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gutzygumsho3 · 29 days ago
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Warning: image isn't mine
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animalstuffstore · 2 years ago
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👉 https://cutt.ly/KBIY0tC Allstar Innovations PetiCare LED Light Pet Nail Clipper- Great for Trimming Cats & Dogs Nails & Claws, 5X Magnification NEW & IMPROVED PETICARE NAIL CLIPPER – The illuminated nail clipper. The safe & easy way to trim your pet’s nails! The original As Seen on TV now with improvements! Improvements to the handles, lights, & nail magnifier/trapper.
4 SUPER-BRIGHT LED LIGHTS- Illuminates light colored nails’ delicate bloodline, so you can trim in the right spot! Lights have been relocated to increase visibility of your pets quick in their nail. For dark nails, be sure to look at the dark nail head-on, once you see a small dark circle, this is as far as you should go.
MAGNIFICATION & NAIL TRAPPER – 5X the magnification & doubles as a nail trapper. Nail trapper helps catch nail clippings for easy cleanup! ———————— #animalstuffstore #nail #nailtrapper #nails #trimmingcat #trimming #nailclipper #forpets #pet #cat #dog #nailtrimming #dogclaws #catpaws #magnification https://www.instagram.com/p/CjtFSFjqOWk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slutzville · 5 years ago
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Fuck!!! Any one got a screen stretcher?!!’ #fml #fuckedup #dogclaws #damnit https://www.instagram.com/p/B72IdGSnz80/?igshid=18p10ijd99igo
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allourpaws · 6 years ago
How to Overcome the Biggest Dog Grooming Challenges
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If you want your dog to be happy and healthy then you must have them groomed regularly. The process will help make your dog look beautiful but also ward off some unwanted health issues. And once your dog realizes how much it benefits them, they will surely love it and gladly go to the groomer's place. If you decide to groom your dog by yourself however, you'll have another bonding activity for you and your four-legged friend to enjoy together. But you'll also have a few difficult tasks in front of you, because grooming can prove itself to be fairly complex. There's no need to worry about that though, because we're here to help you overcome the biggest dog grooming challenges. So, sit back, relax, and check out what we have prepared for you and by the time you're done reading this article, grooming will seem as simple as a walk in the park.
Hurdle #1: Extreme shedding
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First hurdle you'll potentially have to jump over is excessive shedding. Some dog breeds shed more while others shed less, that's a well-known fact. If you have a dog that's losing a lot of hair, you should take care of that problem properly since you wouldn't want any complications to occur just because you thought it's not a big deal and you let it be. This kind of shedding will become a bother for both you and your dog if it's not dealt with. Your house will be full of hair, from furniture to floors and of course your clothes. And it doesn't really matter which type of coat your dog has. Short hair is extremely sticky and will cling on to anything and everything. Long hairs on the other hand will squeeze themselves into your furniture, under it and inside of it. Your dog has it worse though because those loose strands of hair that somehow stayed inside their coat will most likely get entangled with the rest of the hairs and cause mats. To avoid all this, you should brush your dog's hair on a daily basis. If you can't manage to do it every day then do it as often as possible but also use those special anti-shedding wipes or grooming gloves every now and then.
Hurdle #2: Grooming matted hair
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Mats are really bothersome because they've just so hard to get rid of. If you try to cut them out, you'll probably hurt your dog since mats tend to stick to their skin in a weird way. And using a regular brush or a comb doesn't really help either. But there is a way to take care of them, so worry not. You can either take your dog to a professional groomer and let them do their thing, or you can buy a special comb for mats and gently and patiently use it to solve the problem. If try to cut them out by yourself, you must be extremely careful and never use your own hair clippers on your pet. Human hair clippers are not made to cut through the thick and/or matted hair of your dogs, according to Trimepil. Also, clippers made for dogs are much quieter and achieve a great final result with minimum stress on the pet.
Hurdle #3: Nail clipping
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Dog nails should be clipped regularly, otherwise your dog may scratch you, your furniture, or themselves accidentally. However, their nails are a bit different than ours and are a tad more difficult to trim. Each one has a vein running along it and if you cut too much, bleeding happens. Nail trimming tools consist of guillotine style clippers, scissor style clippers and grinders. You can use either one just fine but always make sure not to cut the nail too deep. It's better to cut just a little less than required instead. Also, some nails are transparent enough for you to see the vein if you put them under a light source which is handy because you know how much to clip. With this, you've jumped over the last big hurdle and can go ahead and groom your dog without fear. From now on, your dog will look wonderful and feel wonderful as well. Read the full article
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we-rate-warrior-names · 5 years ago
Skipperstorm - turbelent, tortoiseshell and a tom Dogclaw - Skipper’s brother, the handsomer and stronger... but dumber brother Houndstar - this is not her real name but she got the nickname after adopting a dog puppy to raise in ShadowClan Mallowcloud - a nursery father. loves his kits so much that he’s able to compete with Grey Wing on that department
Skipperstorm - An energetic and adventurous tom. Skipperstorm is always seeking new things to do or places to go, at times he just can’t seem to sit still, and he has been known on occasion to leave the territory overnight and come back like nothing’s happened, this generally worries Dogclaw as he is the one who has to stay behind and cover rather than look after his brother, but Skipperstorm always makes sure to try and bring something either tasty or shiny back for Dogclaw as a thank you. Skipperstorm always seems ready and eager to do more than he already has, especially if it’s a new or rarely done task, and if he can’t do anything for a long period, he will get agitated, anxious and bad tempered until he can do something again, and he is often quick to anger if criticised or undermined, Dogclaw is often the one to calm him down, 14/10
Dogclaw- A friendly and protective tom. Dogclaw is always trying to look out for his brother, even if he doesn’t always make it easy, and he always looks out for the rest of his clanmates too, he feels that it is his duty due to his strength. Although Dogclaw is strong, he doesn’t really like to fight, if he has to battle he tries his best to subdue his opponents using his strength rather than injure them. Dogclaw is always a welcome and friendly face around camp, partly because many cats consider him attractive, but also because he is a kind cat and always willing to help, even if sometimes he needs something explains more than once as he usually doesn’t fully understand things first time, and as one of the several cats who are attracted to him will tell you, he’s great with kits, 13/10
Houndstar - A kind and determined she-cat. Houndstar always does what she believes to be right no matter what other cats may think, and she will always follow through with that she sets out to do. Houndstar always tries her best to help other cats, and even other animals in need, even if the cats are not from her own clan, or the other animals are traditionally seen as a threat to her clan, she’s always willing to give something a chance, and she will readily accept full responsibility if it goes wrong, 14/10
Mallowcloud - A caring and gentle tom. Mallowcloud can’t bear to see a kit in any kind of distress, and at the tiniest hint of pain he will rush his kits to the medicine den to make sure they are ok, he couldn’t bear it if anything happened to them. Mallowcloud can’t imagine not being a nursery tom, being a warrior is interesting enough, but he never felt comfortable with all the hurting and killing involved, he feels like looking after kits and assisting the queens is what StarClan put him on this earth to do. The queens love having him around, he’s great company and he will always look after other kits like they are his own, and he’s always willing to lend a paw to help anyone out, he will even happily be a second parental figure to any kits that don’t have the identity of the father disclosed, he doesn’t judge the queen for it, he just tries his best to help her raise her family, and make sure the kits grow up healthy, 15/10
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one-mopeyboi · 5 years ago
The Exile of Shrikerush Pt.1
“Papa, story?” Grousekit sleepily mewed, nestling into Harestar’s warm side. Toms did not usually care for kits, especially leaders, but that idea was of the long past and the defeat of the dark shadow that walked the land of the living as the impostor of Bramblestar is definitely proof that things have changed. Besides, who else would Harestar allow to raise the little loner tom he found in the snow?
He hardly called him Papa any more now that he’s learned his name, so Harestar definitely would treasure this.
“This is a story about the unlikely hero of WindClan, long before you or even I were born. Long ago...”
WindClan’s warriors were divided into two kinds. The moor runners and the tunnelers, and a brave tom called Rattledance was one such tunneler... one day he went down into the tunnels to hunt weasels, and he was lost forever.
His mate Pigeontail was distraught, because now he’d never see their little kit. The kit, Skipperkit, was something special altogether ; he was a male tortoiseshell... but Pigeontail didn’t know that. She thought Skipperkit was a molly because tortoiseshell were almost always mollies!
But Pigeontail had been heartbroken since her beloved mate died, and a few moons after that she herself passed away in her sleep. Skipperkit got very little milk, so he was tiny - yeah, that’s right, just like you, Grousekit, but you grew big, didn’t you?
“And one day I’ll be big as you, only I’ll be a medicine cat so I can help others!”
“That is very good, Grousekit.”
I had you memorize the leaders’ names, right? Heatherstar, Tallstar, Onestar, and then me.. but two leaders before Heatherstar was Buckstar, a very wise tom. He decided that it would not do for Skipperkit to be an orphan, so he asked his mate Hailfleck to take him in. Skipperkit and Buckstar’s kit ; Dogkit, who was named that because he was very large, became like siblings. “
This happiness did not last so long. When it was time for the two young toms to be apprentices, Dogpaw stopped caring so much for Skipperpaw because he didn’t understand the fact that Skipperpaw knew he was actually a tom. A Changeheart may be accepted now ; you know, like my brother Kestrelflight, or you’ve met Fernsong of ThunderClan, but it was not always so back then. Dogpaw started being mean to Skipperpaw, like tripping him during battle practice and eating his prey and embarassing him in front of Duskpaw, who Skipperpaw really liked.
Skipperpaw decided that this disrespect wasn’t going to stand, so he challenged his brother to a battle and if Skipperpaw won, Dogpaw would have to apologize to him. “Claws sheathed, so there’s no wounds and Buckstar won’t know we fought,” they agreed at the gorge (that was the outskirts of WindClan’s territory back then) , and they were just about to pounce on eachother when Dogpaw spotted the scent of another cat - no, two cats - at the gorge with them. It was two lost kits, so young they couldn’t even mew, and their mother looked badly hurt!
“Why’d you stop there, Harestar?”
“Because that is all I’m telling you tonight. Get some sleep, small one.”
“I’m not tired,” his foster son protested, but the kit was already yawning and fast asleep within a heartbeat.
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your-fav-is-a-cutie · 6 years ago
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Mirio Togata from Boku no Hero Academia is a cutie!!!
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mitdiscordofficial · 6 years ago
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mypetsbaby · 3 years ago
Amazing Tool For Locating Lost Dog or Cat
It’s every loving pet parent’s worst nightmare. It can happen when you least expect it—your dog/cat has gotten loose and you can’t find her! Don’t panic. In honor of National Pet Theft Awareness day, we’ve rounded up an incredible tool to find your lost pup/cat quickly
GET YOURS NOW : https://bit.ly/3zh7bdU
#catlife #cat #catworld #getlost #lost #catlover #catseyes #dogmom #cats #catlovers #happydog #bigcats #lostplaces #puppylife #lovedogs #cutedog #rescuedog #kitten #seymourthecat #dogsofig #faddythecat #melbournecat #kitty #dogsofinstaworld #pet #endanimalsuffering #lostcity #savetheanimals #saveanimals #pets #animal #filmisnotdead #kitties #pup #oldsoul #babytiger #catsofmelbourne #catstagram #loveanimals #dogphotography #burnmyeye #catsofinstagram #animals #old #sad #forgottenplaces #picoftheday #instadogs #thatmoment #savetheplanet #animallovers #pup #alapahabluebloodbulldog #callofthewolf #horse #callofthewolves #corgilife #gsdpuppy #thoughtoftoday #callofthewild #shibapuppy #oldsoul #puppygram #dogsofinstagram #corgipuppy #mykindofracing #bestfriend #burnmyeye #pictureoftheday #puppiesofinstagram #shibadog #instadog #dogstagram #rawdogfoodcommunity #rawdogfood #puppysnowday #puppy #puppylove #dogpack #lost #dogoftheday #dogclaws #lostplaces #dogfeatures #germanshepherdpuppy #lostcity #dogphotography #cattledogsaredamnfast #germanshepherddog #dognails #getlost #dogs #happydogs #doggo #doglife #puppylife #doglovers #dogplay #dog #workingdog
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sickcatt · 4 years ago
I did like three minutes of trying to figure out the age difference for Hawkboi and Bramblesucker so lets just say its like, 6 moons? K? Cool
Bramblepaw had been avoiding the nursery for a while, refusing to do any tasks in it. Ever since those three came, he couldnt help but hate them.
His father having an affair with a kittypet is bad enough, but him bringing all three into the clan, and everyone accepting them was bad enough. Goldenflower loved the kits as if they were her own, taking up the nursery duties while Sasha was out training.
Mothkit Tadpolekit, and Hawkkit were their names. Oh how Bramblepaw despised them. Tawnypaw had been hesitant, but got used to them. He couldn’t believe how easily Redstar had been swayed.
Nothing made sense, but apparently to the clan Fireheart changed how Thunderclan saw kittypets.
How was his mother not frustrated? Her mate went and had kits with a cat not even in the clans, and had refused to take a proper warrior name. If Bramblepaw had any choice he would have called her Dogclaw. Or something along those lines.
The apprentice hated them so much. He and his sister were supposed to be the clans special cats, Not these small measly things.
He watched with distaste, as his family played with the two kits. Sasha and Goldenflower talked camly. They were still a bit awkward, but had managed to become friends.
Tawnypaw chased around the kits, their little laughs high pitched. 
Then there was his father, supporting them.
Bramblepaw looked away. They shouldnt have been born.
“Bramblepaw?” Fireheart called. It was late, but he hadn’t seen his apprentice since he stormed off in the middle of training. He padded into camp, seeing Sasha worried at the nursery.
“Sasha? What are you doing up?” He whispered.
The she-cat looked up “None of my kits are in the nursery, and I cant find them anywhere”
Fireheart frowned. “I can’t find Bramblepaw, I know he hasnt returned back to camp, not to my knowledge. Should we alert the camp?”
Sasha nodded. “I’ll go tell Tigerclaw and Goldenflower”
Fireheart went to tell Redstar, and Sasha went to tell the two warriors. Soon enough a patrol was formed to find them, as it was unlikely for Bramblepaw to disappear, and impossible for kits to vanish aswell.
Sasha and Fireheart felt wary as the searched the dark forest
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mezais · 5 years ago
If you’re still doing hypokits, ivyblossom please ❤️
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I’d imagine they’d have two boys, Maskheart(star) and Dogclaw, Maskheart is a smooth-talking devil’s advocate, who can talk his way out of any situation even when tensions are high. While he isn’t seen as charming or good willed, he can still convince most anyone to believe what he tells them and somehow always manages to avoid ever being on the wrong side of an argument. He was mentored by Larksong, and became deputy and eventually leader of Thunderclan.
Dogclaw, on the other hand, is short-tempered and more outwardly selfish than his brother. He was mentored by Thornclaw, and shares his stingy attitude and distrust of outsiders. Where Maskheart would be the brain, Dogclaw would be the brawn. He’s jealous, close-minded, and impatient; but with the guidance of his brother he is surprisingly capable and an efficient worker. He can accomplish mostly anything through sheer stubborness and determination, and it’s not uncommon for him to be acting out his brothers will. When Maskheart becomes Maskstar he makes Dogclaw his loyal deputy, and they make a very dangerous team.
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gutzygumsho3 · 1 month ago
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toddy-dog-blog · 7 years ago
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Donut... in my claws! #doglovers #dog #puppy #instadog #instapuppy #cachorro #filhote #viralata #pet #claws #dogclaws
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warriorsredux · 6 years ago
Idk if this is really your thing, but if a clan had an allycat sort of territory, what are some names that you think they would come up with? I think they'd have a few "Dogclaw"s over their time
That depends on how their naming system would go. If they’re using a system like mine, Dog- might be harder to use, since dogs all look so different (unless they’re, like, in a pariah dog village). I could see prefixes like Brick-, or Steel-, or Road- being common. Human settlements aren’t as colorful and varied as wild areas, so they’d probably have to be creative, therefore not as traditional. For example, Cotton- would imply softness, rather than a color, because of the texture of some human clothing. There’d still be some birds and prey animals, of course, but the more traditional names would probably either be holdovers from times before the cats had to move to the city, or using the world around them in much more creative fashion.
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northerncoloniesfanclan · 2 years ago
First cat I wanna show off! Mossypaw! She is a member of The Order of The Newmoon. Despite this she is good and kind. She was born into the cult and is daughter of the deputy, Dogclaw, and a kittypet named Ruby.
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Her father, concerned for her safety, takes her to his brother Redfang in Boreal Colony and leaves her there before running away on his own due to his own circumstances. She could be considered a ‘protagonist’ but seeing as these are more a collection of short stories there's no one protagonist.
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we-rate-warrior-names · 5 years ago
Skipperstorm - tortoiseshell (XXY) tom who’s often angry Dogclaw - large seal point tom, like, HUGE for a cat, the size of a beagle Lopstar - fawn tabby molly with folded ears and a fluffy chest and belly Mallowcloud - former kittypet named Marshmallow. munchkin cat. ginger and white
Skipperstorm - A proud and confident tom. Skipperstorm always believes he is right, and he can quickly get into an argument if anyone disagrees with him, and if he is overruled he will always make sure is discontent shows and will often be unco-operative and will keep pushing to try and do what he wants. Skipperstorm believes that his clan is the best, and none of the other clans can compare to his own, and will readily fight to defend the honour of his clan and most importantly, himself. Skipperstorm will always readily take charge, and he delights in doing so, and as much as his clanmates hate to admit it, he is actually an efficient and competent leader, but he will quickly crumble into unreasonable anger if he feels his authority is questioned, 14/10
Dogclaw - A courageous and confident cat. Dogclaw’s size gives them confidence, they often use their size to their advantage in battle, and cats that don’t know them well are easily intimidated, Dogclaw’s mere presence has prevented many border skirmishes, trespassing clans even willingly giving up prey to avoid a fight, Dogclaw recognises this and will always try their best to sell this terrifying persona, but if you get to know them, they are a decent and generous cat. Dogclaw knows that their size is of great asset to the clan, which is why they are often first to volunteer to be on the front lines of battle, they know that their ability to quickly clear opponents and pave the way from their clanmates is often crucial to securing a victory, Dogclaw would willingly die for their clanmates if needed, although they believe that is unlikely due to their size making it hard for them to be taken down by opponents, 13/10
Lopstar - A curious and intelligent she-cat. Lopstar always wants to know as much as she can about the other clans, “know your enemy” as she always reminds herself, she knows that no matter how peaceful things may be currently, conflict will always come, and she wants to be as prepared as she possibly can for that day. Lopstar always likes to plan ahead, she likes to be one step ahead of whatever life throws at her and her clan, and she is often trying out new training routines to help keep the fighting skills of her warriors sharp, and it isn’t uncommon for her to send spies to the border to listen in on the conversations of other clans, as a result, her warriors have learnt to be extremely skilled in the art of stealth, an achievement Lopstar is very proud of, 14/10
Mallowcloud - A kind and determined cat. Mallowcloud works hard as they feel self-conscious about their kittypet roots and they want other cats to see them for the warrior they are now rather than the kittypet they used to be. Mallowcloud is very friendly and is popular in their clan, and despite any reservations their clanmates had about taking in a kittypet, they quickly came around to the idea after Mallowcloud proved to be a kind and helpful cat, they will often help out another cat without complaint, often without being asked, they will just volunteer. Mallowcloud likes to surprise cats with their speed when they first meet them, despite their short legs they are very fast and they are a great hunter because of it, easily taking down prey of all kinds,15/10
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