#does he want to be kissed?! XD.....some days I want to be a rockstar XD XD
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#sleep token#sleep token gif#sleep token iv#does he want to be kissed?! XD.....some days I want to be a rockstar XD XD#because whatever Dire Straits are singing about.....money for nothing and the chicks for free or something like that XD#weird jokes day....sry#sitting here listening to dire straits money for nothing and damn that riff in the beginning and also the way how#Mark Knopfler plays it...he is so cool XD....I should really buy one “normal” guitar...there is a whole other world out there#when it comes to guitar playing....
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just some brain dumps I have for Chris x Carmen, which made me feel soft and fluffy
1. Chris gets Carmen a HK42 after the Spencer Mansion and teaches her how to handle a gun… and when Barry during the Outbreak admits that Chris asked him to look out for Jill AND her, she still thinks bc Chris does not trust her— it‘s so funny bc girl HE CARES👀… and the fact Barry says that the same (gun) model used to be Chris‘ sidearm during his time in the US Air Force… wondering if it‘s Chris‘ former loyal handgun👀💕💕
2. The one night he spent on Carmen‘s sofa, after they had hung over reports late into the night, was the first time he had actually slept well… and so did Carmen knowing he was right in the next room.
3. That Chris fell hopelessly for Carmen when she fell asleep against his shoulder, dressed in his old RPD jacket, all calm and one hand softly wrapped around his arm… and he wished he could watch her forever.
4. Thinking that Carmen was convinced by one of her classmates in college to get a fake ID (she was twenty at that point) and find themselves in Jack’s bar the same night S.T.A.R.S was there and her classmate found Chris so cute, asking her to be her wing(wo)man, but Carmen so hard hit the brakes when she noticed they were RPD and didn’t want to risk her job for faking official papers... and Carmen quickly pulled her out of the bar, when she had drunk a bit too much. (and not noticing that Chris found the mysterious, silent brunette kinda cute even when he could only take one small glance at her before she disappeared) [ALSO... AU where they both met in Jack’s bar officially and Chris gets after one talk with her that she wasn’t 21 yet xD srsly Carmen... it’s only five months calm down xD]
5. Chris having constantly kept eyes and ears out for Carmen while she was at the Brown University (even when he was gone for months and not able to call her) and always incapable of stop smiling when he heard or read that she was right back in her academics and loving how she became a rockstar among microbiologists
6. Carmen’s best kept secret is having taken a picture from Chris’ desk in the RPD with him, Claire and their parents, smiling wide and so happy that she hadn’t been sure it was him, but felt somehow unable to leave it there. This picture and the locket of her mom are also the only things that have survived the destruction of RC with Carmen having no other pictures of her family or friends. (That went from cute to absolute sad real fast)
7. It was Chris who said “I love you” first, even though it is more Carmen who usually takes the first steps (emotionally) in the relationship. I imagine it was after an evening at Barry’s house when they celebrated Carlos’ birthday and too many beers were definitely involved (and despite them still having a “secret” relationship) Chris was a bit touchy and smiley around Carmen until she decided to take him home in a taxi and when he asked if she wanted to stay the night at his place, Carmen just denied with a grin, saying she had an early meeting the next day and couldn’t afford coming late as she knew he would make her cuddle through the morning... and Chris Redfield actually had an expression that could have been almost described as pouting, even though Carmen wasn’t sure... and he kissed her cheek and softly slurred “I love you”, but was out of the taxi before paralyzed and absolutely surprised Carmen could say something... and thanks to that Carmen wasn’t able to sleep and sit in the meeting with dark circles and butterflies that stayed for several weeks nonstop
#ship: carmen x chris#story: city of the dead#oc: carmen lopez#userarklay#( why are they so disgustingly cute and hell did Carmen change Chris when he is around her )#(that man actually isn't overly romantic and he does have problems with admitting feelings#but even he cannot deny that when he is with Carmen he turns into a big giant teddy bear#and Carlos personally notices that and takes every chance to tease his friend)#(when they hit the gym together trust me Carlos is playing the big brother card#and Chris then finds out how Claire's boyfriends must have felt like#because carlos does not buy it either when chris says they are just friends)#(and so doesn't claire when she gets a bit inquisitive with carmen)#(guys you are not very careful with your tries to hide your relationship... neon signs would be less obvious)
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Jin x Reader - Love Story

This is totally based on the Taylor Swift song, I will forever sing to this when I hear it xD But I was listening to it in the car the other day with TacoAdmin and instantly thought of writing a story for our prince Jin, but it’s going to be more modern :) I hope you like it, feel free to let me know what you think down in the comments!
Mel | CinnamonAdmin
You and Jin met your junior year in high school. You both fell in love shortly after meeting each other and you were practically inseparable. The only issue, however, was that your dad was very traditional and hated Jin because he was in a band and thought he would be a bad influence on you.
Flash forward to now your sophomore year in college and you want nothing more than to bring Jin home with you to eat dinner with your family or just come to hang out with you. Anytime you asked your parents though, your dad would change the subject and basically tell you no. So the only way you got to see Jin at home was through FaceTime, but only when your dad wasn’t within earshot. Occasionally though, you would sneak downstairs to meet Jin on the front porch because you missed each other so bad.
One time you joined some of your distant relatives and your cousin’s boyfriend proposed. Your heart ached because you thought about Jin and how you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him, but you knew your dad would never approve. He actually looked to you and to your cousin and said, “Congratulations (C/N), you’ve really found yourself a respectable young man to spend you life with. I’m wondering when my (Y/N) will find someone like that.” You stood from the table angrily and said, “I did Dad, and his name in Jin. You’re just too stuck up to give him a chance just because he is in a band! You won’t even let me introduce you so you can actually get to know him!”. Your Dad didn’t like that and responded back “(Y/N) you deserve someone who is responsible and who will take care of you better than a boy looking to be a rockstar! How does anyone expect to make a living off of that huh?” He asked you crossing his arms across his chest in judgement. “(Dad are you kidding me? Just because he is in a band does not mean that he isn’t responsible! He is in a band yes, and he is very good at it, but he is also a straight A student who always makes sure to study, and he makes time to spend time with me, unlike you who is always too busy to do anything anymore! And oh yeah did you happen to consider that he makes me happy?! I’ve never been happier than I am with Jin, but you are too full of yourself to see that! I’ve had enough of this conversation, I’m going home!” you said tears starting to fill your eyes.
Your dad was enraged by you walking for the door and said, “(Y/N) you are not going anywhere, you need to sit down and -”. Your mom grabbed his arm and told him to let you go to cool off, your mom nodded to you and said “Go home sweetie be careful.” “Thanks mom.” You said going outside to your car. As soon as you cranked the car you told the car to call ‘My Prince Jin’ tears beginning to roll down your cheeks. When he picked up he was bubbly and excited to finally talk to you. “Hello my princess, how are you doing this fine evening?” he asked mimicking a british accent. Typically his silly antics would make you giggle, but tonight you were far too upset. “Jin baby I need to see you please.” You partially begged between sobs. Immediately concerned he said “Of course baby I’m on my way, wanna tell me what happened?” You wiped at the tears and said “Not right now, but I will when I see you okay.” “Okay, well I’ll be at your place in a few see you then, I love you.” He said, which tugged at your heartstrings. “I love you too baby.” You said ending the call and blasting music to try to stop crying until you got home.
When you pulled up Jin was already there waiting for you on the front steps of your house. You couldn’t get out of the car fast enough, but you managed to put the car in park and take out the key successfully before running out to jump into his waiting arms. You didn’t realise you left your aunt’s house without your coat until you noticed how cold it was outside and how warm you felt in his arms. For a few minutes he just held you in your arms as you cried. After you calmed down a bit, he sat you down and wiped the tears from your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead and asked “Alright princess even though I was planning to come see you tonight anyways, do you think you can tell me what’s gotten you all worked up?” You nodded and sniffled before speaking, “ Yeah, um, it’s just my dad. We got into another argument tonight, and it was worse than usual, I actually stormed out of dinner with my aunt after yelling at him.” you said looking down at your hands. He winced, knowing your dad would definitely still be upset with you and asked “That bad huh? What were you arguing about this time?” You rolled your eyes thinking back to the conversation “It’s the same old thing, tonight my cousin’s boyfriend proposed and asked when I was going to find a young man like him, and I got so mad. I hate the way he thinks of you, all he sees is a irresponsible punk in a band, but he won’t even try to get to know the smart, funny, loving man that you are. He doesn’t understand how happy you make me, and that I don’t want anyone else but you.” you explained starting to get worked up again because you want your dad to approve of Jin so badly. Jin just smiles at you sadly and says “I know princess, this has got to be so hard for you. I’m sorry that I’m someone that your dad doesn’t trust to be with you.” He pulls you in for a hug and you just stay like that until suddenly Jin is being yanked away from you.
Shocked at how quickly Jin was removed from you, you looked up to see your dad holding Jin by his collar seething with rage. Jin’s eyes were wide like yours not expecting to be pulled away from you so violently. Your dad looked him in the eyes and said “ See I knew that you were a bad influence holding on to my daughter this late at night, how many times have you had her sneak out to see you huh punk?” yanking on Jin’s collar dropping him making him fall back on the grass. “Dad! What the heck are you doing, leave him alone!” you yell astonished at your Dad’s behavion towards your boyfriend. “(Y/N) it’s time for you to go inside now!” Your dad yells back at you still glaring at Jin who’s picking himself off of the ground. “No Dad you can’t just treat him like that he’s -” “(Y/N) It’s fine I’ll go, I’ll talk to you later” Jin said trying to send you a comforting smile. “Oh no you’re not, I don’t want you around my house or around my daughter ever again! Get off of my property!” He yelled angrily at Jin. “Dad no please!” You beg starting to cry again as he makes you go inside closing the door behind him. “No (Y/N) you don’t need to see him anymore he has been such a bad influence on you. Making you sneak outside so he can make out with you!” He said. “No Dad, Jin doesn’t make me do anything, I called him and asked him to meet me because I needed someone to comfort me and help me escape from you for just a few minutes, but you have to ruin everything! If I were to say Jin made me do anything, it would be that he actually makes me happy and thinks about my feelings! Something you never do!” you said running up the stairs slamming your door.
As soon as you closed your door, you slid down against it sobs racking from your chest, completely heart broken at the scene that just took place. Why couldn’t your dad just accept Jin if only for the simple fact that he makes you feel like the most special girl in the world. You were crushed at the thought of Jin never talking to you again. At this point you didn’t blame him because your dad almost killed him tonight.
For days you sat in your room crying, only coming out to use the bathroom, not bothering to come downstairs to eat. Anytime your mom or dad knocked to check on you, you just yelled at them to leave you alone, which they inevitably did. You never felt more alone than you did the past few days because you had not heard from Jin since the incident occured earlier in the week. That made you cry even harder because all you could think about was never getting to see the love of your life ever again. You wanted Jin to come save you from the nightmare that has become your life, but at this point you were starting to lose hope.
After a week of crying your mom finally convinced you to come out of your room to shower and go downstairs to eat something. After making yourself look more presentable than your unbrushed hair tied into a bun with a tearstained face, wearing the hoodie and sweatpants Jin gave you, you came down to eat the breakfast your mom made for you. “ Sweetie I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of this, just know your father truly does love you and wants to see you happy.” she said stroking your hair and placing a kiss on it. “Yeah right, Dad only cares about the image of our family, he doesn’t care about my happiness.” you said glaring at your toast. Your mom smiled at you and said, “It will be okay sweetie, why don’t you go out back and get a little fresh air, I’m sure it will make you feel better.” You shrugged and said “I guess.” making your way towards the back door.
What you weren’t expecting to see when you stepped outside was Jin waiting for you with his hands behind his back. You were confused, but noticed the song in the back was obviously his voice, but he had not shown you this song before. Jin grinned nervously as soon as he saw you and reached out to hug you, “Hey baby, I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you for the past few days, there was some urgent business I needed to take care of, one of those things was I was, uh, writing this song for you about how much I love you.” he said sheepishly. You smiled at him “Well thank you Jin, but what are you doing here?” you asked arms still wrapped around his neck. He stepped back looking into your eyes and said, “Well (Y/N), I love you so much, you bring such a light into my life and you give me the joy and motivation I need to wake up every morning. I am so thankful for the afternoon on that disgusting, over crowded bus where we were forced to sit together and met. I didn’t know love at first sight was real, but (Y/N) as soon as I saw your grumpy face that morning I knew I was in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So...” He said kneeling to the ground and pulling out a box with the most beautiful engagement ring you’ve ever seen and asked you, “(Y/N) I’m here to ask you if you would make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” You started to tear up and jumped into his arms and said, “Yes, yes, Jin I want to marry you!” He picked you up and spun you around so happy at your reaction and answer and kissed you. After he set you down he reached out for your hand and slid the ring on your finger. You stared at it with a smile stretched across your face, feeling the happiest you’ve ever felt in your entire life.
Suddenly it donned on you, “Wait Jin, what are we going to do about my dad?” You asked voice laced with concern. “You won’t have to worry about that.” you heard your dad say as he and your mom walked around the corner of the porch. “Dad?!” You questioned, your dad being the last person you expected to see right now. He walked up to you and took your hands and said “(Y/N) I’m so sorry for the way I reacted the other night. I know I was being a horrible dad, and your right... I wasn’t thinking about your happiness like I thought I was. I was selfish and only thought about the kind of man I thought you should be with. But Jin met me at my office a few days ago and explained to me how much your relationship meant to him and it touched my heart and made me realize he is the perfect man for you, so when he asked for your hand in marriage, there was no way I could say no. (Y/N) I want nothing more than for you to be happy, and there is no one better I would approve of. I hope you could forgive me?” You definitely weren’t expecting that to say the least, but it made you so happy to see that your Dad finally saw Jin as the man that he was. You hugged your dad and said “Of course I forgive you Dad, thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!” Your dad chuckled and said “I know sweetheart, from now on I will focus on what makes you happy, and now I know that it is him.”
You pulled away from the hug from your dad and walked back over to Jin smiling up at him and said, “We’re getting married!” “We’re getting married!” he responded a huge grin spreading across his face as he leaned down to kiss you. Your could hear sniffles coming from behind you, and as you leaned back from the kiss, you grabbed Jin’s hand and turned saying, “Mom you don’t have to cry.” When you looked at your mom though, her eyes were dry, but you saw your dad was the source of the sniffling. Trying to act tough, your dad said “What? I’m not crying I just have dust in my eye.” You all laugh at your dad’s silly behavior. His face turning somewhat serious though, he looked over at Jin and said, “Now young man I expect you to take care of my (Y/N) and make sure she is happy okay son?”Jin smiled when your dad referred to him as son and squeezed your hand tightly and said, “Yes sir, there is nothing I would rather do.”
Today was one of the best days of your life, and it was leading into a new chapter of your love story.
#castlebangtan#Love Story#kim seokjin x reader#jin x reader#seokjin x reader#jin x reader fluff#seokjin x reader fluff#bts x reader#bts x reader fluff#bts x reader angst to fluff#angst#fluff#sugar sweet#tooth rotting fluff#bts oneshot#oneshot
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Are you more positive or a debbie downer? Debbie Downer should be my name lol
What would you love to drink right now? I’m drinking water rn, second mug in a row, my belly is going to explode
Is that an alcoholic drink or not? it’s not this kind of water :P
Oh good. What would you love to eat right now? I’m not hungry...
How many meals do you eat a day? depends
Do you brush your tongue with your tooth brush? sometimes
What are you favorite type of jeans? I’d say skinny even tho I don’t wear jeans anymore ^^”
Do you eat your nails? wait what swallow? ewww I don’t even bite them :o
Do you enjoy making or taking surveys? taking them more
Name something that is blue that you like Sadness from Inside out
Name something pink that you like PYNK music video by Janelle Monae? XD
If you could have one more pet, what? meh
If you could sleep next to a tame wild animal what? woah
Would you rather have an owl or a snake? both are cool
What would you name it? Bowl for owl and for snake either Ksysio or Wonsz żmieja?
Do you eat the ice in your drink? no
Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? I had one cigarette in my whole life but I still keep a package in my room :x
Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? fb, I don’t care for insta
Do you watch beauty videos on You Tube? nah
Do you like Star Wars? love
What kind of surveys do you like the most? interesting, not just YES or NO questions, I want to go deeper
Have you ever dropped something down the garbage disposal on accident? omg luckily not
What CD would you never buy for yourself? anything Justin Bieber for sure
Is sex a must in your life? absolutely not
Would you rather be cute and ugly or hot and stupid? cute and ugly? lmfao ok
Are you evil in any way? everyone is, more or less
Would you rather be a clown or a garbage man? can’t decide :D
Would you rather be a rockstar or a librarian? librarian but rock star ain’t that bad of a choice ;)
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? again? I just got this question on ask today and that really made me anxious
Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? sigh... Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? yep but not to my room as I’m super ashamed of it, it’s not what I really want, it’s more like a storage room for mine and my mom’s things, I wish I could move and out and do what I want instead of cleaning this mess just to have it ruined days after, not that I have money now to fix things the way I imagine my bedroom to be someday :( Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? yesterday was better but today I got a T-shirt so that was a good moment Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? hospital
Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? blergh, r u kidding me?... Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? constantly Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? not because of me but someone somewhere definitely has that name on them for another reason How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I'm in a relationship Is there anyone who likes you? it seems If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? of course What’s the first thing you heard this morning? you mean a sound (doorbell) or words (I don’t remember)? If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? not possible Are you young or old? young, at least according to my ID and being childish Are there always other fish in the sea? there are but maybe I don’t want them and/or they don’t want to be catched etc. What can your tongue do? pfft Do chickens have feelings? sorta Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? ... So how are you feeling today? not good enough Where is your sister right now? don’t know nor care What do you smell like? it’s so hot, I smell like sweat and I can’t stand it but I can’t shower all day long What colour is your mum’s hair? grey When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? last week Do you like fire? as an element of magic in fantasy movies Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? she’s noisy in different ways Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? that’s a lame stereotype Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? they’re useless but one time I bought Moomin ones because I’ve been walking through the store and they fallen right under my feet and there was nobody around nor the shelf/aisle that they could come from so it was weird and I love Moomins so I took them home (I paid) and they’re probably stored somewhere Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? what do you mean? Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? my gf apparently - in a cute way - that’s surprising for a teetotalist like me What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? my tee came! When was the last time you saw your father? he just left for work and I was waving to him through the window which is our tradition What if your partner went through your cellphone? I have nothing to hide Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? my parents and sister
Robert Downey Jr. �� Bet you have a crush on him. he’s handsome but I’d prefer to be him instead of having a crush on sex I’m not attracted to
What would you do if you were to get stuck on a ski lift overnight? ... freeze? and pee myself Have you ever received an anonymous gift? one time when we were really poor that we couldn’t afford food someone left a package under our door, knocked and ran, bless this person whoever knew we have hard times :* What kind of laugh do you have? many kinds that happen randomly Will you have a Valentine next year? I have a bigger chance than any other year before Macaroon or a cupcake? cupcake Did you kiss or hug anyone today? hug my mom and my dad too Are you currently waiting on someone to do something for you/to you? kinda Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I’m not in an abusive relationship but I know those who are as it’s common and it’s really sad that ppl think only beating makes relationship toxic Are you planning on going anywhere with someone, some time today? I’ll stay home Do you find your school to be loaded with hot guys or not so much? I remember E.W. once said that we have a lot of elves around because LOTR movie had very ugly ones as we did in high school, I tried to find that pic someone posted back in the day but I failed, it was from the council from what I remember
Is there anyone you are currently trying to get out of trouble? Why? mostly I just keep my eye on my father and my mother all the time because of covid (and not only because of it) if that counts Are you plotting anything at the moment? another chapter of the book? Have you ever wanted your significant other to get rid of a friend? because they were evil to them, it wasn’t about ME If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? she moved out :3
Do you have a therapist? no longer Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? yeah, in middle school I was getting awesome grades in math class What do you think of the last person you texted? we’re dating Have you ever gotten a bloody nose from snorting cocaine? I’ve never done cocaine wtf
Do you post pictures were you look good but your friends look bad? I ask them first Are you friends with any of your exes? me and one of my exes are together Are you a whiskey person? I’m a no alcohol person
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? tiny bit, wasn’t that bad
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? I have not Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? not in a movie theater Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? somewhat Do you like sour candy? by Lady Gaga not eat Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? but I don’t drive Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? brrrr no way Are you good at painting nails? am not but it doesn’t matter Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? doubt it What word should you really probably remove from your vocabulary? kurwa Do you rip out the page if you make a mistake writing, or cross it out? cross it out, if I ripped the page then there would be nothing left Do you use a full length mirror daily? we don’t own one Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? I think they don’t match my style and they’re uncomfy in a long term Mac or PC? PC Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? sorry but probably not Do you ever actually make your bed? when I have guests Do you make an effort to eat healthy? yup The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? black, that’s easy What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? food If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? money because one regret won’t help me and even might make things worse Are you taller than your mom? almost 10 cm What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving today? my gf - break up my dad - try to stop him or move out with him You’re locked in a room with the person you last kissed, problems? no problems Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? 0 Could you handle living with a male roommate? my dad, no one else What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? waking up Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? who said we aren’t texting? Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody? don’t feed my paranoia Connection between you and the last person who messaged you? love Where is your biological father right now? bus/job already Who else is in the room with you? I’m alone Water with ice or no ice? no ice Are you wrapped in a blanket? too hot for that
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? I’m thankful for all those nice things people do for me - big or small The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? took a walk
Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? bring
The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? their
How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? middle school was the beginning
Do you fit in at work or in school? I was always an outcast
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Oh God, Ew.”? 99% of time
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? nope
Is there someone you need to forgive? *annoyed sound*
What’s your brother(s) / sister(s) names? personal
Suppose you saw your crush/bf/gf kissing another girl/guy, what would you do? why tho
What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? whatever bridesmaid wanna wear besides white
Do you have a secret crush right now? it’s no secret
Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have kids? me
Would you rather visit Tokyo or Paris? dunno
Do you think you would like living in New York or Chicago? Why or why not? too overcrowded/loud etc.
Name 3 celebrities who are the same height as you. Lady Gaga, Ellen Page, Reese Witherspoon
Are you happy with your height? I’d like to be taller, not too much tho
Do you have big or small hands? small
Have you been baptized? I have been
Have you ever been abused in any way? sadly
Do you like unicorns? they’re fine
Is there one book you have read over and over again because it’s so good? if so, which is it? I don’t reread books
Do you play games on your phone a lot? recently I became obsessed with LOVE ISLAND game
Have you ever had to put out a kitchen fire? my mom took care of it but it wasn’t a big deal tbh
Have you ever been kidnapped? wut
Do you have anything glow in the dark in your room? stars
Do you wear a scarf, if so, what does it look like? not rn
Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? mhm but not too long
Do you get breadsticks with your pizza? breadsticks and pizza? it’s like bread with bread - no thx
Did you ever have a waterbed? I hate those
What toy from your childhood do you miss? rubber toys?
Did you sleep in late today? yes
When was the last time you were disappointed? this day
Do you like listening to love songs? I like a variety of music which includes love songs
In your group of friends, are you the smart one, athletic one, etc.? funny mom friend... ok, fine, a dad because my puns are daddy jokes
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? no but they said bad things about me behind my back
Did you ever watch the show Full House? with my sister What was the last thing that scared you? how I feel physically Do the librarians at your library know you by name? they do
What ten people would you most likely bring on a roadtrip? 10 ppl?! shoot me...
Is there anything you’re really stressed out about right now? health issues
What was the last thing that made you cry? I’m about to cry...
What are the last three songs you listened to? Crystal Castles - Suffocation frnkiero andthe cellabration - neverenders Major Lazer - Be Together (Feat. Wild Belle)
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Here’s my RockStar/Roquill/Pocket playlist! I use this playlist for inspiration a lot~
I’ve got my reasons for picking each song under the cut.
1. i’m not in love by 10cc straight from the movie, obviously. fits the mood at first - they’re unsure of each other, and almost in denial in a sense. this is more quill feeling denial, honestly - very soft denial of ‘nah, couldn’t happen’
2. i won’t say i’m in love from hercules now in comparison, here’s rocket’s denial. over the top, loud, bombastic screaming of ‘i don’t fall in love’ followed by quietly admitting to himself that maybe it’s okay to fall for someone - that someone being quill - but only admits it to himself in private. plus, god, is it fun to imagine groot as the muses and rocket as meg.
3. the chain by fleetwood mac straight from the movies once more. this song is really about a struggling relationship and that’s how quill and rocket’s relationship is in the second movie. looking at the second movie from a shipping perspective, it’s kickstarted by rocket stealing the batteries - which he doesn’t need, it’s repeatedly said he doesn’t need them. he did it so quill would pay attention to him instead of gamora. he was jealous. hence the struggle. but they make it through.
4. troublemaker by olly murs & flo rida ‘troublemaker’ is probably one of the best words you can use to describe rocket. and with all the shit he gets everyone else into? oh yeah. this fits. but quill is definitely getting attached to him anyway, even with all the shenanigans he causes.
5. sleeping with a friend by neon trees do i have to explain this one? look at the title. but i can imagine this is more ‘quill’s first thoughts when starting this whole thing with rocket’: he’s not sure what it entirely is, they’re friends, but they’re clearly something else. ‘and if it was all up to me - i’d be no trouble. hell, we’re in trouble!’ and even if he’s really getting attached to rocket despite himself, he has no idea how rocket can and will feel, so he’s ‘if my heart’s gonna break before the night ends’
6. collar full by panic! at the disco in contrast, here’s rocket’s feelings on the situation at that point - he’s the one who ultimately fell first and fell hardest, and now that it’s requited he’s just clutching to it as much as he can and lingering in the feeling - ‘before the world catches up, because there’s always time for second guesses, i don’t wanna know, if you’re gonna be the death of me, that’s how i wanna go.’ he’s not sure how long it’ll last either but god is he relishing in it.
7. take me to church (cover) by postmodern jukebox rocket’s feelings again. it’s pure and simple truth that rocker really doesn’t like himself, so in a relationship he really does see his partner as the world. (not that quill won’t constantly tell him otherwise, no, bad, he’s no better than him. stop it.) of course, quill’s greatest goal is for him to eventually get rocket to love himself too but that’s a long-term one. the words ‘only then i am human’ particularly strike a chord because that’s a major shame point for rocket.
8. fooled around and fell in love by elvin bishop once more from the movies. this is more of a ‘they finally ease into the relationship’ song. i know it was used for the canon ship in the movies but shhh. stealing it. it’s a nice song that can show them accepting their feelings despite never really intending to have any in the first place - or expect it at all.
9. you’re the only one by maria mena OKAY THIS SONG. this song is the de facto ‘rocket’s feelings for quill’ song. try to find me a better one. i’ll wait. you can’t. every line pretty much fits - the one that hits the hardest sums rocket up entirely: there’s a part of me that likes to bring you down just to keep you around, because the day you realize how amazing you are, you’re gonna leave me. that’s his worst fear, that’s his walls crashing down entirely, that’s the ‘i never want to let you go’ moment of it all being out in the open and ugh. it’s so cute. slay me with this song and roquill. slay me.
10. come and get your love by redbone another from the movies. quill’s anthem, honestly - this is the song that best represents him, and it’s a return to form. he’s with rocket, he’s happy, everything’s okay! everything’s normal!
11. finesse by bruno mars quill’s confidence gets the better of him sometimes, even when rocket doesn’t expect it. quill completely falling for someone most likely means ‘yep, i’m great, he’s great, there’s nothing to be ashamed of bc we’re the best couple in the whole world and that’s not gonna change anytime soon’.
12. moves like jagger by maroon 5 and christina aguilera predictably, this is quill’s confidence showing itself again....only for rocket to immediately match it. which is ultimately something that drives them closer together. he’s got the moves like jagger, okay? rocket you’re stuck with the girl part, sorry, but that means blatant hitting on quill which is A+++
13. shut up and dance by walk the moon see above, really. another song about quill, dancing, and rocket joining in. there are two types of people, people who dance, and people who don’t, and whoops, they’re both dancers.
14. classic by mkto ‘baby, you’re so classic’ is probably one of the highest compliments in the peter quill flirtation handbook, and yep, rocket is slowly becoming part of his life, joining the things he loves,they both know each other so well by this point
15. shut up and drive by rihanna ok. i’m gonna be entirely honest. this is the ‘quill has successfully fired up his rocket....if you get what i mean’ song. this is it. this is the one. reeeeeed rocket~ moving on.
16. style by taylor swift okay maybe not quite yet we move on. more a sign that they definitely do still have their disagreements, but they know each and every time it’s going to end up with them together again - they never go out of style. i don’t take the ‘you’ve been out and about with some other girl’ line as cheating in this song obvs XD more of a shady reference to gamora....and then lylla in turn. ye. shh. it’s a good relationship.
17. can’t take my eyes off you by frankie valli there was a tumblr post where it was said ‘imagine your otp slow-dancing to this song together’ and whoops, i roquill’d, now it’s not gonna stop. this is totally a song that quill would use on a quiet, romantic night to just be close to his partner and rocket will call him a huge dork for it but at the end of the day he’s still going along with it and smiling softly and thinking that he’s a huge dork, yeah, but he’s his dork, he wouldn’t have it any other way
18. good together by the runaway club this is a lot of quill and rocket’s relationship: ‘don’t do this.’ ‘i’m gonna do it anyway.’ ‘i kinda knew you were gonna.’ ‘that’s why we’re together.’ ‘yep, i’m the only one guaranteed to always put up with your shit.’ ‘damn straight.’ ‘we’re not straight.’ ‘shut up.’ (also: ‘that’s fine!’ ‘fine!’ ‘i love you!’ ‘i love you too!’ ‘that’s the first time we’ve said that!’ ‘yes it is!’ ‘i’m gonna kiss you!’ ‘well, you better!’ that’s them. that’s exactly them.)
19. for him. by troye sivan and allday another really good song for them. ‘ad we take jokes way too far. and sometimes living’s too hard. we’re like two halves of one heart. we are, we are, we are.’ there’s a good amount of fitting lyrics and i like the mental image of rocket getting a burst of confidence and going ‘we can get married tonight if you really wanna, if you break my heart, it’d be an honor’, quill adores those bursts of confidence
20. son of a preacher man by aretha franklin another song about how surprised rocket is that he fell for quill, and that he’s pretty much the only guy he’d ever fall for. it’s a classic.
the rest are mostly love classics, but a lot were based on meaning~
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