do you enjoy your work? It's a lot more tolerable ever since I was able to negotiate to be set free from the one account that was serving as mental torment for me. I dare say I'm a lot happier now that it's gone from my professional life.
Are you currently looking for a new place to live? Not really. I'm weighing options and hearing out opinions here and there, but given that I have no urgent need to have my own place yet, I haven't reached a point where I've done ocular visits.
When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? Can't remember. I'd eat everything except for fruits lol.
Can you see any toys from where you’re sat? I have a massive Koya stuffed toy right in front of me - it was a gift from my sister for my birthday.
Last time you heard a growl, who or what did it come from? A couple of hours ago, from Cooper. He always lets out these playful growls whenever we play catch since he's always so impatient to get the damn toy in his mouth haha.
Does it bother you when you forget something that you should know? Sure.
What was the last thing you put off doing? Proofreading a script a teammate wrote. She did say she doesn't need feedback til tomorrow afternoon, but given that I like to do things as quickly as possible I'd still count it as being put off.
When did you last make up a baby’s bottle? Never.
What was the last thing you cooked? Idk the last thing I cooked but the last thing I ordered was a box of donuts and toasted siopao.
Do you eat your dinner at a dining table, coffee table or just off your lap? It varies. I'd eat anywhere at home.
When did you last see the sea? Last month when we visited Leah's beachside house for a team outing.
Which would you prefer as a view; mountains or the sea? Sea.
Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) Nope.
Do you apologise a lot? Sure, especially at work.
Do you have any framed black & white photos in your home? Who are they of? No, they're all colored.
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therhythmafterthesummer · 2 years ago
Bestie someone came into my work today with a super adorable dog and when I asked the owner the dog's name they said Wolf AND MY MIND WENT "MECHANIC CHRISSSSSS" lmaoooo I'll never be the same 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also the trailer left me in shambles, I was also gonna suggest vigilante chris 😂😂😂 we really all have one brain cell 😂
- 🍒
bestie, i saw a husky at the park the other day and my first thought was Wolfgang and mechanic!chris, too sdfjkhsjkdf. the husky was a mess, just like i had imagined wolfgang, too haha
i love how the trailer pulled every single horny braincell out of our shared hivemind. i can't say he's a vigilante, but he's certainly Something hahahah
i already have the first draft. it hasn't even been 24hrs, dude. losing my mind fr
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ruby-whistler · 4 years ago
i made a list of the vibes of the hermits i watch, so you might want to check some of them out! this is just mostly jokes, but i thought all of the more “serious” propaganda was missing something, so have what truly makes hermitcraft worth it; the players’ unique styles!
will be back on my dsmp stuff asap but it’s the first day of season 8 and i would really appreciate if you checked them out through the links provided :]
Grian; [ episode one link ]
vibes of a 17 year old mcyter, is actually 27 and married
noo not my red jumpah!
chaotic capitalist
someone is making the server better through order? *starts another war* whoops, hand slipped :D
he built a- he rebuilt his entire megabase in survival, above a giant lake of lava, in the nether, on hard mode, upside down??
“watching as scar dies over and over in my trap is peak comedy and i’m tired of pretending it’s not” but it happens like 5 times i every season
video editing is very main-stream and good for short attention spans!
*sad montage over losing stuff he’ll get back in 15 minutes because he’s rich*
pesky birdd! great elytra flier! amazing builder! will tnt your house! poultrymannn!!
wholesome, chaos incarnate, talented architect
why won’t mumbo respond to my messages it’s been two weeks :[ (clingy)
doors???????????? your house has doors???? no doors for you good sir!
will laugh a lot at a lot of things, esp when he’s with his friends
genuinely just so fun to watch
Mumbo Jumbo; [ episode one link ]
perfect british accent
mustache man (warning: he has no mustache irl)
*fails ten businesses in a row* iskall please help
redstone is his element
“it’s actually quite simple” i like your funny words magic man, now can you repeat how in the hell you made a that fancy vault work-
filmographer?? i think? met up with grian irl
him and grian have a robot son named grumbot. that has nothing to do with the vibes but i had to mention him because he means a lot to me.
tries to stay out of wars and server politics until someone (grian) drags him into them
minigame maker, makes the hermits competitive and that is scary (also very funny) e. g. button, hermit challengesss!
“it’ll be fineee” *que shot of everything on fire behind him*
makes his base a living being and then all his neighbors end up feeding it instead of him
conspiracy theorist. bumbo baggins. the usual.
very entertaining videos that help you learn more about minecraft mechanics!
GoodTimesWithScar; [ episode one link ]
wheelchair creator with literally the best vibes
so wholesome i. he is so cool he makes me so happy :’D
*extremely cool announcer voice* ooooo hello there my fellow miners and crafters, good timeees with scar heree, and welcome backk to the wonderful world of hermits and crafting, and we’re flying over-
commentates everything extremely well
spends tenths of hours on builds within a single video and doesn’t bat an eye
lore for all of his builds! he builds these amazing bases to tell a story!
“i wanna see white flags! white flags, outside your base, by-“ wait no wrong anti-rebellion army leader
all videos have a clear objective
mostly building, but he loves hanging out/helping his friends!
loves disney movies! wants to go to space! :D
kind-hearted, always makes everyone else smile
can be chaotic but usually just tries to have fun and make sure everyone else has fun too
*flies into a tree on half a heart* wait what why did i die D:
scar. scar please eat. you’re going to die for the tenth time this video-
the non-chaotic capitalist, has extremely creative shop designs
a danger to himself, but also the kind of person you can’t be angry at for long
BdoubleO100; [ episode one link ]
the guitar music at the beginning of his videos brings a smile to my face, it just has such an immaculate mood
*camera pans over him as said music plays* ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of hoimycraffff
the way he talks is extremely endearing
one of the best builders on the server - probably best builder of interiors in existence
able to make a palette using any number of strange blocks and then make amazing builds using it
built a whole castle as a backdrop, then built an entire giant mountain for said castle
extremely sensitive to short jokes, usually gets pranked by others because his reactions are always so funny
his daughters show up from time to time in his room while he’s recording and it’s so cute
*has no way to see the sun but still knows it’s nighttime* gotta go schleep!
scar, pointing at him “this is why we can’t have nice sunsets”
(scar dies because of mobs every time bdubs isn’t on the server to sleep)
likes to be accomplice because he isn’t the one being made fun of (/lh)
*shoots himself in front of a confused grian because he thinks the guy wants his face again when he’s actually just looking for a netherportal*
is usually the underdog so it feels good when he wins
they’re all actually such great friends so it’s genuinely funny to watch
he himself is amazing at entertainment and just a very cool guy
ImpulseSV; [ episode one link ]
what’s going on everyone, my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft!
always speaks with a smile in his voice
has a good dynamic with basically everyone
great co-worker and always helps out if he can
had his base turned pink during the swap, and instead of changing it back afterwards, he dyed his skin’s hair and clothing pink to match it
very cool and original building style!
makes a lot of farms and sells what he gets in his few shops
makes money to be able to do more stuff and make more farms
blows up most his base ever so often to rebuild parts. you know, like a normal person does in minecraft survival.
the grind is never over
the guy who always gets all of the work done on the school project and proceeds to be chill about it
always has very cool side-projects going on and puts his heart into all of them
pog timelapses!!
Rendog; [ episode one link ]
*short, funny scene from the video at the beginning slowly fades out into great music
dogs howling as the half-dog half-cog logo comes up*
greetiiings cyberdogs and citizens of the interbubs! this is ren diggity dawg coming atcha, in another minecraft episodes varuuummm the hermit. craft. server. (hey!)
we’re kicking things off today my friends, from the- *location name on screen*
that intro gets me hyped every time
he’s a furry who talks in bro language it’s great i swear - very atypical but fun
he transformed an entire biome into a star wars planet for his base
his building skills and dedication are incredible
horny (just a little bit)
the only person who cared about mycelium in the whole rebellion
does a lot of roleplay-themed stuff and mysteries to be solved
“b-dubba-dubs one hundred”
extremely upbeat & sweet guy
adds -age after everything “biddage” “flyage” to make it sound Cooler
amazingly positive always and funny as hell
mcc winner!! wooooooooo :D
always tries to be where stuff is happening and interact with people
very entertaining editing style
Iskall85; [ episode one link ]
drives joke into the mud and then picks them up and does it again which is funny
starts videos with one-off bits
iskallman!!! the superhero literally no one needed and yet there he is
only has one (1) braincell when with mumbo
they both do and they’re hilarious together every time
like when they laughed at squeaky noises for ten minutes straight. guys please you’re adult men
bernie the leaf master
omega (something) of doom!!
encourages gambling (in a videogame)
he has so many jokes he keeps using i can’t possibly fit them all in here
basically a wildcard
i have no idea what he’s doing this season
i have no idea what he’s doing ever actually
tame chaos, confusing to the point when it’s funny again
really great builder as well!
mostly for younger audiences but his videos are a good watch in general
feel free to send asks about hc! i’m already loosely involved in hermitblr but yeah, my dsmp followers aren’t immune :] /lh /j
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yellingart · 2 years ago
Yet more characters to introduce (Horse edition)
This time I'll bundle them because I have way too many horse OCs, it's not a problem, shut up
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First, Horse, the love of my life, this baby is Jack's horse for most AUs and he's just the sweetest bravest ball of anxiety you will ever meet, this horse has such a big heart and wants to please so badly but he's scared of his own shadow. His name is Horse because while they were trying to figure out a name for him they were just addressing him as "the horse" and eventually he started to respond to the name and it stuck because it was funny.
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Now with Canalla, this is Jack's mother old horse. She's a mean mare, she worked so hard and doesn't like the company of almost any other living been but she's a good leader, she has a bit of a guard dog personality and will try her hardest for you. Currently in most AUs she's retired living her best life, they keep her as a way to thank her for the hard work she's done for them.
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Imperious, poor thing, he's Rickey's horse and while he's absolutely gorgeous, he's been through some very rough handling and doesn't accept many riders. In general, he's a fighty roudy stallion, very heavy and not the fastest, but will literally charge through a wall and is generally more scared of his rider than anything else he could encounter in front of him, so you can be sure he's quite a war horse.
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Milk and Choco are project horses, normally from Jack, they're very young and just starting training, they know how to drive in long reins and pull a small cart and they absolutely share one singular braincell between the two of them. They're also chronically buddy sour and will become such an issue if you separate them.
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Walter is Eloise's horse, hes absolutely the goodest most calm, safe horse you will ever find, the kind that will nap while you're grooming them or rest their head on the back of the farrier while getting their feet done. He's very sweet, very good intentioned, he loves people, loves other animals, even innanimate objects, super friendly to the point of lowkey stupid.
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Sunny is one of the latest additions to the herd, she's usually Jack's projects just as Milk and Choco but she's a rescue. Sunny is a failed racing prospect, she was sold multiple times in a very short amount of time and probably had some mistreatment along the way, beheavour issues and even some sort of fear aggression, she hates to have her face touched and in general is scared of people, but she tries very hard to understand what you're asking from her and is, ultimately, just a baby.
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And last today we have Chester! Another super super sweet gelding, loves jumping, has such a good heart when it comes to rider mistakes. You really want a horse like him for your kids or like any beginner really, he'd be the first heart horse of so many kids but he's most of the time the horse of a secondary oc that I haven't introduced yet named Luca
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iliumheightnights · 4 years ago
Bird Set Free | Ben Florian x Male Reader
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Fandom: Descendants Pairing: Ben Florian x Male Reader Summary: A jealous Audrey comes after Ben’s boyfriend.
A/N: Another co write with my amazingly talented friend @inhumanshadows​. If you haven’t checked them out what are you waiting for!? …
Ben had caught your eye the moment you stepped out of the limbo from the isle.
You were one of the first vk's to arrive in Auradon.
At the time Ben was dating Audrey so you didn't think you had any chance.
That changed after the big turney game when he asked you privately if you wanted to go on a date with him.
That shocked you first off because he was a prince/future king and you were a villain kid.
Secondly you were a guy. You hadn't expected Ben to be into guys.
You said yes of course. Who wouldn't want to go on a date with Ben.
The date went great and you enjoyed it.
During the whole coronation debacle, you helped Mal and them stop Maleficent.
Once everyone was unfrozen, Ben pulled you into a kiss in front of everyone.
That was a surprise to everyone, but who was going to challenge the king and his boyfriend who just stopped maleficent? No one that's who.
While Adam was shocked he wasn't disappointed and Belle was really supportive of you two.
Ben's parents were your biggest supporters. "Love is love."
While the kingdom had accepted you two relatively easy, one person did not. Audrey.
You had a feeling Audrey wouldn’t like it. 
But you figured she wouldn’t be too mad for long.
At least that’s how it seemed. Especially when she left school for a little “wellness retreat.”
Then the mess with Uma happened. 
You knew she spelled Ben and that any actions he made weren’t consciously his own.
The entire cotillion was...intense.
You didn't let Uma use Ben any more than she had.
You quickly pulled Ben in for a kiss and pressed your lips to his.
There was a spark and energy there that you felt every time you kissed.
Pulling back, Ben smiled at you and you could tell it had worked. He wasn't spelled anymore.
Uma and Mal then got into a fight over her spell book.
After everything settled down the two of you enjoyed the rest of your night.
However there was still a part of you that was hurt seeing Ben with someone else even if it wasn't his doing.
Luckily, Ben quickly made sure that YOU were the one for him.
That led to him proposing to you with a promise ring a week later.
You said yes to that right away. No way were you letting that pass by you.
Of course, Audrey wasn't happy with that. But who cares, what could she do?
-You didn’t care. You were engaged and had much more pressing matters to attend to.
-Now the whole kingdom was just in your face about really anything and everything.
“when’s the wedding?!”
“How are you adjusting to life as the prince’s boyfriend??”
It was that constantly and it gets old quickly.
So you just focused on Ben and your friends. 
Evie insisted on designing yours and Ben’s wedding outfits. 
“I mean I won’t tell you no Evie.”
You had to remind everyone that it was only a promise ring and not an actual engagement ring. No one seemed to care.
Honestly with you two, it really was more of an engagement ring.
But that was for another day. Today was Jane's birthday.
Ben had some last minute work to finish so you went ahead of him.
"(M/N)! It's good to see you."
"Ben's on his way. He just had to finish something first. He's sorry for being late."
She waved you off. "No worries."
Then someone you hadn't expected showed up.
She was dressed differently and had maleficent staff.
That wasn't good.
Audrey laid her eyes on you and a wicked smile came over her face.
That REALLY wasn't good.
"Jane, go. Run!"
Jane nods and hightails it out of there.
Audrey starts to sing “Happy birthday” as waves of green smoke wash over the party area, all the guests falling into a cursed sleep.
You brace for an inevitable sleep... but it never comes.
Audrey stands before you, smile on her face.
“A sleeping curse is too good and too easy for you. I have other plans.”
She bangs the bottom of the staff on the ground and you’re surrounded by smoke.
Magic flows over you and when it clears... everything is bigger.
“Well aren’t you a pretty bird...” Audrey says before vanishing. 
You run to the edge of the lake and see that she turned you into a raven.
A raven. Of course she turned you into a raven, just like diaval.
Your first instinct is to panic. You're currently a bird when just five seconds ago you were human.
After calming down a bit you realize the next best thing to do is go after Ben.
Ben! If this is what Audrey did to you what would she have done to Ben!?
Without another thought you flap your new wings and try your best to fly.
It's not pretty at first but you figure it out and soon are flying to your future husband.
When you do reach Ben...it's not fun.
Audrey had changed him as well, but instead of a bird he was a beast. Just like his dad.
When you tried talking with him you hoped he would be like how his dad was as a beast...or at least as you had been told.
You figured you'd get to talk with him and figure out a way to stop Audrey.
Ben tried to eat you.
Apparently Audrey's curse made Ben an actual full beast and not just looking like one.
There was only one thing left to do...find help!
Finding help wasn't easy. Everyone was either asleep or turned to stone!
Fairy godmother? Stone. Belle and Adam? Asleep.
Luckily you found Mal and them, along with Uma, Gil and Harry.
Unluckily, they just thought you were a raven.
Harry kept shooing you and threatening to hit you with the hook.
Gil wanted to pet you. So that wasn’t too bad.
And the others either thought you were gross or just a dumb bird. 
Gil proves to have the braincell for the group when he suggested giving whatever made Dude the dog talk to you.
Mal did it to “make the conversation change”
"Finally! I've been trying to get your attention forever!"
They all go wide eyed when you're voice comes out of the bird.
 "Yes it's me. (M/N). Audrey turned me into a raven and I went to find Ben but she changed him into a beast! You gotta help me save Ben!"
 Of course, even though you were a bird, Ben is a king, your boyfriend and a beast right now. You were helping him first.
 "Oh and Gil...can you scratch my head again?"
What? It felt good.
 Then Jay, Harry, Gil and Carlos went with you to find your boyfriend.
You guys find beast ben and slowly try to get his attention.
He turns and stalks towards you all.
He looks as if he’s about to pounce when Jane pops out of the trees and sprays him with water.
Ben roars and stumbles back rubbing his face. He drops his hands and looks relatively normal.
“What did you hit him with, Jane?” Jay asks.
“Enchanted lake water. Breaks most enchantments. Figured it couldn't hurt.”
 You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
 "Oh thank gods. I was so worried babe."
��Ben froze in place as he saw you talking.
You flew over and landed on his shoulder.
"Hey Ben. Audrey got to me first. Thanks for not eating me earlier."
 Ben would then pet you.
 "I'm glad I didn't. That would be awkward...now how do we change you back? Jane?"
 "I kind of used the last of the water."
You look Ben up and down and he smiles at you.
“Gotta say Ben, I like the fangs and beard. Could be cleaner but...”
“Oh really?” Ben asks.
That when Harry whistles. “Sorry to break up that tender moment... but we have an angry Audrey to pursue...”
"Right! We'll have to figure something out later. I promise! I'll make sure to get you back" Ben said.
You knew he would. Ben always did.
 Returning to Evie's cottage, Uma seemed to be leaving in a mood.
Doug who had been asleep was now awake.
"Wait? How is he awake?"
"True love’s kiss."
You looked at Ben who looked back at you.
 "Why didn't we think of that?!" you said.
Ben rubbed the back of his head with a nervous look.
“it’s alright. Lots happening. We’ll try later. First we deal with Audrey!”
Cue Audrey sealing you all in the cottage. 
Then mal and Uma break you guys out with some awesome cooperative magic.
You: “Aww you guys are friends again!”
Mal: “I’ll pluck your feathers...”
“Alright! Geez...”
Then everything with Mal came out.
 It made your heart break. Ben,Your boyfriend, your future husband, made a decision with Mal to not bring over any more VK's.
You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to accept it.
"So...you didn't even want to talk to me about this?" You said to him.
"I'm a VK Ben! You're wanting to stop any one else from getting the chance that I did? That's so wrong!"
 Now you really wish you had gotten that kiss earlier...cause this love didn't feel true anymore.
 Uma, Harry and Gil left...and so did you.
"I need to think."
"(M/N) wait!"
Did you leave on Gil’s shoulder, slumped against him? Yes yes you did.
It was all very confusing and pretty shocking.
While you understood where they were coming from... it... it just hurt. 
You all were back at the cottage, checking up on Dizzy and the twins. 
You were glad they weren’t awake to hear about all that. They had enough on their plates.
“So what do we do now?” You ask, walking on a table, everyone seated around it. 
Uma: “Nothing. Let Mal and Ben figure it out... they don’t deserve our help after that stunt.”
"I can't just sit by Uma. I'm mad...but not let Audrey go kind of mad. If anything I want just a bit of revenge."
Uma smirked at that.
"Good to know there's still a VK in there."
You extended your wings and fake bowed.
Eventually you all began heading back to the isle before Mal stopped you begging you all to help her.
"They were turned to stone. (M/N),Ben was turned to stone."
It didn't matter how hurt you were, you still loved Ben.
Without hesitation you hopped off Gil's shoulder and began flying back.
Arriving back at the cottage you saw them, Evie, Dude,Carlos, Jay and Ben...all statues.
You landed on Ben's out stretched stone arm.
"Oh Ben...What do I do?"
You sat there perched on Ben's arm, looking at his frozen face.
You regretted that the last thing you two did was fight.
Hopefully this would be fixed soon and you can apologize.
As if your wishes were answered. Ben and the rest were unfrozen and the people began waking up.
"Ben! Oh gods you're back! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry about how I left."
"(M/N). No I'm sorry. I should have asked you. I'm sorry I didn't."
With that Ben lifted his arm with you on it up and kissed your head.
In an instant you felt yourself changing and growing and soon you were back to being human.
You smiled and pulled Ben into a tight up.
"Forget waiting. Ben, I have no idea what's going to happen but I know I want to be with you. Let's get married."
He didn't disagree and your promise ring was now that engagement ring.
After making sure everyone was alright after everything that transpired you, Ben and Mal got to talking and came to a unanimous decision.
You all agreed it was time to take the barrier down and stop making the children of villains pay for their parents misdeeds.
You worked with the other VKs to make the process as fair and efficient as possible.
Ben pulled you away for a minute to hug you. 
“I know we’re still working on the rest of the VKs but I was thinking we could meet with Evie to talk about wedding stuff?”
“of course... we have a lot to plan... together.”
Evie was excited when you told her.
Ben and you also enjoyed the planning, especially the cake.
Your wedding was going to be amazing.
782 notes · View notes
flowerpowelltales · 3 years ago
Until You Hate Me (Liam x MC)
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A/N: Yes, I do feel ashamed I forgot about this series for TWO years. I also am aware most of you, who have been tagged, dont even remember ever reading this series. If you’d like to be taken off the taglist just let me know because I don’t want to bother anyone. If you want a refresher - it’s the series where Regina pays Riley to be the worst suitor ever so that in two weeks, Liam would have to marry someone Regina picked for him. Previous parts are on my masterlist. Shoutout to the Nonny who motivated me to write this part. Hope y’all enjoy! Characters belong to PB. 
Rating: G
Word count: 1692
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @blackcatkita @badchoicesposts @jared2612 @princess-geek @desiree-pow-35-1986​ @emichelle​ @ao719​ @cordoniantrash @kinggliam @needalittlerain @flyawayboo @nazariortega @jlpplays1 @kimmiedoo5 @annekebbphotography​ @ladyangel70​ @eadanga​ @kingliam2019​ @nz1091​ @emceesynonymroll @texaskitten30 @mskaneko​ @custaroonie @drakesensworld​ @janezillow @ritachacha​ @lodberg​ @msjr0119​ @gkittylove99​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @dcbbw​ @potter1-7harry​
“Welcome to Cordonia,” Liam said when the Royal Jet finally landed. He looked at Riley warily as she took in the sights. The flight was a total disaster and made him rethink his whole life. If he hadn’t known better he’d think she wanted to sabotage his mission.
“Looks sick,” she said and Liam sighed.
“Liam, Riley, the car is here. Come before anyone spots us.” Regina nodded towards their driver.
“Whoa, we have our own driver? That’s mad!”
Regina raised an eyebrow in a ‘do-not-overdo-it’ manner but Riley ignored it. For her it was either go hard or go home. Literally, because if she failed she’d go home with no money.
The ride from the private airport to the palace was silent; Riley was admiring the views, Liam was thinking if he made the right choice and Regina was already planning Liam’s wedding to Madeleine.
When they arrived, Regina excused herself and went straight into her office.
“What do you think?” Liam asked politely when they were the only two left.
“It looks so… majestic. Like something I’d expect a palace look like but at the same time like something I wouldn’t expect. It’s gorgeous.”
Liam turned to her stunned by her words. What happened to “sick” and “mad”? Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, after all.
“Come inside,” he said and extended his hands towards her. She took it and then gasped at the interior.
“It’s so regal and so big and oof—” Riley was almost knocked out by a small, fluffy ball that jumped at her.
“Ah, this is Chance, Maxwell’s dog. He must feel you’re a good person because he is never that happy about strangers.” Liam smiled as he leaned to take her coat. She handed it to him and when Liam walked away to hang it, she bent over to Chance. 
“Hey, buddy! I’m super flattered you like me but can you please bite me or start barking at me so Liam doesn’t think I’m good?” She asked and Chance titled his head in confusion. ��You see,” she lowered her voice, “I have a mission to complete.”
When Chace still couldn’t understand, Riley tried to speak his language.
“Woof woof woof woof,” she barked at Chance in low voice.
“Um… is everything okay, lady Riley?” Liam asked, suddenly appearing behind her. Shoot.
“Mhm. Just talking to that cute little muffin. And please, call me Riley. I’m no lady.”
“If you insist. Would you like to see your room?”
“Sure! Does it have a mini fridge? I bet it’s totally dope!”
Liam shook his head in disbelief. Riley changed her mood every few minutes. He couldn’t figure her out. Sometimes she was serious and really fun to talk to but then she changed again and acted like a spoiled teenager.
“Here we are.” Liam motioned the room when they finally reached the guest chamber. “It doesn’t have a mini fridge but you can call any of the staff members to ask for whatever you’d like, anytime.”
“Ah, Liam! Riley! I am so glad to see you both here!” Regina exclaimed with a smiled on her face. “We have a dinner today with a few of our friends. Liam, please help lady Riley to prepare for it.”
“Of course, Regina. Who are we expecting?” Liam asked.
“Duchess Olivia Nevrakis, Lord Neville, Duchess Adelaide, her daughter and Duke Godfrey, lady Hana Lee and her parents, and a few of the court members.”
Liam nodded politely but started to panic internally. Lord Neville, Godfrey and Adelaide weren’t exactly the first people he wanted Riley to be introduced to. He knew too well how they treated commoners and how awful they could be. He had only about two hours before the dinner to go through the royal protocol, table manners, dress code and how to address who. When he looked up at Riley he noticed she was already studying him.
“Everything’s alright?”
“Yes, it is. I just thought we would have more time before your debut.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that! I was born ready!” she said reassuringly, which, ironically, made Liam even less reassured.
“So when I see Hana Lee’s dad I should say ‘ni hao’, right?”
“Correct! And can you please repeat how you would address Duchess Olivia?”
“Your Grace,” Riley replied.
“Exactly. And Lord Neville?”
“…Also your Grace?”
“Yes. How would you address me, then?”
“Your Majesty?”
“No, Majesty is used for Kings and Queens. I’m not a King yet so I ought to be addressed ‘your Highness’.”
“So Regina is her Majesty?” Riley asked.
“Precisely. Now, what is my title?”
“Full title.”
“Prince Louis of Cordonia.”
“Ye—What? What Louis?”
“Your name isn’t Louis?”
“No,” he shook his head. “It’s Liam.”
“Oh, right! Sorry, I’ve always had a problem with remembering names.”
Liam smiled but wanted to scream. Remembering names was probably one of the most important things Riley had to learn. And she forgot even his.
“Let me get this straight, when I talk to you I always have to use ‘your highness’?”
“When we’re with nobility, yes. It shows respect. When there’s only me and you, or friends and family, you can call me by my name,” he explained.
“Which is Louis!”
“Liam,” he corrected. Again.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Riley apologized. “I’ll just need something to associate you with… Oh! I know! I used to listen to One Direction a lot and Liam was the name of one of the singers! I liked him a lot!”
“Whatever works for you.” Liam smiled, feeling less and less enthusiastic about his mission.
Two hours and three braincell losses later, Riley was walking arm in arm with Liam, into the ballroom. She was wearing a very expensive dress, more expensive than everything she owned altogether. She was very stressed and started to regret coming here. Pretending to be the worst suitor in front of Liam was one thing, but pretending to be the worst suitor in front of all Cordonian nobility was a completely different thing.
“Look, there’s Xinghai, he’s coming here,” Liam whispered and Riley nodded as the man approached them. Liam nudged Riley.
Okay. Show time.
“Hey hoe!” She yelled, making everyone freeze.
I hate myself.
“Riley!” Liam hissed, pinching her arm.
“Excuse me?” Xinghai asked as if not believing his ears.
“I think Riley tried to say ‘ni hao’, is that right?” Liam raised his eyebrows and Riley felt sick.
“Yes! Ni hao! I’m so sorry, I’m very bad at languages!”
Xinghai shook his head. “If you say so.”
“Hi, I’m Hana! And this is my mother, Lorelai.” A girl with a very friendly face extended her hand as if she hadn’t noticed that huge faux-pas. Her mom barely smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Your Highness.” A man approached them and raised a glass. “I feel deeply honored to be invited here today. Her Majesty mentioned you would bring an American suitor, is this that lovely lady?”
Riley didn’t know who it was but she sure hated him already. She looked at Liam and realized she wasn’t the only one thinking so.
“Lord Neville. I am very happy you could join us. Yes, this is lady Riley, my suitor. Lady Riley, this is Lord Neville.”
“Lord? Like Lord of the Rings? Is that even a real title?” she asked.
“Excuse me?” Neville was confused and Liam embarrassed. From the corner of her eye, Riley could see Regina smiling at the sight.
At least someone is happy with what I’m doing.
“I believe we haven’t met.” A blond woman interrupted them, holding a glass of champagne in one hand and a very unhappy man in the other.
“This is Duchess Adelaide, Duke Godfrey and their daughter, Countess Madeleine. And this lovely woman by my side is lady Riley.”
“Hi y’all! Louis told me so much about you!” She heard Liam sighing.
“Hmph” was all Godfrey said. The rest of the family looked confused.
“Who’s Louis?” Adelaide asked.
“What happened to One Direction association?” Liam whispered to her when the family wasn’t looking.
“I forgot Louis was in the band, too,” she replied.
“If you excuse us,” Liam turned to Adelaide, “but we need to say hello to Duchess Olivia. Thank you for coming.”
He quickly led Riley far from Adelaide and Godfrey, avoiding other court members on the way. He couldn’t do this. At least not today. Riley clearly wasn’t ready.
“Why hello there,” a lady with red hair and a matching dress greeted them.
“Olivia. Hello. How are you?” Liam started a small talk and Riley noticed he was more relaxed talking to her than he was talking to other people. She must be a friend, she thought.
“I’m great. Haven’t been to a party that is as much fun as this one. And it’s all thanks to you. I’m Olivia.”
“Riley. You’re the Ice Queen?” Riley asked remembering Lythikos was a winter wonderland. She hoped Olivia would be offended just like the others but to her surprise the Duchess burst out laughing.
“Ice Queen! I like her already,” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye. “Absolutely loved when she questioned Neville’s title. The man’s pain in the ass.”
“I’m glad you find it funny,” Liam said firmly. Olivia shrugged and turned to take another glass of wine.
“I’m really sorry I embarrassed you, Louis.”
“Liam,” he corrected.
“Liam,” Riley repeated. “I’ve just came to Cordonia and had only two hours to take it all in. I’ll be better in time.” Not sure how better at making you hate me I can get though.
“It’s fine. Listen, it’s me who should be apologizing. As you said, you just came here and within a few hours you had to learn things I learned throughout the years.”
Riley’s eyes widened. She embarrassed him, she humiliated him and he still apologized? She felt awful.
“I still feel bad. I promise I won’t let you down,” she lied and Liam smiled.
“I’m happy to hear that because we’re visiting our apple orchard tomorrow and the press will be there to meet you, too.”
Riley gulped as she smiled at Liam.
That only meant she had to try even harder.
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smaidjor · 4 years ago
and i pay for my place by the ring (Chapter 1)
Hey guys! Welcome to another angsty fic by yours truly, provider of flower husbands pain.
Some things you should know before you jump into this:
1. This is a companion fic to my fic "i know they're losing". You can understand it without having read the other one, since it's the same story from two different POVs but I think the overall experience is better with both!
2. The overall title of each fic is from the mitski song I bet on losing dogs. Chapter titles are from the Last Goodbye from the Hobbit films.
3. There is a lot of lord of the rings lore in both fics, and I mean a lot. You may be kinda confused if you've never read tolkien's works. It will all be explained eventually, though!
4. With the fact that it's a companion fic and a lot of people came here from Jimmy's POV in mind- this is a lot heavier of a fic. The content warnings are heavier and the angst is more intense. You have been warned.
(Obligatory disclaimer that this is about characters, not ccs, and do not ship real people, as always!)
Chapter Title: to these memories i will hold
Chapter Wordcount: 4000
Content warnings: suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, panic attacks, past death, very frank discussion of death. (In general, if suicide or death are triggering topics for you, this is probably not the fic for you. Stay safe and take care of yourself!)
Actual fic under the cut:
Scott didn’t expect to survive 3rd life. No one did, he thinks, but especially not him. Clever, clever Scott, who knew his fate too well for his own good. He could have chosen his allies carefully, he knows, could have played on their emotions to make them think he was loyal until the moment he turned on them to win. He knew who the strongest factions and warriors were, the most cunning and intelligent participants in this death game they were forced into. Instead, he chose Jimmy. Sweet, dopey Jimmy, who had the personality of a golden retriever and only a handful of braincells at any given time. Jimmy, who was worth more than all the stars in the sky to him. Who made him feel alive . No, Scott didn’t expect to win. Not when it was Jimmy by his side- when it was Jimmy by his side, winning didn’t matter. All that mattered was Jimmy’s blush when Scott pressed a kiss to his cheek, the way his hair looked like gold in the sunlight and his smile lit up Scott’s whole world.
After Jimmy died, Scott stopped wanting to survive 3rd life. What was the point? The stars can shine on without the sun, but all life on Earth would wither and die. The same happened to Scott’s broken, bitter heart, he found. Jimmy was the first person in years to love him truly, wholly, with no strings attached; it was terrifying how quickly Scott fell for the first person to look at him and not expect him to be anything but what he was. Scott’s world, which used to be mountain peaks and endless blue sky, narrowed to warm brown eyes and a grin like sunshine quicker than he could comprehend. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, it all came back to him. What was Scott without Jimmy? The unwanted twin, the unloved child, the un-elven elf. Because who cared if he was a good shot with a bow or good at organizing teams or building pretty little houses? He would always be second-born, second-best.
It was fitting, really, that when Scott died, he died alone. Some might find it ironic that the man who knew enough people to fill the roster of a championship held by a god every month died without a single person to witness it save his enemies, but in the end, it was always going to be like this, Scott knew. He hadn’t been there to see Jimmy die, he hadn’t been able to hold him in his final moments and soothe the agony of death. Maybe this was his punishment. He wouldn’t be surprised; the gods of this world did not smile on him and never would. Why should they, when he had failed the only person who had ever found him good enough?
When he woke up in Rivendell, he was almost disappointed. Almost. He considered ditching the rest of the elves, up and leaving to somewhere that didn’t make it feel like the noose of immortality was slowly tightening around his neck. If nothing else, Noxite would let him crash at the MCC server for a bit until he found somewhere to go. And yet, in the end, Scott’s stubborn sense of duty won out. The elves needed a ruler. Xornoth had disappeared to god knows where, and though they had been braver, wiser, better in every way, Scott was the one who had stayed. Who was willing to take up the crown that weighed so heavily on its bearers. So Scott, who no one ever expected to rule, took up the burden of leadership.
Now, he tries and fails to get out of bed and wonders what the point of that even was. He’s fading, and worse than that, he’s fading over a human. His ancestors are probably rolling in their graves. Rivendell will be leaderless within a decade, and this time there are no heirs to take control. Not even a ‘spare’ like Scott used to be. What a mess.
There are footsteps on the stairs. They’re unfamiliar, meaning they could be a threat, but he’s too tired to bother sitting up. If he dies, well- it’s inevitable, really, in the same way watching the mortals he loves dies is.
The person comes around the corner, and Scott realizes with no joy that he won’t be dying today after all. Katherine looks both curious and concerned, but her voice tilts towards the latter when she asks “Scott?” and then, more hesitantly  “Lord Smajor?”
He blinks at her, exhausted. “Hi, Katherine.”
“I came to talk to you about some empires stuff, but, I mean, if this is a bad time, I can come back later…?” She sounds so thrown off by his state that Scott almost feels bad.
Whatever it is, it must be important if she’s come all the way here, though, so he gestures her to a chair. “No, no, stay. I can muster the energy for a meeting, just don’t ask me to get up.”
Katherine takes the seat. “I came to talk about the corruption on the server, but- are you okay? Are you sick?”
Nothing about the question is funny in any way, but Scott laughs regardless. “In a way, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
“Take my hand.” He offers it out, knowing the unnatural cold is unsettling no matter if you’re elven or not. Katherine does as he asks, the concern on her face only growing as she grips his icy hand.
“Elves don’t get sick like mortals do,” Scott explains. “Nor do we die of old age. But we get...heartsickness, you might call it. We call it fading in our tongue- the cold hands are a symptom of that. Our souls are fragile, and the grief of the mortal plane can be overwhelming. If an elf is too struck by it, they fade away and die.” The words taste bitter on his tongue, a frank reminder of the slow and painful death that awaits him.
Katherine gasps, and Scott knows he’s alarmed her.
He goes on, though. “It usually happens to old elves, world-weary.” Ironic, it’s ironic that he’s saying that as a young elf explaining his own death. “Those who are tired of existence. But any elf who has experienced enough grief is at risk.”
Her face is nothing short of horrified. “You’re- fading? But doesn’t it usually happen to old elves? Wait, are you old?”
“I’m fifty-five.”
“Is that old?”
He has to laugh. “Fifty is the elven equivalent of eighteen for humans, the age of maturity.” Though he feels so much older than that, both in elven terms and in human.
There’s a moment of silence, then, “How can you be so calm if you’re dying?”
“I’m tired, Katherine. The world tore me away from the people I loved, and..I’m tired of fighting it.” He’s so, so exhausted. So sick of having to claw and scrape and struggle for the barest scraps of happiness.
“Is there a way to reverse fading- to fix it?” Katherine sounds so hopeful that the question seems almost naive even though she’s far more capable of a ruler than he is. Naive in the affairs of elves, maybe, much as she’s intelligent in so many other ways.
Scott tries not to flinch at the innocent inquiry, thinking about the deaths from fading that he’s watched. “Technically, yes. If an elf recovers enough emotionally, it’s reversible. But whatever caused them to fade the first time can- and often does- cause it again.” And again, and again, until there’s nothing to be done but let them die , he finishes in his head.
Katherine nods, a look of determination overtaking the hope. “We’ll just have to reverse it, then.”
“That’s sweet, Katherine, but I’m dying.”
“No. You’re not going to die. Now come on, you can show me your empire while I fill you in on what’s happening on the rest of the continent.” She sounds so firm that he doesn’t dare disobey, though his exhaustion makes a fair effort at convincing him to. Will this really fix anything? Unlikely. But it’s worth it to try, if only to humor Katherine. At least this way she’ll have the comfort of having tried to save him when he inevitably fades away into nothing
Scott takes her hand, though it brings him little warmth, cold from her trek here. “Alright.” He swallows the bitter grief in his throat before it can seep into his words. “We can try.”
He leads Katherine around Rivendell, taking some pride in the way she oohs over the decor. If there’s one thing he can do right, it’s building. While some elven rulers might see it as below themselves to help build houses for their citizens, Scott finds building soothing. It’s one of the few skills he picked up during his time away that people really appreciate; no one wants to live in a shitty house.
As they walk, she also tells Scott about the demon, Xornoth. “The demon’s already visited a lot of people, I think. Gem and Shubble for sure, and Fwhip and Sausage. That’s not even mentioning the corruption that’s been spreading.”
If Scott said that the name Xornoth didn’t make him flinch, he would be lying to himself. It’s not your sibling , he tells himself. It’s just a coincidence .
It’s through the virtue of years of lying that his voice comes out steady. “There’s corruption in Rivendell too. Likely Xornoth’s work. And given that Jimmy still has Vilya-” his heart doesn’t ache when he says Jimmy’s name, it doesn’t- “well, I haven’t been able to do much.”
“Vilya?” Katherine asks.
“A ring of power. My inheritance from the Noldor.”
“Why does Jimmy have it?”
He doesn’t answer. He won’t- can’t talk about Jimmy, not without remembering how he looked with an arrow through his throat, bright smile gone and face frozen in fear. How does he explain how much Jimmy meant to him? How much he’s now giving up, knowing he’ll have to lose it one way or another?
Katherine drops the topic, seemingly sensing that she’s stumbled on something sensitive. When she has to go home, she leaves with a friendly goodbye and a promise to visit, and Scott believes neither. Who would put the effort into visiting him? He’s not a good friend, he’s not a good king, and god knows he’s not a good husband. In fact, he’s actively avoiding his husband. He may have kept the pufferfish Jimmy gave him, but that doesn’t mean anything. He can’t fall in love with Jimmy again. Loving Jimmy will kill him. (Scott ignores the small voice at the back of his head that whispers that he’s still in love with Jimmy and it’s already killing him just as he always knew it would.)
To his surprise, Katherine does come back next week, and the week after that. He’s ashamed to admit it, but there’s some part of him that’s pathetically grateful when she shows up at his doorstep. It’s a chance to not be alone . Much as he dreads the day when she finally gives up on him, it’s nice that someone cares enough to try and save him from himself.
The third week, Katherine doesn’t show up. Instead, the footsteps on the stairs are familiar in a way that makes Scott’s heart twist painfully.
He takes a deep breath. “Hello, Jimmy.”
“How’d you know it was me?” Jimmy asks. Scott can tell he’s startled by the way his voice goes up, almost frightened.
Scott steels himself, taking a deep breath before rolling over to face his ex-husband. “Do you think I could ever forget the sound of your footsteps?” He forces himself to not get distracted staring at Jimmy, instead going on before Jimmy can open his mouth. “What are you doing here?”
“Katherine asked me to visit, I’m not sure why, but...here I am. Say, why is she visiting every week?” Jimmy’s so curious. So naive, as always.
Scott laughs, bitter. “Katherine thinks she can save me.”
“Save you from what?”
Scott hears the concern in Jimmy’s words, and he can’t bring himself to break the news. It’s not as if it matters. It’s not as if Jimmy would care; he came here because of Katherine. Maybe he cared at the start of Empires, but Scott’s been nothing but rude to him since. There’s no reason for him to care. (He cares. Scott’s lying, like always. Jimmy cares and Scott knows it.)
“Save you from what?” Jimmy asks again, more insistently.
He refuses to say it. He needs Jimmy out, out of his room and out of his life before he does something he’ll regret. “You should go.” To prove his point, he tries to stand, finding himself too dizzy to quite pull it off. Jimmy rushes to catch him, and Scott hates himself just a little for how that still gives him a warm feeling.
“Scott, what is going on?”
He brushes Jimmy off, letting go of his arm and hurrying for the stairs. He can’t let Jimmy work his way into his heart again; Scott won’t be strong enough to let him go this time.
“Scott, seriously! Answer me, are you okay? What’s happening?” Jimmy sounds almost angry, but Scott can hear the distress under it and that’s what breaks him.
“I’m fading, alright?” His voice nearly breaks at the concern on Jimmy’s face when he whirls to face him. “I’m dying, now leave me alone!”
Jimmy sputters, seemingly caught off guard. “You- what- but elves don’t die, right?”
“We do. From poison, from swords-” Scott thinks back to third life- “from arrows through the throat, from grief.” The words come out more raw than he intends, leaving him scrambling to recover his composure. He takes a deep breath in and out, forcing his voice to steady again. “Come on. If you’re not going to leave, I might as well show you around.”
“You can’t just drop something like that on a man, you know!” Jimmy calls after him, although Scott can hear his footsteps following as well.
“You did ask, to be fair.” Scott replies. His voice is calm. He’s fine.
“I guess so, but- but still, dude.”
Scott pushes open the side door, holding it for Jimmy. “Here.”
Jimmy nods and slips through the door.  “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Scott starts towards the bridges, intending to show Jimmy the enchanting tower and then the door. He doesn’t care about how fast he’s walking, Jimmy can keep up. He’s taller than Scott and probably has better balance at the moment too. Scott’s struggling not to fall, honestly, but his pride won’t let him go slower.
Jimmy breaks the awkward silence with the question Scott least wants to hear. “So, uh..are we going to talk about 3rd life?”
“No,” Scott says firmly.
“Why not? We need to talk about it some time-”
“I said no .” He can’t talk about it.
“It’s literally killing you to not talk about it!”
The words strike right at the raw wound of Jimmy’s death, and Scott freezes. Inhales. Exhales. Tries to keep calm.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Scott!” Jimmy cries. He sounds so upset, Scott’s heart aches. “I dare you, tell me I’m wrong! Tell me you never cared about me, tell me you didn’t bother to bury me, tell me it didn’t hurt even a little when I died! Tell me I was just stupid little Jimmy, a toy for an elf who’d live far beyond my lifespan! Tell me whatever, just tell me the truth! ”
Scott takes a deep breath. “Fine. You want to know what happened after you died?” He can’t think straight through the rage clouding his head, the desperate need to prove that Jimmy’s wrong , that Scott loved him so much it’s killing him. “You want to hear about me screaming until my throat went raw? You want to know that I kissed your face and sobbed and begged you to wake up, over and over until I couldn’t speak at all? You want to live with the knowledge that Grian had to physically pull me away from your body? Is that what you want to hear, Jimmy? ” His voice damn near breaks on his husband’s name, and Scott thanks the gods he stopped believing in a long time ago that it doesn’t.
“No,” Jimmy says. His voice is soft, gentle, almost as if Scott is a wounded animal that needs a delicate touch. “That’s not what I want to hear, not at all. I’d rather you be happy than love me.”
The words punch the air from Scott’s lungs, raw and soft and real. Scott is an excellent liar. Jimmy isn’t. Scott knows that Jimmy is telling the truth. What he doesn’t know is how to handle that level of devotion. He wonders again how Jimmy- sweet, genuine Jimmy who wears his heart on his sleeve and is hopelessly devoted to an elf who can’t be fully his- chose Scott of all people. Scott, who’s as bitter as Jimmy is sweet, who’s sarcastic and snarky and hasn’t been good enough for just about anything in his life. He certainly wasn’t good enough to save Jimmy, Scott thinks bitterly.
He shakes off the thought. “I buried you on the hill above our houses. I planted a poppy over your grave.”
“Grian came over the next day. I didn’t want to see anyone who wasn’t you, but I let him in because I had to. He helped me do the straps on my armor and asked me if he could do anything else to make things easier. I told him to bury me next to you.”
“Did he?”
Scott almost laughs at the innocent question. “How would I know? Grian was honorable enough, though, loyal to his allies. I like to think he did.”
“He was a good guy,” Jimmy agrees. “A little bit bloodthirsty, I guess, but good. I don’t suppose he survived any better than the rest of us, though maybe being bloodthirsty helped.”
“Can I- can I ask you why you hate me so much now?” Jimmy’s tone is uncertain, hesitant and it hurts . “I mean, if you mourned me in third life and all.”
Scott looks away from his earnest gaze, but he can’t stop the truth slipping out. “I don’t hate you.”
“You don’t?” Jimmy asks, seemingly bewildered. “But you burned the pufferfish-”
“I didn’t. I kept it.” Scott doesn’t want to think about this, wants to say it even less. “I never hated you. I don’t think I’m capable of it.”
“Then why do you keep avoiding me?”
“I’ve been kind of busy dying,” Scott says wryly, unable to resist a bit of morbid humor at his own expense.
“Scott! That’s not funny!”
“It was a little funny.”
Jimmy sounds genuinely distressed, and Scott drops the wry smile. “Jimmy, I’m an elf. I won’t live far beyond you, but only because I’ll fade without you.” It’s a simple statement. The truth, as much as he can give.
“So your solution is to isolate yourself and fade now?” Jimmy’s outrage is justifiable, but Scott just shrugs.
“It does sound stupid when you put it like that, doesn’t it?” It really does. “But I lost you once, and I don’t think I could bear it again.”
A hand lands on Scott’s arm, and he turns, startled. Jimmy doesn’t give him time to react, throwing his arms around Scott and pulling him close. Scott almost lets out a very undignified squeak at the sudden contact, though he slowly relaxes into Jimmy’s hold.
He should pull away. He shouldn’t give Jimmy false hope like this. But Jimmy is so warm , and Scott is so unbearably cold. Every fiber of his being is screaming that this is what’s right; screw Rivendell and obligations and too-heavy crowns, Jimmy is home to him. He’s warm for the first time in months, and the most heartbreaking part is that it can’t last. He can’t do this again.
He pulls away, ignoring the painful hope on Jimmy’s face. “I’m sorry, Jimmy.” For the first time all conversation, his voice well and truly wobbles. “I can’t. Not again.”
Scott shakes his head. “Losing you will destroy me. We dared to love, and now all we can do now is lessen the pain when it all comes crashing down.” The words are like glass in his throat, but he forces them out anyways. They have to be said.
Jimmy’s silent, and it hurts more than if Jimmy had yelled at him.
“Goodbye, Jimmy,” Scott manages, turning away before Jimmy can see the way his face twists in pain. He makes his retreat as quickly as possible, stumbling and nearly taking a tumble just before he reaches the door. Unlike before, there’s no helpful ex-husband there to catch him, to make sure he’s alright and ask a million questions until Scott’s forced to admit that he’s not okay and hasn’t been in a long time.
He fumbles with the latch, hands shaking and vision blurring. Finally, it clicks, and Scott stumbles inside and slams the door shut before sliding to the ground. He won’t cry. He won’t . He doesn’t love Jimmy, he can’t love Jimmy anymore. Jimmy was never meant to be his. They might have carved out a few precious moments, stolen them from the universe and giggled like kids with their hands in the cookie jar as they kissed amongst the flowers, but those brief moments were all they were ever going to be allowed. It was always going to end this way, Scott tells himself. There’s no use crying over a mortal who will be dead in the blink of an eye to an elf. What would his parents say? That this was typical of him, probably. Typical Scott, always wanting what he would never be able to have. Typical, predictable Scott, loving a mortal who shouldn’t be worth anything to him.
He’s crying. There are tears spotting his cyan robes, splashing onto the wood floors he worked so hard on. Scott rubs at his eyes furiously, but that only makes it worse, sobs shuddering through him and leaving him hollow and aching. He’s so cold . The ache in his chest has returned tenfold, stealing away his breath, and he curls further into himself, struggling for air.
He’s going to die. He is going to die , alone on the floor of his house because he fell for someone he couldn’t have. For all that he’s spent every minute since Jimmy’s death in 3rd life wishing for some way out of this cruel world, he’s terrified now that it seems inevitable. He’s scared in a way he hasn’t been in forever, breath coming quick and shallow. He's scared, and he is so, so tired of this ache that haunts him, the chill that he can never get rid of.
“Jimmy,” Scott whispers. There’s no way for the human to hear him, but the name brings him some comfort. “ Jimmy .” He wants his husband. He wants someone to hug him. He doesn’t want to fade away freezing and alone, no one there to hold his hand or reassure him that the pain will be over soon. Internally, he begs for someone, anyone who cares to come looking. To find him, even if they’re too late to save him. Someone. Anyone. Please.
No one comes, and Scott lays on his floor until his breathing steadies out again. His head spins when he forces himself to his feet, and he has to lean against the wall for a few moments. There’s no time for dramatics, he tells himself sternly. He has a kingdom to rule. He cannot afford to break over a mortal he never should have fallen for in the first place. He doesn’t love Jimmy anymore, he can’t .
(He’s lying. But Scott has always been an excellent liar, even when it’s to himself.)
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years ago
Field Trip To Greece
My own take on the Field Trip salt stories that usually are crossovers with Batman and have Damienette. But this is my version with them going to Greece and involves my OCs Lyon and Vallia Garden.
“Mari, Mari, MARI,” Adrien basically yelled into his friend’s ear.
Marinette woke up with a jolt in her bus seat.
“What,” she groaned, never being much of a morning person.
“We’re almost at the sanctuary, so I figured to wake you up,” Adrien smiled at his friend.
“Thanks and curse how fast this bus is,” Marinette said.
“And curse Hawkmoth for late night akumas,” Adrien suggested.
“That to,” Marinette agreed. “Even in Greece, he still finds a way to annoy us in Paris.”
“Well, you brought the horse miraculous for a reason,” Adrien said.
“How are you not tired,” Marinette questioned him.
“I’ve always been a morning person,” Adrien shrugged. “Blame my father for a lot of early morning photoshoots.”
“I’d slap your father if it did not mean risking my future as a fashion designer in the process,” Marinette says.
After revealing themselves to each other after Miracle Queen, the two had developed a more brother-sister relationship. They both thought that it would be better for them to know each other after having all their allies exposed to Hawkmoth and Mayura. They joked around, teased each other, and also always had each others backs.
Having each other’s backs certainly helped them when Lila’s lies got worse. After Chloe had willingly helped Hawkmoth, she had been sent to a private reformatory school in Sweden. Lila took the opportunity to tell more of her lies, saying that she had been telling her “best friend” Ladybug to keep the Bee miraculous away from Chloe for months. And just like everything else Lila ever said, their class ate it up like it was their last meal.
Adrien had joined Marinette almost immediately after he made his “deal with the devil” in order to get her back into school. He threw himself off the “high road” the moment that Marinette told him that Lila threatened her. But even with him backing up Marinette every time she caught inconsistencies in Lila’s tales, there were still few that actually believed them. Some even went as far as scolding Marinette for her “brainwashing Adrien” into thinking that Lila was a liar.
Kim, Juleka, and Nathaniel were the only ones that stayed loyal to their friends. Especially since Marinette had done so much for them in the past. Like curing Juleka of her photo curse, helping Nathaniel get together with Marc, and Kim had been her friend since they were in diapers. With their group was also Kagami, Luka, Marc, Aurore, and Mireille. The rest of Bustier’s class was pretty much made up of Lila’s attack dogs.
What annoyed Adrien the most was how his so-called best friend. Nino may be siding with his girlfriend, Alya being Lila’s biggest supporter/attack dog, but that also meant he was part of the problem. He certainly never helped Adrien when Lila would constantly hold onto his arm no matter how many times he told her to let go. It was driving Adrien crazy and he was very close to taking Plagg up on his offer to Cataclysm the liar.
“I bet the garden is going to be beautiful,” Juleka says, her seat next to the two heroes.
She was sitting next to Nathaniel while Kim was in the seat in front of Adrien and Marinette. They were all in the seats at the back of the bus.
“I heard that the Garden Family Sanctuary is ranked as an unofficial wonder of the world,” Nathaniel said.
“Anyone else find it odd that a nature sanctuary is run by a family with Garden as their last name,” Kim asked.
“I think this is one of those ‘don’t think about it too much’ times,” Marinette shrugged.
“I haven’t been here in years,” Adrien was glad to be back.
“You’ve been here before,” Juleka asked.
“There was a charity fashion show here about a year before my mother disappeared,” Adrien explained. “I was here with my parents for it.”
“Did you meet any of the animals here,” Kim looked excited. “I heard that they let any animals here roam free even when they have events or tours here.”
“The animals do roam around the sanctuary as they wish,” Adrien says. “But the Garden family and all their employees work hard to tame all their animals privately to make sure that even the predators do not harm anyone. They spend months to years taming them before releasing them into the main part of the sanctuary.”
“It really sounds like an amazing place,” Marinette said.
“I can’t wait to draw some of the animals,” Nathaniel already had out his sketchpad. “Marc requested I draw him the most amazing animal that I see. No pressure. Haha.”
Juleka patted his shoulder, but her obviously hiding her laughter made her attempt to comfort him fail. 
But, as usual, their good moods had to be ruined by the Italian that never seemed to go five minutes without hearing the sound of her own voice. And, also as usual, she was spouting her nonsense. They were very close to throwing her out the back of the bus if she did not stop talking.
“Of course I know the Garden family,” Lila brags, lying through her teeth. “They are basically family to me.”
“Here we go again,” the five friends groaned.
“The mother and her two daughters mostly handle the plants,” Lila continues. “The father and their son handle the animals. It’s only natural since they are the only ones that can stomach having to put down the more dangerous animals.”
“Tell us more, Lila,” Alya was recording the entire time.
Adrien growled. “There has never been a case of an animal being put down at the sanctuary. The closest that comes to that is when an animal gets sick and there is nothing they can do to help it.”
“They have to put it out of its misery, don’t they,” Marinette asked.
Adrien nodded. “The youngest two Gardens speak fluent French, so I was able to spend some time with kids my own age during the fashion show. They told me that while it breaks their hearts, it is better than letting the animal suffer.”
“I can see where they come from for that,” Juleka says. “They love, take care of, and train all the animals. So it’s only natural that they form a bond with them.”
“I know I am not the brightest person in class, but how can they believe such crap,” Kim shook his head. “Whenever anyone even slightly mentions someone famous, she instantly says she is either best friends with them or somehow related to them. It’s impossible.”
“Tell that to the sheep that follow her around like she’s god’s gift to the world,” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“Makes you wonder if we really are the only ones in class with braincells,” Nathaniel, of all people, said.
The bus doors opened as it came to a full stop at the sanctuary. Bustier was the first out and the class followed her. They all first went into the sanctuary. And even from what little they could see from where they were, it already was one of the most beautiful places any of them have ever seen.
Trees, flowers, and even fruit and vegetable plants were growing as far as their eyes could see. The entire sanctuary also seemed to be covered by a glass dome, making an environment similar to a greenhouse. It made sense since there were probably plants in certain areas that needed to be grown in certain temperatures.
But today the dome’s windows were open, letting in the natural light of the sun, even if it looked like squares on the ground because of the dome’s window linings.
As Bustier lead them to a stop, two teen their age approached the group. Adrien recognized his two penpals. The ones he met in Greece when he was there for the fashion show. Lyon and Vallia Garden.
Vallia was quite beautiful and had a grace and elegance to her style. She had long blond hair braided with roses and butterflies and had pink streaks. Her eyes were a stunning silver that you could see, if you were close enough, had specks of blue in them. Her style was a red, pink, and purple dawn colored dress with gold flats. On her wrists were diamond rose cuff bracelets, a butterfly on the one on her right wrist.
Lyon gave off a very icy exterior that also screamed honor and loyalty that only a knight would have. A tall boy with hair that was black with streaks of white and blue in it, coming to the length of Adrien's. His eyes were the opposite of the girl's, blue with silver specks. His outfit of choice was a sky blue t-shirt under a white jean vest, matching the blue pants with white boots. On his hands were white fingerless gloves. Around his neck was a sword and shield pendant as well as a white cloak only going down to his knees.
They all also saw that the two did have crystal medallions on their foreheads. Vallia’s was a rose quartz butterfly and Lyon’s was a sapphire wolf.
“Your pen pals are hot, Adrien,” Marinette smirked as she saw her honorary brother staring at Lyon.
“Shut up,” Adrien grumbled, making Marinette giggle.
Bustier turns to the class. “These two are going to be our guides through the sanctuary. Please show them the proper amount of respect since they are the ones that work here.”
Lyon and Vallia gave the teacher the side-eye. While they technically did work there, their family owned the sanctuary and it was like Bustier had completely forgot about that and thought that they were just employees of the sanctuary.
“Shouldn’t we be guided by adults,” Mylene asked, trying not to sound offensive to the two teens.
“We’re your tour guides because we are the only ones here fluent in French,” Lyon told the class, his French flawless.
Adrien hid that he was chuckling behind his hand. He knew the twins were fluent, but the looks on his classmate’s faces when Lyon spoke in French was just so funny.
“Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves,” Vallia said, also switching to French. “My name is Vallia and this is my twin brother, Lyon.”
“Please also take note of a few rules of the sanctuary,” Lyon says. “While the animals here have been tamed, do not touch or interact with them without permission. Certain movements or actions could cause them to badly react. They are all also on specific diets, so do not feed them unless we give you food to give them.”
“The plants should also all remain untouched,” Vallia added. “There are certain plants here that are not native to the area and survive here only because we created the right environments for them. Especially the ghost orchid. There are barely even 2000 ghost orchid plants left in the world and they need to remain here so that they do not go extinct.”
Most of the class nodded, understanding the rules. Lila hid how annoyed she was at not being able to take whatever beautiful plant she wants or touch any cute animal that she sees.
The tour than began, the class following the twins deeper into the sanctuary. Already they were starting to see a ton of the animals that lived there. There were some animals of Greek origins. Such as brown bears, red deer, lynxes, rock lizards, weasels, and wild boar. There were also more international animals. Like white-tailed deer from North America, jaguars from South America, pandas from China, African panthers and lions, Indian tigers, horses from Canada, even komodo dragons from Indonesia. And that was just the beginning.
“The Garden Family Sanctuary was founded almost a hundred years ago by siblings Apollo and Persephone Garden,” Lyon says. “Having been named after the god of the healing and the goddess of flowers, they had always loved helping nature and animals.”
“They started out with an animal shelter that took in any and all animals,” Vallia continued for her brother. “They had a very clear rule about being a no-kill shelter. The more popular they became, the more room they needed. And since they already came from a rich family, they bought more land. And over the years, it grew into the sanctuary you see today.”
“With the amount of animals and plants coming, there has been chat about buying land on another island to expand the sanctuary,” Lyon said. “Which means more area to protect from smugglers and poachers.”
“Your French is very good,” Marinette compliments them.
“Thank you, we’ve had years of practice,” Vallia says.
“It helped when we hosted a few French fashion designers here a few years ago for a charity fashion show,” Lyon said.
Adrien caught the smirk that Lyon sent his way. It made the blond blush.
The group continued walking through the sanctuary. A few of the animals curiously looked at the group, but chose not to get near them. There were a few did cuddle up to the twins, who happily petted them before sending them away with a treat in their mouth.
But even as the twins tried to talk about the sanctuary, Lila was still telling her lies as the classmates not under her spell surrounded her. They listened to her more than they did their actual tour guides.
“Yeah, poachers and smugglers try to get in all the time,” she was saying. “The first time I was here, I saw one and tried to tell the employees and they didn’t believe me. They certainly did after I single-handedly stopped him from taking a rare blue tiger.”
“That is so cool, Lila,” Rose unknowingly encouraged more lying. 
“They should make you a partner here if you caught a poacher that they did not even know was there,” Alya said.
“They wanted to, but my mother said I was too young to be part of a business,” Lila says.
Adrien saw the twins look at each other as they hear what is being said. He knew that while the two were mostly quiet around those they do not know, other than when they gave tours, they would definitely not take liars sitting down. They were extremely protective of their family, which was why Lyon practiced archery while Vallia is an expert with the bo-staff.
“The Garden family would never offer someone outside of the family a part of the sanctuary,” Lyon stated, making the class look at him.
“We would appreciate you not tell such tall tales about such a charitable family,” Vallia crossed her arms. “They are well-respected by all of Greece and do not deserve to have such lies told about them.”
The class looked very insulted at the accusation of Lila being a liar, which happened whenever anyone said that. It happened more than you think since Bustier’s class was the only one in the entire school that actually believed her. Everyone else knew that Lila was nothing but a liar.
“Something tells me that things are about to get interesting,” Juleka whispered to the rest of their group.
“You’re the one that knows them, Adrien,” Marinette says. “What do you think they’ll do?”
“I’ve been in contact with them for years,” Adrien said. “And from all I know about them, it’s a slight miracle that Lyon hasn’t already threatened to shoot her with an arrow.”
“Does he do that often,” Nathaniel raised an eyebrow.
“Only to those that really anger him, really annoy him, or threaten his family,” Adrien said. “But that last part also includes the sanctuary and all of the animals kept here.”
“Guess we should be thankful that he doesn’t have them on him right now,” Kim says. “Even if he could get rid of our liar problem with a single shot.”
“Lyon was actually scouted by the coach of the Greek Olympian archery team,” Adrien tells them. “But Lyon doesn’t like competition. He says that they are nothing but barbaric events meant to to do nothing but enlarge egos and decrease braincells.”
“Can are class even lose what they don’t have,” Marinette smirked.
All of them laughed at her joke. When Marinette got sassy and sarcastic, it was hilarious. She could sass-talk like nobody’s business.
“Haw dare you,” Lila put a hand over her heart and then started up the crocodile tears again. “How could you be so mean to me?”
That was when her sheep glared at the twins.
“Lila is not a liar,” Alya was her main supporter as usual. “You’re nothing but simple employees. I bet you do not even know the Garden family. Lila, on the other hand, is basically an honorary member of their family.”
Both twins crossed their arms this time, staring down the class.
“Let us fully introduce ourselves,” Lyon narrowed his eyes at them. “My name is Lyon Garden and this is my twin sister, Vallia Garden. Our family owns this sanctuary and neither of us nor the rest of their family have ever met this girl.”
Adrien was seriously smirking at this point. He had seen this coming and was very glad that it had finally was. Especially since Lila did not even get the number of family members right. There were two Garden parents, but the children were another story. Lyon and Vallia were the youngest of the family, but Vallia was the only girl and they had two older brothers.
“You’re probably just lying to make Lila look bad because you’re jealous,” Alix glared at the twins. “She’s connected to the Gardens while you are not.”
“Don’t believe us, we don’t care, but we do have a friend in your class that knows who we are,” Vallia giggled. “Isn’t that right, Adrien?”
The sheep looked at the model. He only smirked as he joined Lyon and Vallia’s side.
“You two certainly know how to make an impression,” Adrien tells them, chuckling.
“If we really wanted to make an impression, I would have started at my favorite wolf den,” Lyon snickered. “But I would have been too tempted to order my wolves to eat them.”
Adrien laughed at the looks of horror on his classmates’ faces.
“If you guys haven’t figured it out, it was my family that the twins were talking about before,” Adrien says. “We were the ones that came here for the charity fashion show. It was great to meet the two youngest members of the Garden family.”
“So these are the sheep that follow that liar like lost puppies,” Vallia looked at Adrien. “The liar that doesn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer?”
“Got it in one, Vallia,” Adrien says. “And she’s been telling lies about your family since this field trip started. She even said that your family was three girls and two boys.”
The twins rolled their eyes.
“Wow,” Lyon shook his head. “Vallia might wish she had a sister, it’s just us and our two older brothers with our parents.”
Vallia playfully slapped her brother’s shoulder.
While Adrien took his two friends over to the rest of his group to introduce them, the rest of the class finally seemed to get that Lila did indeed lie to them. They turned on her like lions on an antelope and started yelling at her for lying to them.
The twins made mental notes to contact their parents about needing to sue a girl for slander and defamation. 
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years ago
May I ask for Akutagawa and Dazai for 5?? 😊 congrats on 100 btw!! ❤️💕
5. remembering a very trivial fact about them
Bungo Stray Dogs, Akutagawa Ryunosuke x reader
100 Followers event
Your birthday was coming up soon and Akutagawa wanted to make it special, sure he was the badass non-feeling rabid dog of the Port Mafia on the outside, but he was completely soft for you on the inside. 
He showed little emotion when with you but it was better than all the anger he took out on, on his subordinates. 
Akutagawa has gone out today saying that he has work to do but little did you know, he didn’t. He was going out solely to get a gift for you. He went into an antique store hoping he’d get something nice but there wasn’t anything there that he thought was good enough for you. 
He went into a jewellery store, after searching for something for so long he finally found a bracelet with all the charms that represented the things you loved. After checking it carefully, he bought it without hesitation. After that he of course needed an outfit for you that would go perfectly with it.
Shopping and Akutagawa definitely wasn’t a match made in heaven, it more like hell for him, he disliked everything about it but he would make the effort for you. He went into a clothing store and grimaced but he figured it’d all be worth it.
Going into the women’s area to find the perfect outfit, he thought of something, you always preferred something that wasn’t showing off much skin. Preferrably a long sleeve outfit was the best thing for you. He remembered your preference and chose something that caught his eye.
It was black dress with lace sleeves that looked so elegant, only befitting of his lover. He smirked and paid for it, he quickly got out of the store and made his way back home. Once home, he made sure you were nowhere in sight and quietly went into the bedroom. He kept everything away in some place that’s a secret to you.
The day of your birthday had arrived and Akutagawa was up early, he had already made breakfast and tidied up the house by 6:00 am. You woke up to find a certain black haired man with white tips staring at you with breakfast in his hands. You yelped, not expecting that.
“Happy Birthday.” he wished you with a straight face as he tried to make his monotonous voice sound more joyful, if only his voice could match what he feels though. “Oh! Aku...I- thank you so much. You scared me though.” you giggled. He couldn’t help but let a little smile grace his face, though he internally kicked himself for scaring you first thing in the morning.
He had the whole day planned out (basically whatever you wanted to do he made time for it) and you practically spent the entire day with him. You were grateful Mori gave him that day off. You wanted to do nothing and just relax? Sure, he had no problem with that. You wanted to go shopping? He hated it but would do it for you.
However, he did have the evening reserved. That’s where the dress comes in. Once evening arrived, he carefully took out the dress and bracelet and placed it on the bed in your shared bedroom. He wrote a little note and a rose next to it. The note read: “Happy Birthday my sweetheart. I hope you’ve had a great day but I have one more thing planned, we’re going to go out somewhere and I won’t tell you where it is until we’ve reached there. Don’t worry I’m not going to kill you. Love you, Aku.” 
The last bit made you laugh when you read it. When you found the items on the bed, you smiled and were a bit giddy. You made your way downstairs and found Akutagawa ready for you and standing at the door. His eyes widened when he saw you. You were absolutely stunning and the sight of you made his heart beat just a little bit faster. He cleared his throat, “You look stunning dear. Let’s go now then?” he says. “I see you’ve remembered my preference when it comes to clothing. Thank you.” you smile and follow.
He didn’t tell you where he was taking you but once you’ve reached the place, he didn’t need to tell you, he had reserved a table at a new restaurant that opened up and he wanting to take you there. Let’s just say you had a great birthday overall with your thoughtful significant other, he even went shopping which was the thing he hated the most for you and remembered something that would be somewhat trivial. He really does love you.
Notes: Oh my god that was long. Thanks for requesting anon. I know this isn’t trivial or whatever but it’s currently 2:00 am here and I’m using whatever braincells I have rn. Please forgive me if this is not what you wanted. Have A Very Merry Christmas! I will be doing Dazai’s one in a separate post, I apologize for any inconvenience. 
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apenapaperandadoofus · 4 years ago
Can you make a list on who you think is the most to least reliable of the RFA (+ Minor Trio if you want!) when it comes to pets 👀
gasp you know what yes (I've been wanting to make some lists for a while -maybe least to most bottom of each of the RFA characters LMAO-)
MysMe characters least to most reliable with a pet and what pet would they have:
11. Rika
LMFAO bet ya didn't expect that did ya!? Nah you probably did, anyway the reason why she's the least reliable for a pet it's kinda obvious, first of all, she would refuse to get her pet treatment when it almost turns blind and ma'am? Please help your dog???
Also if at any time the pet dies she would start another cult so let's not risk it with her. Instead of an animal maybe give her a rock instead pfttt (actually wait-no she'd probably throw it at our poor mint coloured hair boy just give her a dog plushy it smth she can't be trusted with alive things)
10. Saeyoung
You may be asking me, Amanda, why, Saeyoung absolutely loves cats he'd be a cool cat dad, and yes, you're right. But you also don't understand that this man's love for cats goes SO far that he will actually cause chaos all around him. He'd give the cat SO many treats, not only that, but he'd also cuddle them, and that's nice tight? Wrong. This man will try to stretch the cat, grab it and twirl it around, reenact the lion king and do the 'Simba' bit and everything. Not only that he'd completely use it to prank Zen and everyone else, overall, he'd be a great pet owner but it'd be too much chaos so let's just stick with loving cats from afar.
Also I feel like he'd get a snake for some reason, and he'd dress them up in like a fancy bowtie a hat, or an iguana or chameleon y'know? He'd go for the amphibian type :o
9. Ray
I love our boy, I really do, but honestly how do you expect him to take care of a dog if he can't take care of himself. 😢
Actually scratch that, if he had a dog he would definitely love it and spoil it, and we live for that but also:
honey focus on yourself too we don't want you to D I E
Maybe give him a hamster or smth, while he's hacking away and watching MC in their room the hamster will be spinning on it's wheel super happy
Or he can have some cute fishes 🐟🐠
And like his brother, because great minds think alike, maybe a chameleon. He'd be pretty scared of them at first but he found one under some flowers and decided to rescue it, and now he sort of ended up adopting it :D
Although I find it pretty unlikely that he'll get a pet, he's more into flowers anyway
(OH WAIT WHAT ABOUT BEES? YA LIKE JAZZ -im sorry pft but now I need to see Ray in like those bee farmer dress things lmao)
8. Zen
I could see him as the pet owner that takes their dogs on walks and such, but honestly, if he's allergic to cats he's probably allergic to other animals too, at least some with a lot of hair! Although I feel like he'd get one of those big dogs and he'd go on runs with it all the time. The dog would be like the ones that are mostly thought of as super dangerous or aggressive but it turns out they're a sweetheart. Either that or a poodle 🐩💀 (but like I said, he's probably allergic to animals with lots of hair.)
7. Jihyun
Jihyun would be pretty good as a pet owner but honestly he'd be super nervous at everything at first. Welcome to the Jihyun apologizing to his pet show akdjdn. But would we trust him with a pet? He wasn't really able to take care of two teenage boys -although it was mostly because he was in a toxic relationship 💀
When he has his sight problems he could totally get those helper dogs? (Forgot what they're called I'm sorry T_T)
He'd probably get a more chill pet tho, maybe a cat (he probably likes them a lot too! Also they're pretty calming.) So he could have like the guide dog and a small kitty too!
6. Jaehee
She'd be an awesome pet mom lol. I don't think she'd get a cat after being traumatized from pet-sitting Elizabeth. Maybe she could get like a turtle 🐢
Or maybe a rat to reenact Ratatouille lmaoo
She wouldn't get big pets unless the MC wanted to adopt something (and if they're a couple, we all know what people who want kids but can't or just aren't able to adopt at the moment, do, they get DOGS AND CATS!!!)
So honestly she'd start understanding why Jumin pampers Elly so much, since your dogs basically your child now PFTTT
Maybe a bunny too? I could see her working with the bunny on her head lmao and that's adorable
Omg imagine her with a SNAKE, HOW BADASS WOULD THAT BE???
5. Suit Saeran
You may be wondering once again, WHAT AND WHY
Let me explain.
Suit would dffinetly get those scary and big dogs that have spiky collars and everything, and he'd probably call him something like Killer or Skull Destroyer, or maybe Blade lmao
And we all know he'd die for his dog. It's the only one he can trust ajdhdbdbd
He'd be like the bad boys that walk around with their dog everywhere growling at people (not just the dog, the two of them)
And "Spike" would be so well taken care of. Believers have to start doing draws to see who feeds the monster dog that always bites them PFTTT
The dog would also dffinetly know how to fight. It'd be cute if the only person he likes appart from Saeran tho is MC hehe
AND you cannot change my mind in this, ever since Saeran got "Dark Knight" (I'm experimenting with the dog names pfft) he's shown him a picture of Saeyoung and taught him to absolutely hate his guts, so Seven, buddy, maybe don't get to close to them lol
AND the backstory for this dog is that Saeran found him under some bushes, hurt, and the dog reminded him of when he was younger, so he took him in and that's how the doggie came to be :3
3. GE Saeran
Idk, he'd also get the normal-ish animals, like a bunny or a cat (he'd like how calming they are.)
He'd be awesome with animals too!
Also uhm, someone please draw him as a farmer AJDHDHD lmaoo that's the first thing that came to mind 😂
He'd be the person that likes animals but like....other people's animals? He'd love to see Elizabeth and such, but he wouldn't really want to have one (unless MC wanted to of course.) It's not that he doesn't like them, it's mostly because he feels more comfortable with other people's pets ajdjdbd
Also he doesn't want them to ruin the garden oop
3. In a tie with Saeran, Yoosung
I forgot about him and didn't want to change the numbers lmao
Yoosung is a vet, c'mon he knows how to deal with animals!
At first he'd be so freaking nervous and would be just like a helicopter parent, making sure the doggie is alright and such, but then he gets the hang of it and he's perfect.
We all know we got a bunny with him too in his GE :D so maybe a dog and a bunny! He'd have more than one pet I'll tell ya that.
2. Jumin
Listen he's the king alright? He pampers his cat SO much, and you can just TELL how much he loves Elly. We all stan a man that loves animals.
He'd probably get some exotic pets too, maybe a few horses and birds that are really exotic or something
But can you imagine him with like....a tiger PFT
He'd be like: omg this is a cat but bigger let me have one
It'd be like Sebastian from Black Butler lol
He'd also be up to a dog, it'd take a bit of convincing but if MC wants one then he'd snap his fingers and get them one immediately (I love this man he's so ADORABLE) and then they'd have two children and Zen wouldn't have to worry about just Elizabeth
1. Vanderwood
Yes! The one! The only!
He's the only one appart from Jaehee that has more than one braincell PFTTTTT
He'd have a pretty big and scary dog that would've an absolute sweetheart when you get to know them. Everyone at first is scared but the dog just wants to sleep and eat, that's all.
Vanderwood is super responsible, I mean after Saeyoung I'm sure a dog would be nothing. He'd also compare Seven to his dog lol "Not even Capitan America is that dirty!"
"you named your dog Capitan America...?"
"shut the hell up or I'm tasing you."
His dog would spend all day sleeping. Sometimes Vanderwood will take him on walks, and they really enjoy that time together.
Vanderwood romance route? Uh, no he's far too in love with his dog to be doing anything else PFT
And you cannot once again change my mind on this:
He talks to his dog when he's alone.
He will tell him about his day as he cooks or does the laundry. He'd be in an apron making some dinner and be all like:
"Ugh, today I had to take care of that no-good for nothing guy again. It's incredible how messy his house can get in just a matter of hours! Not only that, he wasn't eating properly again, that idiot. I had to practically drag him out of his chair and make him eat some food. Not that I'm worried. It'd just be a hassle to have to find another hacker as good as him. Seriously that guy...."
And the dog would be like excuse me do I look like your therapist please just give me food lolol
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taeyooooo · 4 years ago
LANCE: I chose Keith, because he's like, the future.
KEITH: *blushes and gets confused why*
BOB: Okay! Now, Keith! Who did you vote for?
KEITH: I-I chose Lance, because, I admit he's the one who always tried. He never disappoints the team to make us laugh, even though sometimes it gets to our nerves. I see it in him, the fact that he's willing to take the bullet. But despite all of those~ Uhm, Lance? Is it okay?
LANCE: Mh- Yeah. Go ahead.
KEITH: He, sometimes, loses faith in himself. I admit, I feel terrible saying all what I said to him. He's become very ambitious, narcissistic, self-centered, he tried to cover what he wants to hide and that's his vulnerability, what he feels like is that he doesn't have any purpose as a paladin, and I understand that mindset.
KEITH: He'd tell me, 'was it all for show?' 'am I just the backup paladin?' I couldn't destroy the fact that he is always there for us knowing that none was there for him, he sometimes reminds me to be safe before engaging in the Blades' mission, he would tell Hunk and Pidge jokes and they laugh so hard, he will flirt and hit on Allura, and Shiro- *about to break down*
LANCE: It's okay, Keith.
KEITH: Lance assured Shiro and I that we are both great leaders, and his assurance never went to waste. He's worth the sacrifice, after all we've been through, he never failed to be the cockiest sharpshooter, and the Blue Paladin. The team could lie their heads on his shoulders.
KEITH: His insecurities didn't blind him, but they made him a lot stronger. He's one of the best people we could ever find. He even helped us defeat Sendak at his critical condition. But still I really hoped YOU remembered our bonding moment.
BOTH: *smile and laugh genuinely*
KEITH: *stammers* I can't believe I'm going to say this, but~ I love him.
BOTH: *intensely blush*
BOB: Someone give 'em sexy jazz music!
LANCE: He's trying to be sincere! *audience laughs*
KEITH, MOUTHS LANCE: Thank you. *clears throat*
KEITH: You can't find someone as cocky, as stupid, as clumsy, as brave, and as heroic as him. He may be a monster in the battlefield, but you'll never know his gentleness when you don't get to be in his circle. *faces Lance, smiles truly genuinely, intense blushing incoming* Lance, you deserve all the love. You deserve to be free.
KEITH: I- I don't know, I just woke up protecting him, finding him in every corner of the universe, comforting him, wanting to be with him, fighting with him but we still end up as buddies, but I don't know if I could still call you as my buddy. After all the times we have been together, I won't get tired hearing your voice, holding your hand, and wasting every moment with you.
LANCE: *continues being mesmerized*
KEITH: In this very vast expanse, I have always felt really lonely when my parents left me, well mom is still alive, but she has Marmoran stuff to do. I've been a rebel, I have been reckless, I knew whatever I do gets to be horrendous at the end and I really look down on myself.
KEITH: I ask everytime in the wind why me? Shiro, was the one who really changed me, he's been my driving force and then I continued to be under his shadow, but being the leader of Voltron was not in the choices. When he told me that he, died, I couldn't grasp myself, I broke down. I have come to this very moment that I have nowhere to go. I'm, lost.
LANCE: *switches mood immediately*
KEITH: But I knew the team was here, they were still believing in me despite all my hard-headedness, problematic mindsets, the warshocks, and the feeling of hopelessness. They endured everything, they tried to cope up with my problems, and I am so, so, so sorry to all of them.
KEITH: I have been a total jerk, I shouldn't have thrown everybody out of my circle. I shouldn't have pushed them away, I should've just accepted the fact that they'd reject me sooner. My past shouldn't be burdening my life now, but I can't help think that I'm meant to be a loner. I was a total nobody.
KEITH: Then here's Lance. We are total opposites, red and blue, cat and dog, hot and cold, no point in life where we could get along. But Lance tends to get the first move, he doesn't hesitate to tell everyone, even me, how he feels. He's stupid, and sincere at the same time. Although we fight over things all the time, he'll be the first person to be worried about me. *smiles more*
KEITH: He's the epitome of love, he'll make you happy, and he'll be sad with you, be angry for you, brave for you, fight for you until the ends of eternity. We get to be in good relations, eventually became friends, get to work together a lot better, and then there's this point in life that, I get to realize that I may have found something I didn't know I need. I didn't expect that the one who I'll be spending my life with would be him, a nemesis, a crackhead, a cockroach, but he never disappointed me. In fact, he saved me, a thousand times, and I didn't even know. A hero, perhaps. I am forever grateful that all of them became a part of my life, I am forever grateful that he became a part of my life. Lance, what all I said is true, and so what I feel about you, my feelings for you. *Faces Lance* Lance, I- I love you.
LANCE: *screams internally in love, faces Keith and still struck with the fact that Keith finally showed his soft side and told him that he loves him* I love you, too, Keith.
KEITH: *wears the most genuine smile ever* That's why I voted for Lance. He did everything for me, he's EVERYTHING to me, now I'll let him be free, for him, for me, for us. I had to say this just in case I get to face my demise.
There goes my last braincell for today, g'night y'all 👋
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