#doesn't mean it's too late to figure out who u are
zerofocus · 17 days
couldn't get to sleep so ended up building an entire oc connected to @ofvixensandwolves that i'm super proud of, so if anyone would like to plot with a commitment-phobe paramedic who has dedicated her life to raise her kid sister instead of living her own hmu.
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latay7 · 6 months
hiihii!! could you write either lance/orter/carpaccio/rayne getting slightly jealous because the reader looks like they were bering courted by a guy, but turns out they were asking that guy for advice to help the reader to confess to character,,,thankyou:3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚WHY HELLO HELLOOO!!*ੈ✩‧₊˚
First of all thank you so much for your ask ><♡♡ and i will try my best since this is my first fanfic/headcannon , so i hope you like it ✨️(and i hope i wrote what u wanted bcz i can get a bit dumb)
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A misunderstanding..?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Char : Lance crown , Orter Madl x fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥genre : fluff
Note : reader appearence , prefrence , dorm , is up to ur imagination (wanted to be inclusive TvT) and god is this too long and it took me a while
Note 2 : im sorry this turned out to be bad , it's late at night and idk wtf am i , (english is not my first language btw)
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☆ Lance crown
You were an ordinary student at Easton Academy , you had your friends and lived your life , diffrent classes and sessions here and there and tried your best !
Although Easton's Curriculum makes every student busy with a full schedule , you're thankful that you get the time to hang out with your friends...Adler's most famous idiots students!! They were all so nice and fun so you had a lovely time with them.
You enjoy their company to the point where you squeeze your schedule to be with them which had a certain outcome....you developed a big small crush on the blue haired one and only , Lance crown!!(lance stroll lol)
You found his dedication and hard work for the sake of his sister Anna adorable , his love for her might go too much sometimes but- it doesn't matter , it proved how much of a sweetheart he is , which made you live him even more.
And now...you found yourself in a dilemma , how are you gonna confess your feelings to him?? THE Lance crown , who never looks like he seeks love..
You excused yourself with Finn to talk privately
Since he's technically the sanest in the group....
So , here we are in this moment.
You were with Finn outside his dorm behind a close corner ,and Lance noticed your dissappearence for a while so decided to check up on you.
"You see Finn , i've had this thing for a long time now , and it's just unexplainable.."
"Don't worry (Y/N) , I understand , but how can i help you out"
At this moment , you could feel your face heating up a bit , it's natural after all you're talking about a CRUSH.
"So i just wanted to get some advice from you since you guys meet a lot more than i do with him , how should i tell him a-and what if he doesn't like me back ,i mean he doesn't really show any interest in me-" at this point you started to ramble , and to calm you down , Finn held your hands in his as he tries to convince you that it's gonna be alright. Meanwhile...
Lance was watching , but he didn't hear anything...so he just saw how you acted but he didn't want to jump to conclusions.
'Was i too late..?' He can't shake off the stinging feeling in his chest , he was hurt , yet somehow mad or even perhaps...jealous?
After a while
It was after hours so you rushed back to your room after saying goodbye to your friends. And while you try to sneak your way through Easton's halls you see a figure you know , it was....Lance?? What was he doing here?
"Lance...? Why are here?"
"Oh there you are..you see...i wanted to talk.." this was concerning
"Oh...really ?..me too"
The next words were DEFENTLY unexpected for you , i mean , sure he was nice towards you but you didn't want to be delusional so this was a shock....
But of course , with the shock comes the joy.
"...and i don't want to make things awkward because i knew you and F- why are smiling like that..."
A sigh leaves your mouth with a slight chuckle....apparently he was an idiot as well , so you decided to take a brave move.
"What are you-"
His shocked flustered expression is to DIE for.
"Just a misunderstanding ehe...." you smile.
☆Orter ( at this point tf am i doing)
As a devine visionary yourself , you have many responsobilites and missions to take , paperwork to do , and meetings to attend.
Thus , after your were finally chosen as the devine visionary yourself because of your hard work , you had to meet up with the other visionaries and work under them , including Orter Madl.
You've tried your best to leave a good impression on them because you were quite nervous , obviously.
You could say you were able to get close to some of the visionaries by being attentive and a fast learner , you were trying your best !
Seemingly except....Orter.
Despite your big efforts in helping him in paperwork , doing good on most of the missions you were went on , being so nice and respectful to him , he seemed like he didn't care , he declined everything.
And it DEFENETLY didn't help with the crush you developed on him. You found him elegant , hardworking , and most defently handsome (im screaming in the bus rn dude) despite him being emotionally constipated. (wtf am i saying)
So you decided to ask for help.
Here you are , in Ryoh Grantz' office , asking him what you should do considering he is married and all.
"Im sorry if this meeting is a nuisance Mr Ryoh but you were the only one i could ask for help.." a drop of sweat as you speak sheepishly.
" oh don't worry about it , you've been helping me out a lot recently so it's only fair if i return the favour , and besides , it is a good opportunity to .....distress" he says in a cheerful tone , he liked you , otherwise you wouldn't have been drinking tea in his office " and just Ryoh is fine ,now tell me , what's wrong?"
You tell him your issue as your embarrasment grows even further , i mean , that's not just ANY matter to speak about , However , you manage to go through the entire thing.
He hums in understanding "i see i see , well i have to agree with you on his emotional constipation , he doesn't even show his brother any emotions either"
Your chest starts to feel heavier as you sweat comically , "but don't worry about it , i mean , if i was to be really honest with you and if we talk in terms of emotions...."
Righ then and there , a certain someone was passing by as he heard only a part of the conversation , he got curious but he couldn't make out...everything...
Only a few words....
Emotions , confessing , feelingsa and...Kaldo??!
What in the.....he knew Ryoh was married and....does that mean he's helping you confess to Kaldo ??
Orter Madl , despite his stoic face and cold ruthless demeanor , had a soft spot for you , he felt somthing for you , he tried to show it by being less mean to you compared to others, and taking some paperwork of yours to finish himself , as well as doing what he can so you take the easiest missions , but it seems like it wasn't that obvious...
He knew you and Kaldo were on good terms but to the point where his thoughts led to thinking...you ? And-
No , he refused to believe it.
"So yes , Kaldo could be someone good to ask since these two are quite together at a lot of times-"
Knock knock , Orter entered the office in the middle of your talk.
"O-oh hi-"
"If you'll excuse me Ryoh , i need to talk to (Y/N)" And Ryoh accepts nevously -because his appearence was very unexpected- and lets you leave.
You and Orter are now walking through the hall of the building because you're following him to god knows where. Until you reach a private area where you two could talk.
"You didn't tell me why are we-"
"What do you have of feelings for Kaldo?"
"Huh"...was the only word that came out of your mouth , Dumbfounded was the least you could think of to describe yourself right now.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me , now answer me , what are the feelings you have for him"
"Wait a min-"
Realization never hit you this hard , so you started laughing as he watches confused , why are you laughing.
"Ok here's the whole thing mister eavsdropper..."
That ended well , for both parties , Ryoh bless your soul.
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teecupangel · 4 months
Hi teecup, I hope ur having a great day/noon/night!
Forgive me if the things i'm about to say don't make much sense. It's been a vey, very, very, difficult time for me and my countrymen here, and my ability to make coherent sentences have declined drastically. So, yeah... BUT! That doesn't matter haha.
Anyways, I had a thought. And i'm not even sure how or why i got it but.... hear me out now...
Our boy, Desmond, gets thrown back in time as usual, same old same old, right? Exept, this time he doesn't end up in the Big Three™'s time-line. He ends up in Al-Mualim's time. *insert mind-blown emoji here cuz i can't find it rn*
And ik that i'm not a certified AC Expert like u and many others, and i haven't really finished any of the AC games yet (i've only seen bits of AC III and have only started AC 2, I also haven't finished AC 1)
But I do know that he wasn't really that creepy and evil in his youth/ b4 he became The Old Man of the Moutain, so i was thinking maybe Desmond ends up in that era of Al Mualim or is it Rashid al-Din Sinan? I know that he's based on a real historical figure but i'm not so sure if he's called that in-game?
And knowing Desmond, he'd probably get the urge to kill Rashid (i hope i'm using the name correctly) the time he figures shit out and connect that dots. But he would end up not doing that, cuz u know, it might fuck up the time-line and Altaïr might end up not being born, creating a domino-effect.
I want Desmond to meet Rashid before he starts to becom the Al Mualim we know today, so that Desmond can see how he was b4 the evants of AC 1.
Maybe Rashid's an arrogant ass, or a nerdy loser, or a popular assassin- who knows! The possibilites are endless!! (or maybe he's an obsessive bastard who gets obsessed with Desmond cuz he's just full of mysteries and wonders :Dc )
And blah blah blah, plot here, plot there, Isu-bullshit this, time shenanigans that, and BOOM they meet.
And romance ensues? :3 (romace wil absolutely ensue :}}} )
NOW, BEFORE- BEFORE YOU TIE ME TO A STAKE AND BURN ME ALIVE FOR THIS- i think it'd be a cute idea, and who knows? maybe Rashid was hot in his prime *insert lenny face cuz even after all these years i still don't know how to type it and is too lazy to cop paste it* and maybe he liked to solve mysteries and had a thing for the unexplainable. And Desmond is the most unexplainable, most bizarre thing to have graced the earth :33333.
Now that i've got this idea out of my system i'm gonna go pray for the down fall of my coutry's shit for brain, good for nothing military government/hj.
bye! *evaporates*
I hope you’re doing alright and I’m sorry that it took two months before I could answer your ask TTATT
As far as I know, he was only called Al Mualim because of legal reasons but Rashid ad-Din Sinan was the leader of the Assassins in Masyaf during 1191 so it’s safe to assume Al Mualim is AC’s version of Rashid (historically he died in 1193, not 1191.
Okay. We can make this work.
We put Desmond at around the same time he’s the recruit and we make it hard for him to realize he’s Al Mualim until it’s too late by doing one simple thing:
Desmond doesn’t know Al Mualim’s real name.
He always knew it as Al Mualim. As far as he knew, Al Mualim was his actual name.
Then he remembered that Al Mualim can mean mentor and bangs his head on the nearest flat surface.
His mission has been clear from the start.
Become an Assassin, take out Al Mualim before he does shit, find Umar and adopt him then play matchmaker so Altaïr would be born.
And no.
Desmond wasn’t going to think about the whole “can you truly be sure that the person who will be born will be Altaïr if you change the circumstances of his conception?”
His head hurts just thinking about it so he won’t.
For now, he’ll focus on his training while keeping a look out for anyone who gives of Al Mualim vibes.
What’s the Al Mualim vibes?
Manipulative old man vibes.
The problem is…
Rashid is one of the recruits in the same batch as Desmond and he becomes Desmond’s closest friend.
And there was no way Desmond would ever be friends with a future power hungry asshole like Al Mualim.
No way.
The way their relationship becomes romantic really depends on the kind of personality young Rashid would have.
A nerdy loser who starts making a name for himself because of his intelligence and tactical mind would start off as the kid Desmond sorta looks after. When he starts to show that his strength lies in making plans and quick judgments, he becomes the man whispering on Desmond’s ear. Providing plans and suggestions while giving Desmond a heads up on the less savory words people say about him. Desmond would never think this Rashid is Al Mualim because he’s nice and truly do want to help Desmond. This is also how Rashid would show his love for Desmond and, really, Desmond would think they’re bros and when he realizes that Rashid actually loves him, he’d think “oh, I am Ezio’s descendant”
An arrogant ass Rashid would butt heads with Desmond but Desmond would find himself fond of the man because he reminds him of AC1 Altaïr. This is the Rashid who would definitely be counted as a tsundere and their relationship would start when Rashid just flatout tells Desmond that he wants to do unspeakable things to him while they’re arguing. Desmond is offended because “tugging on my pigtails doesn’t work in real life, dumbass!” and Rashid is just “???” because what the fuck are pigtails??? Lots of awkwardness until Desmond realize that butting heads with Rashid is really how they flirt.
Now. Popular Assassin Rashid is more on the side of polite but is absolutely Desmond’s rival. Whatever it is, the two of them are always competing. Unlike the arrogant ass version, this Rashid is always nice to Desmond. The whole “no hard feelings” and pure competitiveness are what drives their relationship. This is the one where the two of them spar privately one time and things happen. They would try to distant themselves from one another for a bit until they finally talk it out. Rashid honestly didn’t think he loved Desmond until the whole ‘after-sparring’ thing.
Whichever you pick as Rashid’s background, he will become obsessed with Desmond but it’s more on the side of “I will do everything to make Desmond happy” which is good for Desmond but not really good for anyone against him.
Desmond is the one who adopts Umar in this one and Umar imprints on him like a baby duckling to a mama duckling. Everyone actually assumed Umar is his bastard son. Desmond ignores it even though he’s only like… a decade and a half older than Umar.
Rashid definitely treats him like Desmond’s son. He’s Umar’s favorite of all of Desmond’s friends.
And really, Desmond should have seen that as a hint of Rashid’s ‘future’.
Speaking of the future.
He’s been looking for Al Mualim this entire time and he has his suspects (Rashid, however, is not on the list) but honestly?
He’s just waiting for the person who would be picked as the one to lead the expansion to Masyaf since that would be Al Mualim.
Desmond has, unfortunately, fucked up the timeline so badly that the person chosen to lead the expansion?
It was Desmond.
Sidebar: Faheem would be that cute younger brother who turns grumpy when he grows up. Desmond will forever grieve the lost of little cute Faheem. Faheem is always embarrassed when Desmond talked about his ‘past’.
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luffyvace · 7 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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tiyoin · 5 months
Tiyoin the voices got to me again. I was scrolling tho tik tok and came across a video ,and it reminded me that you mentioned reader doing a sport before attending twst in the singing au. Wanna give a guess what sport I saw??
It was ✨figure skating✨. Just imagine it for a sec. Do I know anything about skating?? No. But the idea of anxiety reader being one is beautiful. Especially since skating isnt a confrontation sports like soccer and, reader doesn't have to be in contact with someone while performing their act.
I see reader starting the sport when they were young. They may have seen it as a way to put themselves out there while doing something they enjoy and find relaxing. They didn't compete in big contests with thousands of people watching (girlie would not make it). They would only get to county or district level of the contest B4 the nerves got to them. Most likely self sabotages at the end so they wouldn't have to seen and judged by so many. Reader does has a few gold medals tho. Yuu has been their personal cheerleader for a few years now. Going to as many contests as he can to just support reader and know they're not alone.
What if there is a different competition (w/o a overblot hopefully) which a sport is picked randomly. Whether you want it to be a school vs school, dorm vs dorm or maybe grade vs grade you can decide. I think it could work with any of them. Like they pick a few people to represent their side and to complete. The ones that physically compete get prizes (💰) and the others get bragging rights and a 🍕 pizza party or smth like that idk.
Anyways, Yuu is like *puppy eyes* pls reader 👉👈we poor. And reader knows Yuu is only asking cuz they they really need the money and he would never make them do smth that would harm them. Yuus real motive is maybe this will help reader make friends or less be less anxious around their classmates. And he knows Reader is gonna win cuz none of the others skate.
The only ones in NRC that I can see being able to skate to a degree is Rook, Jade or Ortho maybe Epel too. He probably hated it till his grandma said only strong people could skate cuz it's hard. I think his home town is gets snow right? Can't recall rn.
Depending on which VS is picked the outfit and preforment is gonna be a easy choice or the hardest thing in the whole contest. Maybe a duet gets thrown in there. ➖👄👁️
Overall reader is ✨stressed✨ rightfully so. The creeps are recording, admirers admirering, rivals showing up left and right. Reader gonna need a nap after everything that's happened.
Another 3-5 am ask woooo. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. Why do the best ideas always come when I'm tired 😩. I can send u a tik tok I saw that inspired me if u want. Also I don't mean to mention Rook in every ask he just shows up w/o asking. Like my fav is Malleus and I haven't send a single idea with him.
Maybe it's cuz Rooks a Sagittarius and I'm a Gemini. They are sister signs. That's probably why he lives in my head rent free. I hope a good night.
especially with the death of YOI: adolescence... a sad day for anime lovers' everywhere (im on desktop so i can't do any emojis </3)
I actually had a really big skating phase. still do and would love to have prof. lessons. i wanted to do it so. badly. my parents said 'no' and that it was too late for me, so i mourn that. believe it or not, i was in soccer and almost did it in college.
but the ice feeling so freeing whenever reader steps onto it. they're not worried about sweating because of ice, and they can move how the want when they want.
reader would 100 PERCENT self sabotage themselves. filling their head with nonsense and because of all those thoughts (especially) 'dont miss this spin, dont miss this spin' only to miss it because they were focusing on whether they would 'miss the spin or not')
but in their home world, reader is phenomenal!! they're amazing! they got scouted by amazing coaches who wanted to tap into their raw potential, who were impressed by reader's hard work and drive... but reader always finds a away to miss things up for themselves.
ITS LIKE THEIR OWN MINI OLYMPICS HAHAHA (reader: wdym you guys dont have olympics?)
ofc there's a pre sign up and auditions. reader is thinking and mulling it over. because trying out for the boys team is very different than the girl's team, is co-ed even allowed?? this is an all boys school after all!
(yuu brings crowley to their audition to convince him to give them student-ship so they can compete and WRECK those snot-nosed princes.)
maybe there's a partner skate? and you know that the admirers of reader that can skate and sign. the. fuck. up.
I WANT SKATER JADE!! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!! but home boy would probably not be able to skate at the level of reader just because he's og a fish and if he started skating when he turned human then he'd only have a year of experience </3
but lets just say there's a sports thing they have... not club but dedicated for this event... then i can see jade being somewhat on reader's level. but there's still a difference unfortunately
ROOK HUNT SKATED OUT OF THE WOMB!! ortho could professionally skate sine... 5 minutes ago? like c'mon guys get on his level.
though i can see rook rather being an observer. he also called it 'ice dancing' because that's what it is to him. but if rook trying out for this instead of his usual sweep of archery, all to stop some... he doesn't have a word for the level of disgust he'd have if he saw you dancing with a slimy no name.
plus he will be able to experience your growth! not just as a skater but as a person! he can also get closer to you!
vil. vil can! ice dance. he needed to learn it for a film and he's always liked the feeling of being on the ice. which makes pomefiore the contenders for being on the team / being reader's partner during partner categories.
epel would want ot learn hockey but was forced into ice skating by his grandma HAHAH she'd say that he can learn to play hockey after he's mastered the ice or something. it's something he's NOT proud of- but (if this is the point where him and reader are on good terms) then he'll happily play up him being a skating pro.
i can also see vil forcing epel into skating for the school. like wdym ice skating is for girls? get your ass on the ice NOW
SILVER AND LILIA WOULD ALSO BE ICE SKATERS AHHH. but it's a bit dangerous for silver to be on the ice but if it means helping support his friend then he's gung ho about it! just... please keep an eye on him in case he starts falling (he's usually good about that. making it to the sides before he was able to face plant on the ice. but lilia is always present in case of such emergencies (and if the designated watchers arent able to get to him in time))
lilia has dabbled in a bit of everything. so if you see him whip out a quad (with only a little bit of stumbling, as he complains about his bones again) he'll act like it's not hard (it's not- for him)
BUT IF MALLEUS WANTS TO GET INTO THAT ICE SKATING ACTION THEN HE'LL SPEND HOURS AT IT. the prince bale to do things a bit differently than everyone since he's.. ya knw, thee malleus draconia.
crowley ; you can barly even skate! why are you at the try outs!
malleus :... give me a week (and the mofo MEANS IT)
and dw i get random spouts of 'rook hunter-itis too. I DONT MIND YOU BRINGING HIM UP CAUSE I LOVE HIM- AND MALLEUS AHHHH)
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pacifymebby · 11 months
Hope u r doing okay ❣️
Which of the peaky men would make the best fathers do you think?
ahhh you caught me at a broody moment bestie so
I think of all the Peaky men Bonnie and John would make the best fathers, they both strike me as family orientated, "fun" dads. They're definitely both very into keeping you pregnant haha, but I will get into that later, here are some quick little HCs about the men as dads <3
🌿 "Over Protective Dad"
🌿 He's the serious type of dad, the one with lots of rules, the one who definitely means it when he says "Behave, or else." He's very strict and the children definitely know not to cross him, sometimes you worry that he's too stern... and so does Tommy.
🌿 Because he adores his children, he's so proud of them and he has so much love for them, they're his proof that good things can really exist in this very bitter and twisted world... he just isn't always good at showing that love because the more you love something the more it hurts to lose that thing...
🌿 So he's terrified, every single second of every single day, that he's going to lose his little ones, that one way or another they'll be ripped away from him.
🌿 Thats why he has all these rules, and why he's so determined to see them kept to. Because he doesn't want something bad to happen to his children as a result of his "negligence"
🌿 He's also petrified that he'll be the reason their lives are ruined, he's scared he'll drive them away... a fear which is naturally made worse by his cold exterior and his struggle to be close with his family. He's always putting a distance between himself and the ones he loves, and it traps him in a mean cycle.
🌿 The kind of parent thats always trying to hide the worlds badness from his children, he wants them to stay innocent and care free for as long as possible so he wraps them in cotton wool and won't ever want them to do anything which could risk an unhappy ending.
🌿 That being said he rarely "lets" them win at games.
🌿 He gets very paranoid about their friends, the kind of parent that needs to know his children's friends parents before he lets the kids out of his sight. He worries when they're out after school, even more so if he has daughters.
🌿 Will hate his daughters boyfriends, will try his best to intimidate them.
🌿 His children will grow up resenting him for being controlling but in the end they will understand why he raised them the way he did because,
🌿 Ultimately Tommy is a devoted father figure, he's nurturing to the best of his ability. Nothing will hit harder than a "dad hug" when the kids are upset. He's sentimental as fuck so will make sure he is at every big event in the kids lives, he'll be the one taking photos.
🌿 Will never fail to tell his children he is proud of them. Sometimes it's a little scary when he tells them he loves them because he feels the emotion quite intensely.
🌿 Has killed for his children at least once, is determined they'll never find out.
🍂 "Overwhelmed Dad"
🍂 Is absolutely desperate to be a good, hands on father but oh my god is it difficult! Theres so much to remember, so many things which need to be done all at once... He's the father who always has food stains on his shirt, the one who is always at least fifteen minutes late, running down the street with the kids to try and get them into school on time... He forgets stuff all the time, sends the kids to school without a packed lunch or dinner money and has to go running back with it.
🍂 He is very awkward at first because he's paranoid that he will be too rough, hold the baby too tightly, that he's going to hurt them. But he is just so full of love and adoration and even when they're very small his children will sense that love and feel happy whenever daddy is near.
🍂 His children are his sun stars and universe. They're his reason to heal and carry on living despite all the pain he often feels inside. They're his hope.
🍂 Always self conscious that he's being too loud or too rough, he's always swearing then apologising for swearing in front of them. "Son your fathers a very naughty man eh, you shouldn't try to copy him yeah?"
🍂 "fook" is probably one of your babies first words despite all of his efforts. His brothers think that this is completely hilarious but Arthur feels so bad about it.
🍂 He doesn't want his children to grow up to be anything like him, he can't see any of the good that you see in him, only the bad so he's always worrying that his kids will have inherited "the bad seed"
🍂 It isn't true however, where Arthur sees himself as over emotional/ unpredictable with violent mood swings, you see him as a passionate man with real feelings. You see him as someone who needs nurture and care. You're always trying to remind him that his "flaws" make him a more empathetic person, that he'll much better be able to understand his children because of his own life experiences.
🍂 A really defensive father, if his kids get into trouble at school for anything he will be 100% on his kids side, if they were scrapping then the other kid definitely started the fight and deserved it, if they were back chatting a teacher then "what the fuck are you doin eh? You're an adult and you can't stand up to a fucking six year old? Thats mad..."
🍂 You're constantly having to apologise to the school on his behalf but on the plus side your kids aren't ever getting bullied.
🍂 If you have daughters they will definitely be doing their best to keep boyfriends a secret... This is perhaps not really necessary though because ultimately Arthur is a desperately loving father who would do anything to make his kids happy... so your daughters don't need to worry about a thing, as long as their boyfriend intends to marry them and care for them until the end of his days.
🌼 "Still a Kid Dad"
🌼 He's the "fun" parent, the soft one that the kids know to ask for extra play time or sweets. They know they can get away with bloody murder when it comes to their dad. If they're boys he's going to be impressed when they manage to weasel their way out of trouble and if they're girls all they have to do is pull those adorable puppy eyes and they will definitely get what they want.
🌼 Absolutely spoils the kids rotten! Basically he lives to see his children smiling and to hear them laughing so he will do whatever he thinks is going to earn him hugs and smiles.
🌼 A real criminal when it comes to feeding the kids things like rice pudding, chocolate pudding "one for you, one for daddy, little scoop for you, big spoon for daddy..."
🌼 Always helping them get up to know good. Teaches them naughty rhymes and then daring them to sing them in front of you so that you're permanently horrified.
🌼 They make him behave like a big kid so he's always playing stupid imaginary games, playing cowboys with them, playing tig, always starting food fights with them any excuse to play fight and tickle them... Any excuse to pick the littlens up and squeeze them in a big hug.
🌼 So many Dad jokes just waiting to be dropped it's like a disease, he just can't stop making the worst jokes you've ever heard and yet his kids think he's hilarious.
🌼 Can, very rarely, but sometimes be serious, but it's only when something very serious has happened such as if he thinks the family is under threat or the children are in danger. It's so rare to see daddy serious that the kids always do as he says in these situations, it's like they can just sense that play time is over.
🌼 Absolutely adoring, falls asleep with the baby on his chest all the time, never wants to put the littlens down. Smothers them in kisses.
🌼 Whenever its your birthday he will gather all the littlens up to try and bake mummy's birthday cake, it will be messy, it will be bordering on a catastrophe, the kids and him will be covered in flour, sugar, cake mix, chocolate, the lot. But it will be the best thing you've ever eaten.
🌼 Perhaps the reason John is the way he is is that he didn't get much of a childhood himself, his own father let him down astronomically when he was a lad and so he's determined that his children are going to have as much fun as possible. He hates seeing them sad, doesn't ever want them to feel let down. So even though you do sometimes get very fed up with always being the "strict" parent you can understand why John is as laidback with he kids as he is. It's because he's trying so hard to give them everything he never had.
🌼 Look he's lowkey addicted to being a dad, wants to have so many children with you, can't keep his hands off you... He will always always be telling you what a good mother you are, how beautiful you look when you're pregnant, how proud he is of you, always talking to you about how together you've made a gorgeous family. Whenever you're holding one of the little ones, or whenever you're playing with the children he'll tell you how much motherhood suits you.
🐻 "Grumpy Daddy"
🐻 Wasn't ever really expecting to be a father, wasn't ever really expecting to be a husband either to be honest but well, here he is and he can't say he isn't happy with his lot in life. When he finds out you're pregnant he is stunned, but he's determined to be a good father...
🐻 Always grumbling affectionately about parenthood, if his kids ask for help he'll put on a big song and dance of huffing and puffing and "oh I suppose I have to don't I I suppose I can't say no to my little angel..."
🐻 There is absolutely nothing this man will not whinge about, if theres a birthday party he has to take them to, if its the school run, other children's parents, helping with snack time, helping with homework, reading the bedtime story, carrying the kids when their legs get too tired... He will make a big song and dance all "woe is me the exhausted, overworked father, he never gets a minute to himself, never any peace and quiet, always bending over backwards for his family and what thanks does he get eh? What thanks exactly do I get in return for all this?"
🐻 Usually by the end of these speeches his little ones are giggling and you're affectionately rolling your eyes... Usually a kiss on the cheek is all the thanks he really needs to shut him up. And he's never being serious anyway, he actually really loves being a dad, its much nicer being at home with the family, playing the hero rather than the villain as he does at the bakery and in his dealings with Tommy Shelby.
🐻 Makes up the bedtime stories, they always go on and on and on, with the strangest characters.... Often he will ramble on and lose himself all "and then the princess yeah, the beautiful, mesmerising, heavenly princess in the tower... who looks a lot like you now I come to think of it my little cherub... the princess right, she looks down at the prince and she says, oi, mate... you touch my hair again yeah and I'll chop your head off and kick it like a football all the way to Timbuktu..." "Daddy!" your little one will gasp, giggling and fighting him, "a princess wouldn't say that!" "Well you see this princess would right my little angel cause this Princess yeah, she's a feminist ain't she..."
🐻 Honestly he'd be such a soft father to a little girl, he'd spoil her rotten and she'd be the princess of Camden town. Nothing would ever be good enough for his little cherub.
🐻 Would make a point of turning up on the first day of school so that everyone would know who his kids father is, so that they'd know not to mess with them - teachers included.
🐻 Much like Tommy however he is very overprotective, he has lots of rules as a result of him always worrying about his children. He knows the absolute pits the world can sink to, he knows how dangerous it is out there and therefore he will constantly be werriting about the safety of his children, about who they're friends with, where they hang out. He will run background checks on all their friends. He will send Ollie out spying on them.
🐻 He's the kind of dad who won't forget about Mum, he'll see how tired you are and want to dote on you too. He'll definitely be the first to try and hush the kids so that mummy can have a nap, or he'll take them out to the market to pick out some presents for mummy. He's always reminding them how much their mummy loves them and everything that she does for them, always reminding them to make sure they tell their mother that they love her very much.
🐻 Big on manners. Won't ever swear in front of the children and he won't let them curse either. He also is always reminding them of their manners, will not raise rude children who don't say please and thank you or hold doors open for people.
🐻 Similar to Arthur, his children can never do any wrong, the only person who is going to tell his kids off his him, if a teacher wants to talk about his children's bad behaviour he's going to talk to the teacher about why they're failing as a role model.
🍀 "Nurturing Dad"
🍀 Family is the most important thing in this lads life. He is absolutely devoted to you and the children, he would do anything for you. He never misses anything, from birthdays to bath time, story time... anything, he doesn't want to miss a second of his children's lives.
🍀 He's very laidback, often very cheeky, always very quick to make you and the little ones laugh. Much like John he's the "fun" parent, he's always playing games with the children, loves to make them laugh with silly little slight of hand tricks (definitely overdoes the "coin from behind the ear" trick)
🍀 Will teach his kids boxing, will teach the girls to fight too if its what they want letting them punch his hands and try to take him out (if all the kids gang up on him at once they can wrestle him to the floor so that you have to save him... not that you always feel like it - "hmmm I don't know Bon, I think you might have been asking for it?"
🍀 His favourite thing to do is to gather all the little ones up into bed with you and him, all of you tucked under the covers for a bedtime story. He does the voices but he gets shy in front of you so he can't help but blush when he's doing the silly parts. Encourages the kids to join in and do the voices themselves.
🍀 Loves to teach the littlens things, practical skills like woodworking/ hunting/ how to make a fire or a shelter. Any excuse to take them out into the forest to build a den or go camping.
🍀 He's really traditional and would definitely want to raise the children with traditional traveller values, wants to raise them how he was raised however
🍀 He's ambitious and he doesn't want his children to grow up in the bordering on poverty that he grew up in so he will work so hard to give them anything they could ever desire. He doesn't exactly spoil them because he definitely teaches them the value of their work, but he'd never let his children go without. He never lets you go without either, even if he doesn't want to spoil the children he does want to spoil you, "you deserve it sweetheart, for being such a perfect mammy."
🍀 Wants to have a really big family and loves getting you pregnant. He loves taking care of you and being nurturing when you are pregnant and he loves doting on you and the children... One day when they're all grown up his empty nest syndrome will be worse than yours.
🍀 A really nurturing father, will teach his boys that it's alright to cry and express their emotions, will want to kill anyone who makes his little girls cry. Will teach his sons to look after and love their sisters. Will raise his kids to know that family comes first always. If one of his kids gets into trouble at school for fighting, but it turns out he was fighting to defend his sister, Bonnie will be really proud of them and much to the teachers despair, will tell them "you did the right thing, next time hit him twice, one from me eh?"
🍀 Will do his best to be friendly when his daughters bring boys home but he will need so much support from you, so many gentle reminders to "be nice" because thats his little girl and what if this lad isn't good enough, what if they hurt her or let her down or... You'll probably have to remind him that no matter what no ones going to replace her dad, he'll always be important to her.
🐀 "Cool Dad"
🐀 Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that he's going to mature into a decent father but, it's going to take some time and a lot of growing up.
🐀 I get slightly unreliable vibes from him. He won't take parenthood seriously at first, he'll have no idea how hard it is or how out of his depth he is... He'll definitely think that everyone else is exaggerating when they warn him how much of his life he's going to have to put into being a father... Fatherhood is going to hit him like a freight train.
🐀 He assumes he's going to be great at it because he assumes he's great at everything, but then he's overwhelmed by the long sleepless nights and how difficult it is to read a babies mind... So because he isn't immediately great at it it knocks his confidence a bit, he gets frustrated with himself and becomes convinced that he's "just not meant to be a father"
🐀 So this leads to arguments, naturally... because "you really should have thought about that before you knocked me up Isaiah!" You would start to doubt whether you could rely on him, whether he resents you and the children as a burden, whether he even wants to stay with you or whether he's going to leave...
🐀 When you argue about that fact and you come out with "well if you're so fucking unhappy why don't you just leave... if you're so convinced you're not meant to be a father we'll just have to get by without you won't we..." He'd be stunned by this outburst and genuinely have no idea where it's come from. Because he's stupid.
🐀 He'd be really taken back but forced to consider your words he'd start to realise that this is hard for both of you, that you're both doing something you've never done before, that the responsibility is new and tiring for you both... just because he thinks you're better at it than he is doesn't mean you're not also just making it up as you go along...
🐀 And your suggestion that he might want to leave you makes him realise just how much he could lose, makes him realise that he doesn't want to lose you or the little ones, that even if its hard he wants so badly to be a good man and father.
🐀 So then he'd start trying a lot harder, he'd stop expecting to get everything right the first time, he'd start trying to learn from you. Like I said, he's going to be a good father, but it's going to take time.
🐀 In awe of how good at mothering you are, doesn't understand how you can be soft and gentle and patient when the baby won't stop crying... He longs to develop that kind of patience but honestly, you have the patience of a saint and he knows he's never going to be as easy tempered as you.
🐀 He's a strange mixture of over protective and completely irresponsible, he takes the children with him to the pub, he lets them sip the foam from his beer to teach them that they won't like it. He will let them run riot at family gatherings.
🐀 Has definitely forgotten then baby and left them sleeping in their carrier under the table at the pub at least once.
🐀 However, the children are never allowed out of his sight, they can go to these places but only with him where he's there to look after them. His theory is that if he's so strict that his children never get to have any fun, they'll grow up wanting to break rules and do stupid dangerous things just for the sake of rebelling, so he's cool about it, he lets them drink when they're older so that they'll see theres nothing special about it, he'll let them hang around with the Blinders so that the mystery and glamour is taken out of it... whether this tactic works you'll have to wait and see, you're not entirely confident however...
🐀 He will be the kind of parent that speaks to his children like they're adults, they're going to learn swearing and sarcasm and back chat really young and its going to be a nightmare.
🐀 Will be suspicious of all boys who so much as look at his daughters because he was a teenage boy once and he knows what they're like. Whenever you remind him, "we were just as bad at that age..." he'll say "exactly and look where it got us, I'm not having some halfwit knock up my daughter!"
🐀 sometimes you think he says that just so you'll tell him that actually he makes a really good father.
☘️ "Perfectionist Dad"
☘️ Being a father is probably more important to Michael than you realise... Having been taken from his real family when he was very young, he feels there's a part of childhood which he was robbed of and he's determined to make sure his own children have the best childhood.
☘️ Because of this he has quite a few rules that he sets, he just wants his children to be safe and to not waste their potential... however he will occasionally be soft on these rules and let things slide if he thinks it's going to make the children and you happy.
☘️ He puts so much pressure on himself to be the perfect father. He will never express his doubts to you but he has such high expectations of himself and you can tell. Sometimes you have to give him a kiss on the cheek and remind him that as long as he's doing his best thats all that matters, that his children will love him even if he makes mistakes. That you think he's a really good father and wouldn't ever wish for anyone else to be the dad to your kids.
☘️Tries his best to be supportive, sometimes struggles to be patient because he's a logical thinker and you can't always solve baby's crying the way you can a maths problem. Imagine him trying to reason with a toddler who won't eat their rice pudding... "Look you might not appreciate this right now little one but this snack is highly nutritious, its an excellent source of protein and its got lots of calcium which is especially important for making you grow big and strong just like daddy... so even if you don't like it eh, better to eat it up..." "Michael he's two..." "I'm just explaining...." "T W O"
☘️ You wouldn't expect it of him, and it's definitely something he struggles with a little however he's always determined to be an affectionate and loving father. He definitely comes off as being too serious when he kisses his children on the forehead and tells them he loves them, but they always know they can come to him when they need a hug.
☘️ He's a really attentive father when it comes to things like waking up in the night if the kids have had a nightmare or something, he will let you get your much needed rest and he'll be the one to deal with all issues nocturnal. Can change a nappy in his sleep, can pretty much sleep walk between your bed and the kids bedroom to answer their crying in the night.
☘️Will spoil his daughters rotten and accidentally raise princessy types. Doesn't really see the problem however because he thinks they're perfect in every way and deserve the absolute best.
☘️ Just like Tommy he is determined they will keep their childhood and their innocence for as long as possible. He will do his best to keep his children away from the family business, he doesn't want them to know that their father is a criminal and he certainly doesn't want them to ever know of all the evil things him and his cousins have done in the past. As a result he tells his children a lot of lies, feels incredibly guilty for being dishonest, and then ends up telling even more lies anyway.
☘️ He absolutely doesn't want his girls anywhere near boys, especially not peaky boys. He doesn't even really like them getting to see their cousins at family gatherings, is always reminding them that they're not like their cousins, they're honest well behaved children, their cousins are wild and can't be trusted.
☘️ Will try to teach his children to be brave, will want them to be able to stand up for themselves. He's a man with childhood trauma and he wishes he'd had the "wits" to defend himself as a child so he wants his own children to be able to fight back. However, a key component of this is that he wants his children to be able to tell him anything and know that their dad will always be on their side, he doesn't want them to keep any secrets from him at all. Wants them to know he will never be angry at them and that it's always better to tell daddy everything.
☘️ If anyone ever threatens or hurts his children he will probably genuinely plot to kill them, have them killed.
Taglist: @inalovesrabbits-blog@zablife @jomarch-wannabe @itsghostgirlyo @marwwfairy @toddlerbodybag @everysage @tommyshelbywhore @kas3ylovesyou @starrykit @call-sign-shark @liliac-dreamer @mollybegger-blog @impossibleheartflower @cocoaflowers
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astralaffairs · 1 year
Don't mean to pressure you or anything but I really miss fotp and that last chap had me wanting to tear my heart open (TT)
If you're up for it, can I request for a short fluff abt mc and president t's marriage life? Or if you're still feeling villain-y, an angst will do! 😚
Hope you're having a fine dayyy, love all your works btw! 🫶🏻
astralaffairs villain era canceled. let me also refer u to late nights & speech writes for some president thom husband material
“And where the hell have you been?” Strong hands grabbed Y/N by the waist the minute she locked the door behind her, and she squealed, stumbling over the hem of her long dress as she was pulled into a strong body. Rough wool scratched her bare shoulders. “‘S late. A woman like you shouldn’t be out all on your own like this. Who knows what coulda happened.”
Her laugh was breathless as Thomas kissed her neck, his stubble harsh against her skin, and her hands came to cover his as his arms wrapped around her waist. “Oh, please. I don’t think I’ve left the White House in the last 72 hours; I’m not exactly looking for trouble.”
“So why’ve you been out all night, hm?” He nipped at her earlobe, but she rolled her eyes. “Who’ve you been with all this time, sugar?”
“That Russian ambassador who did not want to hear that I have an early morning tomorrow,” she said dryly. “This is the worst part about state dinners. All the old men in the room still talk to me like I’m their young prospect rather than a peer in government who’s here as my job.”
“They’re all goddamn relics; don’t let ‘em get to you,” Thomas said. “They’re dinosaurs, and they’re gonna be dead in a few months, anyway.”
“At this rate, they’ll also be running entire countries when they’re on life support,” Y/N grumbled, and his laugh was sardonic.
“‘N they’re still gonna be tryin’ to hit on you when they’re hauling oxygen tanks around here behind ‘em.” He turned her around in his arms, and her drained expression made him frown. Her eyes looked empty. “‘M sorry you don’t get the respect you deserve at these events, though, sweetheart. Wish there was something more I could do."
"I don't expect you to be able to end all sexism in government, believe me," she said, reaching up to loosen his tie. "Doesn't help that they all see you as the ultimate guy's guy, though. Thomas Jefferson, the good all-American trust-fund baby who loves steak and baseball."
"Maybe I'll eat some tofu 'n take up figure skating," he suggested mildly as she slid her hands under the collar of his blazer, pushing it down his shoulders. He withdrew his arms from her waist for just long enough to shake the jacket off, discarding it on the chair by his desk in the corner. "I've always thought there was a whole lotta power in embracing the traditionally feminine."
"Sure you have," she scoffed. He grinned, taking a step back toward their bed with her in his arms as she started undoing the knot in his tie. "You regularly smoke cigars with foreign heads of state to celebrate national alliances. You're the epitome of the boys club."
"Hey, I smoke the cigars with women holdin' office too," he defended. She slid his tie out from the collar of his shirt.
"You're truly a feminist icon." The words were ironic as she pulled his button down out from where he'd tucked it into the waist of his pants, walking him back toward their bed all the while, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You're talkin' a whole lotta mess for somebody who's trying to undress me."
"You're not putting up much of a fight." She raised an expectant eyebrow, looking him in the eye as she undid his belt buckle, and when he pulled her close, she slid her hands up his chest. She fiddled with the top button on his dress shirt as he guided both of them through the final few steps between him and the foot of their bed.
"'N you're awful lucky I'm not." As he sat on the edge of the mattress, she stood between his parted thighs as he pulled her dress up her legs. "You just came home from a long night of work, 'n all you wanna do is objectify me? 'M a whole lot more than just a hot body, Ms. L/N."
Despite his words, when the hem of her dress was high enough for him to slide his hands under it, he pulled her onto the bed with him, straddling his lap as his hands ran up her bare thighs. She cocked her head to one side.
"You mean 'Mrs. Jefferson'?" she asked, and he grinned.
"Yeah, but I like it a whole lot better when you say it." He pushed her dress up her body until her hands covered his to pull it over her head, and although she didn't seem particularly concerned with where it landed, she suddenly felt very exposed in just her lingerie on his lap. His eyes didn't stray from her face, however. He pulled her closer by her bare waist, and her arms hung loosely over his shoulders. The open ends of his belt poked at her inner thighs. "Reminds all those Russian diplomats you're off the market."
"I have a feeling Nebenzya isn't trying to steal me away," she said, but Thomas shrugged. "With the way he talks about you, he might be hoping we're looking for a third."
"Unfortunately for Vasily, he wouldn't be at the top of my list," Thomas said, and Y/N's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh, you have a list, now?" she asked. He gave a lazy grin.
"Sugar, I've always had a list," he informed her, and she frowned. He kissed her downturned lips. "If we're working from the number one spot, though, we might have some trouble."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I've got a feeling John Adams wouldn't be too amenable to the idea," he said frankly, and Y/N's surprised laugh was closer to a scoff. "'N I don't feel like we know John Jay well enough as a couple, so that's not gonna fly, but inviting Lafayette just feels like it'd make things weird between all of us."
"Is your whole list made up of men?”
“‘Course.” His answer was immediate, but her skeptical gaze didn’t waver. He ran his hands down her thighs. “You already know you’re the only woman I got eyes for.”
“You’re so corny,” she said softly, running her hands down his shoulders to his upper chest. She picked at the buttons on his dress shirt. "Better tone it down before I get the wrong idea and fall in love with you."
"Now, we certainly can't have that."
"Especially not now. I'm too busy to take a lover, I'm afraid," she said, working down the buttons on his shirt to reveal his bare chest. "I'm just married to my work these days."
"'N you mean that literally, don't you, Madam First Lady?" He undid his cufflinks when she finished with his buttons, and he slid them into his pocket. However, he didn't take the shirt off despite her pushing its fabric down his shoulders. Rather, he took her hands in his, lacing his fingers into hers. "You're just a regular Mrs. America."
"You're really gonna stop me from taking your shirt off after you got me down to my underwear?"
"If I let you finish undressing me, it's gonna be a while before we get to sleep," he said, and she shrugged innocently. "We've gotta be up again in five hours. We both oughta get some rest."
"Being the first couple isn't nearly as sexy as I hoped it'd be." She sat back on her heels, resting her hands on his legs, and he gave her a tired smile. "Take the rest of your clothes off and come to bed, at least. I feel like I've hardly seen you all week."
"Right now, I'm all yours," he assured her. "Lemme get up 'n get some pajamas, though. Put on something other than a full suit for once."
"Just sleep without them," she countered, and he raised an eyebrow. "I like the feeling of your skin against mine. Just makes me feel more connected to you, I guess."
"You're adorable." He kissed her on the forehead, his smile endeared, and she could feel the heat rising to the tips of her ears as he leaned back to take his shirt off. After he did, though, he pulled her in closer, picking her up by her thighs as he stood, and she yelped, grabbing onto his shoulders. When he deposited her on his side of the bed, he undid his dress pants, taking them off before joining her on the mattress.
He crawled atop her where she lay on her back watching him, and as he dipped down to kiss her, one hand slid under her back, and she arched up against him. However, as he kissed down her neck, he unhooked her bra and leaned back to slide it down her arms. When he discarded it onto the floor, she was watching him with wide eyes, but he only kissed her forehead before rolling off of her and pulling the covers over them both. He reached over to turn off the lamp at his bedside.
"For what it's worth," he murmured as he wrapped an arm around her waist, and she rolled onto her side, letting him pull her into his body, "we've got plenty of time to sleep in on Saturday morning."
"Oh, yeah?" She rested her arm atop his, lacing her fingers into his.
"Mhm." He kissed the back of her shoulder. "So Friday night, you better not come home too tired."
"I'm gonna need all my energy for when I find you and Adams in our bed, huh?" When his hold on her tightened, his cold feet brushed against her shins, and she shivered.
"Not this time, sweetheart," he promised. "Once I get you alone, you better bet I'm not sharing you."
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hiskillingjar · 5 months
i am so obsessed with ur writing 🩷 this is actually really tame but i feel weird requesting it lol. could i get ren (or anyone really) with a reader who has a small chest (boobs? breasts? tits??). havent felt insecure about them in so long until recently and im spiraling. u can go from there with whatever u want. thank u!!
thankl you!! i've been literally all about boobs lately so....yeah alright!
900+ words, fem mc, chest referred to as breasts and boobs. you know how it goes.
Your entire life had a subtext now, which you were beginning to learn during your imprisonment.
You were watching placidly as Ren put together a new anime figure, his little, pink tongue poking out as he carefully lined up each notch of shiny plastic and pushed them together, all contributing to the elaborate diorama that he had probably spent way too much money on.
You might have rolled your eyes at his childish indulgence, his total lack of awareness as he put together a model of a busty cat-girl trying to hold a towel to her heaving chest, had you not been having a slightly…well, self-conscious moment about your own body.
Because there was that subtext now.
The lingering thought of not being good enough for Ren, so much so that he had to fulfil what you couldn't give him with perverted toys and crudely drawn pornography.
"You don't…really like girls like that, do you?" You mumbled, idly chewing the inside of your cheek.
"Hm? Like what?" Ren asked, not looking up from the task at hand as he slid a miniature plastic towel rack into place on the thick base.
"Like," You sighed and rolled your eyes, almost annoyed at yourself for asking. "This character…do you really think she's that pretty?"
"Yeah, of course I do!" He said, looking up like you were saying the obvious. "She's one of my favourites for a reason, you know, she's a total cutie pie. Like, she's depicted as heavier in the manga, obviously, but I really like that the anime was mostly faithful to her body type and skin tone." He was rambling now, as his eyes went back down to his figure and he smiled even wider. "Cus, ya know, you don't tend to see anime with chubbier girls, let alone anime that merchandisers pick up on...."
"Mph," You looked to the side, embarrassed that you had been so self-conscious to begin with. "R-Right…of course."
"What, are you jealous?" Ren then asked, his golden eyes on yours again and a coy smile on his face
"I'm not jealous!" You said quickly, looking back towards him. "It's just…well, i-it's typical that you'd think like that." You huffed and crossed your arms. "You don't actually care about…well, representation or whatever. You just like girls like that."
"Girls like what?" He grinned again, his fox tail wagging as you stammered and over-explained.
"Like…" Your cheeks flushed. "Big boobs and stuff."
"Mm, that sounds like you're jealous. Jealous over a girl that doesn't even exist, hah!" He barked out a hyena-esque cackle and leaned over his desk, bringing his face closer to yours. "Well, what's wrong with liking curvy girls? Obviously, it's important that Kitten-Chan is heavier, for, like, body positivity stuff or whatever, but…I do just think she's really cute. What's wrong with that, huh?"
"Whatever…" You rolled your eyes again. "Forget I said anything."
"No, no, this is way too cute" Ren laughed, pacing to the other side of his desk, and pressing his chest to yours in a close (and non-consenting) hug. He raised his eyebrows with a smile, looking at you more closely. "You're all flustered and stutter-y. It's pretty fun to tease you like this."
"What are you teasing me for?" You murmured, as his hands drifted down your hips, toying with the tie of your pyjama shorts.
"Because it's cute, and because I want to, duh," Ren replied with another little titter, keening in closer and rubbing his nose against your jaw, down your neck. "And you're such an easy target for it too. I mean, look at you." He leaned in and pressed his mouth to your neck, giving you a quick little nip. "You're even defensive about your boob size~"
"I-!" You yelped at the bite, cheeks flushed and your hands trembling down at your sides. "I'm not…defensive about that..."
Ren then raised his head to look you in the eye, his expression nauseatingly smug and his ears raised high.
"Oh, you're not?" He asked, raising a brow. "Sure is looking like it to me, sweetie…"
He then reached upwards for your chin, lifting your head and holding your gaze as his own narrowed, his expression hot and hungry and dripping with that unspoken subtext between you.
"You have no reason to be self-conscious, you know…" He murmured, the hand on your hip reaching up to your chest, idly pawing at you. "I mean, I like curvy girls, sure, but I like you too." He chuckled again and lowered his lips back to your neck, kissing the spot he nipped as he slid his hand down the front of your tank-top and palmed your breast roughly. "You're the one here, after all."
"You say that like it's a good thing…" You sighed, your hands still trembling from the effort you were putting in not to reach forward and grab his hips like he had to you.
"I think it is…" He replied, running his thumb (his claw) over your swelled nipple, and relishing in the little gasp you let out at the contact, the way you jerked and trembled. "And I think you think so, too."
You bit your lip as he reached forward and pulled the front of your tank down, the barely-there heft of your breasts not enough to keep it rolled down completely.
"Don't be so insecure, sweetie," He crooned, both hands now squeezing and groping at your chest indulgently. "I like your small boobs a lot…they're just so cute."
"Mm," You bit your lip to hide a fuller moan, your face flushed and your eyelids fluttering with pleasure as his claws dragged over your nipples again.
"And so sensitive~"
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audaciousacolyte · 8 months
hello!! just recently found your acc and holy shit can i say that ur writing is SO GOOD DUDE every post u make is such a banger RAHHH!!!! Sorry if I'm coming on too strong btw, it's very late and i am not eepy at all </33
anyways! i was wondering if youd write a knuckles x reader where theyve been best friends since they were kids, and knuckles found out hes been crushing on them? i love the silly red man he needs all the love frfr. Thank you!!
Red dead heartbeat
Knuckles the echidna x Childhood Friend! Reader
AN: 《|| Hello Duckie! (Do you mind if I call you Duckie?) I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing, it makes me really happy to see that I have a few fans at least... you're not coming on too strong at all! It's pretty sweet actually! In any case, please enjoy this for now. ||》
FLUFF (pre realization)
◇| Knuckles, as the last of his kind, is a deeply lonely guy, so you'll have to forgive him for being distant with you when y'all first meet. Most likely, he's been on his own practically his whole life. . .
◇| he. . .he's gonna need a moment or two to adjust to having people around all the time, but he'll be fine.
◇| Depending on the kind of relationship the two of you have, he may try to herd you away from villans (COUGH COUGH EGGMAN COUGH) and may attempt to pull you out of/away from the action.
◇♡|| He means well, he does, but he's still incredibly nervous about loosing more friends. . . About losing you.
◇| If it really bothers you, he'll stop, but he's a massive worrywart about the whole thing. Anytime you get hurt, he's on you like a leech! Even if it's a minor scrape, hes still going to patch you up. . .then pound the guy who hurt you six feet under.(I am a firm believer in "motherhen" knuckles, and I will DIE on this hill)
◇| on a completely random note, he SUCKS at verbal comfort. Just, the WORST.He does, however, give the best hugs out of Team Sonic so. . . You win some, you lose some IG /jk
◇| I will be honest though, you ARE going have to help him with social cues sometimes. A life of isolation doesn't exactly make a guy the best conversationalist, you know.
◇| He wasn't even aware of his crush until Sonic pointed out that he seemed more relaxed around you. It. . . only takes a little bit of hard thinking for him figure out why.
♡| He's blown away by the thought that he- well, that he might like you a bit MORE than he previously thought, but at the same time he isn't all that surprised. I mean. . . It's you! Why wouldn't he be infatuated with you?
♡|Actually acts pretty normal for the most part, if a bit more affectionate.
♡| If when he confesses, he's gonna make it as romantic as he can. Maybe a moonlit stroll? Or some kind of picnic? (He's still torn on whether or not he should take you to the beach and confess tbh) but however he goes about it, he'll be a bit awkward but sincere
♡| Genuinely thrilled when y'all start dating, you have no idea! He's the best boyfriend you could ask for! <3<3<3
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lavender-z-love · 2 years
·˚ ༘ Assassins can fall in love too✧.*ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Illumi Zoldyck X Black.FemReader
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·˚ ༘ Genre: Fluff, Cute, kisses, jealousy (Illumi), Slight teasing (Reader).
·˚ ༘ Warnings: Pet names? And Potential spelling errors.
·˚ ༘ A/n: Hello! Finally done with this one, been in the drafts for a while couldn't finish it because of classes but I finished and ready to post! Please enjoy. The dividers do not belong to me.
·˚ ༘ Wordcount: 1k
Illumi opened the front gate, waiting for you to walk in. "You first?"
The huge fuzzy demon-oid figure right behind the door stared you down. You shivered, "U-Uh..I-Illumi-", you managed to stutter. Pointing at the thing, he blinked at you before looking at what you were scared of.
"Hm? Oh! Thats just Mike." Once again, he turns back to you, waiting for you to walk in. "I'm not going in if THAT thing is right there!" Illumi stood confused,"Is it really that scary?"
A huge beast stood tall, furry wolf like creature. Its red beady eyes, glowing.
"Hm..well, I suppose- normal people's guard dogs are tiny." Illumi, placed his hand underneath his chin. Thinking of possibilities he could get you through the gate and to his home. "He wont hurt you, hes just..Ugly I suppose. But, I can send him away if you'd like?"
"You promise? That he's harmless?" Illumi gave that same emotionless stare with a simple nod. You took a deep breath and began to walk forward. Making sure to stay close to the entrance enough so where you could take off if needed. Illumi watched with curiosity. The giant Dog thing standing before you, now kneeling. You stretching out your hand for it to smell. After a few sniffs, Mike started whimpering at you. "Oh!" Just like that Mike was rolling over for you to pet him.
Your eyes completely lit up,"Aww!!" Just like that your fears disappeared from the creature. Illumi's brow raised now closing the gateway. "Oh please, you were just fearful of it-"
He watched as you gave the giant guard dog large belly rubs and kisses. "What a good baby!" Illumi watched his girlfriend become bestfriends with his guard animal. This he hadn't imagine happening. "Illumi! Can I keep him?"
The expression was starting to show on his face,"Keep him?" In all honesty, he was a little jealous. You were scared of him at first, now so quickly in love with the thing.
'She doesn't give me kisses like that...'
"Y/n, you're not taking my guard dog." Mike nudging you with his head, almost sounded like he was purring. "You are so cute!"
Illumi turned away, facing the path leading up to his family's mansion. "Beautiful, enough..Leave the thing behind and lets go." Your giggling began to calm down as you pet Mike for a final time. Mike's tail wagged as if he was waving 'goodbye' back to you. You made your way to Illumi's side. You waved back at him before running to Illumi's side.
The begining of the walk was peaceful, nice. Illumi asking you how you've been lately. After all, you both hadn't seen one another in a while due to you having to return home for a bit. He had admitted to missing being by your side lately. You thought it was cute, when he talked so sweetly to you. Sometimes he was so naive to even realize he was flirting with you. "Y/n..why do you call Mike, 'baby'"
You smile,"Cause' as mean as he looks, he acts like a baby! Every animal is cute like a baby." Illumi was curious,"All animals? You call all of them baby?"
You nod, causing Illumi to think,"What about me?"
"What about you?" Illumi stops in his tracks, facing you,"Why not call me baby?" You giggled,"Is- that what you want me to call you?"
Illumi nodded as he continued to walk. Who would've thought? Illumi wanted to be called a pet name? You always thought he perfered you to call him by his name instead, so the Idea of pet names never crossed your mind. Majority of the walk was in silence, that was until your feet started to ache.
Illumi could tell, even when you kept quiet about it. "Do you want me to carry you?" He asked turning to you. "What? N-No.. surely we are almost there."
He turned to you,"Your feet are hurting aren't they? Let me carry you." You bit your lip, thinking about it.. You didn't want to trouble him but your feet were killing you– "okay..I guess."
You gave in walking behind him, but he stepped aside. "What are you-"
"I want to carry you this way",He stated, gesturing to his front side.. Looking at his face, looked like Illumi was a bit flustered. You giggle,"Of Course, if thats what you want Illumi." As you step in front of him, Illumi places his hands on your waist and your hands on his shoulders.
He gives you a small countdown to jump into his arms. You wrap your legs around him, finally getting settled into eachother's arms. Eyes locked on one another. "What a scandalous position to carry me in Illumi~",You teased.
Illumi's cheeks flushed a bit, before he looked slightly annoyed,"Its not a big deal..You're just really beautiful."
"Oh? Am I just beautiful to you? Im hurt...put me down",Still teasing him.
His grip on your waist is a bit stronger, though you were as light as a feather to him,"You're more than beautiful to me Y/n. You are Irreplaceable, Intelligent, your personality like no other–"
Illumi wasn't so good at expressing his feelings. He was still so new to it. So to you, for him to say something like this it was absolutely cute to you. "Thank you Illumi". Majority of the time Illumi was emotionless, there were rare moments when he shown emotion. Because he wasn't so good with words he made sure to show you. Fortunately, this was one of those moments. His long, rich black locks tangled between your fingers. Your hands hold his face still, pulling him closer. You kiss his cheek leaving little lipstick mark behind. You giggled, alerting Illumi. "Whats wrong?"
"Nothing~ I just got a little lipstick on your cheek." You take your thumb, before licking it then rubbing his face. "There- all gone!" Illumi, still gazing up at you. He begins walking forward as before. A slight rustling of your clothing, your back hitting something solid. "Illumi? Baby?" He silenced you with his lips.
You pull away gasping.."I-Illumi.." Once again, with you against pressed against the tree.. Gently setting you down on your feet, with one hand on your cheek, and the other on your waist. Tilting your head upward, Illumi leans in for a kiss. His soft feathery lips carressed against yours.
Taking the opportunity to stare at one another for a bit. Your fingers stroking the assassin's face, playing in his hair, taking the time to observe one another's features. Right when the two of you lean in for a kiss—
Illumi's movements were so smooth and airy. Once the both of you pull away from eachother, you pulled him into another kiss by his shirt collar. Which caused him to lose his balance. His hands reaching out before him to keep himself from crushing you, caging you in against the tree; his hands were placed on each side of you.
Pulling away, Illumi whispers lovingly to you. "Ha...So pretty–"
"Ehem..Welcome home Master Illumi.."
The two of you freeze. You push Illumi away, proping yourself up against the tree.
"T-Tsubone! Heyyy..! Oh! Miss Amane too?"
The pair just gazed at you two, Illumi dusts himself off as he got out of the bushes you'd just pushed him in. "Master Illumi, your mother is waiting for you. I recommend not keeping her waiting any longer."
"Yes", Illumi grabbed your wrist leading your wrists and leading you past the two butlers,"Next time, please refrain from interrupting Y/n and I's intimate time together."
They both bowed as you walked past them. You'd look back waving to the both of them. Now looking forward at Illumi, accidentally catching a glimpse of his flustered face. It was obvious he was embarrassed Tsubone caught the two of you on the verge of making-out.
You stop him, this grabbing his attention as you instead of his hand clasping your wrist, you intertwine fingers. You can almost see a smile pierce his face. This time you drag him along.
His eyes staring, falling in love with you again. Something about you makes him question..How could he get so lucky with a wonderful person like you? Always so outgoing, so smiley, so happy. You were what illumi needed in this world.
"I love and cherish you Y/n..Always." See? Assassins are capable of love too ♡
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Written on January 18th
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Heya, can i ask 🤡🤡🤡
Sigma, Mushitaro and Jouno with a s/o who has really bad memory, i mean REALLY BAD 😨
Idk jus a random though dont write if u dont want to lololol
Ooh a quick one for today ♡♡
Writing from experience oof-
The BSD Men with an S/O with bad memory
Sigma's exasperated with you. He, himself, knows he has some flaws in his mental process, but yours go above and beyond.
He can tell you to leave the dishwasher open five seconds before you're done an you'll still close it. He can ask you to do a simple task for him at the Casino and it just... doesn't get done.
He doesn't mind that you're forgetful, but after awhile it severely annoys him. He tries to ignore it but it really is such a big problem. Once, you stuttered trying to remember his name, and he just about cried.
He, however, found a loophole for you; if he set up a regular reminder note widget on your phone, you would be annoyed enough to get to things before the alarm went off again. It certainly took the weight off Sigma's shoulders.
Even if you didn't remember to leave the dishwasher open, or press the clothes, as long as you were still getting your major tasks done he wasn't bothered.
Mushitaro Oguri
Just kill him... Is what he would say, if he didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Mushi runs a tight ship on a strict schedule, and when you can't remember to brush your teeth before bed or take your medications, he has to bear that load, and he is not happy about it.
He nags you incessantly to figure out a way to remember by yourself, but when his harshness makes you tear up he regrets his words immediately. He knows you can't help it, but it does truly annoy him. If you could take even an ounce of initiative to try working on it, he would be happy, even if it didn't work.
Jouno Saigiku
You've annoyed him to death with this from day one.
He constantly gripes and groans about your terrible memory skills, spitting firey one-liners and spewing argument fuel everytime he has to find something so basic for you.
If you have terrible memory skills when it comes to remembering things about him, fights are going to break out.
How could you possibly forget his birthday? When yours came around he at least bought you a cake. Coming home to apology cuddles for remembering far too late felt like a stab in the chest.
You better have something to make up for this deficient. If you could just remember to do something nice for him occasionally, out of the good of your heart rather than a timeline, it will ease the issue.
Eventually, he gets used to it. But being the temperamental man he is, this is an issue always plaguing him.
May 26th, 2023
I finished school today, so I'll be around more :D
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lampiridaes · 3 months
reqs open? i hope im not too late for it, could i ask for poly airiena and how they got together with reader? or just dating hcs, either are good!
♬ now playing: "what is love?"
-> i wanna know, know, know, know! (what is love - twice)
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summary. to be the muse of two artists — one musical, and one artistic.
chars. airi , ena , (ft. mizuki)
notes. !?!?!?!! AIRIENA MENTION??? (i rlly love airiena little did u all know) IM ACTUALLY LIKE also rlly rlly happy bc ppl barely req mmj !!! pls !!!! i love my idol girls so so much :( ALSO MY FIRST EVER AIRI REQ I THINK !!! thank u for showing her love anon . need more of this energy #sapphic
contains. poly relationship, friends to lovers, implied fem!reader, 'cute' used to describe reader, they/them for mizuki
taglist. @catientie , @mintchocaur , @prsk-krow , @sillynene-13
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track one: before dating
i'd imagine all three of you were close friends even before dating!
you met airi and ena in middle school, and the three of you hit it off almost immediately. with their personalities, they were the first ones who approached you, complimenting your hair and outfit.
... actually, at first, you thought they were bullying you. i mean, how often do two pretty girls (one being a famous celebrity at that) decide to talk to you and say you look cute?
however, after confirming that they were, in fact, being genuine, the three of you only grew closer.
... very close that airi and ena talked to each other one day, telling the other that they had a crush on you. which would've put their friendship at stake until you admitted you actually liked the both of them.
the two girls actually had to stop and consider their own feelings for each other. even during hangouts, you couldn't deny that they had chemistry and history, which also caused you to doubt that they'd like you back.
after figuring out that, yeah, they also liked each other romantically, that's when you all started dating!
track two: dating hcs
now, considering airi's status as an idol, she doesn't disclose your relationship to the public. at least, not yet. there's a lot of close-minded individuals, after all.
however, you and ena try to watch her live shows and attend her fansigns whenever possible. the both of you receive a very special autograph from your beloved girlfriend, with a heart right beside her name. and if she has enough time, even a small 'i love you both!'
for the record, more more jump and nightcord at 25:00 are both aware of your relationship. they're all supportive, with the occasional tease from mizuki towards ena, saying they'll steal you and airi away from her.
speaking of ena, you were actually at her house one time, then saw her sketchbook that she always hid away from you as she scribbled on it.
... and it was just way too tempting not to look at it. surely, she wouldn't mind too much if you just... scanned through?
to your surprise, it was actually full of drawings of you and airi. though, you could tell that a lot of airi's drawings were referenced from her photos online, but you realized yours were all from hangouts and dates with her.
of course you took a picture of it and sent it to your group chat with your girlfriends, wouldn't you?
"this is so cute @ ena >_<"
"@ airi there's also drawings of you!"
"where did you find that!? i thought i hid it away in my bag!"
"it was on top of your desk, pretty <3"
"ooh, it is cute @ ena !!!"
"it was supposed to be a gift for the both of you for our anniversary ..."
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Admiiinnn do you write for platonic sagau?
Me wanna request my son (Razor) ue.
Because most of the fics I've read is just the creator falling on Mondstadt but never other places! I want them to fall on Wolvendom and maybe meet the wolf boy 🐨
I imagine he doesn't know/able to describe what he's feeling (not understanding human emotions and stuff because he grows up with wolves and all). But he really likes this feeling of peace and feeling like he belongs! So he'll stay with this random person that just dropped out of nowhere, and teach them how to survive in the wild too!
Unlike the overly-obsessed-head-over-heels acolytes, I think Razor will be like a worrywart bestfriend. You're his lupical now! It's his duty to protect other lupicals!
Days with him will literally be so fluffy ueueueu imagine we teach him how to cook things besides meat and puppy-paw hash browns (and teach him how to season them too! Good food always relies on taste after all). He'll just be like a little sibling that saw a very cool trick for the first time.
Aaaaa I wanna braid his long hair with flowers ue...
U get a whole slice of cake for that one. 🤲🍰💜
DUDE i totally thought abt (idk if u read it but its floatin around here smwhere,,) including Razor in the first Sagau idea post i made about Blunt Language reader vs. Teyvat's flowery language
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This gif encompasses everything i feel abt razor
Almost a part 2? But more like Bennett ft. Razor
Welp, you could've landed somewhere worse.
Like, accidentally-activated-Andrius-challenge worse.
You vowed to urself that if u ever got isekaied, or magicked away, or whatever else, u would not be those stupid protagonists who acted like they didnt know where they were
Or didnt adjust quickly to their new surroundings, esp if theyre life depended on it
U got this, u know exactly where u are rn. >:)
..Well, maybe not the exact location, but Wolvendom was pretty hard to mistake for anything else
The moon is full, and it looks to be about midnight or so,
A wolf howls.
...a little too close for comfort...
But hey, the lamp grass irl was so cute and pretty omg! <3
And it lit the ground nicely when u were nearby :) what a helpful aesthetic plant, so cool
Seeing a hilichurl camp further away, u slowly backed off into the woods away from the path u landed on (woke up on? Its unclear)
And up onto a small flat cliff thingy, filled with small lamp grass
U figured u werent getting anywhere tonight, i mean u rlly can't see jackshit rn, unlike in Genshin where the moon was almost as bright as the sun 💀
So ur just sittin on ur ass, wondering how tf ur gonna build a wolf-proof shelter when a bush shuffles nearby
...On ur little platform, how did u not hear whatever it was before now??
Too late now, bc u saw smth silver, and welp
U knew there were wolves, (its wolvendom)
But since u never saw any in game u kinda assumed they were like Earth wolves and were unlikely to get near a human like u-
Turns out u were probably wrong- the silver flashes in the bush- u get up and brace urself to run screaming and begging on ur knees for Andrius to take u in like-
...Razor?? 😐😑😐
RAZOR!! :D!!!
It's the Best Boy™️!!!!!
The bestest boy ever sticks his head out of the bush
!!!??? His head tilts like a puppy in confusion ur heart💘
"...Lupical??" He says in the most confused ass tone youve ever heard
"Oh! Yes! Hello," you introduce yourself, "Can you help me? I got kinda lost here, but I don't really have a home to go back to,,"
Razor stands out of the bush, shaking his head back and forth like a dog, his hair nearly whips u in the face lmao
You: "AHH- uh- so, do u know somewhere I can go??"
Razor: "Mhm. Here. Razor like you, feel like Lupical. Stay?"
He asks, his eyes bright and shiny (not the puppy dog eyes)
Well, u figure if he can literally be raised by wolves and still be alive, so can u
(U figure itd be hard to convince Diluc to let u stay w/ him, and u dont have money for an inn in Mondstadt.. u dont even kno abt Springvale... wolf woods it is)
Plus, maybe u can help him out a bit! (it always did irritate u in game that nobody rlly checked on him/helped him live better >:/ )
"Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great, are u sure ur family's- uh- other Lupical, r ok w/ that?" U hella dont wanna have to wrestle other wolves just for some raw food bc yall gotta share 💀
"Yes, come, I teach!" :D
Bbyboy got ur heart in a vice gripe lol
Turns out he lives in a cave, that wasn't rlly available in game
His bed is just kinda,, moss and leaves, maybe one fur pelt
So obv u start gettin chests and get money to buy him better stuff!
Plus monsters drop money too (the slimes just bring u money?? W/o u having to defeat them?? Whos paying all these monsters anyway, where do they get this money-)
Also bc i HATE that u r just a regular ass human in other SAGAUs, imma keep it canon and say u can still upgrade Vision Users/Allogenes + all the regular game mechanics besides time manipulation, including quest log and inventory (bc that still exists here fuck regular sagau BS)
(bc how would u prove ur the Creator otherwise? How would u live up to that if u didnt have powers?? Isnt that the whole point of why they think ur the Creator???!! Did I miss smth here-??)
So ofc u give the boy the comfiest bed of pillows and furs and handmade quilts (Springvale's very talented and friendly turns out :)
And new clothes!! :D new outfits pop up on his character screen!! (It just kinda,, hovers like a hologram screen in front of him when u click a button u see hovering over his chest at all times)
U also teach him how to comb his hair.
(J. F. C. I dont even wanna think. abt how bad it is, a kid raised by wolves, in the woods w/ little human contact?? ill leave that to ur imagination)
He really loves the lamp grass flowercrowns u make him :) <3
Also yes.
We have to talk about it.
U got him soap.
And perfume. (That are still scented but not enough that he hates it thank fuck-)
Razor seems like he'd react to everything with either worry for ur safety (BEST BOY EVER) bc sm stuff u do is unfamiliar to him,
OR just like u said anon, like a little sibling u showed a magic trick to for the first time <3333
Like?? U can?? Use salt?? Pepper??? On food??? That u have cooked???!!!
Omg, his grubby little hands snatch that shit outta ur pan so quick 😭😭
He's literally scarfs down anything u make him
Oh god the wolves.
If u thought Razor loved ur food, the Lupical pack is on a whole different level.
They're such sweet doggos bc ur technically Lupical now too (Razor gave u a tooth necklace like his :] )
!!! PUPPY PILES !!! 🤲🐺💖💜✨️✨️✨️
And theyre never violent, even their play fighting is pretty tame
But the food.
Ur seasoned. New recipe. Food.
The first time u made a new dish with salt alone
It was a fucking free for all. (including Razor😭)
So now u have a schedule of who gets what when (as insisted and aided by Andrius himself, it got so out of hand,, paw??)
Congratz u got a pack of little siblings now, w/even the "will be bribed w/any food u give them" feature too
Razor loves u sm, he feels so safe around u!!
He usually cant articulate it, but u can tell by how he clings to ur arm whenever yall go into human towns so he wont lose u,
Or how he'll offer u some of his portion of food always (even if u made it)
and he's happy to do all these new things w/ u !!
(i sure as fuck know id get bored af if i was just,, in the woods,, all day everyday,,, not even a book to read,,,)
So needless to say he joins u for nearly everything u do
Esp monster hunting/grinding for his artifacts + weapon + stuff
Razor sees it as his job to look out for Lupical, esp if his favorite (besides Andrius) has to leave pack territory
Also yes, u DID meet The Andrius.
He was. So much. Bigger. Than you. Expected.
The game doesn't do him justice.
He's literally the size of a fucking school bus.
Also, apparently Razor didnt rlly know what u were, mostly bc he just feels ur comfort and safety, no words needed
But Andrius does, and he immediately explains how Teyvat sees u and even does a wolfy bow with his head lowered onto his front paws (ahdkala Andrius pls ur a gOD GET UP)
He's also surprisingly helpful and nice to u, very polite big doggo, a good leader (alpha??)
Lisa is hella grateful for u and all the help/care u give the bestest boy ever
(even tho u did give her the stink eye at first bc,, why didnt she teach him how to take care of himself? And even if he didnt want to join human society at least make sure he's in liveable conditions?? Hes not even an adult???)
But at least she also agrees he's the bestest boy ever, she always brags about how quickly he learns language (both writing reading and speaking) to anyone she knows
Which did endear u to her a little more (plus she apologized for not looking out for him more, or at least asking someone else to/check up on him)
U kinda think she (and the rest of Mondstadt) dont really realize ur some kind of Creator god,
Mostly bc u dont really stay in Mondstadt long, just to get essentials and see what it looked like in person (smtimes to visit Bennett and Fischl :D )
(U mostly only know that bc Andrius claims its so, hes very insistent too)
But ur spending most ur days with Razor anyway so it doesnt matter to you two whether ppl know what u can do
Razor was practicing his writing one time (bc u also help him out at home/Wolvendom when Lisa isnt)
And he carved "Razor loves Lupical and [You]" into a tree near yalls cave
I didnt know where to end it i got sucked in dont LOOK at me-)
Uh anyway i hope this was adequate!! Sorry this was ungodly long!! I will limit myself in the future 🥲
Tysm again for the request and if u read this far LMAO!!
🌒🌊🌧Aquarius ♒️ 💧🌌🌘
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evesaintyves · 1 year
I just love the way you write Tonks, she's so much bolshy and dirty and crass, she feels like a real auror and an actual badass that people wouldn't want to mees with! I liked Tonks in books but I admit I was a bit bored by her 'cutesy sweetheart' personality..
thank you so much, that's such a kind thing to say! ❤️ i'm gonna ramble about this a bit if you don't mind!
obviously i extrapolate a lot, but i think there are seeds of that bolshiness etc in canon. from her very first scene we see Tonks kind of talking shit about Harry's house (and her parents!) and giving her mentor, a pretty intimidating dude, guff in front of everyone. she stands up to Remus when he deadnames her (though i agree with the common fanon interpretation that they're flirting a bit in that exchange). she's introduced as a character who speaks her mind and doesn't take any shit*. all of that is on a mission and in front of a kid, so i imagine she's probably even a little more outspoken under other circumstances. it's also clear to me that she's got to be strong-willed, a little singleminded, incredibly talented, and probably a little arrogant to make it as an auror so young: she talks about how difficult it is to qualify and not many do. she's also canonically kind of reactionary and impulsive - i mean, that's how she dies.
some of my characterization of tonks is just personal - so much of her plotline is pretty sad, and her personality disappears entirely toward the end as she becomes a fulcrum for lupin's character arc. and her death, honestly, is kind of stupid. so i feel this urge to give her some justice and a little bit of a fuller personhood in the way i write her.
to me, tonks is (on top of being obviously interpretable as queer) clearly punk/alternative coded, withe the hair and the way she speaks to her elders and her sense of humor. i'm old and i was a tween/young teen in the mid/late nineties when tonks would have been around, and i remember how discovering riot grrl and queer punk bands of that era completely changed the way i thought about myself and the standards i was being held to and just the possibilities for what girls could do and how they could exist in the world and in their own bodies. being gross and crude, rejecting and subverting and playing with the power of the male gaze, talking openly about fucking and bleeding and being gay and being angry: it all seemed like a superpower to me.
tonks is clearly, from the start, in a state of experimentation with her own identity - the way she changes her hair from violet to pink in front of harry - and she's uniquely positioned as a metamorphmagus to create herself from scratch whenever she likes. it reminds me so much of being a kid and discovering that there were all of these new possibilities for who i could be, if i could be brave enough to try them. and we know that Tonks is brave 😉. so like, why not write a Tonks who is liberated, doesn't give a fuck, insists that the world make room for her? i think the contrast with people-pleaser overthinker self-hater lupin is really irresistible, too.
my vision of tonks is as a person i would have looked up to as a kid at that time, but who is still from her pov very much figuring her shit out and trying to construct a self that gives her peace and fulfillment. she dies in that state of flux - having also just undergone the enormous identity-changes of marriage and motherhood. she's fascinating! i insist on it!
so thank you again, such a sweet ask!
* i bet she put up with a ton of bullshit trying to be in a relationship with lupin tho smh girl u can do better!!! we all been there though
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mocc-tok-flip-flop · 9 months
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So it's been a while since I posted, but I got deep into the Pokemon fandom again and the train twins have now taken over! I just had to design some Pokemon forms for Emmet and Ingo!!
I know some people aren't as into stats and abilities, but I really wanted to sit down and hash out their strategies and movesets. They're subway masters AND ridiculously strong and skilled trainers, so I wanted to make sure that their Pokemon forms also reflected that! So if you're into that (or learning how Hisui changed their partnership) it'll be under the Read More below!
Let me know if y'all want to see more of these guys! I have even written their Pokedex entries and figured out their habits and natures! (Also, just because I thought it was funny, now Ingo is the one who's weak to Earthquake)
Ok, so the first thing I determined were general specialties! Ingo, despite his intimidating appearance and his fighting typing, is actually a better special attacker. I imagine that the twins play up the perception that other people have for them: Ingo is indimidating and Emmet is friendly, so Ingo is actually a sneaky special attacker and Emmet is a surprise physical attacker!
Their base stats reflect this, and I put their total around evolved starter range to make sure they're viable for competitive battling. As for typing, it was mostly based on various Pokemon they have on their teams, but I kinda wanted to make them partially types suited more to their counterpart, so Electric for Ingo and Steel(?) for Emmet? It's not perfect, but I HAD to make sure Ingo shared a typing with Lady Sneasler so they can be friends in Hisui. And Emmet is a Bug type because Emmet.
I agonized over their movesets and abilities for a long time, but I really wanted to show that they are a Duo, Please Do Not Seperate. So their moves and abilities help to cover each other in a double battle! Ingo has the absolute beast of a move Boomburst (both because he's loud and because it's a 140 base special attack with no downsides) so he's got Brick Break to make sure that there's no screens or shields blocking his big finishing move. Workup helps with all of his moves and since it boosts physical and special, it works to hide his little-known special attack specialty until it's too late.
I had fun with Emmet's moveset! Not only does he have Reflect to help cover his beloved brother's weaknesses, but in the case they're fighting a singles battle he's got U-Turn to effortlessly switch into his brother's big finisher move. I waffled between Reflect and another move that would reduce special defence (set up even better for Ingo's finishing move), but ultimately decided I liked Emmet shielding his big brother better.
I also want you to know that for his move Attack Order, Emmet literally commands a small battalion of Joltiks who like to hide in his coat. Verrry cute.
Of course, the codependency doesn't stop at their moves! Ingo's ability literally reduces the damage that Emmet takes when they battle together, and Emmet's Volt Absorb ability means that Ingo can always heal up his little brother if the Joltiks don't heal him first.
And now we get to the sad part. During their separation, both of them change, as now they no longer have each other to rely on in battle. Ingo changes out his Brick Break for an Aura Sphere, as when fighting solo (and sometimes multiple opponents) he doesn't have time for a lot of setup and is best on relying on his special attacking rather than trying to play the long game. His ability also changes to Defiant, to reflect his heightened need for fighting and his determination to find what he knows is missing (YES I know technically abilities can't really change but THEY'RE SPECIAL OK and it was sadder this way).
And oh boy, while Emmet can pretend he's fine as much as he wants, his changes truly show how much Ingo's loss devastated him. There's no-one left to switch with, so he trades his U-Turn for a more aggressive Lunge instead. And even worse, his new ability, Anger Point, will boost his attack once he hits half health. Which means that now he will try to get hurt and stay hurt, since now his brother can no longer heal him :(
Sorry for so much rambling, but I got suuuuper into designing these guys! The actual designs are alright, but I still think they need to be more distinctive somehow. Might go back and tweak it a bit later, but I'm happy with it for now. Why are they weird kangaroo things with hooves? Idk, but they look cool and that's what really matters~
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lilianade-comics · 11 months
With your new portal shenanigans Cheesemelt AU, I'm now picturing the "You exist to serve ME!" scene, except it's mid-to-late in the story... and Dani's the one who says it.
By this point Vlad's bonded with Dani and is working to keep her safe instead of hurt her. She's trying to attempt something really dangerous that she's certain will bring her to Danny, Vlad's trying to stop her because he's certain it won't work and could end up with her badly hurt or a ghost herself. And Dani's stressed and desperate, snaps, and spits out the line, shocking and hurting Vlad but, even moreso, shocking and scaring herself. One of those "Oh god, what am I doing" moments.
All this results in her panicking, possibly breaking the binding on Vlad, and booking it, because she's twelve and panicking. Cue Vlad having to accept that he actually does care for her even without being forced to do what she says, track her down, and insist on helping her anyway. Maybe he makes some excuse like, "If you die here you'll definitely become a ghost and then I'll be stuck with you forever," but in that special Vlad way where it's super obvious that he's lying.
Anyway! Just- love the new AU, it gave me Thoughts (obviously), thanks for all the delicious Cheesemelt content you've been making! ^U^
Ahh, thank you for the ask! I love your thought process here. I've had a thematic moment in mind that's quite similar to this! But first, some additional important context for the AU in question:
Vlad is a widely disliked, smarmy, ambitious independent warlord/general vampiric nuisance in the political landscape of the ghost realm. He's been vying for the title of Ghost King for ages, trying to get Pariah Dark and his court out of the picture so he can take the throne. It is the BIGGEST POSSIBLE blow to his enormous ego that he got himself bound to the will of a little girl and is being paraded around like her manservant. So he's trying to trick her into releasing him, trying to be unhelpful, trying to be mean, trying to do ANYTHING to get out of the situation with his reputation intact. He figures out pretty quickly that her brother is none other than a certain infamous pain-in-the-neck ghost boy, and just grits his fangs because at least if he's stuck with Dani, he'll learn where Danny's hideout is and can set fire to it. But at the same time, he's low key getting emotionally attached to Danielle because Vlad has no friends and is desperately lonely and hungry for attention.
Dani has been raised to believe that ghosts are untrustworthy, tricky beings (similar to how the fae are perceived in folklore), and doesn't think twice about proactively magically binding the first ghost who approaches her. She needs Vlad to help her find Danny and lead them both out of the ghost realm, and then he can go back to whatever nefarious activities he likes. He's not allowed to hurt or betray her while under contract, so she's not really worried about him (although, she was really hesitant to discard the blood blossoms she brought along. They guaranteed no ghosts could grab her, but they also made it impossible for Vlad to fly her anywhere her feet couldn't take her, so she had to get rid of them!)
Now Danny himself. He was around three when he fell into the ghost realm through a spirit ring drawn by his parents. It's been ten years since then. The way the ghost realm works here is that if a living person spends too long in it, they WILL become a ghost, i.e. they die prematurely. Crucially, Danielle doesn't know this. So Danny is fully a ghost by this point, doesn't really remember much of his life, and is playing a Peter Pan/Robin Hood role alongside his band of fellow child ghosts Ember, Poindexter, Youngblood, and Cujo. They're regularly causing mayhem for the oppressors of the realm, which prominently includes Pariah Dark and Vlad (Danny isn't a fan of either of them, and Vlad truly isn't sure if he's more annoyed by Pariah or Danny).
So! When this disheveled human girl comes rocking up to his secret hideout and tries desperately to convince him that she's his long lost twin sister here to bring him home, part of him is tempted to at least hear her out, but the other part that's backed up by his crew just knows this reeks of a trap set up by one of his enemies to lure him somewhere. ("seems like something Plasmius would do," says Ember). He ultimately tells a heartbroken Danielle to get lost because he can't take the risk just because he's curious.
Now we arrive at Dani's lowest moment. Her brother is a ghost, he doesn't want anything to do with her, and her entire quest is crumbling around her. She staggers back to wherever Vlad was waiting for her (and he isn't surprised she came back empty handed. He was, after all, already familiar with Danny.) Dani then has a complete breakdown! Because she's a child stuck in a different reality and her brother is dead and Vlad didn't tell her that he already knew. Vlad feels a little guilty, but his ego won't let him admit this, so he argues with her instead. How could this foolish child have possibly thought her insane quest would succeed? The odds were always against her and she never should have even tried something so pointless and dangerous.
Dani throws some iteration of the "I hate you/you exist to serve me" lines at him, shocking herself and REALLY making Vlad feel bad, and then she releases him from the binding and elects to find some way to convince Danny to listen to her on her own. Vlad looks visibly upset but is like "Fine! That's exactly what I wanted in the FIRST PLACE, stupid girl"
Vlad is happy to be free, but his emotional attachment to Danielle won't let him abandon her no matter how much he wants to, because her wellbeing matters to him, bizarrely. So he takes matters into his own hands.
He surprise "attacks" Danielle in front of Danny and co, dangling her by her ankle from high in the air and launches into a natural villain monologue about how well this pathetic girl did leading him directly to Danny Phantom, and how he doesn't need her anymore, and "Oh, Daniel, can you believe that your own sister came to me thinking I would help her find you? Using her was so easy." and then he drops her so Danny can catch her.
A fight ensues, Vlad makes a swift and flashy exit, but not before exchanging a knowing glance with a shocked Dani, who now understands that Vlad just secured her Danny's goodwill in the only way he could; by being a villain.
There's more to this AU, but that's a pretty significant moment in it! Thank you for sending me your thoughts, I love when people interact with my silly AU ideas and come up with cool ideas for them!!! <3
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