#do you want me to draw you a big furry balls fursona?
soft--dogs · 20 days
if i put "transgender furry pornographer" under occupation on my jury duty summons do you think they'll pick someone else
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
I'd love to know what the other Barians are up to in the college AU!
YESSS like i said when i was talkin about Vector, I rly wanna properly draw all these guys sometime this year, theyve been bumping around my brain for Months now. some tidbits about the other guys:
Shark/Nasch: MISTAH TRANS MASC HE/THEY OF ALL TIME. Has a really dense Carrd covered in sea predator gifs and dA stamps. I thiiink I assigned him Pursuing a Marine Biology degree, naturally--he spends a lot of time at the aquarium wishing he worked there (he works at a country club currently. he drives golf carts to go pick up errant golf balls. his little nametag says 'Reginald'.) Does really well in his classes but is becoming. a Little Bit Burned Out trying to deal with them And work And whatever bullshit his current and ex-roommates are entangling him in. Vector stole his Ikea blahaj plush and tied it to a ceiling fan. Frequents Not-Lawrence State University's esteemed Smogon Club (usually because Yuma begs and begs for him to come,) and runs a nasty Walking Wake led Monotype team.
Rio: I NEED TO DECIDE ON HER MAJOR WAHHH Atmospheric Science would be kind of insane... invested interest in meteorology and winter events. I know she's dabbled in a bunch of campus sports and ice skates at a very skilled level, probably is banking on maybe doing that professionally if she can qualify. She's also buddies with Alexis! :3 Works at a bougie gelato place not far from the country club Shark works at so sometimes she will come bother him on her break. Has a modest interest in birding and sometimes meets up with the town Birding Group. All in all just likes being active and stylish and is closing in on a date with Miss Anna Kaboom~ lord dont get me started on butchfemme annario i aint got no brakes
Girag and Alito: THE BESTIES. THE ROOMIES OF ALL TIME. They actually live in the same apartment complex as Primo and Claus so they hang out and shoot the shit sometimes. Alito I feel is majoring in something like English, he's not super attached to it, what he really is banking on is a boxing career (whether or not that pans out for him remains to be seen.) He goes and spars at a local gym frequently! Girag is a history major with a focus on feudal Japan and he's also a furry. The boys' r/malelivingspaces ass apartment is a haven for the other Emperors if they dont want to be in the Nightmare House for a hot minute. Don't mind the giant knockoff red panda squishmallow taking up half their couch. Also Ponta is still there he's still a little spirit guy that Girag is nebulously aware of but Alito isn't.
Mizar: OH MIZAR..... one of my favorite zexals in the College AUverse tbh. my failwoman. Tentatively out transfem overdramatic fake blond trying out she/they pronouns for the first time. Has a big expensive gaming desktop that lights up (it looks vaguely like Tachyon Dragon lol) and uses it primarily to get into heated furry drama online and write extensive papers and lab reports for her Physics degree, usually while under some degree of white knuckle meltdown stress. She and Dumon were dating for a while but broke up and truth be told Mizar's still got a couple hangups about it. Gets into a LONG, STUPID beef with Kite over their fursona designs "being too similar" that culminates in them having a brawl on the roof of a hotel mid furry-convention. Yes they were both in fursuits. No you can't tell anyone you saw Kite in a fursuit keep you voice down shh!!!!!!! They end up having some kind of t4t qpr-ish situationship i think. not avoiding the mizakai allegations i fear HDFHSFGF
Dumon: WHO UP STUDYING THEY MEDIEVAL TEXTS. god. I love college AU Dumon. little library dyke. dweeb he/him butch kind of sort of dating clark's Paula From Earthbound and they are having In Depth discussions about a podcast they just listened to. Medieval lit major who knows more about knights than you ever will in your entire life. He was born in Utah. Organizes the finances of the Barian Rental House and takes it all dead seriously and Vector still owes like three months of back rent and he kind of wants to strangle him over it. Type of guy who spends all day at the campus coffee shop nursing the same matcha latte for five hours. Mizar is his best friend and they still hang out post-break up and they're both just kind of constantly putting up with Vector's bullshit. i mean all the Barians are but STILL.
Shark, Rio, Dumon, and Vector also all have the distinction of having known each other when they were kids, before they all moved off on their separate ways (until reconnecting in college) As you can imagine, Vector and Shark's playground wars would get. Violent. 🥴 Dumon has had a bit of a crush on Shark since they met but has absolutely never disclosed this. Because I think it is funny.
The funniest detail about them as a whole in college AU to me is theyre all transfer students from NLSU's sister-campus in Barian, Indiana. WOE! Midwestern be upon ye! And also the previously mentioned nightmare queer housing situation they live in under Don Thousand The Dogshit Landlord (or, well, at this point it's just Mizar, Dumon, and the Kastle twins living there. The situation has improved Somewhat after Vector got kicked out HHDFDF he still loves fucking with all of them though in true 🥕 fashion)
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necrobatty · 6 years
anthro and non human oc list
fao @tarylvania - OC list sorry that it’s link heavy. Give me a shout what tickles your inspiration bone 
ween - retail story character (not anthro but not human/eyeball monster) (cute)
(Very cute, enthusiastic, like halloween aesthetics, think bouncy and cheerful, you can go off design if there’s a cool halloweeny outfit you’ve wanted to draw (cute dragon onesie, bat print scalves, dresses, pastel goth - this is the genderfluid fashion OC! ) - image 2)
(I have two other eyeball OCs too if the concept is to your tastes)
iman - retail story character (demon version) (horror) (more reptile/human so maybe not) - just a suggestion if you want something not conventionally human but not furry either. I haven’t worked on him story wise yet but he’s in the list anyway. Only criteria is sternly imposing but not “dangerous” or angry
Proto - retail story character (demon version) (old design - i have an update sketch in the works if need be!) (horror) - very angry, very territorial, shoots electricity, they are basically a big ball of gnarly teeth, fur, spines and claws for that true “Get the fuck away from me or die” aesthetic (kinda springle-ish ha ha)
splat cat - (retail story character -anthro version) (cute or candy gore)
Really sweet, clumsy, tries their best, cute slime cat girl looks, so melty looks, colourful - note her colour markings are random though based on moods eg yellow is alarm or bright sunny, red for anger, blues and green for cool or sad etc VERY colourful! I mostly draw her in yellow though if you want to stay consistant C:
fursona 1 and pic number 2 - go as 90s as you like or whatever (radical)
I have started to draw a fursona(?) sort of design a bit more as an excuse to draw outfits I’ve worn or 90s themed rubbish ha ha. Laid back, sometimes drawn bored looking, but overall far less girly and more tomboy wear, though other expressions are used other than boredom. Never opens or has a mouth but tiny fangs at the base. Comical eye expressions or dramatic flair encouraged - I use them to go mad and feel free to do the same. 
still uninspired? want something cuter? An unnamed OC redesign and image 2
I do have a sketch of another retail story manager who is a cowboy-ish fox character if nothing grabs you at all, though it’s still a rough concept. Same with a rabbit based retail OC who is in concept stages (Paladin armour wearing rabbit) but they are incomplete. Just mentioning them if you prefer rabbits or canine types instead! (which I know you do!)
If you want rage themed demon pieces: Proto is more your type, Iman is inspired
Cute monsters and fashion? Ween, Splat Cat and the unnamed OC
Radical dudes and all things 90s? Fursona and Ween
All in all, go with your mood. If you wanna try out an experimental colouring style, try out new fashion ideas, new poses, new linearts whatever PLEASE just have fun! I am super lenient/chill and i will pay you for whatever you do draw, multiple pieces or characters included. Give me a heads up how much you’d like to draw initially and I’ll give it a go ahead with payment. 
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anactualhyena · 8 years
Answer literally all the OC questions pls
1. Your first OC ever?
That would be Seren! She started out as my Warriors OC in sixth grade - Dragonclaw, a neon green, red, and orange cat with spike collars and bat wings. I called her the leader of Blood Clan and made her Scourge’s mate and oh lord it was a nightmare. She’s gone through a lot of redesigning through the years and now she has a feral cat form and a human form? As a cat she’s like a partially albino Norwegian forest cat with moss growing on her back and bits of fur matted with blood and an old torn dog collar she probably found on the streets and thought looked cool. As a human, she’s a muscular tribal woman bearing a large spear of sorts and clothing made from torn fabric and a tiger pelt. I like her human rendition a lot better tbh.

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I have! One of my old cat characters, Mandy, was a black cat with rainbow accents that I adopted years ago on DeviantART for like 5 points. Then my friend gave me her old Hetalia OC…I believe it was D.C.? As in Washington D.C.? But I don’t use my Hetalia characters anymore now that I left the fandom.

4. A character you rarely talk about?
That would definitely be Flint. Flint is a steampunk pirate character made for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign I had with a couple buddies last year. I’ve hardly talked about him at all but I love him too.

5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Iagan!!! Iagan is my little ball of fluff and happiness that would love to brighten anyone’s day. Plus I’m pretty sure he’s the most likely of all my OCs to become popular if any of them did.

6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
YES. Flint and Feuhorbe (as a human) look a lot alike because Flint’s design was based off of Feuhorbe’s. The difference between them is that Flint is thicker than Feuhorbe and their hair, eye, and skin colors are different. That and Flint has scars and is more Spanish-based whereas Feuhorbe has vitiligo and is Brazilian.

7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Well…Iagan is (and I cringe when I say this) an Undertale OC, and Rev is a part of a story/universe that Griffin created. Carlisle and Vincent used to follow this sort of post-apocalyptic storyline I had going for an RPG my buddy Roman was making, but the idea got scrapped and I kept the characters, so now they aren’t exactly a part of anything. And then…there’s my old Hetalia OCs…Riccione (originally Sparta), Toronto, and D.C.

8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I don’t actually RP as my characters anymore, but I used to RP with Riccione all the time in middle school. She’s a chubby professional dancer who runs a night club in Italy and maybe plays the violin? I can hardly remember.

9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, their old designs? Absolutely. I’m slowly selling those on my DeviantART - mostly ones I don’t use anymore, like Warriors cats and my old fursona and a few others.

10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
FEUHORBE MY LORD. He’s actually not that complicated, but his vitiligo can be difficult to draw and as a furry, he’s a horse piñata whose colors follow a specific pattern based on an actual piñata I stole from one of my friends in the dorm room across from mine after their birthday. But there’s also Zane, a genderless dog dragon demon thing that someone gifted me as an avatar on the website Whirled, who I turned into my own character. I’m not sure if they were originally someone else’s OC that was given away or what, but I can’t find any other pictures of them or their species anywhere, so I’m keeping them as my own until further notice. Their design features horns and blue to black gradients and wings with holes in them and various scars.

11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
IAGAN!!! I can’t explain it enough, he’s literally a ray of sunshine.

12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
Oh man…there are these animators on youtube who I watch all the time and I’m in love with their characters/fursonas. There’s Mystery, who belongs to Sleepykinq, Puppers(?), who belongs to kittydog, and Yagi, who belongs to Scotch.

13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Sonni is my little troublemaker. He’s a jokester and also a Dungeons and Dragons character, and his only purpose is to mess with my buddy’s characters and mess up their quests.

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Carlisle had his arm blown off in an explosion, which also claimed his vision, but Vincent was able to build him a robotic prosthetic arm and these special goggles with LEDs that allow him to see again. That’s as tragic as it gets, really.

15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
I do! But I rather people ask me about my characters because if people don’t show initial interest, I just think I’m annoying them. A lot of times, that’s how I further develop or redesign my characters.

16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
That would have to be…Seren and Roc, honestly. Because they are “”“warriors,”“” they know things like how the body reacts to certain toxins and which vital organ, if impaled, causes the most suffering before death. But that’s more like anatomy.

17. Any OC OTPs?

18. Any OC crackships?
I high key ship Iagan with Scotch’s character Yagi? I have no real reasoning behind it. But that’s about it.

19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Geez…that’s kinda hard to pick. I’d probably have to say Donovan, because I’ve projected a lot of my own traits and issues onto him (being a trans guy, having depression, letting him to do all kinds of things I wanted to do but couldn’t, etc.) and he helped me cope with a lot of shit until I just relied on my persona and let Donny have his own life.

20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Axwell actually was a choir kid growing up and can sing pretty dang well. My headcanon for his voice would be some sort of mix between Brendon Urie and David Bowie’s voices? His taste in music actually heavily varies and he doesn’t have a set favorite genre or anything - just anything with vocals. Feuhorbe love to hear him sing.
Iagan can kinda sing as well? He’s partially based off of a Samoyed, which are known as singing dogs, but it’s not one of his prominent talents. Although he can freely manipulate the sound of his voice as he pleases, his standard voice is that of JonTron’s. He’ll sing and listen to everything upbeat and cheerful.

21. Your most artistic OC
That would be Piper. Piper is a male Lolita, a ferret, sounds like cr1tikal, and is about four feet and ten inches tall. He does a lot of art, mostly of Lolita fashion and mainly uses watercolor paint.

22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
No one mischaracterizes my OCs because they aren’t popular enough for other people to even notice.

23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Since I already talked about Seren, I’ll talk about Carlisle. He started out as my original fursona, which was a generic twinky fox with long ears and black circles around his eyes and a MLP jacket. Then he was a feral fox that became my mascot? Now he’s my bara babe (other than Vincent) and had his metal arm and LED goggles And a way better color scheme.

24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to meet either Iagan or Feuhorbe because I know I would have a really great time with either of them???? Hanging out with either of them would literally make me 10 times happier.

25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
That would have to be Donovan. He’s only two inches shorter than me (not counting his ears), about 10 pounds heavier than me, huge into music, and a trans guy.

26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. I made all changes to my characters freely.

27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
No, but I do like to think of what my characters’ theme songs would be. I’m still making that list.

28. Your most dangerous OC?

29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
That would probably be Feuhorbe and Sonni. In it for the adventure but will not tell anyone specifically to potentially cause trouble.

30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I would say Iagan, but it wouldn’t be a secret. So I’d have to say either Skyler (a dragon character of mine) or Carlisle.

31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Piper would try to run a pastel aesthetic blog but it’d be riddled with too many memes and shitposts and videos of him just saying and doing stupid shit.

32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Alcatraz. He’s a lawyer but has a huge secret passion for ghosts and ghost hunting and all things paranormal, so he’d fit right into a game revolving around those things.

33. Your shyest OC?
Lukas! Lukas is a small quetzal that’s big into Harajuku fashion and he is the shyest little guy alive. But he’d probably get along well with Piper.

34. Do you have any twin characters?

35. Any sibling characters?
Yes!!! Donovan, Carlisle, and Alcatraz are my three fox brothers. Donny is the youngest and Alcatraz is the oldest.

36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Yes! But they’re only with my boyfriend because I haven’t found anyone else who wants to ship their characters with mine.

37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I mean,,,the only set human characters I have are Flint and Axwell and my Hetalia characters, unless you count the human designs for my furry and feral characters. None of them are really a mix and could be considered not quite human except for Sonni, who is the most humanlike out of my non human OCs. He’s very lanky and appears malnourished and has three eyes and is covered in short, dark hair/fur. He has a short stubby tail and tall “ears” and has six arachnid-like appendages protruding from his back that he can crawl on.

38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
That would be Riccione and Donovan, who are actually dancers! Riccione is a professional dancer, whereas Donovan shuffles and such as a hobby.

39. Introduce any character you want
Bow Echo is a griffin that’s a mix between a bobcat and a peregrine falcon. She can fly super fast and I need to develop her more.

40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
A few people have! They’re on my ArtFight profile under Defenses!

42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
That would be Rev. The universe he’s from revolves around many entities similar to those found in Greek and Roman mythology, with him being basically the embodiment of the Ragnarök.

43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Ok…I love making them around six feet tall or taller and giving them facial hair and choppy short hair that can be pulled back in low ponytails. But I’m trying to stop that and make them more diverse.

44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all represent different aspects of my personality and I make really deep connections with them because of that.

45. A character you no longer use?
Jacobi. He’s just some Scottish guy that wears flannels. I’m selling him on DeviantART eventually.

46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah. It’s mostly anons that tell me things about my OCs, like how they look like internet cancer. Not that I mind, I mean, come on. They all look like hell lmao

47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I think? When I first joined the Osomatsu-San Network, one of the first things I did was talk about my OCs with some other the other members. One might’ve claimed Iagan or someone else, I can’t really remember.

48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
IAGAN!!!! And also Lukas!!

49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
That would be Piper, Sonni, Donovan, Feuhorbe, and Iagan.

50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Uh…I think I’ve talked about literally everything I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to message me though if you want to talk about OCs!
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