#doctor ari sokolov mechanic au
willow-boop · 9 months
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"Entering my laboratory uninvited? That is a mistake you won't live to regret."
Mad Scientist Dr. Ari Sokolov
Cyberlife engineer and infamous aritificer with an insatiable thrust for knowledge and immortality.
Enter their domain at your own risk.
Background by samuelinkilainen light novel backgrounds
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willow-boop · 7 months
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"You've interrupted my work little mouse. But fear not, you'll soon be a part of it."
Bad end in a hypothetical visual novel where you snoop around in Dr. Sokolov's lab too long.;3
I love drawing crazed people.
Commissions are open!
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willow-boop · 7 months
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"You've interrupted my work little mouse. But fear not, you'll soon be a part of it."
Bad end in a hypothetical visual novel where you snoop around in Dr. Sokolov's lab too long.;3
I love drawing crazed people.
Commissions are open!
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willow-boop · 7 months
Says the person who casually uses "thus" and "therefore" on the daily.
A silly little reference to this scene from Sailor moon.
If anyone is down, draw this little scene in your own style or with your own fav ship.;3
(Both peps are different flavors of autism)XD
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Reference/inspiration from this moment:
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willow-boop · 8 months
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Dr. S with knife WIP
I give you my science boi, I iz hoping I finish him by tomorrow.
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willow-boop · 1 year
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Let's get to work.
Dr. Ari Sokolov in their fitted lab attire.
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willow-boop · 1 year
Unlikely Chemistry (Chapter 1)
Step into a world of bright neon lights and cutting-edge technology within the Quantum Leaf Robotics headquarters. Amid the sleek and complex architecture, Dr. Ari Sokolov, a brilliant yet detached scientist, is challenged to push the boundaries of AI with unscrupulous ambition. Meanwhile, Gabriella Garcia, an unassuming engineer with unparalleled expertise, seeks solace in machines over people.
What will happen when these two very different souls meet? Will their common interests be enough to unite them?
Chapter 1: An Unlikely Encounter
A chance encounter in the depths of Sokolov's chaotic lab sparks an unlikely partnership, where their divergent strengths merge in a symphony of innovation.
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The bright fluorescent lights kept the main halls of the Quantum Leaf Robotics headquarters well lit even into the late hours of the night. The late hours when only the most determined and obsessed people were still lurking. Clean, sleek and cold like the edges and architecture of the solid white buildings, a mix of sleek minimalism and chaotic complexity. The drab shades of grey and white were occasionally interspersed with blue and orange neon accents.
Vertical gardens, adorned with bioluminescent flora, cling to the sides of the structure, offering a striking juxtaposition between nature and technology. Likely at the request of the founder as they mainly served an aesthetic purpose as opposed to a practical one. A lattice of luminescent cables and conduits crisscrosses the exterior, connecting to various entry points and serving as a visual reminder of the building's cybernetic underpinnings.
The massive archway was like a portal to another world, adorned with several holographic displays. Several robotic and human guards patrolled the perimeter, their tactical body armor sporting that familiar blue and orange glow.
Amidst the sprawling industrial complex, within the large maze of white and orange hallways, behind securely locked doors, in a dimly light lab buried deep within, Dr. Ari Sokolov worked fervently on their latest experiment. A tall pale man with a scar across his left cheek, beauty mark on under that eye and two piercings above his right eyebrow. Their long raven black haired was held together in a loose braid, dark bags under those green eyes.
“I’m looking for someone cold and detached. Someone who is willing to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We need someone like you, Dr. Sokolov. Too many people are becoming sentimental towards robots or too comfortable at their jobs.
They lack ambition. Drive.
We have been missing that. Would you be prepared to set aside your feelings for the sake of the company, for the sake of scientific discovery?”
The corners of the raven haired man’s mouth lifted as they played that memory back in their head.
“Of course. I have no intention of letting my emotions control me. I want to build, I want to discover, I want to create artificial life.
If you are looking for a brilliant unscrupulous individual driven by scientific curiosity.
I am the perfect candidate for you.”
This disregard for certain moral boundaries and determination to push the boundaries in terms of what was possible in terms of AI had certainly drawn the attention of William Neilson, the CEO of the company and quickly landed them a rather high paying job as well as a personal laboratory.
Meanwhile, in the same complex, a small shy dark haired woman quietly shuffled down the hall. Gabriella Garcia worked as an unassuming engineer at Quantum Leaf Robotics. A loud yawn escaped her lips, the small curvy woman rubbing her eyes. Downing her third cup of coffee, she stretched and paces around her work space before getting back to fixing up a damaged robotic unit. This job could wait another day but she was determined to finish. In all honesty, she has stuck behind partially to avoid going out for drinks with her colleagues. It wasn’t that she hated them, she just found more solace in the company of robots and AI rather than people. Her knowledge of engineering was unparalleled by most, she had a gift for understanding the intricacies of technology.
She let out a loud yawn, her tired eyes drifting to the clock as it struck midnight.
“Oh fiddlesticks. It‘s so late. Just a little bit longerrr.”
Gabriella leaned back in her chair, letting out a quiet whine, fidgeting and playing with the straps of her jean overalls before snapping back to work. Little did she know that she would cross paths with a certain infamous dark doctor.
As Gabriella was adjusting the machine’s wiring, an ominous hum filled the air, and the lights flickered. Unbeknownst to her, the experiment in Sokolov’s laboratory had gone awry, causing a power surge that affected the entire floor.
“Darn it. I was almost done.”
With her workplace plunged into darkness, Gabriella hesitated, sitting motionless. It was then that she noticed a dim green glow emanating from the distant corridor. Curiosity overcame her shyness and the small woman decided to investigate. She pulled her curly long black hair into a tight ponytail.
Following the eerie glow, Gabriella found herself standing before the entrance to Sokolov’s laboratory. An ominous heaviness lingered in the air, unease gnawing at her, but her engineer’s instincts pushed her to explore further. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the heavy door open.
Her heavy steel toed boots made her footsteps echo throughout the lab, foiling any attempt to keep her presence a secret. Inside, she found the laboratory in chaos. Blueprints and papers were scattered, beakers shattered and the loud buzzing of broken machinery filled the air.
At the center, there was a singular robot in perfect condition. She could see a faint red light flickering in his chest. Her technological instincts kept her in place, the small woman only taking a moment to realize what part it was missing. Her brown eyes darted around the messy tables, widening when she finally spotted the piece she was looking for.
Gabriella snatched the metal part, quickly getting to work inserting it in the robot’s chest cavity. A green light hit her brown complexion, a satisfied smile forming on her face. She couldn’t help but do a little dance.
Oh how quick she had been to forget where she was. Her happiness quickly turned to fear when she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. The engineer could feel a harsh stare upon her back.
“Who are you?”
Their voice was sharp and commanding, a thick Russian accent evident in his raspy deep voice.
The meek woman slowly turned, immediately cowering like a frightened little mouse upon meeting Dr. Sokolov’s gaze. Their glowing emerald eyes were filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity.
Gabriella stammered, clasping her hands together in front of her, her shyness causing her to shrink down like a frightened mouse.
“I-I-I’m Gabriella Garcia, an engineer here.”
Sokolov’s eyes narrowed as they took in the sight of this unexpected intruder.
They let out a hiss, their tone cold and impassive.
“You shouldn’t be here. This is a highly classified area.”
“I-I-I’m sorry.”
Gabriella’s voice shook, the scared woman attempting to make herself even smaller by walking backwards. Unfortunately a bit of slick oil caused her to slip back. The doctor quickly moved to grab her waist, stabilizing her. She shivered, feeling the warm caress of their breath on her face as they were only about an inch away from her face. Those glowing green eyes met her gaze for only a brief moment before Sokolov released her body. A wave of embarrassment washed over her, Gabriella quickly dusting herself off.
“The lights went out in my workplace and I followed the glow.”
The raven haired scientist’s hard glare made her tremble with fear. They let out a sigh, their anger subsiding slightly as they noticed genuine fear in Gabriella’s eyes. Despite their sinister reputation, the man couldn’t help but feel a flicker of sympathy for the shy engineer. Not that they would ever want to express it.
They gestured toward the now functioning robotic figure that stood in the corner of the dimly lit laboratory, its mechanical form still partially disassembled. The robot's gleaming metal exterior was marked with scorch marks and exposed wiring, a testament to the chaotic events that had unfolded earlier. Gabriella's eyes flickered with a mix of trepidation and intrigue as she followed Sokolov's gesture.
"I might as well put your skills to use,"
Sokolov's voice resonated in the still air, carrying an air of calculated determination.
"I could use help in fixing this mess."
Gabriella's heart skipped a beat, caught between the awe of being acknowledged by the enigmatic scientist and the nervousness of the task at hand. She took a hesitant step forward, her movements cautious yet tinged with a newfound eagerness. The laboratory seemed to shrink around her as her natural curiosity overcame her shyness, pushing her to venture further into uncharted territory.
As she approached the damaged robot, its intricate mechanisms and exposed circuitry seemed to beckon her with an unspoken challenge. With a deep breath, Gabriella immersed herself in her element. Her fingers danced delicately across the twisted metal and scorched components, her keen eyes assessing the extent of the damage.
Sokolov's imposing presence cast a long shadow over her as she worked, their analytical gaze following her every move. It was an unusual juxtaposition — the towering figure of the scientist and the petite engineer, both absorbed in the intricacies of the task before them.
The steady rhythm of Gabriella's hands at work was punctuated by the occasional sound of her voice, offering suggestions and insights in a voice that grew stronger with each passing moment.
To her surprise, Sokolov listened intently, their usual air of detachment giving way to a measured interest.
They nodded in approval at some of Gabriella's proposed solutions and modifications, acknowledging her contributions in a way that both surprised and emboldened her. As the collaboration continued, the initial hesitance that had clouded the atmosphere between them began to dissipate, replaced by a shared focus and a growing connection.
The laboratory hummed with energy as the duo worked in tandem, their skills intertwining in a symphony of innovation. Sokolov's analytical brilliance meshed seamlessly with Gabriella's intuitive understanding of technology, creating a dynamic partnership that defied their initial differences. The quiet determination that Gabriella exhibited was a stark contrast to the bold and calculated moves of Sokolov, yet their strengths seemed to complement each other in a strange and mesmerizing dance.
As the night wore on, the laboratory underwent a transformation. The scattered debris and chaos were gradually replaced by order and purpose. The robot that had stood as a symbol of destruction was now on the path to rejuvenation. Gabriella looked up from her work, her gaze meeting Sokolov's with a newfound sense of respect. The enigmatic scientist had revealed a facet of themselves that transcended their cold exterior, and Gabriella found herself drawn into the orbit of their brilliance.
The walls of the laboratory seemed to fade away, leaving only the shared pursuit of knowledge and creation. It was a moment suspended in time — two minds working in harmony, forging an unlikely alliance amidst the sea of gleaming blueprints and custom equipment that surrounded them.
"You're a genius."
Gabriella whispered in a tone of awe, her words a delicate breath of admiration that hung in the air. The compliment was both a genuine acknowledgment of Sokolov's brilliance and an invitation for them to consider a different path.
"Buttt you could do so much more if you worked with other people!"
Sokolov's dark, penetrating eyes bore into Gabriella, a mixture of surprise and intrigue flickering within their depths. It was a sentiment they hadn't expected, a glimmer of truth that resonated in the quiet of the dimly lit lab. For a fleeting moment, a spark of camaraderie kindled within their guarded heart—a connection that had long been absent from their solitary pursuits.
They gave a terse nod, a subtle admission that Gabriella's words had pierced through their armor of detachment. Yet, the walls they had meticulously built around themselves couldn't be dismantled in an instant. It would take more than a single encounter to thaw the ice that had encased their soul.
The silence lingered, Sokolov's emerald eyes narrowed as they regarded Gabriella,
“Thank you for your help. You can go if you would like.”
Gabriella's eyes widened, a mixture of uncertainty and desire swirling within her. Her fingers toyed with a strand of her hair, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh," she mumbled, her voice a hesitant murmur.
"I don't want to go."
A flicker of confusion danced across Sokolov's features, an emotion rarely seen.
"You want to stay?" they echoed, incredulous yet intrigued by her unexpected request.
"If that is okay!"
Gabriella's words tumbled out, her enthusiasm unabated. Her eyes glimmered with wonder as she continued, "This is... your lab is so cool!"
Sokolov's icy veneer cracked, their features contorting with a mixture of surprise and bemusement as they watched her vibrate with excitement.
Without a word, Sokolov reached into their labcoat pocket, retrieving a thin green keycard. The shiny sleek texture gleamed under the dim lights, only a simple green strip and engimatic symbol etched into its surface. They handed it to Gabriella, the gesture a tacit acknowledgment of her presence and her potential.
“Tomorrow morning. 9:00am sharp. Don’t be late.”
Gabriella opened her mouth to speak, ready to express her gratitude only to realize the doctor had vanished from sight. She examined the card that had been placed into her grip.
It just had a green stripe and unfamiliar logo, nothing much of note.
As she stepped into the illuminated hallway, the abrupt increase in brightness made her jump. A deep breath calmed her racing heart, and she walked away with a skip in her step, sliding the unknown card into the large pocket in the front of her overalls, her anticipation for the morning's rendezvous a sweet secret she held close.
With a final glance over her shoulder, she waved to the empty laboratory, before scampering away to clean up her workplace and head out for the night.
The small nervous woman couldn’t help but be excited with what tomorrow would bring.
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willow-boop · 8 months
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Gabs just met her new colleague and her drawing impulses got the most of her.
(In the context of my Detroit become Human AU I can just hear Reed yelling "NERD!" Before he promptly gets kicked in the shins)
A cute little comic of my two fav ocs, mechanic Gabriella Garcia and evil genius Dr. Ari Sokolov.
Two passionate artificers working together.
Yes this is a Turning Red reference. I recently rewatched the movie and thought of Gabs.
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