mxdam · 11 months
"Oh, Doctor Venkman." Her hand settles on his, squeezes. "You've no idea how... How it feels to be believed."
The smell of cigarettes in this place is driving her mad. For one thing, she's certain to carry it home in her coat and in her hair, and that's hardly attractive; makes her feel ancient, yellowed. And, of course, now she wants a drag of one, though she's being quite good, focusing on him, and various other urges and impulses she's having, and not on asking for a Marlboro or whatever it is that's smoldering in the ashtray. It's a funny place to headquarter a ghost-hunting business, sort of outsized compared to the outfit--a few silly little men and a few gizmos she's seen whirring--and moldering at the edges, for that, but the answer to all her troubles is here, sitting just across the desk.
"You can't know how... It's just that it's been so strange, and so dreadful for my daughters, ever since their father died--and what on earth am I to do, what am I to tell them..." She brushes her handkerchief just under her eyes. "You must come and see the house. Will you?" And will he get rid of whatever's there? The thing has to be sold before the end of the year. "I would be so grateful. And, of course..." She draws his hand a little nearer. "We could certainly discuss compensation."
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doctorstantzy · 2 years
im still reeling over the fact that it is legitimate (rgb) canon that ray washes peter’s back in the shower
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djs-muses · 2 years
“Peter, would it kill you to finish filling your work forms out all the way? With actual words instead of chicken scratch?”
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“Also, just to let you know, Peck called earlier. He had some very choice words he wanted me to tell you, but I told him he’d have to say it to your face if it was such a big deal. I have no idea what you’ve done this time, but he wasn’t happy.”
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spxnglr · 2 years
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❝ Sorry, Venkman - lunchtime is over. ❞
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IN AN INSTANT, AN ALL-TOO-FAMILIAR BEIGE FLIGHT SUIT WAS BEING PRACTICALLY THRUSTED IN HIS FRIEND'S DIRECTION. He himself was already halfway into his own uniform, threading his arms into the sleeves before zipping it all into place. Granted, he knew that his entrance was probably not going to be well-received, the relative tranquility of the hour having been firmly destroyed, but there was work to be done.
❝ The bell isn't working, but we've had a call. I need you to suit up immediately. ❞
@doctorvenko || 𝚂𝙲.
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aercnaut · 11 months
14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
29. how important is having (a) physically attractive partner(s) to your muse?
relationship and romance headcanons
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14. cruelty first and foremost. i don't mean sarcasm or being playfully mean, i mean shit like yelling at customer service workers. you can't be unkind and expect the scoresby sauce. his interest also tends to die is someone is....dim. lets go with that. he values intelligence and kindness above all when it comes to romance, and to him, romance starts with conversation and shared interests. being mean just to be mean already indicates he doesn't have much in common with the person.
29. listen. one of lee's most popular ships is with his literal bear best friend. i don't personally ship it, but the point is physical attractiveness isn't exactly high on his priority list.
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novinare · 11 months
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Elon was raised in a Conservative Jewish household, by parents who were active members of their synagogue. Saturday mornings were always for Shabbat services, where he would sit quietly and listen, whether he liked it or not (and he didn't!)
Tradition was important, in practice, food, and dress-- it touched on every part of his life.
The twins were expected to attend Torah classes starting the winter before their 13th birthday, to help them prepare for their b'nai mitzvah. As twins, they were allowed to share the experience, and the ceremony-- something they were both relieved about!
When Elon left for New York for university in his late teens, he almost immediately began to distance himself from his faith. It was something that had been important to his parents, and his younger brother had followed in that vein.
But for Elon? It had always seemed like an unwelcome distraction, and one he'd never resonated with.
The only time he attends services, or observes the High Holy Days, is when he's visiting his parents; or is otherwise obligated to attend. He isn't sure what he believes, if anything. If asked, he would identify as Agnostic, and skeptical.
Still, there's something comforting and nostalgic about his childhood traditions, and he isn't ashamed of that.
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doctorstantzy · 2 years
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the photographs are kept in a CIGAR BOX that ray keeps under his bed. he takes pictures ALL THE TIME of his friends, his FOUND FAMILY. he doesn’t display them because they are candid, intimate moments between them. he treasures them all, but these… these are special. his first REAL FRIEND. his BEST FRIEND. on the back of these polaroids, there are only two words scrawled with care:
                                                                best friends.
dr. peter venkman & dr. raymond stantz of the ghostbusters. portrayed by chet & doc. please reblog to spread the word!
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spxnglr · 9 months
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☎️ 𝙶𝙷𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙱𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂, 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙳𝙾 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃? || " you're getting blood on the carpet. " / from peter, with love. || @doctorvenko
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❝ Thank you, Venkman. I can always rely on you to state the obvious. ❞
DICTATED IN HIS TYPICAL STOIC TONE, BUT THE GLINT IN HIS EYES INDICATED ANYTHING BUT TOLERANCE FOR THE OTHER MAN'S WORDS. Still, he'd have been lying if he'd claimed that the subtle attempt at humour wasn't at all needed in their current situation; they'd been dragged from the warm, cosy confines of the Firehouse through the harsh December chill to an abandoned residence on the outskirts of Manhattan, responding to reports of very unusual sights and sounds emanating from within.
FOR A MOMENT, HE BEGAN TO WONDER WHY SUCH PRIME REAL ESTATE HAD BEEN LEFT TO ROT. It was exceedingly rare that any building in capitalist New York remained empty and unused for long, after all - but, as he and Peter had started their examination of the scene, their findings became less pleasant, and not in the paranormal sense. This culminated in their discovery of the bathroom; from the splattered walls, to the crimson-stained bathtub, and the drenched handtowel that he was now pinching with gloved fingers, it was as if they'd stepped into a crime scene.
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❝ I think we need to call the police, Peter. Something tells me a very different kind of activity has been taking place here. ❞
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doctorvenko-bye · 11 months
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⸻ you've reached the office of dr. peter venkman. if you're calling before 10am, i'd rather you didn't. otherwise, leave a message at the tone. ☎️
DOCTORVENKO : an  independent,  canon  divergent  and  selective  portrayal  of  the  ghostbuster  franchise’s  DR.  PETER  VENKMAN.
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doctorbrown · 10 months
Pinterest Dash Game!
Search “your muse's name + core” on Pinterest, then share 6 images and tag 6 more people
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Honourable mention: x
Tagged by: @dynamoprotocol (ty!!) Tagging: @unboundtravels (naturally i'm gonna say for one), @spookyagentfmulder, @forbiddenwoodlands, (lyell!) @aercnaut, @doctorvenko, @starcapt, @ladiesandwitches (for scully!) and you!!
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lastsurvivor · 10 months
statistical ‘ which character ’ personality quiz.
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5-10 results from the complete matches list that you feel resonate with your character most.
tagged by: @doctorvenko
tagging: YOUUUU
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gutrabies · 1 year
asking for a friend cus like, i care, but is there any demand for the return of peter venkman. because i rly miss him. but i'm only firing up @doctorvenko if he's gonna get interactions.
update: i've decided to do it anyway cus life is too short to ignore muse and i love peter venkman
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retrorabies · 2 years
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side blog to @doctorvenko / this blog is for recruitment purposes only. below the cut will be listed the canon and original characters that i, chet, develop and write as on discord.
if you wish to interact, message me on here.
peter venkman, ghostbusters
elliot thomas, e.t. the extraterrestrial
josiah trelawny, red dead redemption 2.
victor sullivan, uncharted.
dickie valance (canon div.), the outsiders.
fenton green.
christopher kelley.
bonifaz neumann.
victor otto.
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rayzoccultt · 3 years
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the photographs are kept in a cigar box that ray keeps under his bed. he takes pictures all the time of his friends, his found family. he doesn’t display them because they are candid, intimate moments between them. he treasures them all, but these... these are special. his first real friend. his best friend. on the back of the first polaroid, there are only two words scrawled with care:
                                                                 best friends.
dr. peter venkman & dr. raymond stantz of the ghostbusters. portrayed by chet & doc. please reblog to spread the word!
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novinare · 11 months
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In the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they’ve worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
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The dark l Small spaces l Suffocation l Water l Thunderstorms l Dogs l Snakes l Spiders l Insects l Clowns l Blood l Dentists l Hospitals l Needles l Germs l Heights l Fire l Public speaking l Large crowds l Meeting new people l Being alone l Being touched l Failure l Imperfection l Societal rejection l Physical intimacy l Emotional intimacy l Being abandoned l Being forgotten
What other fears do they have? Elon isn't sure if he has a fear of intimacy, or is just absolutely terrible at it. He's never been married, or had children, or had a pressing desire to be a family man. And though he sometimes craves human contact, it's not a pressing desire like it is for most people.
Why do they have these fears? Are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational? The fear of suffocation and enclosed spaces is trauma-based, after a cave-in while he was investigating an underground burial chamber. He was trapped for ten hours, with very limited light and the sound of rubble shifting as the workmen tried to dig him out. It hasn't stopped him from working, but it has lead to some very intense nightmares.
Have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? How did it go? Elon's coping strategy is to bury himself in his work (pun not intended!) and wait for the trauma to sort itself out. At the moment, nothing has forced him to confront it, or address it, so he hasn't.
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Original Meme
Tagged by: - Tagging: @spxnglr @occxltist @doctorvenko and anyone else that wants to!
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curzd · 2 years
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     ·•·  —  eyelashes  fluttered  at  her  attempt  to  disguise  an  eyeroll.  he  was  simply  incorrigible.  she  was  stuck  between  calling  @doctorvenko​  out  on  his  obnoxious  behavior,  or  better  still  ignoring  it  in  rebellion.  why  should  she  give  him  the  satisfaction  of  a  reaction?  ❝  something  tells  me  you’d  find   𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  in  a  fire  hydrant  if  it  were  wearing  the  right  dress.  ❞  then  again  𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒏𝒐𝒕.
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