#do you think Dona and the other summoners felt the Aeons dying as Yuna killed them inside Sin?
starvingtongue · 1 year
i miss them. i miss them so much. [ for dona! ]
they had never really spoken about it. for all their conversations since Sin's defeat, for all their talk of spheres and the youth league, even with fiends spilling out of the temples and the dark aeons threatening the townsfolk, not a word was said between them about the hole they had left behind.
why would they?
both of them knew the feeling the Aeons had left behind. the hole they left behind in their souls, the very fibre of their beings. their souls once connected with the fayth now left scars across their souls. ones that would never truly heal and every summoner would continue to feel until the day they died.
it was something they never spoke about. any of them. there had been times when she had run into Isaaru. pleasantries had been exchanged, maybe a light hearted joke from his end to ease the awkwardness, he had always had an annoying sense of light-heartedness about him, and they had quickly parted ways. neither of them spoke about the tear the Fayth had left behind. there was an unspoken agreement amongst them. they would not speak of these scars that had ravaged them so deeply that Dona had barely looked towards Kilika temple without feeling a pain deep within her soul.
she wondered if that's why Isaaru went all the way to Zanarkand. while there was a constant reminder of the Final Aeon and what their pilgrimages led up to, there were no temples. there were no clergymen, no priestesses, no members of New Yevon, reminding them that their home housed a Fayth. maybe that's why she'd heard rumours of him turning Zanarkand into a tourist trap, maybe it was his way to try and plaster over the wounds the Fayth left behind. everyone had their coping mechanisms. a way for them not to speak about it.
why would they want speak about it?
some things were too painful to voice. some scars ran too deep that words weren't enough. no amount of words could convey the sheer pain of having the connection to the Fayth one second and then another not. the sheer confusion she had felt, after experiencing pain that had wracked through her body like never before, only to come to moments later to find her connection to the beings she had merged with gone. the first thing she had felt when she realised Yuna had defeated Sin was not happiness, no, it was an overwhelming sense of cold and panic. Dona couldn't put her finger on why, but the very absence of the Aeons had caused her to panic. she had managed to hide it well, feign happiness in the moment, but it had felt like someone had scooped out parts of her soul with a spoon.
she had spent days, no weeks, in an almost depression like haze after Sin's defeat. Barthello had tried to drag her out of their house in Kilika to celebrate with the rest of the village, but she had only managed a couple short hours before retreating back into their hut. sure, there was an ebb of happiness at the fringe of this, a feeling that she should be happy that Sin was gone, she should be relieved that it hadn't been her that had to do what Yuna had done, but she wasn't. she'd be a food to try and convince herself otherwise. in truth, she missed the Aeons. she missed the bond they'd shared, the power that had flowed through her veins when she summoned them. she missed bonding with them like she had never bonded with another human being. they had understood her better than anyone ever would. she had prayed and prayed and prayed at their temples to obtain their power in an effort to defeat Sin and bring peace to Spira for at least a few months. and within the span of a couple hours, with little warning, they had gone. and they had left a deep chasm in her soul that she still didn't think had closed all the way.
no amount of words could convey that to another human, Guado, or Ronso. she could count on one hand the amount of people that understood that feeling and one of them was sitting on the edge of dock in front of her.
without so much as a word or a snarky remark, Dona gently sat herself down next to Yuna. they sat so close that the fabrics of their clothes nearly touched. she could smell the traces of Yuna's shampoo, the perfume she would've put on this morning. in an uncharacteristically kind, almost soft, move on Dona's part, dark brown eyes tracing the rise and fall of the waves coming towards them, Dona put an arm around Yuna's shoulders. she wouldn't admit to anyone, not even Barthello, that her eyes had began to water moments prior. if anyone asked, she would claim it was the strong wind coming off of the ocean that was making them water. she didn't trust her own voice to get any more than the next two words out of her lips. she worried that in doing so, the tears that were building up were going to spill from her eyes.
"Me too."
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