#dog bites are up about 25% since the pandemic and i would put money on it being mostly doodles
3liza · 1 year
Out of over 100 responses, most groomers expressed frustration.
“We cannot take any more. I groom four to six per day. They take hours just to bathe and dry. They take the slot of two or three small dog appointments. They are not cost–effective or smart for business owners to take, even in good condition, because their hair is so dense and hard to maintain.”
Another groomer said, “I have multiple calls a day for new doodle customers, and 85% of my current customers are already doodles. There are too many to accommodate.”
Finally, one quipped, “I drink more after work since the doodle craze.”
Many groomers simply refuse to groom any of the poodle mix breeds.
“I stopped accepting new doodle clients of any kind this past winter. I make more money grooming small dogs, and it’s easier on my body,” one groomer said.
In addition, several groomers stated that they had instituted a weight limit (usually 40–50 pounds and under) to eliminate all of the larger poodle mix varieties.
More than one echoed, “I’m at my breaking point and will no longer groom any of them.”
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Name all the pets you've ever had. We had a number of goldfish when I was a kid but I had always named them all Goldy hahaha I was never creative. We had Tobi (rabbit), Kimi (dog), Mitch and Andie (lovebirds), Arlee (cat); and currently we have Cooper and Agi, both dogs.
Are you on break, or do you still have a couple days of school left? I haven’t been in school since 2020 and have no plans on going back.
Do you like Stephen King novels? I’ve never read his books, but I’ve seen a handful of film adaptations – The Shining, Carrie, The Shawshank Redemption, and Misery.
Have you ever had a macaroon? I’ve had both macaroons and macarons and never had a positive experience with the former, largely because I hate the taste of coconut.
One of my friends dislikes animals in general. Are you like her? No. But seriously? All animals??? Even cats or dogs????
Do you prefer being on time, or do you not mind being late? I’m early or on time for the most part, but I’m not nearly as anal as I used to be about punctuality. I fully credit that to the pandemic and how it taught me not to take things so seriously, and these days I never really put myself in a rush anymore.
What is one adventurous thing you'd be willing to do? (ex: skydive) Travel to outer space.
Have you ever made a bucket list? Not really; I feel like that would just pressure me more than anything. I have a couple of major life goals I mentally keep track of, but it’s hardly a bucket list.
What subject at school did you absolutely hate? Chemistry, physics, calculus, and trigonometry.
How many cell phones have you gone through up till now? My current is either my 8th or 9th, if I’m not mistaken.
Italian food or Chinese food? Chinese.
Do you have more than the standard earlobe piercings? Nope, I have exactly just the earlobe piercings you mentioned.
Ever studied a foreign language? I guess I can count English as something I had to study? since I was raised speaking Filipino and very little English. I took up Spanish on Duolingo during the pandemic but never got past the tenses; and I’m self-taught in written Korean.
Don't you hate it when your family eats all the ice cream at home? Nah, never was too big on ice cream anyway. They do finish the tubs all the time though and very quickly too; you were very accurate on that.
Ever been in a near death situation? If so, what happened? I wouldn’t say so. Worst thing that’s ever happened to me is probably either a dog bite or the time my cousin inadvertently dragged me further underwater while I was already struggling to breathe, but I wouldn’t call either of these near-death scenarios. Traumatizing, but I was nowhere near death.
Do you like to make flash cards when you study? No, I always found that method to be so wasteful on paper. I used to just rewrite all my notes on a yellow pad so I remember the lessons, then capitalize what needs to be capitalized and highlight what needs to be highlighted.
Favorite flavor of gum? Just your plain spearmint does the trick for me.
Do you tend to be frugal, or are you more comfortable spending money? Depends on the situation, which isn’t the smartest. I’m ridiculously frugal now that I’m preparing for a trip to Thailand, but if I didn’t have any plans like that on the horizon I’d probably be spending money on food deliveries and clothes rn.
Do you have a connection to any religion? I’m Roman Catholic on paper and will probably be so for the rest of my life, but I’ve been atheist since I was 10.
Ever played a team sport, or are you not sporty at all? Nah. I play table tennis but the most team sport-y that ever gets are doubles.
Do you put posters on your bedroom walls? Yeah, I do. Since having my room renovated in December and having all the posters taken down, it hasn’t been a priority though; I like the way my room looks now.
Do you sleep with one leg sticking out of the covers? No, my near-25 year old ass remains a proponent of the whole monster-grabbing-your-foot so I never do that hahaha. These days though I do tend to wake up with my blanket already entirely kicked off since it has started to get hotter where I live.
I have extremely weird, frightening dreams. Do you? I only get nightmares when I’m depressed, and thankfully I haven’t had any nightmares in like, two years. Says loads about my mental state as of late. :)
Has anyone ever told you that you're a good singer? No, because I am not.
Ever been to the Big Apple? If not, do you want to visit? No, and sure! New York and Illinois are the only two states I’m looking to visit; otherwise I’ve got no plans to travel to the States.
Opinion on Gangnam Style? I absolutely despised the song during its heyday, but my stance on it has considerably softened in recent years when I realized how talented Psy is. I will say he has other songs I find better though! New Face is really catchy, and of course there’s That That which I can never ever ever EVER dislike.
Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online? No, I always irrationally hated those lmao. Always seemed a little bit pretentious/condescending to me.
Did you ever watch the Lizzie McGuire movie? I LOVE THAT MOVIE. It’s all I watched when I was 5. If you popped it on for me at this moment I could probably still recite a good 70% of the lines.
If you did, do you know what the guy that played Gordo looks like now? (ew) Damn, why ew? Unless he’s since been exposed to be a gross pervert or abuser I think that’d be a pretty harsh way to refer to him haha.
How many email accounts do you have? I have one work email and two personal ones.
Ever shamelessly played Farmville on Facebook? I never did get to play Facebook games; I wasn’t allowed to make an account during the time when the games were crazy popular. I don’t feel like I missed out though.
Are you a big fan of dessert? Nope. Not too big on sweets.
Ever had a brush with the paranormal? If so, describe. No. I don’t actively believe in it just so that I also don’t end up being paranoid all of the time.
Were you one of the popular kids in high school? I’d hate to call myself popular but I was in one of the more-recognized cliques, I guess? One that was also associated and regularly hung out with the popular cliques in and out of school; I think it’d be fairest to say that.
I dare you to write the name of a person you strongly dislike. JV.
Do you know the band Vampire Weekend? Yup.
What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Sketchy.
In general, do you prefer going out or staying home? Going out.
Biggest trouble you've ever gotten into at school? Does it count if it happened in kindergarten? LOL my friends and I were called out in a sermon because we were excluding some kids from joining our circle, and they ended up crying about it which is how it came to light. 
Apart from that I never got into much trouble...in high school I did try to provoke the teachers by being super vocal about my same-sex relationship at the time (Catholic school, I’ll let that speak for itself) because I wanted to test what lengths they were willing to go to do something about it, but for some reason we were never confronted about it, never got called to the counselor’s office.
Do you own one of those "professional" DSLR cameras? I did, but I turned it over to my sister when we realized it was she with the talent for photography and cinematography, and she ultimately took it with her when she enrolled in a film course. Then she accidentally dropped the poor camera to the ground during a shoot, smashing it to pieces :( and that was the last I heard of it.
Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets? Maybe not bothered, but shocked? just because it would be such a jarring sight compared to my own experience when I was in Grade 6. I know phones and laptops are pretty much a necessity now, even in school; but that was definitely not the case when I was 12 in 2010. Getting caught with a phone or even a damn iPod back then literally brought the entire batch into a standstill and had everyone subjected to an inspection – bag inspection, body frisking, taking off your shoes, the whole shebang.
Favorite pair of shoes? My Ivy Park Forums.
Where were you on 9/11? Probably being put to bed. I was 3 at the time, was living on the other side of the planet on a different timezone, and had no clue what was happening. Any food in particular you just can't get enough of? Sushi, takoyaki, chicken tenders, anything truffle.
Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother? Eh, the thing here is you only get yearbooks when you’re in the graduating class because only the graduating classes would get shot for photos, so it was never something to collect unless your family is SUPER extra and wanted to get every single yearbook for the hell of it. And nobody ever did the latter.
Do you have Restless Legs Syndrome? I do. It sucks. Nope.
Are you a fan of British Youtubers? (Marcus Butler, JacksGap, etc) I was pretty much the ambassador for the crew back in the day. What a time. It was Zoe Sugg, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Alfie Deyes, Tanya Burr, Jim Chapman, Oli White, Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart; by extension Jack and Finn, Jacksfilms, KickthePJ, Dan & Phil, Will and Arden, Louis Cole, Louise Pentland, hell even Pewdiepie and Marzia too...and then didn’t the crew even have an EXTENDED extended version? Hahaha like Grace/Mamrie/Hannah, Tyler Oakley, Connor Franta, and Troye Sivan who would collab with them from time to time. It was genuinely an awesome and fun phase to spend my teenage years on. I even saw Joe/Caspar/Oli when they visited Manila in 2015 :)
Jalapeños: yay or nay? I LOVE jalapeños.
Did you ever play Minecraft? Nope, never understood how it worked.
Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member? I never played it. I tried it once, but it didn’t appeal to me.
Favorite concerts you've been to? Did you scream until you were hoarse? I do make it a point to scream as much as I can for shows I get tickets for, because I don’t go to a lot of them anyway. Favorite show I’ve been to so far was Paramore in 2018.
So where were you when the Boston Marathon bombing happened? I was at home, on Tumblr, knee-deep in the wrestling community, watching the events unravel in realtime and deathly worried for my mutuals who I knew were living in Boston or near the city.
Rainy days on the weekend: yay or nay? Any rainy day is an instant yay for me, unless I’m driving lol.
Do you look down on girls that wear shorts with Uggs? No, but then again nobody ever wears Uggs here so.
Californian girls talk and dress a certain way, don't they? Idk.
Ever crushed on a teacher? If so, what subject did he/she teach? Yeap, 2nd year high school, biology.
Ever take an art class? If so, what'd you think? I took an art studies elective in college and loved every bit of it.
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beautyindisguise00 · 4 years
How old will you be in 3 birthdays? Do you think you’ll be married by then?
Thursday night October 15, 2020 @8:23pm
How many hours has it been since you woke up? about 14. 
Who was the last female you hung out with? my coworker nici. my room didnt have that many kids and didnt need two teachers so i was able to work with her today which was nice for a change
How many keys are on your key chain? What do they go to? house key, apartment building key, apartment door, mailbox, car keys so 5
What were you doing the last time 7pm rolled around? cooking dinner which was fried noodles with poached eggs
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? nope. my idiot self thought i had to one time. haha
Does your ex still think about you? i dont think so
What is something that always makes you feel pretty? when my hair is done, make up is done well, and a good outfit
What’s your favorite instrument? i guess i dont have one haha
Do you want to get married? very much. one day!
Is Catcher in the Rye in your library by any chance? no, it is not
Does the thought of moving out from home scare you? it depends on how far from here. i dont mind if it’s not more than 6 hours away 
Do you find smoking unattractive? not for me, no thanks
How old will you be in 3 birthdays? Do you think you’ll be married by then? i’ll be 27. according to my younger self’s plans, i thought i’d be married by 26 and kids at 28. at this point, i just hope i’d be engaged by 27. just waiting for the boyfriend to finish school and for the both of us to save up. haha
When is the next time you’re going on vacation? not for a loooong time cause of this crazy pandemic 
If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? nah, i’ll pass
If you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first? hopefully my older brother 
Do you smoke weed? i do not
Honestly, who is the last person to tell you that they love you? my boyfriend well technically my work kids. haha. i think Colton told me today. haha
How old will you be on your next birthday? What are you doing for it? 25. no big plans. maybe a spa day with the girls
Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? hahaha yes and it usually escalates to other fun things. hahahah
Are you currently renting out your own apartment? no but i am renting an apartment
Do you currently have a job? yes. daycare teacheer
Are you pregnant? nooooo
Have you taken anyone’s virginity? not yet
Have you had sex in the past three weeks? ^^
What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? eh, there’s a few bad tv shows but i dont know. 
Are you currently sitting on your bed or some other place and where? im on the couch in the living room
Did anything tend to make you extremely happy today and, if so, what was it? just having a decent human conversation with my coworker nici. haha because sometimes my other coworkers dont talk to me or else they rant or complain
Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house and what kind? a friend dropped of a big fat brown bunny at my house one time. and we’ve dog sat for a family friend a few times 
Are you planning on going to the movies with anyone at all this weekend? no, covid
What month is it and would you consider this to be your favorite month? october and no. 2 more months til my favorite month
Have you ever made your boy/girlfriend choose between you and someone else? not like anything serious
Do you remember when some of the Walmarts had a McDonald’s in them? what?
When was the last time you took a shower and was that too long ago? like 2 nights ago? i have to take one tonight
When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? walmart? i think
Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it? no, i just put it in my phone. 
What color are your curtains and are you satisfied with this color? i have white blinds. the apartment came with them like that. i dont mind it
When was the last time you were stung by a bee and what kind was it? i think i was like 13? just a regular bee. i remember it fly between my foot and my sandal while i was walking and i stepped my foot down and it stung me!
Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? my boyfriend’s brother and their family’s house caught on fire from an electrical fire
Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? oh goodness yes. especially in todays time where its normal for every singe teenager to have a phone
Have you ever had someone sympathetically lie to make you feel better? i’m sure
When was the last time you had a piece of cake and what was the occasion? i buy mini cheesecake bites for a small after dinner dessert
Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing and did you believe them? yes and no. haha while the rest of my family was blessed with musical talents, i was not
What’s your favorite kind of potato chip and are they cheap to buy? i like sunchips, funyuns, and any sour cream and onion flavored chips
Are you afraid to save your surveys because you think people will read them? nah, but this is the only place i post them  How satisfied with life are you at this exact moment in time and why is this? i’m trying to understand my life circumstance right now and trying to be content with where i’m at. i’d say i’m like a 7 on a 1-10 scale
Are you thinking about anything that’s upsetting right now? not really, just wondering why my boyfriend hasnt called me yet when its 9pm right now and my bedtime is in an hour cause of work
Who was the last male you hung out with? my boyfriend via facetime but otherwise my brothers at the pumpkin farm
Are you self conscious? sometimes
What are you not looking forward to? getting my period. i think it’s coming up soon
What did you realize yesterday? uhmm, not sure
Who was the last person to drive you somewhere? my sister when she and my mom came to visit me this past weekend
Do you want someone you can’t have? a career, a lot of money, hahaha
When was the last time you cried? a few days ago watching “while you were sleeping” with my boyfriend as we finished the last episode.
When was the last time you totally broke down? last 2 weeks ago when my boyfriend and i got into a small dispute 
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? a job as a wedding planner or even the assistant
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not? not recent, but a few people i’ve grown apart or lost connection with 
Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a L? my boyfriend’s name starts with an L and the last time i kissed him was like three weeks ago when we were saying goodbye when i was in town for his grandpa’s funeral
What will you be doing in the next 2 hours? going to bed
This time last year were you happier then or now? now. haha. this time last year, i was stressing over what to do with my living situation and work situation 
Are you angry with someone right now? nope
Do you get stressed easily? sometimes
Do you have any problems? not any big ones
Do you have any plans for the weekend? nothing big. just get some work done and then a virtual meeting with my siblings
Be honest; name of the last person to text you? my coworker/coteacher Abby
Have you told anybody you loved them today? yes. i text my boyfriend a good morning text almost every day. i think i also told my work kid Colton i loved him too. haha he’s so sweet
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? no, i colored it 2 months ago
Do you want to see somebody right now? yes
Have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours? no
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? my couch
What color hair did you have when you entered high school the first time? my natural hair
Did the last person you kiss have piercings? nope
Is there a certain eye color you are drawn to on the opposite sex? not really
Will you be seeing your ex any time soon? nope
Have you talked about marriage with another person? my boyfriend, my sister and when i went to my boyfriend’s grandpa’s funeral, i saw a lot of his family so they asked
Do you remember who you liked this time 3 years ago? yeah and its still the same
Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? nope
Do you think you’ll make a good parent? i sure hope so. i think i’d do a decent job with discipling and teaching when theyre young but teenage years kinda scare me. 
Do you think you’ll make a good husband/wife? i think so. im sure the first few years will be tough but i’ll get the hang of it! haha
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