#does this mean ...
hischierschain · 11 months
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paintedkinzy-88 · 9 months
Question: and if it’s spoilers you don’t have to answer- is dragon Leo trans or not trans yet?
You know I never actually considered that?? Gender’s not like. Huge to the story. I honestly could just leave that to individual interpretation.
… but heck, yeah, sure, why not, I really love that headcanon for Rise. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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turtlesandfrogs · 7 months
Ok, it's 3 am* and I'm only awake because I got real thirsty, but-
Look at the characteristics of 'Flow', this mental state that is this cool thing people talk about as being a desired state, and one of the things you want in your life and in your job:
The activity is intrinsically rewarding.
There are clear goals that, while challenging, are still attainable.
There is a complete focus on the activity itself.
People experience feelings of personal control over the situation and the outcome.
People have feelings of serenity and a loss of self-consciousness.
There is immediate feedback.
People know that the task is doable and there is a balance between skill level and the challenge presented.
People experience a lack of awareness of their physical needs.
There is strong concentration and focused attention.
People experience timelessness, or a distorted sense of time, that involves feeling so focused on the present that you lose track of time passing.
Now, consider a definition of hyperfocus, something I regularly experience as an ADHDer:
Hyperfocus is characterized by an intense state of concentration/focus.
When engaged in hyperfocus, unrelated external stimuli do not appear to be consciously perceived; sometimes reported as a diminished perception of the environment. {including for me and a lot of other people, the stimuli of needing to pee, needing to drink, needing, to eat, needing to move....}
To engage in hyperfocus, the task has to be fun or interesting.
During a hyperfocus state, task performance improves.
Do these not resemble each other? A lot??? Like, a lot, a lot? Now granted, I find it a lot easier to hyperfocus than that first list above would suggest, since I do it accidentally.
Like, neurotypical advice for neurotypical people is to find a job that allows you to experience flow, and to actively seek out this experience. And then they turn around and are grumpy at us???? For not hearing them when we're engrossed in a task?
*it was 3 am when I stated, but then the internet went out
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eruisapenguin · 5 months
Can I set the site on fire (pretty please, it won’t hurt anyone i swear) give ppd mc and john hugs and kisses for me xoxo
Somewhere in the facility, a small section got blown up. No one knew how did it happen, after all it is still being investigated. Gas leak was the highest possibility in reason, though someone smelled gasoline nearby. Arson? People speculated.
Well, it's not like you care. It was fortunate for everyone to be evacuated and there had been no deaths, which is unusual in this damned universe.
"Right, John?"
"Oh, nevermind."
Which left you both with the truth intact. You and him were close to the incident. John seemed far too calm when that something hugged him, even you freaked out like hell after it "kissed" you. Gods, take me to dinner first.
Deep in you thinks it resonates the same with you.
"Do you know what that was?" Asked you without facing him, the blanket sat heavy upon your shoulders. You both are in the quieter part of the evacuation center, no one to listen.
John stare daggers into his apple juice, then sighed, "It visits sometimes."
"I see. No attempts in containing it or something?"
"Trying," he looked up. "I might have to make another report again. Christ, I'm exhausted."
"Hah, sucks to be you."
"No, I'm dragging you with me. You saw it."
"Hell no! I have other work to do!"
John rose a brow at you for some reason. "You know, I know we don't talk much until a week ago. But you've changed a lot." Oh, oh fuck.
"Hahah...what do you mean by that?"
"Thought you're this stuck up bitch that thinks they're above everyone. Y'know, honestly most of senior researchers are like that." He takes a quick sip. "Then your demeanor turned 180°, we started talking and I can't help but see you as a complete different person."
"What happened?" John finally looked to meet your eyes. You strayed away.
No answer given for him. You cannot speak. What a liar you are.
He doesn't press, he perhaps had understood, whatever it is your reason. Which you are glad of him.
Liar, huh.
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thatoneweirdo14 · 1 year
if the chibi shorts are canon that means lu guang is aware of our world and is afraid of it
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biggestsalmonfan · 2 years
Edison ‘Does this mean Jesus and I are cousins?’ Tucker my beloved
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i hope you know that to some people (me) youre like. an internet celebrity. i read your posts RELIGIOUSLY in 2021 lmfao 😭🫶
I definitely did not know that haha
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i think it’s about time sponcert
you're scaring me bitch
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qtubbo · 1 year
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schmakin · 2 years
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yall im hyperventilating,   what the fuck is this ?!?!??!
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likedaylighht · 2 years
My heart has fucking stopped the lady I’ve been in touch with about the job I’ve been interviewing for sent me an email saying she “has an update and it would be easier to meet to discuss it” omfg omfg omfg
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
I used to have this webkinz that i used to pour milk on and suck the milk back out of and it was sopping wet all the time [sob] i used to slam it against walls and it would make a loud thud
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 years
Ur literally so iPhone
im an android
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shesniktarch · 2 years
@ marvel how fuckin dare u
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erxsxre-archived · 2 years
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???] sent: *it's not a real dumpling but there is now a squishy bead dumpling stress ball with a smiley face on it sitting on his desk*
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[Flash backs of earlier that evening, someone is about to perish]
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paintedcrows · 24 days
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Did anyone tell Ford (bonus doodles: Family Movie Night, 70s Classics)
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