#doctor who was a really good show actually
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iamyouknow-yours · 13 hours ago
My first therapist participated in medical gaslighting - ie insinuating I was not autistic and that I was "just anxious" and not in fact chronically ill. Turns out I'm both. This fucked me up for years (still fucks me up tbh) and it delayed my diagnoses that could have radically changed my life. It also encouraged my mom and family to participate in said medical gaslighting and force me to go to school (which was actively harmful and traumatising for me and my sense of self worth).
I really like my current therapist. A lot. She is incredibly helpful. She's knowledgeable about autism and chronic illness and disability. She also actually listens to me and takes my feedback and just really gets me.
But goddamn if my choices were no therapy or my first therapist? No therapy all the fucking way baby!
My second therapist was also pretty shit and actively made my relationship with my mom worse.
So yeah jeez, therapists are still human beings who can be extremely biased and complex. And they are in a position of power over you where you make yourself vulnerable. So you really gotta make sure you trust them and that they have your best interests at heart and that they're not abusing their power (even unknowingly, like I don't think my first therapists were thinking mwahaha let me fuck up this patient, they just had extreme biases and blind spots and were ignorant about a lot of things).
Also!! There are different types of therapy. CBT is one of the most common types of therapy and it is really effective for a lot of people. But for others (especially neurodivergent people), it can be harmful. There are lots of types of therapy and not all of them work for everyone.
An incomplete list of things in no particular order that help me alongside therapy and alongside each other, all of them have pros and cons and fall short in some areas (also I'm still chronically disabled, none of it cured me, sorry)
Psych meds (there are so many types out there, I'm on 3)
Online chronic illness group chat support group
A good support system (excellent, weird friends - it's really important to be friends with weirdos, it's good for you, I'm a weirdo too) (also my mom <3)
Accommodations (mobility aids, stuff at uni like extra time, all that jazz)
An OT who specialises in chronic illness and neurodivergency
A dietitian who specialises in neurodivergency and has learned about my chronic illnesses for me
Having hobbies - create stuff, it's good for you. It's okay if you don't keep the same hobby after a few months. Just keep doing stuff.
Exercise (yeah I know but unfortunately doing some stretching and going for a walk with my dog does actually help my mental and physical health, does not cure me though shut up Barbara)
Meds n shit for physical stuff
Animals - having pets, I recommend, it's like touching grass but woah they're in your bed
Drinking enough water and eating regularly (again I know, it's not gonna fix you but dear lord I feel like shit when I don't do these things, and yes sometimes it's really fucking hard)
A truly fantastic GP/managing doctor (I cannot state how much I adore her, she's so lovely and believes me and listens to me and just excellent)
Learning how to rest properly - did you know there are different types of energy and different types of rest? Obvious right but I was only resting my body and now I'm learning to rest my brain and get emotional rest and social rejuvenation and be in nature and have a sense of community - these are all important!!
Reminders (so many reminders) and google calendar (I know google sucks, give me a good alternative and I'll use it) and Shovel (I got it when it was cheaper, it's a planning app for adhd people that I can't live without for uni)
Media I enjoy - fics, youtubers, shows, movies
Leaving the house for fun reasons as much as I can (uni, errands, and appointments don't count, walking the dog half counts, but I need to leave and go to an event or cafe or go to a friend's house) (this ends up being not as often as I'd like but it's important to me)
Getting enough sleep (one of my psych meds has the truly fantastic side effect of making me sleep well practically every night. I can't state enough how much this is fantastic. Did not cure me though, don't worry, your aunt wasn't correct)
I have gotten quite a few asks which can be summarized as "my therapist doesn't believe me and keeps blaming me for my problems, but I know I have to stick with therapy if I want to get better-", and I need everyone to realize that therapy isn't inherently good and effective, nor is it always necessary for getting better. Having a bad therapist can actually be more harmful to your recovery than not having one! If your therapist makes you worse or doesn't help you, it's okay to walk away, whether to find a new one or to find healing in something else. You are in fact not morally obligated to see a therapist just because you're mentally ill.
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dichenlachmandaily · 13 hours ago
Spoilers follow for Severance season two episode seven, “Chikhai Bardo.”
No, “Chikhai Bardo” isn’t a bottle episode. Instead, Severance gave us something even better: answers. Tragic but legitimate answers. The latest episode confirms Gemma (Dichen Lachman) is alive and being held against her will on one of Lumon’s severed floors, having gotten there, as we see through flashbacks, after being marked by one of the company’s doctors (Robby Benson) at a fertility clinic. The episode bounces around the highs and lows of Mark (Adam Scott) and Gemma’s relationship — their meet-cute at a university blood donation drive, their surprisingly enjoyable dinners with Devon and Ricken, her miscarriage — interspersed with scenes of Gemma’s captive life following a car crash implied to be staged by the company. Inside Lumon, Gemma’s life is overseen by a nurse (Sandra Bernhard), who marches her through a rotation of severed doors and into rooms where her various Innies are forced to endure scenarios with Benson’s doctor that range from the annoying to the traumatic.
When Gemma’s mad dash of an escape plan — knocking the doctor unconscious and briefly reembodying Ms. Casey on another severed floor — fails at episode’s end, she seemingly resigns herself to a prisoner’s existence without parole. Lachman believes her character still has hope of being released and reuniting with her husband when the experiment concludes. “But they’re always changing the rules of the game for her,” she says. “They just keep moving the goalposts.”
As someone of the belief that Gemma was brain-dead and living as a subconscious entity, it was lovely to see her alive despite the awful circumstances surrounding her existence. When I read season one, I had that theory too. I didn’t quite understand what was happening. I was like, Has her brain been affected and they’re trying to rebuild her?
Did you know Gemma would get her own stand-alone episode when you first started filming Severance? I definitely wasn’t aware in season one that this would happen. As the scripts for season two started coming in, I was like, Oh, okay. I’m not in this episode, and I’m not in the next one. Did I do something wrong? Then Dan Erickson talked me through how it was going to play out. It was really exciting. At the same time, I felt a lot of pressure. I didn’t want to let the fans down. This is obviously something they’ve been waiting for. I was really scared.
What scared you the most?Having to jump between lighter and darker moments, and the scope of it was so large. Knowing we’d have a very limited time to do it and then doing the flashbacks on film. I know Jessica Lee Gagné, the director, had always envisioned using film and it was her goal. When I started my career, we used to shoot on film all the time, but then digital became the preferred medium because it never ends and there’s more freedom. With film, there’s only so much; you could run out in the middle of a scene. You don’t want to make a mistake because it’s an actual, physical thing an image is getting printed onto.
The big connection we get this episode is when Lumon’s doctor spots Gemma at a fertility clinic before her car accident. His eyes linger on her for a beat, but Gemma and Mark don’t clock him in the waiting area. Oh, you got that?
Not the first time!I’m so glad.
Can you tell me a bit about how this scene was staged?Jessica has been integral to setting the tone and mood of Severance. She’s phenomenally talented and has such a unique eye, but she’s really good at doing things subtly. That scene had a lot of technical stuff. One of the great things about that moment is that even though the shots, framing, and camerawork are really technical — more than I’ve ever done in my entire life on any show — it always goes back to how they can keep it real and grounded among all of that chaos. There was a lot of stuff they had to do and capture so the audience could have that little moment, which is so subtle, so I’m impressed you picked up on it. I just remember focusing on what Gemma was feeling and us talking about the mood and temperament.
Given what we learn about this doctor throughout the episode, what did you infer about the motivations behind Gemma’s staged death? Did this man target her specifically because of a weird infatuation, or is a fertility clinic just an ideal location for Lumon to scope out potential subjects? That fertility clinic is a place where they have access to people’s biometric data. I suppose it’s the perfect place to zone in on a target. The whole world they live in is filled with Lumon employees, businesses, and stuff like that. I have my own fan theories, but I think what you said — a place where they’re getting people’s blood and their DNA — is probably the best theory.
The other person Gemma interacts with is Sandra Bernhard’s nurse. How would you define their relationship? Are there any sympathies there? In my mind, her nurse has been there for a while. Sandra brought an incredible warmth to that role, even in playing a captor. She brought almost a motherly feeling to it even though it’s still very cold, controlled, and oppressive down there. Maybe it’s just her eyes. Or maybe she was working on something with the character that I wasn’t aware of, but their dynamic is really interesting. I think she has compassion for Gemma. She’s just doing her job, but there’s a humanity to her.
Inside those rooms, Gemma’s Innies are forced to play out different scenarios: A dental patient getting work done, a passenger in a crashing airplane, and a wife at Christmas forced to write thank-you notes. The doctor inquired if Gemma felt “despair” after leaving any of them. How do you view what this experiment is trying to accomplish? I think it’s leaning into something that’s happening within our culture, which is that we don’t want to experience anything unpleasant. To some degree, I totally understand. In season one, you have the birthing center. That’s one of the most painful things you could experience in your whole life — I would know. What if you could delegate that experience to someone so you didn’t have to go through the pain? Even though, as a human being, there’s some ownership of that. Going through it and having a connection to the child is so beautiful. But we kind of want to get on a prescription of not having to suffer. If you think of it from a pharmaceutical point of view, it’s like, “We’re just taking it up a notch. You hate going to the dentist? We’ve got you. We’ll send somebody else, but you’ll still be going to the dentist.” Or having the fear of flying. I know Dan loathes writing thank-you notes — not because he’s ungrateful but because sometimes it’s so hard to figure out what to say to express your gratitude. I’ve done this before when I’ve worked on a movie: I’ve written 80 thank-you notes to all the crew members and they all start sounding the same. You lose your creativity, and you’re struggling to figure out a way to say “thank you” in a different way so that if someone reads someone else’s card, they’re not like, Oh, this isn’t personal. It says the same thing.
So you don’t view this technology as being strictly malicious in intent? Yeah. It could go further, of course. That’s the thing with technology: The intention is always to make someone’s life a little bit easier. Then it becomes integrated into our life. Everything is a double-edged sword. It’s our job as human beings to try and find the balance. We’re in a world where we have AI and robots. We’re creating a world where we don’t even need to exist, in a way. What’s really cool about the show is it gets people to ask themselves about their relationship to technology or their relationship to having contrast in their life. You don’t get to experience pleasure, joy, or something that tastes really amazing if you don’t get the sad moments, too. When you’re severed, you don’t have contrast. The weekend isn’t as good because you’re perpetually experiencing only the good things. Those good feelings just become feelings and are not special anymore.
You get one of the best lines of the season when Gemma is being examined by that doctor after visiting some of the rooms: “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” She’s saying what viewers are thinking, and it made me laugh.The whole language is a bit culty. They have their own way of communicating. The words they use are so bizarre. I tried reading that line in many different ways and played with intensity. It was stretching me as an artist. I’ve never had the opportunity to explore and collaborate as much as I did on this show. I could have said “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” 15 or 16 times, maybe more, and every time it would’ve been a little different.
Did you get the sense Gemma had tried to escape before? There’s this comment Mr. Drummond gives the doctor midway through the episode about how she once tried to break his fingers. It struck me as very fight-or-flight. Yes. I picked up on that same line when I was reading the script. Jessica and I talked about it a lot. I think every now and then, Gemma has been like, Screw it. I’m going to go for it. I don’t care if I have to hit him over the head or break his hand. Then there are days where she feels like it’s pointless, but then she’ll get pushed and pushed harder and she’ll try again. She’ll never be able to escape. Her tolerance level will go back to baseline, and it’ll build up and she’ll try again.
We’ve seen how people involved in the severance program can be driven to madness; Helly tries to kill herself in the first season. Where does Gemma find the strength to continue on in this prison of a life? Based on the scenes she has with the doctor just before she hits him over the head, I feel like there’s been some promises made: “Oh, you just have to do this and that”; “Look, it’s for your own good”; “Now you just have to get through this.”
How many takes did you get to whack Robby with a chair? Was it oddly satisfying?You know what? That’s something we didn’t do as many times as some of the other scenes. It wasn’t too complicated. Robby is such an amazing person. He was lying on the floor for hours, just so dedicated to this role he was playing. The man is a machine. I felt really bad. I’m like, “Oh, Robby, I’m sorry.” It was just about getting the chair at the right angle so that we could sell it, because obviously I couldn’t hit him over the head.
At one point, Gemma directly asks the doctor what will happen when her Innie “sees all of the rooms.” What do you think will happen?Gemma thinks that when she’s done, she’ll get out of there and be free. That’s what she wants. Ultimately, toward the end, she resigns herself to being there. When she comes out of the elevator, knowing her escape plan didn’t work, she feels so broken. Well, that’s it. I’m never going to get out of here. That’s why she has to be picked up off the floor by Sandra’s character. In my head, when she’s tried to escape previously, she’s probably fought them all on the way out. Like, What am I doing back here? But when she falls to the floor into a puddle, calling Mark’s name, it’s just like, I can’t anymore. There’s nothing else I can do.
You previously portrayed a multiverse-programmed character in Dollhouse, which shares a few creative parallels to Severance. Your work in Altered Carbon also explored how consciousness can be “resleeved” into different bodies. What makes you excel at portraying so many distinctive personas in one human? Maybe I willed it into my life because I love exploring these concepts, I love science fiction, and I absolutely feel like it’s somewhere where my creativity thrives. I feel so blessed that I’ve gotten to do it in different eras. Altered Carbon is hundreds of years in the future, where severance technology has completely changed the way people live and given them the ability to live forever. Dollhouse is more contemporary. Severance is this timeless era. It’s quite strange and weird.
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paniknanikin · 7 months ago
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I feel like I say this every time, but I think this one is my favorite
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sciderman · 4 months ago
Yk, I hate that adaptations keep making Peter a high schooler, and not just because it means he never evolves, but because the adaptations now also include wider Marvel, whitch usually (thanks to the MCU) is at the modern day stage with legacy characters and new age teen heroes, meaning that Peter is taking up Miles' spot and you can really tell when they put him next to someone like Kamala Khan or Sam Alexander who are Miles' pals. Tho Peter taking Miles' stuff is just a modern issue overall, just look at MCU whitch just stole and re-skinned Miles' personality, characters, story-beats, even the costume to an extent and then made it worse.
agree 👏
#sci speaks#sci. release the script doctor you did where it actually was miles in the mcu and peter parker is a grown ass man.#it was funny. peter was a really bad intern at stark industries#who stole stark tech on the sly.#and of course. tony catches wind of this because he has cameras everywhere and. those cameras happened to also catch.#him sneaking out of work as spider-man.#and tony ropes him into civil war or whatever because otherwise he could Literally press charges.#and peter's :((((((((#begrudgingly joins tony's side.#in the post credit we see that he's been gathering stark tech to build miles morales some very neato webshooters.#and voil.a. miles is the star of homecoming and. peter is the mentor figure that encourages miles to start small.#miles: but YOU teamed up with the avengers a#peter: do as i SAY not as i DO.#sighs. so little would have to change.#but no more child soldiers and no more over exposure of tony stark. fantastic. superb.#also showing a slightly sneakier peter parker who isn't exactly entirely morally upstanding.#steals from billionares while they're not looking to serve the people who need it.#robin hood figure !! sexy. would falll to my knees for a peter parker like that. would be my favourite on screen peter ever.#and it puts him more in an interesting spot with the villains in the movies too.#if we still go with the route of all the villains being affiliated with stark tech and stealing / using stark tech#then peter is like. in a more complex role in the story. he stole stark tech too. is he better than the criminals?#he uses it for good. he thinks. but that's his judgement.#just i think it would be neat. all the “you're just like me” rhetoric falls so flat in those movies.#but what if it hit different.#but that would be if marvel had the courage to make a complex spider-man movie#where peter parker is allowed to make morally complex decisions asides for “uhh. stupid kid makes stupid mistakes”#sci talks movies
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benisasoftboi · 1 year ago
I love it when Doctor Who is just stupid. Just fully understands, and tells you wholeheartedly, that it is a ridiculous programme that no one should take seriously. The Daleks are fighting robot Dracula and the Doctor’s defeating Evil Bertie Bassett with lemonade and an alien wasp with psychic powers is impregnating a human woman and everyone’s riding Segways to the final boss chamber. And this horrible creature is the Beep Of All The Meeps and David Tennant has yaoi hands and our villain is dressed as a drum major and dancing to the Spice Girls even though that has nothing whatsoever to do with his evil gimmick and yes. This is it. This is television. What bliss
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vendimeyers · 1 month ago
The last thing 10 year old me wanted to hear but I’d be terrible as the Doctor’s companion he��d be like “Everyone around me dies” and I’d be like “Dang maybe there’s something you’re not confronting that leads you to subconsciously follow the same pattern over and over” and then he’d be like “you’re annoying” and drop me off again and I’d be like “this is your way of reaffirming to yourself the limiting belief that you can’t live a life of peace” but he wouldn’t hear me he’d be gone already to pick up someone else whose more supportive of his worldviews
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bi-panic-at-the-disco · 28 days ago
I like how whenever I watch AstralSpiff or Backseat play a new Poppy Chapter it’s pretty clear what game that they devs had been playing before hand lmao,, Chapter 4 being very clearly referencing to the Resident Evil 4 underground factory insect fights with how it was framed
#disco speaks!#honestly the most interesting chapter is still chapter 3 to me because there’s a consistent antagonist and it expounds on that story with#every step as well as actually showing the playcare and hour of joy#i don’t like the franchise because of what happened with the devs and the merch and NFTs and just general stuff with MOB#but like yeah. the more it digs down it just gets more vague and expansive to the point where it’s like where do the characters draw theline#like Doey hates the doctor but works with him but also hates Poppy more for also being abused but doesn’t hate Kissy or Mommy??#the prototype is probably not going to the live up to the hype because it’s been dragged out for too long#why the fuck is the player here? four chapters and over like I’ll give them like 15 hrs of playtime#(if even that) and there’s like been several antagonists with like catnap and the doctor being the most interesting and tied into the#big bad evil. also like I feel bad for the kids obviously but then the hour of joy where it’s like poppy are sad that ‘innocent’ people were#killed but also like is LIKE WHO DO WE EVEN CARE ABOUT??#the player who is just a witness to the thing and barely has a stake in this#why is kissy nice like sometimes having the audience questioning the story and lore to be interested#but it’s like security breach a moment of thought and it’s just like this game is built on really nothing but wanting to make a game#and I love security breach but that’s not how you write a story#there’s good parts of poppy playtime and security breach but they don’t make up for the lack of planning for either#like at least security breach came all at once and there’s been other games to set the precedent and premise#but to quote the stupid meme poppy playtime insists upon itself#and by the way im not talking shit about the fandom or anything like that cause like#I’d be a hypocrite and im still following the story and will watch the next chapter when it comes out. it still deserves critism#and there’s also suspension of disbelief to go with it and I do enjoy it sometimes#and there’s also respect for the artists and story writers and the coders who care about their work and craft#the sound designers and the voice actors and everyone in between#ughhh I don’t know
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gurokatt · 6 months ago
I'm gonna be honest
those posts that are like
"I watch [show/movie] for the plot" and it's a picture of a conventionally attractive person with the caption "the plot" kinda just.. annoy me.
Like, does fandom even care about plot anymore? so much of fandom culture is only caring about couples, self shipping or actors...
I actually like the plot. I want to talk about the plot.
Watching a movie or show and getting excited when finishing so i can talk about the plot, only to go onto the tag and see 100+ thirst posts and ship art instead of, idk analysis on the plot and stories of each character...
this is why i go to youtube more often than not, cause people actually write analysis on movies and shows i like... instead of just shipping
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mothbeasts · 1 year ago
hovers ominously in the corner of your room….. i think you should talk abt zor taking their little kity to galas or i’ll die don’t let me die
okay... sniles
I don't think Zor makes public appearances very often. But on one of the rare occasions they do, they accompany the Fabricator to a gala. Well. Really, she accompanies them, dragged along to an event she could really care less about and pinned to their side the entire time.
And, of course, everyone is talking about it. It's a rather unexpected couple appearance, and clearly there's something going on between them, judging from the way Zor has their arm around her the entire evening. And the matching outfits. The Fabricator discarding her signature blue and purple tones with a splash of red, opting for red and black and gold... It's all people seem to talk about.
And once the two return from a secluded area of the building, the Fabricator's lipstick smeared. Well. That certainly doesn't help matters.
It's one of Zor's tactics, really. Humiliate her in front of her peers. Further isolate her. Her reputation is in shambles... Where else could she go? Nobody would respect her now. They both know how the spaces they belong to are... They'll eat the Fabricator alive for that. Tear her to shreds.
Zor knows she'll never forget her place again... She's theirs, and everyone knows it.
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lily-blue-blue-lily · 1 year ago
ncuti fucking gatwa!! what a man!!!
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hubbaslubba · 1 year ago
don't care that the cgi was bad in wild blue yonder because my prevailing thought was like if they are willing to do weirdo freak shit with it im happy. also they cooked up a gayboy doctor so im blissed out
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innocet · 1 year ago
having such a 7girl moment today but literally ive been saying since. maybe as early as 2019 that i knew id love 7 so so much when i got to him and youll never guess whats happening rn
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vampywaves · 2 years ago
Idk if it's the Good Omens talking or what, but recently, I've found that I am extremely attracted to Michael Sheen and David Tennant?
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fatcowboys · 1 year ago
my PA for ajovy got denied (booo) but the reason it did was bc a neurologist needed to prescribe it which i already had an apt set up for and gad yesterday (yay!) and the appointment went really well and i like the provider a LOT of migraine management (YAY!!!) so now i am once again waiting for an ajovy PA to be approved lmao
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year ago
watching season 6 of doctor who and, now im remembering why i dont like stephen moffat.
the man loves doing ""twists"" for the sake of doing a twist, he loves really stupid season long plots that should've been contained to one singular B-episode, and he loves making characters say silly things in a dramatic tone of voice.
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falderaletcetera · 2 years ago
did I really just pause an episode of doctor who to write ten-and-rose fic. no, more importantly, WHY did I just pause an episode to write ten-and-rose fic
(because I've cancelled my netflix and bbc iplayer is free and I paused it to tell a friend about the poor schmuck in this ep who's played by borch three jackdaws from the witcher (a fun realisation), who plays the resigned desperation very well here and gets a very unhappy story, then paused again to wonder if I might be able to imagine him a better one)
(the doctor needs a halfway house for traumatised strays who can be safely extracted from their time period of origin, alright. no clue yet what it'd look like though.)
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