#do your tummy slappies
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cyphyra · 1 year ago
if ur fat and u dont do slappies on your tummy like a seal im sorry but its literally the most affirming thing that makes me happy about being fat
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I just think it would be really nice if people loved themselves like kpop fans love their idols, and I say this in the most genuine way possible. Like, a lot of things that people get insecure about are things that people have loved about other people, and it's a shame that we don't often show the same love to ourselves.
Here are some specific things I've seen people love about kpop idols that they might be insecure about if it were a trait of their own:
Disclaimer: this is not a pass to hate on yourself if you have these traits. That is literally the opposite of what I'm trying to do here.
Crooked/bunny teeth
Weight gain
Muscles on girls
Chubby cheeks
Distinctive laughter
Nose shape
Use of "cringe" filters
Makeup/nails/other "traditionally female" things on men
Curly hair
Looking too pretty/not pretty enough in the eyes of general society
Boys being cutesy
Girls being crackheads
Adults not always acting like grownups
Soft tummy
Being oblivious
Being clingy
Being a nerd
Being dorky fans of other idols/groups
Heck, you can just stop the last one at the word dorky
Real smiles that aren't "cool" looking
And not just that but even just little habits or traits that you might think are insignificant, other people might have massive heart eyes for. Here are some of those that I've seen:
Eye smiles
Sweater paws
Happy hands (flappies, clappies, slappies, whatever makes ya happies)
Looking after other people even if you don't do the same for yourself
Clothing style
Music taste
Making random noises
Line delivery
Dad jokes
Being a mom friend
Acting overly dramatic
This face :]
The way you sit
Hand size comparison
Head tilting
Teasing your friends
Being a meme
Having wildly contrasting moods/styles
Loving animals/kids/family
Deadpan humor
And like a bajillion more
So, in the wise words of like half the amazing leaders in kpop, freaking
Love yourself!
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themurphyzone · 4 years ago
If I Can’t Love Him Ch 4
AN: I do eventually wanna write out an entire BatB AU, it’s just that it’s kinda on the backburner compared to Nova and Pinky the Snowmouse right now. Decided to finish this story before working on anything else in BatB AU. Unlike the other chapters, this one’s not based off any scene in the 1991 movie.
AO3 Link
Ch 4: Hints of Kindness  
Two days since the West Wing incident, and there was still no sign of the Beast. His servants all said not to worry, he was always reclusive until it was time to give orders, but Pinky still worried for the Beast’s arm. He didn’t seem like the type to take it easy.
“Hey, if the scratches get infected, that’s on him,” Rita reassured Pinky as she escorted him down the corridor for breakfast.  
The servants were on a rotating schedule of helping him get around the castle to prevent another incident of wandering somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. Pinky appreciated the company, but part of him also wanted to sneak around too. If he was going to be here for the rest of his life, then he wanted to know every nook and cranny of the castle.
At least the nooks and crannies of the places he was allowed to go in.
But sneaking around would have to wait. At least until the world stopped spinning around. It was throwing him off-balance.
“So what do you want for breakfast?” Rita asked, her halo bobbing above her head as she glided along the floor. “Cream? Fish? Or the gray stuff again? That’s always a hit.”
The moment breakfast was mentioned, Pinky’s stomach flip-flopped and churned. “Quiet, tummy,” he scolded.
“You good? You’re pale,” Rita asked. “Not exactly a healthy shade of white.”
“I’m...narf...I’m okay!” Pinky tried to smile at her, but Rita’s eyes only narrowed. “Don’t worry about me!”
A shiver wracked his body. Was it just him, or was the castle draftier than usual?
“Nice try, mouse,” Rita crossed her paws over her angel robe. “But a little tip about castle living? If the boss can’t pull a fast one over Hello Nurse when he’s sick, neither can you. Try it, and the results ain’t gonna be pretty.”
He was fine though. Pinky was used to hiding any signs of sickness from Papa. He couldn’t worry his father like that when there were other things to worry about. All he had to do was cover his mouth so all the icky stuff wouldn’t get out and run over to Slappy’s tree for help.
He didn’t like lying. It made him feel awful inside. But he had to, just so he wouldn’t scare Papa.
"Sorry," Pinky whispered, his throat tight. "I'll go back to my...I mean, the room you all gave me. I don't wanna make anyone else sick. Poit."
"Eh, don't worry about it," Rita said. "Only the boss is affected by that sorta thing. Rest of us are immune. Now c'mon. I gotta tell Hello Nurse so we can get some chow into you."  
Secrets never remained secrets in the castle for long. It took a grand total of thirty seconds before a crowd of servants gathered outside the bedroom door, from the littlest dinner fork to several heavy cabinets that clinked with dishes and silverware as they moved.
A tall coat rack lifted Pinky back into bed. And while Pinky didn’t mind climbing to reach the strange, huge mattress that was cozy when he was tired and not so cozy when he thought of Papa and home, he was too dizzy to climb up himself right now.
Though he wanted to snuggle into the blankets more than anything else, he couldn’t until the stethoscope finished checking his heart and lungs. He shivered as the cold bell pressed into his chest and back, but tried to breathe when he was asked to.
When it was finished, the stethoscope firmly knocked twice against the mahogany bedframe and wrapped itself around the coat rack’s thin wooden arm.
“So what’s the verdict?” Rita asked from the doorway.
“Well, his heart and lungs are strong. And nothing’s inflamed either,” Hello Nurse said. “Pinky, are you having trouble breathing?”
Pinky shook his head.
“Any chest pain?”
“Nope. Don’t worry, everyone! It’s just a fever. I’ll be fit as a fiddle soon!” Pinky said, trying to reassure them. “And I can clean some rooms or dust the staircases or anything else you want then!”
“Nope, that won’t do at all! You’re our guest and we insist you get some rest!” Yakko protested. The fire on his head burnt intensely, and the flammable servants hastily scooted away from him. “Ya know, that’s not a bad verse for Be a Pest now that I think about it. But still! Don’t even think about getting out of bed ‘til Hello Nurse okays it!”
“Only for a day or two,” Hello Nurse added. “And tell someone immediately if you have trouble breathing or the fever gets worse. You came back soaked to the bone, and I don’t want this developing into pneumonia.”
Okay, at least he wouldn’t be confined for too long. He wanted to move around and explore. What was the point of being imprisoned in a castle if he couldn’t explore?
“What about Pharfignewton?” Pinky asked. “She fell in the river too. And...she’s all I’ve got now.”
His mother’s cape was in shreds. He didn’t know how Papa was doing. Pharfignewton was the only member of the family he could see now. The blue dress was his only remaining possession from his life in the village.
“She’s okay!” Dot piped up. “The stablemaster is one of the best in the province! He’s got her covered in a pretty violet blanket.”
“She really likes apples!” Wakko exclaimed.
Pharfignewton adored apples, and while Pinky trusted the servants to take care of her, he also wanted to make sure she was alright in-person.
But that would have to wait for a few hours.
Sapped of energy, he yawned and curled underneath the blankets. Only his head poked out, and his vision blurred as his eyes drooped with exhaustion.
The crowd dissipated with promises to come back with food and medicine later, until only Yakko lingered in the doorway.
“Keep an eye on him, Marita,” Hello Nurse told the purple and white wardrobe, which had a hippo’s face carved into the top. She hummed her agreement. “Now come along, Yakko. Pinky needs his rest.”
“I’m sure Dr. Scratchnsniff misses you. It’s been a busy past few days,” Hello Nurse suggested, and Yakko hopped away, his spirits restored as he hollered about all the news he wanted to deliver to the psychiatrist’s couch.
Soon they were gone. As Pinky’s eyes drooped shut, he thought he might’ve seen the end of a cape and a zigzagged tail dart behind a crouching gargoyle in the hallway. But the door swung closed before he could be sure.
Despite the fever, or maybe because of it, it was the best sleep he had in ages.
“Wakey, wakey, Rip Van Winkle!” Dot shouted. “Got your hot tea and soup here!”  
Pinky rubbed his eyes, stretching his limbs and tail as he sat up against his large pillow. His forehead was hot to the touch, and his throat was a bit sore. He breathed in fine, warm steam from the tea and soup, and while he didn’t have much of an appetite right now, he’d at least try to eat what he could. He was sure it would taste wonderful anyway.  
A tray slid onto his lap. A steaming bowl of chicken and vegetable broth, a flower patterned teacup full of warm liquid, and a spoon and napkin laid on top of it.
“It’s lovely. Thanks so much!” Pinky said, smiling at the Warners, who sat atop a rolling cart next to his bed.
“Make sure you gobble it all down like a turkey!” Wakko exclaimed, doing his best impression of a turkey call just as Pinky took his first sip of the broth, which included several small pieces of carrots.
Pinky couldn’t help but laugh, which was a huge mistake with food in his mouth. He sputtered and coughed, quickly pounding on his throat as he snatched up the teacup and took a huge gulp of tea to wash it down.
“Well, don’t make him choke on it!” Dot scolded.
“Careful, dearie,” Marita said as she shifted a lovely green dress to a hanger on her front.  “My darling Flavio puts lots of love into his food. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
“I will,” Pinky promised. He ate more slowly, trying to savor every bite. Not that he really needed to chew. Everything just slid down his throat like melted butter.
“That didn’t go into your lungs, right?” Yakko asked, who’d been strangely silent during the visit.
“I don’t think so,” Pinky replied. “And no agonizing, excruciating, stabbing, or writhing pain?”
Pinky stretched his limbs, careful not to jostle the tray too much. “A bit sore, but I’ll be alright.”
“It’s only a fever, Yakko,” Dot muttered, rolling her eyes as Yakko’s flames burst sporadically. “He’s not suddenly gonna drop dead or anything.”
Wakko shuffled his wooden legs awkwardly as Yakko and Dot burst into an argument over their guest’s health, and Pinky found himself nursing a headache that developed at his temple.
“Children, I think our guest wants some peace while he eats,” Marita suggested, her front drawer opening to reveal a lavender letter that was sealed with a heart-shaped kiss mark. “In the meantime, would you do me a favor and deliver this letter to my sweetheart?”
“For true love!” Dot squealed in joy, forgetting that she didn’t have hands to grab it by as she strained to grab it from Marita’s handle. Wakko reached over and grabbed it for her, and Dot hopped to the other side of the cart in a huff, muttering that she could’ve gotten it for herself.
“Hi-ho rolling cart, away!” Yakko shouted, and the cart sped across the room and slammed into the slightly ajar door, and the Warners were nearly thrown off the cart from the impact.
“GAH!” there was a surprised shout from behind the door as it crashed against the wall.
That wasn’t a normal door crashing into the wall sound.
To Pinky’s surprise, the Beast stumbled into view from behind the door. He clutched one shoulder with his bandaged arm, an irritated growl building in his throat.
The Warners whistled innocently and gave the Beast extremely wide, guilty smiles before zooming away.
“Ooh, that sounded like it hurt,” Pinky said, and the Beast looked at him in annoyance. Then Pinky remembered that they hadn’t spoken to each other in a few days, and he didn’t really know where he stood with the Beast right now. “Did they catch you on the arm?”
The white-collared shirt was new though. It was a high quality piece of clothing, even though it was a simple design.  
The Beast stood in the doorway, the bandages outlined against his sleeve on his injured arm while he held onto the doorframe with his uninjured arm. He also wore a wine-red cape and a pair of black trousers, and both clothing items were much less worn and ragged than when Pinky had first met him in that tower just a few nights ago.
“They didn’t,” the Beast grunted, staring at the floor like he’d seen a very interesting dust bunny. The silence was only broken by Marita’s blissful humming and the clink of Pinky’s spoon against his bowl.
The Beast wasn’t the best at conversations. It was either too much roaring or stony silence with no in-between with him.
“Were you eavesdropping?” Pinky asked.
The Beast huffed. “I was napping behind the door.”
“Strange place to nap,” Pinky said. “Wouldn’t you be better off in a cozy bed? Less back problems that way. And you wouldn’t be smashed in the shoulder by a door.”
“I’ll...keep that in mind,” the Beast replied, still not making eye contact with Pinky.
Though his responses were short and blunt, it seemed to be more out of awkwardness than anything. Still, Pinky wished the Beast would come up with a topic. It wasn’t exactly 20 Questions if the other party wasn’t asking anything.
Pinky chewed a piece of chicken, even though he didn’t need to. “Is Yakko okay? He seemed kinda scared cause I’m sick.”
“Oh, he can’t help it, dearie. An illness almost took-” Marita trailed off as a growl rose from the Beast’s throat. “-well, nobody wants to see your fever grow worse. Especially Yakko.”
Had the Beast been severely ill for a time and didn’t want to admit it? Pinky wanted to ask, but from the way the Beast’s claws dug into the doorframe, he decided that maybe it was better if he didn’t.
“Sorry if it’s a sore subject. I can ask something else if you want,” Pinky said.
The Beast’s large ears lowered, and his growl tapered off. And for the first time, shadowed pink eyes met Pinky’s.
“The fabric you used as a temporary bandage...was it important?” the Beast asked.
Pinky dropped his spoon into the bowl, surprised at a question that involved his mother’s cloak. No harm in being honest though.
“That cloak used to belong to my mother. It became mine after the accident,” Pinky admitted. The two fabric scraps from his cloak had been laundered, scrubbed of blood, and neatly tucked away in one of Marita’s drawers. He figured he could still use them somehow, but hadn’t quite figured it out yet.
The Beast looked distinctly uncomfortable, averting his eyes once more. “Sorry about your mother.”
Though awkward, it was a more sincere condolence than what some who’d attended her funeral had said.
“She wouldn’t have minded though. I think she’d be happy to know her cloak helped you,” Pinky said.
He didn’t have any doubts about that. He remembered his mother as a generous, lovely soul, even though he was a child when she passed away.
The Beast placed a hand over his bandaged arm. Then he turned to leave.
“When you’re healthy again, I’ll personally make sure that you know your way around the castle,” the Beast said. “But only to ascertain that you won’t barge into the West Wing again.”
It would be nice not to get lost. He always had trouble finding the kitchen so he could thank Chef Flavio for his meals.
“Alright,” Pinky agreed as he pushed his tray aside. He wasn’t hungry anymore. “And Beast?”
The Beast was a few steps away from Pinky’s door. He paused and looked back, stumbling over his feet like he wasn’t used to walking on two legs.
“Thanks for checking on me,” Pinky said. He snuggled into the blankets once again, ready to sleep off his meal. “I’m sure I’ll recover twice as fast cause I know everyone wants me to feel better.”
There was a long silence.
“You’re welcome,” the Beast finally said. Then he was gone.
And strangely, Pinky was looking forward to the promised tour.
Fun fact: Stethoscopes were invented in 1816, which isn’t in the French Revolution era of Beauty and the Beast, but this is Animaniacs and I am allowed to be anachronistic.
Before the curse took hold, Dot was severely ill for a time (same deal as Wakko’s Wish), and Brain doesn’t want this info getting out cause it could potentially reveal the curse to Pinky. Yakko is just spooked by any type of illness as a result, even a temporary mild fever.  
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church-rot · 6 years ago
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[rotcat] man you need more friends. i can hook you up with some people to like, get that whole ball rolling if you’re interested? i just don’t want you to be on your own, man. i can’t always be around and sometimes i do dangerous shit that i don’t always wanna put you through just. you know, keep being safe but just let me know if you need something, okay? and i can talk to people for you and get you people who won’t leave. hell, people will love you. i mean, honestly just let me know. 
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[rotcat] here’s ca fuckcing funny story. i 
didn’t knwo i could get drink
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[rotcat] you know when you gotta slap your tummy a little? like a body positive moment? slappy slappy 
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