#does Not endear me to them sorryy!!
dukeofthomas · 3 months
I hate the insistence in pushing Jason into the batfamily.
If he doesn't wanna go to dinner, he doesn't have to. If he doesn't wanna hang out with them, he doesn't have to. If he doesn't want to see them, he doesn't have to. If he doesn't even want to contact them, he doesn't have to.
It's so annoying to read fic and always see it presented as his Family Knows Better. Jason is just being silly by not realizing how much they love him and he just needs to let them break into his home and comms and life because they want him there.
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scenario in which Todoroki's (incredibly dense & socially inept) crush asks him why her heart beats so fast around him, why has she been getting flustered around him (basically all the symptoms of a crush lmao) with a totally straight face (and her getting super red after finding out it's love, hehe) This is so long omg sorryy and i just wanna say i love your writing ;0; and gl with the blog!~
Aw, thank you so much! This idea is absolutely adorable, and I hope what I wrote did it justice. 
You were confused. Utterly and hopelessly confused. It wasn’t a particularly uncommon feeling for you as many had told you that you were incredibly dense most of the time, but that didn’t mean you liked it. Though you were clueless most of the time, most of your classmates found it endearing, so you had many friends in 1-A.
However, this new situation had been making you uncomfortable lately. You were close friends with Todoroki, and you loved talking with him, especially after he mellowed out a bit more due to his fight with Midoriya at the sports festival. He was nice and you found his dry humour to be quite funny, so the time you spent with him was always pleasant. But as of late, you’ve been feeling different around him. It didn’t necessarily feel bad per se, but you weren’t exactly sure if it was good either.
You were aware that this was another one of your clueless moments and that you would be unable to figure it out yourself, so you decided the best course of action would be to go straight to the origin of your problems. While Todoroki also had a few dense moments at times, he was not as bad as you and was still very intelligent, so he would probably be able to assist you.
The class was currently on the training grounds, having just finished their latest exercise. There were a few minutes remaining until the end of the lesson, so most had formed their own little groups and began chatting while they waited for the class to end. You found Todoroki conversing with Midoriya, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu. With a determined glint in your eyes, you began making your way over to them.
“Hey, guys!” you greeted cheerfully with a wave.
Uraraka smiled brightly at you. “Hi, (Y/N)-chan! You did great today in class!”
“You too!” you replied. You turned to Todoroki next as he was the reason you joined them in the first place. When grey and cerulean orbs met your own, you began feeling odd again, so you decided to get straight to it. “Todoroki-kun, I needed to ask you something. It’s urgent.”
His expression turned curious, unsure of why you seemed so troubled. “Sure, what is it?”
You took a deep breath before answering. “I’ve been feeling really weird around you lately,” you told him with furrowed eyebrows. He blinked once, not quite understanding, and you elaborated. “Whenever I’m around you, my heart starts beating really fast. It’s not painful or anything, but it makes me feel nervous. And my face gets hot too! I keep tripping over words and stuttering during our conversations and I can’t think straight. I don’t know what’s wrong with me! So I was wondering if you could figure it out…” You said everything seriously with a straight face, not noticing that the training ground that had previously been filled with chatter was now quiet. “If you guys could help me too, that’d be great!” you said, referring to the other three that were there. You tilted your head to the side in confusion when you saw their expressions. Midoriya’s face was bright red for some reason while Uraraka had an excited glimmer in her eye and Yaoyorozu, with a tint of pink on her cheeks, held a hand up to her mouth as if in shock. Why did they look so weird all of a sudden?
“Well…” Your attention eagerly returned to Todoroki, the main person you were hoping to get an answer from. “That does sound strange. You might be ill.” He held his hand up to stare at it for a few moments as if he was remembering something. “I do seem to have some hand-crusher-like presence in me that causes the hands of the people around me to get hurt.” Midoriya had to choke back a laugh at the memory. “Perhaps something about me causes sickness as well.” Uraraka slapped a palm on her forehead in exasperation at his answer.
“Oh…” Your expression became crestfallen. “That would be terrible. I really do enjoy talking to you.”
“We may be able to find something to cure you. I go to the hospital on free days, so I can ask someone the next time I go.”
“That would be great, Todoroki-kun! Thank you so much!”
Dear God they could not watch this trainwreck continue for any longer.
“Someone, stop this madness!” Kirishima exclaimed, feeling embarrassment for the two.
Finally, Kaminari released a yell of frustration then screamed, “It’s called love, you dense idiots!”
The two of you finally realized that the entire class was watching. They were not planning on intervening as it seemed to be a personal matter between the pair of you, but they couldn’t restrain themselves. They had underestimated just how devastatingly stupid you both were. They had to help.
You blinked once. Then twice. Slowly, but surely, the information began to process in your mind. It seemed it had already registered for Todoroki as he had tensed up all of a sudden at Kaminari’s words. Instantly, your cheeks flared red. “What?” you yelped, mortified. “L-l-l-love?! No, I-I, surely I would have noticed if it was something like that!”
Everyone deadpanned. “No. No, you wouldn’t have,” Sero stated bluntly.
You cupped your cheeks in your hands in horror. So you had just confessed to Todoroki?! In front of the class?! Without even realizing you were doing so?! How does that even happen?!
“Uh…” Todoroki’s voice broke you out of your reverie. You looked at him, wanting nothing more than to disappear into the ground. “Do you… want to grab a bite somewhere after school?”
Wait, what? “Huh?” Was he asking you out? “Are you asking me out?”
He seemed a bit uncomfortable, unused to what he was doing. “Yeah,” he replied simply.
Your posture slowly relaxed. “Oh, um… okay, yeah, that’d be great!” The two of you then began chatting and started to casually make your way back inside the school for your next class as if nothing out-of-the-ordinary had happened.
The others watched as they left, shocked at this sudden development. “Man, they bounce back fast…”
“You know,” Kirishima began. “It’s because of their denseness that they were able to start going out, but honestly, if they weren’t so dense, the two probably would have started dating ages ago.”
Kaminari snorted. “True. They were so obviously crushing on each other, it was almost painful to watch.”
“I thought it was cute!” Uraraka defended.
“It was cute the first couple times. After like three months of them super conspicuously making eyes at each other across the room, not so much.”
“Well, it all turned out alright, didn’t it?” Izuku stated, a smile on his lips as he watched his two friends’ retreating backs.
Up ahead, you were sporting your own smile as you walked alongside your crush. Perhaps your denseness comes in handy sometimes.
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