#does Trevor look kinda like a e-boy a little bit??
mystickii · 4 years
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remade the vampire legacy again cause I have nothing to do at all..
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bytemycupcakes · 4 years
Changeling!Pabit AU
I said I was makin a post and I don’t care that nobody seems interested in him cause I love this little puppet boy and wont stop making aus for him.
Under a cut cause l o n g e
-Pabit only ever remembers Boris as his caretaker
-Not unusual for a changeling, really but it’s true
-Boris always says he just found Pabit on a walk. People usually take that as a joke, but he’s being serious.
-Ya see, Pabit wandered a bit too far from the fae as an infant, and Boris almost tripped over him on a walk in the woods.
-Boris picked up this strange little faerie baby, they made eye contact, and Pabits body shifted to resemble Boris.
-Well fuck I guess Boris has a kid now. The thought of calling the local orphanage doesn’t even cross his mind, it’s really just, “Ah fuck I found a kid.. Guess I’m a dad then”
-Really the fact that Pabit seemed to latch onto and form to look like Boris didn’t help with that train of thought.
-It didn’t take long at all for it to click in Boris’ head that Pabit wasn’t human. Obviously the whole shapeshifting thing, but this child was practically FERAL.
-In a non-babyproofed home, Pabit wreaked havoc. Being a master at hiding, scuttering Boris’ walls, and getting into everything, especially things that a baby shouldn’t be touching.
-It took ages for Boris to get the house at least somewhat Pabit-proofed.
-Pabit still manages to get into shit constantly, it’s like a talent.
-Just like Child!Au, Pabit is not Pabit’s actual name, it’s a name he gained later on because of how much he mimics Boris. (Whats his actual name? No idea)
-Pabit’s gender was literally assigned. He doesn’t have typical human anatomy, being completely androgynous, and thus Boris just... -stamps Pabit with “boy” sticker-
-By the time of the habitat, Pabit id’s as masc non-binary
-Boris considers the day he found Pabit as his birthday, not actually knowing how old he was when found, he counts up from that date, thus where Pabit being 15 comes from.
-Pabit is so tall both because he is fae, and because his body mimics Boris for its aging. So he’s just.. so fucking tall.
-Pabit has a shadow form, but didn’t seem to gain one until he first saw Boris do it when he was a toddler.
-For awhile he’d just randomly shift to it, until his subconscious realized it was primarity an anger-based “transformation”
-While Boris’ shadow form is just intense anger, Pabit’s becomes almost like a rage. As his body grows to adapt most of his non-human ability (strength and some subtle basic magic) into said form.
-Depending on the source of anger, Pabit can be incredibly destructive or eerily calm but a ticking bomb.
-Even Boris gets a bit scared when Pabit shifts to the form... One too many times he’s had his house demolished from this child- Or even being injured by the rage (Nothing serious, but more damage than an 8 y/o should be able to give a grown man)
-From a very young age Pabit always showed signs of adhd/autism. Though he doesn’t technically have these conditions because he’s fae, he’s found comfort in knowing he’s not just really weird, and if people ask about it, he and Boris will just say he has ADHD and/or is autistic*
*[Lil step back: This whole au exists because I heavily project my adhd onto Pabit. And my girlfriend, who is autistic, loves the changeling trope (We even call her one fairly often). So please don’t get hateful about this]
-Boris was always pretty open about Pabit not being human, never tried to hide it from him. He grew up as the outcast and couldn’t figure out why, he’s not gonna let his son feel that same lost and broken feeling.
-Pabit tends to speak in broken sentences. He can speak in full, but feels more comfortable doing more of a Hulk speech pattern. Thus he often talks in third person, and leaves out words he deems unneeded to understand the sentence.
-He’ll fall into proper speech when ranting or infodumping, though. Speaking much more like Boris, with proper and large words.
-He stutters over bigger words a lot, and sometimes gets frustrated and just uses “dumbed down” language in its place (this is how he’ll describe it)
-Pabit has a major hyperfixation of puppetry and puppet making, and a smaller one on musical theatre/acting.
-There is Pabit, and then an actual puppet Habit. It was a gift for fathers day, and though it’s not as pretty as the irl puppet, it’s still pretty damn good for a 15 y/o with claws. Boris keeps it on a shelf in his office, it’s Pabits favorite out of all the puppets he’s made.
-Pabit will nab it and, using Boris’ desk as a stage, will just talk to Boris as “Boris”.
-Boris finds this absolutely adorable, and goes along with it. He’s made several business deals with this puppet. Usually for teeth.
-Which yes, Pabit eats. (No Pabit au is complete if he doesn’t eat teeth, fight me.)
-Pabit stims. A lot. His most common stims are kicking, bouncing, or wiggling his legs, chewing (Yes teeth eating is a stim for him, but he mostly goes for more rubbery textures), hand flapping, and full body wiggling/bouncing. He’ll also play with his hair, but it’s not as common.
-Pabit will occasionally repeat things, usually funny things he hears while giggling.
-Pabit’s hair is so stupidly thicc and curly that no stylist in town will deal with it.
-Boris has learned to cut hair, which comes in handy more often than you’d expect in a house of two very long-haired people.
-aka: Pabits hair grows so fucking fast, its ridiculous.
-His hair sticks together so much that it almost acts like one solid pillow-like mass. No hairtie can contain it. (If it’s tied back, it’s usually an actual string litterally tied around his hair)
-Pabits ears can emote, they don’t move much, but it’s noticeable. They wiggle when he gets really heccin happy.
-Pabit’s pupils alwas seem to be slitted, but at general shock (among other various things) his iris’ will slit aswell, leaving Pabit with a line in some massive sclara’s.
-Pabit has gotten very good at sewing thanks to his love of puppet making. This becomes very useful since he usually has to tailor his clothes slightly.
-In the habitat proper, Pabit is surprisingly popular with all the kids. Most notably Tim Tam and Trevor.
-He knew Trevor (And of Nat) before the habitat. He and Trevor are classmates while Nat is in the class behind them.
-Trevor didn’t really acknowledge Pabit’s existence until he bit a bully and seemed to break skin effortlessly??? hmmmmmmmm.
-Thus Trevor started theorizing, nothing in depth, but the kid was on his radar.
-Trevor was really surprised to find Pabit in the habitat, and even more surprised when Pabit told him Boris is his dad.
-The most these two ever talked before the habitat was a single “peer review” assignment, but in the habitat they start talking a lot more cause they’re the oldest kids, know eachother a bit, and both need to infodump like crazy.
-It takes a while for Trevor to get used to Pabits broken speech, but he eventually finds himself mimicing it occasionally. and Pabit will mimic him as well (adhd solidarity, boys)
-Pabit and Tim Tam can communicate non-verbally with no trouble at all. Thus this is used to wreak so much havoc on habititians since they’re both feral little goblins.
-It doesn’t help that Pabit has special access to “employees only” areas since he’s Boris’ son.
-Trevor and Pabit have gone on massive theory rants about random musicals while Nat’s in the room and she just watches these two in confused awe because of all the little details they’ll pull out to support these wild theories.
-Nat seriously has no idea how these two can just. keep. going. It’s been three hours at least let her have a snack!
-Pabit has allowed Trevor to ask so many weird questions about him because Pabit is also very curious about what exactly he is.
-Boris isn’t going to question why Trevor was poking at Pabit’s ribcage with a pen and just let boys be boys.
-Nat supplies Trevor with books on mythical beings she steals from Trencils room.
-Even with the three of them mostly working together, they cant figure out exactly what Pabit is.
-Until they’re all going over it in the boiler room one day. Where Wallus can hear them.
-Did three children just lure out the frightened janitor cause they’re describing changelings and Wallus, a fae, knows about these kinda things? Yes. Yes they did.
-Wallus really never got a good look at Pabit before he took refuge in the wall, Pabit never got too involved in his work, or his talks with Boris. So Wallus isn’t too surprised that he missed it.
-It takes a bit of courage building from Wallus and Pabit litterally dragging him to Boris’ office before Wallus talks to Boris about how he aquired Pabit.
-Lots of details short: Wallus actually remembers when Pabit went missing which is pretty neat.
-Boris was almost worried he’d lose Pabit to his birth parents... Until Wallus says they didn’t really worry too much cause he was supposed to be put into someones life anyway. Was only mildly concerning since the fae couldn’t keep an eye on him.
-Pabit barely processes any of this information. Same with nearly all fae information Wallus tells him.
-Its not that he doesn’t like it or anything, he just doesn’t really care about the details. He got a name for what he is and why he acts like he does, and now he’s done. Mission complete.
[I wanna type more but my adhd is being MEAN so I’ll stop here for now. Feel free to send me asks about this au tho cause I love it]
-One last thing: Pabit loves the night. He adores the moon. He loves sitting on the roof past bedtime just to stare at the sky
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alaynes-writings · 6 years
Summary: The reader is exchanging e-mails with an unknown person because of a school project. Since they really like each other, they decide to finally meet in person.
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x reader
Time period: modern
Word count: 2,401
Warnings: none
A/N: Lowkey inspired by Love, Simon. Amazing movie. Amazing book. Also I love penpals. As always, please tell me if you notice any mistakes so I can correct them. If you have time, feedback would be nice. Enjoy!
The most exciting thing you did every day was turning on your computer. Not because you were a huge nerd or had an unhealthy obsession with the internet. No, it was because you couldn’t wait to read a new message from him.
Impatiently you drummed with your fingers on your desk as your browser opened and you logged in into your email account. You almost squeaked in excitement and a huge grin spread on your face when you saw the little “one” next to the new-messages-button.
13th October 2018, 8:43 am
Regard: I love autumn too!
Ah, I’m so glad you love autumn too! It’s my favourite season. I can finally drink coffee again without dying of heat and when I’m writing outside I’m much more inspired. Nature is just so wonderful. Also Halloween is the best thing because there’s lots of candy. Do you like Halloween too?
PS: Did you notice that today is the 13th ? Of course you noticed, it’s your favourite number. But anyway, happy 13th!
You chuckled at the last sentence. How cute that he remembered, that 13 was your favourite number! You opened a new draft and tried to think of an answer.
This whole thing had started a few weeks ago when the school psychologist had the great idea that the students should get to know each other better, most importantly, people who don’t normally hang out together. So this was basically one of those “We are all one big family”-projects. You had hated the idea, there was a reason some people just don’t hang out, maybe you weren’t interested in “making new friends”. But unfortunately this wasn’t obligatory and everyone had to hand in their email-adress. Since you didn’t want anybody to know which email belonged to you, you had created mysteriousperson13 and you didn’t really expect to get any messages. But two days after handing in your email, a message had appeared and since your curiosity was stronger than your dislike for the project you had clicked on it. That’s when you met youngscrappyandhungry. Even though you didn’t know who he was, you two had been messaging back and forth every day for the last weeks. At first you didn’t want to answer. But the message was actually kinda cute and so you gave it a shot. And he was perfect. You two got along so well and soon you felt like you could talk about anything. He was incredibly intelligent, witty and you looked forward to his messages every day.
But you never read them in school on your phone because one time Angelica had gotten really curious why your eyes were practically glued to your screen. She had tried to get a glimpse at your phone and in that moment you decided that this was just for you. You didn’t want to share this yet. So you always waited until you were alone in your room.
13th October 2018, 4:23 pm
Regard: Happy 13th!
First of all, happy 13th to you too! And second, I think you’re obsessed with coffee. Do you ever sleep?
But to answer your question, Halloween and I have a complicated relationship. I love the decoration and the music and the sweets but I’m scared very easily so I basically don’t leave the house on that day. Very childish, I know.
You clicked send and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. You always felt so excited when you were talking to him. And even though you were fine with the situation, the need that you wanted to know who you were talking to, had been growing the last days. When you first asked him who he was, he answered that he wanted to remain anonymous and that was okay for you. But now that you knew so much about each other, you couldn’t help but wonder who he was. The only clues you had was that he was a boy, going to the same school as you and he liked drinking coffee. But a lot of people drank coffee at school so that wouldn’t really help you. He also loved to write and you knew he had a way with words. He had told you that he had a few close friends and that there was someone at school he really didn’t like and got into fights with a lot. He also liked history and politics, so you could delimit the people that came into question, but that still left you with a group around 40 people. And you didn’t even knew half of them. But you were also scared to ask him to reveal himself again. And the more you thought about it, the stronger your fear became. What if he didn’t like you any more when he found out who you are? But you tried to keep those thoughts out of your head.
You sat down at your desk and started doing your homework. Or at least you tried. Your eyes constantly wandered off, glancing at the screen of you computer, impatiently waiting for his reply. You didn’t even know if he was home yet or when he would see your message. You knew that he didn’t have tons of extra courses but he liked to hang out at cafés to write. But he also had internet access there. You sighed, knowing that it was ridiculous to think like that. But then a soft ‘bing’ came from your computer and the homework was forgotten  You clicked on the new message.
13th October 2018, 4: 35 pm
Regard: Halloween party
I’m not obsessed with coffee!
Okay maybe a bit. Just slightly. I just like it. And it keeps me awake. Don’t judge.
And coming back to Halloween, does that mean you won’t be at the Halloween party the school is hosting? I know it’s not really good or anything and most people are only there because they have to but I was hoping you would be there. And maybe I could buy you a drink?
You were pretty sure your heart just skipped a beat at that. Did he really want to meet you? You hadn’t really processed the thought, when another ‘bing’ came and you hurried to click on the second message.
13th October 2018, 4: 36 pm
Regard: I’m sorry
Nevermind, that was weird I’m sorry. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to meet and if you don’t like Halloween or parties or anything, I should have asked first if you wanted to meet. I’m sorry.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. It was cute that he thought you might not want to meet him. You were pretty sure it was quite clear that you liked him. And he sounded so… nervous. Not that you weren’t nervous too, but as you thought about it now, you really wanted to meet him.
13th October 2018, 4:42 pm
Regard: I don’t like cherries
I’d like to meet you. Very much. So I’ll come to that stupid party but you have to make sure, I won’t die of a heart attack. And you can buy me a drink, but not the ones with the cherries, I tried them last year and they were horrible.
The next two weeks went by way too slowly for your liking. You felt nervous when you thought about meeting him, but you were also excited. You two kept texting back and forth but you could sense from the way he was writing that he was nervous too. You were scared he could cancel everything. But then it was suddenly October 31st and you two had agreed to meet in front of the history classroom. You had also exchanged phone numbers so you could contact each other more easily.
You hadn’t really put any effort in your costume and now, standing in front of the mirror, you regretted that. It was a simple witch costume that had been in your closet for a while. But since you never celebrated Halloween in that way, you didn’t own anything better and now it was too late to get another one. So you had to go with it.
When you arrived at the school it was already crowded. You were surprised by how many people actually attended the party. You made your way through the crowd and positioned yourself in front of the classroom and took out your cellphone. 8:51 pm. You had agreed to meet at 9.
Nervously you looked around, watching the people around you. Was he already here too? Did he already see you? Was he happy? Disappointed?
You clutched your phone in your hand and took a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The minutes passed and they felt like hours to you. 9:01 pm. Suddenly your phone vibrated. A new message!
Sorry to keep you waiting. But I’m afraid of your reaction when you find out who I am. Promise not to judge immediately?
You quickly typed an answer.
I’m scared too. So I promise not to judge if you don’t judge.
You looked around, trying to spot people who were on their phones. You noticed a guy from your English class whose name was Trevor. Was he the one you had been exchanging emails with? But then he looked up and put the phone in his back pocket, turning his attention to his friends. So it wasn’t him. You nervously started chewing on your bottom lip when your phone vibrated again.
Don’t be scared. I’m coming now. You look really pretty tonight btw.
You were sure your heart stopped at the last sentence. You look really pretty tonight btw. That meant he already knew who you were. And he thought you were pretty. So he wasn’t disappointed? He liked you? Everything would be fine?
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t even noticed the person approaching you and you flinched when someone tapped on your shoulder.
You just stared at him for a few seconds, unable to say something. It was Alexander Hamilton. The Alexander Hamilton. A genius in school, pretty popular and very handsome as well. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark cape. A vampire costume. With his long hair in a ponytail he really looked like he just jumped out of the 18th century.
“Hi.”, he said, seeming a bit insecure by your reaction. “It’s me.”
Mentally you went through everything he had ever told you about him in his mails and suddenly it was perfectly clear. He loved history and politics and writing, he couldn’t live without coffee, the information you had about his friends and his fights with Thomas Jefferson, even though he had never mentioned any names. Suddenly you wondered how you could have been so blind.
“Hi.” you finally managed to get out. You smiled at him shyly.
His expression immediately changed, returning your smile.
“I’m glad we’re finally meeting. Are you… okay with it?”
You quickly nodded. “I’m just… surprised I guess.”
“But in a good way?” he asked, almost hopefully. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yes in a good way.”
He visibly relaxed and smiled softly.
“Well then, I’m pretty sure I promised you a drink.” He offered you his arm and you took it, giggling.
“I remember that. And now you have to tell me why the hell you decided to take this project seriously and sent me that email.”
He blushed and you two stopped at the end of the line of the sales booth.
“You know… honestly I have to make a confession.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A confession?”
He nodded and cleared his throat before he answered.
“You know the school psychologist needed some help with the mail addresses and to match the students and I volunteered to do that and maybe… I kinda sabotaged it so I would get your email.”
And again you could only stare at him, not really knowing what to say.
“Please don’t be mad. I just really wanted to get to know you and I thought maybe...” he trailed off and left the sentence unfinished. But you weren’t mad. You just didn’t really understand.
“But… you do know that you could have just talked to me, right?”
He let out a nervous laugh and his cheeks turned pink.
“I know. But… I was to scared.”
“I’m scary?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No! That’s not what I meant.” he quickly clarified, shaking his head. “Remember the history project two months ago? We worked together.”
You remembered. You had never really spoken to Alexander before, but that day you got teamed up for a small presentation. He had been really nice and you were really impressed by his knowledge.
“Yes of course.”
“I just… I really liked you, but when the project was over I didn’t know how to behave. You were always with your friends and I was just scared you would reject me if I asked you out.” he explained. You could see that it was hard for him to admit that.
He sighed. “I’m really sorry. You must think I’m really creepy.”
You laughed. “No, not really. Maybe a bit, but… I guess I’m okay with it. And you put a lot of effort into getting to know me. I appreciate that.”
He seemed relived and a small grin appeared on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
When it was your turn to order the drinks, Alex got you a blueberry drink and a coffee for himself.
“You are really addicted to that stuff.” you said, hiding your smile behind your drink. But of course he noticed it.
“I’m not. I’ll admit that it’s maybe to the best drink when you’re nervous but it’s still delicious.”
You blushed at his confession. He was nervous? Who would have thought that Alexander Hamilton liked you.
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said and you turned your attention back to him, nodding.
“Would you go out with me? Like on a real date? A non-halloween-party date? Just… you know, talking. I promise I won’t order a coffee.” The words just stumbled out of his mouth and you could see how embarrassed he felt, but to you, it was the cutest thing.
“Of course. I’d really love to.”
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semiconducting · 7 years
okay so i wanna give my share of thoughts on wonder woman!!
spoilers under the cut lmao
alright so? holy shit first of all i absolutely loved it to death i was sitting there talking to my best friend who went to see it with me the entire time and just. screaming abt it honestly my mom told me to quiet down a couple of times lmao
so i suppose like it’s a very similar story to the 2009 animated film (though im sure this is kind of a staple plotline for wonder woman leaving themyscira and all, it’s been done a lot, it’s just a part of her story) except it was like. actually done well.
so to begin i really do love how they portrayed the amazons and themyscira, it was so beautiful and i loooove all the diverse women of all colours there. like it made my heart sing thank GOD. i do wish more of them had speaking roles, but i suppose i understand it being partially focused strictly on diana and her becoming a warrior or w/e between antiope’s encouragement and hippolyta’s dismay. but it would have been nice. i do wish to see more of the amazon mythos in films honestly because as entertaining as her adventures with the justice league and such are, i really want there to be more emphasize how crucial they are to who she is! she’s the child of the amazons my dude
also the island itself does remind me of living/touring in europe and i also really hope they based some of it off of turkish architecture? since themyscira is placed in turkey. but idk man.
the scenes with the germans coming to themyscira and how they portrayed the mirage/cloak/whatever was super cool, honestly. cheesy-ish but fun. i loved introducing steve and showing the amazons ready to fight. the bit with the first bullet killing one of them literally got a verbal reaction out of me and the battle was sooooo fucking COOL. as much as i hate war/brutal death scenes, just for my own reasons, it was quick and also just. really what it should have been.
antiope’s death really kinda pissed me off but i just am not a fan of death so early in a film to fuel a character idk. idk man. i guess i should’ve expected especially bc i recognized her tiara as the one diana wears so it. it was there.
i’m glad that she got a role, for sure, but ngl i thought she was supposed to be artemis at first and im kinda disappointed that artemis wasn’t. there. but i mean i love artemis so dsfjd
steve was genuinely good in this film. and i mean really, really good. i’ve never really liked steve trevor, a lot of the times because hes just a boring “charming” soldier (thinking dcau justice league) or a sexist, not-all-men type fucker (ww 2009) and just. ew. but in this film he was like, genuinely funny and sweet and really worth being the love interest. i love that he never took her naivety to take advantage of her, as simple a concept it sounds but it was something that made me smile especially because i just. tensed up at every opportunity that it could have happened. and it didn’t. bless.
the romance was so gradual, it wasn’t a priority, it didn’t take over the plot and the little bits were so cute and it was like? actually likable? holy shit
i REALLY loved doctor poison and god i wish she got so much more screentime than fucken. ludendorf? :/ but every scene with her was amazing i LOOOOVE her mask design and shit, i really wish we could’ve expanded more on her and i would soooo appreciate having just. extra scenes with more on her working/the experiments because that was SO fucked up and well done. a perfect placement for world war i, too, since chemical warfare a huge part of it and all
also i dig the wwi backdrop? wonder woman fighting in a world war is always something that i need in my wondy mythos, though i always figured it was world war ii because of the comics originating in that time period and whatnot.
it, however, was a great choice as a background for the grey-morality plotline, and showing that all sides of war are flawed. instead of world war ii, which, frankly, the nazis should and always should be seen as objectively bad from any standpoint, and standing against them is not.
but yes! grey-morality was very well done here and it’s great to pair with a newly-introduced-to-the-world wonder woman. like GOD i hate born-sexy-yesterday troped wonder woman because it is so so so easy to paint her that way, but just so wrong. she’s not stupid or clueless, and it bugs the hell out of me because it just. throws her as a man-hating violent “feminist” or w/e and just. hlfgh.
however they didnt do that here, while still keeping her naive to introduce that whole grey morality and choosing whats right for yourself, not because everyone is objectively good and one bad man can be stopped to save everyone. her innocence wasnt just because she was amazonian in “man’s world,” because she was shown to be naive and ideological with the amazons themselves as well. it made all the difference and settled one of my biggest fears for this movie
by the way! the clothes scenes and bits with etta were so cute! etta candy was ABSOLUTELY adorable and such a good part of the film, thank god.
also in general it was so pretty? the scenes were so well done and the cinematography was GORGEOUS especially the fight scenes. fuck man fight scenes are so good on the eyes. the choreography was great, i digged the occasional cartoony punch-drop bit? im sure theres a name for the trope but idk how to describe it. also i know so many people have issues with the slo-mo but honestly it didn’t bother me at all, it didn’t feel cheesy to me and i actually thought they did wonderfully by timing it right to place such good emphasis on it? also all the flips and take downs and fUCK man im jsut. oooo i cant wait to watch that again.
also the jumping on shields/that shingle the boys were holding up for her? good fuckin. fuck. AAAAAAAAAA
and goodness diana was so cute. her gasping and going “a babyyyy!!” made me smile oomg. and the ice cream bit. i love the wonder woman ice cream bit she’s so fucking cute. mhm. i love her constant protesting and not quieting the fuck down when steve was trying to reason with her, like she just. it’s so refreshing to see, yknow? and always proving everyone wrong and choosing to save everyone when she’s told she can’t. goooooood that’s a wonder woman i love.
her saving the village and all the celebration was adorable too. but it made the death all the more heartbreaking and just. :(
i’m so glad they made diana a bringer of peace, because any war-mongering wonder woman just isnt her in my books. like i dont mind her not having a no-kill rule? it is necessary sometimes. but she won’t perpetuate an unnecessary fight. war must be stopped. all that. yeah.
which brings me to ares. i feel like the plot twist could’ve brought more hints, because there was no indication that the peace-brokering brit should’ve been the god of war. it kinda made me just. :/ it was pretty clear ludendorf wasnt gonna be him, but i didnt like whatshisface to be ares. sure i dont mind the whole, he inspires war but doesnt control it i suppose, but to literally be a peace-advocate? kinda defeats his purpose imo.
also good guy zeus. lmfao. anyway
speaking of zeus fuck did i not enjoy diana ~ACTUALLY BEING THE DAUGHTER OF ZEUS~ i was afraid it would come and i was so sad to see them take being molded from clay away from her. it made me roll my eyes. stop doing this to her tbh let her not have a ~manly~ influence, tbh? like i just read someone else’s review that mentioned a better take would’ve been to make her an incarnate of athena and like. yeah? yeah. no look i want my wonder woman completely originating free of any man’s influence.
oo and also. the guys she ran around with. idk what to call them but sameer the chief and charlie. they were absolutely adorable, honestly? they were well rounded, enjoyable characters with depth and i appreciate them being flawed. best sidekicks she could have for this movie, tbh. i really REALLY enjoyed sameer being there, because shit! not a total translation but any bit of representation of a race similar to mine is greatly appreciated. also the over-exaggerated stereotype when they were sneaking into the party? great. loved it. made me laugh so hard. 
also they were REALLY daring with recognizing the whole, fuckin, white man taking from the native americans shit? damn. that was unexpected but appreciated. 
and charlie was cute, the whole singing part was so sweet a bit of his character and i love how they portrayed his ptsd. it’s ugly, it’s not poetic or anything, it’s very realistic and i love what they did with it.
also the music was absolutely beautiful and i lost my mind every time wonder woman’s theme came up. dude. good shit.
anyway i’ve run out of steam and coherence but it was a fantastic movie, 9.5/10, i definitely recommend going to watch it. it was such a satisfying way to finally place her on the big screen and just incredibly well done. bravo to everyone who was involved.
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mightbedamian · 8 years
#TMIishTuesday #45 - “Guys Can’t Wear Make-up”
...or can they? Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #45 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week I told you about some weird and crazy and totally cool words in the English, German, and Dutch language - and what you should be aware of when you try to use some words in the other language. Check it out, if you haven't already. // This week you mighty Twitter lot decided that I should talk about my opinions on make-up. And I already said this on Twitter, but: I didn't expect that. Cool! So this will be about why make-up "is for girls" according to society, what my opinion on the topic is and how it has changed over the last years. Then we'll get personal on whether or not I would ever wear make-up and finish it off with a few links of some guys who really rock that make-up look. Okay? Go!  Make-up is probably one of the most "feminine" things there are. Why? Well, basically cause society taught us it is. According to society a woman generally should wear make-up and be neatly dressed and all that shenanigans. At the same time men should NOT wear make-up, have short hair, and be muscular. Well, we know that most of these clichés are not true. Women also leave the house while not dressed like they're going to a prom. And there are men who have longer hair and men who never hit the gym (hint: one might be Damian). And using cosmetics has become the norm rather than an exception for men, too. But there's that one cliché that most people - female and male - still tend to follow: The make-up thing. Barely any woman I know leaves the house without any on. They don't look like they are going to prom - although there are few who ALWAYS look like that -, but I feel most women at least do their eyes every day. Or foundation. And then again some never leave the house without any lipstick on.  And don't get me wrong: I'm absolutely fine with that! I don't care whether or not you put make-up on, girls! I absolutely don't! You do you, I do me. And the exact same is true for guys! Why the hell not!? I don't f-ing care whether or not you wear make-up. Why should I? And why does society?  Guys wearing make-up get weird looks sometimes. For society doesn't feel it's normal for a guy to wear make-up. Here are my comments on some reasons why - according to some debaters - men should not do so: 1. "The differences between the two sexes should be celebrated." - To me that's the worst argument ever! In our modern world distinguishing between sexes is not what we should aim for. Instead we should strive for a less separated society in which your gender doesn't matter. 2. "Men should not wear make-up because it's part of being a man." - Well… And if we change that? What if we made wearing make-up the norm? This is the "being manly" thing I mentioned above over again, isn't it? 3. "Make-up on men makes them look gay." - Wow! Two stereotypes in one. Wow! But... erm… so what!? :D And this commenter went on to say that gays "make the world a filthy place". Do I need to say any more? Maybe this: Make-up may be regarded gay because gays tend to wear it more often than straight guys, but obviously wearing make-up has no potential to change your sexuality. And as you can see there are gays, who don't wear make-up. And I have seen straight men who wear make-up, too. So… 4. "Neither men or women should wear make-up. It's just the cosmetics industry who makes us want to wear it for their profits." - I give you that: The cosmetics industry CERTAINLY has an interest in extending their target audience to men as well. But if it's just the industry that pisses you off… I'll go ahead and buy some. After all you don't stop smoking only because the tobacco industry has an interest in selling more cigarettes. Or do you? Btw, did you notice that even the big make-up companies take men wearing make-up serious and target a male audience?   5. "Men should not be pretty." - Your POV. I think they should. It's not a must, but if they want to… why not? I like pretty men better than ugly men for sure! Just as much as I like pretty women better than ugly ones. So you are one of those "men should be muscular and manly" kind of persons? Fine. Okay, now we got that out of the way, I have to be honest: A few years back I thought a little like these people. Like, not at all that extreme, but I thought make-up was for girls and guys kinda looked weird with it. Well, thankfully that has changed! Why? Hard to say. But I guess there are two main reasons for that:  1. I've become way more open to kind of everything "out of the ordinary" after coming out cause I realised I myself am not ordinary. And let me tell you: Not being ordinary can be pretttty damn cool! :P 2. A few male YouTubers I really liked started wearing make-up. And… it looked AMAZING! I should probably highlight Ricky Dillon cause he was the first one I saw talking about it. I hadn't even realised he had started wearing make-up. A few weeks after he did he addressed the topic and how he had gotten rude comments about it. He still kept doing his thing and I admire that. Later I discovered that Trevor Moran and Joey Graceffa had also started wearing some make-up in their videos. I wasn't subscribed to those two, but their looks were ON FLEEK! Ricky kinda seems to have gotten into make-up a little more recently and has tried lots of looks on camera (e. g. Boy Glam Makeup Transformation w/ Manny Mua). Some were clearly a little bit over-the-top, but that was intentional. When he just films normal videos I don't see why he shouldn't wear that kind of make-up. It just looks fantastic! Obviously there are many other guys who wear make-up. And to be perfectly honest: The only times I feel that it is too much it turned out that the guys I saw were drag queens (If you're unfamiliar with that term, click here). Their goal is obviously to look over-the-top feminine. And thanks to society's stereotypes wearing make-up is seen as part of being feminine.  And I can tell you all want to know that one thing now: Would I wear make-up? The answer should be clear by now: Why the f* not?! At the moment I don't feel like it. But I totally adore Ricky's make-up, just as much as I like Connor's or Troye’s painted nails very much, btw. So who knows… Maybe at some time in the future I'll have blue-dyed hair, wear eyeliner and lipstick, and rainbow nail polish?! To be honest that sounds VERY extreme, but who knows? I could totally imagine rocking ALL of those individually for sure!  Make-up should not be limited to only girls, nor should it be limited to only guys. It’s for everyone! Before I go, please let me know what you thought of this post and what your thoughts on make-up are. Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. Oh and remember the TMIish Queer Shoutout or so I introduced last week? This week I'd like to shout out a simple tweet. It's on the topic of make-up as well and actually was one of the inspirations to list this topic in the poll again. So check out Dean Eastmond's tweet and while you're there, take a look around, too. :)  As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! Linkage: - Debate.org - where I got my reasons against men wearing make-up from: http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-men-wear-makeup - Glamour.com - Manny Gutierrez Is the First Man to Star in a Maybelline Campaign, and It's A Huge Deal: http://www.glamour.com/story/manny-gutierrez-maybelline-campaign - Ricky Dillon - I'm a Boy and I Wear Makeup (Gender Roles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPNUbej4qZI - Trevor Moran: https://www.youtube.com/trevor - Joey Graceffa: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyGraceffa - Ricky Dillon - Boy Glam Makeup Transformation w/ Manny Mua: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6BJXq0QTTo - Wikipedia - Drag queen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_queen - Dean Eastmond's tweet: https://twitter.com/deanvictorr/status/820364372379922433 - Dean's Twitter: https://twitter.com/deanvictorr/   Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/155681379061/tmiishtuesday-44-weird-sayings-in-english - More #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - Poll to decide next week's topic and more very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com
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