#does pickle juice help you lose belly fat
clippydiddy · 2 years
The Lean Belly Breakthrough: Lose Your Belly Fat And Get A Flat Stomach In
An overweight body may be the result of two things overeating or your involvement in restricted physical activities. Either manner you get a flat stomach which damages your standard appearance. The fat body can contain you in risky sicknesses like coronar
An overweight body may be the result of two things overeating or your involvement in restricted physical activities. Either manner you get a flat stomach which damages your standard appearance. The fat body can contain you in risky sicknesses like coronary heart attack, heart stroke, excessive blood strain, and many others which shorten your lifestyles span. So, it is necessary to dispose of…
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katedangworld-blog · 5 years
As a woman, I always want to keep my body in good shape. Unfortunately, these days I was so busy with studying and working so my dining times were unstable and dinners often had lately at night (9:00 -10:00pm). As a result, I gained weight slightly, especially my belly had accumulated rather thick fat. Therefore, I decided to try Atkins Diet aim to control my weight within 7 days. The Atkins Diet is a well-known low-carbohydrate eating plan was designed by the cardiologist Robert C. Atkins in the years 1960s. This diet limits carbohydrate and encourage protein and fat.
A standard Atkins includes four phases of diet:
·        Phase 1 (induction): daily carbohydrate consumption limited under 20g within 2 weeks. High-fat, high protein and low-carb vegetable should be eaten in meals.
·        Phase 2 (balancing): gradually supplement nuts, low-carb vegetable and some fruits in meals.
·        Phase 3 (fine-tuning): once dieters are close to their desired weight, more carb can be add into meals to slow down weight loss.
·        Phase 4 (maintenance): at this period, eaters can enjoy more beneficial carbohydrates with toleration of body without weight regaining.
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Nevertheless, it is impossible for me to follow these complex procedures, therefore I have obeyed basic requirements of this diet: Foods to avoid vs. Foods to eat as well as some of acceptable beverages as below guideline:
 *Food to avoid:
1.      Sugar: Soft drinks, fruit juices, cakes, candy, ice cream, etc.
2.      Grains: Wheat, spelt, rye, barley, rice.
3.      Vegetable oils: Soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil and a few others.
4.      Trans fats: Usually found in processed foods with the word "hydrogenated" on the ingredients list.
5.      "Diet" and "low-fat" foods: These are usually very high in sugar.
6.      High-carb vegetables: Carrots, turnips, etc (induction only).
7.      High-carb fruits: Bananas, apples, oranges, pears, grapes (induction only).
8.      Starches: Potatoes, sweet potatoes (induction only).
9.      Legumes: Lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. (induction only).
*Food to eat:
1.      Meats: Beef, pork, lamb, chicken, bacon and others.
Fatty     fish and seafood: Salmon, trout, sardines, etc.
Eggs: The     healthiest eggs are omega-3 enriched or pastured.
Low-carb     vegetables: Kale,     spinach, broccoli, asparagus and others.
Full-fat     dairy: Butter, cheese, cream, full-fat yogurt.
Nuts     and seeds: Almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts,     sunflower seeds, etc.
Healthy     fats: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and     avocado oil.
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1.      Water: As always, water should be your go-to beverage.
Coffee: Many     studies show that coffee is high     in antioxidants and quite healthy.
Green     tea: A very healthy beverage.
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(Healthline, Kris Gunnars, 2018)
 As the guideline, primarily grains (like wheat, rice) and high-sugar content vegetables/ fruits are prohibited in Atkins meals. This is definitely a huge challenge to me because rice is consumed every day in Asian cuisine, I must say it is vital ingredient account 60% in our meals portion as it provides half of energy source for one shot of dining. If we do not have rice, bread can be replaced sometimes but here bread is not allowed, too. To tackle this problem, I increase the amount of protein (fish, meat), fiber (vegetable, low-sugar content fruit) and drink more than 2L of water every day to fill up my stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger.
My typical daily menu in general:
-        Breakfast: A glass of milk, nuts.
-        Lunch: I eat much more than breakfast. One main course of meat and some vegetable added
-        Dinner: Same dish as lunch but smaller portion, some fruits are added. I have less demand for dinner because at night from 7:00pm, the body will slow down its metabolic process and surplus energy will be accumulated as fat layers.
 My menu during a week as following:
 *Friday 21 Jun:
Main courses: Lyonnaise Salad + Pan Broiled Garlic - Sweet Fish Sauce Chicken Wing.
Dessert: Peach, almond, walnut
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
In first day, I still use some slices of bread to substitute rice aim to let my body get along slowly well with this diet and milk is drunk to supplement nutrients and make me full.
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*Saturday 22 Jun:
Main courses: Grilled Toro Beef + House Dressing Salad + Miso soup
Dessert: grapefruit, apricot, sunflower seeds
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
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*Sunday 23 Jun:
Main courses: Sauce marinated pork jowl + Avocado Salad + Miso soup
Dessert: strawberry, apricot, pitascho
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
At weekend Sat-Sun, I treated myself by Japanese BBQ styles dishes. Grilled Toro beef and pork jowl are often combined to rice but I remove it out of meal and add a bowl of salad. Along with them are miso soup including tofu (plant-based protein) and seaweed (minerals and vitamins, fiber – supporting loosing weight by postponing hunger)
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*Monday 24 Jun:
Main courses: Chick Breast Rice Soup
Dessert: strawberry, mandarin, sunflower seeds
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
Dilute rice soup can calm down my body’s desire of rice. The chicken breast is less fat than other parts so used to add rice soup.
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*Tuesday 25 Jun:
Main courses: Chicken Salad
Dessert: strawberry, almond, walnut
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
I stayed home so energy is not required too much, I enjoyed my favorite chicken salad. You can see some brown saute’ shallot on top of salad, which aim to replace roasted peanut. Oil from shallot can balance the sour of salad as well as make body feel full longer.
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*Wednesday 26 Jun:
Main courses: BBQ Pork Rib
Dessert: strawberry, peach, mandarin
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
At this time, my body survived better without rice, a piece BBQ sauce pork rib could satisfy my hunger. Then I refreshed with some cool fruits.
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*Thursday 27 Jun:
Main courses: Poached eggs, Grilled garlic butter sauce salmon & blanched bok choy
Dessert: apricot, peach, mandarin, pistachio
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
The last day of diet, my body has less demand of energy which most generated from carbohydrate and it does not desire for rice like first days. So brunch was simply poached egg & blanched bok choy. Then I grilled salmon with garlic butter sauce cover on top, really tasty and yummy! Salmon is rich of nutrients and omega 3 which are useful for female’s skin.  
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I admits that I was crazily hungry as the amount of bread and rice got in the stomach too little, it seemed to shout every second that “Rice, please!” and I was almost exhausted when I worked at my restaurant, I ought to drink water constantly to overflow my stomach. If I could drink coke, my hunger would be satisfied (when the restaurant so busy and I have no time for break) but in this diet, soft drinks are not permitted. 
One week probably is not enough to conclude this diet is suitable to me or not but generally I think this diet solution is good and healthy. It is not too strict about volume of foods and nutrients input therefore dieters might reduce weight gradually with less health troublesome. Lastly, I just lose weight slightly of 600g and my belly seems to be unchanged (I wish I could know why). Anyway, not bad for one week!
Among my dishes in my weekly menu, I would like to recommend you try to make Chicken Salad. It is easy to prepare and can be stored in fridge 3 days. The recipe as below:
 - Chicken breasts: 2 pcs
- Cabbage: ½ pc
- Pickled carrot and daikon: 1 cup
- Garlic: 3 cloves
- Lime juice: 1 tbs
- Vietnamese coriander: ½ bunch
- Carrot: 1 pc
- Thai chilies: 2 pcs
- Shallot: 1 pc (saute’ until brown)
- Green mango: ½ pc
- Sugar: 2 tbs
- Fish sauce: 2 tbs
- Warm water: ½ cup
Step 1: boiled or steamed chicken breasts until tender.
Step 2: Slice cabbage, carrot and mango in stripes (1cm of width), collect coriander leaves and wash all vegetable. Strain them and put 2 pinches of salt to dehydrate water/moisture from vegetables and make them be crunchy
Step 3: chop and mince chilies and garlic -> put in a small bowl to make sweet fish sauce. Add sugar and pound hardly to mix well with chilies and garlic -> lime juice -> warm water -> fish sauce -> stir well.
Step 4: tear chicken meat in lardon -> mix with strained vegetable + pickle + sweet fish sauce + chopped coriander + saute’ shallot -> mix well and enjoy!
In my hometown, my sister often put roasted peanut into the salad instead of shallot. Peanut’s nutty taste helps to balance the sour of salad and encourage aroma and palate. Regretfully, when I arrived Canada, I had slight allergic symptom when I ate peanut while this had not happened in Vietnam. Therefore, I got rid peanut of my dish and change to shallot without changing the characteristic of the salad.
The Atkins diet is popular thanks to its weight-lost effectiveness and health benefits such as prevent or limit dangerous health conditions like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, improve heart health. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides, some experts concerns Atkins has some negative impacts to eater’s body like headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, constipation. Low card input result in nutritional shortage or inadequate fiber – cause constipation, diarrhea and nausea.
Eating and tasting foods are the happiness of a cook or chef, therefore I would not follow any Diet solution. Just try to balance daily foods intake to body not exceed my body needs also do daily simple exercise like walking and stepping stairs (TTC subway is a good choice as we use it every day).
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In point of view of a service provider – a potential cook, of course, I will study more about various Diet solutions and give advice to my customers. Also, adjust the formula to match well with their digestive demands is necessary.
 References of data & sources:
Mayo Clinic. (nil). Atkins Diet: What’s behind the claims?. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/atkins-diet/art-20048485
Healthline. (2018). The Atkins Diet: Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/atkins-diet-101
Healthline. (2018). 7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Seaweed. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-seaweed
Right Shape. (nil). Atkins Diet. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.rightshape.com/atkins-diet/
Smile Delivery Online. (nil). 4 Foods that you should not eat while losing weight. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from http://smiledeliveryonline.com/food/4-foods-that-you-should-not-eat-while-losing-weight/
Health Fitness Revolution. (nil). 10 Good Reasons to Drink Green Tea.  Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/10-good-reasons-to-drink-green-tea/
Manor Surgery. (nil). Healthy Lifestyle.  Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.manorsurgery.co.uk/healthy-lifestyle
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/health/weight-loss-3-low-calorie-vegetables-you-must-have-while-winter-lasts/
Weight Loss: 3 Low Calorie Vegetables You Must Have While Winter Lasts
Carrots are high on weight loss-friendly fibres
Spinach is a low-carb veggie you must add to your diet
Radish is a popular winter vegetable in India
The nip in the air is making us tend towards our greasy cravings. And guess what? Indulging once in a while is fine too. The problem begins when you forget where to draw the line. Moreover, one should also understand the importance of wise choices. The season comes loaded with many low-calorie, low-carbohydrate foods that could go a long way in assisting your weight loss plans. Some of these foods are so low in calories, that you burn more calories while digesting these foods, as compared to the inherent calorie count of the food. In other words, the calorie load is nullified in the process of digestion, which is why these foods are also called negative calorie foods. While scientists are divided on the theory of negative calorie foods and its ability to nullify calorie addition, what cannot be denied is the fact, that most of these foods are indeed super healthy and loaded with nutrients.
Here are some winter special negative calorie foods you must have while the season lasts.  
1. Carrots
Juicy and ever-so delightful, carrots make for an excellent weight-loss friendly food. Packed with ample amount of dietary fibres, carrots help keep you satiated for long. If you are feeling full, you would naturally binge less. You can include carrots in hot soups, stews, or smoothies. Juicing carrots is also a nice idea, but that may cost you a lot of nutritious fibres.
(Also Read: Weight Loss: Low-Carbohydrate Winter Recipes That May Help Burn Belly Fat)
Weight loss: Juicy and ever-so delightful, carrots make for an excellent weight-loss friendly food
2. Spinach
The leafy greens are brimming with vital antioxidants and minerals. Spinach is enriched with vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, potassium and folate. It is low on carbohydrates and high on protein, which makes it an ideal veggie for weight loss. It is also tremendously low in calories; a 30 gram serving of spinach has only 7 calories. Spinach is a highly versatile veggie, you can blend them in smoothies, have them in soups, salads or stir-fry. Many nutritionists say that it is best to consume cooked spinach as it increases the bio-availability of nutrients.
Weight loss: Spinach is rich in calcium, zinc and iron  
3. Radishes
Radish or mooli is a popular winter vegetable in India. The crunchy veggie with a strong flavour, is used to make pickles, parathas and salads. Radishes are useful in soothing coughs, cold and also fight hypertension. It is packed with potassium, magnesium and B vitamins too. Radishes contain only 16 calories per 100 grams.
(Also Read: Weight Loss: These 3 Protein-Rich Evening Snacks May Help Your Lose Weight)
Weight loss: Radishes contain only 16 calories per 100 grams
Include these foods in your daily diet and see the effect yourself.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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megaisabellel · 7 years
Nutrition experts share with the charming abdominal muscles 11 should do with the things to do
Summer is the season that girl want to have fit body. I read a article about what we should do and I found it is quite useful and intersting, want to share to you all. 1 in order to make the abdomen look flat, thanks to the calories?  If you have "eat the same calorie food, the degree of obesity will be the same" idea, it is wrong. Those who advertised sugar-free or zero-calorie foods, if the use of artificial sweeteners, will make sense of satiety hormones to stop the secretion, but the more the more eat the results. If you want to completely cut off the carbohydrate diet, so that the abdomen was thin, it is recommended only about three days before the important days. In order to avoid a temporary swelling, the results make the muscles look more obvious, that is not good.
2 can not quit chocolate?  Tell the person who stopped the chocolate because of losing weight is good news! Eat chocolate actually does not matter! But not the kind of chocolate that is full of sugar inside Oh! But the cocoa content of more than 70% of the dark chocolate Caixing. Dark chocolate will not let the rapid increase in blood sugar, but also because of polyphenol (polyphenol) and food fiber, so the antioxidant is also very effective!
3 fermented food is the belly of the belly?  In order to regulate the balance of intestinal bacteria, and promote a good digestion, let us take lactic acid bacteria and salt yeast bar! Rich lactic acid bacteria are miso, Korean kimchi, pickles and so on. Especially miso, is the best of fermented food, there is a function to reduce visceral fat, so much attention. But to remind you that boiled miso soup when boiled to boiling, lactic acid bacteria will die, it is recommended to boil to 60 percent to 70 can be, that is, temperature like.
4 intake of a lot of water when eating, so that the abdomen has a sense of satiety?  Although many people think that more water intake, but can not be generalized. It is important to have time to drink water. When drinking water, it will make the digestion of saliva in the fades, digestion will be weakened, it is recommended that about 30 minutes before meals drink water. In this way, the water will make the abdomen feel inflated, will not eat too much, the relative is also to help to digest the. 5 chemical seasoning is the cause of edema?  Chemical seasonings can cause the body to increase the "sodium", become easy to water, it will become easy to edema of the constitution. Salt is the same, do not eat salt to eat refined salt, and to choose rock salt or sea salt. Because these natural salt, which contains "potassium", can be discharged from the body too much water, so that the body will not swell. The best way is to try to eat as much as possible, as well as added food additives.
6 often sitting at the table while working while eating? The ╳ Busy women, there should be a lot of people are facing the computer, while working while eating it! But in fact it is typical of the most fat way to eat. Under the pressure of the meal, will make muscle contraction, blood circulation is low. In this way, the digestive function will gradually become blunt, obviously to intake of nutrients, but become unable to absorb. Recommended even if the time and then less, but also take a deep breath while relaxing mood to eat, so that will not become fat.
7 high quality oil can reduce fat? The ○ Want to reduce visceral fat, it is necessary to take high quality oil, unsaturated fatty acids. The so-called unsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 fatty acids, Omega-9 fatty acids. And olive oil, ephedra sesame oil, linseed oil, herring, are rich in these ingredients. According to the study, people who eat omega-9 avocado, compared with those who did not eat, had less visceral fat. So to say, want to avoid fat upper body, it is necessary to take high quality oil.
8 than to eat fruit, drink easy to digest the juice is better? The △ It is a pity to squeeze the fruit juice with a juice machine, because it is not only completely unable to ingest food fiber, but also the rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Suggestions or directly eat fruit is better, because there are fruits inside the bacteria can become intestinal fiber, as well as vitamin C, antioxidant ingredients. Juice machine with fruit juice machine is really easy to digest, but it is recommended to drink some olive oil, so as to inhibit the rise in blood sugar.
9 sweet potatoes are sugar, so it is the enemy to build abdominal muscles? 
Sweet potatoes can be rich in antioxidant carotene, plus a lot of food fiber, there are natural sweet, so it will make people feel satisfied with the food. Want to build a beautiful abdominal muscles, not completely cut off carbohydrates, but to control the toast, or add the sugar dessert ... ... these will make the rapid rise in blood sugar food, but also refused to let the stomach flatulence of bran Quality (protein in wheat). Because it is helpful to reduce visceral fat.
10 want to take protein, eat a lot of meat?  If you feel that eating meat is eating protein, it should be noted! Because it is likely to even eat more fat with the belly. The same is the protein, compared to meat, fish better, because the fish will not hoard visceral fat. In addition, eat soybeans, soybeans and other beans, and quinoa, eggs, fish, can promote metabolism. And even a research report shows that a large number of people who intake of protein, compared to a large number of people without intake, abdominal body fat less 25% to 30%!
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