#dog treadmill
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Vino showing off her shiny shiny muscles!
She is doing great, and giving me lots of her patented Treadmill Face which combines panting/tired with “please giv treat”
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jaubaius · 2 years
Sound on
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squisheebugdoodles · 3 months
Okay Here Is The Problem: everything costs money and yet money is something that i just literally never have. solution? kill the idea of money so that nothing costs anything Please. i'm so tired
#despite making more money w/ my commissions than ever before this year#i am still. not able to save up literally even one (1) single penny of it bc of bills#i have to make like 600 every month just to break even at like 5 dollars in my acct#please i am so fucking tired#i want to get myself things and do shit#i want to buy things for archie and jack's dog and for the house so that things are better for all of us#i want to be able to afford snacks more than once every three months like if i maybe want a bag of chips#instead of saving up for three months and going 'yeah okay 5 dollars for a normal sized bag of chips is finally worth it' ?????????????????#why the fuck are chips so expensive that is potatoes and spices and like all of it is automated hello?? what are we fucking paying for?????#ANYWAYS.#i am just fucking. Tired#due to recent events I was like#'okay how much are dog treadmills.... oh. i see. i will never be able to afford that even after three years saving. got it'#there are five hundred fundraisers on my dash (BARELY hyperbole) every single day and everybody needs help#so i COMPLETELY get people not having a ton of disposable funds this isn't me complaining about that i'm just.#i wish that i sometimes had money so that i could MAYBE save anything up or y'know. have ANYTHING to show for it#bc right now i am working full time at this job (commission/freelance artist and adopt maker etc) and making like maybe 4 dollars an hour#which is great bc when i started i was only getting about $0.11 an hour but like. that's still not. Good. For all the time i put into it#but due to circumstances and situations this is about all i'm physically and mentally able to do here and i LIKE doing commission but it's#not really. getting me anywhere and i just want to afford things finally.#i'm 27 and everything i own fits in one room and almost all of it was gifted to me for free bc i couldn't afford to get it on my own#delete later i'm just so tired man
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relaxwithaaron · 1 year
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Hey how are you doing? I’m working out.
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heu-ris-tic · 5 months
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it’s the post canicross head tilt for me
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mwolf0epsilon · 9 months
Snack Crime Conundrum
Sponge, staring in horror at the scale after measuring Beau's weight: Little gods... When did you get so huge, girl?! Beau, who's been having issues keeping up during their routine walks: Boof? Sponge: Actually the pertinent question would be, who in sith-hells has been overfeeding you?! You have a strict diet to adhere to! Beau, blinking innocently and cocking her head to the side: Woof...? Sponge, seething: This won't stand... Mark my words, I will find the fiend who's pushing you towards obesity and arthritis issues!
-Several minutes later-
Sponge, currently interrogating Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase and Tup: As you may know I have been investigating a rather delicate situation. One that, should I find you culpable, will come with severe consequences. Perhaps even a jail sentence. Fives, a little frustrated: For the last time you drama queen, we haven't been sneaking your barghest any treats after meals! Jesse, standing by Fives: Yeah! We're innocent! Hardcase: Yeah! Innocent! Well, for the most part anyway... Fives & Jesse: Sponge: Excuse me? Hardcase, fidgeting nervously: Well... I mean... Sometimes I give her a little piece of egg during early meal. But not always! Tup, chuckling nervously: And I have given her some of those fancy liver treats you keep in your trunk. But only when she's not allowed in the medbay! Because she looks so sad in the crate... Rex, shrugging: ....I have on occasion given her some cheese snacks. But she does little tricks when I have them out, and you said when she does tricks she deserves a reward! Sponge, flabbergasted: I can't believe you three... Cheese snacks?! Really Captain??? Hardcase, coming to Rex's defense: Hey! At least we don't do it constantly! I've seen Jesse dump an entire plate into her mouth when he's had to skip midmeal to go to last minute debriefs! Jesse, gawking: 'CASE YOU SNITCH! Hardcase: And Fives has this game where he throws food at her to see if she can catch it in the air! Fives, glaring: Thanks a lot, traitor... Sponge, huffing: Innocent men my shebs... Fives, glancing over to the other side of the room: Wait, how come Kix and Dogma aren't a part of this lineup? Sponge: Kix would never endanger my darling girl's health by feeding her fatty crap. And Dogma has made it clear he doesn't particularly like Beau, so why would he give her illicit snacks? Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase & Tup, looking just behind Sponge at Kix and Dogma who are both staring back at them while sneaking Beau some snacks: Kix, crosses his finger over his own neck before pointing at them threateningly: Dogma, smiling innocently before snapping the bread-stick he's giving Beau in half for further threatening effect: Rex: ...Fair enough. Fives: But-- Rex, putting a hand on Fives's shoulder: Fair. Enough. What's our punishment?
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notedchampagne · 8 days
my emotional support gym
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
ngl when it comes to dog treadmills if the mill is not powered by the dog i am not a fan of when people attach their dog to the treadmill.
It's fairly easy to train a dog to a moving (dog) treadmill like a dog pacer through cooperative and consensual behaviors because although the treadmill can be weird at first, dogs find forward movement rewarding (as well as post treadmill session snacks). But additionally, some dogs can find the treadmill aversive and/or scary and tying them to this machine and forcing them to use it is unacceptable. A dog with a positive association with the treadmill and what it allows them to do should be able to run on the treadmill without attachment and assistance (although always have your dogs supervised). A dog should always have the ability to walk away from such an activity if they decide they are done. They should not be strapped to a moving machine that will force them to do something. With dog powered mills, this is not an issue because the mill is moved forward by the dog's motivation. so imo tying is okay because if the dog is unwilling to run the mill will stay still.
Treadmills can be great as additional stimulation and exercise, but they are NOT walks and in the same way we should give patience to walks outside, we should give them to mill work. In the same way it is unacceptable to drag a dog that is unwilling to move forward on a walk, it is imo unacceptable to force a dog to move on a treadmill that is moving underneath them.
I am saying this as an avid dog treadmill user who trained my dogs to the mill with consent and reward based training and has dogs that now jump on the mill with gusto and run unassisted and free needing no food reward. It's literally so easy.
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gynandromorph · 10 months
with how much I sit around drawing and playing games every day you would think a random 90-minute several mile walk would have been tiring or left me sore and yet. it did not
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jaubaius · 1 year
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chocochat · 2 months
i feel like a walking corpse today
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heu-ris-tic · 4 months
a precious nyoomslang from a few days ago before all the rain ☔️
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I can’t believe that exercise really does do numbers for your mental health. that’s kinda fucked up omfg 😔
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sarcastic-clapping · 4 months
on the treadmill listening to silver springs by fleetwood mac trying not to make it about an evil little blonde man. failing. failing badly.
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Should I get up at 6 in the morning to go for a run or is that an insane decision that I will hate myself for
#the background is i’ve been running on and off since december but i’m finally getting pretty good at it i think#(the secret is doing lots of other stuff like hula hooping and exercise bike and pilates to gain aerobic ability and strength)#and i feel like i want to try running outside#up to now i’ve been using a slow treadmill with a top speed that’s a pretty decent jogging pace for me#but i definitely want to be able to go faster and i also need to be able to change up my strides#ya girl is 6’1 my strides are definitely longer than this treadmill is#however. i’m very aware that i look goofy as fuck when i run. i’m clumsy and top heavy and i have a bad case of rbf#NONE OF THIS MATTERS. but i still would rather run at a time when there’s not that many people around#so i was thinking why not 6am. but then i was like. ellen are you actually out of your fucking mind#right now i usually run in the late afternoon because it makes me hungry and that motivates me to start prepping dinner#so switching up the timing is already going to mess me up. literally switching from evening to morning pilates made me feel like the world#was ending. it’s bad#if i want to run outside i am going to have to change what time i do it regardless because the streets are full of school run people#and dog walkers at my usual time. i see them walking past my house#so it’s like why not do it at 6am#or. i Could try like 10pm. i do live in a small town; it’s pretty safe#what i could do is wear a hat with a light on it. men hate those. and carry a metal water bottle#i am like 80% sure i could incapacitate someone with a hydroflask i’m ngl. not that i’ll probably need to. but a girl’s gotta be prepared#personal
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darkwood-sleddog · 10 months
What I look for when using electrically propelled dog treadmills:
1.) once acquainted with treadmill, dog gets on equipment of own accord, does not need to be led or restrained to stay on.
2.) dog has ample space and ability to get off of equipment if they desire.
3.) relaxed body language.
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