#doesn't leave the realm of disney properties
firestorm09890 · 1 month
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can you really say that when Once Upon a Time happened
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pebblyrock · 2 years
Okay... Hear me out ... Do you see the Twisted Book series from Disney with the What-if scenarios for various animated movies ? Well, I know there is already out there a variant for Hercules with Megara having to become the new god in charge of the underworld to be with Hercules and replace Hades while also having to confront her ex's new lover ( the one she was abandonned for ). Which in concept is already interesting. BUT, i have another proposition, an AU proposition ; What if Hercules ended up not going the distance to see Zeus' temple like in the original movie. Let me paint the picture for you : We know at this point, Hades doesn't know Hercules is alive, and as we have seen in the movie, when he didn't know he was still alive he was searching for powerful allies, pawns, monsters he could use when it is time to properly dominate the mortal realm and Earth to counter probable heroes who could ruin his plans. So, with that in mind, we also know that back where Hercules was raised, he wasn't really liked, basically ostracized for his clumsy yet powerful strength which led to multiple destruction of property accidentally, which prompted Hercules to question where is his place, where did he belonged ?
That now begs the question ; what if, based on what he heard of someone with massive strength, capable of incredible destruction abilities and is rather disliked and lonely because of it, what if, before his parents revealed his connection to Zeus or maybe they didn't have the medallion at all and called him Iphicles ( because in the myths, he is the sort-of twin to Hercules but instead of being born of Zeus he was born of Amphytrion, Alcmene's Husband ), Hades ended up accosting Hercules much earlier than in the original movie. Or much better in fact, what if it was Megara, on order of Hades who she just freshly sold her soul to, who ends up appealing to Hercules to meet the Lord of the Underworld, telling him that maybe, HE has some answers about Hercules and why he is the way he is, and possible answers about where he could belong and what he could do. On that note, he would leave his parents, saying that he will go on a journey to find himself and ends up meeting Hades and reveals his massive strength and extreme clumsiness. Along In the story, we could see how both Hercules and Megara react when they learn what her ex is now actually doing which would break Megara's heart to pieces but Hercules would be there to comfort her. On the other side, we could have Hades, glad to have hit the jackpot in terms of powerhouse but grows suspicious of how familiar "Iphicles" seems to him and how he turns a thousand times his gears when he learns that his SHOULD BE MORTAL AND INOFFENSIVE nephew is just right under his nose making love eyes with Megara which could go in different ways like : 1) Still Furious at Pain and Panic for botching the Job 2) Ends up having a new way to gloat towards Zeus by presenting him his son against his own father
And then there's possible reunion after some years under Hades, where Pegasus reunites with Hercules in Hiding and Hercules slowly gaining respect along the monster community and forging a friendly co-worker relationship with Pain and Panic and slowly budding romance with Megara meanwhile Hades is just barfing in a corner from all of their corniness.
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SOOOO... you can add on ! Want to hear about your takes on it !
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