#rosemary water to lose belly fat
Start Losing Weight Today With These Tips
Are you trying to lose okinawa flat belly tonic reviews weight but unclear about how to get started? There's no need to stress out about it. This article will explain the basics of weight loss, give you with the tools needed to devise a plan that's right for you and provide useful tips to help you stay motivated, as you work towards your goal.
When trying to lose weight be sure to get enough sleep. This will not only motivate you to exercise, but you also release hormones during sleep that assist with keeping a healthy weight level. When your overall mood is improved with a full night of sleep, you will make positive choices for eating and exercising.
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Just about everyone loves eating french fries. Unfortunately, they have wrecked many well-intentioned dieters. However, you can have your french fries and still not sabotage your diet by baking instead of frying. Slice your potatoes about a half inch and mix them with oil, put some peooper and salt on them, try a little rosemary and bake them at 400. Use a spatula to loosen any caked-on fries, turn them over, then bake them for another half hour. Dipped in catsup, they are quite tasty and contain far fewer fat calories. You won't even miss the deep fried effect. You can thank Laurel's Kitchen cook book for these yummy treats.
Do you think you are eating healthy but the weight is still not coming off? Sugar may be the problem! Look for hidden sugar in your diet. Items that you would never think of as "sweet" foods, like spaghetti sauce and canned soups, often have loads of hidden sugar in them. Be sure to check the labels before you buy!
When on a weight loss plan, plate your food in the kitchen before sitting down to eat instead of serving food "family style" at the table. You are more likely to plate smaller portions and wait before adding food to your plate. By waiting you allow time to feel full.
Weight loss is sped by movement. Take every opportunity you can to move. Studies have shown people who fidget are less likely to be overweight than people who don't. When you are stuck in a waiting room or a desk, shake your legs and move your arms around. This keeps your metabolism running.
Before giving into your cravings, have a drink of water. The body can't tell whether you are hungry or whether you are just in need of a drink; so before assuming that you are starving, try a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes. This can save your waistline and your pocketbook as well.
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veecubed · 6 years
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Warning, this is going to be a long post. It’s going to be about a struggle I’ve always encountered with my body and my weight. So, now you know what it’s about, you can make a decision as to whether you want to spend time reading it.
I’m 6 months pregnant. I’m sharing a picture of me with a 24-week pregnancy belly. My husband has been receiving pictures like this for about a month, but I have been asked about my belly by others for quite some time and I just say it’s bigger than I’d like it to be at this point. I’m finally posting because I’m giving in to the pressure of so many requests. But it doesn’t come without real hesitation because I’ve had issues with my body and its shape and size for as long as I can remember.
Maybe it’s because I’ve heard comments about my size and shape from my family since I was a child. There was always talk about how skinny I was as a young kid (think elementary school years). Back then I had a great-aunt who I still remember to this day making a comment about “the hole” there was in the middle of my chest. I also became self-conscious of how my rib cage would stick out, which I just found out is called flared rib cage (I still call them my spares-as in my spare boobs), or how my hip bones would stick out, which I called my “guns” as in the guns you’d find on a holster. Then all my family could talk about was how much weight I had gained around the time I went into middle school (my timing may be off), which wasn’t much, but because I was so thin previously, I guess it was something you noticed. And so this type of roller coaster with my body shape and size went on and on as I grew up. Not to mention all the messages I received from society and the media about beauty standards and how I WAS NOT IT. My family would ask you why I  didn’t eat all my food but then also talk about how much weight I gained.
This still happens, by the way. For example, I need to make sure I eat, because I’m creating a baby, BUT DAMN my belly is HUGE! Seriously, these are real comments made by the people who love me unconditionally.
My husband is the only person (well honestly none of the men I’ve ever been in a relationship with have ever made me feel bad about my body, not one. Not one.) who has never sent me a message directly that my body was not OK or acceptable. I say directly, because, let’s face it, he’s a product of the same society that I grew up in. He and I saw the same music videos with the thin women, with big boobs as the sex symbols that all the guys want. I’ve seen his Facebook and Instagram feed, I see the kind of women that are featured, there isn’t a ton of body variety. He’s told he has to be muscular to be the definition of male beauty, so he gets his share of distorted messages. And like I told him the other day “as if your life would be so much harder, if my body was more toned or less fat”. Like, who are we kidding? We grew up in the same world. We got very similar messages about what attractive men and women are supposed to look like. Now, that doesn’t mean we are all looking for this in others, but let’s be honest, the leading men and ladies in most of our TV shows and movies and voted sexiest don’t EVEN remotely resemble someone like me and my body type.
Then I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. One of the results of which is weight gain due to a slow metabolism because my thyroid doesn’t work properly and as such cannot regulate my metabolism the way it should. Also, low energy and lots of fatigue which really hinders the whole “eat healthy and exercise more” mindset, since you are always too tired to cook for yourself or to go work out. But whatever, that’s a whole other post about having a thyroid condition.
I’m not sure anyone truly understands the constant struggle I face when it comes to my weight and body image. Well, actually, I know others can relate. What I mean is that I don’t really talk about it to others so they probably have no clue how I feel.  My husband comes close. He’s seen me at my absolute worst with this. He’s seen me cry and lose my shit because I was so tired of the weight gain, the mixed messages about my body and what I eat, the lack of education I truly have regarding nutrition at all and feeling like I have no control and have to choose between being happy and being thin which is so fucking complicated I can’t even begin to describe.  But here’s a try. In January 2017, I decided to give weight loss ANOTHER try. I started working with someone who would describe himself as a nutritional coach. Really he was telling me what I needed to eat in order to lose weight and because of my thyroid, I lost weight MUCH slower than many who don’t have this challenge. For example, most people lost twice the amount of weight in the same time as I did. I also had to eat A LOT less than most people on his program. I know this because he shared this with me. So It’s not my imagination or assumption. But, I stuck to it, for about a year. And I lost 30-40 pounds. My lowest weight was 117 pounds right before my wedding. This program required that I weigh myself every day, eat 5 meals a day, 2.5 servings of protein spread out over the day, 2 servings of starches (or carbs) only in the morning, 2 servings of dairy also just in the mornings, 3 servings each of fruit and veggies, 2 servings of fat, low sugar, low sodium, and as much water as possible (on most days I had about 90-100 ounces).  Oh and I had to send him a picture of what I ate every time I was about to eat which was every 2.5-3 hours. I made all my own foods every day. It became everything I thought about all the time.  But I lost the weight. It’s a lifestyle change, not a diet. These are healthy habits, not a diet. But the problem is, I was miserable all the time. I was obsessed with not gaining weight. I was SCARED to gain the weight back because I knew I was going to get bored. See, I was eating so little, and I had such a limited menu because of my lack of exposure to food that I got sick of the same shit, every day. Cut to the honeymoon and I weigh 125 pounds upon my return. Because I tried to enjoy myself, I gained almost 10 pounds in 10 days. I was never able to get back to 120 or less. And at one point, I was told “Rosemary is not 128 pounds, that’s not the new Rosemary”.  That kind of hit me. But, what if I am…why would that be so bad?
Let’s get back to this baby belly picture, one of the struggles I experienced was not knowing when I was “showing” because when I found out I was pregnant, I was weighing 135 pounds, which for a 5 foot tall individual, that’s being overweight, and well, that’s I guess accurate, because my stomach wasn’t flat and so I already had a few layers of fat on my belly before a baby belly would start showing. So here we go, the first thing I have to think about with my changing body---I won’t really know when I’m showing because I’m already flabby to begin with. Next, look up recommendations for weight gain. Well because I started out overweight, the recommendation is basically 15 pounds. FIFTEEN POUNDS?!? For the whole pregnancy?!? 10 MONTHS?!? The other recommendation is 25 pounds for someone who doesn’t start out overweight. Listen, I’m already stressed out at being 135, now I have to try and remain no heavier than 150pounds, and if I want to give myself a break then no heavier than 160 pounds! Cue the waterworks, the anxiety, the self-hatred, the panic, the fear. What do I do if I can’t control it? What do I do? What if my eating habits hurt my developing baby? UGH! And to make things worse, let’s add the holidays into the mix. I stop weighing myself because honestly, I just can’t stand to see the numbers anymore. Every time the weight goes up, I think, “Is it the pregnancy or is it that I’m just getting fatter”. I keep researching experiences by other women and I see how some complain about losing weight when they got pregnant or how others gained 60-70 pounds. Honestly, the thought of gaining 60-70 pounds makes me want to disappear. I can’t even. I don’t know what I’d do with myself. The thought makes me cry right now as I type it.
Let’s take a step back, about 6 months ago, I started to look for other ways to relate to food and my body. You know there is this whole movement about mindful and intuitive eating. In short, anything mindful and intuitive is attractive to me. Here’s what I’ve gathered so far about this movement: If we can get back in touch with ourselves and our natural hunger cues, we can determine what we need and when we need it. If I’m hungry, I should eat, but I should be tracking when I get full so that I don’t overeat. When I’m full, I stop until I’m hungry again and then I eat again. All the while making the best choices I can make and honoring what my body is needing. The idea is that your body will let you know, but the challenge is that because of the many years of terrible learning about food, we will have trouble figuring out what our body is really needing and how to nourish it correctly. Now, this is what I’ve gathered, I’m not an expert in this area. I do have a friend who might read this and is an expert and can give you more info if you’d like it. I don’t want to mis-represent anything. Anyway, I reach out to this friend at one point, and when she told me that she doesn’t focus on weight gain or weight loss, I retreated. I wanted to lose weight. And the idea that if I listened to my body and eat what’s right for it, then my weight would shift according to where it’s supposed to be, this is called set point theory, terrified me. Set point is the weight range in which your body is programmed to function optimally. Set point theory holds that one’s body will fight to maintain that weight range. Oh my god what if my set point is 150 pounds?! I can’t even fathom that. That’s not who I want to be. That’s where my thoughts automatically go. So I backed away from the idea of mindful and intuitive eating. Let’s complicate this further by mentioning that I grew up with a mom who was and is overweight, I guess for her weight it’s considered obesity. I can’t imagine what my being afraid to gain so much weight, must say to her. Although, she is one of the people who talks about my weight, too. Nobody is safe, I guess.
Honestly the first person to ever even mention something close to this was my husband, back when I was doing AIP and losing my mind. He said “but what if this is the weight you’re supposed to be” and that shit just bothered me to my core. The idea that I had to accept that who I was, was someone who was always going to be over 120 pounds even though, for my height, I should be between 100-120 pounds.
Flash forward again, over the course of the last 6 months, I’ve gone back and forth between I have to lose weight, I can’t gain too much weight, I’m ok at whatever weight I am, I’ll be OK no matter what, my weight doesn’t define me, I just can’t gain so much weight, and so on and so forth. I can honestly say that EVERY day my thoughts go through a variety of those ideas.
Thanks to the stupid idea of the new year and how we all want to lose weight, I’ve had 3 websites open over the last week which are about meal plans. I’ve decided to try another approach. What if I learned to eat nutritional options (expanded my experience with foods) so that I can make better decisions when I do get hungry? This is a real challenge when you grow up considering potato, lettuce and tomato to be the only options for vegetables. When every meal includes tons of rice or other starchy options such as bread and over the years those items have become known as a problem. So, I’ve decided to curate my Instagram: No accounts that focus on weight loss. No accounts that only show thin women as the standard (let me be clear, I said ONLY, because thin women are not a problem at all!). More body positive accounts. As a side note, I’ve noticed a real lack of diversity in accounts that focus on nutritional eating vs. weight loss as well. Where are my people of color?!? Again, a post for another day.
I’ve decided that I owe myself and the alien growing inside me the opportunity to eat more nutritionally, expand my variety, and TRY not to worry about what my weight and my body actually look like. Instead, I want to feed it the things it needs to work optimally. And not punish myself when I stray from that. That I want to finally accept myself no matter how I look. But, when you’re someone who is thin and that’s your set point, it’s a completely different reality from being someone who takes up more space in a world that punishes and judges taking up more space. It’s a different experience to love yourself when you fall into the weight range the doctors say you’re supposed to fall into and not just an idea of what you want to look like. I’m not saying it’s easier when you’re thin, I’m saying I just want it to be easier period. For any size.
The thing is, after 3 pages of writing, I want you to realize that, when I share a picture like this one, it’s not something that happens thoughtlessly. It’s something that I battle with (and probably others do as well) and that requires all of this thinking and feeling! Sometimes it’s just easier not to post it. You know? But, that’s not in line with my new body positive value that I’m working on developing.
Also, please don’t think that I need any feedback at all from any of you! I’m not looking for compliments. This isn’t a pity party. I don’t need anyone to make me feel better. I can do that on my own. Just ask my husband who is constantly TRYING to make me feel better and knows I do a better job than anyone at that task, although I love him so much for trying anyway. If you want to comment, go ahead, but don’t do it because you think that’s what this post is about. This post is more about challenging myself, being vulnerable, and sharing my experience, because you never know who can relate or who might need it.
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madlinaart · 5 years
The 7-Day Fat-Fighting Menu
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7 Days of Fat-Melting Meals
Meet your new nutrition secret weapons: nuts, eggs, salmon, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, avocado, spinach, berries, whole grains, and dark chocolate. Each of these foods works in a different way to zap fat and make you sleeker, says Neva Cochran, RD, a nutrition consultant based in Dallas. The high protein content of nuts and eggs helps curb hunger and boost your calorie burn, meaning you'll eat less (and lose weight). "The calcium in dairy products trims your waist by increasing the activity of enzymes that break down fat cells. It also reduces levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes your body to hang on to belly flab," Cochran explains. Whole grains, leafy greens, and berries are loaded with filling fiber, which has been proven to reduce your calorie intake. The mono- and polyunsaturated fats in peanut butter, avocados, olive oil, and salmon prevent abdominal fat from accumulating in the first place, research shows. And dark chocolate? "Indulging in a little bit every day keeps cravings under control, which helps you stick to a healthy diet," Cochran says. Get the ab-flattening benefits of these foods starting today.
Try the recipes on the following pages, aiming for a total of 1,500 calories a day. Mix, match, and slim down!
7 Breakfast RecipesChocolate and Peanut Butter Smoothie
In a blender, combine 3/4 cup frozen berries, 1/4 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup low-fat chocolate soy milk, and 2 tablespoons reduced-fat all-natural peanut butter. 355 calories
Egg-White Muffin Melt
Scramble 3 egg whites. Cover half of a whole-grain English muffin with 1/2 cup spinach and the other half with 1 slice reduced-fat cheddar cheese; toast until cheese is melted. Add egg and 1 slice tomato. 270 calories
Berry Parfait
Top 1/2 cup low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup low-fat granola, 1 teaspoon slivered almonds, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1/2 cup berries. 303 calories
Cinnamon-Apple Oats
Prepare 1 packet plain, instant oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon brown sugar. Top oatmeal with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. 255 calories
Mexican Egg Scramble
Scramble 3 egg whites with 1/4 cup canned black beans (rinsed and drained) and 1-ounce reduced-fat cheddar cheese. Top with 2 tablespoons salsa, or to taste. 191 calories
Peanut Butter Bagel
Toast a whole-grain bagel and spread with 1 tablespoon reduced-fat all-natural peanut butter. Cover with slices from 1 apple. 335 calories
Berry Waffles
Top 2 whole-grain waffles with 1/4 cup low-fat plain yogurt, 1/2 cup mixed berries, and 2 teaspoons maple syrup. 246 calories
7 Lunch RecipesTurkey-Avocado Melt
Place 2 to 3 slices roasted turkey, 2 slices avocado, and 1 slice low-fat pepper jack cheese between 2 slices whole-grain bread. Grill in skillet. 303 calories
Penne with Feta and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Toss 1/2 cup cooked whole wheat pasta with 1 cup sauteed spinach and 2 tablespoons each pine nuts and low-fat feta. Sprinkle with capers and chopped sun-dried tomatoes. 378 calories
Guacamole Burger
Cook a veggie burger according to package directions. Mash half an avocado with 1/2 cup salsa. Top burger with avocado mixture; serve on a whole-grain bun. 396 calories
Udon-Tofu Soup
Combine 1/2 cup cooked udon with 1 cup spinach and 1 1/2 cups hot vegetable broth. Add 1/2 cup cubed tofu, 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms, and 1 teaspoon soy sauce. 226 calories
Spinach Flatbread Pizza
Spread 1/3 cup tomato sauce on 1 naan. Top with 2 cups spinach, 1/4 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese, and 1 tablespoon slivered almonds. Bake at 350 degrees F. until melted. 366 calories
Zesty Black Beans
Cook 1/2 cup each black beans, chopped bell pepper, and chopped onion and 1 chopped jalapeno in a pan with 2 teaspoons olive oil for 5 minutes. Place over cooked brown rice; top with 1/4 avocado, sliced. 305 calories
Chopped Chicken Salad
Place 3 ounces chopped chicken, 2 tablespoons crumbled low-fat blue cheese, 1/2 cup chopped cucumber, and 1 tablespoon each chopped pecans and dried cranberries on 2 cups lettuce. Toss with 2 tablespoons vinaigrette. 356 calories
7 Dinner RecipesMaple Salmon with Greens, Edamame, and Walnuts
Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon finely chopped shallot 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons snipped fresh rosemary 4 5-ounce fresh or frozen skinless salmon fillets, about 1 inch thick 1 6-ounce package fresh baby spinach 1/2 cup cooked shelled edamame 1/2 cup red bell pepper strips 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
Directions 1. In a small saucepan, combine maple syrup, vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, shallot, salt, and pepper. For the dressing, in a small bowl, stir together 2 tablespoons of the maple syrup mixture and the olive oil; set aside. 2. For the glaze, heat the remaining maple syrup mixture to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, about 5 minutes, or until syrupy. Remove from heat; stir in rosemary. 3. Preheat broiler. Place fish on the greased, unheated rack of a broiler pan and brush with half the glaze. Broil 6 to 7 inches from heat for 5 minutes. Turn fish over; brush with remaining glaze. Broil for 3 to 5 minutes more, or until fish begins to flake when tested with a fork. 4. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine spinach, edamame, pepper strips, and nuts. Drizzle spinach mixture with dressing; toss to coat. Spoon salad onto plates; top with fish.
Nutrition facts per serving: 460 calories, 33g protein, 18g carbohydrate, 28 g fat (5g saturated), 3g fiber
Baked Veggie Omelet
Makes: 6 servings
Ingredients Nonstick cooking spray 2 tablespoons butter 3 cups bite-size bell pepper strips, sliced mushrooms, and thinly sliced zucchini 1/3 cup chopped onion (1 small) 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons tomato sauce 10 egg whites 5 eggs 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Tomato sauce warmed (optional)
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coat a 15-x-10-x-1-inch baking pan with cooking spray; set aside. 2. In a large skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add vegetables, onion, and dried basil. Cook and stir 5 to 8 minutes. Add pepper and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt. Remove from heat; stir in tomato sauce; keep warm. 3. In a medium bowl beat egg whites, eggs, water, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt with a whisk until combined but not frothy. Pour eggs into the baking pan. Bake, uncovered, 7 minutes, or until eggs have just set. 4. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine cheeses; set aside. 5. Cut the baked eggs into six 5-inch squares. Using a spatula, lift each square from the pan and invert onto a plate. Divide warm vegetable mixture among omelets; top with cheese. Fold omelets diagonally in half, forming triangles. If desired, drizzle with additional tomato sauce.
Nutrition facts per serving: 170 calories, 14g protein, 7g carbohydrate, 10g fat (4g saturated), 2g fiber
Strawberry Chicken Salad with Warm Citrus Dressing
Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients 4 medium skinless, boneless chicken-breast halves (about 1 pound) 1 14-1/2-ounce can chicken broth 2 1/2 cups strawberries 1/3 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons salad oil 2 teaspoons finely shredded lemon peel 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 6 cups torn spinach, watercress and/or other greens 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
Directions 1. Sprinkle the chicken-breast halves lightly with salt and pepper. Pour chicken broth into a large saucepan; add chicken. Bring broth to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or until chicken is tender and no longer pink. Remove chicken from broth with a slotted spoon and cool slightly. 2. Meanwhile, in a blender or food processor, combine 1/2 cup of the strawberries, the orange juice, salad oil, lemon peel, lemon juice, sugar, chili powder, salt, and black pepper. Cover; blend or process until smooth. Transfer to a small saucepan. Bring just to a boil. Simmer, uncovered, 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. Thinly slice chicken breasts. In a large bowl, toss together salad greens, remaining strawberries, and chicken. 4. To serve, drizzle warm dressing over salad. Sprinkle with walnuts.
Nutrition facts per serving: 287 calories, 31g protein, 12g carbohydrate, 14g fat (2g saturated), 7g fiber
Whole Wheat Pasta with Ricotta and Vegetables
Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients 8 ounces dried whole-wheat or whole-grain penne pasta 2 1/2 cups broccoli florets 1 1/2 cups asparagus or green beans cut into 1-inch pieces 1 cup light ricotta cheese 1/4 cup snipped fresh basil or 1 tablespoon dried basil, crushed 4 teaspoons snipped fresh thyme or 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 4 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 large ripe tomatoes, seeded and chopped 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
Directions 1. Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting any oil or salt. 2. Add broccoli florets and asparagus or green beans during the last 3 minutes of cooking; drain. 3. In a large serving bowl, combine ricotta cheese, basil, thyme, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic, salt, and freshly ground pepper. 4. Add cooked pasta and vegetables to the ricotta mixture. Add chopped tomatoes. Toss to combine. Sprinkle each serving with grated cheese; serve immediately.
Nutrition facts per serving: 361 calories, 16g protein, 55g carbohydrates, 9g fat (2g saturated), 7g fiber
Southwestern Black Bean Cakes with Guacamole
Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients 1/2 medium avocado, seeded and peeled 1 tablespoon lime juice Salt Ground black pepper 2 slices whole-wheat bread, torn 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro leaves 2 garlic cloves 1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 canned chipotle pepper in adobo sauce 1-2 teaspoons adobo sauce 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 egg, beaten 1 small plum tomato, chopped
Directions 1. Mash the avocado in a small bowl. Stir in lime juice; season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and chill until ready to serve. 2. The place was torn bread in a food processor. Cover and process until the bread turn into coarse crumbs. Transfer to a large bowl; set aside. 3. Place cilantro and garlic in the food processor. Cover and process until finely chopped. Add the beans, chipotle pepper, adobo sauce, and cumin. Cover and process until beans are coarsely chopped and mixture begins to pull away from the side of the bowl or container. 4. Add mixture to bread crumbs. Add egg, combine, and shape into four 1/2-inch-thick patties. 5. Lightly grease the rack of a grill pan. Place patties on the rack. Cook over medium-high heat for 8 to 10 minutes, or until patties are heated through, turning once. 6. To serve, top patties with guacamole and tomato.
Nutrition facts per serving: 178 calories, 11g protein, 25g carbohydrate, 7g fat (1g saturated), 9g fiber
Thai Chicken-Broccoli Wraps
Makes: 6 servings
Ingredients 12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken-breast strips 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper Nonstick cooking spray 2 cups packaged broccoli slaw 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic 3 10-inch whole-wheat tortillas, warmed
Directions 1. Sprinkle chicken strips with garlic salt and pepper. Coat a skillet with cooking spray. Add chicken; cook over medium-high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or until no longer pink. Remove from pan; keep warm. Add broccoli and 1/4 teaspoon of the ground ginger to skillet. Cook and stir for 2 to 3 minutes, or until vegetables are crisp-tender. 2. In a saucepan, combine peanut butter, 2 tablespoons water, soy sauce, minced garlic, and the remaining ginger. Heat over low heat until smooth, whisking constantly. 3. To assemble, spread tortillas with peanut sauce. Top with chicken strips and vegetable mixture. Roll up each tortilla, securing with a toothpick. Cut in half; serve immediately.
Nutrition facts per serving: 191 calories, 18g protein, 16g carbohydrate, 6g fat (1g saturated), 2g fiber
Greek Quinoa and Avocados
Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa 1 cup of water 2 Roma (plum) tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped 1/2 cup shredded fresh spinach 1/3 cup finely chopped red onion 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt Spinach leaves 2 avocados, pitted, peeled, and sliced 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
Directions 1. Bring quinoa and water to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 15 minutes, or until liquid are absorbed. 2. In a medium bowl, stir together quinoa, tomatoes, spinach, and onion. 3. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oil, and salt. Mix with quinoa. 4. Place spinach on plates with avocado slices and quinoa. Sprinkle with feta.
Nutrition facts per serving: 332 calories, 7g protein, 27g carbohydrate, 24g fat (5g saturated), 8g fiber
7 Fat-Fighting Snacks
4 whole-grain crackers and 1-ounce reduced-fat cheddar 103 calories
1 banana dipped in 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate 176 calories
Low-fat pudding cup topped with 2/3 cup berries 146 calories
2 tablespoons hummus with 4 baby carrots 66 calories
10 tortilla chips with 2 tablespoons spicy black bean dip 135 calories
1/2 cup low-fat ricotta cheese with 1 cup sliced berries and 2 teaspoons honey 209 calories
1 slice toasted cinnamon raisin bread with 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate and 1/2 sliced banana 223 calories
1 cup frozen strawberries blended with 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon honey topped with 1 tablespoon coconut 137 calories
1/3 cup dried apricots dipped in 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate and 1/4 ounce chopped pistachios 210 calories
1/2 cup fat-free berry sorbet 120 calories
2 cups popcorn topped with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese 84 calories
2 hard-boiled eggs with 4 whole-grain crackers 178 calories
1 flour tortilla topped with 2 chopped sliced avocado and 3 tablespoons black beans 197 calories
1/2 cup blueberries mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt 182 calories
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bluewomanposts · 5 years
Fat Burning Drinks, Metabolism Accelerator Fat Burning Herbal Tea
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One of the most effective methods to lose weight and to achieve a fit appearance is to drink fat-burning teas. In this article, we have included tea that burns fat and accelerates metabolism as described by famous Dietitians. Fat Burning Beverage from the Dietitian Selahattin Dönmez, Tea Recipe 1 teaspoon of stinging nettle 1 slice of lemon 1 teaspoon of green tea 3-4 cloves 1.5 cups of boiling water Preparation and use of: 1.5 cups of boiling water, 1 teaspoon nettle, 1 teaspoon green tea, 3-4 cloves and 1 slice of lemon and mouth closed for 15 minutes to brew (do not boil). Selahattin Dönmez's recommended oil-burning herbal tea during the day can consume up to 3-4 cups. Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of natural highland honey into your herbal tea. It will accelerate weight loss and fat burning if consumed regularly. Warning: Some ingredients contained in green tea may cause high blood pressure. Because if you have high blood pressure problems, you should definitely stay away from herbal tea which accelerates fat burning.   Fat Burning Tea Recipe from Dietitian Ender Sarac When a large glass of water begins to boil, throw 4-5 fresh ginger cut into the fingertip and boil for seven minutes. Then discard three medium or two cloves of garlic. But before you throw the garlic into the water, lightly explode with a knife . Pour into six sealed water and brew for five minutes. I sometimes put a teaspoon of hot pepper in this formula. In this way, tea burns more fat. Strain the tea after brewing for 4-5 minutes and put 1-2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice into it if you wish. You should drink this tea without sugar between morning and noon when it is neither too full nor too hungry. Half an hour after breakfast and two to three cups in the afternoon you can drink this tea. This tea; It is a tea that can be consumed by people who use heavy blood thinners, except those with extremely low blood pressure and those with active gastric ulcers. However, healthy people can consume and burn fat, which is beneficial to metabolism, life is a very good slimming tea that adds to life. Dietician Aslihan Small Fat Burning Beverage And Tea Recipe 1 tablespoon of red tea (rooibos tea) 1 tablespoon of mate tea 1 teaspoon of jasmine tea 1 stick of cinnamon 4 balls of black pepper (not ground) 1 liter of water Optional orange slices, mint leaves Preparation: All the ingredients are placed in the pot and slowly poured hot water over the mouth. After 6-7 minutes, it is ready to drink. If you drink during the day, you should filter the tea. Herbal and Beauty Specialist Suna Dumankaya's Fat Burning Beverage and Tea Recipe Water: I have been trying to lose weight for several months. In addition to diet, I also do sports regularly. It's summer, and I still haven't reached the target weight. Can you offer me a formula to accelerate fat burning? ANSWER Herbalist and Beauty Expert Suna Dumankaya's answer: (1 pinch of sage, rosemary, ketentohumu, chamomile, cherry stalk, cassia and marjoram in a pot of water for 5 minutes to brew. When ready to strain the mixture and glass Drinking from this mixture every night will accelerate your metabolism. It will also help you burn fat. Dietician Tuğba Leaf's Fat Burning and Flattening Belly Detox Drink Recipe 1 cup of grapefruit or pineapple juice 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon of honey You can drink your detox drink up to 1 cup before lunch and dinner. This detox water, which provides the rapid breakdown of fat cells, is highly preferred by people because of its metabolic acceleration feature and by filling the stomach volume, causing it to need less food. It should be remembered that detox juices should be used to support diet and exercise programs prepared by dietitians specialized in the field. If your dietitian recommends detox juices, you should put them in your daily diet. Fat Burning Tea Recipe from the Dietitian Selahattin Dönmez Materials: 1 cup of brewed green tea Several branches of fresh mint 1 roll of cinnamon stick 2 lemons 750 ml of water Preparation: Pour 1 cup of brewed green tea into a large jug. Then add a few mint leaves, 1 cinnamon roll and 2 lemon juice. Finally add 750 ml of water and mix.   Read the full article
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binsofchaos · 5 years
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The City Cook: Rock the Pantry
Welcome To My Pantry
Here's what I currently have in my pantry:
My Pantry Cupboard
When we moved into our apartment my very handy husband built me a floor to ceiling cabinet that fills a shallow space adjacent to the fire exit door in our kitchen. It's 25-inches wide, 6-inches deep and has twelve shelves. It is, relatively speaking to anything I ever had before, enormous. Compared to my friend Katherine's pantry in Connecticut, it is the size of a spice rack.
This cupboard currently holds:
On the top shelves -- 6 quarts of New Jersey tomatoes, 4 half-pints of peach jam, and 4 half-pints of red pepper jelly, all canned by moi last summer
Canned goods -- chickpeas, cannellini beans, artichoke hearts, oil-packed tuna, anchovies, sardines, San Marzano tomatoes, canned cherry tomatoes, tomato paste
Back-ups of things I always use and never want to run out of -- Hellman's mayo, Johnny Harris BBQ sauce, boxed chicken stock, Dijon mustard, Near East tabouli, tahini, cornichons, roasted red peppers, capers (to cook with), caperberries (for martinis), chutney, panko, breadcrumbs, fish sauce, red wine vinegar
Standbys (things I use often but not always but still want to have on hand) -- Gaea jarred olives, Davina tapenade, Tiptree seedless raspberry jam, peanut butter, Heinz Chili Sauce, lingonberries, cooking chocolate, yeast, bouillon cubes
Shelf-stable things -- honey, salt, vinegars (cider, rice wine, sherry, balsamic), pomegranate molasses
Tall bottles that fit on the bottom shelf – extra EVOO, canola oil, passata (tomato puree), spare CO2 canister for my Soda Stream machine, dry vermouth
I have a smaller, second kitchen cabinet that primarily holds baking ingredients and things that don’t fit in the tall, skinny cupboard:
Canisters of all-purpose flour, sugar
Light and dark brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, molasses, cocoa powder
Pastas, couscous, fregola, rices, grains
Large or awkward-sized jars of spices bought in bulk-- dried mint, 2 kinds of oregano (Sicilian and Greek), Espelette pepper, Egyptian cumin, hot sauces, red pepper flakes
Crackers, nuts, tea
I have a separate spice rack, one of those built into an otherwise useless sliver of space, that holds my other spices. I have my favorite spices and spice mixes that I replenish often enough so that they're fresh, although to be safe, I write their purchase date on the bottom of each jar with a Sharpie: garlic powder, black peppercorns, cinnamon (both sticks and ground), saffron strands, cayenne, paprika, ground ginger, coriander, sumac, fennel seeds, za'atar, curry powder, chili powder. Invariably, when doing my January purge, this is where I’ll find spices that I bought for one recipe and then never used again, making them stale and needing to be tossed, like whole nutmeg or a jar of Herbes de Provence bought on a vacation in Aix-de-Provence four years ago.
My Refrigerator
Sometimes I read interviews with famous people who are asked what they have right now in their refrigerators and the answer is a chilled still life of a piece of Parmesan and Champagne. If you opened mine today or any other day, you would find both of those items but much more:
Eggs. Large, organic and brown.
Flat-leafed parsley, thyme, rosemary
Yogurt. Usually Greek and either whole fat or 2%.
Butter. Always unsalted organic and sometimes also salted French or Irish.
Mustards. Dijon, coarse, and with horseradish
Mayonaise. Hellman's, either full-fat or "light"
Coffee beans
A bottle of dry white wine, usually pinot grigio, just for cooking, and a bottle of Lillet, just for me
Bottles of water chilling to be zapped with our Soda Stream. I am addicted.
Opened containers of various condiments: fish sauce, maple syrup, sesame oil, hoisin, Worcestershire, horseradish, ketchup, sriracha, pickled jalapeños, sweet relish
Cheeses. French feta, Pecorino, the above-mentioned Parmesan, cream cheese, Friendship 1% cottage cheese (other cheeses come and go but these are my essentials)
Capers, cornichons, pickles, caperberries
Panko, breadcrumbs
A bag of organic carrots and stalks of celery
Bottle of salad dressing (my own vinaigrette that I make every few days in batches)
My Freezer
I'm lucky in that I have a rather large freezer at the base of my refrigerator and I make aggressive use of it. That means I almost always have a variety of chicken and meats on hand and I date them and then rotate them out, replacing things as I use them, usually buying when on sale. I try not to lose track of what's in the freezer but sometimes do and end up having three pork tenderloins in there at once.
Still, this is what I have there today and it's typical of what I usually keep around:
Package of Defour puff pastry
Two quarts of homemade chicken stock, made 3 months ago.
Duck fat from the last time I roasted a whole bird, which was 6 months ago.
Bags of vegetables: petite peas, artichoke hearts, spinach, pearl onions
Two quarts of tomato sauce made last summer with local NJ tomatoes. It's a basic sauce with no seasonings aside from garlic so I can use it in any number of recipes.
Butter. At the moment, two sticks of organic unsalted.
Nuts. Pine nuts, a bag of pecans from Schermer’s in Georgia, and a bag of amazing Bronte pistachios I bought on last fall’s trip to Sicily.
Pesto. Three small containers made in July when local basil was in season and inexpensive. This will taste like summer when I soon use it.
A plastic bag of Parmesan rinds I collect and add to soups, especially minestrone.
Meats: 1 lb. of ground lamb, 1 lb. of ground beef, 1 duck breast, 1 package of ground duck (I make Bolognese with it), 4 boneless chicken thighs, 2-pound piece of pork belly, 1 boneless NY strip steak, 2 on-the-bone pork chops from the Hudson & Charles butcher shop on Amsterdam Avenue
A 1-pound bag of wild shrimp from Whole Foods
Two ice packs used on my recently re-injured knee
No ice cream.
My Countertop 
I have a large white porcelain bowl in which I keep aromatics, usually red onions, yellow onions, garlic, ginger, and shallots.
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drlokmancom-blog · 6 years
13 Magical Herbs to lose belly fat overnight
What herbs burn fat fast? How do you get rid of belly fat naturally? What is the best natural fat burner?
Many herbs and spices have been shown to fight cravings and boost fat burning and weight loss.
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Here  13 Herbs to lose belly fat everyday Lose extra pounds with easy weight loss. 
1. Ginseng
Ginseng is a highly prized herb that aids in weight loss. The herb contains caffeine, which helps to boost the metabolism and increases energy throughout the day. You can therefore drink ginseng tea that will remove the belly fat.
2. Hibiscus Tea
The hibiscus flower extract helps in weight loss by getting rid of excess water in the body. Dried hibiscus flowers have diuretic properties and help to prevent bloating. Moreover, it helps in breaking down the stored fat and reduces carbohydrate absorption in the body.
3. Green Tea
Green Tea is touted as one of the best herbal teas for weight loss. It is rich in antioxidants and is a great metabolism booster that helps you to lose weight faster. Apart from burning belly fat fast, it prevents cancer and diabetes as well.
4. Peppermint
Peppermint is a sweet-smelling tasty herb that adds flavour to a variety of dishes as well as reduces belly fat. It acts by removing waste and toxins from the body and also reduces bloating and aids in digestion. You can either add peppermint in your dishes or drink peppermint tea.
5. Rosemary
Rosemary is a widely popular herb used in food recipes. It is a rich source of an enzyme called lipase, which is responsible for breaking down the fat molecules. Rosemary helps to burn belly fat faster because it contains fibre, which prevents fat absorption and keeps you full for longer hours.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is popular because it has an array of health benefits. It is used for treating hair and skin problems as well as aids in weight loss. Aloe vera contains antioxidants that help in detoxifying the body, boosts metabolism, thus reducing belly fat fast. Drinking aloe vera herbs to lose belly fat overnight
7. Parsley
Parsley is mostly used for garnishing, but do you know that this wonderful herb reduces belly fat too? Parsley reduces the amount of glucose in blood and helps in controlling appetite, while encouraging the processing of food into energy instead of storing it as fat.
8. Dandelion
Dandelion is a powerful weight-loss aid. Every single part of the dandelions can be eaten, it neutralizes the toxins in the body and helps to reduce inflammation. The leaves of the dandelion are known to reduce belly fat, so you can either drink it in the form of a tea or use it in salads.
9. Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a plant extract which is primarily used to boost liver health but it is occasionally touted as a fat burner. Milk thistle has some essential cleansing compounds that clean the toxins from the liver. It also helps the body to make good use of the glucose and sugar instead of allowing it to be stored as fat.
10. Holy Basil
Holy basil is a medicinal plant that is linked to weight loss because of its ability to lower elevated cortisol levels. If your cortisol levels are too high, you will notice weight gain around your lower abdomen. According to ayurveda, it has properties that help in curbing fat.
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youdontknowinfo · 4 years
What Foods To Eat to Lose Belly Fat? 27 Food For You | BellyFatZone #FoodstoEattoLoseBellyFat #BellyFatZone Subscribe: https://ift.tt/2yUPpC1 - You are always the first to receive valuable videos! ====================================== Website: https://ift.tt/2MSOdUl Facebook: https://ift.tt/2WFUwiJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bellyfatzonecom Pinterest: https://ift.tt/2WCtEA4 ====================================== 1- Herbs and Spices Flavor foods with herbs and spices whenever you can. It’ll encourage you to cut back on high-sodium staples and avoid the salt shaker, a major player in bloating. Plus, many have mild diuretic effects, helping you flush out excess water. We love basil, cilantro, rosemary, sage, tarragon, mint, oregano, and black and red chili peppers, to name a few. 2- Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and other good-for-you orange veggies are lower in calories and chock-full of potassium and beta-carotene. Their mineral-rich and fiber-full properties make them bloat-beating all-stars. 3- Onions You already know that alliums like garlic, onion, leeks, scallions, and shallots add lots of flavors, but they also provide tons of prebiotic fiber. Sneak them into savory dishes, like omelets and healthy salads. 4- Citrus Fruits The potassium in citrus helps combat bloat while the antioxidants fight inflammation, which is associated with belly-fat storage. Since a key part of beating the bulge is proper hydration, adding citrus to your H2O can help non-water drinkers to sip up and ultimately slim down! 5- Asparagus As a prebiotic-filled veggie, asparagus is a great addition to soups, pastas, and omelets, or served as a side dish. For extra bloat-beating benefits, try pairing asparagus sticks with other crudité and dipping in hummus. 6-Tomatoes Tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, cucumber, and other salad staples all help you stay hydrated due to their high H2O content. That extra water can offset fluid retention caused by excess salt. 7- Coffee and Tea: Another win for your morning cup of joe: Caffeinated coffee keeps things moving through the digestive tract. Since staying regular is key to a tighter-looking tummy, drinking about 8 to 16 ounces of java at the same time every day can help you stay on schedule. Remember: Sugary drinks can lead to weight gain, so skip fancy flavorings and synthetic sweeteners containing sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating. 8- Bananas Filled with potassium and magnesium, bananas offset the bloat caused salty processed foods and pack in plant-based prebiotics, “feeding” your good bacteria. Snack on one a day with a tablespoon of nut butter, or slice it into your morning cereal. 9- Avocados Good news for lovers of this fruit (yes, it’s a fruit!): A 2013 study linked eating avocado regularly to lower waist circumference and BMI. What’s more, the monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy and filling, reducing the urge to graze on processed foods later on. 10- Leafy Greens Plant-based omega-3s belong in any healthy eating plan, but leafy greens and cauliflower are especially helpful for tightening up. They’re loaded with minerals like potassium, which can help offset the bloat-inducing effects of sodium. ... Viewmore: https://ift.tt/3bFF5em =========================================== Disclaimer: The products and also the information contained on here are attended to basic and also academic functions just and also do not make up any type of lawful, medical or other expert suggestions on any type of subject. These statements have actually not been examined by the FDA and also are not meant to diagnose, deal with or treat any condition. Always look for the advice of your doctor or various other qualified health and wellness company before starting any type of brand-new diet regimen or treatment as well as with any kind of questions you may have pertaining to a clinical problem. If you have or believe that you have a medical issue, without delay call your health care company. What Foods To Eat to Lose Belly Fat? 27 Food For You | BellyFatZone #FoodstoEattoLoseBellyFat #BellyFatZone Subscribe: https://ift.tt/2yUPpC1 - You are always the first to receive valuable videos! ====================================== Website: https://ift.tt/2MSOdUl Facebook: https://ift.tt/2WFUwiJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bellyfatzonecom Pinterest: https://ift.tt/2WCtEA4 ====================================== 1- Herbs and Spices Flavor foods with herbs and spices whenever you can. It’ll encourage you to cut back on high-sodium staples and avoid the salt shaker, a major player in bloating. Plus, many have mild diuretic effects, helping you flush out excess water. We love basil, cilantro, rosemary, sage, tarragon, mint, oregano, and black and red chili peppers, to name a few. 2- Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and other good-for-you orange veggies are lower in calories and chock-full of potassium and beta-carotene. Their mineral-rich and fiber-full properties make them bloat-beating all-stars. 3- Onions You already know that alliums like garlic, onion, leeks, scallions, and shallots add lots of flavors, but they also provide tons of prebiotic fiber. Sneak them into savory dishes, like omelets and healthy salads. 4- Citrus Fruits The potassium in citrus helps combat bloat while the antioxidants fight inflammation, which is associated with belly-fat storage. Since a key part of beating the bulge is proper hydration, adding citrus to your H2O can help non-water drinkers to sip up and ultimately slim down! 5- Asparagus As a prebiotic-filled veggie, asparagus is a great addition to soups, pastas, and omelets, or served as a side dish. For extra bloat-beating benefits, try pairing asparagus sticks with other crudité and dipping in hummus. 6-Tomatoes Tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, cucumber, and other salad staples all help you stay hydrated due to their high H2O content. That extra water can offset fluid retention caused by excess salt. 7- Coffee and Tea: Another win for your morning cup of joe: Caffeinated coffee keeps things moving through the digestive tract. Since staying regular is key to a tighter-looking tummy, drinking about 8 to 16 ounces of java at the same time every day can help you stay on schedule. Remember: Sugary drinks can lead to weight gain, so skip fancy flavorings and synthetic sweeteners containing sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating. 8- Bananas Filled with potassium and magnesium, bananas offset the bloat caused salty processed foods and pack in plant-based prebiotics, “feeding” your good bacteria. Snack on one a day with a tablespoon of nut butter, or slice it into your morning cereal. 9- Avocados Good news for lovers of this fruit (yes, it’s a fruit!): A 2013 study linked eating avocado regularly to lower waist circumference and BMI. What’s more, the monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy and filling, reducing the urge to graze on processed foods later on. 10- Leafy Greens Plant-based omega-3s belong in any healthy eating plan, but leafy greens and cauliflower are especially helpful for tightening up. They’re loaded with minerals like potassium, which can help offset the bloat-inducing effects of sodium. ... Viewmore: https://ift.tt/3bFF5em =========================================== Disclaimer: The products and also the information contained on here are attended to basic and also academic functions just and also do not make up any type of lawful, medical or other expert suggestions on any type of subject. These statements have actually not been examined by the FDA and also are not meant to diagnose, deal with or treat any condition. Always look for the advice of your doctor or various other qualified health and wellness company before starting any type of brand-new diet regimen or treatment as well as with any kind of questions you may have pertaining to a clinical problem. If you have or believe that you have a medical issue, without delay call your health care company.
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mohamed44 · 5 years
Children Diet Plan | Kids Weight Loss Diet
Today I'm presenting a very easy healthy meal plan to help kids lose weight and fat before I begin I would like to say that I never wanted to make a plan for children as I don't believe in restricting their diet at all. They're throwing kids and should be allowed to eat as if fish with obesity among children is on the rise and is a major concern for many parents these days.
So we need to focus on the quality of food. He's having and not the quantity. The primary reason for a child being overweight is unhealthy eating habits. Burgers of bazaars chips and soft drinks are child's best friend. These are high-calorie low-nutrient foods, which slows the metabolism and digestion process of your kit with this type plan. I'm taking an initiative to help an overweight child to lose weight in a healthy way. The child will feel Fuller for a long time and would be able to enjoy life to its fullest. This is an instant yet healthy plan which can be easily made unfollowed. It does not involve much of cooking and is dedicated to working mothers to help raise their children better mothers who have time and like cooking for their kids can commonly below requesting for a plan so that I can make one that suits your need first serve your child grains in the form of wheat, bran flakes like these I'm using Shreddies,  and with cereal to choose these are made of shredded wheat and its brand and thus are very high in fiber and nutrients you can also use whole Wheat bran like this or whole wheat biscuits like these. I'm sure most of you are aware of these biscuits. They're all so familiar with the name Weetabix. These biscuits turn soft ones dipped in warm milk and turn out to be an excellent breakfast meal. You can also use muesli at breakfast. Don't use corn flakes granola artificially flavored cereals or mixes serve your child with something healthy and Factory to make Shreddies have taken one-fourth bowl of these Puffs.   (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We need to limit the intake of added sugars. So for sweetness, I'm using only one teaspoon of brown sugar don't use refined white sugar. You can also add good quality honey, or maple syrup for sweetness, maple syrup helps with digestion and bloating issues bloating will reduce considerably once your child starts having this. Now we need to add fresh milk. You can use any you wish to low-fat skimmed Etc or with 1% fat. I have a can of 2% milk and a can of lactose-free milk. If your child is not able to digest lactose then serve lactose-free milk. Take a saucepan and turn on the heat. Add 1 cup of milk to it after 3 to 4 minutes or once milk is a warm turn off the heat and pour the milk in the bowl. Give it a gentle stir and in one to two minutes the Puffs will soften server bowl of these with an apple serve it whole or cut it into slices, but don't replace the apple with any other fruit because it contains non-digestible fiber and polyphenols which reduce chronic inflammation and obesity. For lunch served the stir fry recipe along with one weight loss Roti.   First, of Rye recipe, I'm using 150 grams of Malai paneer or cottage cheese, why paneer because it's rich in protein and calcium hundred grams of paneer will provide your child with 18.3 grams of protein and twenty point eight grams of calcium. Don't use cottage cheese like this one in the recipe. If you cook it. It will melt down like mozzarella cheese and won't taste as paneer.   (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Next day three to four finely chopped garlic cloves garlic helps reduce fat by speeding up your child's metabolic. I'm also going to use one fresh tomato is high in chromium fiber and biotin use a firm tomato so that it does not lose its shape while stir-frying I'm also taking few chunks of the medium-sized bell pepper or capsicum, whatever you call them. Try using yellow or red peppers as kids love these colors and would love to eat them. And the last ingredient I'm going to add is fresh basil leaves. You can add any fresh herb, which is with you, for example, coriander rosemary. Thyme, or if your child doesn't like any help then you can simply skip adding them now cut the tomato into wedges. These should neither be too big not too small. This is a 375 grams block and I'll be talking about 150 to 200 grams cut the fresh cheese into bite-sized cubes now heat a pan and add no more than a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. If you're using a regular vegetable cooking oil when it's time to change the oil. Once the oil is hot add chopped garlic cloves. Once you start turning golden brown add tomato tongues stir fry on high heat for half a minute and then add bell peppers. Keep cooking on high heat and then sprinkle salt to taste. I recommend using Himalayan pink salt instead of white table salt like Himalayan salt helps with bloating and water retention issues. The entire process will take about three to four minutes to sprinkle some more salt to season cottage cheese also add a little crushed black pepper as a to helps in weight loss stir fry for 2 minutes do flip the sides of paneer to ensure uniform cooking next. I'm sprinkling 1 tbsp of sunflower seeds. The seeds are safe for children. They help in fast weight loss due to the presence of chlorogenic acid. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You can also add pumpkin seeds in place of sunflower seeds if you like In the end add few basil leaves stir well and turn off the heat shifted to a bowl and serve with one weight loss Roti instead of the stir fry recipe. You can also make money approaching if the kid goes to school then pack it in the lunch box along with disposable fork and knife etc for he's after school or around 4 p.m. So the child with one egg one banana and a cup of a purse Casteel egg can be in the form of boiled a poached or fried ensure that the child has a yellow part 2 eggs control your appetite and food cravings and help burn belly fat. They're also a natural source of the whole protein. Banana is one of the easiest roads to have they contain fiber which helps in weight loss when Anna also has healthy carbs, which will keep the child active and energetic while they play in the evening hibiscus tea blocks sugar and startups option and prevents fat formation. It's an anti-obesity with a delicious star refreshing taste and a child will certainly enjoy it serve it warm and do not add sugar or honey for sweetness making this T is simple Just boil a cup of water and turn off the heat add one dried hibiscus flower and cover the pan with a lid. Let it steep for five to ten minutes and the tea is ready. You can make two cups now as a second cup is to be given after dinner.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Now it's time for your child to get involved in a physical activity like running swimming cycling playing tennis badminton Cricket football. Make sure they play for at least one hour. This will keep their metabolism high and brain alert and focused activity in a day will also help them to concentrate and studies as well now around 6 or whenever your child is back from playtime server glass of fruit milkshake. I'm asking to add fruit like mango strawberry or any other seasonal fruit because I don't want your child to have one Vita multiple posts. They're full of sugar and artificial flavors and high in calories if you don't wish to make a milkshake to serve plain milk You're making a glass of mango shake for this have taken 1/4 cup of mango puree in a blender jar. You can add fresh mango slices or any fruit bits next add 1 teaspoon of chia seeds along with 1 teaspoon of milled flax seeds. Gia is optional but flaxseeds are mandatory now add 1 cup of milk beat cow Armand soil. If you want to make it sweet then add 1 tablespoon of brown sugar run the blender shift it to a glass and serve the shake instead of milkshake or plain milk. You can also serve a glass of orange juice you can make fresh orange juice. But if you're using the packed one then make sure it's 100% orange juice without any added sugars water or additives orange juice is rich in vitamin C and helps in weight loss for dinner serve healthy oats porridge or old skis with a cup of warm hibiscus tea. It also has magnesium phosphorus selenium iron. It will keep your child full for longer and helps with weight loss. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This meal cannot be replaced with any other recipe the child needs to have this for 10 days. However, you can change the fruit which is supposed to go in the oatmeal now, it's time to share a few important points. Although this plan is mainly dedicated to kids but it is still good to go for any age group in case you intend to follow Justin sure to adjust the portioning size. Shift to a healthy cooking oil like Olive avocado. Self hibiscus tea twice a day with or 30 minutes after means junk food chocolates biscuits chips soft drinks ice creams white sugar and any other sugar-rich foods are not allowed to not replace banana and apple. However, you can add any other fruit in the daily diet if you like. 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity is a must it will increase the child's strength and muscle mass. It's a child is hungry in between the meals offer cucumbers boiled eggs berries apple or any other fruit in the lunch instead of paneer stuff, right? You can also serve palak paneer a chicken or egg wraps, right the or stir-fries made with soya chunks tofu or boiled chicken cubes. And last but not the least let your child follow this plan as shown for maximum weight loss results in 10 days. Your child is certainly going to feel active with a positive mindset the share if you like this article share it with your friends...
Children Diet Plan | Kids Weight Loss Diet weight loss causes in child, weight loss diet child, weight loss program for child via Weight loss Tips https://ift.tt/2kWzhsG
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10 Fat Burning drinks to lose belly fat -Number 1. Lemon-Ginger Drink. It is amazing how a few simple ingredients can keep you fit and healthy. Why warm water? Because warm water aids digestion. Drink it first thing in the morning and get your digestive system off to a great start. Lemons are not only rich in vitamins but also function in digestive and liver cleansing, which aids in weight loss. Ginger is a natural detoxifier and helps to kickstart the metabolism. Number 2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon. I like this solution because the ingredients are straightforward to find from local grocery stores. Apart from being tasty due to the presence of honey, this mixture also helps to soothe my body and is great for slimming down as it aids in boosting my metabolic process. The reason why fitness pros are obsessed with apple cider vinegar is that this vital ingredient can help balance keep you satiated for longer while cleaning your body from any form of toxins it may have. Studies show that it can also lower down blood glucose levels, blocking out your body’s digestion of starch. As a result, it can reduce calories in a meal. Number 3. Grapefruit and Rosemary Drink. This grapefruit and rosemary drink combines nutrients that are beneficial for your health. Freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice is a powerhouse containing vitamin C, which helps to detoxify the body and lower cholesterol. Rosemary helps to detoxify the liver, which improves digestion and increases blood flow. Number 4. Watermelon and Cranberry Juice. Watermelon is naturally low in calories and helps to hydrate the body, it further fights inflammation and is rich in Vitamins A and B which prevent free-radical damage that may occur during metabolism of fat. Furthermore, watermelon contains magnesium and potassium that are key for detoxification and managing hydration and blood flow ratio in the body. I also take this drink due to cranberry’s high concentration of lycopene, which is a carotenoid responsible for giving the fruit its deep pink color and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. I have also read that lycopene plays a significant role in preventing cardiovascular diseases, particularly those caused by the high-fat content in the bloodstream. Number 5. Green Tea with Ginger Drink. Green tea is a treasure trove of nutrients that help brain activity and lower cancer risk. Plus, green tea reduces the absorption of fat from the foods that we eat. Combine it with the nutrients and detoxifying benefits of ginger and you’ve got a delicious, healthy, and fat-reducing drink all-in-one. Number 6. Honey. Take a medium glass and fill it with hot water. Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this after waking up in the morning as a first thing. Practice this remedy on a regular basis and you will certainly notice the difference. Number 7. Lime and Raspberry Juice. Lime contains vitamin C and antioxidants that are great for detoxification and fat loss. It removes toxins from the body by boosting the effect of a glutathione-S-transferase enzyme found in the liver. Lime also contains individual flavonoids that activate the digestive system and increase secretion of acids and bile. Number 8. Water. Drinking plenty of water also helps in reducing weight. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will not only flush the fat but also make your skin shiny and glowy. Your hair will become healthy, and the whole body will become radiant. Number 9. Cucumber and GrapeFruit. This is one of the best homemade drinks to lose weight very quickly. How so? Grapefruit contains an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase which helps the body to assimilate sugar, thus activating metabolism and shedding of calories. Grapefruit is also a natural immune booster as it is rich in Vitamin C, not to mention that it hydrates the body and promotes vibrant skin and brain. All Health Tips and Information here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpHfetbUaZqOHOoMCsUVp5nPTEHxmF57 Thanks for watching love you guys so much! And thanks to supporting my channel! All my opinions are my own! Please do like, Comment, subscribe Facebook:: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalHealthTps/ Twitter:: https://twitter.com/Dr_helps Blogspot:: http://naturalhealthtipse.blogspot.com/ Tumblr:: http://naturalhealthtipsfan.tumblr.com/ Wordpress:: https://naturalhealthtipsfan.wordpress.com/ FreeBackgroundMusic Ben Vanderbosch - Rainy Day https://youtu.be/xMsSMAzZMOM Health Disclaimer The information on this channel is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition. #NaturalHealthTips #Health #Tips #HealthTips Creative Commons license Licence: CC-BY-NC https://search.creativecommons.org https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
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mealsforsquares · 6 years
New Year’s Day
After New Year’s Eve, of course, comes New Year’s Day, and with New Year’s Day comes one of the few times I actually get to host a giant meal. I love hosting a giant meal, actually, even though it stresses me right the heck out. Last year was the first year that we did it, in an attempt to spread around some of the effort of the holiday season. It was a fairly big hit, and it was nice to expose some more people to what it is I do in the kitchen*. Sinc eit worked out so well, and I had the operational business under my belt, it was time to move on and try to really knock it out of the park.
The crowd pleaser at last-year’s business was a serious eats-style all-belly porchetta. It was chosen for its relative simplicity - pork belly is a pretty hard thing to fuck up, as just about every restaurant in the world can tell you**, and wrapping it around some herbs and spices and slow roasting it is a pretty rock-solid thing to do. And I like things that are easy to do and impressive. They make me feel good about myself.
So I took a whole belly and laid it down, scored the skin deeply. I made a spice paste of juniper berries, allspice berries, coriander, cinnamon, and some sumac. I also made an herb paste of minced rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and tarragon. I mixed the herb mince with the spice paste, oiled them up and ground them together a bit with a mortar and pestle. I mixed in some ground bay leaves and some brown sugar, and rubbed the whole mess into the pork belly. I rolled it up tight and covered the outside in salt into which I had mixed a bit of baking soda, then cut a bunch of lengths of twine which I used to tie it up. Instead of letting it sit with the raw herbs and spices overnight, I slow-roasted it first the day before, letting it go until it was a proper internal temperature, and then when it was done I pulled it and socked it away in the fridge until the next day when I would crisp it up. I threw it in a very hot oven about an hour before service, leaving it in there until the skin was hot enough to blister and turn brown, and then taking it out rest*** and then slicing it up, removing the string in the process
Last year I was further constrained by the two pickiest eaters (who are also members of my own family) being present for dinner, and having to make sure to include them in everything. This year, especially, R had to work, which meant that vinegar was much more on the table than it had been previously, so it was time to incorporate directly into the beans. Black eyed peas are traditional for New Year’s, which is pretty great, because it’s an excuse to make a mess of beans for a bunch of people to eat. In Jonathon Sawyer’s oft-aforementioned House of Vinegar, he mentions cooking lentils in red wine vinegar for a salad. I decided to run with that idea, except I would use black eyed peas. To preserve the color, and make them look less like brown glop on the plate, I decided to cook them in a mixture of white wine and white wine vinegar, so that I could more-readily play with colors and textures.
The theory was good, but in practice I forgot that cooking beans in acid is really hard. This is probably why the original recipe uses lentils and not a bean that requires more hydration. So I soaked the beans overnight, then poured in equal parts white wine and white wine vinegar, and let the beans simmer until they were soft. Or at least, I let them simmer for seven hours. They were softening (slowly), but they weren’t finishing. I had the idea that if I raised the pH a little bit they might find it easier to accept water into their skins, so I added a healthy pinch of baking soda. A couple of hours later, the beans were the perfect texture - the acid had enabled them to hold together pretty well without mushing out, and they did eventually hydrate fully to be tender. If I wanted a creamier bean, it might not be the way to go, but if I wanted a creamier bean, it wouldn’t be the sort of thing you’d want to make sour anyway.
The beans were actually pretty astringent, so the rest of the job of the salad was to mitigate the business. I cut some homemade bacon into cubes (I give away bacon as part of everyone’s Christmas basket), and got them working in a cold pan. As the pan heated up and the bacon started to brown, I would occasionally deglaze the pan with a shot of apple cider, which made a nice sort of apple-y glaze on the bacon cubes, which I thought would be nice for the salad, even as it did at another kind of pork to the proceedings. I made some bread crumbs out of some homemade tomato bread (not mine, but homemade in someone else’s home) by drying the bread out in the oven and then running it through the food processor, for a crunch and some texture. I diced the leaves off of a head of bitter endive or chicory or whatever you want to call it and mixed them in, then added a minced onion.
The question of dressing was an important one - it needed to augment the beans, but it couldn’t be too acidic or the whole thign would lose its balance. I kept it fairly simple. I poured out a generous half cup or so of olive oil, added a little less than a third as much vinegar, and a very generous dollop of dijon mustard, which can take the acidity and really add somethign to it. I also added a generous glug of pomegranate molasses, an ingredient that I’m relatively new to actually owning, but have wanted to start using for a long time. The end result was that the salad was magnificent, although I made entirely too much of it, ultimately.
Greens are also a standard-issue inclusion for New Years, so I decided to make some. . Into the dutch oven went a huge bunch of olive oil - this is an oil-intensive preparation****. I added one big onion and two small onions to the oil and let them cook while I did the rest of the thing. I mixed together a whole can of tomato paste with some cayenne and six or so cloves of minced garlic, which I then smooshed into the oil. I had  bought a holy firestorm of greens - a pound or so of collards formed the backbone, but also the rest of the head of chicory, some kale, some adult spinach, a head of dandelion greens, and a head of broccoli raab. I de-stemmed and washed all of these greens, then got them into the oil/tomato paste/garlic sofrito and let them get friendly. I added a healthy splash of water and covered them, letting them steam down for awhile.
When they had shrunk down a bit I added a couple of handfuls of adult spinach and gave everything a good hard stir. I salted them some more, and then added a huge glob of peanut butter and stirred them again to coat them in the peanut. I let them get friendly and salted and peppered them again. When they were tender, I squeezed the juice of a couple of lemons onto them to brighten them up. The effect is incredible - the effect is a bit like the greens in ground nut soup or peanut stew, only it’s a whole mess of them. It seems like an insane thing to enjoy, but it’s an utterly fantastic dish. IT was a big hit also, and it was designed to have a sort of savory, spicy richness that was there to compete a little with the pork and give everyone a break from pork fat, and also the astringency of the beans. It didn’t compete, in the savory slash unctuous flavor of the pork, but it augmented it, making it a nice little component.
Deciding that the bean salad would be lightly dressed and therefore that there might need to be a serious condiment, I made some cranberry mostarda. The day before new years I soaked a bunch of mustard seeds in some sweet wine. On the day of I heated up a bunch of fresh cranberries with a great load of sugar and a apple cider, to which I added the mustard seeds and their wine, some dry mustard, some red chili flakes, and a sachet made of some cinnamon, some cloves and some bay leaves. I simmered it until the cranberries were softened, at which point I smooshed them up and socked the whole thing away in the fridge. It set up more than I intended it to - there’s a tonne of pectin in cranberries - and made a kind of a jam rather than a sauce, but it did its job anyway, providing a nice sweet-tart condiment for the fatty, deeply-spiced porchetta.
Beans and greens aside, an actual salad-type vegetable with some actual salad-type flavor was also necessary. The Chinese believe that eating long food at new years brings good luck, and as it happens, I recently found myself in possession of a spiralizer. So the way through was clear: the way to go forward was to make the longest salad possible, out of a bunch of hard vegetables. It started with carrots - carrots are great with peanut butter, fantastic with pork, and enormously successful with vinegar*****, so it seemed it would be a slam-dunk to pair with the rest of the plate. To go with it was a daikon radish, which would be there for its spicy character but for also not being as funky and oppressive as other radishes can be (I like radishes, but they’re not a vegetable to spring on an unsuspcting someone). An asian pear was noodlefied and added to the thing to give it some crisp sweetness, and a cucumber was thrown in there for freshness and to help with the liquid content. It was finished with some parsley. For dressing some yogurt was compounded with some tahini and flavored with honey, then finished with some lemon juice and very lightly tossed with the mixed-vegetable salad.
Sauerkraut is also de rigeur with new years, and as it happens I had already made some suaerkraut traditionally in the leadup as part of the Christmas present. To make it a little more regular for the meal, I decided to church it up a little bit. I made both red and white sauerkraut. The white sauerkraut needed some real help - it was salty and crunchy and good, but it wasn’t great. So I poured the white out into a pan and added a little allspice, a few peppercorns, a couple of healthy glugs of prosecco vinegar, and a little bit of sugar to help balance it out. I let it get a little bit warm and loosen up a bit. It helped a lot. For the red I dumped that out and just added a bit of sherry vinegar and some red pepper flakes.
Other folks had provided some dolmades, white bread and beer bread (these all came from A’s dad) and also mashed potatoes (from A’s brother, who is a champion eater of mashed potatoes), and they were all pretty good. The rest of the food came out exactly as I wanted, and I was pretty happy with the way things turned out such that you could eat  abit here and a bit there from the various and sundry sources and end up with a non-exhausting plate of food. As feasts go, I was pretty happy with the way that things came together. Everything that had been a crowd pleaser remained a crowd pleaser, and the whole thing was filling and plenty feast-like without being overwhelming - I was full without being uncomfortably so, which I’m willing ot chalk up to it being mostly food that is actually not that bad for us. It’s entirely possible that I may do some more working with the sour beans to make them something that cooks even slightly quicker.
Oh, and I’ll have to work on quantity, because digging out from under the impossible, tremendous amount of leftovers was pretty oppressive. I will say this: a sandwich made of toasted bread, mustard, peanut greens, pickles and a slice of porchetta is a pretty incredible way to use up a leftover, all told.
Just eating the beans as a leftover was also pretty great, but it does seem to require that you like beans at least as much as I do to get through that many. I hope I can remember the next time I do it to make them into a croquette - fried pickled things are awesome, and I bet the fried sour beans would be equally incredible.
Or at least more interesting than other regular croquettes. But this is all turning into a digression for another time. So stay tuned. Maybe you’ll get to hear about it.
* I cook for the same three people, counting myself, most of the time, so it’s not common for people outside my household to eat my food - I’m not much of a host-er and prefer restaurants for socializing purposes, mainly because I don’t go to them that often - I’m cheap, and also I’m a better judge of how I want something to taste than someone I’m paying to do it. I’m generally a do-it-myself sort of person, and I tend to go out only for things that I don’t make often - organ meats are a tough sell for my housemates, and fish is expensive enough that I’m usually pretty happy to let someone with more experience do it for me, to name two examples - or where people want to go or whatever.
** restaurants, and especially mid-range ones, are sort of the silent partners in the pork belly explosion of a decade ago. That explosion has mostly died, and that’s great, because I was tired of being surprised and worn down by the constant baconification of everything, and it also means that pork belly prices are coming down a bit. I’ve been making my own bacon for a very long time, as well as my own pancetta, and obviously there’s a porchetta every year, and it’s great to not have to pay through the nose for it.
*** It probably didn’t have to rest, as the few minutes of very high heat wasn’t enough to stir up the interior juices, and so it probably wasn’t in any danger of that, but hey, it didn’t hurt anyway.
**** it’s also, weirdly, one of R’s favorite preparations, which is strange, considering his usual relationship to greens.
***** carrots are an all-time champion pickle.
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bouzkri · 6 years
Detox Drinks: The Guide to Better Health and Weight Loss
Detox drinks have become very popular in recent years thanks to their numerous health benefits. Many doctors and nutritionists praise detox drinks as one of the easiest ways to rid your body of toxins, flush your liver, boost your energy, give your digestive system a break, and improve your overall health.
In a 2011 survey of 196 naturopathic doctors, 92% of the doctors reported using clinical detoxification therapy to treat a range of conditions from environmental exposures, general cleansing, digestive disorders, and autoimmune diseases. 
If you’re looking to use detox drinks for weight loss and better health, or just want to kick sugary drinks, you don’t need a doctor to help you get started, just keep reading below! You’ll learn the benefits of detox drinks, types of detox drinks, and how to incorporate them into your diet.
What is a Detox Drink?
A detox drink is a drink recipe that helps your body rid itself of toxins, promote weight loss, boost energy, cleanse the liver, or any combination of these. They’re also known as detox cleanse drinks or cleansing drinks. They usually contains some combination of water with fruit, vegetables, herbs or other natural ingredients that boosts your body’s ability to eliminate toxins from your system.
Some of the more popular detox drinks include detox water, detox tea, detox juice, and detox smoothies.
Why Detox?
The world is full of pollutants – from the air we breathe, to the food we eat, and the water we drink. All around us, there are things that we ingest that our bodies can’t use or worse, do harm to our system.
When you detox, you’re giving your body, especially your liver, a chance rid itself of these toxins and get some recovery time in. If you constantly keep eating, drinking, and breathing these toxic substances without flushing them from your system, they build up over time and you risk health issues including cancer, reproductive, metabolic, and mental health effects. 
Other health benefits of detox drinks include:
·        Reduces inflammation 
·        Helps weight loss 
·        Improves skin health 
·        Boosts energy and alertness 
Detox Water
At the top of the detox drinks list is detox water thanks to its simplicity and inexpensive ingredients. It contains very few calories because it is not derived from juice or blending. Detox regimens like “lemon detox” or “master cleanse” are based on detox water recipes.
Research has shown that drinking water is one of the best things you can do for better health. It helps fill your stomach so you don’t feel as hungry, and studies have even shown that just drinking water raises your metabolism! 
A basic detox water recipe consists of fruit, vegetables or herbs mixed with water. It’s literally that simple.
Popular detox water ingredients include:
·        Lemon
·        Lime
·        Orange
·        Strawberries
·        Cucumber
·        Mint
·        Watermelon
·        Mango
·        Berries
·        Grapefruit
·        Cinnamon
·        Rosemary
·        Cilantro
How to Make Detox Water
It’s easy to make delicious detox water, just follow these steps:
1.    Set ingredients into the bottom of a pitcher or infuser bottle.
2.    Cover with ice about 4-5 inches, then fill the rest with water.
3.    Set in the fridge for 1 hour then serve.
Detox Tea
The next most popular type of detox drink are detox teas. People have been using detox tea for thousands of years to help detox their bodies and improve their overall health.
Different herbs like ginger, lemongrass, dandelion, and milk thistle contain ingredients said to support a healthy liver, which is one of the main organs in charge of detoxifying your body.
One important note when it comes to detox teas, be sure to get organic ingredients and organic teas. When non organic tea companies dry and process the herbs they do not typically wash off the pesticides, so yep… you guessed it you are ingesting all those nasty chemicals. And if you are looking to detoxify your body those will only hinder your efforts.
Here are the most popular types of Detox Teas:
Green Tea
This very popular detox drink is believed to have been originated in China over 3000 years ago, and since then has spread to become one of the most popular beverages in the world. It’s especially popular in Asian countries, particularly Japan.
It contains powerful antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and heart disease. 
Benefits of Green Tea include:
·        Boosts your metabolism 
·        Helps burn fat, especially belly fat 
·        Improves immunity 
·        Helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia 
Dandelion Tea
Dandelions are those little yellow flowers that pop up in your yard that you fight off all year. Few people realize that these pesky little plants actually contain a lot of health benefits and have been used as a detox drink for centuries.
Benefits of Dandelion Tea include:
·        Helps cleanse the liver 
·        High in antioxidants
·        Fights urinary tract infections 
·        Natural diuretic
Ginger Tea
Ginger is one of the most nutritious spices in the world. It’s loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful health benefits for your entire body.
It has been proven to help alleviate oxidative stress, which helps your liver perform more efficiently as well as improve brain function. 
Benefits of Ginger Tea include:
·        Effective against nausea 
·        Helps reduce muscle pain and soreness 
·        Potent anti inflammatory 
·        Helps lower cholesterol 
Milk Thistle Tea
Milk thistle has been used for by people in the Mediterranean for over 2000 years. The early Greeks wrote about its healing properties as far back as 40 A.D.
It’s been shown to be a powerful detox ingredient for symptoms and diseases, including cancer, high cholesterol, chemotherapy, diabetes, alcoholism, kidney stones, and more. 
Benefits of Milk Thistle Tea include:
·        Powerful antioxidant 
·        Natural liver detoxifier and damage healer 
·        Helps lower cholesterol 
·        Boosts skin health 
Detox Smoothies
I love detox smoothies. When I feel bloated and need to flush my system out, nothing beats the effectiveness of a smoothie cleanse. They’re not only easy to make, they taste amazing, too!
A typical detox smoothie recipe is full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other nutritious ingredients that provide your body a detoxifying flush. They also contain large amounts of water, which helps to hydrate your body and boost metabolism. 
Here are my Top 20 Detox Smoothie Ingredients:
·        Spinach
·        Celery
·        Lemons
·        Limes
·        Ginger
·        Mango
·        Cranberries
·        Cilantro
·        Fennel
·        Watermelon
·        Almonds (or almond butter)
·        Dandelion greens
·        Kale
·        Green tea
·        Watercress
·        Arugula
·        Wheatgrass
·        Avocado
·        Spirulina
·        Beets
I recommend you use fresh ingredients, but you can also use frozen fruits and vegetables if fresh isn’t available.
How to Make a Detox Smoothie
Detox smoothie recipes are simple to make:
Step 1 – add all ingredients to blender
Step 2 – blend until creamy and smooth
Step 3 – drink!
If you want to make the smoothie colder, try these two options:
Option 1 – Freeze the fruit, or buy frozen fruit.
Option 2 – Add 1/2 a cup of ice.
Detox Drinks Conclusion
No matter what reason for your wanting to detoxify, to lose weight, to clean your liver, to rid your body of toxins, boost energy, reset your digestive system, and improve your overall health, detox drinks can help you.
We recommend you choose the drink that most calls to you, it can be a Detox Water, Detox Smoothie or a Detox Tea. Pick the one you want to try most and start there, later in the week add in another type of drink and the following week another, until you are drinking detox water all day long in place of other drinks, supplementing a meal with a detox smoothie and swapping out a cup of coffee for detox tea.
Remember to choose all organic food and drinks at this time as you don’t want to be adding pesticides and chemicals to your body as you are trying to remove them.
Detox, Detox Drinks, Smoothie via lose-weight10 http://bit.ly/2QX5Ntx
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The diabetes diet revolution: super soups, shakes and delicious dishes to help you lose weight
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/the-diabetes-diet-revolution-super-soups-shakes-and-delicious-dishes-to-help-you-lose-weight.html
The diabetes diet revolution: super soups, shakes and delicious dishes to help you lose weight
As the Mail revealed yesterday, the NHS will be offering people with type 2 diabetes a liquid diet of just 800 calories a day as part of radical plans to turn the tide on the disease.
There is another way: Dr Michael Mosley’s ground-breaking 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet from his book. 
Here, in the first part of a two-part series, we publish his simple yet healthy and tasty plan for sticking to 800 calories a day — while still feeling full. 
Don’t miss part two in tomorrow’s Daily Mail.
Six years ago I discovered, after a routine blood test, that I was a type 2 diabetic. This was a particularly nasty shock because my father had died, aged 74, from complications of diabetes.
But rather than start on medication, which is what my doctor advised, I decided to find something I could do to overcome diabetes without drugs.
I’m not alone in trying to find a solution to this cruel disease, which is at epidemic proportions: one in three Britons now has pre-diabetes (blood sugar levels that are abnormally high but not yet in the diabetic range), while about four million have the condition itself.
And if you do have pre-diabetes (and unless you’ve been tested you won’t know), there’s a 30 per cent chance that within five years you will go on to develop type 2 diabetes — the kind linked to unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
This can lead to a range of serious complications including an increased risk of going blind, needing an amputation or suffering a heart attack, kidney failure or dementia.
Luckily, I believe I did discover an answer to type 2 — my best-selling Blood Sugar Diet book, which shows you how to eat to beat diabetes.
I believe I did discover an answer to type 2 — my best-selling Blood Sugar Diet book, which shows you how to eat to beat diabetes
Since I wrote it just over two years ago, tens of thousands of men and women have used it to lose weight, cut their risk of type 2 diabetes and even reduce their reliance on medication.
People like Cassie, a nurse, who within weeks of starting was able to come off insulin injections. In a couple of months she lost more than 20kg (44lb) and then managed to get pregnant. ‘You have helped make a little miracle possible,’ she wrote, ‘for which I can’t thank you enough.’
But it’s not just weight loss and diabetes — the diet has led to dramatic improvement in people with a range of other ailments, from eczema to polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that hinders fertility and affects nearly one in five women.
The key, based on extensive research, lies in switching to a Mediterranean-style diet rich in healthy fats and vegetables, but low in sugar and starch.
And, if you have a lot of weight to lose, sticking to 800 calories per day for eight weeks, you could lose up to an astonishing 33lb and completely reverse your diabetes.
Studies by one of Europe’s leading diabetes experts, Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University, have shown that a rapid weight-loss diet is just what you need to reduce the belly fat that’s so bad for us. My own plan is backed by studies which show that if it is done properly, a rapid weight-loss diet can be a safe and effective way to cut fat and achieve your goals.
It’s this kind of research that’s the basis of the new liquid diet taken up by the NHS.
I’m thrilled to see the health service is taking the research seriously and I look forward to lots more people reversing their type 2 diabetes.
Not everyone can manage a low-calorie diet like this. But you can still gain many of the benefits (though you may lose weight more slowly) by easing yourself in gently and picking one, two, or three 800-calorie days a week and eating according to sensible, low-carbohydrate diet principles the rest of the time.
In scientific studies, liquid diets are mainly done for convenience — it’s an easy way to keep tabs on what people are consuming. But others have done it just as successfully on solid food.
To make it easy for you, here in a sample week of my 8-week plan, the Mail is focusing on soups and shakes that can go towards making up your 800 calories a day.
Tomorrow we will look at delicious proper dinners and lunches that can make slimming so easy.
Since I wrote it just over two years ago, tens of thousands of men and women have used it to lose weight, cut their risk of type 2 diabetes and even reduce their reliance on medication (file photo)
The principles of the Blood Sugar Diet are that it is low in starchy carbs, but packed full of disease-fighting vitamins and rich in olive oil, fish, nuts, fruit and vegetables, as well as full-fat yoghurt and eggs.
That’s because large studies have found that not only do people gain multiple health benefits from a Mediterranean -style diet but they find it easier to stick to — unlike a low-fat diet — as it’s simple and enjoyable.
Alongside the diet, I recommend a really simple fitness plan.
Here are some pointers to give you an idea of what is meant by Mediterranean-style eating:
Cut right down on sugar, sugary treats, drinks and desserts.
Minimise or avoid the starchy ‘white stuff’. That means bread, pasta, potatoes, rice.
Switch your starches. Instead of pasta and rice, try quinoa, bulgur (cracked wheat), whole rye, wholegrain barley, wild rice and buckwheat. Legumes, such as lentils and kidney beans, are healthy and filling too.
Avoid most breakfast cereals as these are usually full of sugar.
Full-fat yoghurt is also good. For flavour, add blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, or a sprinkling of nuts. 
Start the day with eggs. They can be boiled, poached, scrambled or made into an omelette, and will keep you fuller for longer than cereal or toast. Delicious with smoked salmon and chilli.
Snack on nuts. They are a great source of protein and fibre. Try to avoid salted or sweetened nuts, which can be moreish.
Eat more healthy fats and oils. Along with oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), consume more olive oil. A splash on vegetables improves the absorption of vitamins. Use olive, rapeseed or coconut oil for cooking.
Avoid margarine and use butter instead. Cheese in moderation is fine.
Pick high-quality proteins — oily fish, prawns, chicken, turkey, pork, beef and eggs. Other protein-rich foods include soya, edamame beans, Quorn and hummus. Processed meats, such as bacon and salami should be eaten only a few times a week.
Eat plenty of different-coloured veg. Choose a range from dark, leafy greens to bright-red and yellow peppers. Add sauces and flavouring, such as lemon, butter or olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, chilli, gravy.
Avoid too many sweet fruits. Berries, apples or pears are fine, but tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, melon and bananas are full of sugar.
The idea is that — whether by following the recipes shown here or creating your own — you follow these principles, restricting your daily calories to 800.
For some people this will mean having just two meals a day, for others it will be three smaller ones. And while alcohol isn’t banned for life, it’s worth avoiding owing to its high calorie content.
If after eight weeks you still have more weight to lose, or need to bring your blood sugar levels down further, move to the more relaxed 5:2 approach. 
To make it easy for you, here in a sample week of my 8-week plan, the Mail is focusing on soups and shakes that can go towards making up your 800 calories a day
It’s vital to take these precautions 
If you are on medication, talk to your GP. This is particularly important because he or she should be involved in monitoring and tapering off your medicines. It’s also essential that you discuss the diet with your doctor if any of the following apply:
You are on insulin or any diabetic medication other than metformin. You may need a suitable reduction in dosage to avoid too fast a drop in blood sugar.
You are on blood pressure tablets — you may have to reduce the dosage or come off them. The same applies to glucose-lowering drugs, ones that begin with the letter G, like glibenclamide and gliclazide, which may have to be stopped because they can push your blood glucose abnormally low.
You have moderate or severe retinopathy. You should have extra screenings within six months of reducing diabetes.
You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You have a psychiatric or eating disorder.
You are taking warfarin.
You have epilepsy.
You have a significant medical condition.
You are unwell or have a fever.
Don’t follow the diet if you are under 18, your BMI is below 21, or you are recovering from surgery or are generally frail.
You should also confirm with your doctor that you really are a type 2 diabetic. There are other, rarer forms that will not respond in the same way to weight loss.
If you are in any doubt, please click here for a website where you can find useful information.
The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet by Dr Michael Mosley (Short Books, £8.99). © Michael Mosley 2015.
To order a copy for £7.19 (20 per cent discount) go to mailshop.co.uk/books or call 0844 571 0640. Offer valid until 30/9/18. P&P free on orders over £15.
The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet Recipe Book by Dr Claire Bailey (Short Books, £14.99). © Claire Bailey 2016. Order for £11.99 before 30/9/18, details as before.
100 cals / Serves 1
● 1 green teabag
● 50g blueberries
● 1 tbsp almonds
● 200ml water
● 2 tbsp Greek yoghurt
● 1 tbsp flaxseeds, steeped for 4 mins
Add the teabag to 200ml boiling water. Remove the bag and chill tea in fridge. Put in a blender with other ingredients. Whizz together.
270 cals / Serves 2
● 200g diced chicken breast
● 2 sprigs of rosemary
● 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
● Drizzle olive oil
● 50g green beans, trimmed
● 100g tin butter beans, drained
● 1 red onion, very thinly sliced
● 1 tbsp walnut pieces
For the dressing
● 1 tbsp olive oil
● 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
● 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
Place chicken, rosemary and garlic in a large bowl with olive oil and toss together. Fry chicken pieces for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of water to the boil and add the green beans. Boil for 2 minutes, then add the butter beans and cook for 2 minutes more then drain.
In a large serving bowl, mix together the warm chicken, beans, red onion and walnuts.
To make the dressing, whisk together the oil, mustard and vinegar in a small bowl. Pour over the salad and toss gently to combine.
440 cals / Serves 1
● 100g crab meat
● Pinch paprika
● 1tsp mayonnaise
● Handful parsley, roughly chopped
● Drizzle olive oil
● 3 broccoli florets
● 1 tbsp tinned sweetcorn
● Worcestershire sauce
● 1 spring onion, chopped
● Juice half a lemon
● Flour for dusting
● Freshly ground black pepper
In a bowl, mix the crab meat, sweetcorn, paprika, a splash of Worcestershire sauce, mayonnaise, spring onion and parsley. Season and stir in lemon juice.
Place the bowl in the fridge for a few hours. Sprinkle some flour, seasoned with black pepper, on a clean surface and on your hands and shape the crab mixture into two patties. Heat a little oil in a non-stick frying pan. When hot, fry the crabcakes for 3 minutes on each side. Serve with steamed broccoli. 
200 cals / Serves 1
● 2 small eggs
● Salt and black pepper
● Knob butter
● Sprinkle chives, snipped
● 2 thick slices beef tomato
Crack eggs into bowl and whisk with salt and pepper. Heat butter in a pan and add the eggs. Push them around for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Stir in chives and serve on tomato.
210 cals / Makes 2 portions
● 50g Spanish chorizo, diced
● 1 tbsp olive oil
● 1 large leek, rinsed and thinly sliced
● 1 red pepper, diced
● 2 chopped medium cloves garlic
● Pinch chilli flakes
● 1 tsp paprika
● 1 tbsp tomato puree
● 1 litre chicken stock
● 200g tinned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
● 150g baby spinach leaves
Cook chorizo over medium heat, stirring a bit, for 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels and discard fat. Add the oil to a pan on a medium heat. Add leek and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Add the pepper, garlic, chilli and paprika and cook for 1 minute. Add the puree and cook, stirring often, for 2 minutes. Add stock and chickpeas and boil. Simmer, partially cover and cook for 20 minutes. Add spinach and chorizo and heat for 2 minutes.
340 cals / Serves 2
● 2 tsp rapeseed oil
● 2 skinless chicken pieces
● 1 deseeded green chilli, chopped
● 150ml coconut milk
● 1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
● Large handful coriander, chopped
● 4 spring onions, chopped
● Juice of 1 lime
● 2 tbsp brown rice (adds 70 cals)
Heat oil in wok over a high heat, add chicken and stir-fry for 5 minutes, until golden brown. Add chilli, stir-fry for 1 minute then add coconut milk, fish sauce, coriander and spring onions. Cook for 3 minutes, drizzle with lime juice and serve, with cooked rice if you wish.
Pictured: Stir-fry chicken with lime and coconut milk
130 cals / Serves 1
● ¼ Galia melon, chopped
● 50g blueberries
● 200ml unsweetened almond milk
● 2 handfuls spinach leaves
● Sprinkle sunflower seeds
Put melon, berries, milk and spinach into a blender. Whizz smooth. Stir in seeds, pour into a container and chill in fridge for at least an hour.
270 cals / Serves 1
● 1 courgette
● 2 large handfuls rocket
● 50g raspberries
● 1 tbsp each balsamic vinegar and olive oil
● 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
● 40g feta
● Handful mint leaves, torn
Peel courgette into ribbons. Mix with rocket and raspberries. Drizzle with vinegar and olive oil and top with seeds, feta and mint.
390 cals / Serves 2
● Drizzle olive oil
● 1 shallot, finely chopped
● 1 bulb fennel, finely chopped
● 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
● Splash of vermouth or dry white wine
● 300ml chicken stock
● 200g (½ tin) chopped tomatoes
● 250g fresh seafood (prawns, crab, white fish)
● 2-3 handfuls spinach leaves
Heat oil in a large pan, add the shallot, fennel and garlic and cook for 5 minutes until softened. Add wine and let bubble for a minute. Pour in the chicken stock and tomatoes and bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 minutes, then stir in the seafood and spinach to heat through.
Pictured: French fish stew
Pictured: Smoked mackerel and orange salad
180 cals / Serves 1
● 1 tbsp raisins
● 50ml apple juice
● 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
● 2 tbsp plain yoghurt
● Pinch of ground cinnamon
● 1 tbsp walnut pieces
Place the raisins in a bowl and pour over the apple juice. Leave to chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour or overnight. When ready to eat, mix with the flaxseed and yoghurt and sprinkle over the cinnamon and walnut pieces.
170 cals / Makes 2 portions
● 1 litre vegetable stock
● 50g baby sweetcorn
● Handful beansprouts
● 50g mangetout
● 50g sugarsnap peas
● Knob ginger, peeled and grated
● 1 tbsp fish sauce
● Juice from half a lime
● 12 large prawns, shelled and deveined
● Handful each of basil leaves, mint, coriander
● ½ red chilli, finely sliced
Pour the stock into a large saucepan and bring to the boil, add the sweetcorn, beansprouts, mangetout, peas and ginger and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the fish sauce and lime juice, and season. Cook prawns in the broth until pink, it should take 2-3 minutes. Serve topped with the herbs and red chilli.
460 cals / Serves 2
● 200g small uncooked beetroot
● 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
● 1 tbsp olive oil
● 1 head chicory
● Zest and juice of ½ orange
● 2 oranges
● Pinch salt and freshly ground black pepper
● 2 spring onions, sliced diagonally
● 2 small smoked mackerel fillets
● 20g walnut halves
Heat the oven to 200c. Put the beetroot in a roasting tin with a couple of centimetres of water in the bottom. Cover with foil and roast in the oven for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the vinegar, juice, zest and oil into a screw-top jar, season with salt and pepper and shake until well combined. When they are done, remove the beetroot from the oven — they should be tender when pierced with a knife.
When they are cool enough to handle, peel off the skins, top and tail them and slice into rounds. Toss them in a little of the dressing from the jar. Peel the oranges, following the contour of the fruit, then cut each one into thin slices. Trim the head of the chicory and separate the leaves, discarding the outer ones. Arrange the leaves in a salad bowl and then add the cooked, sliced beetroot, orange rounds and chopped spring onion.
Flake the smoked mackerel fillets on top, add the walnut halves and drizzle with the remaining dressing. 
320 cals / Serves 2
● 4 portobello mushrooms
● 2 slices smoked salmon
● 1 tbsp half-fat creme fraiche
● 1 tsp wholegrain mustard
● Lemon juice
● 2 handfuls watercress
● 2 poached eggs
● 1 tbsp pine nuts
Grill the seasoned mushrooms, drizzled with oil, on a baking tray, for three minutes then add smoked salmon to each. Mix the creme fraiche, mustard and lemon juice and spread over the salmon. Top each with watercress, a poached egg and a scattering of pine nuts.
200 cals / Serves 3
● 1 tbsp olive oil
● 1 tsp cumin seeds
● 2 medium onions, chopped
● 500g raw beetroot, grated
● 2 Bramley apples, peeled and quartered
● 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock
● 2 star anise
● Salt and ground black pepper
● 1 × 400g tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
● Greek yoghurt, to serve
● Handful of chives, chopped
Heat the oil in a pan, add the cumin and onions, and cook for 10 minutes, lid on. Add the beetroot and apple, stir and cook for 10 minutes more. Add the stock, turn up the heat, add the star anise and season. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Take off the heat, remove the star anise and blitz. Return to the pan, add the beans, simmer for 20 minutes then serve with yoghurt and chives.
260 cals / Serves 6
● 3-4 garlic cloves
● Large knob of butter
● 2 tsp thyme or tarragon
● 1 large free-range chicken
● 1 lemon, rind and juice
● 1 onion, halved
● 400g carrot batons
● 1 large cauliflower, in florets
● 1 tbsp olive oil
● 400g green veg to serve
For the gravy
● 1 tbsp cornflour
● 1 chicken stock cube
● ½ tbsp soy sauce
Preheat the oven to 200c. Mash the garlic, butter and herbs together. Put chicken on a roasting tray and cut holes in the skin over breasts and thighs. Push blobs of garlic butter under the skin, and over it. Season. Squeeze lemon juice over the chicken and put the rind inside the cavity. Add the onion to the tray, cut-side down. Roast the chicken, allowing 20 minutes per pound plus 20 minutes extra, basting every 20 minutes. Add the carrots 40 minutes before the end of cooking time.
Place the cauliflower florets on another tray. Season, drizzle with oil and bake for 25 minutes. Cook the green veg as you make gravy. When chicken is cooked, remove it to rest. Discard onion. Stir cornflour, oil and juices in roasting tray, then add 300ml water, stock cube and soy sauce, and stir until gravy has thickened. Carve and serve with the vegetables. 
260 cals / Serves 1
● 2 Portobello mushrooms
● ½ tin baked beans
● Worcestershire sauce
● Mozzarella, grated
Season the mushrooms and grill for 2 minutes. Place the beans, sauce and mozzarella in a pan and heat. Combine and serve.
70 calories / Serves 1
● Packet miso soup
● 2 handfuls baby veg, e.g. sweetcorn or mangetout
Make up the miso soup and add the veg.
510 cals / Serves 2
● 200ml beef stock
● 100ml red wine
● 2 sirloin steaks (approximately 225g each)
● Pinch steak seasoning
● 1 tsp butter
● 1 tsp olive oil
● 2 tbsp creme fraiche
● 2 tsp mixed peppercorns, crushed
● Green salad leaves
Put stock and wine in a pan, boil for 10 minutes to reduce. Rub steaks with seasoning. Place a frying pan over a high heat with butter and oil and fry steaks for 3 minutes on one side for medium or 2 minutes for rare. Turn and cook for 2 minutes for medium, 1 minute for rare. Pour in the reduced stock, creme fraiche and peppercorns. Stir, and cook for a minute more. Serve with salad.
Pictured: steak with peppercorns
      Pictured: roast chicken with garlic and thyme 
110 cals / Makes 4 portions of almond butter
● 300 skin-on almonds
● 2 tsp mixed seeds and goji berries
● 1 apple, cored and sliced
Preheat oven to 190c. Bake almonds for 10 minutes. Cool, then blend. Serve 2 tbsp of butter with seeds, berries and apple.
40 cals / 1 portion
Make up a consomme base and add two chopped spring onions and 80g of grated celeriac.
480 cals / Serves 2
● 2 × 120g trout fillets
● 2 limes, 1 sliced, the other juiced
● ½ tsp cumin powder
● 200g frozen peas
● 1 tbsp Greek yoghurt
● Large handful chopped coriander
Preheat oven to 180c. Drizzle trout with olive oil, place lime slices on top, sprinkle with cumin, season and bake for 8 minutes. Cook peas in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain and place in bowl. Add yoghurt and lime juice and mash. Stir in coriander and season. Serve trout on top of peas.
Pictured: kedgeree
390 cals / Serves 2
● 2 eggs
● 180g smoked white fish
● 150ml semi-skimmed milk
● 2 bay leaves
● ½ large cauliflower, grated
● 2 onions, one diced, one sliced
● 2 tbsp coconut oil
● 2 tsp medium curry powder
● 40g cooked peas (optional)
● Squeeze of lemon (to taste)
● Handful of parsley, chopped
Boil eggs for 6-7 minutes, then cool, peel and cut in half. Meanwhile, simmer the fish in milk with bay leaves for 10 minutes. Remove fish to a plate to cool, then remove skin and flake the flesh. Add grated cauliflower to the milk and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Drain the milk into a bowl and put cauliflower aside.
In a frying pan, sweat diced onion in 1 tbsp coconut oil for 5 minutes. Stir in curry powder and cook for another 2-3 minutes, then fold in cauliflower, flaked fish and peas, with infused milk to loosen. Simmer. In a pan, fry sliced onion in the rest of oil until crisp. Add a squeeze of lemon to kedgeree and serve. 
Healthy snacks that are just so scrummy
I lost more than 6st – it’s the best diet of all
Val Cornall, 52, lost more than 6st in eight months on the 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet.
The school lunchtime supervisor is married to David, 63, a farmer, and the couple have three grown-up children.
She says: ‘At my largest, I weighed 17st 4lb, despite being just 5ft 5in. Nothing could shift the weight for good.
‘Then a routine blood test five years ago showed me to be pre-diabetic. This came as a terrible shock.
Val Cornall, 52, lost more than 6st in eight months on the 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet. She said: ‘It’s the best diet for me and the only way I’ve ever lost weight.’ Right: before, left: after
‘Despite trying other diets that my friends had followed, such as Slimming World, the temptation of carbohydrates was always too much. I realised that I needed to cut them out because if I don’t I get hungry and just eat more.
‘Thanks to the 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet, I lost 6st 5lb. It cuts out carbs, which is why it’s so good for me.’
Val who now weighs 14st 11lb says: ‘Recently, I’ve regained a couple of stone due to a bereavement. But I decided today that I’m going to go back on it — it’s the best diet for me and the only way I’ve ever lost weight. I really want to be there for my lovely grandchildren. While on the diet I had so much more energy to play with them.’
50 cals per cracker / Makes 24 small crackers
● 60g spelt flour (or any wholegrain flour)
● 300ml water
● 1 heaped tsp Marmite
● Black pepper, chilli, rosemary or thyme
● 120g seeds: equal amounts golden linseeds (or flax seeds), chia seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
● ¼ tsp Maldon salt, plus an extra sprinkle
● Olive oil
Preheat the oven to 170c. Mix the flour and 250ml cold water in one bowl and in another, dissolve the Marmite in 50ml hot water and pour it into the flour. Add extra flavouring or herbs, if using.
Now stir in the seeds and the Maldon salt. Leave the dough to bind for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Line a large baking tray with baking paper and brush liberally with oil.
Tip the mixture onto the tray and spread it very thinly with the back of a fork, to about 3mm thick.
Pictured: thin seed crackers with dip. Crackers can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week
Sprinkle over a little extra Maldon salt and bake for 25 minutes. While still warm, slice the biscuit into crackers.
Remove them from the baking paper and turn them over. Return them to the oven for another 25 minutes, until they start to turn golden.
Turn the oven off but leave them inside for a further 15-30 minutes to dry out.
Crackers can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week.
For a super-simple lunch snack, take a matchbox-sized piece of hard cheese, an apple or pear, or a handful of berries, along with a stick of celery and a couple of seeded crackers.
210 cals per portion / Makes 4 portions
● 400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
● 3 tbsp lemon juice
● 6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus drizzle
● 4 tsp tahini
● 2 garlic cloves, crushed
● 1 tsp ground cumin
● Pinch salt
● 3 tbsp water, as required
● 1 tsp paprika
Blend the chickpeas, lemon juice, olive oil, tahini, garlic, cumin, salt and water in a food processor until you have a creamy puree. Serve with a drizzle of oil and a sprinkling of paprika.
110 cals / Makes 4 portions
● 2–3 garlic cloves
● 180g Brazil nuts, soaked in water for 24 hours, drained and rinsed
● 3 tbsp lemon juice
● 4 tbsp rapeseed oil
● 2 tbsp tahini
● Pinch cayenne pepper
Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until you have a paste. Loosen with water if needed and season. Cover and store in the fridge.  
Pictured: Brazil nut butter
270 cals per portion / Makes 4 portions
● ½ cucumber
● 250ml full-fat Greek yoghurt
● ¼ tsp cumin seeds
● 2-3 mint leaves, finely chopped
● Pinch salt
Peel and deseed the cucumber, then grate or finely dice it. Combine it in a bowl with the yoghurt and all the other ingredients and a large pinch of salt.
270 cals / Makes 2 portions
● 1 fillet smoked mackerel/trout
● 3 tbsp full-fat soft cheese
● Squeeze lemon juice
● 1-2 tsp hot horseradish sauce
● ½ cucumber, thickly sliced
Remove the skin and mash the fish in a bowl with cheese and lemon juice. Season with black pepper, and add the horseradish. Serve on slices of cucumber.  
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bluewomanposts · 5 years
Lemon Cure Slimming and Belly Melting Recipe (Specialist Doctors)
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Lemon is a wonderful herb that is very useful for health. Does lemon juice and lemon juice have a slimming effect? Do I lose weight if I drink lemon water? Here are the answers given by expert dietitians; (In this article, you can read the recipe for slimming and fat burning cure that you can prepare with lemon and parsley reported by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu.) Dietitian İrem Yeten Does the lemon weaken? He answered our question as follows; (One of the most important issues related to lemon is 'Does lemon weaken?'. Lemon does not have a fat-burning property. No nutrient alone burns fat. To observe this, it is seen that the oil does not mix with lemon. There are some studies suggesting that it can metabolize oil with vitamin C. Lemon has a very low calorie and therefore can be added in a controlled manner to increase the flavor in meals and sauces. Does drinking lemon water weaken? The question of Dietitian Rabia Arslan to the answer: (In the morning, hot or warm lemon water in the stomach for a long time to keep the stomach full of food will cause you to eat less. It is not the fact that lemon is present in the water which helps to weaken, but that the water is warm or lukewarm, because the hot water leaves the stomach later than the cold water, resulting in a feeling of satiety in the stomach. Does lemon water weaken? Nutritionist Taylan Kümeli's answer to our question is the following; Lemon water gives a feeling of satiety and balances the ups and downs of sugar during the day Dietitian Ahmet Sancak lemon weakens, will lose weight? The answer is this; ( The belief that drinking lemon and vinegar water on an empty stomach in the morning weakens is also wrong. and can be burned by exercising, ie cold or warm water or lemon juice has no debilitating effect. Dietitian Melis Destereci Does the lemon weaken? Answer our question: (Researchers say that there is a connection between the consumption of vitamin C and body mass index of individuals, a lower body mass index can be seen in sufficient amounts of vitamin C. The issue is that lemon juice containing vitamin C alone does not have a debilitating and fat-burning effect, but vitamin C, which is consumed in combination with exercise, can reduce the rate of fat by stimulating fat burning metabolism. nutrients alone is not a solution. The Recipe of Fat Burning Appetizing Lemon Cure from Prof Dr İbrahim Saraçoğlun Parsley with 15 -16 stems The juice of 1 lemon 1 glass of water (You can put a little less than 1 glass of water. With lemon you can complete the glass.) Stalked parsley, lemon juice and chlorine-free water and put in the blender. The green juice you get for 10-15 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning. After applying for 15 days, take a break of 3-4 days and make another 15-day cure. After five to six months, you can repeat this cycle in the same way, depending on your situation. Parsley and lemon cure cuts your appetite, burns fat. Recipe From Dietitian Selahattin Dönmez To Keep The Lemon Full And Lose Weight With Lemon 1 lemon Two green apples 1 kiwi Fresh ginger the size of 1 finger. Pass all of them through the juicer for a snack. Dietician Burcu Yildiz Uğur's Dietary Curing Recipe 1 liter of water Half a lemon Half a bunch of parsley Pineapple bark 1 green apple 1 piece of ginger Add all ingredients to hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes, then drink the size of the sponge. Beauty And Herb Specialist Suna Dumankaya From The Lemon Melting Cure With Lemon Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, sesame oil, rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil. Every day, massage around your waist and your belly by drawing circular movements with this mixture. Your fats will begin to melt quickly. Every day, massage around your waist and your belly by drawing circular movements with this mixture. Your fats will begin to melt quickly. Keep doing sports regularly. Beauty and Herbal Expert Suna Dumankaya Lemon Metabolism Acceleration Cure Recipe  If your metabolism is slow, you will have difficulty burning fat. Peel and slice a pineapple to speed up your metabolism. Pass the pineapple slices through the blender with a pinch of mint, a tablespoon of walnut oil, a tablespoon of almond oil and a peeled lemon. For this mixture, morning-evening on a full stomach. You can also add some honey.   Read the full article
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brandyfields66-blog · 6 years
6 Weird Diet Tricks That Actually Work
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Some clients come to me in search of a complete eating overhaul, including a meal plan with specific portions and recipes. Many others, however, simply want the shortcuts.
While it's true that obtaining long-term weight loss success isn't that simple, I am happy to report there are several research-backed easy tricks that really do help.
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Add the tactics below to your daily habits, and you can cut calories, fight cravings, and ultimately, lose weight.
RELATED: 7 Foods That Fight Fat
Drink water before meals
This may just be the easiest, most cost-effective weight loss tip there is, and a new study published in the journal Obesity adds to its credibility. Researchers separated obese adults into two groups. The first was asked to drink 16 oz. of flat water (no bubbles), 30 minutes before meals, while the second was advised to imagine that they had a full stomach before eating. In the end, the volunteers who followed through with “pre-loading” with water before they ate lost about 9.5 pounds, compared to 1.75 pounds for those who didn't. The water group also shed on average three additional pounds, compared to the imagination group.
Previous studies have shown that drinking a few cups of water before meals naturally results in eating fewer calories, and other research has shown that a 16-ounce dose of water upped metabolic rate by about 30% within 10 minutes. While the effect peaked 30 to 40 minutes later, those little bump ups in calorie burning can snowball meal after meal.
RELATED: Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat
Slurp soup (even cold varieties)
Adding an item to your order as a way to cut calories might seem counter-intuitive, but it can slash your caloric intake for the whole meal. That's what happened when researchers had volunteers eat a low-calorie soup before lunch in an oft-cited 2007 study from the journal Appetite. In the end, participants reduced their total calorie intake at lunch (including both the soup and entree) by 20%, compared to when they didn't eat soup. The reduction in calories also didn't result in more hunger or less satisfaction. And if you're thinking, “Soup in the hot summer, are you crazy?!” consider cold options. The study used soups that provided 100-150 calories per serving, and there are plenty of chilled choices that hit that mark, like gazpacho, curried zucchini, or borscht. RELATED: 14 Ways You Lie to Yourself About Your Weight
When faced with temptation, visualize your previous meal
Yep, you can think yourself slim. When scientists at the University of Birmingham asked volunteers to recall the same day's lunch they found that those who could do so vividly ate fewer snacks later in the day. A group of volunteers was instructed to be mindful while they ate lunch by focusing on things like the look, aroma, and physical sensations of chewing and swallowing.
Later in the day, while presented with snacks, volunteers were asked to recall how distinctly they could remember their lunch. Those who were mindful were able to recall their meal most intensely and they ate significantly fewer snacks, compared to two control groups. (A second group read a news article while they ate; the third group wasn't given any instructions at all.)
The takeaway: as often as you can, eat without distractions, and if you feel a snack attack coming on, conjure up the memory of a previous meal. It may make the difference between eating one cookie or a handful.
RELATED: 12 Weight-Loss Secrets From Celebrity Chefs
Use visual portion trackers
Cornell University scientists call them speed bumps, or stop signs, but you can also think of them as “evidence.” In one study, students whose tables weren't cleared, allowing them to see how many chicken wings they'd torn through via the number of bones left, ate fewer than those who had the remnants taken away.
The same technique can be used for other foods, like olive pits, shrimp served with tails, pizza slices, if you leave the crust, or anything eaten off a stick. According to researchers an empty stick signals your brain to think “done” even if you're not consciously aware of it.
You can even create visuals that cue you to stop on your own, like putting popcorn into a small bowl rather than eating it straight from the bag (empty bowl=finished), or eating small cheese cubes off of toothpicks rather than on their own.
RELATED: The Real Reason You're Not Losing Weight
Color coordinate your meals
Another Cornell study found that a greater contrast between the color of your food and the color of your plate may naturally help you to eat less. In the study, diners served themselves pasta from a buffet that included either tomato or Alfredo (white) sauce. Diners were randomly given red or white plates, so some had had contrasting colors-red sauce on a white plate-while others had matching colors. Those in the latter group served themselves 22% more than those who saw differing hues. While researchers aren't totally sure why the color made such a big difference, aiming for contrast is another simple strategy to put to the test.
Smell your food before eating
It's said that we eat with our eyes as well as our stomachs, but we also eat with our noses. One recent study published in the journal Flavour found that the stronger the smell, the smaller the bite. When volunteers had the ability to control their own dessert portions, those given more aromatic samples ate 5 to 10% less.
Bottom line: scent plays a role in satisfaction, so take a moment or two to smell your food before you dive in, and add aromatic seasonings to meals, like fresh ginger, basil, cinnamon, or rosemary, to enhance the sensory experience.
RELATED: 5 Tips to Restart Your Weight Loss
What's your take on this topic? Chat with us on Twitter by mentioning @goodhealth and @CynthiaSass.
Cynthia Sass is a nutritionist and registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health. Frequently seen on national TV, she's Health's contributing nutrition editor, and privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is currently the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Rangers NHL team and the New York Yankees MLB team, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Cynthia is a three-time New York Times best-selling author, and her brand new book is Slim Down Now: Shed Pounds and Inches with Real Food, Real Fast. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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reynoldslevi10-blog · 6 years
6 Weird Diet Tricks That Actually Work
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Some clients come to me in search of a complete eating overhaul, including a meal plan with specific portions and recipes. Many others, however, simply want the shortcuts.
While it's true that obtaining long-term weight loss success isn't that simple, I am happy to report there are several research-backed easy tricks that really do help.
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Add the tactics below to your daily habits, and you can cut calories, fight cravings, and ultimately, lose weight.
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Drink water before meals
This may just be the easiest, most cost-effective weight loss tip there is, and a new study published in the journal Obesity adds to its credibility. Researchers separated obese adults into two groups. The first was asked to drink 16 oz. of flat water (no bubbles), 30 minutes before meals, while the second was advised to imagine that they had a full stomach before eating. In the end, the volunteers who followed through with “pre-loading” with water before they ate lost about 9.5 pounds, compared to 1.75 pounds for those who didn't. The water group also shed on average three additional pounds, compared to the imagination group.
Previous studies have shown that drinking a few cups of water before meals naturally results in eating fewer calories, and other research has shown that a 16-ounce dose of water upped metabolic rate by about 30% within 10 minutes. While the effect peaked 30 to 40 minutes later, those little bump ups in calorie burning can snowball meal after meal.
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Slurp soup (even cold varieties)
Adding an item to your order as a way to cut calories might seem counter-intuitive, but it can slash your caloric intake for the whole meal. That's what happened when researchers had volunteers eat a low-calorie soup before lunch in an oft-cited 2007 study from the journal Appetite. In the end, participants reduced their total calorie intake at lunch (including both the soup and entree) by 20%, compared to when they didn't eat soup. The reduction in calories also didn't result in more hunger or less satisfaction. And if you're thinking, “Soup in the hot summer, are you crazy?!” consider cold options. The study used soups that provided 100-150 calories per serving, and there are plenty of chilled choices that hit that mark, like gazpacho, curried zucchini, or borscht. RELATED: 14 Ways You Lie to Yourself About Your Weight
When faced with temptation, visualize your previous meal
Yep, you can think yourself slim. When scientists at the University of Birmingham asked volunteers to recall the same day's lunch they found that those who could do so vividly ate fewer snacks later in the day. A group of volunteers was instructed to be mindful while they ate lunch by focusing on things like the look, aroma, and physical sensations of chewing and swallowing.
Later in the day, while presented with snacks, volunteers were asked to recall how distinctly they could remember their lunch. Those who were mindful were able to recall their meal most intensely and they ate significantly fewer snacks, compared to two control groups. (A second group read a news article while they ate; the third group wasn't given any instructions at all.)
The takeaway: as often as you can, eat without distractions, and if you feel a snack attack coming on, conjure up the memory of a previous meal. It may make the difference between eating one cookie or a handful.
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Use visual portion trackers
Cornell University scientists call them speed bumps, or stop signs, but you can also think of them as “evidence.” In one study, students whose tables weren't cleared, allowing them to see how many chicken wings they'd torn through via the number of bones left, ate fewer than those who had the remnants taken away.
The same technique can be used for other foods, like olive pits, shrimp served with tails, pizza slices, if you leave the crust, or anything eaten off a stick. According to researchers an empty stick signals your brain to think “done” even if you're not consciously aware of it.
You can even create visuals that cue you to stop on your own, like putting popcorn into a small bowl rather than eating it straight from the bag (empty bowl=finished), or eating small cheese cubes off of toothpicks rather than on their own.
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Color coordinate your meals
Another Cornell study found that a greater contrast between the color of your food and the color of your plate may naturally help you to eat less. In the study, diners served themselves pasta from a buffet that included either tomato or Alfredo (white) sauce. Diners were randomly given red or white plates, so some had had contrasting colors-red sauce on a white plate-while others had matching colors. Those in the latter group served themselves 22% more than those who saw differing hues. While researchers aren't totally sure why the color made such a big difference, aiming for contrast is another simple strategy to put to the test.
Smell your food before eating
It's said that we eat with our eyes as well as our stomachs, but we also eat with our noses. One recent study published in the journal Flavour found that the stronger the smell, the smaller the bite. When volunteers had the ability to control their own dessert portions, those given more aromatic samples ate 5 to 10% less.
Bottom line: scent plays a role in satisfaction, so take a moment or two to smell your food before you dive in, and add aromatic seasonings to meals, like fresh ginger, basil, cinnamon, or rosemary, to enhance the sensory experience.
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Cynthia Sass is a nutritionist and registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health. Frequently seen on national TV, she's Health's contributing nutrition editor, and privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is currently the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Rangers NHL team and the New York Yankees MLB team, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Cynthia is a three-time New York Times best-selling author, and her brand new book is Slim Down Now: Shed Pounds and Inches with Real Food, Real Fast. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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9 Simple Techniques for How to lose belly fat.
Need To Shed Weight? These Pointers Can Help! Losing some weight isn't too easy for most of us. And it may be even tougher if you aren't sure how to begin. The subsequent article discusses the basic principles that you should know. To minimize weight, conserve a diary that chronicles your intake of calories. Because you will certainly be keeping tabs on everything you eat, you won't eat the maximum amount of and you will probably make healthier food choices. Although exercise will work for you, the simplest way to lose weight would be to eat balanced and healthy diet. When it comes to which weight loss guides are essential to adhere to, be sure to don't forget a good solid breakfast. As a result sure your metabolism is regulated well and reduces snacks later. Having breakfast each day prevents your body from storing away calories excessively. Just keep moving more to get to and sustain your healthy weight. Simple pursuits like walking or riding a bicycle take a lot more calories than watching television. Boosting your activity is simple to complete if you swap out some TV time. Your body needs the absolute minimum number of calories to be able to regulate the weight effectively. Starving yourself is not a successful way to diet and keep the weight off. One reason this occurs is the fact that because without enough calorie consumption, the human body goes into starvation mode and saves fat as an alternative to burning it. This particular "diet" also results in binge eating along with a sure approach to gain the load back quickly as soon as you do resume normal eating. Drinking water is a common fat loss tip. However, were you aware very cold water can certainly make your metabolism work much harder? Consuming water that may be very cold makes your body try to raise the water's temperature, raising your metabolism in the process. If you've had to quit mashed potatoes with regard to your diet program, try subbing in cauliflower instead. Cook the cauliflower in a pot with a few chopped onions along with a little water. Once it really is tender, puree it with chicken or vegetable bouillon and season it with ground pepper when needed. This provides you a lower-carb side dish that has the nutrition of coles like cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. Nearly everybody loves eating fried potatoes. They are an excellent temptation to anyone trying to lose weight. However, if you want to eat fried potatoes which help erase pounds rather than adding them, bake them. Trim your potatoes into half inch pieces, toss with pepper, salt, contributing to one tablespoon of canola oil bake inside an oven for around thirty minutes at 400 degrees. Toss with rosemary, should you desire. Release along with your spatula, change it over, then bake for the additional 10 mins. They can be good eaten with ketchup and so are lower in fat, you will not even think about them being not fried. This recipe was obtained from Laurel's Kitchen Cookbook. To conclude, it is sometimes complicated to lose weight, a lot more so if you don't realize how to get it done. Utilizing the advice you learned here, you may have an easier time losing that weight completely..
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