#do/n]t re-bl0g
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Figured it was ab0ut time y0urz trulii made herzelf 0ne 0f theze badb0iiz! If bii z0me unkn0wn circuitztancez y0u d0n't kn0w wh0 AI am, well, fair, I've been lurking 0n Grumblr f0r yearz yet it clicked t0 me 0nly n0w like WHY HAVEN'T I MADE MY 0WN Z00NER??
Z0 here I am!! And n0t al0ne either. At first I was like "zh0uld I run thiz al0ne" but then I realized thiz w0uld z0 much m0re fun t0 d0 with the Hivematez even if 0ne 0f em d0ezn't really wanna z0 that'z what we're g0nna d0!!
I am collateralCodex, the l0vely gal in g0ld y0u zee bef0re y0u! But pleaze juzt call me m0d CC f0r zh0rt, it will make thingz a l0t easier in the l0ng run believe me- currently 9 and a half zweepz 0ld I m0ztlii made thiz bl0g f0r zhitz n gigglez, z0methin t0 charge me up y'kn0w? Z0 expect irregular updatez 'n what n0t cauze zurprizinglii I d0 in fact have a zmall megabite 0f a life! Th0ugh thiz hell zite iz a pretty g00d ezcape fr0m. everything. Z0 you'll definitelii zee me ar0und!!
hell•, hivemate that “d•esn't really wanna” here. g•t handed their palmhusk s• i supp•se i n•w have t• make an intr•.��
well, y•u can call me graphicCalculations •r simply mod GC. i have a preference f•r neutral terms f•r myself like "they" and "it" but any w•rk i guess. i'm freshly 10 sweeps •ld, eldest in this hive actually. and. i dunn•. y•u'll learn m•re ab•ut me d•wn the line if y•u ask i supp•se.
Gue???? that leave?? me huh,
Well h¡ya ¡m auralThespian or mod AT, ¡ dunno ¡f my name r¡ng?? any bell?? but to tho??e who have heard about me ¡m wav¡ng to you all,, Oh um, about me, ¡ am 9 ??weep?? old and ¡ do vo¡ce act¡ng!,, ¡ dunno how much ¡ll be po??ting here but v¡¡zun d¡d make it ??ound fun,,
Z0 n0w that that'z 0utta the way, if y0u happened t0 c0me acr0zz uz zh00t uz an azk 0r three and we'll definitelii get ar0und t0 anzwering whatever quezti0nz y0u may have!!
That'z all!! T00dlez ✨
[ OOC ]
Hi there! I'm @the-cryptic-syndicate
This is a rp Grumblr account based on Homestuck surrounding three Troll OCs of mine that I created on a silly whim. Ask em things, whatever u want! Maybe there's lore, maybe not, I'm just having fun ^^
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I think I’m an outlier in that I dislike the colored text. It’s bright and hard for me to look at and read. And it doesn’t show up on mobile, so I feel stupid when I reblog a post with colored text and don’t realize it until I check it on the desktop version. Too bad I don’t think there’s a way to turn it off.
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reminder to please unfollow me if you’re an a.ro/a-ce ex;clu-sion’ist
#do/n]t re-bl0g#and please don't message me about this either#unless you also want me to unfollow you#in which case you can message me (prefferably politely) or softblock me#or hardblock me i guess?#andrew don't look /
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i feel like regardless of what my decision would have been, whether i had stayed or left, i would’ve regretted it. though deep down, i feel like what i did was right. i miss the idea of what i had, not the reality of it.
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