sgt-scottymoreau · 27 days
First birthday
Summary: The 141 found out about Scotty's birthday.
Warning: None
Words: 966 // Masterlist
A/N: It's August 30th. Which means Scotty's birthday (and mine) so here have a little fic about her first bday with the 141 ❤️
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It was a rather calm day at the base. The usual day anyone would take to finish to fill reports and double check on what had been put on hold for a long time. Ghost lifted his eyes from his screen to see her again on her phone. If it was that boring, why wasn't she talking to him? Whatever Scotty was looking at least it brought her a smile. Gaz passed behind her and glanced at her phone. Whoever was sending her message, it wasn't a language he recognized. "What does that mean?" He asked, leaning a little closer. "Ge..Geluck… Ver.."
"Gelukkige verjaardag." She scoffed at his attempt. "It's dutch, it means happy birthday."
By the number of messages he saw with the same words… "Wait, it's your birthday? Today?" 
Scotty realized that she never told anyone and honestly had not expected to do it. Her days back at boot camp, before she joined the BSF, still felt like pain when she remembered the first time anyone figured out her birthday. Over the years, this date also became more of a regular one. It was a day like any other, nothing special really. It wasn't like she was a kid. As she grew older, it was less of a party with friends and balloons. In the past five years, it was hanging out with some friends in a calm restaurant and that was it. That is if she wasn't on the field. Not that she didn't consider the 141 friends. She did, it just never crossed her mind to tell them anything. "Yes." She replied sheeply. 
Gaz grabbed her by the shoulders. "You should have told us! Happy birthday!" He gave her a hug.
"Thanks. I mean, you know it's just a day like all the others, no need to bother anyone with this." 
"Bother? Come on, Scotty. It's your day, enjoy. I-" 
A loud creak on the floor stopped their conversation. They both looked in the direction of the noise only to see Ghost's chair empty, still spinning. Gaz and Scotty looked at each other confused. Soap eventually came into the room. "What's with Lt? Never saw him running that fast before." 
"Don't know, maybe he got an important email." Scotty replied, ready to go back to her papers. 
"Soap, it's her birthday!" Gaz ratted her out. She glared at him. Soap was surprised. 
"Wait what! Why didn't you tell me! Come here!" He opened his arm ready for the hug. She shook her head and embraced it. Obviously, he had to double down on the tightness, almost breaking her spine, and lifted her up off the floor. She laughed begging him to not break any bones, she needed them still. Gaz then joked that they should make her a cake or something, at least to make it special. Scotty kept begging them to not mind it, it was fine. But once Soap had an idea, you couldn't take it away from him. He grabbed Gaz and told him that they needed to do something quick. She shook her head, having a little idea of what it could be. They indeed came back not long after with a muffin and a candle. Probably found at the mess hall. Price followed not far behind. Wishing her the same as everyone. It wasn't much, but they wanted to make a small gesture. She thanked them. 
Between all of that Ghost hadn't shown up back. Must have been something very important. Everyone was back to their work and she found herself alone in the room. She had returned typing the few pages she had to fill in before she could move on to another task. Her eyes looked at the screen one last time to make sure all was good. With a sigh of approval, she allowed herself a minute of break. Her phone buzzed. It was probably more birthday wishes. She checked it and saw a message from Ghost who asked her to come to the rooftop. The one they often used for some quick time together. Without too much thought she made her way there. 
She pushed the staircase's door and saw him standing, arms in his back. Scotty frowned, that was a strange behavior. "What do you wanted to talk about, sir?" She teased. 
"I'm not good with gifts… but I thought… this might do." From his back, Ghost revealed a small bouquet. Scotty's eyes went from it to Ghost a few times before she could process what was happening. "Happy birthday, Camille." 
"Wait.. when…" It hit her in the face. "Did you… Is that why you ran away so fast?"
"Figured I could do something for you at the last minute because you didn't tell me anything."
She grabbed the bouquet, with a soft smile on her lips. "Didn't take you for the kind of man who would do that. Thank you, Simon." 
Whenever they used their first name, it always made them feel something warm inside. Telling him about birthday wasn't something she had in mind when she knew he was still struggling with expressing his emotions. He probably even looked up what he could do. The intention was nice. "Can I ask for something else?"
Ghost raised his eyebrows behind the mask. "What?"
"Is a kiss too much or acceptable?" She scoffed. 
He smiled. He lifted his mask just enough to free his lips and press them against hers. When he broke the kiss, he noticed the gaze she had. "What more?"
"Now that you know when my birthday is, are you… going to tell me about yours?"
"No. I don't do birthdays, love. Not my thing."
She pouted. "Fine. Thanks again for the flowers." 
What Ghost wasn't aware of was that she had a plan to surprise him eventually. 
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so-sexy-and-hot · 1 year
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nedermemes · 4 months
GL/PvdA plaatst SHINee memes nu????
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finstermond · 5 months
"why is it called 'tortured poets department' if taylor is neither a poet nor was she tortured.
this is actually a frequent misconception. you see, her large house has an even larger basement. it is in fact so large, that she divides it in departements. the album title refers to where she keeps her kidnapped poets to torture and abuse them. hope this helps!
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 2 months
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Dat is toch Pardoes in het midden? Of ben ik gek?
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 months
i would like to give you the gift of sharing this video i found of an old man parking his car. it's only 1 minute and 56 seconds, and it's the story of an incredibly humble genius among men
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lifeofroos · 1 year
Omdat kennelijk NIEMAND anders het doet op deze verrekte gewebde site:
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degenezijde · 5 months
So I was interpreting for someone today
Online because it was a 15 minute thing but I'd be on the road for 90 minutes to get there
Anyway we used Messenger
Did you know that Messenger automatically interprets hand signs and then puts massive animated emoji on the screen of what it thinks the hand sign is
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binas-official · 3 months
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We zijn zover gekomen...
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majestic-salad · 7 months
Was dat Herman van der Zandt????
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snowonthebeachmp3 · 7 months
can’t stop reading TTPD as tis the damn poets
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sgt-scottymoreau · 5 months
Ghillie, guns and death
Summary: A recent mission trigger an old memory Scotty thought was long buried and forgotten. She didn't expected it to come back so strongly.
Warning: Mention and description of death, mention of blood, anxiety, military inacuracy most likely
Words: 4.2k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Really enjoyed writing that one ;w; love the angst in that one.
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It was very common among the military that the field would leave scars. Be there physically or psychological. It was almost impossible to go from recruitment to retirement without any consequences. However the difference was how each individual could handle the aftermath. Everyone had different ways to cope or recover. Most importantly, not everyone had the same trigger of a traumatic event. For some the slightest thing could be, for others it would need more. 
That was what she knew, that was what she always believed. Because it was true. Scotty went through many things during her few years in the army. While she handled these situations a certain way, she saw friends being the polar opposite. She often joked it would take a lot for her to completely break, she could take it. That’s why when a recent mission triggered a very deep, hidden almost forgotten memory, it surprised her as much as it did the others. 
Laying down on her belly, Scotty scoped the surroundings with the binoculars. A gust of wind pushed part of the ghillie in her face and she quickly moved out of her vision. “I see movement North-East of your position… Seems to be civilians.” She reported quickly to Gaz. 
“Roger that. Moving closer to the target now.” 
A deep breath escaped her nose as she adjusted her position. Soap moved next to her and replaced his grip on his sniper. “What’s with the sigh? Bored?”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t... Did I?”
“Relax. Everything is going well. As soon as Garrick grabs the package and is out, we go home.”
“Mhm.” Her shoulders rolled. Her body was more tense than she thought. “To be honest, not that I hate ghillies, but this is not my favorite kind of mission.”
“Don’t like crawling around or getting dirty?” Soap teased. 
“That’s not it. It’s something else but… Gaz careful two hostiles 200 meters on your left… But I don’t know what or why.” 
Soap let the subject go and kept an eye on the targets Scotty called out. Now that the Scotsman had them, she took this chance to look around and make sure their position was always safe. In the distance, she saw two vehicles. One stayed on the same road heading towards the exit of the sector. Meanwhile the second one turned left heading in her and Soap’s direction. They quickly warned Gaz of their situation. Soap hid his gun. The binoculars away, they both watched the group who exited the car, armed and on what looked to be a patrolling pattern. Their breath quickened, their minds focused on the threat ahead of them. Scotty’s palms were sweaty, her throat dry and her muscles so tense it was almost painful. The group walked past them and two even paused for a moment, casually chatting. Her heart was beating fast, it was about to burst out of her chest, she felt the vein in her neck pulsing at each beat. Scotty remained as still as possible, focusing her breathing and her mind on the grass in front of her. They kept talking till a gunshot echoed. The patrol was startled, the two operatives remained calm not moving an inch. Because it was clearly a miss fire, someone had accidently pressed the trigger or maybe it was intentional, but it was not directed at Soap or Scotty. This shot resonated in her ears for a moment. Her mind suddenly panicked. Her hands clenched and her head calmly turned towards Soap. She stopped breathing.
One guard had his gun hanging above Soap’s head. The guard was relaxed so he wasn’t a threat. However at this very instant, lay down in the green grass of a remote area, the world stopped and she was thrown back 8 years ago. No muscles moved, she held her breath, her eyes were wide open to capture every single second that was unfolding. The guards laughed and finally walked away. Soap followed them till their car drove away. He turned to Scotty with a small joke in mind to ease what happened, but when he saw the fear in her eyes he kept it down. He crawled closer to her. Scotty remained immobile, frozen in the same position, fear growing by the second. “Hey Scotty, they are gone. You can relax.” 
Silence. He carefully placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her. “Scotty, what’s going on? … Talk to me… Hey!... Camille!”
Scotty snapped back to reality. She was in a green field, high grass, the familiar blue eyes of the Scotsman fixed on her with a lot of worry. In the distance she heard birds and a gust of wind blew over the area. Gaz’s voice cracked through the radio to which Soap was the one to reply. Soap wondered again if everything was fine. Despite a dry mouth and a still fast heartbeat, Scotty assured him all was fine. They had a mission to finish.
Everything else went smoothly and the three of them returned home successfully. Scotty couldn’t stop thinking about what happened, how she froze in a situation that would have required her to stay alert all time. She apologized to her teammates for this. However when they tried to have her say why this happened, she refused to explain. She didn’t want to talk about it and promised it would never happen again. But the rest of the flight back home was a restless one.
Finally home after the long day, Scotty decided to take it easy for a while. Her mind was always going back to what happened and she wanted it to stop. Maybe mindlessly watching the tv or a movie or anything to keep her thoughts at bay. After preparing a cup of tea, she wrapped herself in a blanket and let herself fall on the couch. The first ten minutes were spent going through channels, there had to be something there. She eventually settled on a rerun of a comedy show. It took a few punchlines and hearing the crowd laugh to ease her mind a little. Half an hour in, her mind relaxed, so did her body and she was able to laugh along. It felt good for a moment, but Scotty was well aware that her problem was always lingering in the back and was about to come back now that the stand up was about to end. As a prayer answered for her need to find something to keep her busy before the anxiety crawled back, the front door opened. 
With a happy smile, Scotty almost ran to greet Ghost who had just locked the door and was taking off his mask. He returned the smile and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “How was work?” She asked.
“The same as usual. How was your ops?” He dropped his bag on the entrance table and took off his jacket.
“Mhm, it went well. No problem, the captain was happy with what we did.” Her hands were hidden behind her back. She fidgeted with her nails.
He tried hard to not to frown, Ghost didn’t want to look suspicious. “Nothing else to add?”  
“No. Well! Now that you’re home, what do you want to eat tonight? I could go for some pizza. Or we have week-old leftovers in the fridge.”
“I finished the leftovers while you were gone, love. Pizza sounds good. You wa-”
“I’m on it!” The Brit didn’t have the time to say another word, she was already dialing up the number. It would be their usual then. He didn’t push things any further for now, if anything it looked like he should let the evening go as usual, pretend that all was ok. While waiting for the delivery, he noticed that she was much more chatty than usual, going back and forth on subjects. She listened as he complained about some mundane things with so much focus it was also strange. When the pizza arrived, they sat on the couch turned the tv on and lazily enjoyed their meal with some rerun series in the background. Eventually, Scotty curled up in his arms as they kept watching and stayed very still. His chin on her head, Ghost decided to go for it.
“Soap and Gaz talked to me, you know.” He felt her tense up. “They told me what happened.”
Her gaze remained on the screen, her position the same. Not daring to look him in the eyes. “It’s nothing. I got scared a little, I mean who wouldn’t. But everything is fine, no need to worry.”
“Are you sure? They looked very concerned for you, it feels like it might have been more.”
Scotty pushed his embrace away, sat straight and turned to him. He tried to read her face, nothing. She looked at him for a second and turned her head away. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” 
Ghost didn’t stop her. He watched as she disappeared in the dark in the direction of their room. His phone buzzed. A quick glance on the screen and saw Gaz’s name. He was asking if he had been able to get her to talk more. A short no was Ghost’s answer. Of course the idea of forcing her to explain, to question her till she finally says all didn’t sit well with him. But neither was seeing her so out of her usual self. What was troubling her?
It was the middle of the night, Ghost fell asleep less than two hours ago and he was awakened by a rustling noise. The bedsheet being tugged in all directions. It took him a few seconds to realize it was Scotty. Whatever she was dreaming of, it was upsetting her. Through the faint light that came through the curtains, he saw her hands crisped on the cloth, a slight frown on her face as she whimpered, mumbling some words. Ghost hesitated for a moment; should he wake her up or not? Hand hanging in the air as he was uncertain, he didn’t have to ponder any longer. Scotty woke up with a small cry, eyes wide open, sitting straight in less than a second. Her breathing was fast, sweat rolled down her temples and her knuckles were turning white. A nightmare. A very nasty one obviously. Ghost quickly turned the light on. He softly called out her name. “Everything is ok love. You are at home, you are safe. Deep breath.”
Her brown eyes stared at his hazel one as she did. After a minute, Scotty had calmed down. On the outside; on the inside her mind was still replaying the nightmare she experienced. It had been years since this day came back to haunt her. Ghost pulled in his arms, gently stroking her hair. She had dealt with him and his nightmares in the past. It was normal that he would return the favor now. Yet he didn’t pressure her into anything. She would talk when she was ready. For another ten minutes, Scotty stayed in his arms in silence. His presence was enough to remind her where she was, that all was just a bad memory and that it couldn’t hurt her more than the psychological wound it left years ago. Ghost’s scent calmed her distressed mind, eventually helping her rationalize more and more till all her worries fade away. “Are you ok?” Ghost calmly asked. He brushed a few wild hairs behind her ear. 
“For now, yes.” Her eyes closed with a sigh of relief. “I’m ok Simon. Let’s just go back to sleep. We… We can talk about this tomorrow. We both need some rest.”
The next morning, Ghost woke up alone. Music softly played in the distance, the smell of fresh brewed tea reached the bedroom. He made his way to the source of it. There he found Scotty sitting at the table, wearing his hoodie and two cups of tea still warm. She turned to smile at him with a nice good morning. It didn’t look like she had much sleep after what happened. Before taking a seat next to her he lowered the music leaving it loud enough to be a white noise in the background. A quick kiss on the head as he lowered himself on the chair and his hand reached for hers. She squeezed it gently. “We don’t have to talk about it so early.” He smiled.
“It’s like a plaster, need to remove it quickly.” She smiled back. “It will hurt a lot, but only for a few seconds.”
“Alright then, what is troubling you so much since you came back?”
“Camille, please be careful.” Her mother worried for the hundredth time.
“Maman it’s alright.” The young woman rolled her eyes. She just finished packing her bag and was ready to head out. “I told you, this time I’m not being deployed in a direct battlefield, it’s a support mission. I won’t even be away from home that long, 6 or 10 months.”
“You know I don’t like when you act like this. As if this job of yours wasn’t deadly at all. You do know that you…”
Camille stopped her mother rambling with a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “I know you worry because you had to go through that with dad and now it’s my turn to give you white hair, but it will be fine. It’s my third time away from home, and I always came back in one piece.” 
Suzanne shook her head. She was her father’s daughter no doubt. They both took their job too light to her taste and nothing could be done about this. She only hoped that her daughter will always come back safe and will never have to go through a traumatic event like her husband did. The latter was actually a hopeless wish. 
This conversation was the last one Scotty had with her mother since she left almost three months ago now. Now, she was joking around with her friends as the car drove on the rather bumpy road, making it almost a fun ride. In her unit, there were old and new faces, people she had been working with before and fresh out of the training program recruits. The atmosphere around was like any other before, talking about what was coming and then the casual conversations. A few insults here and there to tease. 
“Hey Moreau.” She turned her head to the soldier next to her. “Stop daydreaming and tell us about your last date.”
“Fuck off, Villeneuve!”
“What? Heard you and her connected very well.” 
Scotty hit him on the helmet. “Well, don’t be jealous that I slept with more women last night than you did in your whole life.” 
This had the whole group howling at the comment. Villeneuve mumbled something and let the subject go. The convoy arrived at their location not long after. A small remote village where their mission was to help the locals to defend themselves against traffickers. They would provide training and small armaments and in the meantime they would also give protection. It would be considered like an easy task; moderate risk. Since the army had been deployed, traffickers' activities had been low. The group before hers had encountered some on the road and they had quickly ran away. Since then, it has been calm. A spotting or two that showed they were likely gathering information on the new situation. Her unit actually expected something to happen in the coming days.
The next two weeks went without a hitch. Scotty’s main job was patrolling, keeping the area secure and making sure the residents still felt safe. When she was ‘off-duty’ she did play with the kids. They were nice ones. Most of the time they listened to the rules with some exceptions obviously. One day, one of the kids tried to get to her pistol in her holster. She was distracted talking with other kids. The curious one was approaching from the back, tiptoes. The slightless tug movement was enough to have her hand fly so fast it surprised the little crowd in front of her. The little culprit was speechless as her fingers collapsed on his wrist with such force she feared she might have left some bruises. A quick warning to never do this again was all they needed. Since, no more incidents. The atmosphere in the village was heavy despite these small lighthearted interactions. None of the soldiers could rest easily.
A week later, Scotty and four others were sent with a group of locals to retrieve water for the village. Usually, this would have been a long walk that would have taken half a day, thanks to the army vehicles they cut that time in half. The locals did appreciate this luxury. However, this was also the opportunity their enemies had been waiting for. 
As they drove back to the village, all radios attached on the vest blared with the same order and urgency. The rest of the unit was under attack and by the description of it, overwhelmed. Outnumbered. De Smet was driving and he made the engine roar. They had to come up with a plan, it would suicide the jump in the fight without one. First of all, they had to protect the civilians with them. Leave them in a secured location. The best option for this would be to stop the car before entering the village area. With this they would also gain the advantage of surprise. Unless they were expected that remained to be seen. Second, they had to guess the situation with very little knowledge besides what their captain was reporting on the comm. They were outnumbered, but one to what? The best was to expect the worst. One to three sounded like a good start. Third… Their thoughts were interrupted by the noise of gunshots and a loud explosion. De Smet hit the brakes hard. This was the cue to leave the car and civilians behind. Scotty jumped out of the car in second and followed her lieutenant. They advanced hoping to not be too late.
The village was eerie. A few minutes ago, it had been a battlefield rage with a cacophony of noises. Now it was silent, not even birds or cricket. “Villeneuve, try to contact the captain now.” The lieutenant ordered. No answer from their superior, even after three attempts. The group reached the first house of the village. Dead bodies everywhere. Fresh tracks of tires in the dust suggested that the few lucky ones to be alive were as lucky anymore. Probably been taken away already. Hidden behind the building, Scotty leaned to check the main place. 
“I see five vehicles still.” She whispered. “There are…seven… ten hostiles near them. Could be some remaining in the houses.”
“Good Moreau. Alright, let’s stay close to the edge till we reach this building.” The lieutenant pointed to the communal house. It was a place most of the village would get together throughout the day for various reasons. “We will use the window on the east side to get in. Villeneuve, De Smet, you will head to the second level and provide cover. Moreau, Kamal with me, we will try to surround the remaining son of bitches.”
“Yes sir.” They all replied. 
They could hear the hostile casually talking in the distance. They weren’t aware of their presence, good. Scotty followed Kamal, her mind racing. It wasn’t the first time she found herself in a situation like this, but it was always stressful. The fact that the enemies were so relaxed gave the idea that the rest of the unit were probably all dead by now. Again not a first for her to see allies fall in combat, but it always left a bitter taste. The five of them reached the building, climbed through to open the window. The view that was offered to them made them sick to the stomach. A good part of the villagers had been regrouped in there and to put it bluntly had been executed. Men, women, children. Scotty recognized one of them as the kid who tried to get her pistol. Her hands crisped on her gun, jaw clenched. However their reality check was stopped by chatter coming their way. The stairs were on the other side of the room, crossing would give away their presence, Villeneuve and De Smet remained with the group. The lieutenant told them to drop on the ground and hide their gun. “I know this will sound out of place, but use the blood on you.”
“What for?” De Smet asked with wide eyes.
“We want to keep the effect of surprise right? Play dead.”
It made sense. They all quickly dropped near or on a body and remained as still as possible. Scotty watched as four men entered the place. Casual chatting, their gun hanging in a relaxed stance. She couldn’t understand what they were talking about, but not like she needed to. She didn’t understand why her lieutenant didn’t want to jump at them now. Right now, they outnumbered them. But the superior silently told them to keep it low. A minute passed, a second, a third. Scotty’s eyes were the only part moving in all directions to keep an eye on her teammates. 
That was when the first shot echoed. Villeneuve jolted. Scotty moved her head very slowly to see what was going on. One of the men had his gun pointed at a corpse and fired a second one, which made his friends laugh. Scotty’s eyes met Kamal on a diagonal and they both feared for everyone's life. Another man aimed another corpse. Same idea. She turned her head again to see a true vision of horror. Before her brain could even process what was happening the shot fired directly in the head of De Smet. The poor man died instantly. A cry caught in her throat, she remained still. They had to move! They had to do something! Why was their lieutenant not say - Another gunshot aimed at the man in question. 
“We need to move.” Villeneuve mouthed silently to her.
“They will kill us all for sure if we do!” She replied in the same silent tone. Another gunshot echoed. At a civilian corpse this time. Scotty kept going back and forth in silence with the other sergeant about what to do, till she saw it. The muzzle hanging on top of his head. Three against four, they could make it right? She should move, she should do something to protect the remainder of her squad. Not just stare at him. “Do something! Move Camille!” She yelled at herself. “Save him!” 
The shot passed through his head in a gruesome way that she saw in detail she wished she could forget right away. It was down to her and Kamal now. She could barely breathe. Raged filled her eyes, tears on the edge of giving her away. Patiently Scotty watched as the feet walked in her direction and stopped only a few centimeters of her face. The man moved her head with his boot, he said something and aimed at her. Every part of her screamed to fight. She fought… to keep her breath steady. At this moment, the conversation with her mother came back. She promised her to come back home… Click… Click… The gun was jammed! The man cursed. If that had not been lucky enough, a voice rose outside and the four men left the perimeter. Scotty and Kamal remained on the ground for a long time, till the last engine noise was heard leaving. To be sure the area was safe they stayed there another five minutes afterwards. Scotty lifted her head finally, only to hear more engine noises. However these sounded familiar. Kamal pushed himself up and joined her to observe if they were right. Indeed, it was the cavalry. Soldiers jumped off the trucks to assess the situation. The two survivors came out of the building, hands up. 
“They took us back to base, along with the civilians. Kamal and I were sent back home three weeks later after that. We weren't allowed back till we went to see a therapist. It took me months even with it to stop having nightmares and live with it. Today again I still feel guilty for Villeneuve, but I was young and scared I suppose.”
“Now I understand why you froze during the last mission.” His hand held hers stronger. “Hit a bit too close to home.” 
“I was sure Soap would die right here and there… I’m glad he did not.”
“Now that this wound have been opened again, is there anything you need? Can any of us help in any way?”
If anything this mission really reinforced her hatred for any missions which required her to stay still as the enemies walked by, anything that would put her in the situation as now. “What about making sure Price will never make me wear ghillie on a mission ever again? I don’t mind crawling around, the mud, the puddles of water, the sand getting in your face, bugs crawling on you. But being face to face with a patrol? No. I just can’t.” 
Ghost promised her to talk to Price, with her. Scotty promised she would be fine, simply needed time to rationalize all that happened. Eventually this will fade away again.    
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so-sexy-and-hot · 1 year
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oenenophetweb · 7 months
ik post normaal gesproken niet echt anti-vaxxers omdat ze niet meer zo verrassend zijn en hun punten inmiddels al lang helaas de norm zijn, maar waar zou je een tiktok dame plaatsen die wel pro-palestina is maar ook beweert dat we in een zgn. uit de hand gelopen 'vaccinatie trein' zitten en dat nederlandse kinderen zgn. zullen worden gedwongen te vaccineren en shit en de comments zijn allemaal van die "wakkere" (niet als in woke maar als in complottheorist) fascisten die het eens zijn??
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knockeddeadv6 · 1 year
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doete de vries
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pathsofoak · 20 days
Het regeerakkoord wordt vrijdag 13 september (heerlijke datum ook) gepresenteerd. Ik vond het nogal storend dat met het handels- en hoofdlijnenakkoord de nieuwssites die ik volg eigenlijk alleen de grote en meest bekende koppen samenvatten (en soms niet eens zo goed), dus ik was van plan om het hele ding zelf door te nemen want ik heb toch niet veel te doen.
Als iemand interesse heeft dan kan ik hem ook samenvatten, dan post ik het in delen (of in een geheel, hangt er vanaf hoe lang het is, ik mag toch hopen dat het langer is dan het hoofdlijnenakkoord) hier op tumblr.
Mocht je dat willen lezen, like of reblog dit, of laat een reactie achter. Het wordt waarschijnlijk best veel werk, dus mocht niemand het willen dan heb ik voor mezelf ook wel genoeg aan het gewoon lezen.
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