#does it count as an object head really? idek
bobertemperor · 2 months
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My 2nd Artfight attack was for my friend @meganopteryx
0 notes
alit0my · 4 years
You know those fanfics, 5 times (something) plus 1. So five times someone on the team taught Booker something. And since it was he who taught. (maybe with OT3) {for example: teaching a language, cooking, fighting with a sword}
hello anon! idek if you still want this fic bc its been so long... but i have finished it! no ot3 this time im afraid, just didnt fit well with where i took this... hope you enjoy!
1 - Russia, 1812
When they first found him in Russia, they barely understood one another and had to use Andromache’s passable French to communicate. The Asian woman beside her named Quynh stared at him, as if looking into his soul as he gasped out words of conversation as he recovered from another hypothermic shock. The two men were paired off, keeping a close eye on their surroundings and ignoring the conversation altogether as they did not understand.
”The first thing we will do,” Andy said, handing another wooly coat his way. ”Is teach you a language we can all speak.”
”Like hell you will. I’m to return to my family,” he replied, wrapping the coat around him tighter. Andy shook her head and huffed, glancing at Quynh beside her.
”When you return in fifty years, when your family is dead, we will teach you Russian.”
”Or you could learn better French,” Booker snapped, cursing the entire world under his breath as his limbs shook uncontrollably.
The corners of Andy’s lips curled upwards slightly.
(Back then, Booker paid no mind to this. But now, he knew it was the introduction to Andy’s competitive side.)
It was thirty-eight years later when Booker returned. Andy had gotten better at French, and Booker grumbled at the fact that he now had to learn Russian, as per their unofficial agreement.
He wasn’t half bad at Russian, but he wasn’t particularly good at it either.
~ 2 - Italy, 1850
As he returned to the group after the passing of his son, the last of his true family, Quynh pulled Booker aside and placed a bow in his hands. She watched as he pulled the bow string back slightly, testing the recoil of the weapon as if he was examining its limits. Booker was just trying to not break the thing.
Quynh was scary, and Booker did not want to mess with her.
”Now aim at the target,” she had told him, nodding her head to the tree as she placed an arrow in his other hand. ,em>”Aim, and fire.”
Booker did as he was told.
Booker missed the tree by a mile.
Quynh tutted and put her hands on her hips, before taking another arrow out of the quiver on her back.
”Try again,” she said, almost encouragingly. ”We have time. I’ll make sure you can handle a bow almost as good as me.”
Booker ended up being half as good as Quynh, which they both saw as an achievement.
(He could never be as good at archery as Quynh, but it was the thought that counted at the time. Really, Booker should have been grateful for the distraction.)
~ 3 - Japan, 1894
Nicky was sitting at the kitchen table cleaning his sniper rifle when Booker walked in, still half asleep. Pausing in his tracks, Booker rubbed at his eyes and looked at the weapon on the table, never having really seen it out of its case which Nicky kept stored under his bed in their various safehouses.
Nicky looked up at locked eyes with the youngest, beckoning him over to sit beside him.
”I will show you how to clean this, and then if you want, how to use it,” Nicky said, picking up the scope and rubbing the rag gently across the glass. Booker nodded and watched silently before Nicky handed him a part and a new rag. ”Gently, don’t rush or you may scratch the metal.”
Booker wasn’t sure how a piece of cloth would scratch metal, but he dared not say. Nicky was allowing him into his space, to help clean his most prized possession.
When the weapon was cleaned, Nicky showed Booker how to reassemble the rifle before picking it up and beckoning him outside.
”We will set up here, and I will teach you how to shoot,” Nicky explained as he set up the tripod that would hold the barrel steady. ”Come, look down the scope.”
Booker could not see a thing, and Nicky gently nudged his head until he gasped, suddenly seeing the tin can in the distance.
”Now line it up, and shoot.”
Booker missed, but Nicky’s eyes gleamed.
(It was something that Booker looked back on fondly as he sat in his French apartment surrounded by booze.)
~ 4 - Egypt, 1948
”Where is your sword, Booker?” Joe exclaimed whenever they were gearing up for a mission. Booker looked at him then the others, who all had a sword strapped to their bodies whereas he only had an assault rifle and a handgun.
”I.. Don’t have one?”
Joe scoffed. ”I will change that. When we are done I will teach you how to wield a sword.”
Booker objected, which fell upon dead ears as the team went back to gathering their gear. Furrowing his brow, Booker looked down at his assault rifle and started to feel anxious. Was knowing how to wield a sword some kind of necessity to be in this strange team of immortals?
(He found out later, the next day in fact, when Joe had woken him up at the break of dawn with his scimitar in one hand and a longsword in the other. Joe was always the early riser, and the most energetic. Booker missed him the most.)
”Here, I will train you the art of the sword,” Joe smiled, but Booker could see the excitement shining through his eyes. ”Try to strike me.”
Booker looked at him incredulously, but swung the blade at him.
He ended up on his ass with Joe standing above him, scimitar pressed lightly on his throat.
”You take too big of a swing, leaves too much gap for the enemy to strike,” Joe explained, removing the weapon from Booker’s neck and holding a hand out to help him up. ”This will be fun. Bonding, if you will.”
”Joe, no one even uses swords anymore?”
Booker ended up on his ass again, in record time.
~ +1 - France, 2020
Booker hadn’t heard from them in six months, as per their non-contact rule, but he hadn’t expected a package to arrive at his front door with his alias on it. Curious, he placed his glass of water (which still tasted of whiskey from the night before) on the counter and picked up the box, setting it down on his kitchen table.
He stared at it for a while, not sure what to make of it as he decided to rip open the box before he could change his mind. Inside were a bunch of letters each with his name written in different handwriting, a few pictures and five small magnets that represented each member of the team.
Booker picked up the first letter from Andy, skimming through the words quickly before the tears fell on the paper and ruined it for good.
’...miss you Book…...Nile’s idea to……..considered your biological family……….struggling to cope……..should have listened to you more, and for that I’m so sorry. You taught me that there is more to life than what we do, and I should have seen that back in the 1800’s and not belittled you for it. I love you Book, see you soon.’
Quynh’s letter was short as sweet, but mainly contained phrases in many languages calling him a dumbass and pictures of him practising with the bow.
’Next time, maybe try to be a perfect shot before you decide to cross us you moron…….I hope you have improved with your bow I gave you, oh wait you left it in England and some historian took it to the museum because it is so ancient…..You better get me my bow back you absolute- Nile has been reading over my shoulder this whole time and now I’m going to write some good things about you…
‘How to start? What is good about you, Booker? You reminded me that not everyone is good at something first go, and that they deserve the effort and time you put into them. You ended up being a good shot and it only took you ten years! The others took twice as long. We will have a competition when you return, so keep those archery skills sharp, my friend.’
The next letter was from both Joe and Nicky, and Booker smiled softly to himself. Never to be separated, those two, and he was a fool to think otherwise.
’Nicky does not want to write you a letter, so I will write for both of us. This was Nile’s idea, sending you this little ‘care-package’ as she called it, but do not think this is an olive branch. We are grateful for you, Book, and since you turned up our lives have been somewhat exciting. Our separate and joint experiences in teaching you things has brought us both enjoyable memories, and though somewhat tainted by your actions, upon your return we would like to teach you more new things as we teach Nile. Maybe you might actually improve on your skills for once.
We both love you dearly.’
Booker sniffled and separated the picture enclosed within the letter. It was a capture of when Nicky was teaching him how to cook proper spaghetti bolognese, after he found out that Booker was using jar sauce and packet pasta. Booker remembered getting scolded all night in Italian, and when he told Nicky he understood, the response he got was ”Good. I should hope so."
Nile didn’t write a letter, but she didn’t need to write one. They only knew each other for two weeks before shit hit the fan and Booker was sent away. Instead, in Nile’s envelope was a tiny slip of paper with a phone number on it, along with some fliers for activities to do around Paris.
’Call me anytime, I’m here to chat. Also, don’t mope about for a hundred years, do something! Learn a new skill! (Okay, that might be hard but just do it, maybe bake some sourdough? You love that stuff!)’
Booker took the magnets out of the box, walked over to his fridge and placed them in a circle with a small click!, his heart panging every time.
Bow and arrow, two swords, a labrys, and a handgun with a US flag.
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vocalyunho · 5 years
pairing — Mingi x reader (fem)
genre — angst(?), smut (honestly this has an entire storyline so idek anymore)
word count — 3.9k
warnings — daddy kink, angsty unprotected sex, usage of unrelated objects for sexual purposes.
synopsis  — your contract said it clear: ‘any type of romantic relationship with the artists is forbidden’…but what if the feelings are mutual.
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When you sent your resume to KQ entertainment, you never knew things would turn out the way they did. Your only intention was to find a job that will pay enough to live decently in an apartment that will make you feel like home. You never asked for feelings and especially towards one of the artists of the company, nor did you ask for these feelings to be returned.
Makeup wasn’t your first and only profession. You studied it along with psychology which was your university department and since the makeup school required only 2 years of attending, you gave it a try on your gap year between high school and university. By your second year of uni, you were already done with makeup and since then you only focused on your studies, but once you graduated from college, psychology didn’t seem as exciting anymore.
This scared you a lot...this department always made you curious, made you wonder how the human mentality works and how the brain gets mixed in all of that and now...it just doesn’t. You knew this was probably a phase, there’s no way you suddenly stopped loving something you always dreamt of doing. So, after a lot of thinking and long conversations with your parents, you decided it’d be okay to do something else for a bit and this is how you ended up applying for the position of a makeup artist in a music company.
When the company accepted you and your last obligation was to accept the contract terms, you clearly read, written in big and bold letters, that “any type of romantic relationship with the artists is forbidden and if existent, it’ll lead to the worker’s dismissal from the position”.
You didn’t mind that at all and like every normal person, you accepted this work that offered not only a good salary, but the chance to work with many people and the freedom to put your imagination and makeup skills to work.
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ 
You’ve been working for the company for 6 months now and every single day feels like a new adventure. You get to travel around the country and sometimes even in other countries and continents too. You get to see many places and how shows work to put out a result that’ll leave the audience in awe. You get to meet so many people, that at this point you don’t even remember the names of half of them, but still all of these make you excited. Even though it’s hard and you rarely have time to rest during the day, when the day’s over you feel like a full person that’s been productive and that’s enough for you.
You don’t work for all the artists of the company, though. Instead, you and 2 other makeup artists, a talented guy and an also very talented girl, are responsible for the members of ATEEZ, a rookie group that consists of 8 young men, all kind of close to your age who have a lot to show and a bright future, for sure. They seem kind and fun to be around and sometimes you talk to them during the makeup sessions, but even if you’re all comfortable around each other, you still keep your distance ,always having in mind the contract.
They’re all friendly apparently, always asking you and your 2 coworkers how you’ve been, if the day has been tiring so far and even if you’ve eaten, which really warms your heart. In the waiting rooms, you all sometimes sit down to eat and talk together and catch up on various things. However, since around the 3rd month of you working there, a particular member has been acting weirdly around you. You tried explaining it by checking how he acts towards your coworkers and, indeed, he doesn’t act the same way. You, also, tried thinking that he’s extremely flirty as a person, but still he’s not like that towards the others and that worried you so much that you tried to keep your distance, especially from him.
When you had to do their makeup for a show, you asked one of the two other artists to do Mingi’s makeup, when you were all hanging out in the waiting room you never sat next to Mingi and even when you were all talking, you never addressed a single word to him. You knew this would seem rude, if he noticed and unfortunately, he did and this is when he started acting more friendly.
He was still flirty in all ways, but he was the one trying to get closer to you after he realised you kept a distance. He would compliment you about every tiny thing you got or changed on you and it surprised you sometimes, because not even your friends see every small change you make on you. He would ask personal questions, to get to know you and sometimes even imply sexual jokes.
His every day behaviour made your heart clench unexplainably and the fact that he was also touchy didn’t help at all. He was never rude or inappropriately touchy. Instead, he was kind and acted like a gentleman with a hint of implication that he’s into you and you couldn’t lie to yourself, you were into him as well. His nice behaviour made your heart leap, his body and the way he moves would make your mind go crazy, especially when they were practicing in the waiting room. His deep voice always made you wonder how he’d sound in bed and if he’d be the type to moan or groan...what his favourite position is...and ohmygod is he rough and hard or gentle and soft?
All your questions were answered the night of their 1st win, when you all met in their dorm to celebrate their achievement until everyone got drunk and long story short... you and Mingi ended up fucking in his bedroom with no one noticing it. That night you both didn’t realise anything, you have no idea how you ended up on a chair riding him or how he ate you out afterwards or even how he told you he has a daddy kink...the only thing you know for sure is that since then you haven’t exchanged a single word with Mingi.
No one seems to have noticed it, even if he’s trying to reach out to you every day. At work, he tries to find you alone to talk or even get any type of sign from your gaze, but nothing and when the day is over he, sometimes calls you but you’ve never picked up.
You’re afraid. You broke your contract because of some damn alcohol and...fuck...you like him, you like him a lot, but this is forbidden. You might lose your job if something happens and the rumours, which are more reality than rumours, start going around from ear to ear and mouth to mouth.
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ 
Yesterday was the beginning of the tour and Mingi tried to reach you before and after the show, failing both times because before the show you made sure all the members were around and after the show, you managed to leave without Mingi seeing you. Later that night though, he messaged you instead of calling like any other time.
from Mingi.
"tomorrow i want us to talk. Stop ignoring me, we're not 5...let's talk things out"
he's right. You're being immature all this time and ignoring him won't lead anywhere...but what does he wanna talk about? oh, that was a good fuck, but don't worry i won't let anyone ever know? our secret is safe? you won't be dismissed by the company?
to Mingi.
"we have nothing to say...please don't make me any more uncomfortable. It was a mistake and I’m sorry".
from Mingi.
"no. we have to talk. wait for me after the show. the others will head to a restaurant".
You didn't answer after that. You can't even look at him in the eyes after that night, how are you supposed to talk to him?
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ 
"don't you dare leave after the show, I'll talk to you today want it or not". He's whispering and even if he's trying to act chill because of the staff around, his gaze is burning you. He's mad and his voice is so deep, it sent chills down your spine.
"leave me alone" you whispered back. Who is he to order you? if you don't wanna talk to him, you won't talk to him and that's that.
Everyone is running around now. The show is about to start, the last makeup and outfit checks are done, the members are on their line with their mics in hands ready to greet their beloved fans and the first song plays...
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎ 
"good job today too. Thank you everyone for your hard work!!" ATEEZ's manager speaks and all types of "thank you's" can be heard from both the staff and the 8 members. Everyone starts picking up their belongings, the staff put all the equipment on their big bags and the members changed into comfortable clothes to wear on their dinner. You and your colleague are on the makeup room, as the third one just left and you're both about to call it a day too.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N? as we said?"
"yeah! Let's get some nice brunch please...I haven't had a decent brunch for years"
"don't worry, I know a nice place. See ya"
Everyone must have left, including Mingi hopefully, because all the lights are off except for the one in the room you're in. The entire day you've been under a hell of a stress...the shows are so chaotic, you have to run around every minute, redoing makeup, fixing it, wiping it off and doing it again...and Mingi...he gave you even more stress with his texts last night but at least he didn't keep his words today. You turned the light off, ready to leave when a sound came from the wardrobe. It was a loud one because the room is all the way down the hall, but you heard it in the makeup room...you know you're not allowed to leave before checking all the rooms, but now you're afraid and everyone has already left.
Taking the heavy bag on your shoulder, you started checking all the rooms one by one ready to use the bag as a weapon if needed, until you reached the wardrobe door. A dim light can be seen from under the door and if you were afraid before, now you're literally shaking. Keeping the bag with a strong hold, you opened the door with a fast move, only to reveal a seated Mingi on one of the couches in the room.
"fuck...what are you doing here? I nearly passed out"
"I told you I wanted to talk...and as I see, you want to"
"no I don't. I was actually leaving just now, hence the bag" you said and turned around to leave, but Mingi got up and pulled you in, closing the door afterwards.
"listen to me now" he's keeping you in front of him with his hands on your shoulders.
"I said I’m leaving" you said, pulling away, but he got a hold of your bag throwing it down across from you.
that’s it.
"listen, I don't know and I don’t care who you think you are, but I want this night totally erased from my mind and yours too. It was a mistake, I know it and no matter how much I liked it, it should've never happened. I won't destroy your career, if you're worried about that and if it's needed I'll even quit this job so-"
"shut up"
"excuse me?!"
"you liked it"
"what are you talking about...I never said that"
"you just did".
He started taking steps towards you and you took some back, the big wooden table of the room stopping you from walking backwards more.
"tell me you liked it, again" he's in front of you seeming taller than he actually is and his face is so close to yours, you have to look all the way up to meet his eyes.
"I didn't, I hated it".
"I'll make you like it, then" he said and crushed his lips on yours, not even hesitating a bit.
You didn't pull away, you really wanted to feel him again and now that you are, it feels like you needed it. He picked you up, making you sit on the table behind you and now you're on the same height, completely facing him.
“Your lip glosses always taste so good”, he breathed out and bit your lip, eagerly sliding his tongue inside you, as you opened up the slightest bit. He played around for a bit and when he grasped your thigh, you let a desperate moan fill his mouth at which he grabbed your throat and parted your lips.
"have you been thinking about me since that night?"
"y-yes" you looked anywhere, but his eyes.
"look at me...yes what" he growled, his hand around your throat turning you on more and more.
"yes, daddy"
"that's the good girl I know" he said and attacked your neck, his kisses trailing down from your ear to the valley between your breasts. Your eyes fell shut and his hand left your throat and barely lifted your skirt to cup your centre, but you instantly grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"I want you inside me, not your hand”.
"whatever my babygirl wants, she gets".
He unbuckled his belt, while sucking on your collarbone and let his jeans and underwear fall down. Your hand grabbed his dick, stroking him slowly and he let his head fall on your shoulder.
“fuck, baby”
“mm, do you like that?”
“more than you can imagine”.
He’s breathing heavily as you pull you skirt up and move closer to the edge of the table, hoping he gets the hint.
“so impatient” he half whispers half chuckles on your shoulder.
“please, Mingi”.
He pushes your legs wider apart and touches his forehead against yours.
“babygirl” he gives a peck on your lips and the burn on your stomach only gets stronger by the words he uses mixed with his deep voice “I’m about to fuck you raw now, will you take it for me?”
He pushed you down, making you lie on top of the table as he pumped himself and his free hand moved your panties to the side. He shoved himself into you fast, bottoming out with a smooth motion and letting a groan leave his lips. Your breath got caught in your throat as he grabbed both your wrists and pinned them down on each side of your body.
He starts to move, pulling only halfway out before snapping his hips against yours again. His pace is fast and his thrusts hard enough to make your eyes roll on the back of your head. Incoherent syllables and whines are making their way out of your lips, getting mixed with the feeling between your legs.
Your submission to the pleasure gets bigger and bigger with each powerful thrust of Mingi’s dick inside you and you’re so tight around him, you can feel every ridge of his cock getting dragged along your walls.
“fuck, I don’t remember you being so tight”
He lets your wrists and digs his fingers into your sides, holding onto them for dear life as he’s pounding into you mercilessly. His grunts and your soon-to-be screams are filling the, otherwise, silent room and if the lighting wasn’t so dim, you’d be able to see his face clearer and admire every single fucked out feature of his, like he’s the most beautiful painting in a museum or the most meaningful song on a vinyl, but you can’t.
“tell daddy how good his cock’s fucking you, baby”
“you-you’re fucking me s-so well so well-AH”
He’s pumping in and out of you harder and choked out screams have taken the place of your whines. His hand flies to your clit and just then you realise how sensitive you are...just his touch made your legs and lower torso tremble uncontrollably, the bundle of nerves is going crazy under his fingers and the filling of your pussy is over the edge now.
“ffffuuuck me- I’m gonna co-come-“ you hold his wrist on your clit as your back arches from the table and you come all over him, all around his length still inside you, fucking your juices back in. Your voice comes out in choked out screams and meowls while your eyes roll back and your body shakes under him.
“that’s it baby, that’s it” he’s pounding, not slowing down a bit and when you feel him twitch, you unconsciously use his own weapon to get him to his climax faster.
“come inside me, daddy”
With a single thrust and a number of curses falling from his lips, he’s come all inside you and before even finishing, he pulls out, his dick still twitching as white spurts of liquid eject from his tip.
“ffuuuck- you little brat-“ his breathing is quick and loud, but his voice so desperate.
“you like that...a lot hmm?” you’re still trying to catch your breath, but he’s not having it.
“If you hadn’t called me that, I wouldn’t have come yet...I’d still be fucking you, but you’re an impatient little brat” his eyes are dark.
“Fuck me more, then” your voice is playful as he positions himself in front of your hole again.
“but not with your dick daddy, I wanna try something else” you say, turning your head to the mics on the table and he does the same with a smirk painted on his lips. You know which one is his and you grab it as he moves quickly to his backpack, after pulling up his jeans a little, and returns with a condom in hand.
He took the mic from your hands and slid the condom onto it and your hand flew to his fully erected dick again that’s chasing after a second orgasm.
You can still feel your pussy throbbing and the juices spilling out and wetting your thighs, but the thought of him fucking you with his mic after his member was in you gets you excited like never before.
He comes as close as possible with the mic in his hand and lifts your leg to place it on the table as you do the same with the other, spreading them as much as possible for him to have the greatest view.
“oof, baby is wetter than before” he says touching your core with his fingers to test your wetness.
“do you want me to fuck you with my mic?”
“yes” you say stroking him slowly and steadily, earning a long sigh from him.
“beg for it, then”
He’s not in a position to make you beg, not with your hand on his cock but you do it anyways, not to hurt his pride.
“Mingi please, just do it”
“please Mingi, fuck me good with it”
“you forget a little something”
“please, daddy”
“that’s right” he pins your right leg down and slowly pushes the head of the mic into you. Your breathing hitches and when all of the head is inside you, you realise that the width difference between it and his dick isn’t that big, it’s pretty much the same. Your own hand starts pumping him faster, letting the squeaky sounds of his and your juices on his cock echo in the room. He slowly pulls the mic out all the way, just to push it halfway in again. He’s being gentle and slow, he’s probably never done something like this before, so that’s why he’s so careful. You hum biting your lip instinctively and he notices, bringing his head closer to yours.
“let me hear every single one of your sounds” he says and pushes it in fast, drawing a breathy moan from your lips.
“fuck” the feeling of it isn’t much different from a regular member with a condom on and you’re glad about that. He hisses at the feeling between his legs and now that he’s closer you can see his pretty features with his eyebrows furrowed and his teeth showing in an attempt not to be too loud.
His left hand grabs your nape, connecting your lips and as his lips are against yours, he starts moving the mic faster.
“ah,ah” you breathe against him and he bites your lip, preventing you from pulling away, just to earn a good amount of choked up moans in his mouth. His dick twitches between your fingers and you can feel the veins on it pulsating, signalising he’s close once again.
The overstimulation doesn’t let you keep up long enough and your legs have already started trembling.
“I’m gonna come again” you cry out breaking the kiss and feeling your walls clench around the mic.
“do it”, he says and pushes the mic faster in and out, letting the wet sounds get mixed with your panting and you come for the second time this night. Your cries and his groans fill your ears and your hand keeping you up feels weaker than ever before. He lets go off your neck focusing on the sensation on his member as louder throaty grunts take place until a single harder press on his cock takes him to the edge. He comes in quick, hot spurts and you position him downwards to prevent it from staining both your clothes.
After he’s done you let go of him and plop down on the table trying to bring your breathing back to normal. He pulls the microphone out and takes a minute to fix himself up a little and admire the wet condom. When he’s done, he takes it off and walks away, still breathing heavily. Your chest is rising and falling fast and your eyes are closed, when he speaks...
“you know I can lose my job too, right?” his back is facing you as he’s searching for something in his backpack.
“what?” you lift your head.
“of course...my contract doesn’t allow me to form romantic relationships with coworkers either”.
“and why are you doing all of this?” you say sitting up.
“because I like you...and no I’ve never done this with any other staff member before, I’m not like that” he’s looking at you now.
“we can’t keep doing that, Mingi. It’s risky and forbidden”
“but...”, he says, walking back to you with tissues in both hands.
“BUT if someone...ANYONE knows about this, we’re both done...we’ll be gone, Mingi and I can’t risk you losing your job. You have 7 other people who need you to keep moving forward, to make the team’s dream come true...you can’t let them or your own dream down because of some damn hormones”
“do you like me, Y/N?” he’s speaking softly, looking down as you help him wipe all the unnecessary liquids from your thighs and centre.
“...I do...”
“then, please, wait for me...”
“what if it doesn’t work out, Mingi?”
“we can still try”
“I don’t know...”
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Pushing The Limits.
Welcome Back!
This is for the anon who requested Elliot with a Daddy Kink. Idek where this came from, I’ve never written something like this before but I’m low-key obsessed with it. Enjoy the pure sin!
Pairing: Elliot Alderson x Reader
Warnings: smut Smut SMut SMUt SMUT! Unprotected sex (use protection pls), name-calling, low key humiliation kink, choking, rougher sex. obvs daddy kink
Word count: 2550 (EXACTLY, this makes me so happy lol)
Please don’t hesitate to send me prompts or asks!
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*Gif is not mine*
It had started with a simple text message.
Come over after? Miss you.
Very simple and straight to the point. Iconic Elliot. I smiled, deciding I wanted to rile him up a bit.
I’m off in a half hour. Miss you too, daddy ;)
I bit my bottom lip nervously before clicking send. Last time I had attempted to initiate sexting he had firmly said no, and that was the end of it. We had spent the night watching old movies instead. It’s a risky move to send a message like that, but I figure if he misses me enough he’ll act on his anger instead.
You just love to piss me off, don’t you?
I smirk at his response because at least I got one. And that tells me, he really does miss me enough to put up with my shit.
Love it just as much as you like to punish me for it.
I’m pushing my luck and I know it. But god, I can’t help it. It’s just so fun when Elliot gets riled up and in the right mood. My shift ends and I begin my trek to his apartment. I climb the stairs as fast as I can, stopping briefly to catch my breath when I reach his floor. I knock on the door lightly before trying the handle; It’s open.
“El?” I call out as I close the door behind me.
He mumbled a response and I round the corner, seeing him sitting on the end of his bed. His hoodie is pulled up over his head and a freshly rolled joint hangs from his lips. He shakes as head at me as he pulls the joint away from his mouth, exhaling a mouthful of smoke. He stares at me with unblinking eyes and I know what kind of game he wants to play.
“Am I in trouble?” I ask innocently, folding my hands in front of my body.
“What do you think?” He asks, a harsh tone to his voice as he takes another hit, “Come.” He gestures to the floor at his feet. I do what he says, he doesn’t look like he’s in the mood for me to bratty just yet. Once I’m kneeling on the floor in between his feet, I look up at him, awaiting my next instruction.  He takes my chin in his hand roughly, forcing me to look at him.
“You know how I feel about this kind of shit.” He says firmly, thumb dragging across my bottom lip, “But it doesn’t look like a simple ‘no’ will stop you so,” He brings the joint up to his lips again, taking a deep drag and holding it before letting it go, “Looks like I’ll have to punish you, instead.” I let out a shuddered breath as excitement boils in my stomach. It’s been a while since daddy came out to play.
“Here are the rules.” He says darkly, “You don’t cum until I tell you.” That alone hits me like a freight train in between my legs, I’m fairly certain I could cum just hearing him talk like this, “You say red if anything gets to be too much. The rest will be discussed as we continue. As for now,” He pauses, giving me a chance to object to anything while leaning back to put the joint on the bed-side table. He glances down at his lap, “You know what to do.”
I waste no time, standing up on my knees and getting to work on his belt buckle. I work on the button and zipper of his signature black jeans before tugging them around his ankles along with his boxers. My mouth waters as I watch him spring out of the confines. I love his cock, the way it stands so proud against the black fabric of his sweater. I reach out a grab it tentatively and revel in the soft gasp he lets leave his lips. He watches me with intense eyes, leaning back on one hand as I spit in my hand before pumping it up and down his shaft, never breaking eye contact. He is not having this.
“No,” he hisses, “I want your fucking mouth.” He says as he buries his other hand in my hair and shoves his cock into my awaiting mouth. I moan around it, loving the sharp zaps of pain running through my scalp as he manoeuvres me how he pleases. “Was that so fucking hard?” He growls at me.
I look up at him with wide, innocent eyes that I know he loves as my mouth is dragged up and down his cock. All the while he’s moving my head, my tongue is rolling along the underside. His eyes are half-lidded, his breathing laboured as he uses me. I love it.
He starts to thrust his hips up slightly, hand gripping my hair tighter, “Take it all, slut.” He grunts, forcing me to take his right to the base, past my gag reflex. I can feel him at the back of my throat and body instinctively tries to swallow. His eyes roll back as my throat constricts around him.
“Fuck, baby girl. Look at you,” he moans, “taking my cock like a fucking champ.” He pulls out briefly, rubbing the tips against my parted lips, “what are you?”
I suck on the head, slurping sloppily because I know he loves that, “I’m your cock slut, daddy.” I say, my voice already raspy. He growls at my response.
“Yes, my beautiful little cock slut.” he moans, pushing past my lips again before starting to steadily fuck my throat. I can tell he’s getting close, his trusts getting sloppy, head thrown back and mouth open wide. I love knowing that I’m the one who makes him feel this way. It’s my mouth who makes him lose his mind. He shoves in deep again, holding there for a few seconds. A shudder racks his body and he moans loudly. He pulls my head away, breathing heavily, “fuck, too close..” he moans.
All I can think, at this moment is how badly I want his cum shooting down my throat. I whine, “Daddy, please give me your cum.” I kiss the top of his head softly, “Please daddy, want it so bad.”
His eyes roll back and he moans, defeated, “Fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit.” He puts the tip in my mouth just as he starts to cum, his hand working the base, moaning loudly. I moan happily, I dirty talked him over the edge. “You, fucking, minx.” He moans, gasping in between words as he finishes.
Once he pulls out, he grabs my jaw, “Show me.” he demands. I happily open my mouth, showing him the mess he made inside my mouth before closing, swallowing and opening again to show him just how badly I wanted it.
He moans again, throwing his hoodie off and flopping back on the bed. I stay in my position, knowing it’s far from over.
“Did I do good, daddy?” I ask cheekily after a moment, knowing full well he’s pissed.
“No,” he says simply, standing up and pulling me with him, “I was going to be nice to you. But for that little stunt, you’ve earned yourself a real treat tonight.”
He pushes me back on the bed, “take off your shirt.”  he demands as he starts working on my jeans. Soon enough, I laying fully exposed on the bed for him. He crawls on top of me, kissing me harshly and moving my hands above my head.
“Keep your hands there, don’t move.” He says, manoeuvring his body down in between my legs, “and remember, you don’t cum until I say so, understood?”
I grip the pillow above my head, mentally preparing myself for whatever he has planned, “Yes, daddy.”
He wastes no time, immediately attaching his lips to my clit and sucking hard. I throw my head back and my arms flex with the effort of keeping them still. His hands are gripping my thighs in a near death grip as he goes to town on me. He moves his tongue from my clit to dipping it in and out of my wet core, fucking me with it at a leisurely pace.
“Fuck! El- Daddy, feels so good,” I moan loudly. I’m close already, his talented tongue sending me racing for the edge. My hips instinctively buck up against his face and he pulls away. I whine, looking at him quizzically.
“I told you not to move,” He says lowly, nipping at my inner thigh, “Besides, you think I don’t know when you’re close?” He smiles devilishly as I pout down at him.
“You think I’d let you off the hook that easy?” He asks, returning to ever so softly dragging the tip of his tongue over my cunt. He chuckles darkly as the soft moan I let out, “baby girl, we’re just getting started.”
He moves my legs over his shoulder so he can slide his middle finger into my heat. But only just up to the second knuckle, so he’s just barely brushing against my g-spot. I whine breathlessly, biting my lip and gripping the pillow tightly and his thrusts his finger in and out of my shallowly. It takes everything I have in me to not grind my hips against his sinful mouth. He’s moaning and tugging on my clit as he adds a second finger, stretching me out in the most delish way.
“Daddy, please.” I whine, “I need more.” I meet his eyes, giving him a pleading look.
He detached his mouth from my pussy, “more?” he asks, I nod desperately, “Like this?” and with that, he’s shoving his fingers as far as they’ll go, rubbing my clit with his thumb is soft circles. I see stars.
“Fuck!” I moan, “daddy yes! So good, fuck I’m gonna-” Before I can finish my sentence he’s detached himself from me fully. I whine in frustration, twisting the pillow fabric between my hands as he sucks his fingers clean. He moves up my body, attaching his lips to one of my nipples while his hand plays with the other. His eyes don’t leave mine. When he pulls away I’m sensitive and begging, “Please, let me cum.”
He kisses his way up my neck, kissing and sucking before he reaches my ear, tugging on it lightly before, “Not. Yet.”
He moves back down and continues to tease me. Sucking and playing with my clit while he fingers me slowly, every now and then moving them in a ‘come hither’ motion. He keeps his eyes trained on my face, never letting up from his ministrations just dangling me over the edge. He knows my body so well, knows how to keep me right where he wants me; on the edge of insanity. He edges me a few more times before tears start to prick at my eyes. I’ve lost track of how many times he’s denied me at this point.
He pulls away once more and I let out a sob, “Please!” I cry, “pleasepleaseplease.”
He sits up on his knees, grabbing his once again hard cock in his hand, pumping it steadily as he looks at me, “Fuck, look at you.”  he groans, “Crying for my cock, you want it that bad?”
I nod desperately, my hands twitching where they lay beside my head. I want to touch him so bad, but I don’t want to risk moving without permission, “Want your cock so bad, daddy” I whine, biting my lip in an attempt to ground myself.
He moves in between my legs, rubbing himself in between my wet folds, “Think you deserve my cock?” He asks in a low growl, “Have you learned your lesson?”
I nod again, squeezing my eyes shut, “Yes, yes, I’ll be good. Won’t do it ever again daddy, promise.”
He takes pity on me and finally sinks into my heat, letting out a soft moan as he down so. I moan loudly in relief as he fills me. One of his hands comes up to grab at my throat, placing his mouth by my ear, “You still can’t cum until I tell you.” He reminds me before pulling his hips back and snapping them back against mine harshly.
His free hand goes up to wrap around my wrists, pinning me to the bed effectively as his hips continue their merciless attack. I throw my head back, leaning into his grip on my throat. His lips are attached to my jawline, sucking and biting at my skin, leaving it peppered with hickeys. He grunts softly against my skin, murmuring praise softly.
“Such a good girl for me, taking your punishment so well baby.” He moans sweetly and them almost immediately switching roles, “Such a good fucking whore. My little slut, huh?”
I scream my agreement, losing myself in the pleasure. My head is swimming with the lack of oxygen, arms numb from being held tightly and hips bruising from the force of his thrusts. I’m obsessed with this feeling, only he can make me feel this way.
I can feel myself nearing the edge once more and I arch my back, “Elliot, please.” I moan, “Daddy, please let me cum, I’m so close.” I whine.
He sinks his teeth into my lip, removing his hands from my throat and wrists, and moving one of my legs over his shoulder, “not yet.”
I groan, holding on the last bit of control I have, my hands flying to his biceps and digging my nails in harshly, “pleee-easseee,” I moan, “God, fuck, daddy, please!”
“Not fucking yet.” He growls, bunching his eyebrows and concentrating, glancing down and watching where our bodies meet intensely, slowing down to tease me more, “you’re lucky I’m letting you cum at all tonight. You can wait a little longer”
At this point, tears are streaming down my face as I bask in the pleasure, unable to let myself disappoint him again tonight. I’m so sensitive and everything feels too good. I focus on him. Sweat running down his abdomen as it flexes beautifully. He’s thrusting slowly now, mouth hung open as he watches himself disappear in my tight, wet heat. He looks so good and I wonder for a moment what I did to deserve him.
Suddenly he moans, speeding up again, “fuck baby,” He takes both my legs and shoves them up near my head, “So good for daddy.” He moans, snapping his hips roughly again, chasing his orgasm, “c’mon then. Cum for me, you deserve it baby girl.”
Something inside me snaps, my back arching off the bed, head thrown back as pleasure envelopes my body. I can barely register my own moans, nearly screams and the sound of the headboard banging against the wall.
“Shit,” he moans, shoving in one final time, “God yes baby, fucck!” He moans lowly, releasing inside of me. He hangs his head and thrusts shallowly as he rides out his orgasm, both of us breathing heavily. He collapses beside me. I can feel him dripping out of me, my legs shaking from the aftershocks.
“Learn your lesson?” He asks, glancing over at me, smiling crookedly.
“If I didn’t, what are you going to do about it?”
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unmistakablyoatmeal · 7 years
11 question meme x 2
I was tagged a long time ago by @carpemermaidtales with 11 questions and I totally slacked off on answering them (mainly because I didn’t know what 11 questions I’d ask anyone else, haha) and now I’ve got 11 more from @dewitty1! So I’m gonna try to do this and not get even more further behind!
(This is really long so it’s all under a cut)
from @carpemermaidtales
1. Would you embark on an exploration expedition in space or in the deep sea? These are both terrifying and exciting prospects! Today I’m feeling the deep sea because I’ve been craving shark movies. Is that a good enough reason? IDEK.  
2. What are three things that make your day brighter? Waking up with @lqtraintracks and knowing that she doesn’t have to go home soon because now we share a home! My doggies and kitties. And today? that Gal Gadot gif I reblogged earlier, haha.
3. Do you have any goals for 2018? Nothing super specific, only continuing on working on things I started in 2017 - write more (which uh, I failed at in 2017 spectacularly, but 2018 is going much better in that regard!), read more, give away/donate all the clothes I do not wear (I’m working on it!) and continue to eat better, stay on top of housework and the like, and explore all aspects of my creative passions. 
4. Top song(s) that get you pumped up to take on the world? This is probably going to out me as a big dork but always “Roll With the Changes” by REO Speedwagon. But also “Her” by BlockB and “The Beat” by Topp Dogg and “Fire” by JYP (with Conan O’Brien and Steven Yeun) and well, lots of other kpop tbh.
5. If you had to pick five, what would your favorite tropes be? OOOH. Okay. Fake Relationship/Fake dating; Friends with Benefits; Mutual Pining; Rivals to Lovers; Accidental Bonding 
6. What’s something you’ve done that you’re proud of? Pass? Can I pass on this one? Gah. (Okay the gf said I could NOT) so I guess I’ll say, once I co-produced, co-directed All in the Timing by David Ives (a collection of One-Act plays), basically because I read it in high school and loved it and decided one day to do it and built the whole thing from the ground up--no theatre company backing, no money to start out with, etc. And I’ve got some mixed emotions about the whole thing because of unrelated stuff, but by itself, that was a pretty huge accomplishment. 
7. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try/do that you’ve been putting off? Well...write 50K+ fic, lol, but I am doing that with @lqtraintracks this year! Does that count?
8. Dance party in your underwear or late night swims? Dance party all the way! Unless I suddenly had a pool in my backyard, and then both. ;)
9. You’re stuck in the apocalypse: pick your team? Can I choose Glenn and Michonne from The Walking Dead? :D
10. You see a dog in the street, do you hug it? YES ALWAYS.
11. What’s the next dream vacation on your list? I really want to go to a wlw-only beach resort. Does that sort of thing exist? 
From @dewitty1
1. How often do you real “real books” over fanfiction? Never? lol I mean, I have several that I’ve been meaning to get to, but I haven’t been reading a whole lot of anything, and my fic list-to-read is just more tempting atm! 
2. Should dogs be higher in the ratings scale than cats? Try to convince me. Haha! As a dog and cat owner, I love them both. They both bring a different joys and different headaches. I’ll leave it at that. :)
3. What is your worst habit? Procrastination. 
4. Would you change the Hogwarts house colors or keep them the same & why? I think the colors are fine? I guess! Well, maybe I’d give someone purple because that’s my fav color. And since I’m a Hufflepuff, I’d be tempted to give them purple, but yellow is so fitting and yellow and purple -- nah.
5. Did you take the Pottermore quiz & do you think it was accurate? I did it a long time ago and got Hufflepuff, which is super fitting. Though the gf has commented that I’m probably more Slytherpuff that pure Hufflepuff, haha.
6. Do you believe astrology is fairly accurate, or is it just nonsense, and the stars have no bearing on your emotions/personality? Oh gosh--I mean I will look at that stuff from time to time and sometimes it can be so accurate and sometimes I don’t relate at all. I definitely wouldn’t let it drive my life or base decisions on what astrology says--for example, @lqtraintracks and I have looked at couples compatibility based on our signs and it basically said we’d be better friends than a couple and that’s just a bunch of bs right there. ;) 
7. What magical theory that is never explained in the Harry Potter books would you like to explore more fully? since @lqtraintracks and I have had many many discussions about privacy spells and Muffliato and how that works--do you cast it on yourself, do you cast it on other people and it fills their ears with buzzing? Can you cast it just on one person or is it a whole group thing--basically how the f does that work? So maybe that? I know that’s a super boring answer, but I mean, there has to be a better privacy spell than Muffliato, is all I’m saying.  
8. What do you do to get yourself out of a funk/depression? Watch something stupid or something I’ve seen a thousand times. Like comfort food, but tv. Usually something Star Trek or I’ve been going back to The Good Place a lot! But honestly, if I’m feeling down, sometimes the best way to cope is just to accept that I’m having a sad day or a down day and if I just let myself be okay with that and not try to force myself to adult or cheer up or be happy, that can really help. That and sleep.
9. If money were no object, what would you do with your life? I’d probably still be doing what I’m doing right now, but start a foundation for LGBT youth and something to support the arts, and just try to do some good with the extra $$.
10. Was Harry really oblivious as they say, or was he actually observant when he needed to be? My initial thoughts on this is that--he’s both. And that he’s oblivious about maybe social things and has some social awkwardness but that yes, he’s observant when he needed to be about a whole host of things? But honestly...I need to reread canon, lol. I feel like I’m a bit more influenced by fanon!Harry and I do love an oblivious!Harry when it comes to a certain blond pointy bloke fancying him. :DDD
11. Do you enjoy doing these quizzes, or are they as difficult for you as they are for me? lol… Haha omg these are so hard. I don’t particularly enjoy talking about myself, but I do love to be tagged and included. it’s my introvert-self versus wanting to be included and such. Push and pull! Also, I’m crying at the thought of coming up with 11 questions and tagging other people. Haha.
OKAY now I’m tagging @omarandjohnny @untilourapathy @bixgirl1 and @lqtraintracks (yes yes, I know you hate me now) but only if you want to and I apologize for the sucky questions I’m about to come up with off the top of my head! (Also anyone else? Please have a go if you like!)
1. What is your favorite meal of all time?
2. What’s the first movie you ever remember watching?
3. Write a two sentence story for me. (my gf made me ask this and she’s a big cheater.)
4. What is your absolute favorite trope of all time?
5. What’s something that scared you but you did it anyway?
6. It’s Sunday. It’s raining. What do you do?
7. What is your favorite way to procrastinate?
8. What’s your favorite way to tell somebody off?
9. What are you listening to right now?
10. “Friday, I’m in Love” - A great song or the best song?
11. What’s the most annoying question you’ve ever been asked on a meme?
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kimcheolwoon · 7 years
Tagged by @taeminihyuk (when will she stop blessing us with her breathtaking selfies? like you can stop now *read: don’t*) and @myuux2 (aaah this is so late)
1) Nicknames: Mel or Lissa (two halves of my name! i think they’re both really cute) 2) Gender: female 3) Star sign: capricorn 4) Height: 5′6 (i think?? idek anymore...turns out i’m a lot shorter than i thought!) 5) Time: 3:49 am 6) Birthday: January 4 7) Favourite bands: SHINee, EXO, Urban Zakapa, VIXX, BAP, LOONA, SEVENTEEN 8) Favourite solo artists: Kwon Jinah, Lee Hi, Ailee 9) Song stuck in my head: Taemin - Door
10) Last movie watched: Hud (1963) for class lol but it was good! 11) Last show watched: does The Taemin: xtra cam count? i don’t really watch tv anymore 12) When did I create my blog: March 2013 13) What do I post: 99% SHINee, 0.5% Jongin, 0.5% other (this used to be my desc,,, i miss it) 14) Last thing I googled: Jongkey quotes (for @6-v-6‘s jongkey ask) 15) Do you have other blogs: @puppvjongin is my exo side-blog and @theloonaclipse is my loona + other girl groups side blog. both are pretty active, but ofc nowhere near as active as this one. 16) Do you get asks: nowadays...yea! and it makes me so happy. because i love interacting with other shawols and making friends so when anyone comes into my inbox on or off anon i am like yes! a friend! and idk what i did but i finally got people to start sending me messages/asks regularly and like um *tears* i love you all 17) Why did you choose your url: it’s freaking genious? also it looks nice typed out i think. i’ve quite grown attached to it now. if you’ve been with me for a while you have seen the many url changes i have been through. this is actually the only one i’ve changed and come back to! and i think it’s here to stay. I’ve found the one finally after four years.   18) Following: 239 19) Followers: ???? 20) Favourite colours: Green, green, green, and green, all shades of green, it is objectively the best color in the entirety of existence 21) Average hours of sleep:  ha! this question always makes me laugh... 22) Lucky number: 4 23) Instruments: Piano, guitae, and i really really want to take up the violin 24) What am I wearing: a red cami with some really cool retro red/purple/beige patterned pants. don’t worry i look hella cute ^^ 25) How many blankets I sleep with: 1 and its SHINee Pearl Aqua color ;;; 26) Dream job: ESL teacher around the world (Spain, Asia, South America...) 27) Dream trip: Anywhere but here, i mean Seoul obviously, but if all goes well i’ll be there next fall. And i’ve already visited Japan. I would really like to go to Dublin! I found out that my grandfather was Irish and i’ve always loves Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays! I would love to go to Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day!!!! 28) Favourite food: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo 29) Nationality: African American 30) Favourite song now: Kwon Jinah - Twenty (20) 
I will tag: @sabakunocasali @smoldinopup @sh1nee @usuallydreamin @womblemonkey @jinkilatte @staerry-sky @rise-and-shinee
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spiderkittay · 7 years
1-92 😚
1:When did you lose your virginity?- liiike 6 months ago2: Rough sex or soft sex?- honestly depends (rough sex thooo)3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?- not unusual4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex?- my living room couch5: Favourite sex position?- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?- submissive7: Have you ever had any one night stands?- nah8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?- beds are the easiest, but couch is more fun ?? so idk9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?- nope10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?- THATS LIKE MY BIGGEST FEAR BUT IT HAS NOT HAPPENED11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?- I have so many idek. Blue and lacey probably12: How often do you have sex?- live NEVER anymore bc my girlfriend is so far away13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?- is this even a question14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?- ive never giver bc I'm a pillow princess 15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?- I basically broke my girlfriends vagina bc I didn't cut my nails16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?- this takes a lot of thought17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?- wtf idk18: Are you into dressing up for sex?- honestly, its all coming off anyways so why bother19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?- BATH BUT SOMEONE20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?- this is the same question21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?- hell nah22: Do you/would you use sex toys?- Y E S23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?- like daily24: Would you have sex with your best friend?-if I like ABSOLUTLY had to25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)- water, LOTS of water. and sleep26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?- being teased oh my ggod27: Early morning sex or late night sex?- sex is sex my dude. late night tho bc morning breath28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?- absolutely nothing29: Favourite body part on the same sex?- does hair count30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find: weed and vibrators31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you: my gf tried to tie me up w little success bc we didn't really have the right materials 32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]- 7/1033: Is it ever okay to not use a condom: you want a baby ?34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience: ice. if ice counts as a food35: Worst possible time to get horny: at a friends house omg36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?- is THIS even a question37: How much fapping is too much fapping: that word reminds me of middle school pls stop38: Best sexual complement you ever got: I GOT TOLD I TASTE GOOD SO39: Favorite foreplay activities: just tease me to death thx40: What do you wear to bed?- like normally ??41: When was the first time you masturbated: 6th grade42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?- I don't, but I know someone that does43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?- nope44: Have/would you ever have sex in public?- depends45: Have/would you ever had a threesome?- already answered46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?- hairbrush47: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?- yes. I'm gay48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not)- YES49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?- who cares tbh50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?- ;))))))51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?- anything sticky sounds like a nightmare52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?- pornstar. its already in my future53: Do you watch porn?- yuh54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?- no 55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?- ew56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?- fuuck no57: If you could give yourself head, would you?- yes omg58: Booty or Boobs?- butt59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)- yeah, bc they cheated on me60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?- masturbate, get a bj, helicopter that shit, walk around shirtless, ???61: have you ever watched someone masturbate?- ;)))62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?- ;))))63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed?- I don't have the correct equipment for that to happen64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate)- stimulation 65. What is your bra/penis size?- 32DD, but don't be fooled. I have the chest of a 12 year old boy66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus?- ???67. When was the last time you masturbated?- like 2 days ago68. When was the last time you had sex?- January 1st69. When was the last time you watched porn?- 2 days ago70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do?- yeah, a lil vibrator71. Guys:Circumsized?- ;))))72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched?- thighs73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched?- ;)))))74. Girls:Are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation?- no. I have the least sensitive chest on the planet75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr?- nah76. When was the last time you have had a wet dream?- TOO LONG77. Which wet dream was your favorite?- I honestly don't remember any of them78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with?- if I HAD to79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with?- no80. Favorite sexual position?- wasn't this already asked81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?- no 82. Are you into any BDSM?- maybe like really LIGHT BDSM83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why?- theyre 3,000 miles away84. Do you like dirty talk?- YES85. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Masturbation?- it depends86. Have you ever been inturrepted during sex or masturbation? Who/what?- YES MY FUKN SISTER87. What kind of porn do you like to watch?- lesbian or like anything not involving a guy getting his dick sucked88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them?- no89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?- that's like my life90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them?- no91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial?- no92. Ask whatever you want: can we have sex after our date 😘- Ive already answered this babe pls
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1-91 of the nsfw asks
bruv You’re gonna kill me
1:When did you lose your virginity?13 for vagina type 15 for penis type2: Rough sex or soft sex?I like both but I enjoy being hurt3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?HAHAHA yes how much time do you have4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex?In school or in a Cathedral5: Favourite sex position?I don’t have a favourite tbh6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?I prefer submissive but I’m a switch so it depends7: Have you ever had any one night stands?A few8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?I prefer the bed, it has pillows9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?Yes10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?No thank god11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?It’s purple and black lace, with garters from Victoria’s secret12: How often do you have sex?Not often enough13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?Hmmmmm yes I suppose14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?I prefer giving15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?Fallen asleep16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?The Hills - The Weekend, idk why but it’s fucking glorious17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?Nothing, I like to only hear us18: Are you into dressing up for sex?Not particularly, it all comes off in the end19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?Bath. I have a mild phobia of showers20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?Brian McCook duh,21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?Yeah, 3 times ;)22: Do you/would you use sex toys?Indeed I do23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?All the time. I have a nice body, so sharing is caring24: Would you have sex with your best friend?HAHAHA funny story, my best friend is my ex-girlfriend so yeah25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)Depends. Usually I’ll grab a coffee and go outside for a cigarette, or cuddle. Depends on how nice the sesh was26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?A really really good smut27: Early morning sex or late night sex?Early morning, I get tired too easily28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?Butt29: Favourite body part on the same sex?Boobs or tummy30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:My sexy box, only everyone knows about it because my parents found it hahaha31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:I don’t know what is weird, but I’ve done pretty much everything apart from scat32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]Yeah, but usually it happens when I kiss the person, I eat quite healthily so wasn’t too bad tbh33: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:Only if you want babies, with a partner you’re in for the long haul34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:None. I don’t like the idea of thrush35: Worst possible time to get horny:In a really serious situation. Happens all the time, especially if someone attractive shouts at me36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?Well obviously, I need to know I’m doing well37: How much fapping is too much fapping:Until you get carpal tunnel38: Best sexual complement you ever got:I don’t know, maybe that I have a really nice figure?39: Favorite foreplay activities:All of them40: What do you wear to bed?Either my bee pijamas, a baggy tee and boxers, or nothing41: When was the first time you masturbated:Yesterday42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?Nope43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?I have, and I think it was almost 2 years ago44: Have/would you ever have sex in public?Yes I have45: Have/would you ever had a threesome?I swear this was already a qu? But yes I have46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?A pillow47: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?GAY because it feels more real, idk why it’s wonderful48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not)Previously answered 49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?YES so long as they’re good50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?Previously answered51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?ALL OF THEM THRUSH IS REAL GUYS plus sticky ew52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?Prostitute53: Do you watch porn?Yes54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?Yes. Probably because I like weird stuff55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?Nope, but I often forgo bras, does that count?56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?I have no problem whatsoever. I love muff fluff, and without is also chill. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest57: If you could give yourself head, would you?Yes, I’ve been told I’m very good58: Booty or Boobs?Boobs59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)I don’t know if it counts, we were on a break60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?1, helicopter 2, wank 3, enjoy the fact I get paid more and can walk around topless without getting catcalled 4, have sex with a vagina 5, have sex with a butt61: have you ever watched someone masturbate?Yes62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?Previously answered 63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed?Nope because I have a vagina64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate)I touch myself and it is good65. What is your bra/penis size?Bra- 34 C66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus?Your dad’s cock67. When was the last time you masturbated?Yesterday (i swear these repeat)68. When was the last time you had sex?Early December69. When was the last time you watched porn?Today lol haha70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do?Yes, both in Ann Summers71. Guys:Circumsized???? idek72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched?Boobies and stomach73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched?My genitals? lol74. Girls:Are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation?I don’t think so, but I can get close75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr?Yes76. When was the last time you have had a wet dream?Yesterday77. Which wet dream was your favorite?Lol nope not saying78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with?Of course79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with?OF COURSE HAVE YOU SEEN MY BLOG80. Favorite sexual position?Previously answered81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?hehe a bit82. Are you into any BDSM?Yes83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why?Yes, because I just couldn’t idk it’s weird84. Do you like dirty talk?If it’s done correctly, if not I laugh85. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Masturbation?Very loud, masturbation quiet86. Have you ever been inturrepted during sex or masturbation? Who/what?YES okay so funny story. I was having sex w my girlfriend at the time in the back of her car and her fucking mother opened the door and I’m pretty sure she saw my vagina87. What kind of porn do you like to watch?Gay male88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them?I don’t get erections, but masturbated to yes89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?Well yeah90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them?Previously answered91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial?Not exactly no92. Ask whatever you want*shrugs*
These were disgusting lol. Thank you dear
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